Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 17 is a combination of the vibrations and attributes of the number 1 and Number 7.  Number 1 relates to new beginnings, motivation and progress, individuality, self-leadership and assertiveness, achievement and success. Number 7 resonates with the energies of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, mysticism and psychic abilities
inner-wisdommanifesting your desires and good fortune. The number 17 is an auspicious number as it embodies the ‘new’ with manifesting good fortune. Remember to be grateful for all that the Universe provides.

Angel Number 17 indicates that your angels want you to know that you are on the ‘right path’ on your life’s journey. The angels support and encourage you with your Divine life purpose and soul mission, and you have good reason to be optimistic about your chosen direction or path.

Angel Number 17 is a message encouraging you to listen to your intuition and higher-self and take appropriate action as only you can serve your soul purpose and fulfill your destiny. The angels encourage you to maintain a positive attitude and use positive affirmations in order to manifest your highest ideals and aspirations.  

Angel Number 17 can also suggest that it is time to begin (or expand) a spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession or heart-based service. The Universe and angels will ensure that all that you require will be provided for you, and you are to trust your own inner-wisdom, skills and abilities. Use your talents to serve humanity and bring illumination to those who seek it.

Number 17 also relates to the Number 8 (1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.

See also:  Repeating 1’s and 7’s  (117, 171 etc)
Angel Number 117
Angel Number 171

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. wow.. thats so accurate.. i had questions regarding my spiritually based career.. looks like the angels r loud and clear.. thank u

    1. Just reading this exactly 7 years later...

    2. I saw 17 so many times today and am finding on or near connections to my birthday in multiple places. May 15, and I was born 77

    3. Hehe :) I've seen 17 many times today too!!! I had an appt at 2:30pm and left home at 2:17pm. I arrived at 2:24pm, 17 minutes later - oh, it was 7 minutes later haha! Well that's good too :) The address was 1700 and something. I've seen 17 in the time and other things today as well, about 4 other times. But I've been seeing 17 every day now for about 5 days. Peace and light. Radiate love and hope!

    4. 9 is my number ironically. and im seeing this 9 years later.

    5. Wow, it is also May 15 for me, here, but in 2022 :) I also saw 17 twice today, but I have seen 117 or 717 or 1117 many many times over the last month. So when I saw 17, twice in the same moment - at 11:17am I was online watching church with 17 people - it thought I'd better check it out! :) Thank you so much, rush-collection, for giving your meanings and channellings here. I, too, and gradually moving (and faster and faster) toward starting a business based on my callings <3 So thankful to have this reinforcement. God bless you! Thanks again, Rachel

  2. Shine your light Kajal :)



    1. rush-collection your site on numerology is so accurate in amazing l love the predictive messages that it gives I'm always Mentally stimulated by your work it never fails and I never prevail I always find a reason to delve in your work it's fascinating and imagtive spiritual all at the same time very constituent I'm always trying to figure out enigma's in my life your site has help me in some proportion mastered it thank rush-collection

    2. idk who you are but thank you. I cant really understand or comprehend what is happening to me as it is happening very fast almost overwhelming at times I'm shaking right now.. anyway thank you for this information as it has helped me to begin to understand and cope with what is happening to me

    3. There isn't almost any difference between numbers.... why is that?

    4. There seems to be no difference in numbers because of the path you are on. You only notice numbers that coincides with your progress on your current path. There are numbers in existance that says the complete opposite of what one may come across.

    5. rush-collection can you tell me a little bit of how numerology work?

    6. Not only am I seeing the number 17 I am also hearing the number 17 repeatedly almost everday

    7. I've notice the meanings are following same baseline. Some of them are a little different.

  3. this is awesome. I live at 8/17 and i keep getting 17 on the clock. Thank you rush-collection

  4. I broke my computer, and the last Time Machine backup was at July 17, 5:07pm.
    7/17 17:07

  5. Can you go into depth on number 17? This number is EVERYWHERE. I think I may not be receiving something. Thank you :)

    1. I am too! I'm almost going insane! I'm seeing so many synchronicities lately but most are the number 17. Also been having a ton of deja vu lately.

    2. Hi
      Well in a biblical sense it sums up to victory as I read on another site hope this helps. Blessings

    3. Well I've taken notice that all the numbers somehow have the same meaning and message ijs

    4. Ciao a tutti io vedo spessissimo il numero 13 e 17...
      Qualcuno sa dirmi il significato?

      Grazie <3

    5. I dreamed about a sister that passed on the 17th which is today 17Aug 2017 and then I found 17 cent today all in the same area

    6. Your sister was letting you know that she's with you. God bless!

    7. Thanks so much rush-collection!!!

  6. So accurate. Thank you. I get this same message everywhere.

  7. Keep seeing this everywhere, mainly on the clock. Was just 4:17 now before I checked this. All I know is everything is going great right now mentally, spiritually, and financially and I am very grateful. It is just so shocking to see it so frequently especially in places you'd least expect it. Also seeing lots of 777.

    1. Everything is going great for me also.seeing angels in the sky sometimes and other things.777 comes up a lot for me to.I am going through a change it has been extremely confusing sometimes.just no that you are not alone ever.

  8. Wow, great I am on a spiritual path but just suffered 3 knocks to head & been talking time out to recover. Keep seeing lots of recurring numbers & today got text from a spiritual friend with 17:17 so thought wld look up. Wow! Seeing it loud & clear..

    1. If you mean all of the messages from the Angels being positive then it's because they send only positive and uplifting messages which can be interpreted using numerology. If n

    2. Thank you so much <3

  9. Wonderfull, thank you for this information!

  10. Recently I completed the Tahoe Rim Trail hike on Sept. 17, 2014 and looked up some old photos of when I started hiking in general. The first hike I ever was on was Sept. 17, 1997. Exactly 17 years later. What does this mean?

  11. I keep seeing 17s everywhere and all the time for a year now, i can see them for more than 20 times a day, but unfortunately for me i keep having problems and for that one year i have gone through way alot that at times i think that it would be better if am dead than living... can someone help advise me more on this number, with what i have gone through i think i am bad luck myself

    1. Hey olv you are not the only one with the wrong side of luck, been seeing this number constant now for 15 years!!! Just when things start looking up everything falls apart wish I new the answer, Think i'm losing my mind some times!!!!

    2. I read in a book that #17 means occult activities at work. I haven't had good luck.

    3. Even i face the same issue several times a day i see number 17 standing on a traffic signal the first i see is 17 red or green and many more, i dont understand what does it mean

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I truly have had spiritual awakening by this number. My Brother passed away of a drug overdose. I went to see him, they would not let me see him he was in real rough shape they said. After he was taken to morgue, I was aloud to go in the room where his body had been. I noticed a stack of playing cards. I picked them up and went through them they were neatly placed on the table. I counted 17 joker cards. 17...I knew that they were immediately left there by my brother. You see my brother did some time in jail...and he loved cards. But he had an obsession with saving joker cards. Now he must have bought alot of cards to get all them jokers. But why did he save them.? Well after my brother passed I handed the cards out to all the family members and kept one for myself. I Knew this is what he would have wanted me to do. No one had anything from him he lost it all...This was his way of letting them know....You see my brother was a funny guy, he was like a jokester himself. Thing is here is were it gets intense....about after a year of his passing. I decided to go swimming one day....I don't know why I wanted to go alone and just get out there in the water. My brother was a fish...he loved the water...anyways I went to the lake upon my arrival I felt an urge to go to a certain swimming spot...not my usual. So I went... found a pair of goggles on the bench by the lake...strange enough they were in good condition and no one was I instinctivly put them on...I found my self swimming with them...I was looking searching under the water...for something...I didn't know what...I didn't really think why...I just was. Anyways about 1000 ft out I was diving under water swimming looking on the ground of the water and I was drawn to this...rock. ok not any normal rock it was a quartz crystal rock! I picked it up took it out the water and took a good look at it. This was no normal rock. It was the number 17. The rock was the number 17. I have it till this day and I hold it close to me. I know it was my angel my brother leading me to this. I can't explain it but I know it was him I have it now and realized 17th is Saint Patricks day. My bro was IRISH and he loved that day. GOD BLESS YOU ALL I understand it now. I believe in angels. For real. This is a one of a kind rock. I hold it close to me feel free to see my brothers memorial on youtube search "PMK Memorial" I have been touched in more then one ways after he passed this is just about the number 17 thought I would share. Just like them jokers cards. Thanks

  14. Just had to write this. ---This morning at dawn I was speaking with my Spirit Guide about how I think the Universe no longer hears me or recognizes me the way it used to. My Spirit Guide told me that the Universe not only hears me but I am still in favor. I was happy to hear my Spirit Guide say that, but I was still skeptical. After that I dozed off to sleep and had an astral dream. At the end of that dream a cell phone rang and I answered it. There was a familiar woman's voice on it, but I don't know who it was. I believe it was a spirit guide because she tried to tell me who she was but I could not make out what she was saying. In my experiences, in dreams, the Universe clouds faces and names of spirit guides so you want know them. I only heard the last thing she said which was "Number 17". As soon as I woke I knew it was some sort of message so I turned to google and typed in "Number 17" and your page came up.

    ----"Angel Number 17 indicates that your angels want you to know that you are on the ‘right path’ on your life’s journey. The angels support and encourage you with your Divine life purpose and soul mission, and you have good reason to be optimistic about your chosen direction or path."___
    It is amazing. I believe that my Spirit Guide gave me that number to type into the search engine to get your page and get this message. Let me also say that my birth date is April, 17th 1959. I am also a daughter of 9's because nines have followed me throughout my life. This is including the birth of my only child on the 9th month, and my name with the word "nine" in it. Also for years number 117 and 515 has follows me since I had a dream with my deceased father giving it to me. Not sure what they all mean except I know that the number 9 is within them both (1+1+7 and 5-1+5). Thank you for website and helping me on my journey, and helping others on theirs.

  15. Well 17 biblically I'd very simply, overall it means victory in anything you do.
    Blessings all

  16. Oh thank goodness I finally found a place where others are seeing 17. I see it everywhere, especially on clocks. I was married to my kids' dad and his birthday was 8-17. While we were married I truly believe he had some kind of intimate relationships with 2 women, one his best friend of many years and one he had met through his work at the time. They both were born on the 17th. I started to have very negative feelings about this number. I went to a psychic and she told me that I would be happy anywhere but where I was, could go in any direction, even overseas. That was the summer of 2003. I thought, "yeah right". After that I found out that where I was living in my southern California city was laid out on a real estate grid/map as 17. I met someone living in Western Australia and came to live here!!! Overseas!!! Well, I still see 17s, they are pretty much always there, they do come and go, but they are with me a lot right now again, and I am so confused. I am not happy here in W. AU and want to go back home, where my family is. I have been here 10 yrs and have struggled the entire time. Of course I have aged 10 yrs, and am now 59, have some health issues now, and for that reason it would be better to stay here, but I feel I cannot, I KNOW I should be back home with my 2 (20 something) kids and my brother. It is just not going to be easy in any way to start over alone. So it is very scary. But I must've come here for a reason. So am I on the right path here, or am I having such feelings, getting more intense all the time, about going home, and that is the right path?? I think so, but I just don't know, is it guilt, remorse? Motherly feelings? My kids do have their own lives now, and it is not as easy to go and visit as there really is no where to stay (one lives with dad, the other with bf's and parents). Does anyone have any thoughts/feelings? I am not getting any younger .... and oh ... does anyone have any feelings/thoughts on what some are saying about 2017?

  17. spero davvero mi stiano vicino e mi diano aiuto il 17:17 mi è appena comparso e devo dire che in questo momento la mia situazione finanziaria è davvero catastrofica spero con il cuore mi diano un aiuto grazie grazie

  18. spero sia davvero il numero della fortuna ne ho bisogno finanziariamente e spero davvero con tutto il cuore che gli angeli mi guidino ed aiutino a risolvere tutti i miei problemi attuali grazie

  19. Very interesting, thanks for posting

  20. Thank you so much rush-collection

  21. can somebody please give me examples of spiritual careers ?

    1. There's a page on this site all about spiritually based careers.

    2. For me, my understanding of a spiritually based career is a natural talent that comes from within. Something that you naturally do well which uplifts humanity in positive ways. The possibilities are infinite.

    3. As others have said, it could be anything. Try not to think in terms of symbols and intellect: spiritual career means pastor, healer, "I've got to go back to school to make myself into what I must be," but with your heart. So many of us souls need waypointing and light illumination and in that way it doesn't matter where in the metaphorical woods you stand. You potentially could do such things in the "career"/western concept of paid work you are already involved in by how you conduct your light. Or, it could be your steps as of now are outside of that. Lightworking may take place in your outside of work world too: in your contact with the people you see out and about (coffee shop, grocery store, civic club). You may be an illumination some one the universe has guided to living outside of and yet in touch with the pulse of humanity-to see the beauty in the mundane. The simple act of you taking up this path, as water flows down the least resistant path, guides others to consider the same and take their own steps (big and small in living this way.)

  22. this is profound I have been shaken to my very core and uplifted in every way .I literally cried like I never have before because I knew it was the truth I was reading and could feel everything the spiritual energy around me about four months ago I started seeing these numbers and ever since I found the meaning of them things have been happening to me and around me at an incredible rate almost to much for me to handle thank you whoever you are if not for you giving me access to these writings all this may have gone unnoticed or forgotten or shrugged off as nothing but I knew it meant something I hope someday we could talk if not thank you for this resource it is invaluable bless you

  23. HI! Thank you for sharing! I felt that I must say this here. Spirituality is very subjective. Something that may seem real for someone experiencing it may seem mad for someone does not. This doesn't mean that, that witch you are experiencing isn't real. It is! For you! And this is perfectly normal. This is where trusting yourself comes in handy. Trust your thoughts and emotions. They push you where you have to bee. I love you!

  24. E' il numero che mi perseguita da più di 10 anni ormai ... Hope to find my true Love and to follow the right path

  25. HEY GUYS I NEED SOME HELP #17 ALWAYS BOTHERS ME. I always have Bad luck Every 17th day of any month, over and over again and it drives me crazy ~ what to do?! is there any explanation for that?

    1. So one time I had a number I was seeing, when I saw the post about it, the phrase "be careful what you wish for" It was very upsetting since I was overanalyzing. The thing is not necessarily true but is at the same time. A person commented by giving place to negative thoughts and not immediately refocusing our internal dialogues we could unintentionally be inviting bad things to happen. Personally I think the future is laid out. The universe just seems way to detailed and intricate so complex I see the science as a sort of plan. So do I believe in manifesting? Sorta. I am a believer in thoughts having energy and power. I just think we are human. As such we are as the other poster put it perfectly imperfect. Humans work best as a herd. I'm sure that sounds like I'm minimizing our lives. I feel each of us was born to love, to accept love and to give it in return. The flaws we have provide opportunities for us to get closer to each other. I wish I could get the point across I never feel I know anything, I'm always learning. Also wether or not they want to admit it. So is everyone else.

  26. Thank you so much, rush-collection! <3

  27. Going through many massive changes in my life.
    I come to realize the only reason behind disappointment and pain is because I allowed the energy to enter my life.
    I figured my path had been paved and time has shown me that I am not meant to fix peoples vehicles to get to where they need to be. My soul purpose in life is to help on the emotional and mental side of people young and old. I have taken the steps to opening the door to a great chance to help and that is education. I will return to this number and write my progress. I choose to do so because even if things are good I can still help by using rush-collections blogg. Thank u rush-collection. For severals years i have used your blog and it has helped and encouraged me. If you think you do not have any support. Realize you do at the tips of your fingers. Blogs is a start.
    Peace love honesty and light

    1. In 13 days a lot has changed because of my past decisions I am unable to go back to school, how ever I already have a diploma and experience to know that just because one door closed it does not mean there is not another one i can go through. Instead i need to walk down the hall until i find that door and only i can decide if that door is for me.
      if you are willing to be open the world is filled with endless possibilities.
      Road blocks happen and there is always a way around if open and honest with your self.

  28. i like one girl whose birth date is 17 and whenever i decide to not to think about her 17 and 8888,89 appears everywhere ???? what it means??

  29. I had a dream of finding a gold coin with the number 1717 on it,there were several silver coins also.They were buried but the gold coin was the most important,as a man said it is of great value as the the year date on it was 1717

  30. Yes. I finally got the answer as to why I always see this number 7:17 almost everyday On the clock, o my phone, on the computer, and also on my wrist watch.... It's been like almost two years. Thanks and Godbless us Angels :)

  31. I find this absolutely brother was 7 and I was 17 when my dad dad was born Feb 17th when I moved out of my parents home my house address was 717. I would see this number everywhere. Clocks,license plates,articles etc.I broke up with the love of my life and was in a 16 year abusive relationship. Had 3 girls.every 7 years I in some way would cross paths with the love of my life.well I finally kicked my first husband out of our lives. A year later crossed paths with the love of my life which made 17 years later on the day my dad died.4/20. So of course we got married on 7/17 and 7/17/2017 it will be 7 years together.I hope we have a great year but no matter what I am truly blessed!!

  32. I'm sorry angels, but after electing Trump, humanity can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. I've worked all my life in very hostile places to be of service, to do the right thing, I've been treated like dirt, I've gone through a lot of things that a lot of people would have run from. I don't want awards or recognition, which works out well, because no one has ever been moved to give me any. All I ask is that people try to do the right thing, make an effort. Forget it. People are spoiled cowards, thoughtless, reckless, hidebound, ignorant and stupid. That's who elected him. This isn't a political matter. It's a moral one. To see that sacrilege Franklin Graham glorifying that worm, and in the name of Christ? It's all gotten to be a bit too much for me. If it is true that we choose to come back to this planet to be of service because we think we can help, then I have to be the biggest jackass in all of creation.

    1. I'm sorry for your difficult times and the pain that you have gone through in your life. Not ALL of humanity are spoiled, cowards, thoughtless and etc... Every human has been through a difficult time & pain. They are all for lessons, learning and growth. I believe that the enemy and negativity is fighting so hard because your breakthrough and positive is coming. Energy attracts like energy. Positive comes to the positive and negative comes to the negative. Pray for positive. Ask to see positive in the world. God is still in control. The Angels are still with you. God won't leave you, he is on your side and he still loves you. Don't be afraid...

    2. Hi KRM, I know you mean well, but I'm certainly not afraid, and am not blaming God or the angels for anything -- God was in control during the Holocaust too, but He gave us free will -- that's on US, not Him. Of course all people suffer but only a handful learn from it. And I'm disgusted with the rest. But I wanted to point this out -- energy doesn't only attract like energy, positive energy most certainly attracts negative energy -- it provokes it, it antagonizes it, and it bears assault from it. We need to be positive, but it's a fight that needs to be fought. Telling people otherwise makes people think that they are doing something wrong when they aren't. You are asking for it when you do the right thing, you have to pay a price -- that's why so many people don't do it. And there's a lovely quote from an author whose name is too long and difficult for me to remember how to spell right now: many think they have kind hearts who only have weak nerves. Bless you.

    3. Do you know the Mother Teresa of Calcutta quote that starts off like this: People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. And it continues with very wise words which are words to live by and ends with: For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. I personally feel that Mother Teresa of Calcutta has the secret there. Thank you for the blessings & I wish you many blessings, peace and happiness.

    4. Ah sweetie, I don't know if she ever said that, but she didn't live it. I spent years working with her order on the mean streets, and she's full of flannel -- her contempt for the poor was as profound as her ego. People in need were her stepping stones to the kind of self-glory and worship she craved, and the best kind: she hid behind the idea of being the selfless giver, rather than your uncharitable, self-aggrandizing trumpkin with the same need, and became bullet proof. You have to hand it to her when it comes to working angles, she did it beautifully, but holding her up as a shining example of love for her fellow human beings is more a result of people wanting to believe it than it being true. BTW, I don't keep coming back here to debate you, angels are pushing the number in my face, so I'll just cut and paste in my journal for reference, and give it a rest. But here's one more quote for the road: sanctimony is its own reward.

  33. Thank you so much this really is amazing!

  34. all the codes of digital receipts of my transactions today are ending with 17

  35. Wow... thank you! I just sat down on the beach drinking a pineapple juice. I had a hard day working and a lot on my mind. I took a sip, I watched the sun. At the moment that I thought: "I should not worry because I have so much to be grateful for", I received an sms. I just checked who it was, just a message from my provider. Then I saw the time (and date). It showed up in a triangle...
    And you know what year it is? 17


  36. Thank you Angels & thank you rush-collection!!!Always and forever grateful!!! Love & light your way !!! ♡♡♡

  37. thnx for being with me angels i feel you're support ! im gratefull! and feeling blessed keep it coming ! thnx!!

  38. This are great news!!!
    Namaste, everyone.
    Thank you for the detailed work on numerology.
    I love this website!

  39. Hi, thanks for this opportunity. I have been searching for the meaning of the number '17'. In my dream I saw where beam of fire was gushing out of my palm destroying every barrier before it and I could lift a car with one of my hands, suddenly I saw a man dressed in white with the face of a popular priest in my area. He touched my head and i felt a bit drowsy, I started telling him that fire was coming out of my palm he asked me what is my number? I looked on my two palm and saw '17' written on both palms. He asked me to follow him, i followed him to a shrine and he said i should use my power to destroy to it, I was standing before the shrine and faced my palm with aim to use the fire and shatter it but the fire could not come out. He asked me to ask my father and mother how to use the power.What could that mean? Thanks for the privileged

    1. Jerry, Look to God & ask that question, "How do I use the abilities & gifts you have created in me & blessed me with, for the betterment of all? How do I use the gifts/blessings you trusted/believed in me to serve while fulfilling my life purpose & soul mission, in your name & in your way God?" You will get your answers....Just ask God. Listen for you answers. Peace, love, light & blessings to you & ALL...Gratitude, love, light & blessings to you rush-collection.<3 <3 <3

    2. Thanks a million for your time.

    3. Wow thats an awesome dream brother.
      My thoughts, Maybe the priest was asking you to Balance your Masculine and Feminine energies in order to harness and or wield your power. :) Just a thought.
      If that resonates in any way, try listening to this and see if it helps.
      Personally Ive found that Ive achieved the best results by syncing my breathing to the music. Long slow deep and strong breaths. And remember, Enjoy it :)

  40. Thank you so much, I just saw 17:17, felt the urge to inquire about the meaning and was guided to your website. What I've read above is a confirmation of what I imagine and perceive these days, having complete trust in the God within me for the fulfillment of my purpose and mission. Love & Light

  41. I'm supposed to write. I know how to begin. Here's to shining our lights ♡

  42. Thank you for this beautiful, detailed, message! I received sound therapy yesterday and, while my eyes were closed, I saw the number 17 vividly, with each eye. (I was distinctly seeing the number 17 twice.) When I mentioned it to the practitioner, she suggested that I look it up on your page. This message is so accurate and appropriate to where I am in my journey at this time. Thank you! :)

  43. Amen!!! Immensely blessed and grateful!!! Thank you rush-collection!!!❤
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!❤💥🍀👊

  44. Wow, I was sitting typing an email about a short film (after a burst of unusal creativity) which I had been worrying about, and if I was cut out for it. I looked at the clock and it was 17:17 - amazing! It'll help me continue to show gratitude and makes me more positive for the future.

    Thanks for the info!

  45. first 13:13, now 17:17.... I am so grateful.... I love you all

  46. This number has special significance right now.
    Thank Q!!!

  47. Wow its amazing how angels get your attention, my phone rang for a couple of times then went off, so I checked my phone log to see who it was and there is no register of anyone ringing me which I thought was strange until I looked at the time and it was 17.17 and my battery life was 17%, thank god im used to spirit because anyone else would be totally freaked out...I feel blessed guided and protected Amen x

  48. I saw “1717” messages yesterday on 17th. I also saw :17 on clock several times. I know it’s my angels giving me positive auspicious signs regarding my new dream job offer. Thank you so much rush-collection.
    Thank you so much angels and Universe!
    Love and peace!

  49. It doesnt seem to matter the number....I always get similar 'meanings'such as this one. It leaves me now questioning if i ever need to look a number up. Lol.

  50. I was living in a house were me my mom and my baby sister lived. my mom and I always had these things happen to us. I would be in my room ,I was also little like 6, playing and i would see this little girl peek around the corner as if she were scared to show herself and after i saw her i went to go see were she went and then i got pushed down the stairs by somthing and i remember not even feeling anything and my mom came rushing twords me asking me if i was ok. And i was.
    But then my mom saw the little girl. But she saw the shadow of the little girl. And then things started to move like the chairs in the kitchen and our toys. Then one night when my mom came home from work there were 17 circles around her bed. She asked if it was me. And it wasn't. So she cleaned up the mess and i decided to sleep with her that night. Later my baby sister started to cry and my mom went to go get her then i woke up then we all got together and we heard something down stairs then that something started to run up the stairs and opend the door at that point we were expecting someone to come through the door but know one came. At that point we had to leave because there was somthing evil in that house.
    Do you think that the 17 circles where trying to warn us?

  51. Immature love: I love you because I need you.
    Mature love: I need you because I love you.

    Truly yours,
    Just another Lightworker.

    P. S. Peace, love and unity ❤️

  52. I was born on the 17th, and I'm spiritually aware and intuitive. Sometimes I feel I have a big big heart.

  53. Thanks 4 the 0017...timing as always was spot light and service to our fellow man with respect bidirectionally my sole purpose...thanks to God for my freedom and his divine protection. Amen...!!!

  54. I also have been seeing 17 every day, all the time and everywhere during the last couple of years and always makes me very happy to know I am in the right path. When I say everywhere is literally... Car plates, street signs, house numbers, clocks, receipts, anywhere. If it´s not 17 it´s 8 or another number that reduces to 8, or 710, 717.

    I also see 777, 12, 3, 21, which means angelical praises for my efforts.
