Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Number 29 is made up of the vibrations of the number 2 and number 9. Number 2 brings its attributes of duality, faith and trust, selflessness and service to others, encouragement and diplomacy, personal will and devotion, balance and harmony and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 9 resonates with the Universal Spiritual Laws and Karma, humanitarianism and philanthropy, lightworking, spiritual enlightenment and spiritual awakening, setting a positive example for others, knowledge and inner-wisdom. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions. These energies make the number 29 one of polarity, emotions and judgement, coupled with leadership, integrity and unity.

Angel Number 29 is a message from your angels that you are to have faith in yourself and your angels as they are encouraging and supporting you in your spiritual endeavours. Trust that you have all the skills and abilities required to fulfill your Divine soul mission and life purpose so be prepared to serve others with humility and heart.

Angel Number 29 is a message to have faith and trust in your intuitive messages and impressions as these messages and promptings are urging you towards and along your Divine life path and soul mission. Take positive action in the direction of your intuitive and angelic guidance, and look to ways of achieving small goals on a daily basis to reach your spiritual potential.

Angel Number 29 is a message that you are to take positive action in the direction of your Divine life path and purpose as your natural lightworking abilities are much needed by others and the world as a whole. Trust that you have all the tools and talents you need to fulfill your destiny soul mission.  

Angel Number 29 may also be indicating that if you are inclined to pursue a spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession, now is a most auspicious time to begin. It is time to accept and develop your spiritual gifts and use them to benefit yourself and others in a lightworking capacity.

Angel Number 29 also suggests that if you have ‘lost’ something of late, your angels are indicating that the Universe is manifesting something positive for you to take its’ place. This may also relate to a situation or circumstance that may be coming to an end. Trust that a wonderful new beginning and/or direction is indicated for you.

Number 29 also relates to the Number 11 and Number 2  (2+9=11 / 1+1=2) and the Angel Number 11 and Angel Number 2.

See also:  Repeating 2’s and 9’s  (229, 292, 299 etc)
Angel Number 229
Angel Number 292
Angel Number 299

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

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  1. hi thank you so much for this site. it has rally help me understand mu life purpose. on the page that speaks of angel number 29 there's a line that refers to 229. is this an error or are you actually referring to angel number 229?

  2. dear rush-collection, thank you for exsisting to al of us arounf the world. i live in cyprus. only lately have i began noticing numbers.. and it is a huge miracle that each time each day each number matches my curcumstances. would love to know more or if you have an available book on numbers.. or / and angels.. thank you for all that you do..with all my heart n soul.. much love and light .. jenny tiwari

  3. This website became my most visited in a matter of hrs or days very informing and a website I trust.

  4. This is so synchronistic to my situation of coincindences thank you much

  5. Coincidences do not exist! It all depends on U!

  6. I've been getting a LOT of synchronicity of the number 29 lately. Anything from a time (with minutes ending in 29), to looking at the GPS time of arrival at my destination that would also end with the minutes on 29, when I look at the GPS and see miles it can be 2.9, so I had to check what are the messages meaning. Thank you for the information!

    1. Hi marina I have also incountering this kind of problem I dont know whats with number 29, al I know its our monthsary of my girlfriend,is ther any answer already with that?did yo figure it out already kindly reply me if you dont mind its bothering me now

  7. I need guidance I want to use my gift before I lose it I really don't know how all this stuff works so far the only time I've ever used it is when I'm absolutely compelled to in as I can't not have to co

  8. My father passed away in a very violent way. I have noticed 29 a lot, it's not a normal number to stand out to me. So this was pretty reassuring.

  9. September 2014 my high school sweetheart contacted me exactly 29 years to the very day that we last saw each other. He stationed in Afghanistan, I in Canada. Our relationship ended due to two different countries and our young age. We met on June 29, my 16th birthday party. When he returned to the USA last year we had the opportunity to meet on several occasions. April 9, May 29, June 29, August 9, and now possibly January 29. Is it just me or are the Angles trying to guide me. We truly believe that we are each other's Soulmate.

  10. today i went to the supermarket and some granny in front of me had to pay 29,29€ for groceries. i thought that was maybe a message for me. in the evening that day i watched a series and the main actress and actor went to the elevator and pressed number 29. i suddenly looked at the date and it was 29.1.2016 :D definitely message for me! :P

  11. I was writing a book about a misunderstood and forgotten frontier character. I was also an underground coalminer with a Literature Degree. On Easter weekend in 2010 I had written the pivotal chapter explaining how the character killed a man for kidnapping his daughter, which was a new covering of an old forgotten theory. That weekend I was also building a rather large triangular flower garden in the back yard. 29 hours after I wrote that most important chapter, the Upper Big Branch mine blew up, killing 29 fellow miners. I was standing 29 miles away inside the triangle with a shovel (lightning rod) in my hand, heard and felt the rumble, felt the wind, went to my knees in cries. Didn't know until the next day we had planted exactly 29 flowers at the exact time of the disaster. My character died 10/29/1829. 29 hours, 29 flowers, 29 men, 29 miles, 10/29/1829. I've been confused and hurt ever since with PTSD.

  12. I had a dream a psychic told me to stay away from 25 and 26 and my life my career my everything the answer is number 29

    What does that mean

  13. I had a dream a psychic was scribbling on paper and told me to stay away form 25 and 26 and the answer to my life and career and everything is number 29

  14. At the same time I am seeing 29 I also see 1117. Both correlate to about the same type of meaning I love it. Thank you so much rush-collection for putting all these wonderful numbers together it has helped me understand so much more throughout my journey and life trip. Much love.

  15. I keep seeing this number but I haven't lost anything as of late.

  16. Will it also be true for numbers that add up to 29?

  17. Replies

  18. When looking into number and their meanings this site is so on par. Helping one feel better and feel positive every single time.. Thank you!

  19. Thank you. I just noticed that 29 was appearing all over my instagram page - and if you take a peek at it @ jennyorelle you'll see why I have no doubt that angel numbers are real. Thank you Jonanne. Love and blessings <3

  20. For 7 years I have now been trying to figure out why the number 29 or 9 follows me. I was born on 4-29, my brother was born in 79, in 2009 he committed suicide on 1-29 and was 29 years old.its been deep on my heart not knowing is it good or bad and I think. That after reading all if this I have a little piece in my soul. I look at the clock daily at 1:29 and 4:29.

  21. I had a dream back in june 2010 that spain were playing portugal during the world cup and in this dream it was 1-1 with 1 min left to play and ricardo costa was given a red card .
    It was extremley vivid
    I woke up amazed . Firstly i never heard of ricardo costa and checked online he did actually play for portugal which amazed me
    When i had this dream the two coutries were in different groups and their was only a slight chance they would meet in the next round. A week or 2 passed bye and by chance the two teams met each other as in the dream with 1-1 and 1 min left the ref held up red card to ricardo costa all the hairs on my body stud up . This happend on the 29th of june 2010 it turns out that ricardo costa shares the same birth date as me 16th may which made this 1 in a trillion coincidence even more strange. I know this has to have been a sign from some unknown identity but can still not interept the meaning

  22. Ever since my ex gf and I got together 4 years ago on November 12th at 1:29, I still see the numbers to this day. Yes we have broken up, but it's weird to think that to this day I would still see the time and lately I have been seeing it more and more and more to the point of insanity. Lol, it's an hour away I know but all things must come to an end and I accept whatever may come my way; I have strayed from God as of late and I regret ever doing it so maybe he's trying his best to keep me on the right track and I thank his foundation for upholding me. I am sorry God but you know we are not perfect but You know I would throw myself at you at any given time. Thank God for Every Day you are Alive take it like a Mustard Seed and allow it to grow into a foundation plan for whatever may come your way or your friends and family's way.

  23. My birthday is on July 29 and I've seen it so many times lately. I knew god was telling me something. When I went to church, I saw that the Cristian camp I go to starts on my birtthday. We worship GOD at that church. I am mind blown. I Am happy to see that good things are coming. THANK YOU! I was so worried if it meant something bad so I was scared. Thank you so so much

  24. I have never thought about 29 until my last dear puppy died... I had 3 dogs and when I went true all of them to put them in order and spend time with them as I just lost the last one of the pack. My Lenny born on the 29, died on the 21, lady born unknown died on the 29 and my last sweetheart born on the 29 died on the 22. But as you can see 29 is the number. And the message was clear... thank you. May all my dogs rejoice over the rainbow and spend many happy our being just who they are, companions for life.

  25. Thanks always, rush-collection

  26. for years ive seen 10 29 multiple times in a day. Numbers on a product shelf, whenever id pick up my phone the time showed 1029, on tv, ive stopped a movie before in a hurry only to come back later to resume and see it was stopped at 1029 into the movie. At first i thought how odd i keep seeing my birth date. But as years passed it came to me these numbers are repeating so often to guide me but guide me to what? this page has given me a clue to the 29 but not the 10. in general i think on a higher plane of existence and have never been superficial. being a life observer i see the fascade many put out for the world to see i look deeper past the surface to see truth. i feel as though these numbers are trying to guide me so this insight is helpful. now to figure out the 10 significance

  27. Immensely blessed and grateful!!!
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!🎈🍀🕊♥️

  28. On December 29th, 2006 I met and fell in love with my sweetheart Peggy. Approximately three years later on December 29th, 2009 I proposed to my sweetheart Peggy. Six month later, on May 29th, 2010, my sweetheart Peggy and I were married and began our wonderful life together as husband and wife. On November 29th, 2017 my sweetheart Peggy accepted our Lords invitation to heaven as a result of non-small cell lung cancer - having never smoked a day in her life life. Today, my sweetheart Peggy is my forever angel. Live well... love well.

  29. I see it everywhere and everytime, and I was born in 26-01-1991 ,if you add all the numbers , it will be 29 (2+6+1+1+9+9+1)

  30. My D.O.B adds up to 29, everytime I see it, it reminds me why I am here and what im supposed to be doing while im on earth...illuminate the paths for those in the dark..Amen x

  31. The last 3 generations of women in my family have all died on Nov.29. Different years.......
    My great grandmother.... grandmother....and my mother. Any input would be appreciated...

  32. Number 29's been plaguing me recently. Like just now, I'm bordering to freaking out when I booked a train ticket, and it was for July 29, the train to depart will be at 09:29am, and I paid £29 for it. I ended up coming here just to assure myself if this is not ominous, and hopefully, I have to trust like putting a blindfold on myself kinda trust.

    I'm still a bit freaked out to be honest...

  33. Can you imagine how I feel? Lol Every Nov. 29th I wrap myself in bubble wrap and hide in the closet! 😟

  34. the number 29 is too much weird , i see it more than often , the clock , battery of my phone , t shirts ... what i noticed is when i see it someting bad happen , especially in relationships , each time i see it i break up with the person to whom i was talking

  35. My B'day 29 Dec. I married on 29 Nov. My son born on 29 Nov the same day of my marriage anniversary. My current employers provided Id no. for me is 029. Health Card issued on date 29 :))

  36. Thank you Abba Father loving Jesus i love you Lord thank you guardian Angels

  37. My date of birth adds upto 29. I always see 29 when I am going through some kind of positive change. It always reminds me how many obstacles I have overcome to get where I am today. Thank you x

  38. Ive been seeing a lot of 29's lately and my son from from another mother was at my house today i love him like hes my son . he told me he tried to kill his self today. I talked to him with the wisdom and love from my heart. He really appreciated it. And then i looked up the number 29 and here it is. I have many people that just walk up to me and tell me their life story and im really starting to see my purpose

    1. What do you mean he told you "he tried to kill himself today"? that's sound like depression and you need to address with care and medical attention instead feeling all nice about being a hero with all nice and elevated speech. This is no matter of joke! Wake up!

  39. It just gets to a point where all these messages are just the same old. Its just meaningless tbh

  40. Thank you for clarifying. I just opened a bank account that had repetition of 20 and wanted to look up and it's like written off my story. I have sold my property and no longer bounded with relatives on that matter and it was truly liberating. The money I am receiving at this moment for my property was energetically hard earned money. Men who left the will was not nice to me and perhaps it's an apology for weakness to alcohol addition; but perhaps it's my ticket to get out of 7 generation karma that I have been working so hard in the past 7 years. These money also gave me an inspiration to open music school and write a nice memoridium to that very same uncle who I was terified for so long; or maybe move on and open up something that will elevate and help humanity especially kids to learn how to channel their energy and feel connected to our new earth!

  41. Thank you for your lovely support 🙏
