Saturday, September 24, 2011


Number 555 is comprised of the number 5 appearing tripled, making 555 a powerful number with its energies and attributes of being three-fold, amplified and reinforced. Number 555 carries the strong vibrations of making decisions and life choicespersonal freedom and individuality, cleverness and intelligence, adaptability and versatility, life lessons learned through experience and resourcefulness, 
opportunity and expansion, spontaneity, life changes and new opportunities, adventure, curiosity, challenges, idealism, action and activity.

Angel Number 555 tells of significant and necessary changes happening in your life that have been Divinely inspired and guided. These changes will bring about long-awaited circumstances and results and will fully align you with your true Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 555 is a message from your angels that it is time to let go of the ‘old’ that is no longer positively serving you. Trust that they will be replaced with ‘better’. Release old doubts, fears and perceived obstacles, and if feeling any fears or confusion, ask for support and guidance from your angels. Know that your angels are with you, always.

Keep a positive attitude and mind-set about the ‘new’ entering your life and keep an open mind as to the opportunities presenting themselves. Remember that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance. Even though the reason/s for the changes may not be clear at this point in time, trust that all will fall into place for you. These changes have come about so that you can break free from old restraints and constraints and freely pursue your soul purpose as a spiritual being.

Angel Number 555 suggests that major life changes are taking place in many areas of your life. Trust that these changes are for both your immediate and long-term benefit. The angels ask that you ‘go with the flow ...’



  1. Hi rush-collection,

    Thanks for this info on 5. This number is coming up for me and now I know why. It represents all these changes in my life, major changes.

    1. I'm not normally a "spiritual" person, but I thought it was odd when I started waking up regularly at exactly 5:55am, even though my alarm is set to 6:30am. After the 3rd or 4th day of this, I looked it up and found this. It makes sense given what's been happening and what I know is coming (and possibly what I don't know is coming?!).
      Much thanks.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. My last reaped number today was 555. The first number was 1111 which I've seen twice within 2 days. 11 several times today 222 and 333. :)

  2. I had a major one earlier

    555551 (555 & 551 combined) and then the next thing i see on the car a few lanes over and a few cars ahead was a 666 so I'm like "HUH?"

    1. truly strange and normally I dont comment but I just had this happen about a month ago in traffic except the cars were back to back and were not connected by obvious observations...the first was 666 and the second was 555 i was like really?...i was having some bad thoughts about how the job sucked and i was being treated like a dog and didnt think our angels were listening i looked them up in the order i seen them later and it went just perfect...brought me back again gave me new hope and ended up getting a somewhat better job at a gas station :)

    2. even more strange after i posted the above I realized ur name was I need a job that is an odd coincidence???

    3. No ma'am no such thing as coincidence. Only Divine Timing and Order. It was meant for YOU. <3

      You asked for signs and you have been given them.

      Much Love, Light, Healing, and Blessings to you and ALL you Love.

      <3 Krystal

    4. Aww very sweet and touching comment ♥♥♥♥ god bless u!

    5. 11:29 am (2+9...11) then 6:11pm then 4:07 pm (4+7....) And the first post at 4:04 I'm not sure. I have seen 11 for years now but just started waking up and seeing clock at 5:55am alot of times. I see alot here relating to work...I've just changed jobs!

    6. 666 is nothing to be afraid of.

    7. IneedAJob
      Omg same thing happened to me
      First it was 444 and then number plates startrd to appear
      I saw 666 four times.
      Then the 555 came. What the heck does it all mean?

    8. Yesterday making a stop while driving, the kilometers in my car ended with 555 and another car came with numberplates ending with 555☺

  3. I always see 555 after a break-up! LOL

    1. Yes I have seeing this also. Keep waking up at 5:55 and ending a 3 year relationship.

    2. I often saw 555 BEFORE the end of my last relationship. Seeing it again now. Maybe something new is on the way for me :3

    3. Just a few mins ago, woke up to get some water, looked at the clock, and guess what time it was? 5:55.

  4. I see 555 all the time currently. I am about to lose my job (which on some level is fine with me, I really got bored of it and I don't see the higher meaning in it as I used to in the beginning). I think that my relationship is also on the rocks which again I think is not that bad since maybe it served its purpose more or less. I am just worried about my future and my survival if you will since there aren't many jobs on the market right now and then major changes both career-wise and relationship-wise might be a bit too much to handle all at once. But, as you suggest, I try to keep my thoughts positive and not freak out (although frankly I do). I do believe that all changes are for the better long term but they don't always feel that way when they happen. Thanks for the guidance!

    1. Hi Dew, I can understand. 2012 was the lowest point for me with loss of my career and my relationship. Since late 2012 I've been walking my spiritual path, and even though there's no man and no job, I have Peace. I have faith that the angels will bring me everything in Divine timing. Much love,


    2. I lost everything. dad - 13 Relationship left her everything fell and hit rock bottom. Tough 4 years. Now im waking up and im learning so much. I see 3 numbers everyday. Im a light worker and I open a portal, I have done this 4 times and I see lights (ufo) every time. Everything so far is true. IM not sure what I am, but for the first time in my life Im looking forward to whats next. I also know that the answer is Pure LOve.

    3. I saw 555 on my phone, and then on a car. I was in my way to see a relative when I saw it again. I found out something
      So shocking about my uncle that I ended the relationship. I think it's for the best.

    4. All I wanted is to meet someone and start a family but not allowed until I achieve what they want from me the mission problem is I don't know what they'll want me to do???????

    5. Yeah a least its good to know your not alone even when you think you are.

  5. This is a great website, rush-collection! Thank you so much.

  6. Strange that a few people mention relationships ending... mine has just ended too, and yes I'm seeing 555. I am ready for the change though and feel lighter, with freed up energy to use for more purposeful things

  7. Thanks for this! My wife was due yesterday and we've been going through major last minute changes. From he obgyn to the hospital, its been crazy...yet new opportunities are arising regarding my writing. Still, we are most excited about our baby boy on the way, our first child together since married last year, our 1 year anni next week on the 26th. We both saw 555 yesterday :-)

  8. I have seen 333 for a few years now..and occasionally I would see 444..never have I seen 555 until today.. I don't really know how to receive this could mean 1 of 2 things in my life right now and I have to make the decision and I don't know which way to go..I really wish there was a way to know or a sign I could get to know which way I am supposed to go!! I am never good at decisions so I really want to make the right one this time!

    1. Trust that whatever your decision is, it will be the right one. All things work for a greater purpose :).

  9. This is strange to me because I have been seeing 555 every day for the last approximately 7 years. I look at the clock every evening at 5:55, I see it on license plates, price tags, receipts, I saw it 3 times last night when I was clearing out application memory on my phone. My 11 year old was born in May at 5:55 am. Im STILL waiting for this change in my life. Ive lived the same boring mundane life forever so im ready for some excitment!!! Lets go 5's!!!! Prove yourselves!!!

    1. U not meant to b waiting, take note of thoughts or reoccurring things happening or items at time of seeing.......this will guide u to have courage to make positive changes maybe?

    2. Babycakes 81, I see the number 555 but mostly 55 every single day. I also see many other numbers as well. As of right now, my life is pretty mundane and boring, but I have a gut feeling that things are gonna change. I started seeing these Angel numbers back in Oct around the time I started writing again. Things are moving very slowly for me, but I'm going after what I really want in life. If there is something that you would really like to do, maybe a hobby or if you're planning on going back to school, then by all means go out and do it! Don't waste your time sitting around waiting for miracles to happen. We still have to do the work. The angels are always there to assist. Good luck!

    3. Perhaps your angels are patiently waiting for you to see the excitement and the joy you have in your so-called mundane life. And you keep seeing 555 as a reminder that this life is going exactly how it should be, and that perhaps you should relax and enjoy it instead of stressing that its boring.

  10. A few months before I moved out of my husband's house, I have seen 555, 888, 999 a lot. My relationship was going over the roller coaster for over a year before I finally decided to move out of town because I continually saw those numbers. I was too scared to make the move, but my instinct tells me that I have to trust the numbers that I have been seeing. I knew that the big change will improve my relationship with my husband and my job where I moved closer to. The 888's and 999's represent ending of event or life cycle and letting go of the old, so the new can show up in your life. I wanted to move to a town that is closer to my job to avoid the long commute and I've been asking him to move with me, but he refused to move with me because his son won't move out of town. I decided to move by myself.

    After moving away, my relationship with my husband has been improved, we missed each other more than ever, and my husband helped me to buy a new reliable car to commute to work, even though I haven't moved back with him. Now he is thinking about moving in with me. For things to change, you have to take action to make things change. Things don't just change by itself for you.

    I can see that in a few months or next year (2013) everything will run smoother for me and my family because i am planning on buying a house with my husband. This means the old life is ending and the new is entering my life as 999 is foretelling it.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your experience Fairyladymimi :)

      Blessings to you along your path,


    2. To Joane, Thank you this has made me open my eyes to a possibility. NetWT. 7.2 OZ (204g) has opened my Third Eye, 47. Lmao, I'm a look everything over and deside my choice! -Zach Parker

  11. I just saw it once today! Could be nothing, but I've been seeing 333 followed by 111 and 1111 all the time! Today was 1616 and then 555.Ha, think they're messing with us? XD

    1. I've seen all the numbers u describred above with the exact same order these past few days..... wow.

    2. Charmed_Items I have to tell you that I just got goosebumps reading your post and then Anonymous' post following yours. I had a very strange dream last night walking on an overpass seeing faces of some people I recognized and some strangers. I realized these were jehovas witnesses. I opened my eyes and it was 3:33. This morning jehovas visited my house and I was very cordial and friendly with them as I told them I like my spiritual path. I came back in the house and finished doing what I was doing, grabbed my homework book (I'm taking an online marketing course) and I looked up and saw 11:11! So earlier today, I looked up what those numbers meant and I was inspired to write in my book of positive aspirations. When I finished, I dated at the top of the page April 16, 2016. I just jumped back on my computer to get some more work done with my dream business to be and I found the numbers 555 so I came here to find what 555 means. I'm so looking forward to seeing what the Universe brings.

  12. Hello rush-collection,

    I think that your website is the best out there.
    I have being learning so much.
    You are great in what you do. God may bless your work and I am very thankful for your way to serve the humanity.

  13. Wow this is so cool to see what everyone else says....I saw the number 555, almost 10 times a day when a relationship I was in ended. At the time I didn't know what it meant....I sure do now! Its been 2 months and my life has completely changed for my immediate and present and future life. I found out all these lies, secrets, cheating..etc good thing its over!

  14. This has given me much hope. My boyfruend and I broke up recently and I kept seeing 333. Which I learnrd from your site, rush-collection, that my dear angels are trying to help me find balance in my life. It was true. I had somehow let my relationship take over my whole life.

    So, I began focusing more on me and found 7the strong woman I had seemingly lost.

    Yesterday, we talked and both agreed we live the other and want it to work out.

    Today, I see 555... New Years Eve. 2013 is going to be a great year full of positive changes for us!

  15. I was born on 5 May(5) 5am, in 1979.

    Also 5 December is important date in my life.
    In the night on 5 December 2012, something I cant explain make me go out for a walk, something not usual for me.
    It was not to cold, just to keep the snow frozen to the ground. There was quiet an peaceful beside my shoes sound true the night. While watching my steps while walking on in the park, I had a lightening in front of my eyes. I seen a bright light while watching the ground and raised my head to see what was that. The next thing was a thunder so loud. There where no other thunders or lightening’s in that night...

    I did not knew I am an Angel


  16. Oh boy, this took years to accept and allow changes to come, I could not accept them before, tried to be in control. And these last few days synchronicity has been active in my life, today found a place to stay for awhile where once I looked and denied. Oh boy is all I can say - when I saw the three number appear earlier today I had to rush to check the meaning, and I have to say I couldn't have gotten here if I hadn't had the challenges to break me down first. So, I love this message and a little timidly and with deep breathing first, I'm walking in that direction. It's interesting giving up the need to control, and that was what was needed. Thank you.

    1. Hi Kathleen learning to trust where I am being guided and to let go of control was one of my biggest things too. It's scary but maybe that's because our experiences in this lifetime I have taught us we can't trust other humans. The best part is by letting go we're not trusting spirit I mean sorry we're not trusting humans we are trusting spirit. Much love and respect to everyone I saw 555 twice today and then a strange message with the word Raptor. I looked it up and it's a large bird of prey like an eagle Hawk even an owl and a phoenix so when you think about it of Phoenix is the perfect sign with seen 555. I can't wait to see what comes after getting this message.

  17. I just want to say THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH rush-collection. I started to see numbers and I did understand y I keep seeing the same ones everyday. Some time passed and it didnt stop. I was so curious so I begin to google the meaning of the very 1 repeating I saw. It said my angels were trying to communicate with me. And that things may being to happen like the light's my flicker and etc. Not soon after my husband came home and walked through the kitchen to the basement when the light was on. when he closed the door the light went completely out. I flicked the switch to see if it would come on but it didnt. So I went to set back down. No sooner then he walked back upstairs and out the kitchen the light came on. He didnt realize it until I told him to turn around. That was the day I begin to believe. Crazy part is since my angels have been telling me I would be approaching life changing situations. I lost my job and found out my husband was cheating and he pulled a knife on me. I dont know if my choices would have been the same without my angels guidance. Also I dont know if I would have ever recieved their guidance without your knowledge. Ever number that has been revealed to me always always holds truth to my life.
    Thank you

  18. For the last three mornings while waking up and looking at the clock. I have been seeing this number555. Everything in My life has changed for the better. The better it gets the better gets, Namaste OM

  19. I've seen 11:11 for years, sometimes constantly...sometimes SO constantly, it's like I were unknowingly a player on an episode of the Twilight Zone! It almost drove me batty, and what didn't help were the 1,000 different meaning I found on the same number when all I wanted to know was "why" and "why me". It was more frustrating then trying to find a (non stop) ringing telephone in a cluttered room.

    I still see it, though nowhere near as often. I see a big spectrum of numbers 111, 1111, 222, 2222, 333, 444, 555, 1212, & 1313. Often in the same day. And this isn't just from my clock, it's from all over. My clock only shows these numbers once a day as I prefer to live in military time. I usually wake up for no reason only to see it's 2:22. As I'm getting ready for work, I always seem to check the time at 3:33. After work, almost every day I check the time it's often 11:11. When my stresses keep me from staying asleep, I look at the time and if I had a nickel for every time it was 22:22 lol. Cash registers, license plates, phone numbers sometimes, even a sign or two. It's real exasperating to not know what the hell any of this really means...I'd like to say that this site helps, but this is really just one interpretation competing with hundreds of others floating around online & I don't know which one applies to me. Please don't tell me "let your intuition tell you" because if I could actually hear THAT well enough, I wouldn't wind up here STILL looking for answers, now would I? LOL

    1. I know how.some of u feel. I basically see 7+ number sequences a day and it has gotten to the point of like no big deal. But I have a theroy that maybe in thos numbers lies legendary numbers. I'm going to start keeping track of the patters and start trying to figure this stuff out :-)

  20. I keep making the wrong decisions n I keep having ppl I trusted rob me n my son n hurt us emotionally I do not understand at this point why everytime i open my heart I get hurt. God pleas let us make it Through this n live a life Full of God n Love Amen

  21. My ex msg me today invited me for dinner on the 15th of June 2013. I am so confuse if i should go or not then when i look on my pc i saw the time and its 5:55 pm. I quickly check it here and found out what does it mean. Now i know what to do. Ill see him on that day and will just go with the flow.

  22. I see patterns of 3 numbers every day. Not necessarily in order but 444, 111, 999, 222, and the other day I was trying to decide if I was supposed to buy a pair of glasses for just my son ($1000) or just for him. I decided to buy just the glasses for him and wait until next month to purchase mine. The cashier asked me for $555. I was wondering if that was a sign that I did the right thing or if I should have just gone ahead and purchased both right there instead of living in fear that we wouldn't have enough money. Any ideas?

  23. I meant to say $1000 for me and my son, or just for him (up there)

  24. also just realized your title name was I need a job....huh coincidence? wow

  25. I always get nervous when I see 5's, because every time I do, bad things happen. They always end up working themselves out, but they are bad none the less. I've seen a lot of 55's, 555's and 5555's this past week. I've already had one bad thing happen and I'm hoping nothing more bad happens. Am I making matters worse for myself by letting my stomach get in a knot when I see 5's??? Should I just trust that everything will be alright? I have a lot of financial stress on me right now and I'm working my tail off to get caught up on some things that have me very stressed, plus have some other things I'm dealing with. The "other thing" are what already happened this week to a loved one. But, am I making things worse for myself by getting so stressed in anticipation of what's to come? I should add that I don't always get stressed when I see 5's, only sometimes.

  26. This year, 2013, has been a very, very difficult year for us (deaths and calamities to the extreme of appearing comical). It culminated yesterday when we had to put down our 13 year old dog. Later, after the burial, I got into my car. The odometer read 100555, and the time on the clock said 555. This morning the first document I saved on the computer stopped at line number 999.

  27. I just found out that my crush that I've been crushing on for the past year and a half still doesn't like me, so i got pretty depressed today and school became literally a living hell :(, i got in trouble for stupid things and had a rough time concentrating but then when we got our locker numbers I was the only one that got a locker with a repeating number, and that number was 555, and when i read this blog or document it made me so happy that i have angels watching out for me. Im not christian (im new age but i believe in angels) so i thought i was left for dead but this just makes me super happy that there will be a fresh start heading my way. ^-^ Thank You SO Much for making this article! Oh! and I also cant forget to say thanks to my angel(s) for the sign!
    (V V)/
    V V
    Peace, Love, Laughter! ~Alleykat

    1. :( aawww my cat got deformed in the publishing >_< XD

  28. I never see 555 but last night it popped up out of nowhere at a very intense moment. My 18 year old daughter decided to sneak off to a neighbors house down the road to stay the night with a boy she hardly knows. This house has raised a lot of attention with the traffic, loud, obnoxious noise, and groups of young people hanging out on the street. When I realized it I felt strongly to go outside and meet this man for myself. As I was headed through the front yard my neighbor was approaching as well. Her first question was,"you're not going to let your daughter leave with him are you?" I was shocked! Who did she think she was anyway? She then informed me that 3 neighbors had just called her and the police were on their way as a result of an incident I was unaware of. I knew this could be bad. I told my daughter that I didn't think it was a good idea for her to go there. This didn't go over well especially when she remembered that she is now 18. Finally I was able to persuade her not to go on this night at least and they said they're goodbyes and she stormed off to her room. After a few moments I approached her to discuss what had just transpired trying to get her to understand. Her alarm clock had apparently unplugged at some point and was flashing a random time and when I looked up at it, it said 5:55. This was around 9 or 10pm. I am still unsure what it means but I know that this instance was significant since I have rarely put my foot down on things. I am grateful to have found your website and for the interpretations. Thank you! -Lorri

  29. how about 666, is it angel code too?

  30. I keep seeing 888 999 555 and me and my girlfriend have been trying so hard to work things out. Things are getting better slowly but surely. But why do these ending numbers keep popping up on me??? Is it really time to let go of her? Or is it trying to tell me something else about something else going on in my life? i need help. I love my ladyso much and we are doing are best and its working. What are the angels trying to tell me?

  31. I have been struggling with a drinking problem. I keep sseing 59 and 55 and 555 everywhere. I got a DUI 9/26. I have been struggling with a lack of self-love. I realized after looking up the numbers that my Angels have been trying to warn me about the dangers I was facing. My own self-loathing was causing me to drink and the more I drank the more I hated myself and my life. I prayed for a heart-attack and begged God to take me "home". Now I no that I am a person worthy of love and being loved. I have been sober and am making more positive choices, now. NO MORE VODKA!!! I realize that unconditional love has to be for myself, as well. I am learning to love myself, unconditionally, and that means total sobriety. I'm starting to realize just who I may be...and what I want to accomplish. :)

    1. Wow I am on the path of sobriety and keep seeing the numbers 555 and 333.I sure hope I can stay sober and positive.I am so afraid.Afraid of losing everything from running from my pain and self by drinking.Your post help me tuff it up.thanks.

  32. I have four 5's in my first name, three in my middle name, and two in my last name. I have read about the two and three in a row, but what about four in a row?

  33. Im so confused right now as I currently work from home and my work hasnt paid me for 5 weeks and I am freaking out I have been trying so hard not to but it is getting really difficult for me. I am also a makeup artist on the side and I did a makeup job only to find out that that payment is late too I dont know if its meant to happen for a reason or if I am manifesting these negative things. The last time I saw 555 was when I left my job at the pub.

  34. THANK U SO MUCH !!..... BUT I JUST SAW ANYTIME 555.... ????

  35. Something very significant has just happened in my life. My boyfriend confessed he made a mistake a year ago. Its not like he was unfaithful, but he did something we agreed should never happen. It hurt a lot...i mean this is the only hurtful thing hes ever done in 10 years. I always told myself if he should ever do what he did, it would be over only took 30 minutes for me to forgive him. Somehow i just had this unreal peace and security and i just held him in bed as he cried. I told him its okay and i just want him to be happy and not to condemn himself. We ended up connecting more happily than ever, and talking casually, only 2 hours later. Is this God telling me we will be together no mattee what? I didnt have to force the forgiveness. Any time there is a rather large issue, i end up in peace and we move on from it. Later that night at my house i saw 555 4 times in an hour. Maybe this has brought a chain of change? Maybe its that theres no secrets anymoee and so now we have a clean slate. An opportunity for a fresh start. Maybe that secret was why there was a negative aura around us, and now its gone. Im not sure...but even without the 555s, i knew something big was going to happen as a result. Finally some movement and change, just around the riverbend. I dont want to leave and and he doesnt want me to i guess thats what Gods telling me. We legitimately love eachother. the comments ive noticed 2 people referring to 8, 9, and 5 as a group. Funny, because the day before i found out, i saw specifically the number 895 seven or eight times! Which is unusual! I rarely see 3 digits unless its 111,222, etc. And now, i see 257 Everywhere. Anyway, thats my story lol. :-) God is here for us all, peace and love.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Most of the time when i see time in evening it was 4:44 or 5:55.I do not know what is this...????

  38. I have always been attracted to the number 5 ever since I could remember and would always count things out in fives. And least night was the first time I dreamt of 555 but it came in an odd dream where I was pregnant. I do not have any kids. I thought it was very unique.

  39. I have just recently started to pay attention to this nut today I saw 333, 555, 445, and 222 twice all in the same day what does that mean?

  40. So we moved our clocks one hour forward(daylight saving time) and something pretty incredible happened today. So first I saw the time 1555(digital clock), and exactly an hour later I saw 1555 again(another digital clock). The second time was on a clock that hadn't changed it's time yet(to 1655). It was so cool :).

  41. I love it!! Sitting next to my ex husband (soon to be ex) who I've been pining for today despite my better judgement. I'm thinking, "OK…nothing has changed I KNOW this isn't what I want, but his girlfriend calls and I'm just feeling all of these residual emotions from a dream I had last night and that pining is mixing with a bit of jealousy as they make plans to go out to eat with my girls…and I look at the phone in my hand and it's 5:55. I noticed 3:33, 4:44 and now 5:55 today so I googled it and got this page. It was so perfectly the exact message I needed in that moment!!!

  42. My daughter was born at 555....her id has 555 in it......I see 555 everywhere since her birth and have been through numerous changes since her gives me comfort :)

  43. I come here every time I see a sequence of numbers. I used look to see what the numbers mean after I've seen them at least 2 to 3 times. I started seeing 1234, 1111, 111, and Tuesday and Wednesday morning I saw 3:33am; and this even I saw 5:55pm. And I believe I saw triple 444 within the last month. I am hoping for a change because that last few years have been rough. It has been disappointment after disappointment and I do not know what to do to fix my situation so I welcome whatever is coming my way. I really do not want something that is negative to happen but if it make me better than I welcome it. Anything better than what is going on now.

  44. Its been 111>222>333>444>555>777>888 how many angels? Ascending masters....etc. are with me? I see as many as 2 to 4 daily confirmations. Red Cardinal twice in my back yard this year. Circling eagles in the sky. July 27 my birthday 2014 suggest the gates of Hades is opening... What's happening? Spiritual warfare? What? What? Huh? I'm glorious. How do I make it 10 fold?

  45. I dream 555. I use numbers as my guidance. one truth to follow iS that the numbers don't lie. I know my childrens conception as well as my birthing due date. you develop a relationship with your angels and the universes, its a divine blessing. faith is the key

  46. Hi rush-collection
    Thank you so much for your page. It has helped me out immensely.
    I purchased Theresa Caputos book, Theres more to life than this, and since then I have become more open to my Spirituality as well as God. At first I kept seei.g the numbers 111. I typed into google what this number meant and was directed to your amazing page. Then I kept seeing 222 then 333 and then 444. The info I read just made so much sense to me. Then the numbers 1111 came to me also and I realised I was on my right path. Just when I thought that was it until I saw the numbers 555 and now i know I am definitely where I should be. Thank you thank you thank you so much for all your help as I take and accept my Spiritual journey.
    God bless

  47. I find this extremely interesting because my first born daughter was born 5/23/2012 = 555. When she was born I had a lotus birth and she developed an infection in her navel, when I took her to the hospital I was charged with medical neglect and both her and my son have been removed from me for 2 years now. When will the reign of 5 end and my children returned? I need help...

    1. How do you get 555 from 5/23/12?

    2. 5/2+3/2+0+1+2 - 555

    3. Love everything as it is now, as it is right now . Drop all shame, guilt and blame , every bit , love you and the whole thing, ...then today and everyday feel the pleasure of having everything well, fine and corrected, healed.... and your babes with you now, having already created the right environment for them and you to live together. Then it will be revealed to you why this happened that you can help others in some way . Forgive yourself and all .ALL ..others in this play so you can see the bigger picture of your future gift and drop all resistance, so your desires in this and all areas in your life can find you and your calling of love, caring, and power will show up , you will want to fix, correct or be involved in some mission. You haven't done anything wrong , you have a heart and a part to play, move ahead as if you've been granted your wishes and be in the best possision to receive it xxx

    4. 5 isn't a bad number it means change and your mission , always a bigger global or humanitarian heart felt mission , its walking your walk

  48. I saw these numbers today when feeling unsure of my next steps. My heart knows what it wants, but my mind is not clear. But now I know it will all come together!

  49. I was on another site when this site caught my eye with the numbers 555 as the Angel numbers knowing that was my mom an dad's numbers on their house i had to come check it out i never new that 555 meant that! My Mom an Dad's old address where they made their home for the last 30 year's of there life was 555 w tropicaina made me thank of the old homestead Dad left us in 2010 Mom in 2003 they were married over 50 years...

  50. Well,

    I went through a long term break up w/kids.. I was the receiver on it.. Anyway after a month passed I decided to get back into my hobby... Then one time about 2motnhs after the breakup I
    The First numbers I saw was 444.. One morning. I woke up early so I decided to go for a walk.. I walked around my block.. I was gonna go back to my place but decided to keep walking.. I stopped and check my phone for the time.. It was 4:44 a.m. ... And I put my phone back in my pocket and I looked up .. The building in front of me had the number 444 in huge font on the side.. I was like wtf... Hahaha I didn't know of the numbers then .. I posted it on Facebook like what does this mean??? and a friend pointed me to this site.. I didn't get it at first.... Then one day I would check the time at work on my cell (I keep it in my pocket) I check it at 2:22 p.m. , 3:33 p.m. and 4:44 p.m. ... It was crazy and I checked the numbers it was really weird... And the night before that happened I was wondering about my life.. Like if i am doing OK about the kids and my life .. I was praying to my deceased father (passed away in Dec) asking these questions.. And I guess someone answered me..

    The weirdest account was.. Recently on Tuesday
    .. My ex finally got her stuff out of my place... It was really awkward... Her mother was here also...I had my phone in my room charging... I have was cooking at the time...
    I went to go get my phone to check it .. And it was exactly 5:55p.m. I thought that was really odd of a time to catch.. It just stood out... So I checked right there.. And I just started laughing to myself.. Like WoW!!! How is this number showing up that resembles "necessary changes and letting go of the old" showing up right at the moment of the situation??? I freaked out by it... But now I am a real believer in these numbers because of that...
    Recently I been getting 11:11 as well...

  51. I was born at 5:55. With candle light as my mother had Eclampsia. According to the doctor, she should die and i had 33.3% possibility to survive. We both went through it... It happened at an Summer morning, just before dawn.

  52. I just quit my stressful job yesterday and I woke up at 5:55am this morning. I plan on relocating to another state, but I was scared. Now I believe that I'm making the right decision. :)

  53. I was thinking of New Years Eve last year with ex who is currently the father of our baby. I looked at the time and there it was 5:55. I knew right then it meant something. Idk what the future holds but I trust the angel numbers. I really hope we can reconcile and be one happy family. Thank you! :)

  54. Sometimes the 5s can be a call for an attitude change more than an alert that something dramaticly new (in clear physical form) is just about to cross our paths. When our or someone's close to it attitude changes just that enough in a non-working situation, change for the best becomes possible. Either the "old" unsatisfactory situation can then be "re-booted" to serve our soul purpouse better (by letting it be newly experienced a totally new light) or.. The attitude change then gives us the courage we need to go and change pretty much everything there because of the clearer view in it we just woke up to. We should then be able to more clearly realize what things to focus on in a change calling situation. If then - still, the things related seem clearly "not for us", we should then have more faith, by quidance, to take the bull by the horns to make all change necessary. Trust you now have what it takes! (: Attitude is one huge changing force <3 So, if you see 5s alot but feel like on a treadmill, you can maybe give this perspective a thought and let the -originally designed for you- things happen for the best <3

  55. Even see 555 in the pageviews 37,451,555, it wont leave me alone now haha :P

  56. Hi rush-collection, I love your blog. I am finding so many answers here. Thank you so much

  57. I woke up early this morning and glanced at the was 5:55am. I knew there was a message in it for me. Thanks for the information, it's been really helpful. x

  58. If three people form a triangle and each give two high fives in the air. How many 5's is that and how many points of contact? I'd like to see three people jump up and high five simultaneously....

  59. I got my first and only tattoo of the cross and the name Jesus in the middle when I was 15..that's 5+5+5=15..idk if that could count..MY NAME IS AARON MICHAEL POTEET

  60. I am seeing this number to, And I have contemplated on ending the relationship that I am in.

  61. Thank you all for your comments. It's awesome that we are blessed to have this page. Thank you rush-collection.

  62. Thank you rush-collection for this page.

  63. I see this number a lot when I look at my clock or phone. I can't for the life of me figure out what I need to get rid of or what's not serving purpose in my life.

  64. Hi rush-collection, I had a great and very vivid dream this morning. 5 and 55 was very evident.

    In the dream, four people and myself (5) went to a place of healing (pretty sure that's what it was) each person cost $55 to stay there. There was a exercise room which I loved and a tall slim man in another room who was trying to get tablets out of the packet and I found this very amusing and I laughed so much that I woke myself up, still laughing. That was wonderful.

    I think I had this dream because it's time for me to make some permanent changes. Exercising to lose weight to help me look and feel better and I also need to stop taking my pain tablets.

    I have been seeing triple 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for a few years now and have only just recently started listening to the Angel messages and they always prove to be correct. Also, I have never dreamed about numbers before either so I think it's time I changed a few things.

    I appreciate the guidance I receive from your site. It helps me to know where I am being guided by the Angels.

    Thank you so much xx

  65. I stayed up all night thinking about which choice I would take in life and praying so bad for signs even asked my angels for help and then I felt like someone touched my feet while I was sleeping and then heared a falling thing outside the room like someone is trying to wake me up and each time before I open my eyes, I see 555. And my question have an answer now. Thank you! :)

    1. Thank you so much for your angel wisdom :-)
      My cellphone number ends in 555. I do realize i'v gone thru many changes since i'v hd this no. Which is quite a few years now....lately iv bn clutter clearing too...jus donating a lot of old feels good to let go. :->

  66. I saw 555 after my mother in law said that will be me after seeing a car crash in a race? I don't know how to drive (will be learning soon) and don't have a car. Not sure what this means. I'm kinda scared

    1. first go take drivers ed. then go have someone who knows what they're doing help you get a car. then drive as far away as fast as you can safely travel away from your mother in law and her child, who is your current spouse. Then everything will be fine.

  67. I just saw a bright light for a split second right side peripheral vision (angel) and i looked at the clock it was 5:55 and this resonates with me SO strongly because i was JUST thinking about moving out 1 minute ago

  68. I just want you all to know that these little blessings are all designed to lead you to Jesus.

  69. Soooo I am so excited about this number. I see it all the time. I ended up winning 555 on a scratch off! it was great! Looking at changing positions at work. I am kinda scared but this reassures me that everything will be fine! Loved reading the comments.

  70. I will pray for you and your son. God bless.

  71. Wonder why mine won't post. I'll try again. See 555 every time I have a relationship problem or think about past relationship. That's what I get from 555.

  72. I have been seeing this number once in awhile now because for some reason Im too busy seeing the number 44 everywhere. I just googled the 555 meaning and am pleased to know what it means. But please share how do you know this is what 555 means? Why are all the numbers so positive?

  73. I'm terrified to see this #. A few years ago, I saw it everywhere. I was automatically waking up in the middle of the night and would look at the clock and it would be 5:55. Soon after this began, my mom was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. I continued to see this number everywhere, license plates, addresses, everything...right down to the address of a hotel that had been randomly chosen for me on priceline. My mom died less than 7 months after her diagnosis. Other strange things had happened before her diagnoses as well, my hair was falling out in gobs, similar to what my mom went through during chemo. When I see this number I think of death. I think it's a warning, mostly of things the can not be stopped.

  74. A new Beginning Thank you Angels for looking out for me I saw 555 for the first time this morning, before that I saw 222 for the last 18 yrs now I feel happy and peace in my Heart and excitement and success ahead of me.

  75. I woke up at 5:55am to use the bathroom, and thought it was wierd. Before preying for a new job, supporting the family with art, so it kind of makes sense about timing now.

    Now I woke up this morning at 4:44am. I wonder if the angels are speking to me in numbers, songs, and shocking my bodying in conversation. Well my eyes are open, let the adventure begin!

  76. I was harassed again at work, The anger I am holding onto is killing me. I lay down, finally to get some sleep, lol yeah, I look at my phone, and the digital clock is 555. I've been saying I dont believe in the bible anymore, God, or any of my Catholic beliefs, 8 Years of hate, and jealousy, stupidity, I feel like I'm not gonna make it through this. The devil is on my back and I can't shake him off.

    1. If you haven't already done a new job search, then it's time to start looking Hon. trust me, I've been in your shoes and hAve gone through a series of bad jobs with shitty Co-workers and supervisors. 555 is message from your angels that it is time for you to move on....the best of luck to you!!

    2. Evil likes to attack so that it can get under your skin and consume you. In my belief, The presence of the divine wisdom will deliver you from pain if you allow it, by listening closely and following your guidance.In life we will be torn down, but only to become strengthened so that our passion grows in great proportions, enough to give you the will power to make the neccissary changes that you know in your heart need to happen.

  77. I also speak Japanese. Japanese for the number 5 is "go". Every time I see 5:55 on the clock, I think "Go! Go! Go!" So reading this interpretation of 555 was quite interesting since the main message is let GO. Hello by the way! Be grateful -- no matter WHAT. You can do it! You can do anything. Know this to be true.

    1. I never respond to comments, but something kept bringing me back to yours.

  78. 2.12.11
    12-11-2= -1
    2+2 =4. 1+1+1=3.
    4+3 = 7
    4-3 = 1
    Interesting numbers

  79. 1111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 1234, why do these numbers keep popping up on me.. strange

  80. Hi I have 5 letters in each of my names (sir name,middle name and last name) I am also seein 5:55 it cant be coincidence. Is there really more to it. I am also kinda spiritual I see things happen before they happen (dajavu) its like everything is connected (destiny n purpose)

  81. This is a very accurate description of my present situation. Almost all of every number description on Sacred Scribes has correctly predicted my future or explained my present situation.

  82. I can't thank you enough rush-collection for this fantastic site, I have first noticed 333 number after my husband and I lost both our jobs on the same day in 2013, we used to work in the same company, I would wake up every morning and switch on my laptop ( searching for jobs) at exactly 3:33am , it happened few mornings until I started to take notice, this lead me to your website, since then I have been seeing all kinds of repeating numbers and combinations, 1111,444,222 1221...etc., Thank you rush-collection and Thank you my angels and spirit guides

  83. Two days in a row, I saw 11 11 and then the next day I saw 555, that same night I had a symbolic dream as well, with the theme being that the negative people and things in my life have been holding me back from happiness and prospering, along with the feeling that I'm ready to move forward. Although, I feel a change coming from within and I've spent a great deal of my free time reflecting on myself, certain challenges and my faults in an honest, unbiased manner; I still fear for what changes lie ahead for me. "Going with the flow" has never been my strong point.

  84. I've been seeing 55, 555, 5555 a lot lately. The message is basically the same in all 3 but eye opening nonetheless. I am recently divorced, letting go of the old. I understand that seeing 11:11 means that your soul mate/twin flame is near. Is this true?

  85. I just paused at this time on a clarity meditation on youtube, and it seems very fitting as i have just come out as trans. Thank you :)

  86. If you're 555, I'm 666

  87. A few yrs ago I kept seeing 12:34 and 5:55 and I wasnt sure what it meant so I got out my bible and hunted these numbers and it brought me to Romans 12 1:21 and now every time I see 12:34 I stop and pray no matter what Im doing even if Im in the middle of a conversation, eating, watching tv and now here just recently Ive been seeing alot of triple numbers thats why I googled them and I found this site

  88. This blew my mind this morning....the angels have been showing my primarily sequences of 8's with increasing everywhere....last week I felt this strong urge that change was on the any moment. ...but on guys will not believe this....I walked to the top of my stairs to go down and something said go back....I walked back for like 30 secs....turned and walked down....HERE IT COMES was 5:55...I saw it on 5 clocks....and....wait for lingered....when the time changed it was 5:57...on all the clocks....

  89. I have been seeing 555 for the last three months and I understand that it means huge life changes are occurring in a pattern. My music career is taking off and I am surrounded by blessings. It has been 5 months since my awakening and I love it.

  90. I've being in a funny situation since the beginning of the year but only recently I'm feeling so hurt by it and it's got me really down she did not want me anymore in her life last Friday I went for a walk had a good cry and screamed out to my deceased mother (God rest her soul) please help me why me..well later that nite I got a text I went for my phone it was 22.22 later in bed I woke up checked the time it was 1.11 and a few hours later I woke up for work early at 5.55 went to work I was on the computer opened this page and 99.99 was there in front of me a few days later on a Monday nite I was a bit down prayed to my mother that nite and woke up next morning at 5.55 I checked out this particular sequence and it gave me renewed hope for the future also I had a psychic reading done a week earlier and she told me the very same things as the sequence 5.55. I really and truly want to believe all this will come true for me rush-collection....believe is my motto

  91. Thank you so much. That is exactly what is happening in my life. I will trust in the flow and direction it takes me. Be blessed!

  92. My ex girlfriends number ends in 2013 we finished ages ago but I still see them numbers everywhere like when I ask to borrow my mates phone ill realise the time it will be 20:13 or ill have a sleep and ill wake up on a random one and it'll be 20:13 it gets kinda weird sometimes it happens all the time

  93. I'm wondering about consecutive numbers. Does anyone know about that? Today was 333, yesterday was 444, and the day before was 555. Is there any significance to this or am I just over thinking things?

  94. At various times of the day, I get the impression of various nos sometimes 21,28,24.48.can you explain the significance of these nos.

  95. You have created something truly inspirational with this website, may you get all the blessings from the universe you deserve for spreading such beautiful wisdom and hope.

  96. I been seeing 555 in clocks. I'm not looking for it neither. My boss says everything happens for a reason. Then 555's been popping up. I'm not sure I like my current job, but I have been preying and going with the flow.

    I'm just worried about supporting my one yr old daughter. She and my wife mean a lot to me. I would love a job in art, teaching, movies, video games, museums, etc. I'll see where555 takes me

  97. I also end a year old relationship. Twin flame and need to let go of 3d love from my end. He is still stuck to his ex but he still says he loves me and does not want to let me go. But I have seen 111,222,333, and 444 is the last few weeks right before I end our relationship. Now that it ended I was woke up this morning and saw 5:55. I also think I might be pregnant. I am ready to face all that needs to be.

  98. Well it is confirmed that 555 can represent either good change or bad change. On Sat 11/28 shortly after seeing the number 555 on my cell while I was stopped at the gas station. I havent seen this particular number in a while so I said out loud that I hope this number is going to represent positive change. After leaving the gas station, I was rear ended in a hit and run car accident just four miles away. I'm okay and so are the other three cars that were damaged as a result of this negligent lady who had caused the accident. My car is now totaled, and I am currently waiting to hear back from my insurance rep to give me the final value of the car...after looking closely at the back of my car, reality set in that I had a pretty close call. If that lady had gone any faster, I could've suffered some pretty serious injuries. Luckily I was wearing my orgone ring when the accident occured.-I'm not an expert on orgones, but I did feel protected while wearing it. Not trying to alarm or scare anyone with my little story... just sharing my recent experience..Namaste ��

  99. I enjoy reading your numeral meanings as I too know the angels well. However, some that comment on here forget who is really running their lives, the soul purpose is driven from within, an individual must rely on their own intent purely and clearly in order to bring visualizations into their personal reality. The angels are always around to help show you guidance, sometimes in numerical sequence. But ultimately it is up to you to make life changes, just because you see this number does not always mean it "WILL" happen, depends on the context of your intent and if YOU are actually propagating positive change and bringing light into your life. Blessings

  100. @ anonymous 19.12.15 hate to stop you in your tracks. We are just sharing experiences on this site. I understand personally we all need to make a change and it's not jussssst going to happen.

    Relax. What we can't share stories? And how far up did you read? Go and enjoy your holidays....

  101. Moving on, finally. Thank you rush-collection for helping! :)

  102. I have a new cp number ending in 5558. I hope this is good?

  103. So I saw this number come up once when I was speaking to a new gentlemen who came into my life. he is an amzing guy . two weeks ago I was depressed about losing my child father who seemed he couldn't get it right . Then I see this number 555 while I was talking to this gentleman and now as I am reading this. This is a sign that this is the guy for me and he was "replacing the old and he is the new". I have been seeing numbers that my angels have shown me and they have been right on. No doubt

    Im so looking forward to the future.

  104. I have been seeing the numbers for over 3 years now. The Angels have been with me through trying periods of my life with constant encouragement and support. I have had abundant blessings! I believe the Angels are guiding us on our divine life paths as light workers. It is our duty to make a positive impact on the lives of others. They are bringing us messages from God and instructions on our life paths. Thank you Angels and the best of luck to all of you light workers out there! Hugs**

  105. I have been seeing the Angel numbers for over 3 years and have had constant encouragement and support through trying periods of my life. They have blessed me abundantly and continue to send reminders several times a day. The Angels are sending us messages from God to create a positive impact on the lives of others in our divine life paths. Thank you Angels! Thank you rush-collection! And Best of Luck to all of you Light Workers! Hugs**

  106. #rush-collection:
    Thank you for giving us great insight! Here is my question directly to you.

    Does 555 mean something big is about to happen, and do I keep my attention and accept it? This is what I got from reading it.

    Readers please don't chime in. I'd like to hear from rush-collection directly.

    I am just trying to make sense why I see 5:55 am/pm and now on receipts. I know I complain about my job, and I been applying for new jobs for the last (3) years, so I feel this is my focus for 555.

  107. 5:55 pm was the exact time I was answered via text from a friend who I had some karma issues to go through.

    My text prior to the answer was ending our interaction as it was harmful and detrimental to the direction I am going in with my life.

    His text was so full of compassion and love and support for ending this chapter from my life, coming from the very person I was ending it with!

    I feel the resonance of your insights towards numbers and my Life. Thank-you for your life and spirit affirming words!

  108. 555 has now been coming up a ton. I been writing a bit on this site, so readers please (now chime in).

    Since I last wrote. (1.18.16), I have seen 555 in: am time, pm time, receipts, uno game: students and I did colored 5,5,5 cards & when I didn't have that red card I drew a 5 again, but still no big event has happened, but it is job related.

    So now, I took it a bit further. I started looking at free horoscope websites: yahoo (good one), then compared it to 10 other free sites. All site said the same thing: March is going to be a big month, something will present itself to me that will not be ignored, renovations will be done (wood floor is buckling in kitchen ;2(....) and will be sold in July. I will have a $$$ issue, but nothing big.

    I know now a job change will occur (it's needed), and I am excited for this. To everyone else reading and writing here. I have a few things to say, and this is my point of view. I'm not a big believer of horoscopes, numberology, IChing,etc. I have been focusing on finding my faith with God, due to the term oil in my life happening. On the other hand, I do feel I need to understand the things around me that everyone takes for granted or don't understand like numberology. rush-collection, thank you for making the puzzle pieces for us to hook together. To everyone else, good luck, I know our lives are unique, different/same, and struggling too. I hope the best for everyone, and we all get on a better track in life, but understand why we were all on it in the first place.

    Best wishes,


  109. Thankyou for this!
    My mum has struggled with bi-polar for the last few years and last night she tried to take her life again overdosing, I've been trying to help her but without knowing it have been almost been encouraging her bad thoughts saying 'it's ok' and stuff, it's gotten to the point where without knowing it she relies on me that much that she guilt trips me into 'helping' her. It's not helping her and it's been weighing on me and dragging me down for a long time, last night she kept telling herself I don't care at all at about her and that she 'can't help only seeing negative' that it's 'just the way she is'
    I've seeing 222's for the last 3 weeks a lot, then 33 and 333's the last 2 days as I've realised, and now 555's
    It is time to let go of the past and break old habits, find a new perspective and new ways of thinking outside the box, there is always hope for all of us, and you can't fix a problem with the same thinking that created it xx peace, love and light

  110. Hello , I keep seeing this number recently and other number sequences as well 222 333 1111. I recently am trying to get with my ex of 3yrs . There is some resistance on her part . She seems to want a future with me and claims to still love me . This number situation has started happening a few weeks ago . It's beginning to become very annoying as something or someone is trying g to tell me something . I would like your opinion and or advice to what this is .

    Thank you


  111. Hello , I keep seeing this number recently and other number sequences as well 222 333 1111. I recently am trying to get with my ex of 3yrs . There is some resistance on her part . She seems to want a future with me and claims to still love me . This number situation has started happening a few weeks ago . It's beginning to become very annoying as something or someone is trying g to tell me something . I would like your opinion and or advice to what this is .

    Thank you


  112. Hi , I gave been seeing this number . Along with others 222 333 1111. I recently am involved in getting back together with my ex . She seems to be quite resistant but we do talk about our future and our love together .this started happening 2-3 weeks ago . it has become almost annoying . As if something or someone is trying to get threw .I would like you opinion or advice

    1. 2222 keep moving forward...
      333 is like a yes..what questions are you asking in your mind..1111 is like a new beginning...444 is a no...ask your questions and see what answers you get..

  113. I'm so lost I was in a accident a couple of mins ago, Nd when I changed into another vehicle I decided to check an online job I do and for the first time I saw the number 555. The funniest thing is I was not even aware that I double clicked on the number, only to find myself on this page....I'm so happy that I came across the number 555 and this page. I can feel positive energy already

  114. I don't know what to do now. I saw 555 today and I am not sure what it refers to. Yesterday I decided to give my relationship another go. I was ready to give it up but after discussing it with my fiancé he convinced me to give him another chance and I did. Not sure what my angels are referring to by showing me this number sequence. Was it a good decision or not...I'll have to wait for another sign now.

  115. I've been seeing 555 lately, several times, and this morning again, just when I was about to have my pregnancy test. It was positive, I am pregnant! But, it would be my third child, and would cause a lot of changes and sacrifice, I'm not sure I am ready for. My children are both under 4 years old, and my husband does not help me as much as I would like. Although I see this as a great gift, I am not sure is it wise to keep it?

    1. In your heart you know what the truth is...

    2. Great gifts are given to those who deserve great gifts, which means those should keep great gifts!!! Sacrifice is a part of living earthy life, I see it in many life stories. Somewhere above the book of life is being written for each of us with situations, happenstances, tests etc., sometimes it makes us happy, or mad...and we ask WHY?
      Peace to all, Halina

  116. Not too long ago I was seeing '222' as in 2:22 am/pm. It felt like my attention was been drawn to the clock/watch at the exact time.

    I am beginning to see '555' as in 5:55 am/pm. Around the time that I began to pay attention to these numbers I was making a career move (pretty much looking for a new job) and still looking. Now I am not sure what these all mean.

    I am keeping a positive mind and looking forward!!

  117. Hi thank you for giving me guidance. Every day randomly I am seeing a set of nos coming to you blog. Reading the message from my angels. Thank you so much for helping me to understand my soul purpose. :)

  118. I ask my Dad what his favorite number was! Obviously thought It was going to be 47! Or any number with 47. He took a minute He's Schizophrenic so he zoned out. A second later..... 5 5 5!!

  119. I see number patterns a lot,thankyou so much for your page, it is always spot on and so helpful.

    Two weeks ago I signed up for a course that is way more money than I would normally spend and a big step out of my comfort zone. It will lead to me being able to work for myself more rather than organisations. It was a spur of the moment decision that I would usually freak out about afterwards and beat myself up about but I just knew it was the right thing to do. Despite this as I was about to get in my car for a 45 minute drive, I asked to see a car with a triple number number plate to validate that I had done the right thing. The financial side is a bit scary. Well 10 minutes later I still hadn't had my confirmation, so I asked for a yellow car with triple number on number plate. Yellow is not a car colour I often see. Funniest thing happened, second car that came towards me was a yellow car (taxi) again not common as I was in a rural area, and the number plate had 555 on it. I really did laugh out loud and say a million thank yous.

    I've only just read 555 on here. Again more thank yous it is just perfect.

  120. Hello,i realized that i am seeing number sequences in 2014,didn't pay much attention as i do now,,i started seeing 555 number plate cars everywhere and after 2 weeks i got a job after being unemployed for along time,i kept seeing the 555 for the next 4 weeks,after which i was fired from my job because my boss was forcing me to move money i hadn't received and i stood firm and refused.After i was fired,i kept seeing the 555 and now am just confused!!!I KEEP SEEING 12:12,14:14,13:13,on the clock,and 777 on car plates

  121. Everytime I see 666 repeatedly for a couple of months someone new in my family or close circle have passed away in the last 5 an half years. My mom, dad, sister, brother, cousin, and friend who i also look at as a mom have all passed. I keep seeing this number again and I am terrified.

  122. A few weeks ago I had a heart attack. Just a few minutes ago I was thinking about the situation and the time, date, etc... It turns out when adjusting for time zone, it occurred virtually to the hour that I turned EXACTLY 55.5 years old. 55 years and 6 months to the hour. Weird. And earlier that day, while on a mini-vacation, my wife shot a photo of me and I was covered with sun rays... 2 prominent rays are passing directly over my heart. Someone suggested I was being protected... In any event, the heart attack has forced me to make a lot of changes to my life. Coincidences? Maybe... certainly something to think about.

  123. Thank you so much. I truly appreciate it!

  124. Thank you, so much! I truly appreciate it!

  125. I've had my mind on this girl for a couple months I've been wanting to get with her and she has a boyfriend when she I saw pics of her with her boyfriend it made me realize that she was happy with him and that's when I saw 5:55 but I don't want to give up on being with her though what do I do

  126. 2 of my friends and I are in a weight loss chat together and we started talking this morning a come to find out each of us had a significant 5 floating in our lives today. One of us had only 5 hours of work today. The other had only 5 patients at the nursing home she wotks for today. And i had found ouy this morning that i haf lost 5 lbs this week. So my friend decided to look up 555 and boom. It confirms that big changes are are coming for her and us :)

  127. I have been seeing triple numbers for about 2 years after having a dream about Jesus, Archangel Michael. Earlier today, I was driving and thinking about a bothersome situation in my life. I saw a car ahead and it had 444 on the license plate. I knew the angels were around so I asked for another sign that everything would work out in my favor. Not even 20 seconds later, I pulled up behind 444 at a red light. To the left of me a car pulled and it had 555 on the license plate!! I see these numbers all the time but to experience that felt like a miracle. I knew the angels had answered me! I smiled and kept driving pulling into the grocery store parking lot 5 mins after that. What did I see? The exact same vehicle that had 555 on it minutes earlier. What I didn't understand is I went the shortcut to get to the grocery store and the 555 vehicle took a longer route yet somehow the car was already parked when I passed by it in the parking lot. I'm amazed. When it comes to these numbers, there are no coincidences. I see them up to 40 times a day and when I ask the angels for a sign, I get it immediately. I love you angels!

  128. I saw 555 the other day on a licence plate along with my future initials...I found it interesting so I decided to look it up.

  129. I see 111 very frequently.. What does that mean?

  130. I'm not really into numerology, and am pretty skeptical by nature in general, but this was very strange. To say that I have been feeling lost as of late would be an understatement. I have an illness that doctors cannot seem to diagnose and this week test results that indicate that it may be more serious than I was initially led to believe.
    This morning I stood for a good bit of time looking at my reflection in the mirror in the grey, pre-dawn light and had a hard time recognizing myself. With a heavy heart, and almost complete absence of hope, I walked back into my room and saw that my headphones had fallen onto my keyboard and punched the number "555" into the google search bar. Stranger still, my headphones had managed to fall in such a way that they punched in the number AND hit "enter" to initiate the search (at least that is what I assume happened because I didn't actually see or hear y headphones fall on my keyboard). This website was the first search result so I clicked on. Needless to say, this entry spoke to me and gave me hope, but greatly unsettled me due the strange way in which I was led to it.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story! Perhaps the number was shown to you to maybe redirect your search for cure (not traditional medicine but intense spiritual healing), and/or expand your understanding of the world. Just a thought. Peace to all. Halyna

  131. I hope there is some truth to this. I've been waking up to seeing 5:55 and have been seeing it in the evenings as well. In fact, I actually called it this morning. I woke up and picked up my phone and said to myself it's 5:55, it was. I've been reading this to try to keep my strength and believe that some change is coming. My life is so wrecked and that I'm in a very difficult and dark place. Suicide is a daily thought, I even worked out the logistics. However, I can't seem to fully give up and do it. I sure hope something works out soon. I need help to survive this excruciatingly difficult time.

    1. Hello there, please wait and see that things will change, it will never be only like you have it now!This will pass! The world will go on despite whatever, and good things will come your way!!! Listen to what invisible powers are saying, showing to you! You are stronger than you think you are! Accept the gift of seeing these codes, it`s not for nothing! Peace

    2. Hi Halina,

      Thank you so much for your encouragement. I'm a little embarrassed that I broke down and admitted my fears and weakness. But, in truth...I was reaching out for any help for I feel I have none. The last three months have taken me to emotional lows I have yet to experience. Hopefully I'm at the bottom, or as far as it's going?

      A lady I knew not long ago said she thought I was physic. Not sure why, but I think it was few things that I quizzed her about and I may have been accurate? I'll never know, because she told me what she wanted me to hear. However, with her comment of such, I may have been right? Regardless, I don't feel physic or anything else. I am just tired of working through these hard times.

      I guess the real reason I am writing is to thank you; just that someone is hearing me, means a lot to me. It's nice to have someone actually say something encouraging for once and not condemning me. Moreover, the other reason I am writing is as of yesterday, a very difficult business deal I've been working on for many year's seems to have turned a corner for the better. If so, and this deal concludes soon as it now appears, my life will indeed change in a huge way. I just hope that all the sacrifices, heartaches, humiliation, suffering and financial loss, will be worth what I have had to go through to create this opportunity. Only time will tell. Which, I am willing to give to see this through.

      So, thank you again. I wish you God speed in your services to humanity. You are blessing many with this site. I am not one to accept blindly numerology, or most things that can't be explained. But, there is something going on above, or around me that I don't clearly understand. Hence, my need to understand my faith and learn some spiritual awareness.

      Bless you and Namasta! :)

    3. (your name), Thank you for your reply! You are a strong person! Your answer says it.
      Admitting your weaknesses is a strength that a person has! (I hear this phrase everywhere and I agree! I disagree with “feeling embarrassed”)

      We get down, low in order to arise higher. If you think you are at the bottom, then the skies are your limits. (here I pass on the words of my friend-poet-philosopher)

      I think people see us through a different lens, not the same way as we see ourselves and know what/who are we. The woman said you are psychic, you certainly did or say something in a way that she would not hear it from other friends. She was/is able to distinguish your “specialty”, uniqueness.

      Unfortunately, I too see others and myself in situations that are hard and often not justly. (I often get angry in my thinking about hard paths that some people have to be on on this earth)

      I got really inspired by my 2 friends for what they went through and are going, and how they kept their straight line despite not being supported/protected/understood.
      It seems for some of us humans, life is about climbing the mountains of difficulties to just see another one to climb.

      I am very glad to hear about business deal. You are talking about hopes that humiliation , financial loss etc. will be repaid. Yes, we hope…
      I have difficulties staying on the path of hoping for what I would like to happen, somehow it does not happen…

      I guess the up above committee has different understanding of time, for us it takes for ever while up there it is just a few moments…

      I saw a quote by Jim Carrey “Not hope, but faith. Hope is a beggar”. This stirred some comments from one of the church parishioners. I kind of like the qoute and I think having faith is stronger then hoping.

      Faith – means you see the goal. Hope – you hope you can make it over to your goal. With faith - you kind of jump/leap from point A to point B. (well those are my thoughts, might be a bit disorganized)

    4. Continue...
      (Your name), You said: “I am not one to accept blindly numerology, or most things that can't be explained. But, there is something going on above, or around me that I don't clearly understand”

      I think the First Nation Chief will be happy if I share his comment to me regarding similar attitude:

      “”When you first started learning music it required change and overcoming great fears of not being able to do it. You overcame your fears and you transformed your musical abilities over time. How far one goes with their musical abilities is entirely up to their free will to change and transform.

      I decided that once I became aware of the gift of four specific codes 117/171/711/77 I came to a point in my life either I further investigate this gift or turn my back on it, I decided to make a very hard choice of accepting this gift. The codes eventually started to open new spiritual doorways of light. As my investigation continued I began to realize there were specific spiritual messages being shown to me. At that point fear of sharing this information with another human being was another fear I had to face. I faced it because of my love for our Creator and the desire to serve humanity at a community and global level. It never became an obsession which would have destroyed its spiritual purpose, I never decided to make money from this gift instead I decided to spiritually investigate this gift.

      One day I bravely decided to pick up the KJV of the Holy Bible and write down the words "and God said let there be light' (117/77) the numbers behind the letters brought forth the source of the codes and I felt better because sometimes you wonder about the source because of peoples fear based religious teachings, which was pounded into me by the Roman Catholic Church.

      This was a very big step in the right direction and a fearless light came over me to believe in the codes, the sacred source, the light and eventually understanding the messages the Creator wants humanity to understand which is basically we are way off track regarding the Divine Plan for humanity to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth and that a divine intervention is now in motion globally to correct our ways. 

      The codes verify the collapsing of our present civilization and rising of a new greater civilization, than humanity has ever known. The earth and the heavens will be transformed and changed for our own good. Change (11) and Transformation (66) which is 77 divinely verifies our future and a better world for our children. The codes come from the Creator I'm just one of His messengers, which I fully accept without any doubt. Investigating ones own truth is the free will given to us by our Creator, which operates within the Creators Predestined Will.””

      (Your name), it seems you know where you want to be and what to have. That is a very strong thing. Leap there. (yes, it is easy to type. I say to myself as well…)

      In my first comment wanted to share a song that my friend poet and myself wrote about worries…

      peace, HS

    5. HS,

      How am I to know if I'm seeing codes or something that's intentional for me to see? Honestly, if I think about numbers having some invisible meaning, it me think that I'm thinking crazy thoughts. The only reason I've made it to this point was out of continued coincidence of seeing consecutive sequence of numbers, 1 through 5. At first I assumed it was simply me looking at my phone often, but it just seemed too odd for it to happen often and via other divides, i.e. stove, microwave, workout equipment etc.

      I'm willing to be open minded and explore this further. However, I'm not exactly sure how to go about it. Is there away that I can contact you via another source whereby I can disclose my name?

      Thank you, MTN

    6. Here's an example from yesterday. I was working out at the gym riding a stationary bicycle when I picked up my phone to check email. It flashed 22 the date, the time was 2:22. The 2's were literally milliseconds apart. But here's where it get strange. I checked email finished with my phone set it down then looked display screen on bike, and it said I had 22:22 (22 minutes/22 seconds left on timer).

    7. HS, MTN.... everyone!

      I have been seeing a lot of triple digits such as: 1111, 222, 333, 444, and 555 (a lot!). I see most of these numbers in clocks, receipts, and license plates.

      I am just not sure why 555 and 1111 has been coming up a ton? I believe 555 is a BIG change coming, and 1111 is manifesting your thoughts into reality. Im starting to see 0000 now as well.

      What does this mean? Something big happening? I'm not scared, but more happy, like a child before Christmas Day. What does it all mean?

  132. Hello MTN, try this:
    I cannot tell you or others how to treat these numbers; what you described I experienced and almost every day do similarly, with 2s and 18, and other numbers...sometimes more intense as you shared sometimes it`s just one number, however I start realizing that before I saw the numbers I had some intense, or worrying thoughts, heard words, etc. )
    why do so many people are seeing such combinations? maybe we need to strongly ask (whom? I am not sure, angels I would suggest) to reveal what is it to me, to you, to others in these strongly I mean sincerely wanting to understand and being able to use it for the good of this world.
    It is amazing I think. It is very unique knowing from this website how many people are involved in seeing numbers. What are numbers in the universe anyways?what is the purpose? ah, too many questions... we need to know the big plan that we are involved in...
    yes, I have to come to an understanding of all of this myself...
    Interestingly, I started seeing numbers after the First Nation Chief shared his experience with 117 and the life phase was somewhat testing...
    Peace, HS

  133. Thank you HS! I will listen more to my surroundings and be patient. My mind is open and I am seeking to understand my faith, my purpose and how I will be a better spiritual person to assist and help others.

    God bless you...

  134. Thank you for the wealth of information provided here, it's my most trusted resource for interpreting Angelic messages. I have to say though - I love the validation, but am growing weary of waking up at 5:55am almost everyday! My physical body can rarely stay up to play with the grownups at night, dear AA's. Much love, light and blessings, rush-collection,

  135. Ya its wierd getting a mix of number sequences like 1111, 222, 555, 333.

    I understand 222,333 are angels and the ascended masters answering your prayers. 555 is a big change coming your way.

    Maybe the number sequence is all my prayers I been making to Heaven has answered my prayers about finding a new job, and the moment is coming soon!

    Guess I will have to find out!
