Sunday, September 18, 2011


Number 517 is a blend of the vibrations and attributes of number 5 and number 1, and the energies of number 7. Number 5 resonates with major life changes, making important choices and decisions, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, personal freedom and individuality, life lessons learned through experience and resourcefulness. Number 1 encourages you to step forward in your chosen direction/s, and reminds you that you create your own realities with your thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 1 also resonates with insight and inspiration, creativity and new beginnings, self-leadership and assertiveness, fulfilment and attainment. Number 7 vibrates with the mystical influences of peace, spiritual awakening, development and enlightenment, inner-knowing and understanding others, dignity and refinement, persistence of purpose and manifesting good fortune.

Angel Number 517 brings a message from your angels that the changes happening in your life will bring you into full alignment with your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Take the time to meditate and listen to your intuition as the angels are guiding you through life changes that are leading you towards wonderful new beginnings and opportunities. Trust that all is going to Divine plan in your life and you are fully supported in every way. You are encouraged to follow your intuition and the guidance from the angels regarding your next steps.

Angel Number 517 indicates that new opportunities will present in your life for you to take full advantage of and you are encouraged to explore the exciting new possibilities. Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and outlook and you will find that all will work out for your highest good. Go with the flow and ease into the new and different with confidence and enthusiasm.

Angel Number 517 is an indication that positive changes in your life have put you on the right track in regards to your life purpose and mission. The angels are most pleased with your life choices and chosen path as you have been doing wonderful work on the mental, spiritual and physical levels and finding success, helping yourself and others. The angels encourage you to continue with your positive affirmations and attitude as these are manifesting positive energies and opportunities for you.

Number 517 relates to number 4 (5+1+7=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you for this! I saw 517 four times today.

    1. Krazy Karma. It's my birthday too, and I see it continuously! I also thought maybe I would die on my birthday, not in a morbid way but kinda cool. This is way better!!!!

    2. bro me 2. i born in 2007 0517. and i keep seeing every single day. i thought im going to die in my birthday. but have seen any differences on your life?

    3. That crazy 5/17 is my birthday too.

    4. It is also my birthday and I woke up at 5:17 when I don't have to get up till 8am. I am constantly seeing the number. I hope the changes are coming soon. The guy that was born in 2007, Your birthdate adds to a Master number in numerology. Some considerate it the most powerful number. if you haven't already you should read up on it.

  2. I see 517 at least 4-6 times a week. It is also my birthday. I assumed this meant that this is the time that I will die.

    1. Funny I see it all the time too and it is also my birthday!

    2. I see it all of the time and it is my birthday too.

    3. I see it every day and it's my birthday too!

  3. Seeing the numbers of your date of birth is a reminder of the reason why you were born ... your life purpose. It is a nudge to get on with things and fulfill your spiritual destiny.

    It has nothing to do with death and dying.

    Sacred Scribes

    1. what does it mean when you keep seeing someone else's birthday number over and over?

    2. What does it mean when you keep seeing someone else birthdate over and over?

  4. This is amazing! 517 is my birthday and everytime I see the number a walm, calming feeling over takes me. I've been seeing it a lot lately. Multiple times a day. I haven been trying to figure what my angels have been trying to tell me, and this helps so much! Thank you so much for this!

  5. I also see this number a lot, mostly when i look at the clock. Typically not knowing what time it is... i glance over and see the number.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. 517 is also my birthday, and I have seen it everywhere since I was a child. It has always made me feel safe when no one else could. Its strange that we all have something in common :)

  9. Well happy belated birthday Tori17! :-) I'm still seeing the numbers on a daily basis! And now everything makes sense. I have been feeling unfulfilled in my job lately, and been thinking about taking that leap of faith to follow my dreams of becoming an author. Seeing these numbers is pure encouragement. Thank you so much rush-collection, this has changed my life

  10. Thankyou so much rush-collection, ive been see this number from year 2005 everynow and then and now i got to know what does all this number seeing means in my life,it was also my roll number back in my univeerstiy days,
    i just wanted to know one thing .. does this theory of number and guiding of angels have anything to do with your religion also? since i ama MUSLIM and i just believe in ALLAH and his blessed ANGELS that are sent by him to guide us.
    please reply

    1. Over the years I've had many people from all kinds of different religions and beliefs contact me regarding the numbers .... so I don't believe that someone's religion plays a part, but rather their individual inner spirituality and life purpose.


  11. I have been waking at 5:17 everyday for the past week. Thanks for the insight.

  12. Last night I had a terrible dream about demonic creatures trying to come into my house that I grew up in. In my dream I was chanting the number 517 to make the demons go away. I was delirious in my dream and was mixing up the combinations, but then continued to keep chanting '5-1-7'. The demons started backing away and I woke up. I told my boyfriend about this dream the next morning, he of course googled this. This website was the first link that popped up on google. When he sent me the link I had tears running down my face. Not of fear, but of pure happiness. I do not practice religion, but I felt it had strong correlation to my dream. Was this my angels telling me I am on the right path and the demons were a metaphor for my past? I'm unsure, but I just wanted to say thank you for this site. It makes me feel safe and gave me inspiration.

  13. Last night I had a terrible dream about demonic creatures trying to come into my house that I grew up in. In my dream I was chanting the number 517 to make the demons go away. I was delirious in my dream and was mixing up the combinations, but then continued to keep chanting '5-1-7'. The demons started backing away and I woke up. I told my boyfriend about this dream the next morning, he of course googled this. This website was the first link that popped up on google. When he sent me the link I had tears running down my face. Not of fear, but of pure happiness. I do not practice religion, but I felt it had strong correlation to my dream. Was this my angels telling me I am on the right path and the demons were a metaphor for my past? I'm unsure, but I just wanted to say thank you for this site. It makes me feel safe and gave me inspiration.

  14. Wow! Thanks for the insight, this week I have seen 517 jump out me about 4 times this week.

  15. I heard a long high pitch noise at 5:17pm that was so loud it stopped me from talking during the middle of my conversation. I constantly hear these noises but never know exactly what im hearing

  16. I heard a loud high pitch noise at 5:17 while I was holding a conversation with my boyfriend. It was so loud I stopped talking just to figure out where the noise came from. I always hear these high pitch noises In different intensities

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Everyday for the last week ive woke up at 5:17 what is the meaning of that

  19. This is very helpful. I almost want to print and frame this article. Every where I go for about one year I have been seeing 517. I see it at the office on my insurance claims, when I look at the clock, etc. I knew that it hat to have meant something but I just didn't know what. I have a book published and an organization that I would like to pursue so maybe seeing this number does have so validity to it. Thank you for this!

  20. Hi, Ms. Rush Collection I see 517 on the Clocks everyday like clock work no pun intended. I see it at 517am and 517pm no other times are seen only if I am consciously needing to know the time, it's also my DOB. I read your previous responses to others stating it signifies "To remind us that we are worthy and for one to find their purpose in life." My question is how do I figure out what my purpose is. I used to have a Purpose and wanted to help others so I joined the Medical Field as a RN and did so for 14 years. I have been sick with health issues and had to stop working in 2010. I feel lost without being able to work anymore. I not only feel as if I don't have a purpose anymore, but I also feel as if I don't know who I am anymore. I've been told I'm a Spiritualist and I myself feel my senses have heightened or maybe now I notice it more since I have so much free time to observe the signs. I get visions and sense things are going to happen and surely enough they do. I'm not sure what that means, but I'd really like to know if you can tell me how can I find out what my purpose is in this life now. Thank you! In Advance from 'A Lost Soul Wandering around Earth'

    1. Have a quick read of these couple of articles:

      Life Purpose and Soul Mission


  21. Oh My Ms. Rush Collection I took the liberty of calculating my Destiny Number. Wouldn't you know it fits me to the 'T'... This is the interpretation of my Destiny Number
    "The destiny is to serve humanity. The person sees where the spirituality of the world can be improved and works tirelessly to bring it about.

    The person tends to be intuitive, psychic, visionary, and inspired, and has an innate desire for harmony and impersonal perspective. Service as a diplomat, one who reconciles, a counselor, or a mediator are likely. The person enjoys exploring, inventing, writing, lecturing, and working with minute details.

    People of this destiny tend to be refined, spiritual, inspired, and have a vibrant personality."
    It couldn't be more truthful in regards to being Intuitive, Psychic Visionary visions and so forth. Not only is it correct but my name is listed in a book of baby girl names to be named with my name who are born in May, and back in the day my mother had no clue of what a baby book of names even was. I just wanted to share with you this information. Thank you again.

  22. rush-collection my son's father was killed on 5/17/2017. I've always seen the number 17 its my lucky number and I was born the 17th too and since he died I always see 517...please tell me what this means.. Could this be him??

  23. Thank you so much πŸ’— I’m super glad that the changes that are happening in my life will put me into full alignment with my divine life purpose and soul mission 😌 Thank you the angels for being here and guiding me through my path and new opportunities. I’m so so grateful :) Everything will be amazing and perfect and I’ll remain positive and optimistic. Now it’s time to glow with the flow and with ease πŸ’•may love and light be with you :) Namaste

  24. My birthday is also 517 and i have been seeing this number everwhere for years..i always wondered what it an intuitive and sometimes really loud sounds wake me..or i hear and feel things sometimes..ive been told i have an angel guide and ancestor really curious to learn more about this.

  25. Keep heart Good and strong Faith.Amen God Bless all❤️πŸ™

  26. That’s interesting because 5/17 is my birthday as well & I was born at 5:17pm also. Most of the time, I always see 5:17pm on my phone or anywhere the time is showing. Sort of creepy, but what does it mean?

  27. Thats interesting because I was also born on 5/17 at 5:17pm. Most of the time I always see 5:17pm on my phone or anywhere there is a clock. It’s sort of creepy, but what does it mean?

  28. rush-collection I first want to thank you so much for your website! I always refer to it when I want to interpret certain numbers. So thank you for that.

    Right now I just woke up at 5 17am and dreamt of my grandmother (who I consider her as my guardian angel). I am in the midst of an IVF cycle where my egg retrieval was on Wednesday egg was mature and fertilized and will here again from lab on Saturday as they will be freezing the embryo. I pray that the grading and quality of the embryo is a great one. In the dream I know I was preparing things in the house (I considered it my house in the dream but it was actually my grandma's house) for my grandmas arrival as we had some big event happening (don't remember what is was) but after event we all got in this huge bus to go to my home (it was actually my grandmas house but for some reason in the dream it was my home). I remember getting on the bus and mom was saying there is space here to sit... So everyone was back in the house and I remember this lady who helped with the event said she never had so much fun working for someone else. I remember we were waiting for my grandma to come back from an interview or something. My mom was carrying a baby girl in the when my grandma came back from the 'job interview's, I remember my mom was saying I hope it is good news! Then my grandma took the baby girl from my mom to sit next to her....and that's when I woke up!! Have no clue what this dream exactly means. I remember that in the dream I placed things in washing machine but forgotto put them in the dryer (not sure if I forgot or I didn't have time in the dream) so later on I placed them in the dryer!!! I have no clue what this dream means!

    Also earlier this month I was dreaming and was awoken at 5:19am as I got notification from my friend that she gave birth to her son and she sent pics!

    This month also a friend and my sister dreamt of me carrying a baby girl in their dreams!

    So am not sure what to think of this. rush-collection can you please help me interpret this dream as it signifies to 517?

  29. Wonderful message of reassurance...Thank you spirit and angels for your guidance with my next steps. Love and light to all of us. rush-collection... Thank you for being the voice of angels!!! πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ’–πŸŽΆπŸ˜œπŸ₯°πŸŒ»

  30. 5/17 is my birthday too! I see these numbers DAILY. Super weird

  31. Wow it’s so amazing to see I’m not the only one that has started seeing 517 all the time and it’s also my birthday! Definitely not a coincidence
