Saturday, September 17, 2011


Number 511 is a combination of the numbers 5, 1 and also the vibration of the karmic number 11 with the number 1 appearing twice. Number 5 encourages us to be true to ourselves and live our lives accordingly, and resonates with personal freedom, making positive life choices and important changes, variety and versatility, adaptability, resourcefulness, motivation and progress.  

Number 1 adds its attributes of motivation, being positive, ambition, progress, inspiration, fulfilment and happiness. The karmic Master Number 11 signifies creativity to be used productively, and symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and development. The Master Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves and live our Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 511 is an important message from your angels to do with auspicious changes and new beginnings in your life. These changes have come about through your intentions and actions to better your life and incorporate a more spiritual approach. The angels encourage you to make those changes as per your soul’s promptings and intuitive urgings.

Angel Number 511 suggests that some karmic life changes are ahead of you, or are occurring in your life right now. Your angels want you to remain courageous and positive throughout these transitions. They support and surround you with love and healing.

When Angel Number 511 appears repeatedly it is a message that your intentions are manifesting rapidly; therefore, keep your thoughts and focus positive and optimistic. Maintain a positive attitude about the changes happening in your life. Old and negative habits, patterns and beliefs are being replaced with new, more positive ones, and this attracts and manifests further positive energies and opportunities for you. Relax and go with the flow ...

Number 511 relates to number 7 (5+1+1=7) and Angel Number 7.


  1. This feels so accurate to me, because I've been getting this message from other avenues as well as waking up at 5:11 several mornings.

    1. This has been a blessing To me thanks for posting. I’m lucky to be alive but an angel visited me at 5:11. Then everything was 511 all day. I made so many notes and heard from God himself in sane. Good luck everyone out there. Now I have to follow up change my life. It’s up to me. Thank you Jesus

    2. May God,anels,archangels,spirit guides continue blessing you. I have been seen 511 too. I looked it up just now because it is a confirmation. I like when you wrote "now I have to follow up change my life.. IT IS UP TO ME" Amen to that it resonated in my heart. We have to do our share so the universe can work with us.

  2. look out for mone and cache!!! the angels are with us

  3. I signed up for something important for me today, and the number i got was 1154511

  4. Everytime i look at the clock i notice the hour & 11 minutes.Right now it was 5:11pm.

    1. Same! I get everything from 111 up to 911 all the time at certain times different ones appear more than others

    2. Me too! and yes Im going thru some changes, such as a cross country move, cutting toxic people from my life, thinking about a divorce etc...

    3. I get the same! doesn't matter the time of day, its alway 11 minutes after. I am going thru a cross country move, cutting toxic people from my life, talking about divorce etc.

    4. Omgggg sameeee i really want to know what it exactly means like why do i see 1:11,2:11,3:11...... 9:11 also 11:11 sometimes so much

    5. OmG ! !
      Me TOO : D D D
      511, 111, 911, 11:11 so many times, also !!! x)))
      also triples : D

    6. 511,711,1111
      7 888
      1010 711
      411 7.
      Im learning
      Thats all with such happiness to come ..

  5. I keep getting messages of change and transition from my angels and I had a dream that I pulled a tooth out and the rest of my decayed teeth and jaw bone fell out on the top right hand side of my jaw. Maybe the old and decayed aspects of my life are falling away.

    1. I always look at the clock at 11 minutes after. Today was 211 and 511. Before my spiritual awakening it was always 911 and it freaked me out until I found out about Angel numbers. So 911 has always been a special one for me.

    2. Woah. I had a very similar dream a few months ago.

  6. haha and look at the time I posted! 1115 its not that time here in australia!

  7. I feel this is a great message! We should all feel really BLESSED!!!

  8. This is very interesting as I keep seeing this number. It never occur to me that it means anything until I heard an interview about spiritual number. I feel so blessed to learn the meaning! Thanks so much for your sharing!

  9. Thank you so much for your site. Im so grateful to have found this page. You have helped me tremendously on my journey. ♥♥♥

  10. what are karmic life changes?

  11. THANK YOU <3 THANK YOU <3 THANK YOU <3 !!!!1

  12. This number keeps appearing in my life! Now, for many of you, its just a number you keep seeing on the clock. Which, yes this happens to me too. But, for me, its not just a number.. its my birthday. May 11th. Which makes this SUPER weird!

    1. Yes it is & so is this now simply because my birthday is 5/11/87 & on God everything this said is what I've been experiencing & to add to that it's been appearing more frequent everywhere to the point it where it brought me here. Now that's WEIRD.

    2. Yes it is & so is this now simply because my birthday is 5/11/87 & on God everything this said is what I've been experiencing & to add to that it's been appearing more frequent everywhere to the point it where it brought me here. Now that's WEIRD.

    3. This is crazy my Birthday is also 5/11/87 and I have been seeing it for weeks.

    4. Hey My Bdy is also 5/11/87 and it's following me - 511
      What is interesting to note is we all have the exact same bdy.. and we have landed on this page searching for the same thing...

    5. I see the number 511 all the time. Whether I just got in my car & turned it on, when I go to use the microwave, cooking dinner & I look at the clock, waking up early in the morning always at that time! The significance of 5:11 to me is that it is my wedding anniversary (May 11, 1996). This past May would have been 20 yrs. but my husband died unexpectedly at the young age of 40. I always feel like he is trying to tell me something when I see this I know so!

    6. So true on many different levels xx

  13. Hi Anonymous,
    seeing your date of birth is not super weird at all .... it fact it is very, very common.
    When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.


  14. today is 511,, ,seen 511 this morning,, and all day

  15. feel something in the world changing,, changing fast,, maybe this is why I am getting 511 so often on today,,, which is 511

  16. I just got news from my boss that will have me make some major changes in my life, starting with looking for a new job. Today is 5/11. I even started to meditate to stay positive. It's crazy how the numbers are connected to our lives!

  17. What if i keep seeing different angel numbers and my own birthdate, which all mention about life purpose/light worker/spiritual path, yet i do not have specific desired job in mind related to that? how am i supposed to follow the messages sent to me?

  18. 511 is the Gematria value for Saturn

    1. Thank you for that extra synchronicity. I was prompted to type 522.
      All my love

    2. Thank you for that extra synchronicity. I was prompted to type 522.
      All my love

  19. What is the meaning of karmic life changes?

    1. Karmic life changes come in many and varied forms, but are generally related to changes made due to karmic reasons (again, many and varied), so are not changes that you have consciously chosen to make. Often these are connected to past lives/life issues and/or your life chart/blueprint.
      It can be quite complex and different for every soul, but I do hope I've at least given you some insight.

      For more info see:



    2. Dear one, your site brings loads of love for many. Saying thank you just doesn't cover the joy. Blessing rush-collection

  20. Name is Ryan and I have been with my fiance /wife for almost two years now. And ever since that day and almost every day after that we have both been seeing the number 525 on a clock and almost on a daily basis. Even sometimes more than once a day and every day we see it it's always when we're together or on the phone its been so much of a re-occurance it's mind boggling. And I have looked and researched everywhere and cannot come up with a definite answer as to why we keep seeing this number it is also the day we met May 25th I've been reading up on some of other peoples comments and this seems to be the site where I can actually find an answer

  21. I feel different almost lighter and i feel more aware of my spiritual pat. Right as I seen this number I was eating a banana as I randomly had the urge to eat fruit today and it felt great this number resonates with me 100%

  22. I truly understand now. I seen this when I got my job today. Then I seen 515.

    1. I was having thoughts of someone I just met and started dating. So i sent them a text to say good morning. My text was time stamped at 511am. I was immediately inclined to look the meaning of that number up. As I started reading I noticed the time was 515am. And when I read you post it was 522am.

  23. Thank you.
    You have helped me understand the nature of love and living.

  24. Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!! ♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♤

  25. I've seen this number on clocks all my life. I was also born 5/11/79

  26. Crazy! I was thinking about about how I could connect with my higher self and or beings that are around me and then I saw on the clock 5:11 and thought; hey, why not look it up and see what I find. Lo and behold, what I happened to be thinking of at that very moment, sooooooooooo that's pretty interesting.

  27. When karmic life changes are mentioned, this doesnt necessarily mean negative right? My mind automatically associates the word karmic to something not so nice not sure why, but i guess it could be positive also right? After all karma is really things coming back as a result of past actions.

  28. I associate with the negative, but have had a good day so hoping my hard work pays off ... love and light <3

  29. During the course of my day and when I randomly wake up from sleep during the night I see triple numbers. Like 222, 555 even my birthday 511. I see many times 11.11 too. What does this mean if I'm seeing so much if this? Xx 💗

  30. During the course of my day and when I randomly wake up from sleep during the night I see triple numbers. Like 222, 555 even my birthday 511. I see many times 11.11 too. What does this mean if I'm seeing so much if this? Xx 💗

  31. During the course of my day and when I randomly wake up from sleep during the night I see triple numbers. Like 222, 555 even my birthday 511. I see many times 11.11 too. What does this mean if I'm seeing so much if this? Xx 💗

  32. Grateful🧚🏻‍♀️🤗

  33. Yes amen I am so grateful Lord thanks to my angels

    1. Yes, these are angel numbers and also our great ancestors! I feel something different something magical or bihmg change in my life. Lets be happy and optimistic all the time.

  34. I feel Highly Favored... thanks for the unconditional love and support along the way... I really need this transition to be my reality... it's a struggle at times..

  35. I've been receiving 11 on every hr of the day 1:11, 2:11, 3:11 and so on all the way up to 12:11.. every single day. As well as 111 or 7:11 or just 11.. and now it starting to be 10 as well 10 after evey hr of the day.. I definitely going threw a rough patch with my whole world has been flipped up side down
    I have to remember me.. be happy with me!

  36. Just this morning after we had our breakfast I was walking towards the balcony I stopped because I saw a color green hat with 5:11 number. Quickly asked my mom in law if she found this outside and brought home she said no. I asked my husband if that's his he said no. It just appeared in pur balcony with no apparent reason. It shows like it fell of from the sky but before I saw this 5:11 an hour ago I keep seeing numbers like 11:11, this is the first number I saw repeatedly and someone told me you will keep seeing repetitive numbers and this is happening to me every day 11:11, 777, 999, 7:11, 4:11, 333, 555, 10:10 and a whole lot more. Moreover, my right ear keeps on ringing whistling sound. I know something magical will happen, big change in my life. I declare breakthrough, deliverance, healing, and triumphs through Christ!

  37. 511 is my birth date. I've been seeing it like crazy also I saw a huge white orb so bright at my doorway the other night I've Bern begging the Lord and my loved ones above for help. I've had a rough few months after years of agony. I got out of that relationship and now I'm trying to stand strong on my own with my kids . God is good he has helped us so much and i know my loved ones above are looking over us protecting us.thank you for the post it gives me great comfort knowing God hears my prayers and things will get better. Love and light to you all

    1. Kitty I am currently going through a similar thing. I hope things got better for you throughout the year? ❤️

  38. I can see threefold numbers throughout the day, and when I wake up from sleep at random at night. And my birthday 511 is like 222, 555. I too see 33.33 a lot of times. If I see too much if I do, what does it mean?

  39. My fiance's birthday is 5/11 and we've been physically apart for a period ending soon. I think it's adding more positivity to my days every time I see it, which has been often!!!
