Saturday, September 17, 2011


The number 504 is a combination of the energies and attributes of the numbers 5, 0 and 4. Number 5 lends its influences of major life changes, versatility and variety, courage, motivation and auspicious opportunities. Number 0 carries the energies of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies and amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with. Number 4 adds its vibrations of practicality, application, passion and drive, discipline and working devotedly towards goals.  

Angel Number 504 is a message that the work you have been doing towards improving and changing your life has fully aligned you with your soul purpose and life mission, and the angels and Archangels encourage you to continue making these positive changes.

Angel Number 504 is a message to listen to your intuitive feelings and the guidance from the angels in regards to the changes taking place in your life. Trust that these auspicious changes will bring many blessings and rewards into your life for work well done. The angels and Archangels support and encourage you during these changes and transitions.  Trust that all is working out for your highest good.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. just had dream with those exact numbers and the word love in it and then searced and found your page to help corroborate my instincts

  2. I been seeing this number for the last 6 years and its been driving me crazy because I wanna know what it means then the crazy thing I was watching this horror movie and it was based on a secret hotel room that was room 504 spooked me out I see this number every where all day

  3. I just had a dream with 504 being repeated I looked up the meaning of 504 and found it was the year a church was built to Christ . Then I found you site.

  4. Every time I see this number in session I always get fired a few months later... I 've been feeling like a failure or that I was subconsciously sabotaging myself. I felt so down this last time but after I got laid off this last time, but as I was talking with my brother, we started to share with one another that we keep seeing these certain numbers. I then began to search the internet for answers,that's when I lucked up on your website.... this makes a lot of sense of why I keep seeing's the number of transition.. every time I lose one job I find another one that's better than the one before so I'm relying on God to fix everything at this moment for me..

    1. Every time I see this number in session I always get fired a few months later... I 've been feeling like a failure or that I was subconsciously sabotaging myself. I felt so down this last time but after I got laid off this last time, but as I was talking with my brother, we started to share with one another that we keep seeing these certain numbers. I then began to search the internet for answers,that's when I lucked up on your website.... this makes a lot of sense of why I keep seeing's the number of transition.. every time I lose one job I find another one that's better than the one before so I'm relying on God to fix everything at this moment for me..

  5. I am on notes brother about this number 504 and this number is interesting to me is to decode a story for myself.

  6. I am on notes brother about this number 504 and this number is interesting to me is to decode a story for myself.

  7. I simply cannot believe I came up on this site. My sister and I have been seeing this number since 1990. I see it everyday if not every other day and several times a day since 1990. it has to mean something. Everyone we tell about it they also start to see it. Or notice it more. some people believe. some people don't. but we've always said it's about understanding what's going on at that moment and being careful. I am loving seeing these other stories about people seeing 504 it's incredible we thought we were the only ones and we we're actually starting to believe that we were crazy. as did everyone else. some people, the ones that we grew up with; the ones we were in high school with. they know we're serious if we tell people these days in 2016 they just look at us like we're crazy. I even saw it today., I try not to even leave the house on May 4th and when I do I usually end up hurting myself usually cutting one of my hands or feet last year May 4th I stepped on a piece of glass and then Lake and cut my foot a different me for that slid down the hill and cut my palm as if I'm changing the lifelines in my hands and feet cutting and severing the lines where you would tell people's fortunes although I've never been to a fortune reader. But it seems like a change in the Palm and fingerprints by accidentally cutting them has some type of significant meaning of a change life in your life

  8. My ex-husband, an old flame, a friend, and now my nephew all born on 5/4. Also I was born at 5:04pm.

  9. I was born at 5:04 and weighed 5 Lbs, 4 Oz. Is there any significance/correlation?

  10. Just so happen today is Sat. You posted this 20 years ago. I seen these numbers this morning. I pray before I get out of bed and after getting up these numbers kept coming up. I am super excited!

  11. So Highly Favored... Thankyou Angels. Im your #1 Fan

  12. Thank you... Always grateful!!!🙏😇💗

  13. I'm back.. Wow i haven't seen this fine Angel number in awhile. So Grateful for it.. Only way to go is up . #1Fan

  14. 504 started in my life in my military school when I choose this number to be mine. After 5 years, I just started seeing 504 in different ways, hour, randomly numbers. Lately, I met this Woman, incredible person, and we were talking back in forth, after we met each other I Phoenix. I mentioned her this number in my life, and for my surprise she said, "504 is the number of my house". I shocked, I couldn't believe. I'm 48 yo man, and this number is part of my life.
