Saturday, September 17, 2011


Number 505 is a combination of the vibrations and attributes of number 5 and the energies of number 0, with number 5 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 5 relates to personal freedom and individuality, major life changes, making important choices and decisions, magnetism, promotion and advancements, idealism and activity, adaptability and versatility, resourcefulness and life lessons learned through experience. Number 0 carries the ‘God’ force and Universal energies, and relates to the beginning point, eternity and continuing cycles and flow. Number 0 resonates with potential and/or choice and encourages developing one’s spiritual aspects as it is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey. Number 0 amplifies and magnifies any number it appears with, and coupled with the number 5 appearing twice, this makes number 505 a powerful vibration of positive change.

Angel Number 505 brings a powerful message about important and necessary life changes. With the strong influence of both the 5 and 0 vibrations, Angel Number 505 tells of breaking free from old constraints and restraints, new directions, taking chances, expanding your horizons and seeking new experiences.

Angel Number 505 reminds you that although you are a spiritual being in a physical body, you must also recognise and honour your human-ness. Listen to your thoughts, feelings and emotions as they are indicators of what is really going on in your life.

Angel Number 505 brings a message from your angels that it is time to let go of the ‘old’ that is no longer positively serving you and get ready for big changes to take place in your life. Maintain a positive attitude about the ‘new’ entering your life and keep an open mind as to the opportunities presenting to you. Remember that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance, so even though the reason/s for the changes may not be clear at this point, trust that all will fall into place for you. Release old doubts, fears and perceived obstacles and look forward to wonderful new opportunities.

Angel Number 505 brings a message to step forth with confidence and enthusiasm and live your personal truths and values, knowing that the angels fully support and encourage the auspicious changes and life choices you are making. Be true to who you really are.

Your angels are calling you to fully open your heart, to speak and act with kindness and love, and to honour your heightened sensitivity. Your increasing sensitivity is steering you toward making healthy changes in your lifestyle, your career path and choices, your home, and your relationships.

Number 505 relates to number 1 (5+0+5=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.

Also see:
Repeating 5’s and 0’s  



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Dear rush-collection,
    Thank you again for this amazing website. It has brought a lot of clarity to me on my path.

    Now 505 came my way, and I am surprised to see the short description. All other numbers that I have looked up here are described in more detail.

    Is there anyone out there who has an experience of 505?

    Thank you,
    Namaste :)


    1. Last night, all night long I would wake up and 505 was just in my head. Literally I would wake up every half hour or hour...all night... and "505" was there. Very weird. I had to look it up to see what it meant. I'm happy though, my guides are approving of my path.
      I'm about to move and I have been going back and forth wondering if this is the right thing to do. Maybe it is. :)
      Namaste. ~L

    2. I used to live in unit 505 when personal transformation took place for me as a single mother and now a founder of
      I encourage you to send me a message and I'd gladly share my experience and motivation behind my Life Coaching practice.

    3. A feeling came to me to look at the time and it showed 5:05. These messages are very helpful. I give thanks to Angel rush-collection for this site.

    4. Yes sir..I'm also experienced these no.s daily time to time from 3yrs continuously..but really it's like new hope for my life bcas i struggled lot cnt express with any from loneliness ..i hav everyone still sometimes i feel they're trying to push me down..but now these divine supports really amazing feel & power to my life..thanks

  2. I recently purchased a brand new car for the first time. I am 48, and had just broken free from a bad relationship. He kept the car he bought me. It felt risky but right, spontaneous and amazing to buy the car (in spite of worry over finances, payments) and to pursue a number of dreams he would have destroyed, and just generally give myself permission and thus confidence to go my own way, with faith in myself. The numbers in the licence plate I happened to select: 505

  3. I keep having dreams with 505 on the I finally looked it up, and here I you think that it means the same if someone dreams it??

    1. Yes it does if the number is strongly indicated in ur dream

  4. I have a Relationship & Life Coaching Practice called 505 Living. A new client of mine just shared this site with me and I'm in awe with the meaning behind it. When I decided to call it 505 Living, it signified unconditional love and allowing transformation to happen by raising one's frequency of consciousness to the level 505.
    Now seeing this, confirmed it all!

    1. Hello haleh
      Does 505 mean waking up after seeing dream at 505? If yes then I would like to know more about this. Can you please give some light on 505 to my mail id

  5. What does it mean when almost every time you look at a clock it is 11:22, 2:22, 3:55, 4:44, 5:55, 1:11, 11:11, 5:05, 10:10 4:55 , and the list is endless all day long.... I see numbers like this on a constant flow all day and night............ every day. I see numbers on reciepts, I saw 8:08 and 9:09 for 2 months , the last earthquake that hit California a few months ago the news reporter said it hit at 9:09... its like the numbers do a dance and they switch sequences. Im getting used to seeing them on a constant. Does anybody else see the numbers in this manner, I could really use some insight on this. Namaste to all.

    1. I've been getting those same sequences it started with 11:11 switch to 4:44 then switched to 12:44 1:44 && so on. I let go of a "old" relationship and career. The # sequence has change since, I now see :00 :22 :33 :44 :55 all type of hours through the day&&night and when I acknowledge each and every one I'll get like random sequences that are congratulating me for being on the right path and working hard! I have since switch from a Veterinary Technician career and started back school for Psychology. I have then since crossed paths with my first/first love I haven't seen in 4 years right after letting go of my Ex. "New" releasing the "old" is what I'm getting from these numbers transitioning with positive thoughts about the unknown! A unknown that is more healthy for our divine path and soul mission. Do nor fear anything and listen to your intuition. The Ascended Masters, Angels, and the Universe are setting up things for the better healthy good state. 😀

    2. You are awakening.

    3. I am continuously seeing these repeated numbers since last two months. Iam a Numerologist and I do work with Names and Numbers. Recently, I don't know how, my mind leaned to the subject graphology and I decided to acquire knowledge in that. Without further thinking I bought a book
      of basic contents. Since then, not even a single day has gone without seeing these numbers not less than 3/4 times. Iam going through the book with a very clear and great future vision and angels are guiding me in achieving my dream.

    4. Your getting messages from the spirit realm that translate into earthly numbers. This great because its a sign of deep spiritual connection with the energies and beings that surround/protect you.

  6. I have been seeing 5s and variations of 505, 5050, 555 for about 2 weeks now. Tonight I woke up at 4.44am and after reading lesson 9 in A Course In Miracles looked up to see my clock read 5.05am. There are a couple of things happening in my life that while on the surface, and for the most part, feel very good, a tiny part of me feels trapped & held back. I have an opportunity to potentially start speaking to someone about a career defining role in Boston, USA. I am unsure however if this is just another impulse of mine to run away. When really what I should be doing is facing the fact that my life is finally working out. Quandry.

  7. I have seen 505 everyday since my mother passed away in 1977. I was 13 years old. I see this number all over the place. From license plates, magazines, TV etc. I don't know what it really means, I can only imagine that is my mother watching over me

    1. ... and you would be correct Frank ....


    2. Thanks rush-collection. To this day, I still see this number everyday

  8. God bless you, rush-collection. May the power of Hazeus and God empower you to help the multitudes. Keep up the good work.

  9. I look at these numbers as checkpoints, but I know that God is the actual one who's in complete control. But the journey to the beginning of my actual journey has been good and a little challenging, mainly for the mind, but it has been a rewarding journey. I just hope that I learn and that I get what all of this is about.

  10. Hey I live @ 505 the kettle and my BC govt services card has 555 in the middle what does it mean

  11. beginning only darkness - God (karma) which has no knowlege but desire create light without formdation cause impermance... get this body(suffering)..

  12. My bank balance is 5.05 right now. I'm here on this page now.

  13. Has anyone ever considered them to be
    Area Codes to where you will soon be visiting? I have had years of experiencing the repetitive numbers sent from my guides and found this to be true for three digit prompts excluding the triples such as 444, 222, 555 etc.
    Guess what I have also found our Angels know the future. Feel Blessed having them guiding me on my Life Journey.

  14. I already know what it means for me....its time to end this relationship i have outgrown.

  15. Dearest rush-collection - your site has been a gift to me throughout this year - I feel a bit guilty that I haven't been in a position to donate - this will change as your work and energy has been invaluable to me as I'm navigating this time around! All the best to You and Yours - see you in 2018! xoxo

  16. Someone call me I'm having a revolution its gonna change everything I have to be in alltje way and I have to focus on something I keep trying too hard as soon as I let go control things happened I have faith in god call me if you have understand 12046982071 I'm in canada

    1. I understand. Let the universe flow, and it will flow through you. Direct it's course and you are none the wiser.

  17. Många tack, har de sista dagarna varit inne och kollat olika sifferkombinationer som jag får och alla är så positiva och upplyftande! Tack så innerligt!

  18. Grateful to your kindness for sharing..

  19. My birth dates are 5 may - 05/05. Does it mean anything?

    1. See:



  20. Thank you loving Jesus and to all my loving angels including rush-collection

  21. Thank you, for all your posts which when ive seen an angel number I've looked up and there you are with a full explanation, i trust very few people and always have had little trust im very few people but i don't know why i have always found your page and always trusted your meanings and advice, Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul xXx

  22. Thank you, rush-collection. Your reference is always in the language which resonates the most with me. Thank you for the way you perceive the vibration. I often see 505 but today it has such amazing power and truth immediately as I had the thought it referred to in my mind. Super energetic rush is still happening as I type. 😃 Wow. The cosmic message is a rush!

  23. Thank you for theses explanations. I use them daily and it has brought me so much comfort and understanding. You are wonderful!!

  24. I'm August 09 1981 and I'm homeless and alone at my lowest point ever what is my reading

  25. What a great explanation of 505 meaning

  26. I started a new job today, leaving a job I have remained at for 7 years. The computer auto-generated a password for me to log in with to set up my work account and the password was God50522...hard to feel this was anything less than a loud message

  27. My phone number is end with 50505 right now. I'm here on this page now.


  29. An incredibly strong impulse had me check my phone today at 505. rush-collection’s description of this number is so on point. I just made a somewhat unprecedented move to Italy from the US and the Universe and it’s angels have been speaking to me big time! I’m where I’m meant to be. The change is here and it’s asking for an open heart and high vibration. It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me, and I’m feeling good!
