Friday, October 22, 2010

Repeating Angel Numbers - 5's and 0's (5500, 0055, 5050, 0505 etc)

The number 5 has to do with moving forward, freedom and courage and your angels wish to prepare you for some upcoming life changes.

The 5 and 0 combination is an important message that lets you know that your life changes are in Divine and perfect order.  Everything is moving along as it should on your life path, and you are asked to ‘go with the flow’.  There is no need to stress or be concerned at all, as all is going to plan.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. ty for this, this is exactly the mssg that I needed to hear. peace n love

  2. I get so many different number sequences a day its so confusing to decypher what parts of life they relate to im a musician with a passion for the spiritual side of things its always in my lyrics but ive also recently broke up with my partner of 5 years to which I have 2 children I pray daily about us resolving it and often have messages relating to healing of a current situation in divine timing is there anyway I can get clearer guidance as to what soloution or situation its pertaining too??

    1. For years, As soon as i see numbers pop out at me, i would google it on this Absolute LifeSaving website - While reading the meaning i would be open to hearing/seeing/feeling.
      So maybe try this and see if it helps?.
      I'd be curious to know tbh.

      What were u thinking abt n feeling, in the very moment, u saw the number/s pop out at u?.

      What was the Very First thought you had in while reading it?.

      This is when you have to be really honest with yourself.. you will know the answer.

      Hope this hekps u in some way.

  3. I finally know got back with my partnerand sorted things out ty for the exexplanations on here they have helped me no end the last 7 months and im sure they will in the future

  4. I keep seeing my numbers on the microwave and i was born on the 5th of may! What does it mean being born on 5/5?

  5. I kept waking up at 555. I don't work so this is pretty early. Then I got 505 on everything. My partner was cheating on me (ssssnake) and it was going to hurt my heart (SOS save our souls)
    When I found him out it helped that my darling blessed guardian angels had tried to prepare me for the shock.
    Now I get 717 or 707. Good affirmations. I love numerology!

  6. Thank you so very much, im on this site daily. Blessings to all

  7. I thank you so Much for exercising this wisdom, it is of great comfort to me as I constantly get Angel signs.

  8. WOAH one of them is my phones pin

  9. This was great as usual - very helpful and accurate. Question - how did you get into the place you are now, how do you know what the numbers even mean?

  10. Thank you rush-collection. My life has been pretty intense but I lie my angels have my back. Thank you for all you do.

  11. Needed to hear that...Grateful! 💜

  12. Thank you so much! This website is a part of my everyday life now! With love and gratitude, Johana <3

  13. Thank your words of wisdom, I've been receiving nos 000, 444 and 555. Im learning about angel numbers. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I see repeating numbers in various combinations all the time: 1919 on the dash this morning and 10:10 on my phone, 11:11 when I happened to look up at the clock while doing something else, then 12:12 looking at a different clock just over an hour later. Right now, all the temperatures on my system tray, all four of them, are 50 50 50 50, and these are temps here, the next town, and 1800+ miles away in two different states (where my parents live). last week, I had one day in which i saw every number from 1-9 in some sort of sequence. I am exploring some different career paths right now, one in particular that I'm unsure of, so this is an encouraging message to receive :)

  15. Today's a 5th day of the week, 05.05. and i woke up at 05:05 ... interesting and a little bit scarry

  16. For the past 2 months, I am consistently seeing :05 past every hour, whenever I look at the time it just happens to be 2:05, 11:05, etc. OR 11:11, or 9:11! (but mostly it's :05) Could anyone offer some insight on this? my life has been full of synchronisity and little symbols/signs as of late. :)

  17. i love this.thankyou this is just what i you rush-collection.

  18. I needed to hear that, thanks so much. Seen J5050 on s car plate :). I feel J is there for immediate action after seeing the numbers that came after it.

  19. Today I took some action so I could be with my beloved DM TF and asked my Angels if they had a message for me, within minutes 5000 came up & what you have written here totally blew me away. Wow! Thank you for your work as without your detailed writings on these numbers, I would he at a complete loss.💟💟💟

  20. I know things are all in God's hands and I'm asked not to worry and that it's going to his plan but it's a little hard not to worry when you wifegap uncontrolled diabetes and it's killing her. The thought that I would one day be living without her is heart breaking. I cherish everyday I spend with her cause I'm not sure when the last one will be. May God bless you all.

    1. God bless you and your wife my friend, much love and light sent to you both xxx

  21. Thank you rush-collection. Thank you all mighty god. Thank you adorable angels and thank you my higher self.

  22. Thank you rush-collection. Thank you universe. Thank you all mighty god. Thank you adorable angels and thank you my higher self. Bless you all infinite beings.

  23. Thank u rush-collection for all u have done do and continue to do. Love and light my angel.

  24. Thank u rush-collection for all u have done do and continue to do. Love and light my angel.

  25. Blessed and grateful for this timely confirmation.
    I was prompted to take a note of 5050 some time back and only got around to reading the message it brings.
    When I opened this link I nearly cried from happiness.
    This is a much needed confirmation.
    Timely, as always.
    It is a blessing to have your inner most precious feelings being confirmed in such a magic way.
    I love my Angels and you dearest
    rush-collection, our Earth Angel.
    I trust my intuition fully.
    Sending much love and light to everyone and all.
    Stay strong, listen to your Ear to hear, heed its guidance, act upon it, move forward, shine, leave trails behind, make an impact!❤🦋 TogetherAForce

  26. Yes. All is moving in Devine order. I worry not. I fear not. I trust my inner knowing, my Ear to hear.
    Love wins always.❤ Grateful and blessed.🙏
    Blessed us all be.🙏

  27. I love the feeling of gratitude...When I receive timely messages!!! Thank you...🎶🙏😇😊🥰🌻💖🎉🥳🎉🎶💃🌈

  28. Beautiful message of reassurance!!!Thank you... Always grateful! 🙏😇💖🥰

  29. Always grateful for every reminder...Thank you!!! 🙏😇🥰💖😊

  30. Beautiful reminder.🙏✨
    Beyond grateful 🙏❤
    Endless love and blessings to us all 🌈🙌

  31. I needed this timely reminder today...Thank you🙏😇🥰 I'm grateful for the guidance from spirit and the angels 🙏😇🎶💖😜 Love and light to all of us on our journeys... I'm moving forward, going the flow, and trusting without worry, or stress!!! 🙏😇💖

  32. Right Divine order indeed🙏❤✨
    Beyond grateful and at peace 🙏
    Endless love and blessings to us all ❤✨🙏

  33. So true I can attest to this. 🙏🙏

  34. Infinitely grateful for everything and all 🙏✨❤🙌

  35. Powerful and timely confirmation of my own intuitive guidance 🙏❤
    Truly blessed and infinitely grateful 🙏 ✨

  36. Thank you. Such a beautiful meaning.

  37. Uplifting confirmation of my own inner feeling.
    Full circle numerical combinations followed by this very one depict a cycle closing, lessons learned, vital wisdom acquired; completion and fearlessly moving forward towards the majestic bright new 🤍🙏😊
    Thank you rush-collection for being our guiding light here on Earth 🙏❤️
    Endless love and blessed journeys to us all 🤍✨️
