Friday, October 22, 2010

Repeating Angel Numbers - 9's and 5's (9955, 9595, 99955 etc)

When the 9 and 5 combination recurs, the angels ask you to let go of the 'old' and know that it has served a vital function during its time, but that time has now passed. The angels want you to know that 'new' is about to enter your life, and you will be pleased with the result. Let the 'old' go with love.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. Yeah, I understand. Thanks angels.

  2. Im not sure what exactly the "old" is though

  3. How do I know what the old is? Is it my relationship, my job, my friends??? I get it but I'm just not sure what it's referring to...

    1. I don't know either. It maybe also be old doubts, fears and obstacles.

    2. try thinking of the "old" that hurt you the most, the "old" that still lingers to your mind and bother your everyday life. That's the "okd" that you need to let go.

  4. I keep seeing 9944 and 9955 numbers same time and of course longer period as well while i was heading to home, amazingly due to the traffic sometimes one car come closer and i can clearly see the number plate and after some gap another numbrr plate... do not know that but i thanks to angels

  5. I recently got a huge hydro bill for unknown reasons lol and I let it get behind for various reasons.. and a confirmation number they sent had all 9's 5's and 0s. Maybe the Angels will help me out by providing me with magic money to help me pay it off so I can let go of the "old". :-D sounds like I'm being sarcastic but I'm hopeful :-p

    1. Good on you!! Dealing w nearly the EXACT situation.. Almost a month apart from each other.. My birthday being on the 26th of June!! Trippy!! Hope it all worked well for you.. Keeping the same optimistic mindset! Cheers!! (Ps.. Ill be 35 in 2 days.. Wonder if that number sequence will clue me in on my next message from Source!! Eee!!) 😁 High hopes always!! Much love!! In Ala'kesh Ala'kin... ☝

  6. Yes, it's gone already I know this.......
    Where is the new;) I can't wait!

  7. I smoked cannabis for about 15 years.. Im 33 now. About 3 months ago I decided to quit smoking.. well about 3 months after I quit a old friend stopped by and of course he has some pretty good bud on him. So naturally we smoked, I got high as hell. Well after a long day of smoking, It was getting later in the day and my friend decided he was going to leave soon, well I look @ my clock on my phone and the time was "9:50" and my battery indicated that it had 95% life.. So I took a look online about the meaning and it was like smack up side the head..

  8. "Let the old go with love", with love is the clue to me. Thank you Angels and rush-collection!


  9. I am also 33 and have smoked for about 15 years. It really helped me a couple of years ago when I was going through cancer treatment, but now maybe the angels are telling me to let it go now that I’m healthy...?

  10. These numbers told me to let go of my girlfriend it's killing me.

  11. Amen!!!🎈🙏❤
    I'm letting the old go with love and gratitude for the service it has provided me with & looking forward to the new that is about to enter my life !!!❤
    Immensely blessed and grateful!!!
    Sending love,peace and light to all and wishing you an easy & blessed journeys!!!❤

  12. Yes,yes ,yes!!!
    Letting the old go with love and gratitude,for it has served it's vital part in my life!!!🍀
    Amen!!!🙏 Grateful for every reminder!!!🎈🧘‍♀️♥️

    1. I'm so grateful too! I love my numbers. I usually get a 9559 on Mondays when imI starting a fresh week 💜💜💜

  13. Thank you Angels!!!! I'm going to let the old go with love.. and start a new wonderful journey. :)

  14. I think for me it is letting go of old fears specifically fears and doubts cause you probably also heard "Just have faith" so just cast aside the fear and believe!

  15. Letting the old go with love and gratitude for serving its vital purpose. May all that which must come feel welcome.
    Sending much love and light to everyone and all. Faith, Hope, Trust, Positive Vission, Love and Dancing...❤❤❤

  16. Letting go of the old with love and gratitude for the purpose served and lessons learned.🙏🌟❤
    Here with the new and exciting. Amen.🙏🌟❤

  17. Thank you 💚 I let the old go with love. I'm ready for the new to enter my life. Thank you Angel's God, rush-collection.

  18. Thank you so much. I'm blessed.

  19. Certainly. Letting go of the old with love and gratitude.
    May the magestic new feel welcome 🙏✨❤

  20. I came immediately to this site, the only site that I will check on about Angel numbers. I got 99955. I was like wow. I must check this. I get numerous Angel numbers all day, but this I had to see. Thanks Rush Collection for all that you donn

  21. I came immediately to this site, the only site that I will check on about Angel numbers. I got 99955. I was like wow. I must check this. I get numerous Angel numbers all day, but this I had to see. Thanks Rush Collection for all that you donn

  22. I came immediately to this site, the only site that I will check on about Angel numbers. I got 99955. I was like wow. I must check this. I get numerous Angel numbers all day, but this I had to see. Thanks Rush Collection for all that you donn
