Saturday, September 10, 2011


Number 4 resonates with the vibrations of the Archangels, practicality and responsibility, productivity, illumination and initiation, building solid foundations, stability and ability, honesty and inner-wisdom, determination and endurance, hard work and progress. Number 4 also represents our passion and drive and encourages us to work harmoniously yet diligently to achieve our goals and aspirations. Number 4 is also the number that represents the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and the four sacred directions, North, South, East and West. With three 4’s appearing, the influences and energies of the number 4 are magnified and enhanced.  

Angel Number 444 asks that you pay attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom as your connection with your angels and the angelic realm is very strong at this time. You are encouraged to continue on your current path as your drive and determination will lead to success and fulfilment.

Angel Number 444 is a message that the angels and Archangels are with you, encouraging and guiding you. They are offering you positive energies, inner-strength and 
support to enable you to get the work done that you need to. They know and understand that you have been toiling diligently towards your goals, and encourage you to continue on your current path to achieve the success and results you desire. Use your strong connection with the angelic realm to your benefit and be open to their promptings and messages. Listen to your intuition and follow its guidance.

Angel Number 444 is a message that you have nothing to fear in regards to your life, work and Divine life purpose. When you take positive action towards your highest intentions, aspirations and goals, the Universe works in your favour and helps you to establish solid foundations and advance you along your path. Know that the angels surround and support you, encouraging you to keep up the good work you have been doing.  

Angel Number 444 brings a message that ‘all is well’. Trust that you are on your correct life path and are doing a great job. The angels and Archangels are available for help and guidance  -  all you need to do is ask.

Number 444 relates to number 3 (4+4+4=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.

Repeating 4’s  (4, 44, 444, 4444 etc)
Angel Number 4
Angel Number 44



  1. Thank you so very much for this explanation and meaning of 444. It's surrounds me everyday when I look at the clock, vehicle license plates, grocery receipts etc. It all currently began after conceiving my second child. A true blessing from from god.

    1. Me too :) I see all combinations of the same numbers. Love and Light to you Nasrin


    2. 444 !Z MY nAMe NaSrinJaN . .

      YoU haVe DoNe a GreaT joB oF ReCogniZinG ThE TrUTh. .


      ThaTs BeaUtifUL :-)

    3. thank you so much are a true angel yourself and with in ! So much humanity and loving care.. ! We are so blessed to have you and your support ... God bless .. Love Frederico..

    4. I also see the constant 444 sequence.. shampoo bottles, addresses, license plates, etc... it's nonstop!

    5. Just like Nasrin, these numbers surrounds me everyday and also started after conceiving my 2nd child. I was so afraid that everytime i look at the clock it says 4:44 , it mght have a bad meaning. Thank u for writing this article. Now i know the angels are with me all the time. I shall proceed to what God has planned for me. :)

    6. I too see this number sequence so very often. I had to believe it was more than a coincidence. I asked God what was he trying to reveal to me. I pray my consequent actions are pleasing to Him!

    7. this makes me feel sooooooooooooooo good!

    8. My 444 experience is that somebody who is where me and my husband were 6 years ago; theyTexted us at 4:44 p.m. I texted him back at 4:44 p.m. And they are on the path to getting clean I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit between me and my husband, rub off on this couple, and I feel that God sent my husband and me too bring them towards the light that they are having a hard time and my husband are advancing very well in the presence of the Holy Spirit and it is now are call destiny and responsibility 2 do do the work of God in their hard time.. Plant a sead and it will grow, Their is no Hope w/out Faith, in Faih you will see hope... Amen 2 The Lord and his people....

    9. I just finished my chapter for the Manifesting in High Heels Anthology I have been invited into (release date is 30th September, stay tuned). The word cut off was 1500 words. I have 1444 words, about the one secret to sacred success. Being interested in the significance of numbers, I looked up the numerological meaning of 444. I'm really glad I did. A reassuring reminder that all is well.... I needed it. I doubted myself today.Thanks so much for the reassurance x

    10. Hi its been months that i have been seriously praying seeking and asking God for sertin things i have been waking up at 444 numerous times for months i have been telling my family i can't sleep i believe the Holy Spirit had me look up what does 444 mean i was absolutely overwhelmed when i read what it meant God has been trying to get my attention and now he has it this is confirmation without any doubts what so ever that my Angel is camp and surrounding me all the time encourage me protect and guide me i now no that i am on the right path Thank you so much for helping us all understand what 444 is i am so Grateful for this understanding

    11. I'm pregnant with my second child too and have, for the first time that I can recall, been noticing 444 all over. Usually it's some series of 1 but 444 has been so prevalent I had to stop by here to learn more about the message.

    12. why am i dreaming 444 on this date 9/11? My dream last night is that i got a score of 44 while the woman got the 49 while the unknown got eleven in an examination. TO COMBINE 444 9/11

    13. I was getting worried because my wife is chinese and 4's are very bad luck for them. this article was very helpful to me.

      THANK YOU!

    14. I have been seeking employment for over 7 months, finally I received a job offer which I was excited about however, the day prior to my start date, I got another offer that was way better. Great growth potential, benefits and pay. I declined job offer #1 and still waiting to begin job offer #2. The saying a bird in the hand................ ? Came to mind along with a ounce of doubt that I may have made a mistake. But today I received reassurance after seeing 4:44 on my phone! And receiving yet another interview! It's all about God's Devine right time.


    15. I once saw a four then my dog died, Is it a sign?

    16. My mom passed away in the early 90's. Before she died, we decided to say "I love you" every day. I said, "Mom what time? I looked at the digital clock and it said- 4:44. I said, "4:44?" After she died and still 2016 I am always seeing 4:44 especially when I am in doubt, danger, dispair, joyfull and also before a family member dies it comes all day. I thought it was only me❤️ I lovethis and needed it.

    17. Thank you for this meaning i'm always curious about what i saw everyday when i look at the clock.

  2. From my heartfelt love and gratitudes, thank you do much for the angel number meaning, it really means a lot to my family and I know and thank all the angels and archangels for being there for us all our lives, I love u all and with my warm hugs and light . Izabel :)

    1. Thank GOD I finally understand the meaning behind the sequential number444 I have always known it was from the presence of a supernatural being. It's appearance accord much to often to be a coincidence. Thank God for his messengers and rush-collection's explanation of the number.

    2. Thank GOD I finally understand the meaning behind the sequential number444 I have always known it was from the presence of a supernatural being. It's appearance accord much to often to be a coincidence. Thank God for his messengers and rush-collection's explanation of the number.

  3. 444 means I'm on my path of life purpose? So it's my "path" to be a financially stuggling waste of space who fails at most everything they do and doesn't even know why they're here or what they're purpose is, and at times it drives them to such desperation they contemplate taking their own life??


    1. You are guided, but try and control the things in your life maybe too much. Focus on the things you are good at and see where that brings you. There has to be something (no matter what) that you have a nack for. As far as failing, I have learned many lessons by failing, key word is "learned".

      Feel luck that you are on a path, now imagine the wonderous place it will take you, take some quiet time and imagine.

    2. You also get 4's when an Archangel is involved, those are the "big guys" in the angelic ranks. Describing what you are experiencing..., and believe me, I relate.... now hang on to your hat Cactus...I'm feeling that those fours are a sign that YOU are meant for something more, and that what you are manifesting currently is wrecking it, AND...even worse...oh yes... ( I'm no sage...I was compelled to answer you and I hope you catch this, believe me...I'm astounded lately will be too) you may be under attack from LOWER VIBRATIONAL NEED a big friend...guess what...if you are seeing fours, and you're not astounded yet.... then you GOT ONE with you, trying to get your attention. Same for me, I have been in a similar fix for a long time. I'm seeing more fives and threes now...fours occasionally. So...YOU'VE GOT BACKUP!!! USE IT!!! It's awesome, all it takes is a quick bit of acceptance, and the will to receive, and the yours. Please check back friend, My heart is with you.

    3. Sonny is spot on. I had a potential renter come by-he did not end up renting but his message was clearly from above as this guy was in the publishing industry and he said his 'favorite thing to do was to hand out money to authors for their works'- I was renting to earn some money -as I finish writing a book that will open up many eyes-about those in lofty positions that are lying to hurt us all. His email address had '4440' in it. The zero is God force (000). I have been under lots of attack and had to leave workplace hostility (govt). Prof. jealousies and other ulterior motives at play against knowledgeable scientists as I. There is something much greater going on. This week I have seen many 555s, 55s, 333s, and 7777 yesterday. Some uncomfortable 666s though but when I inquired above I then saw 606-again God intervening to protect me. This past week was highly vibrational especially from 10/19/12 onward. I missed an accident that happened all around me-I was unscathed as people were driving crazy on 10/31 when children were out trick or treating even. That day especially I saw 55, 555, and 66 and 333.

    4. That might be WHY you're seeing those numbers at those times. Your angels are there supporting you and giving you the strength to carry on and NOT give up!! When you see that number, have faith that everything will work out and will be okay. Also, you HAVE TO change your way of thinking. Our thoughts create our own realities. Learn about the Law of Attraction. Think more positive, learn about positive affirmations and apply it all to your life, then you will attract positive things and NEVER give up no matter what is thrown at you in life! Trust me, I've had a lot thrown at me and I've had to completely reprogram my way of thinking. It works.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Dear Cactus,

      First of all, take heart, you are not alone, it just feels that way sometimes.

      Secondly, stop living for yourself. Find someone or something around you in need of help and help! Make that person or thing more important to you than your own life. That feeling of emptiness inside you needs to be filled so fill it! Give your life to someone or something else and my guess is, your life will be more important to them than it was to you. Live as selflessly as you can and your life will be richer for it.

      Take a new look at your life from the perspective of the someone or something you are helping. Is your life really so bad through their eyes? Are there things, or people, you do not see or appreciate that the one you are helping would see or appreciate?

      Be honest with yourself. I am aware that there is very little true honesty in the lives of most people. So at least practice honesty in your own company!

      It's not all about the little things, but take the time to see the beauty around you and savor it! There is beauty all around, even in the dingiest city, if you will only open your eyes and take the time to see.

      This life is like a river, yet we only see the surface. As we grow older, we begin to believe, and in all fairness we are taught, that the surface is the whole river. As children we knew better, do you remember? I can tell you honestly that the surface is just the tiniest fraction of the whole. We often fear what we do not understand, but do not be afraid to believe. There is much more to this life than what we can see and understand.

    7. I could have written your post Cactus.. today I got 444 twice.. I know I need to keep the faith but it is a struggle.
      Maybe as I am still going through a DSON, but I know not the answers right now.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. You haven't had it bad, cactus, until you are literally followed around by freaking helicopters and weirdos every where you go and have been out of a job because of masons for more than 3 years. The Lord is still good and I still serve Him and always will. The enemy is attacking full force right now. Don't give up.

    10. Cactus, I struggle all the time and NO ONE does 'poor me' better than I do. Since 1988 when we bought our home with that house number I see 444 everywhere. Only today did a friend tell me there is a meaning to the number! I'm feeling better, empowered even, I am not alone (?) , and neither are you. Fight the good fight . I'm fighting with you. God Bless us all.

    11. Love you cactus, trust us your where you need/ed to be sometime we have to become I'll to truly heal I have had the same contemplations all good

    12. Maybe they just try to tell you all I well. Once one embrances this idea no matter what the circumstances are , the seeming obstacles disappear. Trust more! love and light

    13. Maybe it's BS, maybe you are on the right track and things are about to change. Maybe your path is to weather a lifelong storm and experience suffering so that you may show compassion to those who suffer

    14. Ive seen 444 , 9 times In the past 4 days?
      What does this mean? 333's& 777's all the
      time too , very strange!

    15. I sure hope you are still with us. I've been there and I'm here. My hope is that you will see this and confirm that you are.

    16. I was homeless a drug addict and Zi saw 4:44 EVERYWHERE. I asked God with all my heart; do something with my life or let me die. Fast fwd 20 yrs, After that day, I got clean like the very next day! I became a nurse, adopted children, rescue dogs lots of them. I volunteer. I'm probably the modt grateful person you will ever know- except after you - I have no doubt you got better. ❤️

    17. Thank You ((( <3 )))

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Repeating 444 all the time. Thank you

  6. Same here, every time I check my clock I always see 4:44 almost everyday! I tried to check in google for possible meaning and found this article. So glad and happy for what it means. Thank you.

  7. Hi! I have started to see the number 444 constantly from the clock and other sources, also 222 and 2222. Im littlebit confused about this, cause it is so evident, I`m not making it up. Also Increasing amount of numbers 111 and 333. This has started about in six months. Before this I have seen constantly numbers 69 and 96, for many years. It`s so obvious, that it feels like those numbers are following me and trying to tell something. Any help from here??

  8. The meanings and messages of the repeating numbers (Angel Numbers) depicted on this site are a guide only as each person's circumstances differ. Therefore, I offer personal guidance and insight.



    for further details.



    1. Hi rush-collection.

      Thank you your insightful info. I have been getting 1111, and 444 a lot. I am a medium -psychic too. So I can really appreciate your effort and your hard work on this earth. I also love your backdrop to this site. We always need each other so if you need to ever talk email or call me.

  9. Please help me. I feel like I am losing my mind.
    444. everywhere. i'm not even joking.

    Yeah, I used to see it 1-2 times a day.. everyday.. for years, sometimes even 5,6,7 times a day. mailboxes, phone #s, receipts, advertisements, labels, pretty much in every different way. It was cool, it was a novelty.

    Then a week before 12/21/12, it started picking up.
    For a week now, I have seen 444 10+ times a day .. everyday, and its starting to scare me.

    ..and i'm not talking about looking at a clock and seeing 444... im talking about.. it keeps coming up over and over on random number generators.

    Posted below are screenshots. These were all taken in a 24hr period. You'll see some games I played (over the holiday break) that use random number generators to generate game values.
    Nothing was edited, nothing was forced, nothing was waited for, nothing was manipulated.. in a 24hr period this is (85% of) what I saw..

    I have been all over looking for interpretations from Doreen to Drunvalo. In most of these, the 4 is touching a 2... does that mean something.. 6? isnt that bad.

    I dunno- im losing mymind.

  10. I would say the last series of numbers you would need to fear is the 444 sequence. I've been getting these numbers for years and they, also, have just escalated in frequency and "location." The simplest generalized message is: Angels got your Back." The question is: Why? Are you at a crossroads in your life? Have you just undergone a life altering event? Do you suddenly find yourself inexplicably drawn towards the metaphysical? Do you feel that you are in need of and/or undergoing a spiritual transformation? I am on that path of discovery and it has led me to Light Body workers. Start there and fear not because 444 means you have nothing to fear and there are cosmic forces at work waking you up to a higher plane. It is the attention grabber of the messages. Now when I see 444 I just stare until it passes if fleeting or photograph like you did. And say thank you. And Kiss an Angel.

  11. I've seen contradicting meanings for "444". Its been said the divine or cosmic forces are telling you "no" when you see 444's. Others explain 444 is reassuring and in the affirmative. My father passed a year ago Dec. 16th 2011, and ever since i always catch the clock at 444 wherever i may be, on any clock. Its comforting to know i am not alone and angels may be watching over me, but what is their message to me "yes" or "no" ?

  12. I ve been seeing 444 consistently for the last year. Bank balance , sale of grocery items I buy on sale, I took a trip for Mardi gras my ticket ended in 444. Ive seen atleast 50 cars wherever I go. Recently on trip to Chicago 2 cars,and phone numbers on billboards and taxis. Last night my girlfriend asked me to get her lawyers card his phone ended in 444. It has a deep significance to me my daughter was born at 444 in the morning. I always take pictures of these events and send them to her. Once I pulled over to take a photo of someones plates and the gentlemen asked what I was doing. I told him of seeing 444 all the time and his wife was having similar experiences. I am glad I see this I believed it was a sign for me to keep in contact with my daughter. We have a wonderful bond even though we are over 400 miles apart.wait possibly 444 miles not sure I Mapquest it. Weird.oh my daughter now plans on having it tattooed on her person.

  13. I've seen on another site where it said repeated 4s means your spirit guides are saying "no" to your recent thoughts and feelings. I'm not too sure which I should follow.

  14. Jea right on 15.03.2013 I wake up in 04:44h and that was my second day on my first yob and later on 25.03.2013 i also woke up in 04:44h and later that day after work i accidently look on a car plates and there was 444 only (numbers) and after few minutes i also noticed on taxi large phone number 0444...(Don't remember rest)and that was that with FOURS.
    But also i often see other numbers for me nothing unusual and nothing that I'm afraid of or anything else just exploring and i don't believe in anything just trying to find the meaning in it(By myself) and I thing you should too,(Don't take everything what someone say's to you,just think about thing and try to decide on your OWN) because it must be some meaning in it. By the way there are rely low chances to woke up twice on the same time I mean WTF!!!.....
    Enjoy your LIFE as much as you can that all i can say to you god day...

  15. I was wondering if it means anything when you meet another person with the same sightings? I have been seeing 444 for a few years now. I was talking to a guy I had just met and Im not sure how it came around but I told him I had a number following me around for a while but before I said it he asked if it was 444. I freaked out and had him call a relative who confirmed it because I didn't believe him. I'm not attracted to this person I was just wondering if there was any significance?

  16. Sarah, that is the same question that I have. I told one of my co-workers that I see 444. She told me that she has been seeing 911 for 2 years now. I have been seeing 444 for 9 years now.

  17. I have been seeing 444 my whole life and it was irritating cause everywhere i went night or day there it was...until my wife started reading about numerology and it was life a weight off my shoulder to know that this exist...thank you

  18. I keep seeing triple numbers on the clock for over a week. Anybody know what it means when multiple triples appear?

  19. thank you so much, i always now check the numbers throuhg your explanations :) and it really helps me a lot!

  20. My name is Kimberly and I've been going through a living literal Hell on earth. My aunt who was like a mother to me. She died a year and six months ago. And my birth mother and I had to find an apartment to live which we did. My real mother is blind and physically handicapped. We don't get along well at all. But she's all I have in this world and I her. I take care of her for a living. Getting paid kibbles and bits no less. I'm currently on food assistance which went from $200 to $103 measly dollars. How in fu** can my mother and I survive on that? These people act as of I'm taking money out of thier greedy pockets!!! Anyways, I'm still grieving the loss of my aunt as well as the loss of our house. We both had to change pretty fast. And we all had to adjust. Life's a G.D. Struggle. And this doesn't have a damn thing to do with positive or negative thinking. I get that thoughts are things and things are real only of you allow to be. But what I'm going through is very real and not in my control. In fact I'm losing more and more control by the day. And I've been seeing the number 444 recently. As a matter of fact, it's a number that has been following me around for a while. So what does it mean? Good or bad. I'm not certain. What I do know is is that I'm not happy with my life. In fact, I'm extraordinarily dissatisfied with my life. Because I nolonger have a passion for Anything! I'm 34 and I feel at least three times that. I'm overworked, underpaid, wiped out beyond reason. And I don't know what to do about it. I don't know if my life is even fixable. I'm not necessarily suicidal, but I wouldn't be mad if I could close my eyes, go to sleep and never wake up again. So if this 444 number stuff suppose to be some sign of angelic whatever, then God or whomever is in charge had better get off thier ass and help me because I'm at my breaking point... Real Talk.

    1. Hugs to you and I'm so sorry you are going through so much. I feel especially when I'm stressed I see this number sequence more and perhaps it's pushing you to make some sort of change and let you know some sort exists for you on a cosmic level. I truly hope you get the help you need, whatever that means. May you live in the light and open your heart and soul to all that is wonderful. You deserve it.

    2. God tests and prepares his brightest children for what is to come. It was a struggle, it will be for a while and then its gone. What follows is up to you, ask for guidance from the particle of God, the light of stars and your guide. God bless you!! Love, Cris

    3. you're reply is god or whoever better get off their ass. jeeeezzz and you expect them to come running with an attitude like that. Change your attitude, change you frequency, change your life. god meets us half way, it's up to us to extend our hand in faith.

    4. Hi Kimberly it seems the weight of your post was overlooked which should not. I heard you. and I hope that you have found some light in the last few days. I send you healing and loving light. xx

  21. Attention paid to requirements of education will end suffering and bring succeSss..

  22. YoU seE WhaT I'm SayiNN? ;-)

  23. I see these combinations all the time... everyday... 333...111...444...555...222...1111...1010...808

  24. Yes I was seeing 444 all the time too and I lost 2 jobs in a row and now unemployed with no direction or money. I think ite bad luck!!!!!

    1. its a sign that u need to be paying attention too. maybe those jobs weren't for you.

  25. I see this number among others quite often...221, 1221, 333, 111, 1111, 444, and lately alot of 999. Anyway, I really needed to see this 444 today!! I get discouraged often and these messages are always so uplifting and comforting. Thank you for your wonderful angel messages, they are a saving grace. You're awesome :-)

  26. Always remember, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

  27. This is beautiful! Thank you! :)

  28. An earthangel sent me an angel number 444 and for the first time at work when liooked at the clock the time was 04:44am.I am so glad that truly an angel iswith me.Thank you!

  29. Thank you! <3 Brightest of Blessings <3

  30. So reliefing to see this <3

  31. Twice in one day must mean something.

  32. thank you.....
    rush-collection, sacred scribes......

  33. I have seen 4.44 three days in a row this week and am very happy to have googled and found positive meanings with angels. Times have been tough so looking forward to amazing positive new beginnings <3

  34. Everytime when life brings me down, I see repeating numbers and it helps me get through it. Today I saw 2222 and 444.

  35. I see 444 a lot.. I see it on clocks and on signs and many other things. I had knew before that it meant an angel was with me so I would stop, close my eyes, and listen to my heart and I would get a certain thought to my mind that I wasn't previously thinking about at all. I took that as a sign and did what my heart had told me. I follow my heart almost all the time now. I pray sometimes, but reading more has made me realize I need to do it more. An angel is helping me through my hard times, and I realize it. But I know I need to do more to show my appreciation. This number is a true blessing and I feel extremely special to know an angel is watching over me. 444 will forever be in my heart, and forever in my soul.

  36. I see both numbers all the time 444 and also 1008 or 108. I see them all the time day and night everywhere I also see some things that happen before they happen and also in dreams

  37. Thank you very much. I lived in china for many years and the number 4 means death, especially in threes. I constantly wake up at 4:44 and as the day passes I glance at the clock to see it again. It is with me all the time. Because I am Christian I believe in your explanation and am grateful for the positive reinforcement.

  38. I have been seeing 444 every where so my mother suggested that I search for it on the Internet, and I found your website. I was surprised since I have been praying hard to God Almighty about the crisis the United States is in with the Obama administration and they way his administration is destroying this great nation and taking God out of our every day lives. I just want to tell everyone someone that wants to listen: I quit my job as a contractor working for the US Gov't after surprising learning what this gov't is planning for the American people and moved back to my home state, where I am preparing for what is to come. I am very sadden that I supported this nation for thirty-three year all while the devil and his followers have empowered themselves in our government, while destroying everything that our Lord Almighty has given us as a nation and people. I ask all people of all color and religion to open your eyes and start being real people of God and stand up and be proud to be American otherwise in the near future we wont have this great country to call our own. If you don't like what you see get involved and vote, run for office, tell your statesmen and women to keep their oath to support and defend this great country. God listens and he will listen to us if we all stand up and pray to him with all our hearts and souls, and stop liking like sinners. Money has become the new God of America - People need to start praying for the right things and stop being materialistic. When this country falls all of your houses, money, and property will become the property of the government and you will become slaves, or be killed - Wake up American - bring God Almighty back into your lives and regain ownership of this great nation.... God bless

    1. Isn't that something? We who voted for Obama were saying that same thing for the eight years prior! At least Obama didn't start any god-forsaken wars. And he's ensuring that all of us, each one of us, can go see a doctor when we need to. The Bush presidents were the evil ones.

    2. Great observation mytwocents108. I agree with you


    4. I agree to not many people know that the government is ran by satan himself. We need to pray for the Christians in America.

  39. I agree with Hackman above in most of the points. ONLY God will keep our country safe from those "evil" people". These Bankers or the Elite or the Illuminate will have their share when they go before the Judgment seat of God. You do not want to be before that seat......not me,,,,,

    There are a lot said about numbers; Biblicaly they have their meaning also. But numbers are not going to save you & me and our country; Only God and the Lord J. Christ gave us eternal life and save us from the Wrath to come, which is the Book of Revelation; God will sent his Son to pick up all the believers before the book of revelation takes place; This is a promise he made to us in Thessalonians, and God keep his promises as He did with Israel many many times; even most of the times were stubborn and UN-believing. Nothing stopped God to sent his son the first time and NOTHING will stop God to sent his son the second time to pick us up. So I am not worrying about it; But I do pray for our country, so our God can make things better for his believers NOW.
    So my TRUST is in the Lord not in numbers. Sorry, but I rather believe the Scriptures than what people say. That's the ONLY COMFORT I have And live by it. All the rest are speculations, chaotic, confusing and fearful because are NOT Biblicaly supported. Sorry that is my beliefs and I Stand upon.

    If people want to believe what numbers are saying,,, or believe what some TV preachers are saying, that's their freedom of will decision. Thank God we have the freedom of speech, if we still have it;
    Until then I am enjoying my Freedom with the Lord as He has promised in John 10:10 " the thief cometh not, but for to steal kill to destroy; I am come that they may have Life and that they might have it more abundantly."
    This simply says: the devil(the thief) and his people have one goal: to steal and kill and destroy peoples lives; on the other hand J. Christ promised a MORE THAN ABUNDANT LIFE ; So it is available to live without fear, confusion, chaos or under the control of the devil's people.
    I live the ABUNDANT LIFE because God promise it to me and the other believers. So you have to believe it AND ACT ACCORDINGLY. All of God's promises came by believing; it's not automatic, because God does not push anything on you or me. So I RATHER believe the scriptures as I said before;
    Have a great day..................the greek !!!

  40. Hi I have a question,while figuring out my hidden passion number, I found out that I have 3 hidden passion number (1,4,3 I have been seeing this number a lot also) and they're all 4's (1=4, 4=4, 3=4 times), I know that means something but I would like your input on this.. Thank you!

  41. Hi,

    To the author thank you very much as this is very helpful. Notice this number when I check the clock always 4:44. Its comforting to know that we are guided by our angels.

    God bless!

  42. Yea I have experienced a great deal of this when I started a spiritual awakening in 2012. I would always see number synchronicity and I always took it as me being on the correct path. It got to a point where I was expecting them and just knew.

    It has gotten a little crazy lately after not really taking notice to the numbers for the past couple weeks. Like yesterday I looked at the clock and it was 11:44am than later in the day I looked it was 3:33pm(11) later that day I got a text frm a girl(complicated situation) looked it was 4:44pm(11) later that night I looked and it was 11:55pm(11). I been in duality very much one day I'm good and happy following my passion making music trying to reach a dream and the next day I feel depressed and down because I feel I deserve more from life than the current situation I am in like a feeling of becoming bitter and cold hearted, I was really down when I went to sleep and I just asked the angles and my guardians to please help me continuously. Now today is a 11 day, I drove my brother to work today and on my way back I got stuck on the freeway. I saw 3 cars from the same company in front of each other with the phone number 916-444-1234. I was in a serious traffic jam and for a second I started to get a lil frustrated then I calmed down. I was in traffic for a while trying to get of the freeway, than I notice the car that had been in front of me for majority of the time; I look at the plate and it was 444ANGL. Some very interesting synchronicity going on.

  43. Nice number... Its a good reminder for us....

  44. Thank you for explaining this most helpful.

  45. Thank you so much for answering it in detail, it was much needed

  46. Hey there and thank you for sharing this information about the 444 numbers, I've been seeing them in a couple of places the last few days and I have to say, this reading is very informative and handy when it comes to understanding the nature of synchronistic numbers and how they relate to the universal consciousness :) <3

  47. Thank you for sharing this knowledge,its fantastic to have a brilliant,clear,angelic reference index for us all to communicate and progress on life's journey.I have seen every other day, triple digits of 222,333,444 more 333,444 at times of productivity in my creative works.It's a real blessing coming across this wonderful site I do check every day.Thank you and God bless.:)

  48. I've been seeing these for about a year now to. Right about the time I started to wake up. Thanks for posting about this!

  49. Wow! Thank you so very much! I truly needed to hear this. I woke up with at 4:44am with an X on my neck. At first I was worried so I set out to find reason. This makes tons of scenes after reading your post. I have been venturing out onto a new path lately. I also had a visit with an archangel a few months back (you can read about my encounter here and now they are remanding me that they are here. Thank you tons for your peace of mind, goodnight and light.

  50. i have seen this most of my life and really never knew why. i am going thru some turmoil in my life and this morning decided for whatever reason to google the significance of the number 444 and happened upon your blog. this brought me to tears. thank you so much, i feel so much better. it all makes sense and i feel like i can move forward with confidence and support. ♥

    1. these numbers have been appearing to me many years ago just about on anything and a few months ago i was on a call with a customer and towards the end of the call we mentioned something about numbers and i told her about these numbers and that i did not know what they ment because i would see them like on a daily basis and always wondered what they ment, and she told me that i was blessed because i have angels watching over me, WOW ! i had these feeling come over me that brought tears to my eyes, and such a feeling inside like a big relief and peace, and looking back through the years, i've gone through two brain surgeries for a brain tumor, had radiation treatments followed by them, also had some very scary incidents in the FWY on my way to and from work that i thank god that nothing happened and now by reading this i feel very blessed and more at peace.

  51. Thank you so much, I've been visiting your blog and love reading your full and very descriptive explanations. I sincerely appreciate you for having and keeping this blog. I needed to know this message's explanation and it's soothing my soul. Blessings!

  52. I was craving a Jamba Juice yesterday so I got on with an antiox boost. The total was 4.44! I knew it had to mean something. I saw 4's everywhere on the gas stations too. I'm so glad to hear to keep up the good work. I always thought I had an angel! then I had a movie ticket for $11 that evening!

  53. Wherever i looked i found number 444 initially i thought it must be a bad number coz its following me.But after reading this i am extremely happy and relived.I am hindu but i do see jesus lately while i am driving i turn my head to look outside and i see church.I was socked to see jesus image in my mind than church and 444 sequence it was odd.But now i know its blessing from god.In past life i must be christian or been follower of jesus. I am so happy to see this artical. God bless you all.And from hindu god jai shri krishna.

  54. this video show exactly what 444 means and there is no opinions or theories. Just straight Mathematical And Biblical facts.

  55. found 444 in the Bible twice. Ezekiel chap 1 describes an angel. In Verse 5-6 he says its 4 creatures with four heads and four wings. 'Later in the book he calls it a Cherubim. (So I call a Cherubim a 444 angel) Lucifer was the anointed cherub (Ezekiel 28:14; Isaiah 14:12,13). Lucifer = 444 in English gematria. Its funny because atheists use the fact of Lucifer adding to 444 as a stumper. Only to be met with these facts.
    Revelation Chapter 7 verse 1: And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree

  56. I've seen 222 , 333 and 444 just this afternoon and i'm kinda worried about what's going to happen.before when i see 444 that's a sign to me that something is going to happen and i need to be careful.i've seen 444 and my family and i had a minor car accident but we are not injured only the car had a big dent.before that accident i saw 444 in the money changing stall at the mall then a family of hisband send me a text with a typo error on the name of the place.when my husband chasing the kids with the cart who bump on the door side of our car,we stopped in the dark place where there's a board a signage with the name same on the text message i received earlier which was just a typographical error made by the texter.there was also an instance that i saw 444 looking at time on ny cellphone.then when i got home i turn on the tv and saw the devastating tsunami hit in Japan.then suddenly i recall my dream that morning i saw mud and people i don't recognize at all ,muddy and a lot of them are blowted like they are drowned.then there is a person telling me that the child covered in mud and blowted is my child.i argued in my dream that i am not related to that child at weird dream.i don't know if this is just a coincidence.please enlighten me

  57. WOW......I knew it meant something but I didn't bother to pay attention to it....4:44. For the longest time I would wake up or if I was a wake....I would always for some reason look at the clock and at that moment it was always at exactly 4:44am. After a while I knew it meant something!!! But with our busy and crazy life I didn't bother to look into it, especially since we now have all this new advance technology. Anyways last night I accidently click on a movie and it was call 4:44 last day on earth! It cough me by surprise. I always felt something big is going to happen at 4:44am! so I research it, I had no idea other people where having the same exact experience. And now I know what it means.

  58. Thank you so very much, this is exactly what I needed to hear. God bless...

  59. Right on time no pun intended lol

  60. I got back home last night from the gym. I sat on the couch to watch some tv while also exchanging texts, for some reason I suddenly got thirsty so I got up to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. After drinking my half full of water I turned to look at the stove, the digits read 11:11. This has happened to me before and although I didn't just automatically shrugged it off, it stayed in the back of my mind and I thought to myself, how peculiar, the numbers are back. I went to sleep around 1am and I was having a dream, nothing bad or scary when all of a sudden I opened my eyes. Something in my mind told me to look at the clock, my alarm clock displayed the time, 4:44. What can this mean? Surely this can't just be coincidence.

    1. 333min between 11:11 and 4:44

    2. this is how God called me to ministry. I woke up every hour in the night. the next day i saw the clock at 11:11. i then sat and read my bible. God brought me to Romans 10:14-16. this was my call to ministry.

  61. I am loving someone heartily.I waited for him 2 year then I proposed him.but he refused.again after one year i proposed him.still he refused.he told me not to be in contact with I remained silent for one month.but then again tried to communicate with him.and now we are communicating.he is not calling from his side but he is also not ignoring my calls.but am confused that if he had refused me not to be in contact with me then still why he is in contact with me.what is the reason.!!!!!!!!!!!I I want to ask him the reason but am afraid that if I will ask him and he will go away from me!!!!!!!!I I DON'T WANNA LOSE HIM.but I also want to know the I was thinking whether to ask him or not....or I will wait for him as before & everything will be ok with time.that time I came across 4.44.I believe in angel number.but am not getting what was the indication .whether it was indication to ask him the reason or to remain silent and wait as before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so please help me to recognise the indication.One thing I want to share that I love him a lot.I don't wanna lose please help.......please.................

  62. It is time for you to move on and find your real angel that will love you in return

  63. I am Yadessa Mekonnen and the number of my Name is 444; and feel Happy whenever i see this number even before i know that as it is the number of my Name............

  64. What wasnt within was without wisdom, what're words without wisdom? well whoever wanders without wondering why walks without wisdom worrying without wondering what's within
    while wondering which way will water wash, why would we worry when we're whats washing? well we wont when we waken whats within we witness whats whole,

    what were we when we weren't? we whats whole, we wake without wisdom, we watch where witnesses walk with wonderment, What we watch wires which way we will walk, whoever wanders without wonder why we walk, will worry which way water will wash, whoever watches waters while worrying whats wrong with waves, watches without wisdom, without welcomes within, winds whisper wisdom writem without words waking whats within writers with wisdom watch waves without worrying, witnessing wonderful waves which were washing with wrath were wakened when wisdom's wind wants wisdom written where whoevers without wisdom will wander, why wonder where we walk? when what we witness wishes we wonder why we're witnessing wherever we walk, we write wisdom why? why would we write what worries walkers?
    not yet still waiting

    They are slow as fuck
    i know
    well without worriers we wouldnt write wisdoms, without worries we wouldnt write, where was wisdom was whenever we weren't whom wander wherever we walk, what wisdom without worry, wisdoms what was without worry, without worry wisdoms wasnt wisdom, wisdom was without worry wasnt wisdom, wisdom watches worry, what was watchable when worriers werent, why would wisdom want worriers?wisdoms without wants, we wanted which was without wisdom, we witnesss why Wisdom writing with words which were written within whereever we walk, wisdom wonders while worriers wander, why were we wandering while wisdom was what we're walking with,,Wisdom wonders when we will want wisdom. Whos wisdom? Why What's whole we wonder we won't worry why we weren't wise

  65. Yay! That's a really positive message that I need to hear right now! I'm seeing a lot of numbers in the 400's, but 444 just hit me as I was scrolling through my stats for the day.

  66. my change from a hundred was 44.44 and I have been trying to work with the arch angels.

  67. Just stopped by to say thank you for sharing this information. I often reference your website when trying to interpret sequences of numbers I often get. Today the number was 444. I saw it just as I was worrying about some financial matters. I am thankful to know what I already knew but the confirmation is always great. Thank you.

  68. I found your article, because I actually had a dream last night with the number 444 appearing in my dream. I had no idea what it meant and thought it was associated with lottery numbers, then searched on here and found your awesome page. Thank you for this great explanation! I want to cry right now.

    God loves me and cares about me, and he will help me achieve good things in my life! :)

  69. I see the number 444 almost every day, mostly on digital clocks.-especially when I'm driving. A couple weeks ago I was driving to San Diego and a van that was in the right lane had completely cut me off. I noticed immediately that this vehicle had an out of state license plate number that read 444!!! I though it was hilarious! They say that the lord works in mysterious ways, but I suppose you can say the same thing about the angels as well.-sending us messages in some of the most dangerous situations. One things for sure, this was the only time in my life that I did not get royally pissed off after someone cut me off on the road!! LOL

  70. Love all :)
    Dont kill with anything. words or weapons

  71. ditto to all its amazing to see other people seeing the same things. I was called to ministry through the clock. Thanks everyone for sharing.

  72. Hi everyone. It's great to see that see that i'm not alone in this. Thanks for enlightening us abut this confusing topic. I have had all kinds of number sequences in the last four years, literally thousands of them. Started slowly with just few moments in a week, getting stronger within a year up to a 2-4 sequencec in a day and up to a 5 in a row even 1:11 2:22 3:33 4:44 5:55
    Have had this unbelieveble experience all on my own, noone else in my circles has experienced this in so grand scale. Have tried everything to make it stop, to try to figure out a reason for this but nothing seems to work. They come and go with just enough time between them to give me relief that it's all over now, i did'it.
    Most weird and shocking for me was this weeks experiences. Went to bed at 23, slept well, dreamt and suddenly opened my eyes for no obvious reason, fully concious and stared at the digital clock showing 4:44. This has happened once before, few months before but as it was single occasion i've forgotten about it. This week it happened twice, last was tonight and i was up for another hour trying to figure it out.

    1. Sounds to me you are going through the 'awakening'.
      I started having this kind of stuff as well as all kinds of other weird and crazy things in my life as well,it is still going on..........
      but check out 'Awakening' online,see if it sounds like what's going on with you.Most of the people on here are starting to go through it,that's why they are here questioning life! Remember,the main thing is to always try to stay positive,and keep an open mind as you do your research.......this world and life is not as it seems,there is a whole back story that i think all of you should find out.Starting at the beginning.When,and how,man and woman were made and what happened after that. And most important,do not believe most of what we were taught,by any one!
      Because they were taught wrong too.....there is a secret,THAT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SECRET!!
      I will leave you with that,all of you. Curious R U?

  73. Ive been seeing this for months and have been bout to end my life for awhile but tonight i was sitting here looking at my sons baby pic who passed on in 1994 in my arms he was 3 months old and seen 444 on my clock again! Decided to Google it thank u !!!!!!! Gotta keep pushing on I guess !!!!

    1. Its a terrible tragedy to lose a child...but it doesnt make it any easier to take your own life....He is looking dowqn on you from heaven. Keep pushing and going foward through life. YOU CAN DO IT. HAVE FAITH..take care

  74. ASpiritualPersonSunday, March 01, 2015

    Just recently I've been seeing 444 a lot, from my car's mileage to the time and on receipts. It is as if 444 has been calling out to me to check on it, I've had a lot of worry and discontent these past few months on different issues. I'd been asking for guidance, and getting heavy flashes of de ja vu involving 444. I have been told i have clairvoyance, and other esp related abilities by other people. My guides usually like to communicate in numbers, but sometimes i don't notice. The information seems accurate, and knowing this now shows me what to look for. Thank you for posting this.

  75. Thank you so much for the meaning of 444! This afternoon, I looked at the time and it was 4:44PM. And later during the night as I was on this page reading about 444, I looked at the time on my phone and it was 12:12AM. Another Angel message for me. How cool is that???? I don't know how to tie all this into, but any guesses would be great! :)

  76. Yay I'm the 111th comment!! :)

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. This is my most favourite number in the world, yes all the numbers have great & wonderful meaning but this one is close to my heart.
    I met a man & we had a strong connection, beautiful union & he would text at 4.44 ... I'd ask the Angels a question about him & would immediately see 444. It became our number. But we both had falling in love phobia & we tended to push each other away knowing we felt love in its raw form... & it scared us. I live in regret & i work hard on myself & i live in hope we will reunite with our demons behind us. Being true to myself.. i have to believe we will be... again. No one else fits, i feel things I've never felt with him & when our eyes meet... they burn with fire.. when we sleep .. we just fit.. I have no fear when I'm with him. He has someone else but always rings me ... when things are wrong, just to chat, whatever his reason... I love seeing his name on my phone. Its the only name i wanna see. Ok so I've chewed ya ears off enough... Pray with me he comes back. Keep up the 444's Angels, I love it. It gives me the strength to go on. Mark O'H.., i will love you forever & always... love Vicky K...

  79. This is my most favourite number in the world, yes all the numbers have great & wonderful meaning but this one is close to my heart.
    I met a man & we had a strong connection, beautiful union & he would text at 4.44 ... I'd ask the Angels a question about him & would immediately see 444. It became our number. But we both had falling in love phobia & we tended to push each other away knowing we felt love in its raw form... & it scared us. I live in regret & i work hard on myself & i live in hope we will reunite with our demons behind us. Being true to myself.. i have to believe we will be... again. No one else fits, i feel things I've never felt with him & when our eyes meet... they burn with fire.. when we sleep .. we just fit.. I have no fear when I'm with him. He has someone else but always rings me ... when things are wrong, just to chat, whatever his reason... I love seeing his name on my phone. Its the only name i wanna see. Ok so I've chewed ya ears off enough... Pray with me he comes back. Keep up the 444's Angels, I love it. It gives me the strength to go on. Mark O'H.., i will love you forever & always... love Vicky K...

  80. Saw 444 continously Nov and Dec. It was freaking me out so I looked up the meaning and found it meant that I had angels helping me. I couldn't understand why. I woke up suddenly one Friday night to find an old bearded man in a cloak pointing beyond my head at my clock. I wasn't afraid just baffled. My sister unexpectedly died 3 days later. I think the angels dud help me. I was on a trip with my mom when it happened and wax able to comfort her..unfortunately, I am still seeing 444 as well as 111 and 555 pretty frequently. I have a feeling that more tragedy is coming. I don't discuss it with anybody because most people don't believe therefore may think I am a little crazy. My daughter called me a couple days ago frantic because she has been having a feeling that something bad is going to happen. I told her that I was having the same feeling. But didn't discuss the numerology with her. Anybody with this type of experience have anything to share?

  81. these are signs that the angels are with us throughout life's challenges. They are not foretelling impending disaster.

  82. WOW! Last night I woke at 5:55am and now this morning I woke up at 4:44am!

    I'm glad my preying is working right now, because I am selling my art and looking for another job to support my wife and 6 month old baby, and I feel at a loss, but after reading these articles, I know I am not alone!!! Its good to know everyone is looking out for one another!

    ~God speed everyone, Dustin!

  83. I sold my 444th item on Etsy this morning, 4/4/15. Being a primitive folk artist is what I would LIKE to do full-time.

  84. I been preying for the wife and I will get new better jobs. I preyed I could support my family with my ability in art. I looked down at my watch today and saw444. Now I know something big is about to happen

  85. My prayers for all the world I give you this day. My heart is with Jiyeon(22/7)x5'n!N

  86. My hero's are humanitarians and scientists but for years I saw the numbers
    222 or 2222 and it freaked me out a bit, strangely after I saw these numbers I would look out for my favourite number sequence the 4's but now that I have somewhat embraced the 2's I am now seeing the 4's.

  87. My heart is for you (22/7)x5

  88. Thank you for ur website :)

  89. I am the 53,876,444 person to view your page. I first saw 444 06 Feb 2006 and the irony then it was in a dream where I was surround by archangels.

  90. One day, I'm pretty much remember seeing the number 444 on our clock, either once or twice in my lifetime. I'm am so extremely happy to know that this is one of our angel's numbers. Thanks so very much for the information on our dear sweet precious angels. God Bless you all always.

  91. In waking yesterday I dreamed of fake people of God. When I woke I looked at the clock and the time was 444am. It was almost time for me to call in to the player line at 5am... I fell back to sleep and woke up late but I got the Chance to catch about an hour to 45 min of the end. After I got of the phone I began to dream again of fake people of God. When I had begun to come out of this dream I was uneasy, afraid because in the dream I had seen that they were lairs. While waking up I look at the clock , and normally I don't this but these time I was prompted to do so... the time was 744am. These numbers when looked of is of the Archangels. My God how I had prayed a prayer not to long ago about being with them , warin with them. Asking God to speak to me in all ways. I think God for answering my prays. I don't deal with numbers but this time I had to find out what was to be said. God bless all.

  92. I see 11 ALOT and 444 recently. I know it is our angels and our higher power (GOD). For any who doubt what you not bc I feel we are blessed to be able to understand.....many do not see this or they are not at that state of mind. I have always believed life is about helping others here on earth and there (passed on). The angels need our help and prayers. I know they listen to us and are doing ALOT of work in this world. Keep praying!!!! It WORKS:)

  93. I see 11 ALOT and 444 recently. I know it is our angels and our higher power (GOD). For any who doubt what you not bc I feel we are blessed to be able to understand.....many do not see this or they are not at that state of mind. I have always believed life is about helping others here on earth and there (passed on). The angels need our help and prayers. I know they listen to us and are doing ALOT of work in this world. Keep praying!!!! It WORKS:)

  94. I started seeing these numbers about 5 years ago, it was around the time I was waking up to much of the evil and deception in the world, people thought I was crazy but the signs I saw were blatant, I knew I wasn't imagining it, it built up until nov 2011 (11:11) then my entire life fell apart that month, I lost everything. My home my family, my fiance, all of my dreams.

    One night I cried out to God and begged him to help me, when I returned to bed the clock said 04:44, I knew without a shadow of doubt that someone or something was acknowledging my prayer. Since then I see various number sequences all day every day. The past few years have been the toughest of my life, but shortly after the trauma I went through I began to develop unusual symptoms, hot flashes, strange dreams, weight loss, even increased psychic ability, one day during meditation I felt this energy rise up inside me, it was the most beautiful feeling and I later discovered this is called Kundalini awakening, the number sequences seemed to increase further still, and on finding this site, the numbers did seem to answer whatever question was on my mind at the time.

    Now I am slowly rebuilding my life, sometimes I fear that they are a warning, but things are slowly coming back together and I know that I have changed profoundly, in a way I never would have without going through such hard ship. I am far more confident and I know who I am, I am allergic to seeing suffering or corruption, and although I am incredibly sensitive to energies I have found a way to live more harmoniously. Sometimes now when I speak out to the angels, I see beautiful white lights in the corner of my eyes, they look like stars.

    These numbers are not imagined, one day I heard a song in my friends car and fell in love, when I got home I looked it up, the song was 4:44 minutes long and had 444,000 views, then I noticed the craziest thing of all, the album art on the video had the words "awakened" in big letters.

    Expect a lot of changes to come with this, and try to remain true to yourself and conserve your energy, don't waste it on dramas I think this may be some kind of global shift happening. Much of my "social programming" has dissolved through this experience, I know longer see the world in the same way. But even years on I still don't fully understand what is happening. If I had read this comment a few years ago I would have believed the person writing it needed to be admitted for treatment! But hey here I am.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story and experiences Jade.


    2. Ironically when I purchased my mustang BOSS 302 back in '13
      I chose for the tag 444 HP! I didn't realize at the time, that that plate was prophetic. I am SURROUNDED by Archangels, Angels, Guides and the Ascended Masters. My life is TRULY AMAZING!

    3. Jade, similar experience to many of us, mine started 14 years ago, and since my wife leaving me this past Summer things went into hyper speed. Judge not the events, I realize that every pain suffered, every tear shed leaves room for joy and happiness.
      I know now my deepest desires are in the process of manifestation, relax, allow, and KNOW it is being taken care of by the Angels.

    4. I'm sure you have heard this a lot already,because it seems like a very large number of people have been awakening and searching,then researching on history and all kinds of things that unopened eyes would say are crazy,and do.
      Till they find out its true.
      I think i started my awakening about 5 years ago,maybe longer,i have had so many tragedies,disappointments,trauma's,loss's and deaths happen that time has just whirred by,in fact,i have read that when you are becoming enlightened time speeds up as you shift into the fifth dimension,a higher vibration.
      Do some research,it might answer some of your questions,I did,and i have learned some VERY influential things happened in the past that relate to why we are where we are today!
      But don't just believe anything,listen to what your gut and intuition tell you is right. If it sits right with you,then it's probably correct.
      Most religious leaders are evil and corrupt,most should not be even listened to,not if you knew what they do behind closed doors!!
      I wish all good people's eyes on earth will be opened as soon as possible,so we can move on with the next and hope to u all!

  95. Not a day goes by that I look at the clock and see 444... Been that way for years!

  96. A few months ago I keep on seeing triple digits until now. From Contracts, receipts and most of the time on my clock

  97. I found your article, due to searching the meaning of "444". I've noticed that this number follows me every where. When I wake up at night and look at the clock or during the day I see 4:44, buy something in a store $4.44... I thought it is a message of something negative that is about to happen.

  98. I have been praying fot the right partner and for safety in the car when we drive at night, also for my life to get better. I was telling my friend about my prayers and the license plate of a car near us appeared numbers 444...angels are with us. I am now a believer! Thank you rush-collection for this inspirational site. Love and light to all!

  99. This is the dumbest explanation I have ever heard of
    .tou guys actually believe this crap lpl

  100. Hey i recently lost my son when he was born on November 28 2015 at 1020 and my girlfriend and I are devastated after she gave birth she was transferred to another hospital and she was put in room 444 for two nights i looked up what the 1020 and 444 means and it says my son was a gift an angel number 3 it said that im closer to following gods mission im confused

  101. I always see this sign no matter where I am .. even playing games .. I think it is a reminder or something .. at first i didnt care about it .. but when the days comes and it stills bothering me .. I think 2 months of seeing this sign .. I finally research and hoping that God is really with me .. Im not a good person .. but i believe in God and I have faith in him ..

  102. Im so confused, which path is the right one? Are they supporting me on the one I'm currently on, or they they encouraging me to go ahead with the path in my thoughts?

  103. I was born at 4:44 am, and have coincidentally looked at clocks or awoken and seen the clock exactly at 4:44 throughout my entire life. When I woke at that time, I did not know why, because I heard nothing and was able to go right back to sleep. When I was born at 4:44, it was the end of a long labor and complicated first pregnancy that almost killed my mother. In my life as a child, I was always very intuitive and warned her of people she associated with, who scared me very much, and told her that they were "bad" - unfortunately she did not listen, and I was never wrong. I have done the same thing other times such as warning my best friend in college about other friends she was making, and while I distanced myself and she did not tell me until long after the fact, I had been right there as well. I also saved my mother's life as a pre-teen. Much more unusual things have occurred as well, but you get the picture. The problem is that I can not find any information where the time of someone's birth is important or even asked for in the field of numerology. The date is all that is asked for. I feel that this is incomplete, that there is some very important meaning to the time I was born if only that my mother should have trusted my instincts when I warned her as a child and she chose not to, but I can not find anything that even touches on this subject.

    1. I don't know what time of the day at all that i was born, but i have had these things happen to me too,and way more,i could write a book i guess.
      Anyway,I have always told people things ahead of time,and no one ever listens to me,but i'm always right. What pisses me off,is half the people,like my husband,won't listen to me,then i'm always right and he gets mad at me like i caused it. Sometimes its a joke,but sometimes it really starts a fight.
      It doesn't just happen with him,it has always happened with everyone. I have had a lot of tradgedies in my life,and i think we are supposed to go through hell and learn an infinite amount of things,either to prepare us for something in this life,or,the next existence,whatever that may be.
      I would say,start doing research,once you learn some of the things i have,you will see a way bigger picture,and have a lot more questions....LOL.
      But,you will know more. And be forewarned and have a chance to become prepared. I wish you well.
      And,i wish you strength,in heart,body and mind!

  104. Amazing that just as I'm doubting myself, my strength, and my road this number pops up on the clock. I was just to post on my Facebook about how I'm debating on whether or not to cut my losses and move another direction. I've been working so hard healing myself as well as my kiddos with our Angels and God of course. As soon as I was about to post this I look at the clock and it's 444. Confirming to me that I am on the right path and I'm to continue forward knowing that I am supported in all ways. Thank you rush-collection for this sight. It is really so beautiful.

  105. Its amazing that i wake up at 4.44 most mornings. I thought my body clock was spot on. This morning i felt the need to find out what 444 means after having a peak at the clock and of course it was 444... what a great start to the week. Thankyou

  106. Its amazing that i wake up at 4.44 most mornings. I thought my body clock was spot on. This morning i felt the need to find out what 444 means after having a peak at the clock and of course it was 444... what a great start to the week. Thankyou

  107. Its amazing that i wake up at 4.44 most mornings. I thought my body clock was spot on. This morning i felt the need to find out what 444 means after having a peak at the clock and of course it was 444... what a great start to the week. Thankyou

  108. Wow I really had no idea. I have been seeing this number for the past 10 years or so everywhere. In phone numbers, license plates of cars that were either parked in front of me or turned in front of me, slot machines at casinos, time 4:44, just everywhere and even at the gym and it says you lost 444 calories, it's just freaky and weird but I was also interested to know what it meant. I see this number at least twice a day and I don't look for it, it finds me!

  109. I was born on April 4, 1984...
    When I was 16, my astrologer told me quite a few of those same things... :)

  110. .....i thought this was my self paranoia or is not after all...there's more like me out there....

  111. I have been seeing 444 around me for over a year now and I am really glad to know that the number means Angels are around me and supporting me and all is well but i am equally confuse because i saw that number during my hard times too.

  112. Wow, i have seen eagles flying in sky two days in row while doing yoga outside in spring season. i have seen 5:55, 4:44, 11:11 and sharp 12 midnight on wall clock as in 00:00or00:01 in army clock format. I never used to believe in all but as i started noticing things. Its changes coming for great life. i have done detail research in all this now.

  113. Thank you for the 444 conversion explained :-) I recently handed myself over to GOD as I have finished fighting with myself now and realize to let go and let god, for he is my father in heaven and knows me well :-) ... since then the 444's have appeared ... 777's & 333's ... I feel now that this is a confirmation that I am on my life path and to go ahead with all that i am doing to help others and share the love of our mission creating 10 million healthy homes by 2020.
    Thank you so much for your message today of 444... I understand now :-) Best Regards Kim :-) xo

  114. My baby girl was born at 4:44 in the morning on Easter Saturday, the very same day her great great grandfather passed away and this gives me hope that he's watching over her along with my great nanna, who passed the day after him nearly twenty five years later. They're her guardian angels.

  115. For years I have been trying to figure out this numbers...They will appear almost everyday in front of i decide to do the research online and I saw your post...Thank you so much...It's a relief because sometimes it frighted me...

  116. "You are encouraged to continue on your current path as your drive and determination will lead to success and fulfillment."

    So I'm a degenerate alcoholic and I have been drinking everyday for over a year, and drinking heavily. So according to this I am encouraged to continue down this path?? And it will lead to success and fulfillment? This is very misleading, no, it's downright wrong.

    1. A little common sense goes a long way. Try it.

  117. Thank you for this encouragement at this time. After creating an encouraging message through the Holy Spirt for my pastor, I knelt and prayed and worshipped God, asking for God’s grace to my children, that they may know Him; Annaleise in particular who I sense would open my letter today, saying "it is not by me", sobbing in tears. After some time doing this I looked up and there were the numbers 4:44 on the computer screen. I knew I needed to find the meaning of that and here it was. What an encouragement for me. Thank you.

  118. I love this number I see it often when I am operating in my correct path. I met a woman at a grocery store in Austin in 2012 and talked about expanding on the Angel numbers to create a data base for all people to access them. I never mentioned it again she had worked with Dorine Virtue previously and liked the idea. Well here is what I envisioned in greater scale with more detail. Well done this is helping many people daily.

  119. i have seen first in my life 11:11 several times then i have seen 5:55 2:22 3:33 4:44 7:77 almost everyday... kindly guide me about this un usual experienced... it never happen to me before till aged of 38..thank you very much

  120. thank you for giving me the meaning of 4:44 it never happen to me before until last month i started seeing 11:11 several times then succeedingly i have seen 2:22 3:33 4:44 5:55 1:11 kindly i ask more meaning about this unusual experienced. thank you very much.

  121. On a regular basis my life is continuously turmoil and pain and just never good it seems like no matter how good things get something messes up and it gets destroyed but I stay happy and I stay positive I don't let anything get me anymore I don't fear death I don't feel a lot of things at all anymore when things are bad I just don't care anymore I see these numbers on a regular basis whether it's 222 or 444 or 555 I see them and I know that it means something handicap people come up to me out of the blue and tell me I'm nice and then I'm happy and I'm good I am very proud of who I am and I will not change for anyone or anything it's a blessing that you put the stuff out there because as much as I see it and then what I've researched it through your site it is helping me get through all of it and I'm much stronger now than I ever was before I was in a coma for 6 days God spoke to me people come to me out of the blue and tell me their problems and I know I make them feel better like I heels them somehow constantly I'm putting situations that I never should be and for some reason I know I'm supposed to be there at a specific time in a specific place just like the sand beneath me one grain was supposed to meant a place for me I am thankful so thank you for putting this out there

  122. I have 444 on my I'd and I was born at 444 in the morning. I'm a owl. It's true I can see in the dark and I precise problems threats and insight from God about other people. I can fly climb dance eat pray and read at the same time. I'm truly gifted. My wife I've seen in a vision 2ice and we have a baby. I know more about my future then I know about the past. I'm a seer and 111 is my comfort number. Just recently I had planned a last meal with mom at red lobster and then kill myself by hanging myself. We were number order . 111 God had a recovery option 4 my life. I'm alive and well. I see 1111 so much I take pictures 4 facebook. Thanks for such a Good sight. It's the best. Thanks.

  123. Thank you very much for this explanation,I finally understand the meaning of 444 and other matters related with it. Thanks alot after six long years of trying to figure out I finally searched online and it helped.

  124. i been seeing all these times on the clock randomly also. now its all starting to make sence. thanks angels.

  125. I seen this number on clock yesterday 4:44 then again I woke up at 4:44 I've been praying that my husband finds interest in going back to church for last 7-8 months he has no interest in going we were going every Sunday until we moved up here a year ago we loved are church we went to one up here and the man was speaking in tongues was alil weird we both left not wanting to come back but there are other churches up here and watching online doesn't refuel ur spirit like going to church does but hopefully 4:44 means the Angels will help me guide us to right church and give him interest in going again like we used to usuall I see 111 ,1111,&11:04 11:04 is my twin sister that's past reassuring she's here or saying hello I think because every time I see it right before I'm thinking of her sometimes I see 404 but that's my lil brothers birthday usually means he's in trouble or about to do something he isn't supposed to and I need to call him thank you for writing the meanings I listen to my angels but never knew what 1111,111,222,888,444,555,333,or any of them meant really has helped me on more then one occasion especially the 555 lol and thank you angels and arch angels for always watching over me and protecting me and my daughter please help me find a church up here similar to churchbythsglades and help my husband find interest in returning to church church helps refuel and lighten my soul 👨‍👩‍👧👼🏻👼🏻👼👼🙏👶🏻

  126. I have noticed the patterns of numbers I am seeing directly relates to my life and what I am thinking; these are very real to me and never steered me in the wrong direction. The trick is to trust your own personal interpretation of them as that is your angels' message to you; nobody else can dictate this for you.

  127. I have been seeing the number 444 since my mother passed in August and my Mother in law in July. I would wake up often at 4:44 am and for awhile wondered if that was when she passed in her sleep. I have been a recovering alcoholic for 6 years and recently started meditating. Today when I finished my meditation I looked at the clock and it was 4:44. I have been thinking so much about my Mom because tomorrow is her birthday. I out of the blue decided to google 444. It has brought me much comfort. Thank you

  128. Iv feel in absolute LOVE with a man and ever since 444 is following me around, it is even the number of one of his addresses. Maybe he is an angel .......

  129. Iv feel in absolute LOVE with a man and ever since 444 is following me around, it is even the number of one of his addresses. Maybe he is an angel .......

  130. eye opening. truly enlighting

  131. Many thanks for this guidance it is much appreciated. Thank you

  132. Appreciate your site and insight! I have come here often after I see repeated numbers over the years. For example, I have been seeing 333 the last couple of days then today 222 then 333 then 444. It was comforting to re-read the messages. Helps me focus. Thank You

    You all need to listen to,and do,what your intuition tells you. Also, your gut,instinct. And,your heart. Let your brain fill in the information it needs to,then go with what your intuition tells you,or your gut.
    Conscience too! Listen to it as well.
    And do some research into history,because there are things that you need to know that you have and are purposely not being told,in fact,it has been purposely hidden,and when people have tried to find out they have went missing or been killed. Keep your eyes open,and spread the word because everyone is wondering what's going on,and most are scared to talk about it because they are afraid of being called crazy,which will happen when you talk to any one who does not have opened eyes.
    Any one who is not awakened. It's frustrating,maddening and really hurtful,but it reminds me of the bible passage......."forgive them,for they know not what they do!" Because until,or unless,(because some won't and you will find out why with more research)these same people awaken, they will never understand,or see what is going on under their nose and in front of their eyes.
    P.S. Don't take the Immunizations and Vaccines...they are poison,giving us diseases,cancer,autism,etc,and they are also trying to depopulate the world! Check it out.
