Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Number 540 is a blend of the vibrations and attributes of number 5 and number 4, and the influences of number 0. Number 5 resonates with variety and versatility, major life changes, making important life choices and decisions, motivation, learning life lessons, adaptability, resourcefulness and idealism. Number 5 also relates to breaking free and doing things your own way. Number 4 resonates with service and duty, patience and application, dependability and stability, establishing solid foundations, system and order, progress and achieving goals. Number 4 relates to our passion and drive in life and the energy of the Archangels. Number 0 represents potential and/or choice, a spiritual journey, developing your spiritual aspects, listening to your intuition and higher-self, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 also relates to the God force/Universal Energies/Source, and magnifies the influences of the numbers it appears with.

Choose to embrace and celebrate your life and appreciate the present moment. Whether it contains an opportunity or an obstacle, be bold and brave and make choices and decisions that benefit your growth. Stop stressing over trivial matters and focus on what is really important to you. Your life is your responsibility so use your power to make the necessary changes you know you need to.

Angel Number 540 brings a message that during current life changes, you are safe, protected and supported by the angels and Universal Energies. Know that you have manifested many blessings and new opportunities due to your personal devotion, dependability, positive attitude and actions. Expect wonderful rewards for your hard work, will and effort. The changes coming into your life will ensure stability and solid foundations for yourself, your loved ones, and your future. 

Angel Number 540 suggests that the devoted hard work you have put towards achieving your goals and aspirations, as well as your positive affirmations and expectations, will manifest auspicious opportunities and rewards for you. With these opportunities come life changes that will bring improvements on all levels.

Number 540 relates to number 9 (5+4+0=9) and Angel Number 9.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS



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  1. Loved the explanation. Saw it in a dream this number didnt strike much in the beginning but i felt that i should search it online.

    Much love

  2. Had dream 666-5400 as the phone number of my "manhood". This site very helpful

  3. I woke suddenly from a deep sleep and felt compelled to check the time on my phone--it was 5:40. I have been going through new changes in my life. including volunteering more and helping others, etc. Now that I looked it up, the meaning really makes sense!

  4. Thank you so much!!!! <3

  5. Thank you angels for guiding me to Joann I really do see her as a sacred scribe and enjoy all the wonderful blessing that I have encountered in the physical 3d reality since following your angelic guidance and perfect wording in every situation in life. I find that as I am writing this my phone is at 10% battery next to the time 10:01 but only as I looked and i know I am divinely plugged in now thanks to you! I love you

  6. Wow..this is so wonderful..the property number I am about to purchase after a long hard road to restore my life after heartbrake and loss..thankyou soon much for putting it all in perspective, I was a little worried to what the change may from my heart,it is just what I needed to hear. Sandy

  7. Going through so much in life currently and a friend suggested I put that nunmber in for him in lotto, so I did but it didnt come. However its been a few weeks and this number presented it'self as quick pick so I looked up meaning and now beginning to u understand things. My breakthrough blessings and all that are yet to come are greater than I could ever expect or imagine. (Therea nothing I gave up nor lost that I can't get back but more and better) recieve and claiming it! #Faith_Trial_Breakthroughs_Manifestations

  8. I have woke up at 5:40 multiple times the past few weeks awesome

  9. I believe it was last week when I saw this number. The number appeared on a phone as 5:40 PM. I was sitting at a desk during one of my breaks when suddenly someone's phone's screen lit. This was the time on the phone. Before the minutes could change, the phone's screen darkened. I have been using this website this past month and knew the angels were giving me a sign I was meant to interpret using your website. Although I cannot recall what I was thinking about during that moment, I am still grateful for this opportunity to investigate this sign using the knowledge you have provided. Thank you, rush-collection, and thank you, angels. Also, I would like to take this opportunity to express how grateful I am for the positive messages this website provides. Negative aspects of numbers discussed on some other websites rob or taint messages from angels and loved ones, especially when the signs are specifically designed to represent love and support. Thanks again! May God's blessings continue to rain down upon you!

  10. Immensely blessed and grateful for!!! ♡♡♡
    I had several dreams last night & woke up twice.
    Once was at 5.40am with this number stuck in my head.♡♡♡
    Thank you Angels and you rush-collection!!! You are an Angel and I love you !!!
    Love,peace and Light to All!!!
    Stay blessed people ,as we all are !!!♡♡♡

  11. Amen. I deserve the best and so will manifest. I'm manifesting the best.❤🧡💛💚💙
    Grateful and blessed.
    I love you rush-collection. Happy New Year to all. Blessed be.🙏 LOVE, peace and Light to All.

  12. A year later. Nearly. Timely.😉❤🙏
    I trust.Fully

  13. Years ago I was having issues with some friends and I was at church and felt I should give all the cash I had in my purse to "fix" it. I had $54. The next day at my business I made $540 (which was more than normal) then I did my bimonthly total and when I added it together it was $5400. So I had tithed $54, in one day made $540 and for the month $5400. Which was all well and good but not what I'd prayed about. I got the answer---you want money= tithe money, you want a good relationship= then tithe friendship. Unbelievable but true.

  14. my life has had the most changes in the past two years than ever. Last night had a dream and vividly remember the time ( in my dream ) being 540. it was so clear , and random that I remembered, so I checked to see what it could mean, its fitting!

  15. I was in a job interview and one and a half week passed this number (540) appeared in my dream. I believe its a message from heaven that I will be offered the job. I really need to move...Pray for me.

  16. I just realized this now after noticing on waking up multiple of times to 5:40AM. Thank you angels! 🙏🏻☹️❤️

  17. These numbers 540 manifested on my right arm.

  18. It’s always a voice at night and this was the number I woke up to and this morning and got a message on my way to work that said “900 a month “. So thank you for this angels and cannot wait to receive
