Monday, August 01, 2011


Number 222 is made up of the attributes of and energies of number 2 appearing tripled, making number 222 a very powerful vibration. Number 222 carries the attributes of the numbers 2 and 22, the Master Builder Number that resonates with ancient wisdom, vision, idealism and transformation. Number 2 lends its influences of faith and trust, encouragement, attainment and success, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, duality, service and duty, balance and harmony, selflessness, faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 222 has to do with balance, manifesting miracles and new auspicious and timely opportunities.  

Angel Number 222 encourages you to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life. The message is to keep the faith and stand strong in your personal truths.

Angel Number 222 tells you that everything will turn out for the best in the long-term. Do not put your energies into negativity – be aware that all is being working out by spirit for the highest good of all involved. 

Angel Number 222 is also reminding you to keep up the good work you are doing, as the evidence of your manifestations are coming to fruition.

Angel Number 222 is a message of faith and trust from your angels. Remember that nothing happens by chance and everything happens for a reason. Maintain a positive attitude and you will find that everything will have positive results and you will receive abundant blessings in Divine right timing.

Number 222 relates to number 6 (2+2+2=6) and Angel Number 6.

Also see:
Repeating 2’s (2, 22, 222, etc)
Angel Number 2
Angel Number 22



  1. I have been seeing this number so much recently thank you so much for sharing the meaning s behind these numbers the messages or meanings make allot of sense

    1. I had similar experience with the number 222. Would love to share the experience.

    2. Yes they make perfect sense. Not only that but this say allot about my personality and who i am thanks a mill.

    3. I thought I was the only one with this 222 sighting, all of my friends and family know about it, i post it on fb each time I see it. its uncanny. the craziest was when our son was born, all the phone extensions were 2221, 2222,2224, etc, and when we checked out, our little luggage cart thing was # 0222 which was painted on the top of it!

    4. I have been seeing this number over and over for the past months. More then once,it just happens that im watching an episode from some series and when its finished, its the 22:22, 22:20, ..

      You think that the people who see this number are connected in someway?

    5. We are all connected. :) This number says to me we are doing well and to keep loving others as you love yourself. If you do this you will have learnt the lessons the angels want to teach you. You already know this really its just a case of remember who you are and that we are all connected so to benefit another is to benefit self.

    6. I've been seeing 222 and 1222 everyday for 13 years now. I've never found a person that understands it or has seen it regularly.

    7. I was talking to my best friend, we were chatting on the computer, my dear friend just found out she has stage 3 stomach cancer while we were talking I kept seeing 222 come up, what does this mean?

    8. $222 donated to my Kickstarter campaign in first 24 hours, with 2 international backers. Worldwide Flow, Bx.

    9. There were 6 total backers and 2 were international. Campaign goal is $2,200. I had not ever thought of 222 being so profound until a friend pointed out the fact; therefore, I discovered your site upon a brief search. I will always appreciate a well articulated thought. My friend's mother died yesterday suddenly and she thinks I knew from something I told her on an uninformed whim. All of this was within 48 hours of having a 2200 vision amidst a dream, which is what made me know $2,200 was the Kickstarter funding goal. Thank you to everyone on this blog. Follow your signs.

    10. Every since 2002, ive seen 222, and it is so weird...but now im a believer in the higher power, hope its for a good reason, but for staying positive.

    11. Ihave also been seeing this #s since 2002 and wondered what they meant thank you

    12. i've seen 222 now for over 10 yrs....but it is becoming more and more frequent, i never really look at the clock but every time i do it's 12:22 or 2:22 and now it happens daily am and pm, also other thing watching a movie glancing down how far the movie is 2:22 and many many more things....

    13. Same for me! 12:22 and 2:22, but only every other day.

    14. For the last 17 years since I was 14 I've been seeing 222 ever since my hotel room was 222 for my grade 8 trip to Ottawa. I've realized I have been seeing it for the last 11ish. Pretty amazing stuff !

    15. I use to see 333 every day and wake up at 3:33 many mornings. I now see 222, 11:11 and 333 repeatedly every day and am use to it and Believe all the meanings associated with the numbers ;) it has changed my life and how I look at everything and everyone around me ;)

    16. My birthday is 2/22 and I've always seen these this combination. Feeling blessed!

    17. My birthday is 2/22 and I've always seen these this combination. Feeling blessed!

    18. Follows me every day.
      My mom's birthday 2/22.
      Sister's birthday " ".
      I was born on the 222nd day of the year.
      My insurance card I.d. # has 2222
      My nephew couldn't ever say my name right. So instead he would say, what sounded like 'twotwo'. And now his son says the same thing. No other kid had trouble. This was all before I got into this ish*

    19. I've been seeing any combination of 4 2,0,1 my entire life and I've been seeing 222 and 111 44 a lot lately. When I read your post I looked at my calendar for the 222nd day and saw that there were 144 days left in the year. When I looked at my birthday it was the 144th day of the year with 222 days left!!!

  2. this number follows has for the past 3 years. it always makes me feel good when i see it.

    1. me also I been seeing 222 for years and years DAILEY makes me feel safe when I see it

    2. I was born on the 222 of the year and my life is been amazing since 2002. Something tragic happened but it also pushed me into my life journey of fame. I wrote the book CONNECTED BY ANGELS, written by my pen name Copper Shy.

    3. In the day time, 8 times out of ten when I look at the time its ones: 1:11 or 11:11. At night I wake up every other night, checking the clock it usually says 2:22am.

    4. I do the same

    5. All my life. And so many times throughout the day. Born 6/16 @ 222 am. Believe it.

    6. 16 06 my birthdate too, 222 as well ...blessed be from germany

    7. this is so strange I was just reading this and I have been seeing 222 and my birthday is also 6/16...

    8. I am a night owl and go to my bathroom and get ready for bed. It seems for the past 2 months I either gone to bed at 2:22 AM or woke up at this time. When this happened again 2 days ago I decided to look it up and see if there is any significance to this and found this site. I have been going through a lot lately and am split between two decisions. This tells me I'm on the right path and to keep a good attitude. Glad I found this site and other people. Thank you

  3. if i calculate my name number's total, my wife's name and 3 kids of our, it gives a total of 222, what does it mean, pls reply on

    1. It means 6!!!!! N u like sixes! So ur winning! It also means material minded n careful what your thinking!!!!! R u on an eye pad? Wow it's getting close!

  4. I just noticed, like it was a message that the number 1010 is missing

  5. My younger brother has been seeing the 222 everywhere he looks, the tv, books, the clock, and has been wondering what they mean. He's unfortunately locked up in jail at the moment, so knowing this, it gives him and our family a bit of hope.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I have been experiencing such a strong connection to Spirit and my Angels. I see "Her" often and talk to "Her". This morning I saw 2:22AM and I just saw 2:22PM. Thank you God!

    1. Please show me how to experience this kind of magic. I have been searching for so long. Will you help me?

    2. My brother committed suicide September 2012. His death time 2:22AM . My birthtime 2:22PM. Ever since his death I see 222 everywhere, the clock, books, magazines, room numbers, my mileage in my car, the miles until my gas tank is empty. I went to a psychic medium and she said that the number 2 is important and that she was hearing someone with a quiet deep voice telling me to 'pay attention to the 2's' he didnt identify himself but the way she described him sounded like my brother. what does this mean?

    3. I think it is your brother trying to make his presence and love for you felt from the dimension that he is in now.

  7. in few hours, i saw number 222 , 3 times,. last night 1 saw time 22:22 , in this morning , i received sms from numberphone 2222( 4 last digit )at 02:02:02...

    1. Hello I just stumbled upon this page looking for some insight on what the number 222 mean. I see this number often throughout my day almost everyday. As I was reading your post I just happened to notice that if you add the number 1 for the month of January to the number 14 which is the day you posted, you get the number 6 which is the sum of the number 222! Also if you add the numbers 2013 (which is the year you posted) together, you get the number 6 which is also the sum of the number 222!
      It seems that this number is destined to be apart of your life. Just a thought :-)

  8. Ive seen this number so long I am a local rapper from chicago my next project is called 222 u can follow me on

  9. i have noticed 222 for 10 plus years and i am here to tell you guys that this writing of 222 is all true! I have become enlightened with knowledge to now be used to help others to become enlightened as well. My mission is clear, I will change the lives in America forever.

    1. did you notice that the time you posted your post was or is 4:44?

    2. Count me in. I would be thankful ;)

    3. To me 222 means CHANGE! CHANGE! CHANGE!, which is my greatest fear. I've been seeing 12:22 and 2:22 repeatedly in clocks for over 10 years. I say I want a spirit communication, but when it actually happens for me in this number it's like: Couldn't I get an easier communication!!!

    4. I suppose you want someone to smack up upside your head....would that be easy enough??

  10. This site is AWSOME!!!!! Ive learned SO much about repetitive numbers that I see multiple numer sequinces too. Wow!!!! Thank you!!!!

  11. Today already 11:11, 12:12 and now 2:22. It is every day and all the time. There is so much going on in my life that when i read what they mean it pertains to what's on my mind and I'm either obsessing over these thoughts or just bombarded with dilemma and as always i read this site and I'm relieved and its like taking a breath of fresh air. I just pray and hope that i will be guided into making the right decisions. Its scary actually but i will remain hopeful. Right now these blog's and this site is helping me through this difficult time in my life and god knows i need it these days especially. I'm hoping every one else is gaining insight as much as i and that our angels continue to show these signs in our lives and that this communication leads us into peace and a fruitful life.

    1. I am gaining knowledge as well. I enjoyed your post. I find this to be a very useful tool that allows us to connect and translate numbers into important insight into our lives.


  12. I've been seeing 222 EVERYWHERE you can imagine, and randomly. I'll go days and days without thinking about them and then banb! There they will be on a door, license plate, sign, back of a truck I just happened to end up behind by taking a wrong turn. And real good things happen immediately after I see 222. Also I'll accidentally meet someone and find out their birthday... is February 22! My Ex's step dad and two other people I recently met. This has all been going on since I reached my 30's. I'm now 35 going on 36 this October 24th. Most recently I was let go of a job... saw the 222, and then within the next week and a half landed myself TWO jobs! Then I saw 222 AGAIN on a door, just those numbers alone. Next day I met this amazing English lad whom I had a very deep conversation and connection with. But then parted ways because he has a girlfriend and I had a boyfriend at time. Before saying goodbye, he's says he's a Pisces. And I say, I'm a Scorp. Whether or not he was born Feb. 22 I don't know. But the connection was crazy, better than with my ex. And the very next daymy boyfriend at the time had told he was you g out o a date with ANOTHER woman! Everything happens for a reason. I'm keeping the faith!

    1. Your a Libra/Scorp cusp very intense sign :-)

  13. I wake up at 2:22 alot of nights,I just happen to lookat that time during the day, I see it on phone numbers & on billboards ect. I was just watching the Boston marathon warning & they were at 2 dead 22 injured, it's gone up alot since earlier but just weird it had to be 222....I'm also a Scorpio...hmmm wonder what signs the others seeing 222 are...btw I've always felt 222 is a confirmation to keep doing what I'm doing or planning, just a feeling.

    1. Wow, I have the 222 thing and also tripped out hearing that about the marathon.

    2. @Jasmin Perez, my brother and I have both been seeing 222 for many years. Our father died at 2:22 p.m. We both see it in different forms everyday--license plates, addresses, clocks, etc. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night at 2:22 a.m. To answer your question, I'm an Aries and he's a Taurus...

    3. Yes, I agree. I think exactly as you do in how you feel. I see 222 alot and I know it means I am on the right path or doing the right things at the time I see this number. To me, it just means I am on the right path that the universe wants me on at the time I see these numbers and it makes me feel good. It's as if someone is above watching over me and letting me know I am doing a good job and what I am supposed to be doing. So keep doing what your doing, it is obviously your true calling and true path in life. When you see numbers weather it be 222 or 444, your sinking up with the universes plan for yourself, so always remember those are good signs and that the angels are trying to tell you you are on your own right path. All is good and synchronicity
      is sublime!!

    4. It's interesting that 222 means exactly the opposite for me. For me, it means CHANGE! CHANGE CHANGE!- as in get off the path I am on/all is not good.
      I wonder how you got to your conclusion that it means "stay on the path/all is good"?

  14. Im going through a real tough time in my life right now and have been seeing 11:11 on the digital clock and mobile phone for about 4 weeks. When I was younger id wake at least 4 times a week at exactly 3:33am. The past 2 nights as ive struggled to sleep ive woken at exactly 2:22. This information ive just read fills me with confidence again knowing that im not alone and my spirits are with me.
    Thank you.
    Chris from the UK

  15. I Just had the best experience with 222, I was driving back home after helping some friends moves, and I fist saw a cars license plate number have 222, then I turned down another street and saw two more cars with 222 on their plates! It was a wonderful experience :)

  16. Ive been seeing 222 for the last year and I can't believe that there are so many people with the same experience. I didn't know what was going on with me but I knew it had to be God. I would wake up randomly and see 222 in the clock. A friend of mine kept seeing the number and she was at the gas station and the gas was $2.22. She played 222 that night and won $500. I now see that this number is very important in my life as I just started my own company. I used to think it was weird but I'm embracing this sensitivity.

    1. This is interesting. Ive been seeing 222 for 40 years every day. However i am an atheist with no belief in any of the 4000 gods. I do like 222 but dont go so far as to read anything into it with no evidence.

  17. I. have seen the number 222 frecuently as well as 333 make alot of sense to me it goes we really who I am

  18. Its funny how Im literally reading this blog while at the top of the page it says 12,353,222 page views. Now thats synchronisity at its finest. Great blog!!! Thank You!!

  19. if you watch films/movies you will see the number 22 and 222 in most blockbusters. it has been puzzling me for years and this site has helped me move forward in finding the answer.

  20. I guess theres a lot of us out there lol

  21. hello I just need to thank you so very much for this website that has helped me connect and understand what my angels are trying to tell me. These past several years of my life have just been extremely difficult but also hidden blessings everywhere. This is the first time ever I have seen the numbers review of themselves over and over and over to me.I did not understand what was happening until I got on to your website and gained so much clarity. & I need to thank you from the bottom of my heart for dedicating your time and energies to allow us to gain the knowledge of what are angels are trying to tell us. The numbers that I have been seeing almost on a daily basis has been 222, 333, 111, and 5 55. I am a very intuitive person and very spiritual especially with the angels. They have spoken to me and I have seen them several times in my life. I know this is a huge transition going on now in my life. And more than ever I have these angels trying to speak to me and guide me along the way. And they have used you as an outlet of Education. I just want to know is it normal for them to reveal themselves as much as they have to me,I have seen the numbers constantly for the last 4 months. Is this normal?

    1. Hi Tina,

      thanks for your 'thanks' ...

      It is becoming quite 'normal' for angels to appear and present in many ways to more and more people. There are millions of us Lightworkers on the Earthplane at this time in Earth's history, and we are currently going through a huge time of 'WAKE UP'. The angels will present to us in unlimited ways and means.

      I wish you the brightest of blessings along your path Tina,

      Sacred Scribes

    2. Wow, I Too, Have Been Seeing The Numbers 222,333,111, And 555, On A Daily Basis For The Last Two Years.....The Number 2 Holds Much Synchronicity In My Life And When I Look At The Clock, It Is Frequently 11:11 Or 12:12.....

  22. i saw 222 on my cars clocks today as i was pulling into my driveway. i do not want to live at home due to lots of stress and drama .....i hope it was a good sign of comfort somehow !

  23. This number has followed me around for the past 4 years now. I have seen it everyday. In some way shape or form i see the number 222! I defiantly believe it is a good omen and that someone up in heaven is triggering this number and I would love to figure out what it actually means... If someone has any more information about this phenomenon I have been having please contact me at

  24. Creepy in a way.. it's also my birthday. I see it everywhere ((:

  25. THe past two months I have been 222 everywhere - on the clock, peoples license plates, randmon numbers on a page with the 222 sequence, when I read this post, this is exactly what I needed to hear, I feel much more at peace! Thank you SO very much!!!

  26. Hello everyone, I see this number (as well as a whole host of other angel numbers ) on a daily basis. I'm a realist though. What is the point of all these numbers when nothing positive occurs? Don't get me wrong. I like seeing these "angel numbers" but it isn't like they actual provide insight to our lives. We see the numbers and nothing happens. I have been seeing angel numbers a lot more frequently over the last year. I have even started praying and meditating. I used to be an atheist but because of the frequent number sightings, I started to believe there must be a God. However, no answers and our circumstances do not correspond with the numbers. I have yet to read any comments surrounding the angel numbers helping. So what really is the point? I know I can't be the only realist.

    1. I believe if you keep praying and will open your mind and spirit more and will see a connection. Pray for will find it's way in.

    2. The bottom line is you are not alone. Whenever I see 222 unexpectedly I just look up and smile. I feel like I'm covered with a warm hug. Each sighting doesn't have its own meaning. Collectively they increase faith and give direction. I know I'm on the right path and I'm not alone. So comforting.

    3. for me i have seen the proof , my wife die second month on the 22nd day in 1997 , i see 222 everywhere and i know its her and to be perfectly honest , i do not believe in god or angels , but i do believe her spirit is with me , watching me and helping me overcome so many obstacles in my life , i have seen the number so many times i just smile now and feel comfort .

    4. Hey thormaximas, sorry for your loss.

  27. my anniversary is 02/22/98 does that mean anything with the angels

  28. I have been seeing this number for a while now, I didn't really understand the whole creator thing, so this number got me interested to search God, I looked in the science, I couldn't find nothing, I study different religion and finally I started reading Quran and to be honest I have never felt so good in my life until started reading that book. It's absolutely divine, one of my favorite verse is 2:222 "truly Allah loves those who turn unto him in repebtance and he loves those purify themselves" al-baqarah.

  29. Include more in. I've been keeping it to myself and am glad I'm not alone. My personal connection to my creator. One day I saw 222 over 7 times. Been seeing it every day now. I've started taking pictures of the sightings. On trucks, signs, clocks, my husbands weight, in books, and so on. Its never-ending. Sure got my attention. I'm here. I'm listening.

    1. I just posted this and guess what the authentication code was. 222 Wow. Amazing.

    2. This is me as well with seeing Thoes number in my worst time of early moring when I'm uneasy and can't sleep out of all hrs and mins this is a consistent # I always see and I even take pic to prove to family and friends that I wasn't a crazy person in have screen shots in my phone and camera pics of my automatic watch showing that time .. ..and my weight always fluctuate at 220 to 222 lbs that another sign I didn't realize till you said ur husband weight shows that number ..thanks for u story it really made me feel at ease and clear minded 😁

  30. My wife died February 22 , years later the power went out for only a few seconds , when it came on my microwave was flashing 222 , for ten years now that # comes up everywhere , just yesterday my new wife had serious car accident , the side where my daughter would have been sitting was crushed but had not gone to school that day because of a sudden illness , the car that hit my wife , who is perfectly fine , had a license plate that read 222 RLT the Auto club here has a phone # 4222 , the insurance company has a phone # 8222 , I'm like 222 freaked out by this , but i do believe it is my deceased wife protecting me and my new family , thank you Sonia you are my guarding angel .

  31. 222 blows my mind! i mainly see it by digital time, but today it was by a motor vehicle number plate. My partner tells me its my departed father trying to get through to me, after reading comments on this site, i can only say that it is my father trying, after all i have always said, if anyone can come back, its dad. Love you dad "Billy"

  32. For as long as I can remember my Mother would randomly look at a clock and say "It's 2:22 or 3:33" I asked her why she always did that and she would say "It's her angels checking in with her". 15 years after she has passed away, I do the clock thing where i see it say 2:22 or 4:44 or random sequences. Last night the alarm clock on my side of the bed, which is set like 10 minutes early said 2:22. So i googled 2:22 since this has been going on for years, and find out there is significant spiritual meaning in numbers. Then I close out of google and my phone says 2:22! My Mom was tucking me in and kissing my cheek like she did when I was little! Some of you might think I'm losing it, But i have never felt closer to God then i do right now! I witnessed some amazing faith in Alabama last week and great changes are coming to my family! The Lord will be in our lives and i too will be with my loved ones once again when It's my time to join them! Wowww Amen!

    1. Wow man I feel the same way about God now also .I was experiencing the same # 2:22 mainly in the morning where most of my my time alone to think and beat myself up about things going on my life I couldn't control ..but this number would always pop up op on my digital automatic watch and phone...I was always to scared to find out the meaning cause yes I a negative person and kinda gullible but after one night I found myself saying aloud omg what does this mean what do you want leave me alone ..then quickly got enough courage to goodle it and i saw this ..I immediately felt warm inside, relief,and at ease

  33. And this all happened on 2/22/2014

  34. My husband just died on 2/22. I knew it was his spirit giving me a message of hope, but your site has confirmed and expanded on that theme. Thank-you you so much.

  35. I have been seeing the repeating 222 numbers for years now, the first of these sequential numbers. Now I see other triple same numbers and similarly quadruple numbers regularly along with the 'step numbers', 1234 etc. When I found the angel number site they appeared even more regularly and I saw even more repeated numbers of significance.
    On Thursday, 6th of march this year, I developed bad chest pains. As I do have some chronic health issues at present, at first I put the pain down to symptomatic. I endured it for a few hours and as it got worse not better, I rang for an ambulance. While waiting for them to arrive, I prayed to the angels asking for assistance and protection and signs of their presence being with me. The paramedics said I needed to be in hospital straight away so off we went to casualty.
    On arrival at the hospital the ambulances were ramping and there was an hour waiting time before even being admitted to casualty. In Australia we have a public hospital service which is open to all but is always overstretched & under pressure and waiting long times for treatment is the norm. I had been through similar situations before and decided to spend part of my pension on private hospital cover to avoid such problems & the trauma associated with them. The paramedic said there would be a wait for quite some time but with possible heart trouble I might get "bumped up the list". He then said if only I'd had private cover they could probably get me into the adjoining private hospital straight away. On saying this, I said had private cover and things moved quickly and I found myself being seen to straight away in the cardiac department.
    During the procedures taking place I had time to notice official signs on the walls saying "If you feel the service you are getting is not sufficient to your needs and you would like extra assistance, dial 222 for help. Amid the anxiety I was experiencing, a smile came over my face. Could it be?
    They had trouble finding me a bed in a ward so I was allocated a single bed room adjacent to the admittance area which gave me privacy. I had heaps of papers to sign for medical insurance etc.which seemed to go on for hours. By this time it was way past midnight and unable to sleep I turned the television on to try and take my mind off matters and relax with a herb tea they gave me.
    Right next to the TV was another of these signs saying if you need extra assistance call 222. I tried watching TV but with all the usual rubbish on at that time I eventually decided to turn it off and try to rest even though I was hooked up to all these machines. When I turned it off the only light coming from the TV was the digital clock at the bottom which read 2:22. I looked at it and at the sign next to it with the message on it with the 222 and thought could they be giving me a stronger message.
    The next day the doctors came to assess me including the specialist who fortunately just happened to be the doctor I had seen two years before for a stress test and knew my background. He determined with the test results in front of him that it had not been heart trouble bur oesophageal spasms mixed with muscle pain caused by an ongoing fibromyalgia condition I have and I was allowed to go home.
    My advice is to always look out for the signs and sometimes they are literally 'signs' staring you right in the face.
    God's grace be with you. Greg

    1. Thanks for sharing your story Greg.
      Blessings to you,

      rush-collection - Sacred Scribes
      (fellow Australian :)

  36. Thanks for sharing... Last night I weighed some parts up at work and it just so happened that I got 2222 parts exactly... Everything you wrote there explains my life and my path exactly, very strange indeed.

  37. I have been pretty much seeing a random combination of all the angel numbers for the past year or so.... but what does it mean? Nothing is happening regardless..... so what's the point? I don't understand...

  38. rush-collection I have been depending on your page for a full month now. These master and triple numbers are flooding into my life. More and more as the days go by. To the point where I began getting overwhelmed. I started seeing the 11:11 4 years ago. I researched it and felt peaceful whenever I saw it. But this is something different. This is all of the numbers in doubles and tripples at all hours of my days. And just recently 12:12. I feel the different energies in the air and at times its frightening because huge change is most likely in front of me. A man I believe to be a soulmate of mine entered my life a year and a half ago, with the same thing happening to him. Except more with 11:11 and 9:11. It's actually the first conversation we ever really had when we recognized something larger was happening between us. I wanted to give you my gratitude for making these explanations available to the public. They have been guiding me through some hard times between him and I. I will continue to breath and give faith that thus will all work out. Thank you again. Love and light to you.

  39. I have seen the number 222 repeatedly before I go into work every day. I have seen sequences of numbers in the past like 1111 or 1212, 222,333.444.555 and so on. I see all kinds of sequences, but nothing like 222 for the past week everyday before work. I think it means I am doing what I need to do for now and that all is being worked out in the universe. But to see it every day same time 222 before I start work each day has got me a bit curious and excited. I do believe good things are coming. I feel it in my bones if that makes sense. Let me know if I am right in what I am feeling. I am quite curious.

  40. Very interesting post. I live in Massachusetts and on occations I like to stop at Walden Pond on my way home from work. You may find this fact very interesting... Henry David Thoreau left civilization and went to live in the woods for exactly two years, two months and two days. (222) When he packed up to leave he penned these words: I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.  In proportion, as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor porverty poverty, nor weakness weakness.

  41. Ive been seeing 222 since 2012. Its really disturbing because I can see it everywhere daily and I want to understand its meaning. Thanks for sharing. Thanks to my Creator.

  42. I've been seeing 2, 22 and mostly 222 ever since I was 13 years old. It seems to pop up everywhere, any chance it gets. First I noticed ads for food always being $2.22, then I started waking up at 2:22 a.m every morning. 222 is in my passport ID # and my license. I was born may 2nd, my mom april 2nd. I was just in Kentucky a month ago and our room number turned out to be room 222. On two different occasions of me going to mexico, my plane seat number was 222, both times, there and back. I always look at it as a good sign, that I am where I need to be and maybe pay extra attention to my surroundings and whatever I am currently experiencing. I can't help but wonder why all of a sudden I started noticing these set of numbers "following" me everywhere at age 13. When I first noticed it, a few months later that jim carrey movie "23" came out, just 1 number short of 22. My passport # has 222 in it and so does my license. It basically seems like if its possible for the number to pop up, it will. There is also a website called the 222 mystery, where people post pictures of there daily occurrences of seeing the number. I know a lot of people all over the world feel like a certain set of numbers follow them, but I find it really interesting how many people see 222 in particular.

  43. I have seen the sequence of numbers and thank you for sharing all that you have.. made me think a lot but to be very thankful knowing that I have these Angles around me throughout my life's journey

  44. Okay..every nite i dream of 444 &777.last nite it was 222's...things are getting strange!!

  45. I've been seeing the number for years now. I think because I was asking God for a sign. Somehow I made that connection to seeing the number and asking God for a sign during my down moment in life. Its very interesting phenomenon. It could be that of the Bible as well. I was watching The Omen and wanted to look up the word antichrist. It said this word was said in the book of revelation under passage of John 2:22. Its very confusing since I have never read the bible. Can anyonr shed some light?

  46. This is a hard post for me. I have been going through such emotional heartbreake and turmoil this last year. So many ups and downs. More downs than anything else. Very much alone with no one to help me. Last nite things did not go as planned and I am very much over it and sooo tired of everything. So has been a very upsetting morning for me. I first saw 1010 and it gave me courage to contact someone then I saw 1222 I did not get a response back from the text and I asked for guideance and help to show me a sign that this relationship is going to happen. So a little later I get 222. I just don't understand the meanings. I have been getting all these angel numbers for months and months but no perminant improvement. I am still alone and things are not going right. How do you interpet the numbers and what they are trying to tell you. Because as of now they have not helped at all and my life is not getting any better

    1. Love it!!!follow your feeling

    2. I feel your pain. I also experienced a heartbreak. My best friend who was dear to my heart ended our friendship 10 months ago. I was torn apart. I then started seeing Angel numbers. Whenever I think about him, and how much I desire for our friendship to rekindle, I see 222. I would love to talk more and help each other out. I think you can click on my name and email me.

  47. Stay strong. The 222 is telling you that everything will be okay. No matter how hard it gets stay true to yourself. Stay true to what you know. I'm not sure of your situation, but I know mine was very difficult to get through at times but I understand now why it all had to happen and I believe you will soon too. Life always finds a way to work out and I know it will for you. Just stay strong and when you see the 222 just remember that it's all for a reason :)

  48. I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep when i kept feeling a strange force trying to open my eyes. I kept shutting them. Then the force kept getting stronger and i finally gave in. I rolled outta bed and checked my phone. It was 2:22 am. The night before i got high and had a really bad trip. I thought i was jesus and felt like i was getting crucified. Been a wierd couple days. But have really started to believe in GOD.

  49. I just left a comment on a gals profile on a chat site n I used 2 instead of to 2 express myself ... there were three 2's in my comment ... her user name had three 6's in it ... I looked up 222 to see if it meant anythin lol n I came upon this ... StrAngE ⊙_⊙ ...

  50. my birthday is 22/2 ..i aways thought that was cool but nothing more.. until i read this! WOW this basicly verified the way i do live my life and follow my believes.
    i always felt i had deep spiritual knowledge from childhood i started reading tarot and my readings seemed to always hit on major issues for those i read for which intreged me and i started serching for a deeper meaning to life.found as i grewup people turned to me for guidence every those older then myself which i couldnt undestand but felt great pride that i could offer them a little peace. strangers would/still do pass me by and stop start a conversation about life that turns into my views of greater meaning and understanding of life itself? verytime im anywhere i seem to get attention from others that actully annoyed me thinking what the big attraction ??!
    many visited to spititual healer i would be told of this inner power i posess which i took as something they say.. however after reading this i now believe the power that the number 222 does live within my being and i reason people are drawn to me

  51. Omg this puts me at ease with myself I've have been seeing this number since forever thru my phone and watch mainly in the early morning I eas. starting to get worried I'm that type of person that belives in signs and was to iffy to find out what it meant ...I have many screen shots or taking photos of my watch to keep and show family and friends cause I was starting to think it wasn't a coincidence that out of all 12hrs and 60 mins that it was always that time ..finally I got built enough courage to Google it since no one could tell me what it meant and most fan or friends said it was just a time embedded in my mind ,i knew it was more then that ...well I'm so glad after years I have a moment of relief and a special message from above. tHis message hit the spot directly..if anyone wants to share some thoughts with me about this plz email me

  52. Omg this puts me at ease with myself I've have been seeing this number since forever thru my phone and watch mainly in the early morning I eas. starting to get worried I'm that type of person that belives in signs and was to iffy to find out what it meant ...I have many screen shots or taking photos of my watch to keep and show family and friends cause I was starting to think it wasn't a coincidence that out of all 12hrs and 60 mins that it was always that time ..finally I got built enough courage to Google it since no one could tell me what it meant and most fan or friends said it was just a time embedded in my mind ,i knew it was more then that ...well I'm so glad after years I have a moment of relief and a special message from above. tHis message hit the spot directly..

  53. I started seeing the number when I went for a pregnancy test and the HCG result was 222. which meant I was positively pregnant and my daughter was born 5/22. She is now 18 years old so I have been seeing this number for 18 years! I also see the number everywhere, on license plates or I wake up at 2:22 am. I had a feeling the number had a meaning but was not sure if it was a positive message or a warning. It is great to see that this has a positive connection!!

  54. i didnt notice the significance of number 222 until yesterday.I had an terrible accident on 22-12-2014 wherein I collided with a fast moving car at a high speed, i had no external injuries but just a blood clot between my skull and scalp,doctors said i was lucky not to have a clot beneath my skull. Again yesterday 22-02-2015 i had another bike accident, me and a friend fell off the road to a small valley, she ended up in hospital with damaged face and broken shoulder, and again I had no injuries except an ankle sprain. I really do believe there was warmth of an external force enveloping me.

  55. Wow, 222 has been a reoccurring number in my life for many years. I've often questioned if this is a good or bad thing until my husband emailed me this link. Its such a relief to know it's been an Angel whole this time.

  56. And here I was thinking I just had high cholesterol when it came back at 222 lol. Praise the Lord and His Angels!

  57. I've been going through hell for the past 5 months. Husband left the three kids and I a week before thanksgiving. He's been jekyll and Hyde .emotionally abusive and controlling. I had to quit one job so the kids had stability of one parent. Then due to my husband locking the bank account from me, I had to sell a lot of my stuff, take a small loan and credit cards because he's been controlling saying he's paying too much. My other job I have no clients so I have been applying for jobs to make ends,meet.
    My husband is about to not have a job because he's getting out of the army. He's blaming me for everythIng. It's both our faults that we did not prepare better of him getting out. But he puts all the blame on me. Top it off moving , I dealt with my mom in law constantly berated me and nagging at me on everything I do. top it off i had to relocate to my home town. I did most of the packing myself because my estranged husband left.but nothing was good enough. I try to ask help from my mom but my kids and I are more like am unconvience to her. I have no other family here Even though it's my home town.
    I wish I could write everything down here but it's been too much . I feel like quitting in life. If I could just die. I am at the breaking point and feeling alone.

  58. You're not alone and please don't quit on life. God loves you.
    Put your trust in him and he will guide you through this difficult time. Hope you have a beautiful day and stay positive.

  59. As I was lying in bed trying to sleep, I was thinking about my friend and how much I miss him. I was also having this wishful thinking about reconnecting with him again. I imagined him running to me, giving me a tight hug, and telling me that he's sorry and that he misses me.

    Randomly, my sister woke up from coughing and asked me to get her a glass of water. I went to the kitchen and then happened to look at the time. It was 2:22! I thought to myself, "What now? What is the angel trying to tell me?" Honestly, I do hope that I can reconnect with my friend again and that we can restart our friendship. I really miss him. :(

  60. This number plays a big roll on my life and I have never understood it. When I married my husband in 2009 We moved to an apartment with the address 222. one of the most important ppl to me, my grandpa, passed on 2.22.12. then we moved to an area with zipcode 92225. The exit for my husnands work was exit 222. I see the times 12:22 and 2:22 a visa gift card I received at Christmas had a security code 222. I few scared of this number but I want to know what it means

  61. Repeating numbers have the tendency to follow me around, but this message is exactly what I needed today. I have had quite a lot of change this past year: new baby, moving, separating from my husband, the loss of my grandfather and enrolling into college. Currently, I am trying to catch up in coursework where I fell very far behind because of all that is going on, and sent my professor an e-mail today to find out what work I needed to get done in order to pass the class. I was feeling a lot of anxiety and worry about this, as I also have not found employment, so to not pass my classes when they are the only thing I feel is advancing my life would be devastating. After the e-mail was sent, I saw that I sent it at exactly 2:22. Signs are everywhere.

  62. I am averaging seeing this number 2-3x's a day

  63. I have been seeing 222 for many years now. I see it all the time on tv over doorways. My address is 32 (three twos) I was born at 2:22 AM. And I see it all throughout the day..

  64. I have seen this sequence of numbers for a very long time and without knowing the meaning, I have associated it with the universe. Everytime I see 222 I also repeat thankyou 3 times. I am thankful for my health, wealth and happiness. I told my wife this and she thinks its uncanny because i see this everywhere...license plates, clock time, phone numbers. I love it and I knew some higher power was showing me this for a reason. All my life I have always believed my life would be great and full of abundance. And it has and always will be.

    1. I love that thank you for posting

    2. it is exactly the same for me....easily 30 years of seeing 222. i used to worry if it was good or bad. now i say thanks for all i have in life also. i got married to my partner of 20 years on 11/11/11 -one and one is 2... I thought this was perfect

  65. I've seeing 222 and 2222 every day when i watching time, when i hangout, i usually saw 2222 in Billboard, in number plate, in Address... when i open computer, i saw 222 and 2222 in games, in website..., and now i using the phone number with 2221120 (my mother bought for me). I getting that problem 7-8 years. And it's made me scare.

  66. " 222 ALLEE LUE YAH WHEY 222 "

  67. 222 Has a very significant purpose in your life , here is my take on it , the Harvest is ready to be brought into the store house , those that have repeatedly seen # its a calling on your life , the question is r we listening , 222 revelation means you have a way of communicating , A Gift , A Fire in your soul to witness to all churches , and His will is that most churches r dead , no life in them, but we r a chosen few of very special Gifts , and we are about to use them , try and match yourself with someone who has been seeing the # 221 there you will be a force to recon with ,,,,, pray for spiritual Growth, and Maturity ... Love To All

  68. I was born at 2:22 AM in room 222. I see that number, or some derivative thereof, every day. I always pray the Lord's Prayer when I see it.

    The interpretations on this site are ambiguous and emotional.

  69. Realizing more that all we need to do is ask/intend/create for what we would like to experience in this lifetime.
    Today, I asked that all of my Chakras within and without the physical body become activated and balanced. I felt immediately that it was so.
    Bless the Universe for granting to you your moments of creation.

    Thank you so much rush-collection, for the wisdom that you impart to us all.

  70. My son, now 17, was born at 2.22 am. He, his father, and I see that number everywhere on a regular basis.. The 'sightings' seem to have accelerated lately. It never fails to delight us and we are constantly reporting to one another the latest sighting. A few weeks ago my son received his first credit / debit card in the mail - sure enough the security number was 222! It feels very special that we are having this experience ongoingly. It is something that cements and enhances the links of our little family - despite the fact that my son's father and I separated 15 years ago. Lovely to come across this thread and to realise the depth of connection with so many others, and the different perspectives this gives... Blessings to all.

  71. I keep seeing 9:11 am and 9:11 pm

    1. someone close to you had a bad experience on that day. that was the day the world stop turning for a brief moment.

  72. Hi,
    i have been seeing sequential numbers on digital devices or seeing matching clock hands being right on each other pointing to one number for like 3 years now. it started with 11:11 then 12:12 and then 2:22 3:33 4:44 5:55 12:34 there was one time i was driving and got really tired so i pulled over to take a rest and when i was about to shit off the car i noticed the odometer was on 71111 kms so i just laughed. it happens to me a lot that all of a sudden i just wake up in the morning and i look at the clock on my wall and both minute and hour hands are right on each other like there is only one hand. it also happens im driving and just for a second i turn my head to left or right and i see a big clock on a church or something with matching hands. right now while im typing is 2:50 AM and i was sleeping and suddenly something came to my mind so i got on my computer to check, so when i opened my laptop the screened freezed for like 5 second where i was left off and the funny thing is the time was 12:34 and i was amazed like always looking at it and when the screen refreshed guess what! the time was 2:22 so then i started laughing again with little mystery tears, so i searched it again on google and here i am. i researched this topic a lot! and the best answer i got was from a channel which was saying it means you are synchronized, you are simply confirming it for your self that yesss it's working it true, you are synched, you are ready, now move in the direction you prefer to your best ability, but yet im still hesitating and waist time by not doing what i really think i should be doing.

  73. All these years,I thought I was crazy,OCD...haunted a lil :/ ??.. then again @ times I'd smile & Thank God & say... O.K.... MANNY many revelations,conclusions & Life changing questions have been dealt with @a 222 time or address or other measure of 222... all I can say RIGHT NOW.. ESPECIALLY IN REGARDS 2MY VERY CURRENT LIFE SITUATION,is THANKYOU GOD! #ACCEPTED Thankyou for this page,and thank ea one of you that took the time to share & explain your connection to & the realization of 222* #BLESSINGS & #SOPROUD2BAFFILIATED ����

  74. I'm so glad, I'm not alone. For years, I've seen triple number everyday. Everything from 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666 ,777, 888, 999, 000. 1111, and 1222. In the beginning, I would play the lottery but i never won. I really don't know what it means or why, but I embrace it. I literally see these numbers everyday, on clocks, on license plate, on paper, honestly on anything.

  75. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one this is happening to. I've been seeing 12:22 on clocks for over 20 years. I thought it was just a coincidence since my first son was born on 12/22. I see this time on clocks both AM and PM. I always thought it was strange that I wouldn't see my second son's or anyone else's birthday.

    1. because you resonate with 12/22 because it's a special day to you and you are naturally attracted to it.

  76. Thank you so much for this. I wanted to make sure I knew what the Angels were trying to tell me and it all falls into place. It also re-instate what Chris had told me almost a week ago :) Thanks again rush-collection.

  77. Hello my name is Will Locken. I lost my daughter 6 years ago. I had been in pain with depression for a long time with my great loss. When I was much younger in my early 20s. I lost my grandma to Luecemia. Everyday I looked at the clock. 2:22 and 12:22. 222 ended up being my lucky number and use to make jokes of it... I stopped see it. After my daughter Cassandra passed years later I had not seen it. Why . What is its significance. 222 i found this site. March 2014. That night I prayed and asked for forgiveness why I couldn't save her this time and for every little thing I could let it all go because I had never been alone but turned my back .. mad with the Lord I gave thanks and praise to my guardian angel. Personal thanks... feeling blessed as can be I layer in my bed staring at the closet and a holy spirit stood in front of me. I was not scared. Siloutte of a person did not move however the hair. Was long and flowing with gold glitter shining on the head like a crown.. like snorkeling under water and seeing rays of light.. few months ago told a friend. He said do you know what divers call those rays. "GOD'S FINGERS" I STATES TIL I FELL ASLEEP IN BLISS. Many other stories of my faiths revenant have been aparent. IN MEDITATION I HEARD AND FELT STONE DOORS SLIDE OPEN AFTER INTENSE VIBRATIONS. I DENT I AL TWICE IN ONE NIGHT. Today I put a video on u tube at exactly after 2:22 IN THE SONNG I here heaven open up and visually see a holy spirit bond with me in freestyle writting. William Locken the song is Rub a Dub Loving. THEY LOVE MY MUSIC.. getting support from heaven! Believe!!!

  78. Hello my name is Will Locken. I lost my daughter 6 years ago. I had been in pain with depression for a long time with my great loss. When I was much younger in my early 20s. I lost my grandma to Luecemia. Everyday I looked at the clock. 2:22 and 12:22. 222 ended up being my lucky number and use to make jokes of it... I stopped see it. After my daughter Cassandra passed years later I had not seen it. Why . What is its significance. 222 i found this site. March 2014. That night I prayed and asked for forgiveness why I couldn't save her this time and for every little thing I could let it all go because I had never been alone but turned my back .. mad with the Lord I gave thanks and praise to my guardian angel. Personal thanks... feeling blessed as can be I layer in my bed staring at the closet and a holy spirit stood in front of me. I was not scared. Siloutte of a person did not move however the hair. Was long and flowing with gold glitter shining on the head like a crown.. like snorkeling under water and seeing rays of light.. few months ago told a friend. He said do you know what divers call those rays. "GOD'S FINGERS" I STATES TIL I FELL ASLEEP IN BLISS. Many other stories of my faiths revenant have been aparent. IN MEDITATION I HEARD AND FELT STONE DOORS SLIDE OPEN AFTER INTENSE VIBRATIONS. I DENT I AL TWICE IN ONE NIGHT. Today I put a video on u tube at exactly after 2:22 IN THE SONNG I here heaven open up and visually see a holy spirit bond with me in freestyle writting. William Locken the song is Rub a Dub Loving. THEY LOVE MY MUSIC.. getting support from heaven! Believe!!!

  79. BY this we know love because he lay down his life for us and we also want to lay down our lives for our BRETHREN (FIRST JOHN 3.16) 222 ALLEE LUE YAH WHEY 222

  80. born on August 10th, the 222nd day of the year! It all makes sense now B-)

    1. Born November 4 1996 life path number 22 makes sense now.

  81. I started seeing 111 and 1111 all the time. But over last few days only see the 222 combination.... this is getting weird for me...Does anyone progress from one angel number to another like this?

  82. 2s have followed me around all my life im born on the 22nd .. 2 +2 = 4but its still two 2's. of the 9th month 9+4=13 1+3 =4 again 2 two 2s go into 4..ive lived at 20 h street,2+0=2 then 16 B Rd. even b is the second letter of the alphabet.( 656 BY rd 2s go into that number.(even)8/18 N st 2s go into both numbers.even the letter n is 14 2 goes into it 7 times. then 4 s rd..once again 2two 2 go in to 4. then i lived at 20a Ha H street is the 8th letter of the alphabet and 2 goes inot it 4 times/then 2Ly place the letter L 12th letter once again 2 goes into it..then 20 B street.& the letter b street 2nd again.. the 2/52-54 H street again the 8th letter alphabet and again 2 goes into it,,,where i preside now. theres other things i cant think of right now but its every where.

  83. even my birth year 1970 equals a 2 1+9 +7+0 =17 1+7 =- 8 4 2's go into 8..its first daughter born on the 4th .again 2 2s..and adding her month 9th thats 9 + 4 + 13 1+ 3= 4 again 2 2s..even adding her year 1989 with her birh day and month equals 22 .and my son born 12 /4 i have another daughter and only some parts associate with 2 but still this number 2 thats always even and can always be divided by 2.not to mention her name starts with j so does mine and my son which is the 10th letter alphabet 2 goes into it 5 times. the only small difference is with my middle child named s i lived in one streets starting with s but considering all the other coincidences i dont take much notice of that because there just way too may 2s.

  84. I was seeing 1111 when I acknowledged 1111 it changed to 222 and 333 not sure what t all means hopefully all good

  85. 111, and more often 222, 555. Talking about concurrence...

  86. more than once I've been woken up by something in my room, and I have seen a figure standing by or floating close and that is always at 2:22 am. before finding this post it was making me uneasy, but seeing that 222 is an angels number makes me feel better. The first time I was a very young kid but I still remember it.

  87. I have a nephew born on 22nd February 2004 exactly the same time the previous year, but he is extremely toxic in spirit, negatively charged by the mind power of the mother, so I dont think 222 can be free from negatively charged and programmed and have angelic radiance

  88. For the past six months or so I have been waking at exactly 2:22 am two to three .and randomly throughout the day looking at the time it would also be 2:22 .it was starting to worry me not knowing why .reading this made me feel a bit more at ease but still don't quite understand it

    1. Consider what you are thinking, feeling, doing etc when you are drawn to look at the clock/numbers and listen to your own intuition.

  89. I started seeing 222 after my brother passed away. But seeing 717 for the first 2yrs lead me to this site, I thought there had to be a reason.. and so my journey with the angels began.. its a grand feeling of knowing and the reassurance of heading in the right direction.

  90. My birthday is 2/22 but I just started seeing the number 222 resently everywhere I go everywhere I look...

  91. This is my and my darlings time...
    where we unite...
    unadressing eachother...
    I remember her from bottom of my heart...


  93. Good thanks you merci tres bon blog

  94. I was Born on 2.22 also and have seen 222 everywhere my whole life and wondered why? My first born was a 22 in numerology and 2nd child was a 2? My family and friends also know my obsession with 222... I just love it :)


  95. Interesting and useful article. ^_^

  96. This is interesting I was born at 222 in the morning my son was born on the 2/2//02, My daughter was born on the 22/12 within a yr a always open my ph at 222 also falling inlove with a car and its plates were 222tec which I purchased.
    Between the clock being a 222 when i see it a hotels room which i moved from 25 down to 23 and the current temp which was automated was 22.2.
    Very recently the tax i paid was 222 and a new employment wages are at 22298 at EOF. My eldest just rently got his Ls and the first 3 numbers are 222.
    Very crazy

  97. rush-collection, thank-you so much for providing this service. It is a source of reference I use often to give me clarity and understanding in my journey. What you've created completely resonates with me more so than other sites. You've done an awesome job. Thank-you!!!

  98. Thank you so much , you have no idea how much i use your pages as a refrence over the years each and everytime i see these sequences .

  99. I've been seeing 22 and 222 for the last two years. Recently just started seeing 422 all the time. Anyone else having tingling sensations on the top of their head (like goosebumps but more defined)

  100. In a lot of time I see this number 2:22 and I think fully I believe it have to do with angels and spirituality

  101. I have been seeing something:27 every day rencently and 9:11 and also 222, my birth day is 02.02.02 yesturday i was at walmart and my total was 22.20 and Reading about all of this is just so fasinating I never knew what these words meant and its just mind blowing

  102. Ever since I was in middle school, I had this teacher named Ms.Palmer. her room number was 222. Everyone hated her class. So I would always hate going into her class. 10 years later, im being followed by that room number. In video games, Bank account, im starting to screenshot every time I see 222 on my phone, until I have 222 pics. Maybe a miracle will happen by then

  103. I am just learning about angel numbers and the ways our angels communicate. My birthday is actually 2/22 and am looking for someone who has knowledge of angel numbers and if this sequence as a birthday has the same meaning as the 222 angel number. My mom always told me she "just knew" Faith would be the perfect name for me and that i was a very special little girl which I'm sure all parents tell their children when their young.

  104. I started seeing synchronised numbers every day every moment after a person came in my life. Though I didn't know a fact for a long time that he is very much attached to Mathematins and numbers. He expresses himself through numbers. But it's very strange cos though many strange things keep on happening with me and is going on from a long time but I never saw synchronised numbers. I always wondered why but after he came in my life I see them every time. Every moment. What is the significance of this whole thing? Who is he to me?

  105. My Son died in August and I have been tormented with thoughts of how he had been cared for during the weeks before his death. I feel like the person who aided in his agony would never have justice served against her and I am filled with anger all of the time. Anyway, I was reading one of the books by Lyn Ragan that mentioned this This website and numerology. Later, as I was getting ready for bed I looked at my cell phone and saw it was 2:22 am. When I looked up the meaning for 222 - it really did fit what has been in my thoughts. Thank you so much for allowing me to receive that message through this website. I will keep it in my thoughts from now on. Barbara R

  106. Thank you so much, rush-collection! You are so kind! <3

  107. I get phone call,s 222222,no voice mail,s?

  108. I feel for all of you that have to see it so much like it's a bad thing. I am trying to figure out why I have been born with master number 22 two times in my numerology and was born on the second day of the second week at 2:22 pm 2 minutes before my twin brother. I know that I have some really strong energies that are constantly being attacked and surpressed by so much. And my journey and my lessons are so tough most would take their own lives. Instead I trust in God that he has my purpose here in his hands. I just want the pain, greif, loss, constant negativity to be done and over with. I want peace and harmony in my life. I deserve this and I want it!

  109. 222 has been a powerful theme my whole life as it is the street address for generations of my family. Many years ago I felt a shift within myself, and then this number appeared to me several times a day. Initially I was bemused. The frequency of its appearance became a cause for concern and I struggled to find its meaning. Its timely appearance has led me to conclude pretty much what everyone else is saying here. We are on track, everything is as it should be, we are never alone. Glad to have finally found my community. Hello everyone 

  110. How do I maintain a positive attitude when all I do is cry everyday and ive lost my soul-mate :(

  111. Thankful for the vision to see and understand all the signs. Was woken up out of sound sleep tonight for 222 siting. Laptop lit up entire bedroom for NO reason other than to wake me up, walked over to my phone as I thought it was morning anyway, put on my glasses, and turned on my phone, of course, lol, 222 a.m.

  112. Have been seeing 222's for a couple of months, and a lot in the last two weeks. The meaning is poignant because it's during the holidays.

  113. ♡Thank you!♡ I've been seeing them and 1111 more frequent then other numbers like 1010, 333, 777, 444, 666, 333 or 555.

  114. I just started Seeing 222 in my head and I thought I was hallucinating it is see it on walls lightly and then it'd disappear I feel like I am losing my mind. Maybe I am. I don't know. But I Googled 222 and this was the first search result. So I guess I'm more lost now

  115. Last night,on January 6,2017:
    I was awakened from a sound sleep by the single ding of a loud bell.I thought someone was at my door.I got out of bed and cautiously walked to the front door and looked outside on my porch stoop to see that no one was there.I proceeded to my back door turned on the light to see that nobody was there either. A soft falling snow covered the ground.A catalog of classes from a local community college lay upon the floor in front of me. It read," Life Learn,"on the cover.
    The time was 2:22 AM.

    1. I just saw 222 at 2:22am after reading the meaning I would like to thank you that was right on time GOD get the glory

    2. Monday,January 9,2017, I had to face my own resistance,fear and excruciating grief as I euthanized my 18:year old cat.The matriarch of this household is gone.This comes only days after being weakened from a sound sleep with that single the ding of the bell,at 2:22 am.

    3. Monday,January 9,2017, I had to face my own resistance,fear and excruciating grief as I euthanized my 18:year old cat.The matriarch of this household is gone.This comes only days after being weakened from a sound sleep with that single the ding of the bell,at 2:22 am.

  116. I'm a Cancer with Aquarius moon which is very gives me much perception and clairvoyance. The beginning of my 222 was when I couldn't sleep one night and I was talking to a staff member in the halfway house I was in and the payphone rang once at exactly 2:22. I asked him what time it was to double check and sure enough it was 2:22. I laughed because 2 minutes was an inside joke so I thought the spirits were joking with me. Then a new friend on Facebook sent me 222 randomly but I found he does that to all his new friends but it was literally hours later. I was finding that I kept seeing 2:22 every time I thought of something and glanced at the clock when I was drifting into deep thoughts then snapping out of it. Random phone numbers called me ending in 222. I called one back and the name of the clinic was the same first name as my son whom I'm trying to gain custody of back but they didn't know why I received the call. It was clear why i got the call. A new friend I made had a phone number ending in 222. I'll check a Facebook status I liked and it'll have 22 likes and 2 reactions. It's just so uncanny. I love the love I'm surrounded by.
