Friday, August 26, 2011


Number 413 is a combination of the energies of number 4 and number 1, and the vibrations of number 3. Number 4 resonates with honesty and integrity, practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, inner-wisdom, and diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose, and the Archangels. Number 1 relates to initiative, instinct and intuition, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings and a fresh approach. It also relates to motivation, striving forward and progress, and reminds us that we create our own realities by our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 3 indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. Number 3 resonates with energy, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, manifesting and manifestation, spontaneity, self-expression, encouragement and assistance, talent and skills, joy and optimism.

Angel Number 413 is a message that the angels, Ascended Masters and Archangels are infusing your dreams, thoughts and ideas with Divine love, guidance and healing. Use these positive energies and insights in your lightworking and healing practices, and shine your light brightly along your Divine life path and soul journey.

Angel Number 413 suggests that the angels are working with you on your thought processes. They are sending you energy to keep you from feeling discouraged and are encouraging you to stay focused on the true goal of your soul. The timing is right to begin worthwhile projects that will bring long-term benefits and future success, and a happy outcome follows your positive expectations. The Masters offer you advice and guidance about your life purpose, and are teaching you that all creation begins at the level of idea and thought.

Number 413 relates to number 8 (4+1+3=8) and Angel Number 8.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. rush-collection, I read this tonight for the first time and it fits so perfectly with where I am in my soul journey right now. I shared your link with a group on Facebook called Abraham Hicks Vortex Group to share the beauty of your words. When I came back to this page, I saw your note at the top about not sharing without your permission. Please forgive me. I think a lot of people are going to be pinging your site as we're a pretty awesome group. I hope this is ok. And so sorry again.

    1. That's not a problem at all and no need whatsoever to be 'sorry' ... in fact I feel honoured that you have found value and insight in my work and wish to share the information. Sharing links and information is wonderful and I encourage it .... what I have a problem with is people who copy and paste the information, and claim it to be theirs, or who use it to do 'readings', or who publish the information for financial gain. Other than that, all good.

      I wish you the brightest of blessings upon your path,


  2. ...just had a very vivid dream. The message in it was not to go beyond the number 413, that 8 is final? I googled it and got here. Thank you :)

  3. This is my birthdate and I keep seeing it. I woke up last night and when I checked my phone, it was 4.13 am! The awkward thing is that when I notice it, almost immediately I see my ex girlfriend's birthdate, right after mine. I've been reading your explanations for a while now, but I don't get why I see those numbers together (413/134, 149/914). I still love her so much but we haven't spoken in a month now and this is getting more weird everyday. I miss her everyday more...what does seeing our birthdates together mean? Thank you for reading this and for all the numbers meaning you published, they helped me a lot in the past year, when I first discovered this website!

  4. Joanna I want to thank you for this site. I use it all the time. My guides and angels use numbers to communicate with me regularly as they know I am going straight to sacred scribes angel numbers .
    Blessings and thank you for helping my journey along.
    Radha Walker

  5. I was Born on April, 13 of 97. And that description of the energys sounds like me! ☺

  6. Short version, I found myself single, without transportation and with no means of support. I was freshly separated, my ex having custody of our young son, and I needed to make it on my own for the first time in my life for reasons that would make this a much longer reply if I tried to elaborate. During this period I went through a series of pretty miserable low paying gas station jobs that were at least a quick means of income as not to become homeless. I worked terrible hours for low pay and sometimes more than one job, often having to walk for hours to and from work at night, keeping myself together so I could be there for my son. I hoped to do better for myself and someone kept telling me to try non-emergency medical transportation as a driver for the company he worked for. I always felt that I would not get the job, that it was probably too good to be true to be on my own driving rather than working my tail off for minimum wage and dealing with the stress of often nasty coworkers. I eventually decided to check the place out. It promised a much shorter walk to and from if I got the job, more agreeable work, and better pay. The address number jumped out at me for some reason. It was 1413, and base for the drivers on the radio was referred to as "413" because of the address. I got a hopeful feeling even as I might have thought it was silly because there was an "angel store" in the same little area that sold balloons and cards and angel related things. Well, I applied and they wouldn't hire me. No I'm joking. hey did hire me of course. :) I have a better driving job, now, and ever since working at the medical transportation place, 413 is one of the number combinations that jumps out at me and feels like "lucky numbers." I just now searched for the number in relation to angels and found myself here.

  7. A few years back I went to take a nap and I still don't know if I was drifting off or what but I could remember hearing before I die 413, not sure what this means but here comes that date again and not sure what it really means. When I googled the number it came up with the Angel number, but it sticks in my head.

  8. I keep wakeing up at 4:13am for the last 3 days

  9. I keep waking up at 4:13 am for the last 3 days....

  10. How does one not feel discouraged when I’m being kicked of my home because I can’t pay rent? With kids? My job isn’t paying my way. How do you suggest I answer? I’m feeling like death

  11. Thank you so much, needed to hear this. Thos is my birthday 413

  12. It's 417 am just woke up after having extreme frightening nightmares, I thought spirit infused your dreams with love not frightening nightmares, can't understand what im supposed to learn from this but it's not nice...

  13. I understand now why spirit infuse your dreams, it's because my mission in life is to be a drug and alcohol counsellor illuminating the paths for people who seek it, and the reason I had nightmares about been a subject of physical abuse is so I can relate to people who have suffered the same but not in dreams but actually reality, thank you spirit angels for sending me life lessons...I feel blessed guided and protected Amen x

  14. Yall gotta read homestuck (also 413 is the inverse of pi)

    1. thats why im here, to see what that means for the comic and the creator. hahah

  15. I mistakenly typed it out to someone wu said 143

  16. I had a dream I was on a cruise ship and it was total confusion around the elevator ,I was coming up the steps where the elevator was trying to get to my room 413. A lot was going on in this dream but I remembered the room number.

  17. Thank you Lord 🙏🏽
