Sunday, August 28, 2011


Number 427 is a combination of the energies and attributes of number 4 and number 2 and the vibrations of number 7. Number 4 resonates with patience and practicality, hard work and effort, building solid foundations, our passion and drive, and working determinedly towards achieving our goals and aspirations. Number 4 relates to the Archangels. Number 2 relates to duality and finding balance, partnership and relationships, diplomacy and adaptability, sensitivity and selflessness. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul mission. Number 7 resonates with determination and persistence of purpose, faith and spirituality, inner-strength and inner-wisdom, spiritual awakening and development, empathic and psychic abilities. Number 7 is also the number of study, education and learning.

Angel Number 427 is a message of ‘congratulations’ from the angels. You have put your will and effort towards maintaining your faith and trust in the Divine plan of your life, and have been serving your life purpose with persistence and devotion. Continue to listen to your intuition and the guidance from the angels in regards to the next steps on your spiritual path. Maintain a positive attitude and outlook and expect wonderful abundance and well-earned rewards to enter your life.

Angel Number 427 encourages you to believe in yourself and your innate skills, talents and abilities. Have faith and trust in yourself and ask the angels for their guidance and assistance whenever you feel the need. Surrender any worries and/or fears for transmutation and healing, and know that you are being Divinely guided as you serve your life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 427 brings a message from your angels that your hard work and determination are reaping rewards, and you are being blessed with the fruits of your labours. Through diligence, endurance and responsibility you have achieved a great deal and the angels commend you for your efforts and are encouraging you to keep up the good work.  

Develop a peaceful, loving relationship with yourself.

Number 427 relates to number 4 (4+2+7=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.


  1. About 5 months ago I had a dream and in my sleep I spoke out "427" my boyfriend woke me and told me what I was doing. I was confused and went back to sleep. The next day I decided to look the meaning of the number up because very strange things have been happening to me in my life and in my dreams. I found this explanation of "427" it really intrigued me but my boyfriend said that I was crazy so I just blew it off. Now approximately 5 months later I have brought myself back to this page because I truly believe my spiritual enlightenment has begun. There is no way that everything that I have been experiencing is only coincidence. So thank you for your help with this number. It is helping me to try and embrace this journey.

  2. I always see the number 427. In fact, I was born on April 27th. I am glad to see that you are paying attention to what's being communicated to you. You know what you need to do for yourself. There's no point in questioning it anymore. You have all the answers, even if they're deep inside crying out in quite voices. Listen. Your inner truth will set you free.

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime.

    2. Didnt know how else to comment sorry. There were 7 archangels one for each day of the week. Michael was friday raphael saturday and gabriel sunday.

    3. My BD is 427 as well and I see it repeatedly ALL the time, especially on clocks. My fave was on a license plate with my dads initials, REM4827 - my birth year 58.

    4. All of this is awesome and so true as I have too seen angel numbers for quite some time and they just keep getting stronger and stronger with more clarity each time. I have graduated from 42 recently to 427 which is my birth date as well. God Bless each of you and I look forward to the growing awakening that is to come.

    5. My birthday is also 4-27, I've been seeing these numbers everywhere and it makes sense now. But its nice that I found a birthday twin!

    6. Hey Birthday twins My b-day is Also 04-27-81 I have been seeing this number for quite sometime, My best friend has a divorce court hearing and she just told me it's on 427, My rating for my job out of 5 stars is 427 and has been for a few days now. I have always felt I had a connection to the spirit world and reading this lets me know I am not crazy. God bless you all and Happy Early Birthday!

    7. Yes.Thank you for the encouragement 4-27, of course, just when I needed it. You are amazing. “I am glad to see that you are paying attention to what's being communicated to you. You know what you need to do for yourself. There's no point in questioning it anymore. You have all the answers, even if they're deep inside crying out in quite voices. Listen. Your inner truth will set you free.” Thank you Joann. I would have been completely lost forever without you. My eternal gratitude to you. - 6

    8. My birthday is also 4-27 and I see this everywhere and have since I was a kid. I always thought it was my Grandma speaking to me because she passed on my birthday, but I think it holds lots of meaning.

  3. awesome guys :)
    God Bless

  4. The moon is an I in the sky staring at me it is my mistress the splendor of the stars up above are scattered throughout the night arranged in the perfect order and symmetry in harmony and it feels like it is orchestrated and prepared just for me!?

    The moon and stars set nly for me
    Only for me the moon is my lover and my mistress celebrating the glory of the eternal joy
    of the moonlight

    The sun and moon
    Still see each other
    Encompassing the shining world
    And bathe each other
    In the shower of light
    They pour out upon each other
    and to the worlds beyond
    In the shimmer afterglow
    Of love
    Across space and time
    Light eternal
    Love forever

  5. I see this number everywhere, every single day. I see the three (4,2,7) more than I feel comfortable with, to tell the truth, haha. Almost every time 4:27, 2:47, 7:42 or 7:24 shows up on a clock, I will see it. If I'm not already on my phone, I'll just grab it randomly after not touching for an hour and it'll be one of those times. Its in my soc. sec. # and the date on my soc sec card (4/27). Not exactly sure what it all means, but i"ve been feeling its too much to be coincidence. I'm very thankful to have read this, as it shed a whole body of relief over me. I normally question everything I read, but this almost felt like a confirmation. Thank you!

    1. I know I am replying to a message that is over 6 years old, but I too am very grateful for the person who took the time and energy to make this very knowledgeable website, sort of database if you will, for interpreting Angel language. Absolutely amazing and spot on. I have seen the number 427 a couple of times on the clock which, has a significance to me because it is my son's birthday. I love what 427 means an angel code. I can make so much sense of it! But the numbers that brought me to your site are 1104 and 1234 . It's just amazing how the meaning to both of those numbers coincide with each other in a way. Together, they're a form of confirmation that it really is my Spirit guides speaking to me through the angels. It is so specific and on point for this time frame in my life and everything I am going through. It all resonates. Absolutely 100% amazing work done here and again THANK YOU so very much for all of this knowledge! From reading the comments it seems we'd all be some sort of lost at Bay had we not had this instrument at our fingertips.
      - Forever grateful, Danielle

  6. I see this number everywhere, every single day. I see the three (4,2,7) more than I feel comfortable with, to tell the truth, haha. Almost every time 4:27, 2:47, 7:42 or 7:24 shows up on a clock, I will see it. If I'm not already on my phone, I'll just grab it randomly after not touching for an hour and it'll be one of those times. Its in my soc. sec. # and the date on my soc sec card (4/27). Not exactly sure what it all means, but i"ve been feeling its too much to be coincidence. I'm very thankful to have read this, as it shed a whole body of relief over me. I normally question everything I read, but this almost felt like a confirmation. Thank you!

  7. I woke up a few days ago, 'randomly' at 4:27 A.M. Then the following afternoon, I was napping and in the dream I woke up again, and the time was '4:27' in the dream.
    I thought that had to mean something, but a few days pass, and I've been reading Mark Twain's 'Joan of Arc' in the meantime. I just finished the second book today and right before I found this page and the meaning of '427' I had read her prayers a loud and asked for her assistance to my life purpose and having her courage and strength for the trails to come..well, then I thought, 'hm, I wonder what 427 meant...' and couldn't believe everything I read reinforced everything for me right now..and the moderator of this page is named 'Jeanne'.... awe and praise <3 Angels are real.

  8. I had a dream the other night, and in my dream i saw this lady talking to my grandma, and my grandma told me to get ready because the lady was going to take me somewhere, but when i was ready the lady was gone and my grandma yold me she had to go when i asked her why the lady left. I told my mom later on avout the dream and what the lady looked like and my mom told me that was my great aunt. I also remembered that everywhere in my dream i kept seeing the number 427. My great aunt passed away a few years before i was born, and my mom saw her in the hospital room when she was giving birth to me.

  9. 333*: I activated the Army, Continue with the next phase

  10. I realized the angels are always sending you messages. For me it was just staying aware. They can use anything like car license plates, number totals at the grocery store or on receipts practically anything. Our job is to just stay aware and follow the guidance. Thankful that your site decides the messages. Thank you fellow earthly angel.

  11. Thankyou holy spirit for guiding rush-collection and my realizations. The knowing that good always prevail in the end is why we have already won the battle. The Revelation has come to Fruition. AUM. AMEN.

  12. I've also been seeing 4:27 everywhere, that's my Birthday too. I knew it wasn't a coincidence since I see it through the day and for the last 3 months or so. I'm glad I'm not the only one, but I believe the Holy Spirit led me to this page for confirmation. Thanks this is great!

  13. I will maintain for i am now 21. Hallelujah, amen.

  14. The one thing is hard for me and perhaps others is grapsing and putting into practice my lifes purpose. I was born 4-27-1969.Since I was a child I felt diffent, perfered to go alone at times felt alone. But yet I wanted to be around people yet was shy and aloof. I was always driven to prove I cared by giving and in that I learnd it made me happy inside. I always thought about others in the sense of helping them.

  15. Me as well my dream is to help the ones in need and I too, love people and like being alone as well I see 427 all the time everywhere

  16. I can't do without divine help for sure!!

  17. Thank you so much. The beautiful Angels woke me up to this & lastnight i was receiving so many beautiful, encouraging angel messages. thank you so much!

  18. I want to thank you for your work in making this website, as well as recording all of these messages. I finally, after years of hard work, and experiences, remember what I was meant to remember. And this number is the date of when I remembered, so the message is very appropriate and spot on. If I had any subconscious doubts, this dissolved them. Thank you so much. Have a blessed day.

  19. After the death of my father in law I dreamt of someone telling not to forget the no 27 and I woke up. Lately almost everyday I see 27. it may accompanied by another number. yesterday I was a bit frustrated and desperate when I saw a car with no 444 followed behind by a car with reg no 427. Another car in the other direction with 427. It was obviously not a coincidence. Also everyday I see different repeated numbers like 111 222 ... 999. I know they are messages sent.

  20. Just last night before going to sleep i prayed and admittedly i am in doubt on what the future holds. Not to mention it is pandemic and all plans are on hold. In my prayers as asked, what now? I fell asleep after i prayed but only few minutes in a dream i saw myself lying on a bed covered with white sheets, on my headboard i saw the number 427. I wake myself and wrote the number on my phine memo. And today i end up searching for its meaning and i landed here. I guess since talk to us through dreams and we just have to pick it up. The angels and God send their answers. Then why be afraid?
