Saturday, August 27, 2011


Number 421 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 4, the attributes of number 2 and the qualities of number 1. Number 4 resonates with practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, inner-wisdom, and diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose, and the Archangels. Number 2 brings its attributes of service and duty, adaptability and co-operation, duality, finding balance and harmony, kindness and consideration. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 1 promotes creativity and creation, pioneering, action and initiative, new beginnings and motivation, self-leadership and assertiveness, striving forward and progress. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities with our thoughts, intentions, beliefs and actions.  

Angel Number 421 is a message to use positive affirmations and maintain a positive attitude about your life in general as these positive energies attract abundance and manifests peace and clarity. Have faith and trust in your ‘Self’; your skills, talents and natural abilities, and use them to their fullest on your Divine life path. Have faith and trust that the angels encourage and support you in your endeavours.  

Angel Number 421 is a message from your angels that you are to balance your work life with your relaxation and play time. The angels encourage you to take time out to meditate, relax, revive and rejuvenate yourself. Your health and wellbeing are of the utmost importance as your inner-strength and vibrant energies are much needed by the world. The angels want you to be functioning at your optimum.

Be assured that the angels are busily working behind the scenes and certain factors need to fall into place before your desired outcome can be reached. There is nothing holding you back or blocking you from attaining your goal and/or desire. Show patience and feel gratitude for the miraculous solutions to appear in your life. Your positive beliefs and faith and trust in the Divine creates favourable results and outcomes.

Number 421 relates to number 7 (4+2+1=7) and Angel Number 7.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you SO much!!! I've been thinking for many years what does this number want to say to me..

  2. this is my birthdate. It shows up all the time at work. I've seen it nightly for the past 3 years. I feel the angels are telling me something. I'm still waiting for an answer sometimes i actually see 42166 my complete birthdate.

    1. i saw this number for a long time and still do. I worked too much and suffered a burn out 6 months ago and also did not live very healthy, im 23 years old. keep your eyes open and live in balance. dont go to two extremes. and be kind to those who show they truly care for you. felt like commenting this here.

  3. This is the number that I see the most. I've seen it on movies, on stats, on winning numbers for the lottery, and in dreams. It is everywhere. Since I've started balancing out my life more, I've seen less of this number.


  5. I had a nightmare- the day of 6/12/15. I was held hostage at a fastfood restaurant. i was hiding under a table, using my ipad to fbIM my sister the street address to the restaurant, to send for help. I typed in 421, but couldn't (and still can't) recall the street name. I typed it over and over. I woke up with the number in my head. Later that day, I gassed up and my topped total came out to be $42.12. so odd. there was that 421 again.
    the following day (6/13/15)- I ran a 5k. This was the day that marked my mother being gone a full year- passed from pancreatic cancer. I was running in honor of her. As I ran through the stiffling humidity and heat of the already hot morning, I would get waves of cold energy that resonated from my spine- all the way up to my neck, sending goosebumps over my body (and cooling me in the process). at the same time, having whispers "you got this" and "just a bit more" and "you are doing great" bouncing in my head. The finish time for the 5k was... 42 minutes and 11 seconds. there was that 421 again.

    1. Wowww...I had a similar experience with different numbers though...and ironically when I gassed up lol

    2. Wowww...I've had a similar experience with a different number though ...saw a number prior to gassing up and saw the same number when I reached a full tank from my card. Glad you kept running (: Your Mom and the Angels are always with you

  6. I've been seeing this number everyday for the past couple of years now.. On the clock, the lottery.. I thought my Aunt who passed away was trying to contact me.. If it wasn't her it was something.. Now I know what this was trying to say.. Spirits are realmm God bless

  7. 42176 is my birthdate and I'm always seeing this number everywhere. At first I thought I was just seeing it cause maybe I was looking for it but as time went on ..I realized that is not the case...Does the spirits only show signs to certain people? I don't know what to do..It's kinda scary.

    1. My birthday is the exact same day and I feel the exact same way. Happy that Im not alone..When I ask people around me..They say its just my mind like Im crazy or something..Sometimes I wonder! But it is kinda scary..Thank you for sharing your experience birthday twin.

    2. My birthday is the exact same day and I feel the exact same way. Happy that Im not alone..When I ask people around me..They say its just my mind like Im crazy or something..Sometimes I wonder! But it is kinda scary..Thank you for sharing your experience birthday twin.

    3. My birthday is the exact same day and I feel the exact same way. Happy that Im not alone..When I ask people around me..They say its just my mind like Im crazy or something..Sometimes I wonder! But it is kinda scary..Thank you for sharing your experience birthday twin.

  8. Omg...I logged out of this at 241pm.

  9. Ive seeing this number everywhere the numbers I usually see are as follow... (4:20,9:11,5:22, and 7:55) is this a coincidence? I was playing dont tap the whit tiles and 420 was my score and an angel popped up on my screen

  10. i have been seeing 420,422,423 since 9yrs i bf is from diffrent sect. v have many fightings but still managing live together since 7yrs. what these signs tell me????whenever i see them its not good

  11. Anonymous.. I been seeing 111..1111.. And 421 every single day. Now i know what it all means. Angels was trying to contact me. My ex boyfriend passed away 2 years ago. We lived together in our younger years. Our old address was 421. Omg. He is with me everyday. And another ex of mine had passed away. Cancer. Few months before he passed his sister contacted me. Gave me his address in Pa. I kept sending him cards. Telling him i still cared. And his birthday was 11/11. Angels are all around me now. 2 angels in heaven. Ok crying now. But now i understand.

  12. WOW good to see it was not just me I also have been waking up at 4:20 every morning so much so I had to look this up glad to see you angels I have seen Michael the Archangel before in division I have been attacked by demons in my bed. I have heard a voice in my room I have seen some things face to the wall I have a spare for all my life as long as I can remember I pray to God that I have a purpose and that his will be done. When I wake up at 4:20 I feel the need to pray so I do. You should do the same.

  13. Thank You So Much rush-collection, you have been my guiding Angel. LOVE YOU and I know you have been Blessed and will be blessed. AMEN.

  14. Hello Rush Collection,
    First off I want to thank you so much for the services you provide the universe. I would be lost if it wasn't for this website and my angel numbers mobile app and book, I would be a lost soul. Iv'e learned so much from you and I am truly grateful. When I get to where I am going I will definitely be sending you a blessing. thank you so much. forever in your debt. I hope you don't mind me posting this link on your platform. I am currently experiencing the awakening process. except I really think its bigger than that. If this doesn't resonate with you I understand. thanks for your consideration.

  15. Thank you Abba Father Jesus love you Lord and to my angels


  17. The Angels have been working had behind the scenes for years! Thankfully, I dont hold my breath with this stuff. Just like motivational quotes, sound good but mean nothing

  18. 4/21 is my birthday. So grateful I see this number all the time

  19. What an energetically-poweful day it's been. I'd just switched off everything ready to go to bed in the early hours when I was aware of the glow outside so peered out at that huge moon during this Lionsgate Portal phase and had to sit down and gaze and admire. I went into the semi-trance, in-awe mode for the moon just realized, once again, that this is our same primoridal moon seen by dinosaurs and by all ancient civilizations, with the clouds whisping on by and sometimes enveloping the moon with a soft hug. We have a bright light for the day and a soft light for during the night. It's miraculous, phenomenal, amazing, beautiful, awesome, heart-moving, soul-shaking, frequency-vibrating enlightenment of just how primordial Moon is but could be moved by some massive planetary collision but, still, our Souls and the Souls of Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters go on infinitely. Beautiful Souls we are...... ♾️🌌🙏🏽😌👌🏽❤️🌈🌟✨💫 Then I came to bed and my phone time was 04:21 so I had to enter my meditative thoughts after sitting Moon-gazing 🌑😌👌🏽❤️🌟✨

  20. Thank you Angels,
