Saturday, August 20, 2011


Number 355 is a compilation of the energies and attributes of number 3 and the vibrations of number 5, with number 5 appearing twice, magnifying its influences. Number 3 resonates with a love of fun and pleasure, self-expression and communication, support and encouragement, natural talents and skills, enthusiasm and joy. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters. Number 5 resonates with making important life choices and decisions, major life changes, spontaneity and adventure, adaptability and versatility, individualism, personal freedom and life lessons learned through experience.  

Angel Number 355 encourages you to be clear with yourself about what you believe and what you want to change. There are many ways to do it, so find your passion, strengths and inner-talents and play your part in the betterment of your own life as well as the upliftment of humanity.

Angel Number 355 is a message that major life changes are around you, and you may be feeling apprehensive or anxious about what lays ahead of you. Know that these changes are happening to advance you along your life path and to help you fulfill your soul mission. You are encouraged to take full advantage of the changes and the new opportunities that will present in your life. Your prayers and positive affirmations have manifested these much needed changes, so trust that they are right for you. Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance, so even though the reason/s for the changes may not be clear at this point, trust that all will fall into place for you. These changes have come about so that you can break free from old restraints and constraints and freely pursue your soul mission and life purpose as a spiritual being.

Be true to yourself and live accordingly. Dance to the beat of your own drum and trust that your prayers will be answered; sometimes in the most unlikely and unexpected ways. 

Number 355 relates to number 4 (3+5+5=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.


  1. I have been Spiritually Awake for the past 3-4 years and it happened it an a very Divine Abrupt way lol, scary and amazing all at once. I been following numbers and animal signs for the past 4 months of my final initiations and ascension back into the Higher Vibrations/Frequencies, or Heaven on Earth via self embodiment as well as anchoring into Beautiful Mother Earth <3 With my Higher Star Forms, Higher Self and the Angels and Ascended Family of Love and Light. I wanted to thank you for your part in all this. It gives me confirmations, comfort and inspiration to continue my personal and Planetary work <3 Lots of Love and Gratitude to you, as well as many thanks and appreciation <3 Christopher and Christina/Andrieya Beautiful Beloveds <3

    1. Bless you Christopher, as these changes exactly are happening to me also, you put it so eloquently. Many blessings

  2. Wow. ! ... That's all I'm gonna say. :- ) aMAZING :)

  3. wow I keep getting stuck in this mode of discovery I have been in matter too long so long it stinks I try to wake up and can continually grow towards my inner knowing but just wont open up all the way any suggestions? I am happy but over joy not yet .....

    1. Rest in the question. There is no goal. Awakening, enlightenment, oneness, etc., if searched for, become things outside of ourselves that we want to achieve. For me, meditating and letting the story shift into the actual feelings; and then letting the feelings shift into the actual sensations in my body, brings me back to what I am (what we all are)... pure love, pure oneness, and enlightenment itself. Fall deeply in love with the part of you that's "stuck in this mode of discovery". There is room for fear, doubt and unknowing within the unconditional love that YOU are.

    2. Check out Suzanna Maria Emmanuel on YouTube and Facebook. She is the channel for Divine and the most amazing teachings about who we are and why we are here are coming to us now. Amazing revelations about the game and our roles as Lightworkers. The Divine Pineal Gland Activations are the key to getting our life codes back and getting out of the fear grids we have been held in. I am experiencing all that they are teaching as one of the activated. If you're looking for peace and love for yourself and humanity then have a look for Suzanna and the Great Archangel Caeayaron who is here to bring us back to love. I have appreciated and enjoyed rush-collection's numbers for so long and they still help we my guidance which has strengthened so much through the activations. It's why we came and what we have worked for for so many lifetimes. Thank you and much love to you. Jacqui.

    3. Check out Suzanna Maria Emmanuel on YouTube and Facebook. She is the channel for Divine and the most amazing teachings about who we are and why we are here are coming to us now. Amazing revelations about the game and our roles as Lightworkers. The Divine Pineal Gland Activations are the key to getting our life codes back and getting out of the fear grids we have been held in. I am experiencing all that they are teaching as one of the activated. If you're looking for peace and love for yourself and humanity then have a look for Suzanna and the Great Archangel Caeayaron who is here to bring us back to love. I have appreciated and enjoyed rush-collection's numbers for so long and they still help we my guidance which has strengthened so much through the activations. It's why we came and what we have worked for for so many lifetimes. Thank you and much love to you.

    4. Dear Jacqui, if only more people would awaken to who Suzanna is. I am eternally thankful for the Divine Activations. Love is so prevalent in my life. So grateful to have had my Pineal Gland activated when I did. The clock is ticking Xx

  4. So thank u so much today i spoted this number twice looked it up and just as i was gonna fall back into my old ways.But Destiny is having me move forward in life so much is about to happen and its my soul mission for me to go forward and not backward.If i make sense

  5. Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always!!!♡♡♡Love ,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  6. Thank you :) I totally love using your blog as reference :) when looking up Angel numbers :) I just wanted to show gratitude and let you know how awesome you are :) thank you again sweetheart :) B

  7. Thank you :) I totally love using your blog as reference :) when looking up Angel numbers :) I just wanted to show gratitude and let you know how awesome you are :) thank you again sweetheart :) B

  8. NAMASTE... rush-collection 😀

  9. l Amour de l univers est si merveilleux.Merci aux anges et a toi rush-collection.

  10. Wow praise the Lord hallelujah

  11. These angel numbers are taking over my life. I see them non-stop. Its getting to where im guiding my life by these numbers n they have various meanings.Most of these numbers hv me fearing of loosing my job or being hurt bc some of them mean protection. Help me please. Love n light

    1. Please dont think negative ... Angel numbers have divine powers they are message from your guiding lights. It also sometimes say you that the angels are working on your thoughts to make them a reality in your life so think what may happen when u think negative !!? So be positive and act positive

    2. Keep in mind, sometimes they repeated because you missed something or miss interpreted something. Look at the most positive outcome possible or the outcome that removes the most negativity. You may have been holding on to something bad for you. And you must replace it with something better. You know what the better thing is or you wouldn't get the message about it. Good luck. Be blessed. Honor and treat yourself with that better thing. It will take you farther in life with more joy.

    3. I feel this: your life and thought and beliefs have told their story- spoke their life language- the experience of you- you yesturday- the you that was taught by her unguided , innocently oblivious soul, how to be you.
      Shift from the old operating system of your inner paradigm ( beliefs, fears, regulators and bumper rails that used to help you stay safe- believe that the shift is yours to own, work through your goodbyes, with gr as yigude as you acknowledge each old belief- thanking itvfor it's help and then say goodbye to it- call in the beliefs you choose for yourself like a well planned song or story that you want and you will embody.
      It's urgent old mindset that keeping b you from experiencing that which you want. You have to upgrade ur new system to speak the language of your Destiny.

  12. 💞💞💞💞

  13. Thank you so much for all that you do

  14. Universe I ask for signs I got them can you please send me 3 million dollars I been trying so hard being the best but I just wanna change my life all I do is give I wanna treat myself and spoil myself I don’t have no family I only got you universe I mean it I love you universe please send 3 million dollars to my physical reality please universe let it happen now I need you I hope this real man I’m putting my all into it

    1. Oh, honey <3. You don't have to know me to take this message into your heart: I love you and you are loved.
