Friday, August 26, 2011


Number 414 is a combination of the attributes and energies of number 4 and the vibrations of number 1, with number 4 appearing twice, amplifying and doubling its influences. Number 4 resonates with patience, practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, conviction, honesty and integrity, building solid foundations, diligence and determination to successfully achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose, and the energies of the Archangels. Number 1 encourages you to step forward in your chosen direction/s, and reminds you that you create your own realities with your thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 1 resonates with insight and inspiration, creativity and new beginnings, self-leadership and assertiveness, fulfilment and attainment.  

Angel Number 414 is a message that you are being Divinely and angelically guided. Pay attention to your persistent ideas and thoughts and be aware of your dreams and daydreams. The angels are assisting you with aligning your vibrations with your life purpose and soul mission. Trust that you are being led along your Divine life path and are being fully supported by the angels and Archangels. Listen to your intuition and take positive action.  

Angel Number 414 is a message from your angels that you are to look to new ways to go about getting your work done more effectively and efficiently. Listen to your intuition as your angels are ushering positive energies towards and around you. Keep your thoughts positive and optimistic as you undertake an important new role or venture. Your positive energies, intentions and actions will manifest your expected results. Trust your angels to deliver all that you will need.

Number 414 relates to number 9 (4+1+4=9) and Angel Number 9.

See also:
Repeating 4’s and 1’s


  1. I have been seeing the numbers 919 and 240 so often its scary! Over 10 times a day each!...please, can you help me figure out what it means? Thank you for your time! MUCH LOVE.(and I mean that) John BTW we have a Nissan "240", but we have had it for 12 yrs...and I just started seeing that number about a month or two ago

  2. I have also been seeing 777 and 999 every time I turn around!

  3. Jin: As you probably know the numbers 777 and 999 are "positive numbers". I see them a lot too. Not sure about 919 and 240.

  4. 919 can be found at:

    and number 240 can be found at:



  5. this gives me some explanation... i have been stuck with 414 since i was 18 maybe earlier..414 was my refugee ID for six years then when i came to canada 414 is one of the 3 sets of My SIN#...and i see countless plate numbers with 414 ...i have gone far away from home on a business trips and checked in at hotel with my room number being 414..looking at the clock 4:14.... its amazing how frequent this is in my life..

    1. I see this number the same I wake up at 414 I see on my clock things I buy everywhere I go I don't understand why but it's very interesting

  6. Wen can I talk to rush-collection I have a few questions.....

  7. You can email me at: or to arrange a time ...



  8. My life has become awesome...and the numbers are unreal! They will change every so often, and I will see new ones. Now it has become way more than 10 times a day. I can't really speak to anyone about it because they look at me like I am crazy, but I have also become very enlightened in the process. My life has definitely taken a huge turn in the last few years. I see some of my comments date back a few years, lol ...I'm not even the same person, that I was then....thank you rush-collection, for this site!!

  9. This has been my experience also.

  10. I found this website about a year ago when I first started noticing all the repeating numbers in my life. Since then I refer to it about four times a week. I can't thank you enough for putting this site together. Its really helped me find my path again and it has led to some amazing things.

  11. get ready for the Solstice... I AM jjn931.... and you would NEVER believe who I AM!!!!

    1. What's the solstice? I see these numbers 20 times every day... signs constantly...dreams. Is this a good thing.

  12. Thanks for the information.
    SO cool being a direct relation of an Ascended Master.
    Hope to get there myself one day.

    Reading this page for a reason ;)

  13. Thanks for the information.
    I'm the descendant of an Ascended Master.
    She's the reason I'm reading your page.

    Thanks :)

  14. Ah hey guys in two days AMERICA/BABYLON will be 240 years OLD! July 4th 2016!

  15. This website is amazing! It has helped me come closer to the angels and my spiritual truths! I love this site alot, Thank you!, Namaste! <3

  16. I believe God uses u mightly while I'm awakening Joann u one of God chosen and have become somewhat of a mordern day bible

  17. Thank you Joann For your help! I have felt angels and ascended masters around me protecting and guiding all of my life. I have always did what felt like the right thing to do. And it was always the best path. Your site has helped me to feel a much closer connection. And now I am always aware of my angels guidance and protection. I know who I am. Blessings to you!

  18. Thank you Joann for your beautiful work! I have always from a young child felt and sometimes seen my guiding angels and ascended masters. Your site has helped me to have a much stronger connection (relationship). I have always been guided by them to the best path. I know who I am! I am grateful and proud of you my sister! Blessings to you! And your divine path!

  19. I have seen the number 414 numerous times since the 1990's. I always knew it had some meaning, but couldn't figure it out. Recently, I have seen people posting 11:11 on Facebook. I asked what it means and someone posted, "Angels among us." So, I decided to look up 414. This article is very interesting and answers many questions. It definitely fits. Thank you!

  20. I have seen the number 414 numerous times since the 1990's. I always knew it had some meaning, but couldn't figure it out. Recently, I have seen people posting 11:11 on Facebook. I asked what it means and someone posted, "Angels among us." So, I decided to look up 414. This article is very interesting and answers many questions. It definitely fits. Thank you!

  21. I have been seeing the number 414 since the mid 1990's but had no idea what it meant. I knew it had some significance. Recently, I saw 11:11 posted on Facebook. I asked what it meant and someone posted, "Angels among us." I decided to look up 414 from that perspective. This is very interesting. It definitely fits for me. I will also look up the number 9 since 4+1+4=9. Thank you.

  22. What a lovely message when I going to sleeo :)

  23. I've been visiting this site a lot now I am 20 years of age seeing the numbers more often and it's different numbers same sequence until I'm so confuse it's like nothing is going right but I just have been feeling this great peace over me while I'm dealing in this storm

  24. Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!! ♡♡♡ Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  25. Namaste. Born 04/14 @ 04:14 AM Thursday East Coast. Eye Overstand the connective Information. Compassionately grateful.

  26. I am so grateful for the information you’ve put together on here! Angels numbers play an incredibly huge role in my life on a daily basis & becoming aware of this has changed my life. Thank you!!!

  27. The number 414 I see all the time is also the month and date of my birthday. Does that change the significance of the number? Thank you

  28. the number 414 keeps showing up several times a week, it is also the month and day of my birth. Does that change the significance of the meaning? Thank you

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


    2. Thank you so much for your answer. I really appreciate it.

  29. Ive been seeing 414 since May 2017, and the rest is history... it literally changed my life ... first it's my bday yah!! Secondly to this day I see on my cellphone and car 4:14 and lately its as
    SUV license plate which parks in front of me 414 Xxx,incredible I photo it alot...hughley enough Ive progressed so much in life ,everything that ive ever hoped for has happened. Amazing!!!... please don't give keep treating people right and stay obedient to the Lords word.

  30. I've been seeing 414 everyday lately not only that but 212, 313 515, 616, 717, 818 919, 1010, not to mention other repeating numbers such as 1111, 111 222, 333, etc. I'm going through a dramatic change in my life after 32 years of marriage. It's time for me to move on because due to unpleasant experiences for years. I believe that these number are guiding me to follow my heart to happiness and true love. They are reassuring me that I'm on the right path at the moment in my life. My spiritual awakening is phenomenal to say the least!!

  31. Im speechless.. today I've taken my personal Trainer exam for the 2nd time. I got a 414 ,500 is passing...let's be clear 6 months ago the initial score was 307. "IM ON MY WAY"This have been affirmation, and I pray the Angels be with me on my Endeavors # 1 Fan

  32. We are all awakening just the ones that are realising it will later on when we all do go home to the spirit world when ever that may be for people will be devastated because your ego self got in the way of your mission.

  33. I have no idea what she means when she says I have to go about finding different ways to get my work done more effectively and efficiently . I have been trying to figure out what she mean for the longest.

  34. Its crazy to see other people with the same situation as me.. even from posts on here years ago.. my birthday is april 14th and ive started taking notice to the number in my mid 20s.. im 31 now and i see the number almost every day.. i understand how it is supposed to reflect my daily life and how i am as a person but what am i supposed to do with it? How do i respond to such a figurative matter that is literally with me every day? It kinda intimidates me

  35. Oh my God accurate for the messages he gives unconditionaly love for our my family saiiid /saeed my fiance best friends and this site's thank you so much for lightning our family this site's most meaningful word's. Thank you very much..

  36. Hell no hayley told me ... life for life on purpose

  37. No really that did actually happen devil on board

  38. Thank you 🙏😇💗, Love and light always!!! 🥰

  39. I was born at 4:14. I got an indescribable urge to look up the meaning of this number. My life seems to be all falling into place as of late. But the number describes me to a t. Maybe the moment of my death will tell how my afterlife shall go

  40. Nice Information. it is a sign of aggression.

  41. Rise up by Andrea Day come on as I read this. Felt the need to share the song with anyone looking this up. Eyes front xx
