Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 9 is the number of Universal love, eternity, faith, Universal Spiritual Laws, karma, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening, service to humanity, humanitarianism and the humanitarian, lightworking and lightworkers, leading by positive example, philanthropy and the philanthropist, charity, self-sacrifice, selflessness, destiny, soul purpose and mission, generosity, a higher perspective, romance, inner-strength, public relations, responsibility, intuition, strength of character, learning to say ‘No’, creative abilities, sensitivity, loyalty, generalist, discretion, brilliance, problem-solving, inner-wisdom, self-love, freedom, popularity, high ideals, tolerance, humility, altruism and benevolence, empathy, compassion, non-conformity, artistic genius, an expansive viewpoint, eccentricity, communication, influence, perfection, magnetism, understanding, forgiveness, compassion and sympathy, the visionary, duty and calling, obligation, mysticism, optimism and Divine wisdom.

Angel Number 9 is a sign from the angels that your life path and soul mission involve being of service to humanity through the use of your natural skills and talents. Angel Number 9 suggests that you are a natural lightworker and encourages you to look to ways to serve others in positively uplifting ways.

Angel Number 9 may be indicating that it is time to end a phase, situation or relationship that is no longer serving you in a positive way. Rest assured that ‘new’ will enter your life that will enhance and benefit your life and lifestyle in many ways. Prepare yourself today as there is much work for you to do.

Angel Number 9 encourages you to be compassionate, thoughtful, philanthropic and of service to others and humanity as a whole and lead other by positive example.

For more information about number 9 see:  NUMEROLOGY – Number 9

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. This is awesome, every time I'm in meditation mode I always say "I will shine my light brighter than the Sun for those in the dark.."

    1. Good luck. (God)needs good people on earth .it's mean all who doing lightworking is ''gods"force in this killing world. Just you need to wish and pray.:) :)

    2. that's really beautiful...i really needed to read that right now

    3. Yeah me too!

    4. There are 34 comments. I see 11:34. 134. combo all the time, daily, many times a day. This number can be broke down to 9, both explanations for 1134 & 9 itterally are me. No joke, this is the way that I am. It's creepy that these numbers echo through so directly to almost write a personality profile for me. Ever so strange and wonderful. *Thank you all Holy Father for these wonderful gifts and direction. In you holy name, Amen*

    5. I am constantly and consistently grateful for this site and CLEAR UNDERSTANDING. I ACCEPT..

    6. I am constantly and consistently grateful for this site and CLEAR UNDERSTANDING. I ACCEPT..

    7. "I will shine my light brighter than the Sun for those in the dark.." A truly beautiful quote. Make it a meme, and spread your message of Love via social media. Adonai.

    8. Sean Gratton. You rock!!! Shine on!! 😊

  2. So awesome and true...

  3. I am HisBrüünhilde RoseLynn Amen.
    AND I SHINE LIKE THE SUN. I AM PURE AND BEAUTIFUL... I KNOW THIS NOW, .... how about you always getting what you wanted.... ,:-)
    @JoinMe.ComPeriod... HoTep!

  4. 108 in Hinduism is a Holy number, as 1 is beginning as you stated a step foreward, 0 is void, before and after all created (I will read your 0), and 8 is the continuum of growth cycling upward, or reincarnation (I will read your 8 or 4+4) and 9 is before ten, 19 before 20, so before completion of our soul purpose on earth.

    Someone recently called me a 414. And asked if I knew what that meant. I said no, "other than it adds to 9, which seems a common number in my life, that I lack stability to the earth, as though my home is within myself, and not in stability of place but if that moment". They looked at me a bit confused and a bit amused and said, "yes, she's a 414". His friend said "your an angel". I said, "I'm not sure about that, but my consciounce has always strongly guided me, an "inner voice", and many times drs said Id die, or be paralyzed neck down, and was a medical miracle"... I thought that I was brought by a few women that simply saw me walk home from managing a health food store, picking flowers for Id do laundry, and lay a garland of flowers on each persons clothes outside their room (on napkin not to stain). These women took me to a small church in the mission district to meet Mother Theresa. Her eyes were so bright blue, she gripped my hand to her cross with such might, but looked so frail.

    I really do not know what I am, but a human that suffers the pains of others a lot. Some say an "empath". It's hard to be joyful, when I've seen the epitome of greed take a life I tried to save... Away for profit at this persons exploit and expense. As he dies of addiction he was free from with me.

    It's a lonely path, not many will understand, say lighten up, there is medication for that to "fix your sensitivity". Ugh.

    I do seek a partner on this journey. Ive had animals and close friends that came and left as I grew, or they said I changed.,with growth is change.

    Time to look up 0 and 8. See if there are similar meanings, for I like to find what connects teachings, the wisdom, not what separates us.


    1. I was walking down my lonely path begging God for a sign, when my watch started ticking loudly. I looked down with FAITH and sure enough the time was right.

      You were my sign! Thank you!

      Don't forget, YOURE NEVER ALONE. I am like you, so we are on the same path, different places, different faces, yet, ACES, cuz just like ghosts we are only revealed to each other by "chance"/fate, RARELY, yet often enough.

      I've been called young hearted but old souled. I tell ya my heart's the weak one and my soul is a child wanting to go HOME. Anyway, good luck. We're here.

    2. You made me smile.
      God bless :)

    3. born on 1-9-99 at 11:09 room 109

    4. lol wow, that one is magic deffo

    5. Devi. I went thru such similar things as you that it seems I am the partner you are looking for. Number 9 has ben with me my whole life. My inner intuition as a child told me to choose number 9 to be worn on my back while playing baseball for 9 years and I just now realized that 9 again. Didn't think about how many years I played and sure enough 9 again ;-) call/text me Devi 317-495-0256 my name is Robert

    6. Did you notice your comment was dated 10/12/14? (Steps along the beautiful path that unfolds as you take your steps) I know that you have nothing to worry about because, as my daughter says, "Love loves Love!"

    7. Omg I totally get what you mean!!! Many people say that I'm an over sensitive person just like my mother but I have yet to meet or read about anyone else like me!!

    8. Holy cow your story was like reading a story as if I wrote it about myself!!! 2 peas in a pod! My numbers are 27, 34, 7, 9... All of them are so closely linked. I have a few others too but all my numbers seem to link me to 9 or 7. But the rest of what you said was so like my story... Empath, feeling others emotions and how draining it can be on our body, etc. I'm not alone... WE are not alone!!!

    9. I was born on December(12) 8 1999 I always continuous see repetitions of the core numbers and also 4 or 114 as well as 1008 and 1010 and I was supposed to be born on 12/4/1999, I believe I pondered for 4 days as to my soul purpose and decided to return and reincarnate for the betterment of everyone lightworking has always been a natural gift and I learned to inhance my psychic abilities as well, I hope peace be with everyone and that you all rest easy 🙏 I wish everyone the absolute best in life

    10. Mon dieu, lorsque je vous lis en ce jour, mon cœur , mes yeux ont fondu, je reçois votre amour et votre lumière dans vos vibrations des années après, aujourd'hui je suis venue me chercher et je vous ai lu JAHNAVI ,je vous aime de tout mon cœur, dans l'espace et l'éternité ,vos mots sont miens qui me rapprochent de vous , voilà ce message part comme une bouteille à la mer , sans attendre et sans équivoque, je suis mère , femme , amie, sœur, grand mère , nous avons tous nos anges et nos étoiles, puissions nous être des humains libres, de joies, de rires, d'amour, FREEDOM , pour chaque personne de l'humanité, je nous aime ❤️❤️❤️

    11. I know exactly how you feel. I feel the same way. I am still hoping I can influence in a good way, my friends addiction and hopefully save him from himself. Before it's too late.

  5. My best day been on a 9th but it has to be a Wednesday

  6. born on Wednesday the 9th of mah


  8. I'm born on the 9th day of the 9th month. I'm currently seeing a lot of 9 everyday with the time often being 9 minutes past the hour. I've been seeing angel numbers since 2011 when I started seeing a lot of 111 and 1111. The numbers I see have changed and gotten more regular since then. Currently everyday I see 44 at least a few times. I also see 55, 33 and 22 regularly and these numbers with 3 digits 555, 333 and 222. I'm also seeing 111 and 1111 regularly so I'm wishing on what I want in the future whenever I see them. I feel I'm supposed to do something to help but I don't know what my soul's purpose is. I'm quite indecisive and have changed jobs/careers a lot in the past as I haven't found the right thing for me. I'm currently a stay at home mum but I know that when my youngest goes to school I want to do something to help in someway. I do ask for a sign to help point me in the right direction but I still don't know what that is. I have been struggling with a bit of anxiety and stress for over a year that is causing physical symptoms. I have a big birthday next month. It would be nice if it was the start of getting back to feeling normal and figuring out my life's purpose.
    Thanks rush-collection for your explanation of the angel numbers. It helps me feel like I'm not alone and I have hope that everything will work out in the future.

    1. Look to see what you can bring to life, not what can I get . I've found that self blocks out God. Be a shining example of God love. Wraped up in seif is a lonely place

    2. I also don't exactly know yet, as I am a stay-at-home grandmother helping my daughter after she took the huge leap to her freedom with her four young girls. Right now I am content with this Lightwork, (but know more is coming once they are grown enough)
      I know enough from experience that the flower blossoms of its own accord and the best course is to watch and appreciate the miracle of that. To try and "help" the bud open would only destroy its pristine beauty and perfection. Everything in its perfect time (and it's always much better than I could imagine)
      So much Love and Light to you! 💜💜💜 (which is shorthand for "Love loves Love")

    3. I'm a young dude, just hit my 30 and in my quest to know more about, God, meditation and different religious believes, I started seeing a lot of repeating number and number synchronicity. This has been ongoing, and I've been struggling with the thought that my eyes are not lying to me. But after a while I came to accept it. For a couple of days I've been coming across number 9, then I decided to read the comments, and I can say that I'm happy to find that we're many in the same path and experiencing the same challenges. I give glory to God.

    4. Wow Layla Wafiyyah!!! Wow!!!
      Amen me lady!!!❤💥👊💫
      I will agree with you on every level!!! I feel prompted to share this amazing comment of yours with the world ,not only because it fully matches my beliefs ,but because it is powerful,real,enlightening and strong!!! Would love to connect with you wise lady!!!
      Blessings ,love,peace & Light your way!!! Sending love and Light to all Indigos around the world !!!
      I love you rush-collection,you are our Angel on Earth !!!❤❤❤

    5. Immensely blessed and grateful!!! ❤💫👊💥

  9. I live in appt 22. At 422. I work at 22. My life paths is 22. Tav is the 22nd letter of hebrew alphabet. And the omega. Its numerical value is 400. 400 plus 22 is 422 my street address. 422 plus 22 appt number. Is age is 44.i love skulls. Have a beautiful winged pendant. Rebel ongoing quest for freedom. 22bones in a skull. .. also threes sixes & nines. 666, 696, 936, 966, 996, 396, 600.germatia values of twenty two is 990=9. Four two two is 1056=12=3. Four zero zero is 1128=12=3. Words with same value that come up jesus de nazareth' jesus of nazareth. Four twenty two is 1350=9. 2 phrases came up. With same value. Protection from death. Two thousand in info overload....

  10. I need help. 9116 & 6119 can anyone help me with understanding?

    1. Put one or two of the ones in the front of the number and you can look it up here on rush-collection's wonderful site. (Such as 1169 ,1916, 1061, etc)

  11. this is true, all i have been seeing is no 69 or 9 everywhere.. all the digits that i see they all end with 9.. and clearly signifies the current state of mind.

  12. I have been seeing 333 since my brother passed. Angel #9 my birthday is 414 equals #9. I've seen spirits in photos, and get dream signs before things happen. I want to experience more, learn how to see sighs communication. This is definitely answers to the prayers I've been asking for. I just want to experience and learn so I can share the signs from loved ones with others to give them peace. Any advice?

  13. I have been seeing 333 since my brother passed. Angel #9 my birthday is 414 equals #9. I've seen spirits in photos, and get dream signs before things happen. I want to experience more, learn how to see sighs communication. This is definitely answers to the prayers I've been asking for. I just want to experience and learn so I can share the signs from loved ones with others to give them peace. Any advice?

    1. See: Accepting and Developing your Spirituality

  14. I'm sorry, I had a nightmare last night. I was at my boyfriends house, I woke up to see some huge man next to me. He tried making a move which resulted in a punch to the eye. His eye was red a bruised. I stepped out of the room disgusted. I looked up and saw my aunt with her date and both my parents smiling at me. Then I excused my self to walk to the bathroom. I saw a poster of an anime where characters where holding a glass empty. They were pouring dirty water into it from a water bottle, while smiling. Then I went outside to see my boyfriend getting onto a go-kart win his brother. They drove not to far and ended up getting hit by a huge truck. Then they went flying. They hit the tree in front of the house, his brother was under the go-kart on top of the tree. My instincts kicked in and I ran straight to my boyfriend. He was hurt badly. His arm was broken, I was so scared I touched his face then he murmured to me, "take me to the north side hospital." I was shocked by the request being so specific. Then I woke up in the middle of a highway on a clear sunny day all alone. It was completely empty. As if I was alone in my own world. I looked up to see a highway sign it read, "San Antonio N 9" I kept thinking why does he want to go there?

    1. is not the question really needing the answer...your answer is that He is wherever He is required to alleviate suffering and elevate the human spirit and condition. " ...for the meek shall inherit the Earth" and I stand with the Father Almighty and His flock. What a positive prophesy to share an affirmation as you have for you have a Heavenly message now delivered. What a miraculous blessing and remember this moment please, and thanks be to our Creator for making you the instrument of His will being verified for his faithful albeit downtrodden flock. May God continue to bless and keep you in His full loving embrace infinite wisdom choosing you! So it can begin again ...Omega 9...bull and void 0...Alpha 1... A men a gain. How very precise and concise 901 cjhiii

  15. I am a number 9 Life path...everything that is mentioned is accurate I follow it. Thanks

  16. Hello My brothers and Sisters as you see it is our Time To Awaken and Grow Spiritually for Others and Ourselves. It is no longer a time for Sleep but Great Diligence. Take heed and Grow wise my Light Wielding Family. Also I would Like to state I Am only 18 Receiving my spiritual enlightenments know that there is a Future I pray and know this shall Inspire you. Now Go Share our Unconditional Love With The World so that we may continue to grow spiritually as a whole. Amen May we all Live In prosperity and Unification even though these are the last times of the world we have come to know.

  17. Thank you. Well written. :)

  18. I wrot something long but apparently I am not allowed to

  19. I don't know much about this numerology stuff... but, 1800 came to me while in meditation.. message me on Facebook... I do not know what else to feel or think right now...
    By the way, I came across this site by sheer coincidence. Something told me to keep looking and I stopped here. Sorry for the wording, but, I it came out as is. ..

  20. ! How can I clearly recognize my soul-purpose & mission?!! I want more than one option for different reasons. Since I'm talking about job applications, of course what's involved is who wants "What if"... What if more than one place wants me? Recently in a dream a young man, seeming to be a "boyfriend," showed me his test paper. I said, "Oh is that Political Science?" He showed me his grade--it was a 99. Any insight, anyone????!!! In gratitude

  21. Yesterday at the gym, as I passed the CLOCK at which I always look on the way to the pool, the BIG hand was moving as if it were the SECONDS hand, and the hour was 9 o'clock! On the way back, the clock was on the correct time acting normally. I am inclined to think my "purpose" aligns with my job for which I am diligently seeking and praying including that past faltering's will in no way influence any recommendations, but rather, grace & mercy are mine--as well as a good & right job SOON--good & right for me and all concerned!

  22. I just have to say that I absolutely love this sight. May it always be here for guidens
    I use it frekwently and use it in my blogg and always recomand it to others both on the blogg and well everywere to everyone that will listen I guess

    Thanke you <3

  23. Normally I see 1:11 or 11:11 but I just saw 3:33 after really understanding on a new level that the Creative Source is within me, part human, part divine. Listening to Kryon and it's so inspiring! I feel I'm on my path. I'm following the guidance of the part of me that is divine.

  24. I do not know whether this would be valid. But whenever i see te clock the time digits add upto 9 be it 6:18 , 3:06 etc. I was born on 18th september. My admission number in my school added upto 9 . The car number i got , which i drive adds upto 9. And whenever I do any stuff, assignment or task number 9 finds a way to assosciate with me.

  25. Thank you for such an insightful post. Deep down I've known my purpose and path is that of a Lightworker, this just only resssures me and gives me the strength and courage to pursue this further♥

  26. I'm really confused about the numbers I have been seeing and understand the meaning of them all. At first, I had seen 911 come up over and over again... until my father passed on 3/9/16. After that, many different numbers have come up. 11:11, 3:11, 4:11, all usually follow with 11. Now, the past few days, I have seen 3:33 come about. Can someone please explain all this in detail. It seems like the number definitions have the same meaning? Help

    1. Es una etapa muy bella, aunque a veces uno se tiende a desesperar, pero no hay que caer en la ansiedad, solo, siéntelo! vivelo con amor y agradecimiento, nunca estás solo, tenlo por seguro!
      Imaginate que, el despertar se da espontáneamente, pero también al vivir cambios radicales, como enfermedad, crisis, pérdida,etc."Si tu crisis te lleva a la Conciencia, bendita sea la tragedia que cesa tu indiferencia"~ Cesar Andrés Te acompaño.
      A gozarlo siempre de la mano con tu ser especial y de luz que en tu interior está y de la mano de Dios♡ el momento ha llegado.♡

  27. you are probably on your way to or already stated an awakening. look the numbers up here on her site. It will explain it all, mediate, listen to your intuition and ask the angels to keep guiding you.
    love and light ��

  28. Hi everyone, im 17 born on 6/6/99, this page is a guide to us sometimes I think it was not made by a human but angels themselves to shed light on our life. We are all individual souls and I can definitely say we r the "chosen lightworkers" God chose us to help mankind and to pass on his message to the masses. Let us lead others by being a positice example. Our angels are with us guiding us in our life and protecting us with his wings & ensuring that our feet does not collide with a single stone. "Wiadom is beautiful but barren without works". Pour soul mind heaet everything we ve got into the service of man. Amen everyone. Let us perform selfless actions so we can get liberation and help others as well, For this is our final goal. May God bless everyone thank you angels, those interested in knowing about liberation, type " liberation and hinduism". Hinduism is not fkr Hindus only, its a world religion 🌸🌄

  29. I am continuously watching the number 222 wherever I go for the past two months. I read it's meaning and I'm even following that but I still keep seeing that number, on car number plates, boards, hoardings. What do I do?

    1. Means you're blessed. And be kind, always

  30. Thank you so much. I'm seeing 909 very often.
    9+0+9=18. 1+8=9. Lightworkers unite.
    This site has helped me in so many ways so many times. I Am forever grateful.

  31. Thank you so much. I'm seeing 909 very often.
    9+0+9=18. 1+8=9. Lightworkers unite.
    This site has helped me in so many ways so many times. I Am forever grateful.

  32. I am grateful for this site 💗

  33. I dreamed about July 10th ! And I don't know why!

  34. A number that I had always been seeing for about 20 years is 414. After reading about 414, it was suggested to also look up the number 9 since 4+1+4=9. I have always learned to be of service to others. I have learned 2 mottoes: "It is better to give than to receive " and "You have to give it away to keep it." I have worked as an addictions therapist and a Physician Assistant. I still want to write a book, having been a journalist, and I want to teach science on the college level. I am 57. There's still time.

  35. I'm born April 9 with 6 fingers, can someone tell me more about this...

  36. I was born 82889 baptized 82700 joined military 080207 completed basic 082808 separated from military 020812 my birth number is 9 as well as my house number, softball jersey number and soccer jersey number was 45 which also equals 9 currently my new home house number is 8. I recently came across two silver dollars with the year 1980. Odd thing is my mom gave me a silver dollar at the age of 9 on a necklace. I see these numbers so much. Even when I'm at work. Currently will smith and jazzy Jeff are reuniting in august and one of the songs that showed on the screen included 1900909JEFF my phone was on 9% when I first came to this site and now it is 351 which equals 9. This site is more so comforting then creepy. It puts me at ease to know I'm not alone with these repetitive numbers. When I'm at work my machine often stops and the numbers always includes the numbers 2,7,8,9,1, and zero. Sometimes I find myself on edge because although I know what I want to do I'm filled with fear simply because I've been made aware that once your mission is complete your soul is placed at rest.

    1. Your mission on this physical plane may be coming to an end...then again, maybe not. Maybe you're here to clear up some karma before you move on to bigger and better things.The soul is eternal and ever-expanding, so it doesn't end. So no fear! Just rejoice in the opportunity you are getting to close some chapters and stay aligned with your inner being. You will be guided. You can look up Abraham Hicks if you want some how-to on becoming aligned with Source to help you fulfill your life's purpose and find joy.

  37. I keep seeing number 9 today. Ik work ed really hard this week and my back is killing me at the moment. I was supose to work on saturday but i said i could not make it be a use of my back. Is the number 9 i sign that i did good to say no Or is it i sign that i shold go To work to help out my boss who is my also my Uncle who i love. Im not sure anyone got an Answer to this? Im A very loyal person and sometimes think more about other wellbeing thank my own

  38. Peace be with you all Thank Johannesburg Bless

  39. i was born 09/09/81. does this mean anything?

  40. What does it mean when you dream of the number 9 in a sign, and then in another dream you see it with the smaller number 7 as though saying 9 to the 7th power? The 7 flashed strong in the dream then took its place to the right and top of the 9 in a smaller form. Thank you for this information it helps so much.

  41. 1845 came to me in a dream last night, a powerful message that is relating to current events in my life. 9 is also my numerlogy code. This tells me what i have been experiencing is real and to take hold of responsabilities at hand to carry on blessings to serve humanity wether its of small or big influence. I feel i have found my twin flame and this is just confirming so. Experiencing my twin flame is at a selfless level for it justifies what i think my purpose in this lifetime is. I feel the spiritual evolution which is gaining momentum in our reality today. I wish to help awaken as many as i can as i keep my heart open to God and heal with love. So my message to all is to please dont ignore the universal signs from God and keep an open heart and mind to all as we'll continue to grow spiritually. Love is the ultimate source of positive and healing energy. Nothing is easy but as long as we can make the best of each experience we will always gain. Thank you for this!

  42. I saw 72,72 at first and i saw the meaning of 7272.lets see what happens. 7+2=9 . 9,9. 9+9=18.1+8=9 i came here to see the meaning of 9 and there are 72 comments ❤❤❤ right path

  43. I saw 72,72 at first and i saw the meaning of 7272.lets see what happens. 7+2=9 . 9,9. 9+9=18.1+8=9 i came here to see the meaning of 9 and there are 72 comments ❤❤❤ right path

  44. I was born at 9am, 9th day,9th September which is the only month to have 9letters, on a Wednesday which is the only day to have 9letters, 1981 8+1=9

  45. It's amazing because all of us find this page for the very same reason, and after reading allot of the comments, I realize that it coincides with our personalities and provides us with clarity of what is to come for us. Bless you all and thank you for providing us with this information!

  46. Hello! Im new to this and im kinda getting the idea of it. So besides your life path numerology and stuff can a reoccurring number in your life be considered "your number"
    Number 9 has seemed to always stick around me

  47. Hello! Im new to this and im kinda getting the idea of it. So besides your life path numerology and stuff can a reoccurring number in your life be considered "your number"
    Number 9 has seemed to always stick around me

  48. I don't see why not; however, it's more likely that the number 9 has personal significance, and/or that your 'guides' are getting to get you to look into it (which you're doing now). You may find, given that you are now inquiring and investigating, that the number changes, or that it gets more complex. Personally, my number is 609,and its appearance tends to signify that/ correlate with my life being on track and at its best. This number, "my number," especially tends to show up in the context of family, like when things are going smoothly, or when I need to, say, put down the phone and be more present/ in the moment. I recommend researching what the number 9 means in various contexts (ie, numerology, tarot, astrology, etc), and, if you are able to, either use a pendulum to ask your guides for more advice/clarity, or meditate on it.

  49. Merci pour votre site absolument superbe, la je me rend compte combien je ne suis pas seul et sur la bonne voie,bises.

  50. I use this site a lot. rush-collection I am glad you followed your higher self in creating this site
    Thank you

  51. I am grateful to you and for this site .
    I continually receive guidance when I visit this page thank you <3

  52. My son was born within 9 months, after 32 years of living he was murdered with 9 bullets, he was shot at 9:07, and died at 9:47. RIP my son.

    1. wow, my most sincere condolence. peace, love and light

  53. I don't want to be a lightworker.

  54. This website is incredible. Thank you. ��������❤️

  55. Last few days i dreamed about number 9 and I don't really know what does it mean

  56. It is just amazing and unbelievable home al thinhe come together...... wauwww!!!!

  57. If someone wants to be a part of your life, they will make an effort to be in it.

  58. I think that my lightwork entails me as a, 'voice for the voiceless', (as it has been for sometime now.) Fighting for the forgotten, (the prisoner), the innocent and justice reform.

  59. Thank you so much. I'm so very grateful.

  60. This is so on point, even reading through the comments, I definitely relate way more then I thought.

  61. When?... i wish so much, the messages would come through normally... angels will guide you

  62. I am forever grateful for all the information this site has given me over the years. but i have a question that is kinda bazar. I had a dream the night previous i had a dream where someone is wanting to put together something called the council of 8. does anyone know what exactly the spirits are talking about? council of 8

  63. My personal number......Ever thankful for being here,,,

    Ever thankful!!!! I belong here


  65. Wow the 111th person to comment and the time is now 0011. Thank you x

  66. Everytime a number appears only certain ones compel me to look it up. And for months now it has guided me and then confirmed my path and mission. When i ask for specific guidance the next number confirms my question and tells me they are here and helping. It feels so good to be connected. Lately they tell me i am on my path and mission and the divine time is now what i wait for. So much love brings me to tears.

  67. Hello everyone i was born 07/07/79 at 7:47 so weird and every since my husband died i see nimbers like 11:11 10:10 1:11 2:22 i always smile cause i feel like its him well i hope so anyway��

  68. Todays number 9, 2022, 933 on my foto time when i take it ✌️💛

  69. At Dream Thanks for this amazing content.


  71. I keep seeing this number and get angry!! I have terminal colon & liver cancer and in acute liver failure. I WAS WORKING IN THE HELPING FIELD, .I AM NOT DONE!!

  72. Please what can help me to talk to my angle number 9 please tell me

    1. See:
