Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 7 resonates with the vibrations and energies of the ‘Collective Consciousness’, faith and spirituality, spiritual awakening and awareness, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual acceptance and development, mysticism, intuition and inner-knowing, inner-wisdom, psychic abilities, the esoteric, inner-selves, deep contemplation, introspection, eccentric, religion, thoughtfulness, understanding of others, natural healer and healing, secrets, myth, ritual, peace, poise, emotions and feelings, inner-strength, endurance and perseverance, persistence of purpose, the ability to bear hardships, quick-wit, the loner, solitary, isolation, long-sighted, the non-conformist, independence and individualism, intentions, manifesting and manifestation in time and space, good fortune, mental analysis, philosophy and the philosophical, technicality, scientific research, science, alchemy, genius, a keen mind, specialising and the specialist, the inventor, determination, the written word, logic, understanding, discernment and discerning, knowledge-seeking, study, education and learning, writing and the writer, evolution, stability, the ability to set limits, completion, refinement, stoicism, silence, perfection, chastity, dignity, ascetic, rigor, ahead of the times.

Angel Number 7 tells of a beneficial time with obstacles overcome and successes realized.  Your angels are happy with your life choices and are telling you that you are currently on the right path. You are encouraged to keep up the good work you have been doing as you are successfully serving your soul purpose and life mission and your angels are supporting you all the way. Positive things will flow freely towards you, and this will assist you along your journey.

Angel Number 7 suggests that you look to further developing your personal spirituality and encourage others to do the same. Angel Number 7 tells of learning new skills, listening to your own inner-knowing, and stepping out of your comfort zone in order to further develop and advance on all levels. You have an important soul mission and life purpose that involves communicating, teaching and healing others and serving humanity in a manner that suits you best. You are encouraged to set a positive example for others and inspire them to seek their own passion and purpose in life.

Angel Number 7 also encourages you to take up a spiritually-based practice, profession and/or career or heart-based service if you are so inclined.

For more information about number 7 see:  NUMEROLOGY – Number 7

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. to the REST of GOD on the 7th day { the sabbath } > the seeker begins to enjoy the " rest " of GOD, in and out of creation = including that unfolding fulness and bliss / peace / comfort / ease, resident among the 7 spirits / angels in habitation about the Divine Throne/ the gates of Eden and their emanations into the material world...
    { Isaiah 11 : 2 } ...these spirits, 7 in number, represent the holiest of REVELATION and FULL COUNCIL available to the soul coming to rest in the bliss of the Divine Presence..." GOD shall give angels charge over thee " { Ps. 91 }

    1. I had a dream about seven angels thanks this helped alot just been dreaming of things in sevens lkately

    2. what about the date loved ones die? does that have any significance?

    3. Andrea I just lost my dad 12/22/17. At least for 3 months before he died unexpectedly my family and I saw the 1's and 2's combination all the time. We still do. Personally it reminds me that God always has a plan for us and when I see 222's I think of my dad. We never know exactly why these things happen.but it always reminds us we're not alone ❤❤

    4. My numbers and Dad’s birthday dec.23 died 2009 and mine the oct.14 today is anniversary of his death all yesterday 1222 22 23 531

    5. In order for us to make clear sense and understanding of angel numbers and the messeges is presents, we have to start meditating and building our spiritual dimentions. when we take up this journey, the universe will know and will come to assist you and the universe will advance you along the way. We must meditate and we must love to live spiritual and meditating life. if we don't meditate and build our spiritual dimentions, these angel number won't take us anywhere as we won't have the mind power to follow. Workout, meditate, cut off bad habits, Use ''I AM ''Affirmations and the universe will show up to guide you. Good luck!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. The environment I’m stuck within leaves me unable to do anything that may compromise the defenses ive been made to build and remain aware and diligent in overseeing! If I let down my guard I allow the evil spirits that are overwhelming, at times, the chance and get close to my aura. I feel it’s not a good idea and I’m going with that intuitive inner knowing!

    8. Our day and GODs day are two different times. No way can God have the 24/7 like we do as creations on this earth. You do realize that 1 Gods day could be a 1000 human years? God the father and his son Jesus Christ can't be figured out! God is our father

  2. More info on double 7 angel

  3. Thank you rush-collection for this site!! I check in with it regularly to find out the meaning behind the numbers. I signed up for a Mediumship training class a few days ago & its been gnawing at me to check the numbers of the price I paid - 2014. Your numbers don't go up that high so I added them & got 7 and was completely blown away by what I read. Thank you - thank you - thank you for this site!!!!!!!

    1. Karen the number 2014 is on the site.

  4. I love this site!!! Exactly Wat I been looking for

  5. I always use this site when I seen numbers. It is a great site.

  6. Thank you, rush-collection for this site!

  7. Reading all comments and I totally agree. I really appreciate your work.

  8. This site has been very helpful, I started doing what I call focused mediations or word association and after seeing several patterns of numbers, I finally searched for their meanings I've been able rto understand a lot more by using this sure as a source of indirubin of information. I especially like the vast index of mixed numbers!! Thank you

  9. Loving and positive energy to everyone

  10. Hi rush-collection. I have the angel number 7 and 23.
    2 of my children were born on the 7th. I was reading the energies of the number 7 and discovered the word stoicism, I looked into it a bit more, where I discovered a stoicon event taking place on the 7th of November, my son's birthday. I recently had an audition for a game show which took place on the 7th Oct, my daughter's birthday. As for angel number 23. My husband and I were born on this day, got married on this day totally unintentional, Only because it was the only remaining date available for the rest of the month. I also came to England on the 23rd for a better life. My husband and I was forced to choose the 23rd Dec, my husband's birthday, for his mother's funeral, again because it was the only date available within the next 6 weeks. This cannot be coincidence. I know and feel I have a mission here on earth. I would be ever so grateful if I can get a clearer understanding of what this means.

  11. Thank you so much for your sight. I reference this in my kindle which is bookmark all the time. I have been reading alot about Angels and other spiritual things lately which I feel is the right path for my life. I have been seeing the number 7 lately so I'm happy to see that I'm on the right path. Thank you and blessed be ��

  12. honest to GOD ...I myself had the number seven flashed in my dream while I was sleeping I got up so quick as if like an lighting bolt hit the ground...look me up on facebook Seven Star...WORD

  13. So I was gettin a Lil high n my friend spotted a number 7 appear on my head I'm going to say thank u I finally got my answer from above

  14. My mother keeps seeing 1969 which is the year that I was born. Is the message for me or for her?

  15. I had a sudden appearance of 7 beauty spots (or birthmarks) on my left arm in the shape of a half circle. I scoured google and could not find anything that spoke to me as to why these suddenly appeared. I love your site! Reading about the significance of their bring 7 spots held meaning for me. Thank you!

  16. I just don't know what to say, thank you so much. thank you for doing this. Thanks alot.

  17. I just had to share .. I'm up trying out a New exercise for my clients to help manifest the LOVE they desire in their lives but today I've seen so many 7's I just posted the exercise on my ig page THINKINOUTLOUD_ and decide to head over to youtude I made a mistake and tap one of the angel card readers I follow looks at her likes and it's more 7's so I stop and ran over to google to see what thee Angels was trying to tell me and to see if it's a specific angel reaching out I'm just starting to build my business as an intuitive consultant / listening ear and I've been stressing because I don't know if this is going to be successful and then this wonderfulness happens I feel god on this I swear I'll keep at it I know the Angels is guiding me so I can worry less and keep training myself

  18. Dear , I had a dream 11 years ago with angels descending from the sky with rainbow color body beautiful face , asked me what is my wishes .. And he's answer was 16 and 7 and he left !! Please get back to me if there is anything I should know

  19. Thank you rush-collection blessing to you

  20. Thank you rush-collection blessing and white light

  21. Thank you so much!

  22. When i used to be in school my student ID number was 0601009099.. I never thought of it twice until i started praying and then all of a sudden the number started popping up in my head and now its in my head constantly. 0601009099 = 7 .. Thanks!!!

  23. Picked up the phone at 7:17 with 70 percent battery and it was 77 degrees outside

  24. I guess my first post did not go through On 4/23/16 I bought two scratcher lottery tickets and all winning numbers were all 22's on both tickets. On the second ticket in all five boxes were all 22's, I believe that this is some type of message from the angels letting me know that I am on the right patch in my life. I started going to church and reading the bible and plan on getting baptized. on 4/22/16 my car was rear ended by another car. All 22's

    1. 2's are pretty reoccurring for me as well. Along with 1111 111, 333 and 555. I see 1222 quite often as well. Mostly when I look at the clock. So I know exactly how you're feeling. God Bless!

  25. I have been talking to God, asking Him to open my eyes to see Jesus, last night in my dreams I saw a capital bold 7 written in Heaven, I wake up and never of it,as I was in the church this afternoon, it came to my mind that I saw 7 written in Heaven and I was looking at it as it was being written, then I quickly Google it and was pleased with what I saw.. Glory be God

  26. What does it mean when your life path, expression and personality number are all 7?

    1. See:


    2. Oh My God! My birthday is on the 23rd of september (the 9th month), if i add those two numbers together and multiply them by zero (the age which I was when I was born), and then add seven (seven days in a week..duh) I get seven! Thank you so much for telling me what this means! <3

    3. Whaha! Genius.

      P.S Thank you, rush-collection. Don't know where I would be without you.

  27. Thank you. I just so happened to read that exact article/link after I posted this. Lol ❤❤❤

  28. Thank you so much, rush-collection! <3

  29. Thank you rush-collection your insight from the angels is amazing and I use your site all the time. Thank you again for spending the time to share the wisdom from our angels. With love xxx

  30. Ps I have the strangest 7 connection. My day and month of birthday add to 7 add the year I'm born I get my daughters birthday the 17th add the 19 I get my sons 27th. I was born at 5:20am 5+2=7
    On a sunday 7th day of the week
    P is the 16th letter of alphabet 1+6=7. If I marry my current partner and take his name my life expression becomes 7. His house is 169 (1+6+9=16 - 1+6 =7) we went on our first date 25th... sorry to blab but I just wanted to share this as I find it strange. Xox

  31. Your post "ANGEL NUMBER 7" is great and is very informative. Thanks for sharing it. As Numerology Specialist, you are doing great job. Thanks again.

  32. Thank you so very much xox 💜

  33. In my dream/vision, i saw a man hand me a seal with #7 written on it.

  34. Saw a set numbers in my dream. Either 844 or 944, and a voice said hour of mercy. Searching web to know what those numbers infer, broughtme here. Thank you.

  35. Saw a set numbers in my dream. Either 844 or 944, and a voice said hour of mercy. Searching web to know what those numbers infer, broughtme here. Thank you.

  36. Thank you for the information!
    Now, I know the meaning of 7 coz I always notice this number wherever I go...

  37. Stoiscm is not good - a message from the Archangel Gabriel.

  38. *Stoiscm is good. Only follow Jesus Christ.

  39. 7 seems too follow me where ever where I go... And the part about intuition and inner knowing makes 150% sense.... Im a paranormal investigator and im happy I figured this out

  40. This site has been a breath of fresh air, have understood so much from it and will be doing exactly as this number suggests (although i'm already on that path), but so nice to have confirmation in such a deep and insightful way.
    Thankyou one and all - love and light x

  41. Great, useful and professional site! Thank you rush-collection.

  42. While everyone angel does not. Angels all have their own way of communicating. An angel of 7 would say that even though you may rest, remember that an angel is always working to do its duty.

    You can call up any and all sorts of angels to help you.

    Those that call on all angels, are probably angels.

    Angels speak to one another about things that only they can hear while the human hearing it believes it is music.

  43. Nem eu conseguiria me definir tão bem assim...To chocada...Esse número 7 nomes.. É tão eu que to assustada...Rsrsrsrsrs gratidão

  44. Thanks again. Really on point with what I'm experiencing.

  45. thank you and light

  46. 7's keep popping up everywhere random cars, random train cars with 7's and even in my dreams, had a dream Carmelo Anthony was trying out for the Knicks and his #is 7, I guess Tupac was even forecasted it ahead of time with the 7 day theory for us in this day and age and

  47. How can I become more spiritual?

  48. How can I become more "Spiritual"?

  49. thank you rush-collection and thank you to my angels and guides
    love you :)

  50. Thank you rush-collection. You are an inspiration. Love and blessings to you and yours ❤

  51. Thank you so very much rush-collection! On the right path already,however it is a huge relief to have it confirmed! Love,light and peace your way ! ♡

  52. Your post Angle Number 7 is great to read. Keep poting such a useful topics. As Love Problem Solution Australia
    you are doing extremely good job. Thanks for such post

  53. My aunt passed..I was thinking I wznted to remember her the way I ladt saw her..with her beautiful ways and words.. But domething telks me to go to her funeral..mind you..zi jeglected her almost all my not making and effort to see her.. I guess something in me thing in me was naive at one point.. But now that she's gone I realised aw nan..she was do nice. I hv no one in my life..and dhe most likely would of been loving as She was the ladt time I got to know her sll over again.. So i decided i hv to go to her funeral..and than i noticed #7..Nd just noticed # 7 ewyally my birthday from now on i will follow my own advices..instead of letting others feelings influence mines; i hv to learn on my own time dometimes..i guezs so is life

  54. My aunt passed..I was thinking I wznted to remember her the way I ladt saw her..with her beautiful ways and words.. But domething telks me to go to her funeral..mind you..zi jeglected her almost all my not making and effort to see her.. I guess something in me thing in me was naive at one point.. But now that she's gone I realised aw nan..she was do nice. I hv no one in my life..and dhe most likely would of been loving as She was the ladt time I got to know her sll over again.. So i decided i hv to go to her funeral..and than i noticed #7..Nd just noticed # 7 ewyally my birthday from now on i will follow my own advices..instead of letting others feelings influence mines; i hv to learn on my own time dometimes..i guezs so is life

  55. thank you rush-collection i understand so much more now the guidence is enlightning much appreciated

  56. Funny how this was written on 27th

  57. Your post Angle Number 7 is great to read. Keep poting such a useful topics. As

  58. My husband and I got married on the 11/11/00 .on the 11/11/11 our anniversary turn in to 11 years of marriage surprise 11,11,11..11

  59. I awoke yesterday morning and when I got into my car and turned on the defrost I discovered the number 1222 written on my windshield. I asked everyone I know if they knew anything about it and none of them had done it. I find it very intriguing that when I google 1222 all of this came up as I am just beginning my spirit journey.... truly amazing!!! ~Angeline S.

  60. Something was carving my left rist. I felt the pain of it and checked it out It was the number 7 on my left rist. I look at it closely at it skeptical thinking it was a mistake from climbing a fence. I asked, is that a seven? What ever it was, it replyed by marking the top of the seven with a diagonal dash crossing the top. I saw it appear myself. All this happened after, I think forgiving someone who might not had diserved it. But I am unsure as to the real reason why. Not thought it might had been an angel.

  61. Amen!!!❤ Thank you so much rush-collection!!!
    Immensely blessed and grateful!!!❤
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!❤

  62. I have 7 siblings, three 7s in my social security number, born in 1977, have 7 letters in my name, my license plate has 7s, and no matter where I go I always see 7s!!!!#

  63. I read this and I look at the comments and it's 77. And the temp outside is 77 . Love when things like that happens

  64. Thank you so much thank you for guiding me in the right path and encouraging me to do what's best for me

  65. Thank you so much thank you for guiding me in the right path and encouraging me to do what's best for me

  66. I keep seeing 7, 777, 7777 and todays the 7th.

  67. Replies
    1. I dream seeing a hexagon and alining 3 quarters of a dollar in the right side of the hexagon and they fix perfectly one on top of the other. I see the 6 (hexagon), the 3(quarters) the 75 cents (7 and 5). Can I have any light on this?

  68. i have been on fasting and prayer since last week but today i was to pray and suddently my went saw the clock and it says 1222, and when i started the fast last week, i dreamt of 2012. Any idea what this might mean?

  69. Grateful🤗🧚🏻‍♀️

  70. Grateful����‍♀️��🧚🏻‍♀️🤗

  71. I just had a dream in which i finally was able to put everything bad inside a wooden box (bad spirits that botheredt me my entire life, bad experiences, bad feelings towards me an others, bad memories, demons, and every bad thing one can imagine) and i locked that box with a key that has the number 7 on it, then a i took that key and put it inside a bag of some woman (apparently she was my neighbor in the dream) i put it there because she was going to travel to live somewhere else and thay way i would loose thay key and never open that box again even if i wanted to. After put the key in, i said to myself it was tje best, but then as i was going to the airport with her i started to feel guilty, and started to look for the key but i wasn't able to find it and i kept telling myself that it was for the best and that I already new I was going to be desperate to find it, but at the same time i new I meant to loose it on purpose so my life remain calm and in a much needed peace.

  72. The story of Pandora's box.
    What a conundrum... If the box is never opened there may never be hope.

  73. Mind blowing messages. Wow. Resonates perfectly. Incredibly beautiful and accurate beyond belief (Its actually impossible to not believe!) So much love to you rush-collection and to all those who have left comments, because there are further messages in those comments also! Thank You all.

  74. Right now something bad is happening in my life and I constantly see 17:17 every day . I don't understand ...

    1. 1 and 7 are 8 ... you are infinite ...again, 1 and seven are 8... god is right here infinitely with u.
      u are not alone and the ... BAD is doomed to pass. may be the second 17 just reminding you that you're not alone and this too shall pass

  75. For those who hold good religion. Yet look less at blacks in their Eyes. The Universe doesn't share ur Truth. With the Light of Comet West and the emerald green winds of Wensday reaching the Height only 15 can reach! Solidas the Triangle 703. I command The Four Winds. A Black Man who has aborbed Light only of The Last. Warning, stop practicing ur false faith yet harbor a superior view of ur White Skin. The Universe only judges the Heart. Yet in a World without enough love. I Am here. A Son of Elohim, And Im Black. Start looking in yout mirror of wisdom and ask yourself this, do you see ur self as different, wiser, special? Or do you see urself as a servant of others strong in compassion? And it is so.

  76. October 15th is the 288 day of the year. There are 77 days left in a year. Exception of a leap year. Jesus Christ passed the power of 77 to his disciples that lacked faith to pass out a demon in a boy. Fyi 288 is a powerful number in our Universe. For 24 Men of Different Nations and Tribes became Priest and Kings. Those 24 Men are Written Strong in 7. Those 24 came into their bodies with the power of 77 already in them. I just awakens at the age of maturity. The Northern Star is the planet of His Face, but yet again being born of 77 will you even be able to see His Face. Written in 7. Father forgive them for they do not know.

  77. Saeed thank you always giving this number. your my everything partner in life.

  78. Thank you guardian angel and to my fiance now, SAEED from Iran. God bless you always 💖👩‍👩‍👧👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🙏👩‍❤️‍👩

  79. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  80. Thank you so much this page for wonderful words. My mind enhance my lifestyle because of this site's Joanna thank you so much. And to my fiance saiiid /S / Saeed from Iran/Persian he always give this meaningful number love you more babe 💗💖🙏🙏💖

  81. I’ve been seeing the number 7 quite a few times throughout two years ago and last year

  82. Out of the blue, I had the song "7" by Prince pop into my head about two months ago and I've been unable to stop listening to it ever since. I also did all of my numerological charts, and my "Soul Urge" number (where you add up all the vowels from your full birth name) turned out to be "7" - which, according to the translation, means I'm "highly independent, analytical/a deep thinker, intensely curious, a truth seeker, and one who will devote lifetimes towards attaining enlightenment" (I believe in reincarnation/past lives/karma, etc...)

    This past year has been one of the most solitary, most introspective, most hermetic, at times most challenging, but also most rewarding and life-affirming I've ever had the blessed fortune to have been gifted. I'm in the "middle" (presumably) of this earthly life in terms of chronological years (I just turned 40) - but I feel both infinite and, contradictory, like a child regarding my spiritual awakening... It's as if I've been gifted a new pair of eyes from which to view this life - or, I am finally utilizing my "third eye" in a beneficial/authentic manner. I've always said that I would take one harsh truth over a thousand beautiful lies any day... My favourite quote has also always been Socrates's "I know that I know nothing." - but, now, I feel that I understand what he was saying on an entirely different, more expansive plane...

    It's important to always remain grateful, aware/conscious, kind, devoted, and - most of all - humble. Because, trust me, the universe has many creative and/or unexpected or "cryptic" at the time ways of humbling us as soon as we get "too big for our britches", so to speak...

    That is not to say we should not cease from dreaming big, from loving intensely, or from learning, growing, and evolving... If anything, these are the very reasons we are here! But, never lose your hopefulness, your optimism, your sense to marvel and awe and wonder at the infinite mysteries life holds in plain sight - but, simultaneously, just beyond our full grasp often. Meaning, NEVER stop seeking, NEVER stop questioning, NEVER start to think you "know it all"... Because, we are ALL kindergarten students in the universal scope of possible awareness. Don't let that leave you feeling bereft of hope - let it inspire you! It's a blessing and a joy to be a student of this expansive "school of life". Sometimes the lessons are almost unbearably challenging - I've found the most transformative ones to be as such - but, you can and will make it through. NEVER "give up", either, or let this world harden your heart or break your spirit. It's all a remarkable, complex, absurd, beautiful, strange, incomprehensible, divine gift... If it doesn't make sense at present, give it time. I've "connected" a lot of the theoretical "dots" in my past (as best I can) recently/continue to do so, and it's illuminated so much regarding who I am the person I currently am, and why. I'll never be "perfect", but we aren't here to exist as embodiments of "perfection". No living being is without so-called "flaws". However, I often find those the most spectacular, most human, must inspiring aspects in others - and in myself...

    Blessings to all who find this. I hope my crazy ramblings have held some resonance or meaning for whoever may find what they need at this particular moment... And .7 (that was a typo! See? 7!!!) But, ... And, thank you to anyone who took the time to read my words. I value and appreciate your patience, interest, and support.

    Much love ����✌️

  83. David Brian LaboyMonday, May 24, 2021

    Thank you, as I turn to the unknown to know who at what I am.
    Also in times of hardships and sorrow ,I found this place and the numbers that are present but I learn to look at the environment instead of looking down at my feet where my feeling used to be.

  84. “Everybody plays the fool sometimes there’s no exceptions to the rules and maybe factual may be cruel.”

    And now I’m gonna switch it up a little bit and say,
    “Cupid drawback your bow and let your arrow go. Straight to my lovers herat for me.
    Nobody but me!
    Cupid please hear my cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  85. At Dream Thanks for this amazing content.

  86. I had court on the 27th, 4 charges turned into 7, all were "Not guilty" without trial. The next day, at the market my total was 77.77. I made her repeat it. lol. I have court on July 7. I've been going through alot but not quitting and I honor the angels everyday when I honor The Most High. Meanwhile, seeing 4:44 on clocks almost everyday. I'm making major adjustments to my life and now I'm sure it's the right move. Thank you for this page. I've been visiting for years now.

  87. This was truly wonderful to read at this time in my life I seen 3400 and my mother sent me to this site and it was mind blowing 💕 thank you & may God bless you

  88. 🙏, ☮️♥️ to ALL

  89. Happy 2023, I looked this number up because the year equals to it! Have a blessed year all 🙏🏽

  90. My dream was funny, it was bubbles inflating and in them were the number 7

  91. just had a voice say "seven!"

  92. So thankful for this site..Love and Blessings to All

  93. I just have to say thank you for helping me find my way. I look forward to when you publish this as a book :D these are the best thing that's come into my life ✨️🌟✨️
