Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 10 carries the energies of both the number 1 and the number 0. Number 10 resonates with the vibrations and energies of leadership, optimism, confidence, independence, creative powers, success, energy, originality, adaptability, determination and individuality. Number 10 reduces to the single digit of 1 (1+0=1). Number 1 resonates with the attributes of self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings and motivation, activity and progress, achievement and success. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, intentions and actions.  Number 0 is the number of the ‘God’ force and Universal Energies and reinforces, amplifies and magnifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with. Number 0 also relates to developing one’s spiritual aspects.

Angel Number 10 is a message that you are receiving insights and guidance from your angels through your ideas, thoughts, visions and feelings. Pay particular attention to your intuition at this time and take positive action as directed.

Angel Number 10 encourages you to move forward in your life with faith and trust that you are on the right path in all ways. Have no fear as your angels guide and support you every step of the way. Have faith that your inner-urgings are leading you in the right direction and you will find future success and fulfilment on your chosen path. Trust your angels and the Universal Energies.

 Angel Number 10 brings a message to step forward in new directions and look to new beginnings with an optimistic and positive attitude as they will prove to be auspicious and beneficial to you in many ways, now and in the future.

For more information about number 10 see:  NUMEROLOGY – Number 10

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. i heard a voice saying give ten dollars to karen
      i would like to know what this means can somebody tell me and one thing is i don't know this person but my dreams or the voice i hear at times is saying is somebody that am join to met

    2. go inside, there are no priests and gurus, YOU know your answers, rely on yourself only

    3. 1731317 137137

    4. wow.just stumbled across this page myself. Another 10:10 DOB. I constantly see 10:10 together and 2017 is another 10 if you add it up!

    5. Omg it is! That's really cool actually.

    6. MY DOB is 10/1. 10 reduces to 1. Wonder if that is significant

    7. My birth date is 10/10/1964.... 1+9=10 and 6+4= 10
      which means i have 4 10s in my birth date and to complete this cycle i was born on a Saturday at 10 to 10pm
      Can someone explain that ?

    8. ricardo santeliz- In Greek mythology, Charon or Kharon (/ˈkɛərɒn/ or /ˈkɛərən/; Greek Χάρων) is the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.

    9. How is this related to the number 10? I saw the number 10 in my dream today and my uncle just passed. Would love any info. Thank you.

    10. How is this related to the number 10? I saw the number 10 in my dream today and my uncle just passed. Would love any info. Thank you.

    11. Unknown who replied on the 9th of july 2016 thank you. It karyn shes my mum, youll meet her sooner or later im sure of it. Thank you for posting your message here!

  2. What a beautiful message, thank you for this post, this morning i woke up and it was 10:10 of the !0th of April and my phone showed 100% battery ... it might be a coincidence but i saw pure 10's on the screen of the iphone... Thank you to the divine world and my Archangel... Blessings! xoxox <3

    1. you posted your comment on april 10th!

    2. I work in a doctors office. Two patients back to back came in with the birthdate of Oct. 10 (1010). I started to tell one of the patient and she gave me the angels website to check it out. When the other patient who's birthdate was 10.10 checked out at the desk, he said that he overheard the conversation and told me to look at his last name. It was "Angelis"....Wow creepy! And right when he was leaving, I looked at the computer clock (I don't even know why I looked), and yes, the time was 10.10......even more creepy. My fiance is very skeptical when it come to this stuff, but how can you deny all of those 10.10's??

    3. very interesting! I was given info of angel numbers just today for the first time by some one and after that first number I noticed was 10:10.I googled and landed up on this page. Most Eerie part is that I am born on 10.10 as well.

    4. For Anonymous, April 15, 2016, Dr. Office story.

      This brought a true smile to my face. Made my day!

  3. Every night I have seen digit like 333,11:11,10:10 and you give me great insight on what it mean. Every night I pray for wisdom and the opened of my third eye and truly believe I can b a great deal of help for the world if I see it like its truly is thru my third eye and the help of my guide

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you love one, your site has been most beneficial to me on my journey.

  6. I've been seeing the number 10 for 3 weeks now

    1. 10 is a very powerful indication o f your awakening and spiritual path pay close attention to the synchronicity around you! i have seen my birthday numbers which started me on my journey 420
      and so many others. BLESSINGS.

    2. I saw 10,10,10 together and I also saw 4 10's together. What can this mean?

  7. I had a dream of seeing a ten dollar bill last night and looked at my computer and it said 10:10

  8. I was reading about how to ground energies for a star seed so that they can not be affected by the energies of the people especially with the negative ones. Then one phrases I've read on that article strikes me so much that my awakening has to do with my past when I experienced NDE which I can never remember and I don't know why. And I began to feel anxious and confused of what really happened when I was young because some memories of my unusal psychic experiences began to unlock to me nowthat my awakening has happened just within the month of May2015.
    Then suddenly I felt an urge to touch my phone then I suddenly saw the time 10:10 which is very rare for me and a strange thing also happened because I felt an energy wanting me to search it,from within and outside energy wanting me search the meaning, I on my WiFi which I knew that the connection can't reach my place now but it did and it suddenly got stronger, the connection got stronger and stronger leaving me an easier research of what 10:10 means and I bumped to this site.
    I now know that it's my angels and the universe's energy that makes me do this and they want me to know that I am supported of my transition or should I say awakening.
    Thank you for this blog. May the heaven bless you along with the positive celestial beings.

    Namaste with love~

  9. During the last days of my daughter life..she would repeat the number 10...what was she speaking of?

    1. Angels speak to us in many ways and one of them is numbers. For my self 10 signifies angels present.
      I am sorry for your loss.

  10. 10 means completion as well. Maybe God was letting you know her time was complete

    1. Was pulled here to look at the code today is 10-10-10.. and I was loiking because a baby passed today...ty for this!Just turned 1112...

  11. Since the meaning of the numbers 1 and 0 are individual, would the total explanation be the same for the number sequence 01? .. I'm drawn to 01.

  12. My sister sends messages to me she has a beautiful gift she gave me then nunber ten and said well done you have completed something and learned something about love x I've been dumped by the love of my life today for stupid mistakes I've made I'm in so much pain but have learnt something xx she also said we would get back together so fingers crossed xx

  13. I have a question as to what does repetitive occurrence of 10:06 mean? I have been seeing this past 6 months and is really intriguing why this happens each time. Also would like to make a small mention here. I am born on 10-6.

    1. I have the SAME thing happen to me with the 10:06 number. I go a while without seeing it and then all of a sudden it pops up everywhere and frequently! Whether it be the time or something I'm paying for adds up to 10.06 or it's the change... I always wonder what it's meaning is.

  14. I have a question as to what does repetitive occurrence of 10:06 mean? I have been seeing this past 6 months and is really intriguing why this happens each time. Also would like to make a small mention here. I am born on 10-6.

  15. I am broken hearted and just so so lost. I thought i had met the man of my dreams everything i wanted. Something didnt ad up though. My instincts were telling me something. My question is i have trust issues as every man in my life has hurt me or is it my intuition telling me something. I love this guy and since we have had a falling out he wont return my calls or texts. Im gutted and i just dont know how to deal with my racing mind. I have seen the numbers 444 and 1010. Please i just need some advice or angels a sign xx

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    i nhad numbers 10180 in dream......any thoughts?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. My birthday is 10-11 and I see 10:11 on the clock everyday and sometimes will see 11:10. I also see 10s and 11s everywhere. Thoughts?

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may acts as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.

      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  20. Not really sure, besides my 2 sons, what my life purpose is but maybe I'll figure it out by being more observant at the times I see the numbers.

  21. Have a question I find dimes everywhere the time 5:10 is common for me and my birthday is 5-10 but the dimes everywhere are making me feel nuts. Besides the fact the people usually find pennies and I seem to always find dimes it's becoming so often with me my friends are beginning to notice. Just always wanted to know if it means anything or I'm just lucky to find dimes.

    1. I asked the angels for a sign that everything i nwas deciding and the changes i was making in my life were ok. I didn't see the relationship to the fact that i was also finding dimes everywhere at this time... then i had a dream and the agels told me to look up the significance of the number 10. My first search was "significance of the number10" and it brought up angels and the number 10 as a first result!!! they were telling me everything would be ok

  22. Добра и мира и любви красивой.будьте счастливы .каждый достоин

  23. I need to find a way to keep peoples negative energy at bay. Please help me by sending me light to guide me because i feel alone in this vast world we live in.. meditation only helps so much... every time i ask for strength i find dimes all over and i know im supported by the archangels ascended masters and the angels. Im tired and fed up and i have been working hard to accept light but where is it when the negative comes along.... it seems too late to take things back....
    i believe in the strentgh of prayer...

    1. You'll get through this. Just go with the flow.

    2. I use crystal healing and also journal a lot to help me! Look into other things than just meditation, my friend!:) much love and light

    3. Thank you for the input Alexandra,I have been using a journal for many years and yes it does help and i have recently started using crystals.
      same to you my friend much love and light

    4. When you go about your day. When you feel the slightest hint of stress.....start to focus on your breath....breath in deep( and as you are breathing in think about harnessing all the love of the world and taking as much love energy as you please......then breath out.....releasing love to the world....and let yourself feel the energy of the negative...but remind yourself....this too shall pass...and it will

  24. Thank you, so much!

  25. I find dimes see 1010 on the clock have 10s flash in front of my mind very vivid. 10 nations for Jesus is what I've come up with so far any other ideas.

  26. Thanks for the write up, i happy because i feel more relief with thing

  27. I always find dimes every whete i go. What does it mean

  28. Thank you and all my angels. Without you, I would not be where I am today. I am balanced!


  29. My numbers come from my chime will chime 1 time at 9 so that makes 10 to me..sometimes at 7 it chimes 3 times again 10..happens mostly when I loose my focus ..this site has answered so many questions for me since my husband died

  30. Yes. .i been finding dimes lately also..for me it is a sign money is on the way. .this scenario of finding dimes and money following has occurred several times in my life..

  31. I have been trying to figure out why I keep finding dimes lately in very strange places. No other coins like nickles quarters or even loonies or toonies. Just dimes. I am trying to understand why this keeps happening. I pray it means money but if not just some good things happening in my life

  32. While meditating I saw a 2 second vision of me and my new boyfriend smiling while puttig a baby carseat carrier in the car. I'm late on my menses.

  33. While meditating the other day I saw a vision of me and my new boyfriend smiling while puttig a baby seat in a car. Idk. Then after I saw a vision of my babyfather with my son and me. Please someone explain.

  34. I have been feeling called to I am seeking answers for questions I don't yet know. So, the other day I did a Tarot reading for clarification which was, in fact, helpful. Then, the next day a dime literally fell in front of me from out of nowhere. It completely freaked me out, but this article only solidifies that I am on the right path and that the answers I seek are within reach.

  35. Suddenly i thought about 10:10 in all the clocks. It was a coincidence that i checked about this today, the date is 26/02/2017 (i.e) if you add the date 2+6 and month 0+2 it is coming to 10 and if you add the year 2+0+1+7 is also 10. I really can't understand something is just happening with this 10:10. Praise to god..

  36. I constantly find dimes everywhere. My husband and kids always laugh and say why can't you find pennies everywhere like normal people. It is so weird. Does anyone find dimes like I do. I was just wondering if it meant anything. I have a antique green vase with a lid that I put all the dimes I find. Plus any that I pick out of my change. Dimes only I promise since 2004 when it all started I have probably cashed out houndreds of dollars in dimes.

    1. I find them everywhere. I would also like to know the meaning of this. :)

  37. Everywhere I go, it seems there is a dime on the ground, shelf,table, etc. Of course, I pick them up and put them in my change jar. Does this have a meaning?

  38. i keep seeing 610 every where i go its also my husbands no plate or i see 6 on a car then 10 right next to it on a letterbox

  39. Thank You, Love and Light

  40. very insightful, tnx for the knowledge.. ;)

  41. Thank you Angels !
    Thank you rush-collection !

  42. I burned my forearm and the number ten appeared, what does this mean?

  43. Hi,
    I’ve had a dream about me trying to marry someone but a little girl ghost and woman ghost won’t let me. I was able to talk to the little girl but the woman just kept leaving me negative 10 symbols I’m black writing around. I really want to know what this is about because this is very unusual for my dreams.


  44. Hi! You posted this post during the year 2011, at the time 1:01pm. Today I saw 11:11am, 2:22pm, 3:33pm ect. Right now i just saw 1:01 am. & this comment is being posted at 1:11 am. My sun sextile venus transit is today, at 1+2+7= 10. Which lead me to this blog.

  45. Wow I've been seeing 10 ,1010 and 100 a lot lately.Very interesting :)

  46. Grateful!♀️🧚🏻‍♀️🤗

  47. Wow,

    Such beautiful stories.. Thank you Jesus for your love upon us always and forever.

  48. Wow not a better time for number 10. I've been seeing it since yesterday 🙌🏼

  49. Thank you guardian angel and to my boyfriend SAEED from Iran my boyfriend he give this number. 💛🙏💛wow amen.

  50. 🙏☮️❤️☀️
