Monday, June 27, 2011


The karmic Master Number 11 symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, idealism, inspiration and intuition, illumination, visionary, enthusiasm, creative/creativity, self-expression and sensitivity, and mysticism. Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our soul mission and life purpose. Master Number 11 is usually called 'the Illuminator', 'the Messenger' or 'the Teacher' and relates to those who are here to be inspirational guiding lights, and their mission is to bring illumination to others and to help raise spiritual awareness.

Angel Number 11 brings a message from your angels to pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas as these are revealing the answers to your prayers. Your positive affirmations and optimistic attitude will manifest your desires and help you to achieve your goals and aspirations. They will also assist you upon your spiritual life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 11 encourages you to contribute your unique perspective and philosophy to instigate a new consciousness. Seek out some form of outlet where there can be active participation, whether it be through one’s own profession, or some charitable organization. Working with others gives the opportunity to be the inspirational leader, setting an example for others to learn from.

Angel Number 11 encourages you to assist and inspire the human race via your natural abilities, relying upon your inner-wisdom and intuition to guide you.  

Angel Number 11 encourages you to be an inspirational guiding light to bring illumination to others and help raise spiritual awareness. Trust that the angels support you in your lightwork.

Number 11 also relates to the Number 2 (1+1=2) and Angel Number 2.

Also see:  Repeating 1’s  (1, 11, 111, 1111 etc)
Angel Number 1
Angel Number 111



  1. wow thanks this helped a lot!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. wow i can`t believe i finally got answers from what i`ve been long asking my self..i even tried to match the numbers i`ve been seeing with corresponding alphabets but unfortunately the word would just not make any sense...thank you so much..u are an angel yourself

  4. After every thing I do it is always 11 after the hour. Now I know why.

    1. That makes 1+1 , 2 of us. I knew I wasnt the only one!

    2. Here's what I've been doing Mike...
      Every hour at the eleventh minute, I've been combining daily affirmations with dream manifestation. It started out as just an experiment. But then I saw results and have been doing it ever since. Tonight I got this angel number after the last item on my list manifested in the strangest and most unexpected way... 127. Note one line on that page for that angel number... " Bravo with your manifesting abilities."

      Simply Amazing Right????
      When Angels Speak is a class I'm attending. We are encouraged to try our own techniques. It's working out great with lightening speed too! I think she offers this class online. Not sure but worth checking out!

      Sunday, April 19, 2015 from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM (CDT)
      Huntsville, AL

    3. 1+1=1 see the parallel lines leading directly back to 1 your on the right path though

  5. After 9/11, I would always see or happen to look at the clock at that exact time every night until I stopped noticing it, but I now I know I am a lightworker and I found my angels yesterday. Happiness has been gone for so long, and now I see what I must do. "Heal the world, for it must be mended"

    1. You are right. in fact not just you to heal the world. Should be all of us. help each other heal each other Heal the world together. Make the world become a better place for everyone. :D

  6. This goes way further then most imagine. Stages in life you will notice bigger changes once you achieve the simple one's. Be faithful in the small and you will be place in a higher purpose with more.

  7. I've been seeing 11:11 every day for at least 15 years (starting in 1999). My niece has also had this experience since she was very young. One day (she was a Junior in high school at the time--11th grade) we were discussing this phenomenon, & we kinda giggled around about it, because we had 11:11 in common...5 or 6 years later, her daughter was born: November 11, 2009. [11/11/11]

    1. Are you Bipolar?

    2. Yes I am. Why? But now after reading this I know I'm not bipolar at all. Just highly spiritual.

  8. Been seeing these number messages for a couple of years now but in the last several months daily messages have really ramped up and it's usually via the time. Either when I pick up my phone, or the clock on the dash of my car, the time sign outside of banks, and the cable box in different homes of my friends and family. This is how it usually goes...
    Say I get in my car to go somewhere and my eyes glance at the time on the dash & it's 1:11. Okay well I return home walk in the house and glance at the microwave on my way in the kitchen & it's 2:11. Then I get a txt from a friend... the time when I get the txt is 3:11. Then I get on the computer to work on a design for a customer & while working my eyes shift to a little alarm clock sitting just above my's 4:11. You get what I'm saying? This has gone on literally all day before...morning to night & on more than one occassion...every hour on the hour whatever that hour is followed by an :11.
    And almost daily for months now at least 2 or 3 random times a day on a random clock in random places I'll get an hour followed the minute :11.
    I promise I'm not making this up. May God strike me down at this very moment if I'm lying.

    But what I need to know is if anyone can shed any light on this for me & maybe tell me why I would get messages like that???

    I would appreciate any & all feedback.

    1. Glad im not the only one, i wish i had an explanation too. Its been happening for months

    2. It happens to me too on and off for about 2 years. it's weird.

    3. Yup. Me too. For about a year and a half same thing like what you're going through. Random clocks at work, at home, on the cell random times of the day I'll see that it's 11 past the hour. Lately at the grocery store or restaurants my bill will come to repeating numbers like $47.47 or I have to input a customer's annual income at work that comes up to $1,131,131.00 (11 if you add them all together). I know I've been "actively" working on soul growth/purpose/wisdom, etc since 2010 but only lately have been feeling I'm on the right track. I think it's just heaven's way to cheer us on and keep us encouraged to keep up the good work. Sometimes you don't need to know the answer "why". You just have to keep going and trust you're on the right path. :)

    4. I am experiencing this, too. For so many number of days. I just keep asking myself if this is good or bad sign. I also ask my relatives and friends. Have I been getting bad omens? Am I being guided by two angels that everywhere I go they are with me? Am I just being too supertitious? Sometimes it gets to a point where I don't want to look at the clock, or to check messages on my celphone because I am anticipating that I will see number 11 again and if i do I only think that it's always coincidental just to please myself. Or i would just think that my angels are here again ready to guard and guide me from evil and harm. But it really bothers me a lot.

    5. Ever since my husband passed away I have noticed this happening to me as well. I will be doing something in a room and look at the clock and it is always 11 minutes past the hour. that's why I had to look it up, I wondered if he was trying to send me a message.

    6. OMG Meeeeeeeeeee Tooooooo Same Exact Way.......

    7. Yup, it happens to me everyday too! I believe, If you Send out positive affirmations when you see this .....then watch things happen.

    8. This has been happening to me since 2011. At first I thought it was a sign that the world would end in 2011 (I was prepared!), but obviously, it didn't. 11 pops up a number of times every day. You can check out this link- there seems to be a phenomenon happening to people who never intended to have the number 11 in their lives. I haven't checked this whole link, but the first part could have been written by me!

    9. I just replied, but it seems it wasn't published. So I'll start again. I've had the same experience of noticing 11 so many times throughout the day. My experience started in 2011, and I thought it was a sign for the end of the world. Obviously, we're still here, so my presumption was wrong. But this phenomenon still takes place daily. Here's an interesting link; and although I haven't read the entire link, the first part (introduction) could have been written by me!

    10. This has been happening to me too, and my teenage daughter. I used to see 911 a lot, then I started seeing all the numbers with 11, usually on the clock, computer or on my phone. My daughter and I used to text each other with 7:11 and 9:11. I've looked it up before, and all that I've read says that 11 is a spiritual number. I've been working on a book that identifies all religion as having the same origin, and I think that seeing 11 could be an encouragement for me to complete it, as I'm sometimes stuck in writer's block.

    11. That's exactly what's been happening to me. At first it was always 9:11. I kept wondering if the universe was telling me I needed to help somebody that was affected by 9:11. I still see mostly 9:11 when I look at the time, but now I also see other hours (7:11, 2:11, etc.). My daughter is now doing it somewhat, too. Is there a power of suggestion involved?

    12. This happens to me all the time, I feel like I'm going crazy. 1:11, 2:11, 3:11, 4:11, etc... Or if I look at the clock all the numbers add up to 11. just now as I was writing this it was 6:23, 6+2+3=11. I know I'm on the right track but I am having a hard time figuring out how to get there. I know its a message but I can't figure it out if that makes senses at all. I glad I'm not the only one that see this, I thought I was going crazy, because its been happening maybe the past 3 years none stop it seems.

    13. Rock around the clock tonight we're gonna rock rock rock till the broad daylight:)Join all in positive affirmations join together and lighten up know the power of one align with the planets sing together as one on a higher vibration the power of one gives us healing light and freedom.

    14. After my accident on October 2, 2019 I started seeing 911 constantly (in the past it had always been 1111 or 222..) but,hardly ever 911! Now 2 months later it's been random numbers followed by 11, 2:11, 3:11...etc Is this Spirit/Universe reiterating that something major is going to happen or change? For those that posted years ago did you experience anything significant? Ty

    15. I have also for the last 3yrs seeing 411 711 911 211 all different with 11 o the end.

  9. My best friend passed away 11/11/13 but ever since he passed, I look at the clock and it's 11:11 morning and afternoon. I have been friends with him since I was 8 years old. He was always my secret crush growing up. He was an angel so sweet and loyal. The look in his eyes were angelic and my soul was in love with him. I cried all day the day before he died. I had no concious idea what would come the next day. The next day a moment of dread came over me at 1:11 in the afternoon. I had just realized I was in love with him 11 days prior to him dying. At 11:13pm that night I got the phone call.. He passed away of a sudden heartattack at age 24. The week before he passed we were mowing my lawn and I kept feeling my chest hurting when I was around him. I kept worrying about him, asking if he was ok.

    1. This happened to me too when my best friend of 34 years passed away. I was in a deep depression and started seeing 11:11 on the digital clock. I had no knowledge of this phenomena before. It gives me comfort to know others are experiencing this also, I want to believe that this is my friends way of staying in contact with me.

  10. Such an amazing insight and i'm the 11th commenter as well! *^__^* 11's are awesome healers!!

  11. I have been wondering hmmm n wow there's a 11 comments now that is awesome!!

  12. the appearance of the number 11 seems to hold intimately personal signifigance in my life. the few that i have shared this with seem to think it's way too much to be just a coincidence. Although i seem to look at a clock at exactly 11:11 without it on my mind at all, the occurances are far more personal than just seeing it on a clock. the list of 11's, its multiples and things that just add up, subtract, multiply and/or divide to end up at 11 are almost scary and definately weird. i'll list just a few;

    I'm the 1st born of the 1st born.
    My mon gave birth to me at 29 yrs old.
    her father was born on 2/11.
    i'm 1 of six siblings and 1 of six grandkids.
    I 1st attended eutaw marshburn elementary, school no. 11
    i grew up at the street address # 2002
    there were 11 apt. units in that building.
    the apt. # was 3C (the number 3+the 3rd letter of the alphabet = 33, a multiple of 11 and the highest level of the Masonic Order)
    My current address # is 2310 (23+10=33/3=11)
    i bought my house when i was 29.
    i didnt see my dad for the 1st time since i was 4 until i was 29.
    my girl and i are 11 yrs apart, her parents are 11 yrs apart in age.
    her mom was born on the 22nd
    her dad was born on the 11th.
    she was born on 7/4. 7+4=11
    I hit a tree directly in front of a Masonic temple in my 740 (7+4=11) volvo, it left me with two stitches over my left eye in the shape of an 11.
    i was robbed and shot twice with a .22 in both legs.
    i was in the hospital the entire 11th month.
    was told i was a miracle survivior but, i wld never walk again.. walked again on the 11th day of the following month.
    my office address # is 5565.
    the home office in MA is 111
    the route i take to wrk is route 29
    the route i traveled when i 1st started my career is 83
    i've been working in the energy field as an energy efficient LIGHTING contractor and designer for my entire career. they actually call me the Lightbearer at work. I designed the lighting for the US Capitol, National Archives, all 3 senate office bldgs. and a host of other high profile, federal/military and commercial facilities.
    the street that bears my last name in my city intersects with LIGHT ST. at 100 light and 100, my last name. Light st. actually begins there.
    even my cell bill renews on the 11th of each month but, this list barely scratches the surface.
    i never even considered or noticed such things until 10.22.11

    i grew up in a strict evangelical, church loving family yet, i have developed nothing but contempt for religion as it has been practiced, used and perpetuated.which is what makes this pretty weird since i reasearched the # 11 and ran smack into Free Masonry, Lucifer and Luciferianism. i'm not nor have i ever been a mason but, i was blown away by how it strangely parralelled and even mirrored many of my own "spiritual contemplations", thoughts and ideas as if i had penned them myself. i never knew such a thing as the Luciferian doctrine ever existed until i started noticing all the 11s.
    all i'd like to know is WTF?!?

  13. so, if 11 is an "angel number" that "symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, idealism, inspiration and intuition, illumination", and i'm literally doing "light work", which "angel" is supposedly "supporting" me? would it be the so-called "Son of the Morning","Prince of the Air" and "Bearer of Light" himself? spooky

  14. there are also exactly 11 letters in my first and last names combined.
    exactly 22 letters in my full name with the letter I in front of it.
    11 letters in the title "Lightbearer"
    11 letters in the title "son of the morning"

  15. 11 letters in "Ra the sun god"

  16. Thanks this also helped me a lot God Bless! Let us pay attention and be obedient to God

  17. since ages when i see at clock i see 11:06 - for me it is 11 of june - day and month of my birthday ;)

  18. Great comments. Numbers have magical, energetic properties about them. Plato knew it and so do all of you!!

  19. its good to see that I'm not the only 1 that is seeing this number everywhere. I still don't know what it really means

  20. I am a lifepath 11. I recently closed a ten year chapter of my life n have been extreamly spiritual and i recently have had yellow rings form in the center of my eyes and often my pupils dialate n they get a feline look to them. Could it possibly b connected?

  21. i have exactly same experience.just discovered it recently.for doubters check obama and michelle,both are life path 11,and became the 44 president and first lady.i also discoverd even the 11 and 22 president were all 11. the 33 president was not an 11,but the day he died adds up to 33.

  22. I have seen 111 and 11, 555, 44 and 333 everyday for more than a year .
    This actually began after two random strangers approached me in a grocery store and asked if they could pray for me.
    Their divine presence has never left me since that day.

  23. i was really curious when every time i look at my phone and my wrist watch 11:11; it's always like that and one night i woke up and look at the time it pop out again ..... thanks for reminding me again because i thought of giving up of him but now i really can't. peace of heart and mind GOD BLESS

  24. Thanks for your guidance, I've been watching 11 number from past two years, like everywhere, mostly I see 11 in every hour wake up to sleep. I see see 11 on the cars number plate, bikes number plate, in the watch, my randomly sms timings, on my call durations, my credit left notifications, on the YouTube videos timings, any audio track timings, everywhere I see 11, and from few fly I seeing triplets, like 1:11, 2:22, 3:33 and so on. Even my birth date is 4-11-1990.

  25. Thank you! Thought I was going crazy. So many times when I look at the clock it is 11:11. Now I understand why. Going to work on this.

  26. Thanks! A lot of times when I look at the clock it is 11:11. My family even thinks it is strange the amount of times that happens to me. Now I understand why. I was also born in November so am an 11 there too.

  27. My birthday is 11/24/1992... I was born in Portland Oregon... My birthday is three days before Jimi Hendrix's, and fifty years after his birth... I was born three days before he turned fifty... I have came to 24 different combinations of my birthday, as far as I know... 11/24/1992... 11+24+1992...1+1+2+4+1+9+9+2... These two different equation formats separate to two dozen... And the different sets are all based on reductions of each set of numbers... I.E: 11=2. That is a simple reduction.

  28. Don't ever fight the numbers. Embrace them. Meditate on them. When you see their presence, close your eyes and ask yourself why. Angels speak to us in the form Of our thoughts (or at least you'll perceive them to be your own thoughts) eventually you can discern between your thoughts and "outside influences" 1 is unity and connection to God. 11 is that times infinite. My advice to all yall out there. If you want it to stop. Ask it to,i don't recommend that. But asking for the reason why, now that's where you'll find your answers. Love and light to all gods children.

  29. I'm a Capricorn with Scorpio rising walking the 11 path. Like many here, I look at a clock and it's 11:11 or some other 11 variant. I was called to service as a kid, and can never be at rest unless I'm volunteering or serving somehow. It's only recently I discovered why, and started looking into all of this.
    Does anyone have ... strange abilities? Lights do weird things, electronic equipment that won't work for anyone else works for you, you know what certain people are doing and feeling? Has anyone had people keep their distance because you just know too much? Thanks for your input.

    1. Ariel'Lynda HagenWednesday, May 10, 2017

      Oh...yeah! My Mom would have me stand near the TV because I was like an antenna. I can't wear watches because they stop working.
      If I am agitated, the computer keeps crashing.
      I got in trouble often with my parents, when I was very young, because I knew when they were not being truthful expressing themselves. I always knew their inner thoughts they wanted to keep hidden...a trait that doesn't make others want to be friends with me, for sure. People don't like being exposed & I love the truth!!
      My Father was afraid of me when I was young but called me his 'shining star' when I was older as he got to know my spiritual nature. I have a soul number 11...and I've seen 11:11 for more than 20 years. It's my normal, so it doesn't freak me out, but tells me to listen up & pay attention.
      Appreciate greatly there's a community experiencing similar manifestations. It can be lonely & isolating when doubting one's sanity or the veracity of one's experiences...not knowing who to talk to & fearing it would not be received w/o misunderstanding.
      Thank You, rush-collection!

    2. Thank you for sharing your story ... I relate and resonate with it myself. Continue to love being who you are and shine your light brightly ...


  30. What happens if you change your entire name. Do you change your destiny or life's purpose or does a person always default back to there given name?

    1. Your life chart/blueprint/life purpose stay the same (or at least very similar), but you would have different energies and vibrations to work with them.


  31. Omg my name is rush-collection and I have been seeing the number 11 for awhile now I finally looked it up and I see this! I got chills and felt joy and tears in my eyes! There has to be more to this........

  32. Woow thank you. This helps.My small sister stood on a que. She was the 102 personon the que. Luckily, she got a card numbered "11" making it easier for her to cut the long que short. This number I thought was Angeluc. So google to check its meaning. Here I came to your page. My thoughts of Angels confirmed. Thank you positive vibrations.

  33. I was almost lured by a Christian group today. They told me it's not a church but a house of peace. Yet they force the bible on us, tell us that meditation is "illegal", and my being an empath is some sort of witchcraft. I even asked them about numerology and they were telling me to trust only the numbers in the bible. Before I left they did something to me that looked kind of like an exorcist. I was actually believing them too. But I arrived home confused and unbalanced. I haven't felt like that in months. I made a really important decision today to trust myself. I am a lightworker. Not a Christian. I do not worship. I understand that we are the source. We are the light. When I came home I saw 111 and the master number 11. I just want to take a moment to thank you for everything that you do. This site has helped guide me in this time of awakening. I am very grateful! All is on, y'all! Keep the faith. YOUR faith! Listen to your higher self above all!

    1. Bravo to you Stephanie ...


    2. Stephanie, please don't let these horrible people define Christianity for you. There isn't anything about faith in Christ that calls for that kind of idiotic behavior. I'm not telling you what your personal beliefs should be, but I am telling you that Jesus Christ has taken a worse beating from His so-called followers than He ever has from those who oppose Him, that there isn't anything stupid, hateful, damning, vicious, cruel or exclusive in true Christianity. Most of the people who get it are too scared to speak up, and the bullies have the biggest mouths.

    3. I agree with you, there are evil people in church also so you need to be careful. You can have faith in God and Jesus without church. I know im protected by God, I read the bible but I won't go to church. Im an empath and I get anxious at church and there is good reason for it.

  34. 1109 plays a very vital role in my life.

    1109 i got my offer letter for govt job.
    1109 is my villa no.
    1109 is my birthday.
    29th is my wife birthday 2 + 9 = 11 master no.
    9th month is the month of Lord Ganesha as per hindu (indian) calender 11 days if celebration.

    Indeed a very positive and vibrant no.

    God Bless all.

  35. I have been keeping a log of all the ways in which the number 11 appears to me in my life - phone, license plates, addresses, receipts. I see it multiple times each day, and this article was posted on 6-27-11...June 27th is my birthday. I still don't know what this means though and what the angels are trying to tell me.

  36. Спасибо небесным светилам за все что делают для меня.спасибо создателем сайта.я не могу словами выразить всю благодарность
    Хочется обнять
    Спасибо всем,за то что вы есть.понимая как много людей духовноосознанных не теряет надежду помочь другим,кто напрочь отказывается слышать.ьворите добро, помогайте бескорыстно,доносите для ближних.внося хоть малейшей вклад и посвящая частичку себя потерянным душам,не просто спасаешь их, а так же нашу планету. Мы рождены свободными. Никто не смеет указывать нам как нам жить.любите друг друга.всем мир.добра.мира.и любви красивой. Ом

  37. As I sit here reviewing all of these comments,that I am so curious about, my channel changes on its own . my best friend would always say 11:11 make a wish... Now she is an 😇 and I have been noticing this on all clocks . Glad to know I'm not the only one.

  38. Thank you wholeheartedly, rush-collection, for your inspiring messages! <3

  39. Since this is a master number, I thought this the best place to tell this story. I went food shopping and four of the things I bought were on a huge sale I knew nothing about, half price, so the bill was lower than I ever thought it would be: $11.33. Had a feeling I was being told something. Got in the car, turned the ignition, the clock came on: 11:55. OK. So I say to myself, if the time stamped on my receipt is 11:44, then any doubts I have about anything need to go and now, because I don't believe in coincidence to begin with, but if I did, I would still find this beyond the beyond. So I got home and looked at my receipt. 11:44. Truthfully, I don't have the strength or the ambition to take the ride these numbers promise, but looks like I'm taking it anyway! Thank you God, thank you angels, thank you rush-collection.

  40. Do you think a person's presence in another's life can cause someone to see number patterns, especially the number 11?

  41. Thank you so much, I've been very confused,and this helped me greatly! I know what's going on,i just am still confused on a 25 yr relationship with kids and all. I feel like it's time to move on, but that's a very heavy thing to do!!! Any input, or direction would be greatly appreciated. Peace,Tony

  42. My mother passed away Thursday, she was under hospice care, myself and some family members were visiting, she was out of it. I was listening to my family talk and I looked at the time on my phone, for the first time ever i saw 11:11, I have heard seeing 11's meant your deceased loved ones are trying to contact you. I looked at my mom and saw she was still breathing but the next time I checked at 11:15 she was gone.

  43. wow, i have been searching this phenomenon for the last 5 years at least,,,,i see every 1:11 2:11 3:11 4:11 et right up to 11:11 twelve times a day,,,,,everywhere, on license plates, bills, taxes, microwave, it talks to me, i hear it on the radio, i see it on tv,,,,absolutely everywhere,,,,,I was pretty mad one time and no one would lend me money that i needed for renovations,,,,i yelled to the heavens so loud, i nearly past out,,,,,i need $8000 dollars,,,,i bought a lottery ticket, and checked my numbers that christmas day,,,,,I had won $8311.00,,,,that was about 5 years ago, and i have been seeing it before that too, i am still trying to see when it started happening though i only noticed it at that point forward,,,,this is weird

    1. It's fabulous ! I'm going to start maybe not yelling but asking to win the powerball.

  44. This has been by far the worst year of my life and the 11 phenomenon just made it that much more confusing and unsettling. After reading these comments I just discovered I'm the 11th sign of the zodiac and have 12 letters in my first and last name (combined). I wish I didn't make notice of these synchronicities because they are getting more and more frequent. At first it was 1111 am and pm but now I've moved to 11 minutes on the hour for EVERY hour. Jheezzzz! I wish I had a better understanding of what this all means.

  45. First of all i would like to apologise for my English as i originally from Thailand.

    I started to see number 11 since my beloved cat die in year 2002. Everyday i see 11:11 from the clock!! Also, i experienced with number 11 in the past eg. cinema seat, Flight no, the town where i live "Bournemouth", lotto ticket and last trip to Thailand with friends (11 people including me) etc.

    I feel like number 11 is part of my life than my own birthday 27.

  46. The number 11 tells a completely different story to the Illuminati... it represents chaos and destruction. The number 11 represents the devil. So I'm confused when I see the number 11. Am I being programmed by secret societies or is it a spiritual awakening??? This is just to hard to figure out! Which is why i asked God to stop letting me see the number 11... cause I can't tell if it's God or the devil.

  47. I dreamed the number 74 one night repeatedly and then found this site and i was so happy to see the angels are with me and pleased with me. YAY !! 10/26/2016.

  48. Thank you so much, rush-collection! <3

  49. I see 11 and 41 a lot. Also, I see 1026, 941, and 841.

  50. I have been working for years on myself and how to turn my quirks into strengths. One of which was to harness my rashness in such a guided way to be productive rather then depressing. We have worked long and hard so that I just asked to get a radio show on Omtimes which I thought was me going the wrong way until they had me look up new numbers and found this place with this messege. So I am going to take that as a yes and also say Thank You very publically to my angels for all their help hard work and effort!

  51. I've been seeing doubles of every number, 1-9. There isn't any emphasis on one specific number. Sometimes I see different arrangements of 579 within the same stretch of the drive though. What might doubles mean?

  52. Hi, I have a question... I fell in love with someone and he broke up with me. he sais there is no more chance that he comes back to me never. I still wish him to be part again in my life for a second chance... I see all the time number 11. does it mean my wish may come true or to leave it?
    sorry for my English and thank you for your answer. I always thought this person will get older with me

  53. sorry I forgot to tell you... I even see often nr 22

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. love and light. thank you for your guidance.

  57. evey time visuality 11 number,i want to know whats the remember me

  58. every time seen 11 number.what the cause remember me

  59. I have been seeing the number 911 for a long time now so I got so sick of seeing it everyday and being terrified,that I looked it up ! After I looked it up and understood its meaning I stopped seeing it! Now it reappeared on a lottery ticket with the mega ball being 11! Not to mention I found a black feather before this lottery ticket

  60. I am really impressed together with your writing skills and
    also with the format on your blog. Is that this
    a paid theme or did you customize it yourself?
    Anyway stay up the nice quality writing, it's
    uncommon to see a great weblog like this one these days..

  61. If i dont Believe who i know i am.. how can anyone believe...but i have proof. I exist.

  62. Your means of describing all in this paragraph is
    truly good, all be able to easily be aware of it, Thanks a lot.

  63. Also Sims 3. Owens hails from Alabama. It's right.

  64. I have also been inundated with the 11:11 phenomena for many years. When I first saw this sequence, I actually FELT something within... anyhow, over the years I have come to the realisation that the 11’s are an activation and also recognition from what I call the 1’s. At the end of the day, we are all 1 and when we pass over we go back to that “oneness” of all that is... I believe, that we are all being activated and from there we grow spiritually, and awaken.

  65. My daughter's birthday is 11/11

  66. A friend sent the link to this site. Thank you SO much for explaining the number 11. It has been popping up for months: taking a milk carton, checking the date and it was 11/11. Turned around to look at the clock on the stove and it was 6:11. We just went to a restaurant at the Chrystal Bridges Art Museum. The restaurant is called 11 and was opened on 11/11 at 11:11AM :) All throughout the day, the time will be 11 after the hour. To me, it's a confirmation to stay on my spiritual path. I love that it's to help other people awaken because that is my life's work through my meditations and books. It's God's way of saying,"I've got you on this!" Thank you!

  67. Immensely blessed and grateful!!!♡♡♡
    rush-collection you are an Angel,our Angels & I love you !!!♡♡♡
    Blessings ,love,peace and Light to you and all!!!♡♡♡

  68. I've been seeing 11's for a long time. Several months ago they came much more frequently and often in groups. It was constant for weeks. I've done some reading before and knew 11 was angels' way of letting me know they were there. But this time it was off the charts. I even took a pictures of this phenomenon and told a couple of friends about it. Then, my husband was in a terrible car accident. Our car was demolished by a driver under the influence and somehow my beloved husband came out with only a broken leg. Everyone was amazed he did not have worse injuries or died. He needed surgery and intense caregiving for a while. The 11's gave me comfort in that I was not alone. As he healed, the 11's slowly faded away. But, when I'm having a bad time, sure enough an 11 will pop up in the next couple of hours. I'm forever grateful for the support from the universe. I always try to act like my own critic and challenge if what I'm seeing is real or imagined. After this experience, I know how very real it is. Love and light.

  69. Hey very nice web site!! Guy .. Beautiful .. Amazing .. I will
    bookmark your web site and take the feeds additionally...I am satisfied to find a lot of helpful information right here
    in the publish, we'd like develop extra techniques on this regard, thanks for sharing.

  70. Been seeing 11:11 everywhere. It happened again today when I looked at my phone. So,I decided to do some online research and realized it's the 11th day of April.

  71. I have seen the angel numbers for 2 years now and first i started seeing 11 then when i started to believe in angels and started seeing 22 33 44, i think they have helped me a bit, but now i feel really stuck because my financial situation, i’m 17 my parents have divorced and i have allways had to do everything my self. I have allways wanted to be pilot and im in college now but i really need some financial help for my books and computer, im allways 2 weeks late for buying the books because i cant affoard them all. I have sold everything i can to get some money and managed to get enough to get gliding licence but i dont know how i get more to start the flight it self. I’m starting to get really depressed because i have done everything i can but it isn’t enough. I’v also been bullied from middle school for being so skinny, i got some motivation to start building my body, every week 4 times to the gym and 3 times jogging, after 2 years im now normal. I want to keep building my body but i don’t have the money for gym so i have done everything i can at home. Like i said that im getting really depressed and even cried couple times because i dont know what to do. I want to do a lot of things but i cant because the financial things. everything in my life has been really complicated and i have had many things to be ashamed of, even the little things, what i mean with that is like my home and clothes. I just want to live like normal pepole. And also the numbers what i see now are 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 56, 77, 96, and 777, 555, 656, 333. And sorry if there is any mistakes in the text, English is not my main language so sorry.

    1. Your good and sincere dreams will come true, just have faith. If you had done everything right in life it will come to you.
      Thank you

  72. Thank you so much...
    I do understand now.

  73. I keep seeing 11 but dont know what i actually means? there are a few signs i think, and how do i know of my angels that its actually forsure? How do i know what i think or the 'signs' are the right thing to do? I'm struggling right now looking for work and also life as my ankle is a problem i have to get it operated on its sore everyyday and ruins my life and makes it hard to get up everyday . but its better sometimes and surgery may be happening soon, i just hope everyone is ok . Love ja

  74. i Keep seeing this but what does it actually mean

  75. Recently it happen that whenever I text my bf or he text me we see 11 often as in 11 minutes earlier u texted him or even when we r on call we lost of the time sums upto 11 minutes .. Also timing of our text are 20:11 or so... Even when I think about him it is 11,10:11,15:11. What does it mean in case of relationship ?

  76. Thank you so much!!! Very powerful msg to me just at the right time, as always. Love and light :)

  77. But how to relate to base 12

  78. November 11,2018 ��✨✨

  79. This information is really mind blowing. I was seeing number 11 repeatedly. I am a great believer of angel numbers. Thanks for this post.

  80. Wow! This happens to me all the time. It's mostly 711. Just was at waffle house and the waitress came up an started asking me questions an said she could tell I was very insightful. She then told me my number was 11. So crazy! She gave me the info to come an check out this page.

  81. Beyond grateful for this Divinely timed reminder (4151=11)
    I love you rush-collection. Thank you so very much for being.🙏❤💎
    Endless love, light and positive vibes to everyone and all.
    Blessed us all be. Amen.🙏❤

  82. I have been seeing number 11, but in every hour every time I see the clock is 1:11, 2:11, 3:11, 4:11. And so on is this the same thing as seeing number 11? Was wandering
    Thanks you. Really enjoy reading your material

  83. Hi, thanks, love it

  84. As I do. Sharing the love and light that I am with everyone all.
    I use the platforms of several already well established speakers, for what they speak about isn't only resonant, but matches my inner wisdom. Often I have so much to say. People connect with me through those outlets. Until i myself establish my own platform...
    I teach and inspire others via many outlets.❤✨🙏
    And so it is. Endless love to us all.

  85. Hello All, I have been seeing the number 11 after the hour on digital clocks for the last 20 years. I know that it is an angel number, and i’d love to connect with anyone that can help me better understand the meaning behind this. I pray every day and ask the angels to intercede, pray for me, and protect me every day. I thank the angels every time this happens, and would love to have a dialog with anyone that can help me better understand this blessing I am experiencing. Thank you in advance for the chance to connect. stay safe and may God Bless you and those close to you. Most Sincerely, Joe Rizzi

  86. Spot on..I am so excited to behin my soul mission. The messages have acknowledged my life path that i have created in every way. Thank you Angels. Love and Blessings to you too rush-collection

  87. Beautiful message...Thank you!!!🙏😇🥰

  88. My first Nadine = 11
    My family name = 11
    My birthday (18-04-1969) = 11
    My adresse 308 = 11
    My car plate = 11
    My phone number = 11
    My social security number first 3 = 11 second 3 = 11
    Last 3 = 5        9
    I got a big job.����

  89. I never really get these messages. They dont make much sense

  90. I would have done this but the human race are a crappy hateful race I just want to go home 😎 🙏
