Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Number 111 is a powerful number of manifesting and manifestation, and carries the combined attributes and energies of number 1 and the karmic Master Number 11. Number 1 resonates with assertiveness, independence and uniqueness, motivation, new beginnings and striving forward, insight, self-leadership and inspiration, positivity and achieving success. Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our soul mission and life purpose. Number 111 symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, inspiration and intuition, self-expression and sensitivity.  

Angel Number 111 is a message from your angels to be very aware of your persistent thoughts and ideas as these are manifesting quickly into your reality. Ensure that your beliefs, thoughts and mind-sets are positive and optimistic in order to draw the energies of abundance and balance into your life.  

Angel Number 111 signifies that an energetic gateway has opened up for you, and this will rapidly manifest your thoughts into your reality.

When you recognize an Angel Number 111 sequence appearing to you frequently, take note of your thoughts at the time that they occur. When a series of 111's appear, monitor your thoughts carefully and be sure to only think about what it is you really want, not what you don't want. Choose your thoughts wisely, and do not put your focus towards your fears, as they may manifest.

Pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas as these are revealing the answers to your prayers. Your positive affirmations and optimistic attitude will help to manifest your desires and help you to achieve your goals and aspirations. They will also assist you with serving your spiritual life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 111 also encourages you to assist and inspire the human race via your natural abilities, relying upon your inner-wisdom and intuition to guide you. Be an inspirational guiding light to bring illumination to others and to help raise spiritual awareness. Trust that the angels support you in your lightwork.

Once Angel Number 111 appears and is recognized and acknowledged, the repetitive number sequences generally progresses onto other numbers and messages as your angels then have new and different messages to send you.

Number 111 also relates to the number 3 (1+1+1=3) and Angel Number 3.

Also see:  
Repeating 1’s  (1, 11, 111, 1111 etc)
Angel Number 1
Angel Number 11



  1. Very Nice site you have rush-collection... Ever since recently i woke up with a sudden then looking at the clock 11:11 am its been something that i cant explain and felt something seriousness about it ,but later that day on I kept seeing other numbers like 4:44am like 5:55pm then 333 ,111 ,919 999 then ,1,111 to many repetition lately...made research then Google it your site is one of my favourite...

    1. my god,... everytime i see 111.. those things in the list keep happening..... thats why i keep searching on it. and finally i know the meaning. tnx

    2. Haresh!!!!! Even the number next to your post is 11.11! LOL

    3. Ohhh, and i have 11.1 next to my post, :-).

    4. Ah, that was a mistake. I saw "6.11.15" which is not my post.

    5. I can't thank you enough rush-collection.
      I love your site and it has been of much help.
      Please keep up this good work.
      Many thanks X

    6. wow its just so amazing i have been seeing 111 and 1200 for about 2weeks or so and i was on fb when i saw angel numbers 111 i stoped opened it and well i just had to find out more as i left fb to go on google the house fire alarm went off and there is no smoke i turned it off and layed on my bed went on google found this page then the light bulbs were dimbing it hapened about 5 times it made me feel the angels were actually here and its true it makes you feel warm and giggly with alot of hope that my dreams will become reality thank you so much.rush-collection sacred.

    7. As a single moms life get hard. Well all week I been going up in down. In all I can do is cry. But as I look around me, when I do pay attention, I see the 1:11on life time moves as I cry watching it. Every time I use my micwave I press 111 no matter what. If I look up the clock always have 111. I think I'm going crazy until I Google this number. Wow I'm not alone

    8. As a single moms life get hard. Well all week I been going up in down. In all I can do is cry. But as I look around me, when I do pay attention, I see the 1:11on life time moves as I cry watching it. Every time I use my micwave I press 111 no matter what. If I look up the clock always have 111. I think I'm going crazy until I Google this number. Wow I'm not alone

    9. I want to tell everyone who is freaked out about seeing time promptings and number sequences, all is well. You are loved, guided and supported. Each and every one of you have angels, spirit guides and a higher self. They are trying to communicate with you. They know that the time promptings will get your attention. The time promptings have many messages. When you see the time promptings they are telling you that it’s time to wake up! They are telling you that it’s time to take action. They also tell you that you are on the right track. The thoughts you think create your reality. Make sure you are thinking about what you want and not about what you don’t want. We are encouraged to enjoy life at every moment, create, and fear not.

      This is a time when we are all needed to wake up, pull together as one, and raise the vibration of earth and ourselves. We are the only ones who can do this. No one can do it for us. When we reincarnated we knew this and we were sure we could do it. We set triggers to remind us when it was time. I believe the time promptings are one of the triggers. You are needed.

      To raise your vibration: eat healthy food, laugh, play, stop worrying, enjoy every moment of life (even the challenging ones). Listen to Solfeggio frequencies, binaural beats, isochronic tones. Stop listening to the news, stop reading the news, it’s all lies and propaganda to get you sucked into what “they”(dark forces) want you to believe and steer you away in the wrong direction. Start meditating! Meditate twice a day for at least 20 minutes. Meditating is where you will find the answer to the messages the angels, spirit guides, and your higher self are trying to tell you. Each one of you has a soul mission and purpose. You might want to watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsWCFGmpJHw

    10. Thank you so much. I thought I was going crazy always seeing time promptings! OMG they are my triggers to wake up. Guess What? I AM WOKE

    11. Around a year ago I began to see 911 on my clock. At the time I wanted to no the truth about 911 (terror attack) and began to question my reality. All of a sudden 911 kept appearing on my clock. Then 711; 111; 211;311 and so on. Later the numbers change to 22;33;44;or 55. I have finally awoken to my Divine and Spiritual Purpose. It all makes sense and this site helped me because just before the time prompting started to occur I thought I was insane.

    12. I became so frustrated with the time promptings I began to write them down. After so many promptings I go tired of writing them down! Then I began to tell close friends about the time promptings and the time promptings happen as we were together, then they started freaking out! The good news is today I am a philanthropist and started a non profit to help women with PTSD have a day at the SPA. My work as just begun...thanks so much for this site. I have not refereed anyone yet but I do believe that sacredscribesangelnumbers changed my life for the whole. Nameste

    13. 111 and 1111 or 1011 is All the time for me!!!
      I mean ALL THE TIME!
      TWICE today already and it's just 12:15pm
      This site was recommended to me this morning.

    14. I have seen 1111 for years and did not know the meaning, Now it's quite clear to me what it meant. I was thinking negative and having negative thoughts.now I think positive.

  2. Replies
    1. I often look at the clock and see 1:11. Usually afternoon but this time it was am. Once I googled the numbers I ran across this site. I'm so glad I did.

    2. I choked and could not catch my breathe, I was coughing and coughing. Then I was trying to breath in but felt like I couldn't. After choking coughing and not being able to stop. I went in the hall as I was alone. Still coughing and gasping for breath. The hall air was cool and seemed to help. I continued coughing and finally was able to catch my breath. I went to the kitchen, my legs and arms had been trembling. I was grateful to breath again. I looked up at the clock it read 1:11

  3. Was kissing my faith in god. On day in the shower I decided that god is good and I know he exist. I decided to forget my doubt and ask for my faith back. I then stepped out of the shower picked up my phone .. 111 pm . I saw it for the rest of the week literaly everywhere

    1. Im astonished! because a few days ago in the shower I asked for my faith back and that i was going to try harder. now i see 111 on the clack all the time. Amazing we were both happen to be in the shower!!!

    2. Im astonished! because a few days ago in the shower I asked for my faith back and that i was going to try harder. now i see 111 on the clack all the time. Amazing we were both happen to be in the shower!!!

    3. Water is an excellent conduit for psychic and spiritual connection .... it is the reason why so many people have 'lightbulb moments' whilst showering.


    4. Ive been having the same occurance with 111 and 1111, and i had just recently renewed my faith and my life plan has been completely changing ever since, its powerful, and i have definitely had a few experiences with shower realiztions. my friends motor cycle wouldnt run right and the lights werent working so i looked over it and noticed one of the wiring harnesses to the rectifier was covered in corrosion so i switched that out and it ran great but the lights werent working so we were gonna switch out the fuses. Then i went to take a shower and while i was showering i remembered how a rectifier work. It works like a capacitor and builds up a supply of electricity to compensate for changing currents in the wiring. SO when i got out and went over to his house i told him to turn the bike on and let it run, and he was like we need to get the fuses. And i was like just do it, so he turned it over and all the lights worked perfectly. And he was like WHATTT,??? And i explained to him and he was like thats awesome. Saved a bunch of money on fixing his bike, I changed out one wire harness and what was considered near junk was in prefect running order. God bless

    5. Ive been having the same occurance with 111 and 1111, and i had just recently renewed my faith and my life plan has been completely changing ever since, its powerful, and i have definitely had a few experiences with shower realiztions. my friends motor cycle wouldnt run right and the lights werent working so i looked over it and noticed one of the wiring harnesses to the rectifier was covered in corrosion so i switched that out and it ran great but the lights werent working so we were gonna switch out the fuses. Then i went to take a shower and while i was showering i remembered how a rectifier work. It works like a capacitor and builds up a supply of electricity to compensate for changing currents in the wiring. SO when i got out and went over to his house i told him to turn the bike on and let it run, and he was like we need to get the fuses. And i was like just do it, so he turned it over and all the lights worked perfectly. And he was like WHATTT,??? And i explained to him and he was like thats awesome. Saved a bunch of money on fixing his bike, I changed out one wire harness and what was considered near junk was in prefect running order. God bless

  4. With in the this last year, I keep on seeing a 3 digit numbers, like 2-4 time a day, and I don’t understand why until I went to your web site and seen what the numbers mean! I continue to see 3 digit numbers through out the day, This morning I seen 1:11 again…Some time it freaks me out! Can someone help me figure this out? What are the Angels trying to say to me? “PLEASE LOOKING FOR HELP”
    Powerman297@hotmail.com 3202394537

  5. I just want to say that I continue to see a 3 digits numbers through out the day and night, now I been experience a force that touches my foot or my ear lobe when I’m sleeping and it wake me up and seeing 1:11 and 4:44 or some kind of a 3 digit number... Now it’s happen to my daughter, she told me that something touched her leg and woke her up. What does all this mean?
    I do feel positive emery when I see the 3 digits numbers, I feel like I’m powered up with hope and faith, fully of energy. What are the ANGELS trying to tell me, can you help out?

    Randy, the Starbuck Man from Starbuck Mn. Powerman297@hotmail.com

    1. Hi Randy,
      I truly believe that this is your Gaurdian Angel. I've also been having the same experience since 2004 after my dear mother passed away. Did you recently have a loved one pass on?.
      Hope this helps.
      Take care

  6. Replies
    1. Maybe you have psyhic abilities and this is an awakening for you and your daughter ona sspiritual level

    2. Hi, I have been seeing angels Numbers since just before 2017 I did not know what hit me. My life has changed big time! I know I was born gifted but I did not really know how gifted I was. I come from 7 generations of healers in my family. The Angels now speak to me with numbers every day. I am a healer and a Lightworker and a psychic! I am a number 9) my life path is number 9 I was so prise to know I am here to do big things for humans. I love talking to my Angels every day. I hope to come out soon for the world to know just who I am. I need help with that! The people around me is not so portive at all. Wish makes it you know a bit hard. But god willing I will get there! Sending Love Light and healing power always.

    3. I see all forms of numbers every day morning noon and night! 222 111 555 656 727 717 898 221 1010 334 1111 1212 546 348 859565 and so many more. I have a book of Angels numbers I wish people would believe that god and the Angels are very close on earth now! We need to see and believe that. Don't let anyone tell you that there is no god. Because there is ! The Angels are trying to get out attention now. So pay close attention to the Angels numbers and there massages❤️And Light always. I hope everyone have a wonderful day. Peace and oneness always!

    4. That's the Angels trying to speak to you! Whenever that happens it's the Angels and God that's doing it.

    5. Is it a normal thing? It could happen with everyone?

  7. I keep seeing this number, does this number mean that I have mind powers that I can make anything true by thinking?

    1. We all have mind powers. It's based on Law of Attraction. It's one of those things where it's so simple and is literelly hidden in plain sight.

  8. I was born in a 22 year on the 11th day and my birth name before my father later changed it addded up to 7 9 7 9
    always have master numbers and triple to quintuple sequences.any thoughts?

  9. I keep seeing the number 111, and 1111, and sometimes 444 but not nearly as often. For months I wanted to find the meaning. I prayed That God will reveal the message to me.
    I have had miracles happen in my past, real miracles and I seek God every day. This is so exciting to me, never scary, I welcome and embrace this.
    God bless all of you,

  10. Im so excited about your website. I get messages every day, all day long. The majority of the messages are surrounding the number 11. 111 ,711 ,311, 911 etc. Its all so exciting. My devine purpose is to help people using my clairvoyance gift. Al l of my messages lines up with the path that I am on.Thank you so much for your work. I intent to be as much help to others as you have been to me. It is truly inspiring.

  11. oh my gosh,

    Ive been seeing this number, although I known Im an Empath and also have other abilities but was always scared of them. Pretty much can do everything. But seem to be able to have no problem connecting with the Angelic Realms and the Elementals. But I kept seeing 1:11 all the time. Also 3. I knew it was Bible related. It was weird. I could get through to angels but never to my Guides. Finally can get to one. But, still, I have things that are even beyond the scope of explaining and have know where to go. I even went to the Catholic church. Not affraid. I kinda feel my mission, and even though was told do not tell them anything, ask angels anything and they answer in funny ways, I told them Im a medium and I see Positive and Negative and came and showed pictures. They freaked, and believed me. Where none judgmental completely and wished more people were non-judgmental and had a grasp on both the good and bad. I told them its like believing in only the sun and not the night. Makes no sense.They started to anoint my head and pray and wanted with real genuineness, I can tell, about things moving what a real haunted house was like. Really interested. It was kind of funny because, they saw things, pictures, I came prepared, as clear as a bell. Was it because they were so close to God. I believe these people were. Especially the Children's and Communion Miniseries Worker. She could see things Mediums could not. Was it faith or was she sensitive. She was really interested, like maybe she had experiences she did not know where to express it. She out of the blue asked if things moved. I never though of saying anything and she sat like at the edge of her seat.I pleaded and asked if she believed me and she said, how could she not. I had proof. She started to fill Holy Water Bottles as fast as she could.

    I was told never to open my mouth but I bought a new Bible, happens to be Catholic but its the best bible ever. Would work reguardless. I became instantly, I mean instantly I don't know, I felt like crying but at the same time bonded to St. Joan of Ark. She was in there as well as so many others . It talks about Faith, Love, Hope, Etc.

    Since then, things about her have been everywhere. I feel so comforted by her and wish I could live up to her, but I also feel so close to the blessed Mary and have received tons of Religious Signs. People say its bc I a, religious but I never grew up that way. I suffered a horrible loss and never went to church, but always had a strong faith anyway. I also had a different view on Heaven, it was 100% real just not like what they teach and Jesus how could he be blonde and blue eyed if he came from the area he did. It was a painter that created that image.

    The Elemental Realm is easy to, well I seem to attract them. Im just, as they put it, I get it. There are some from here and some, one from Thailand. Even an Elf. I have pictures. Im not crazy. There are photo's.

    I need help though.


    1. what kind of help are you looking for?

    2. hello,

      The same is here constantly experiencing angel numbers.
      Is there scientific / biblical or some other official explanation to it?


  12. My family treats me like I'm insane when I try talking to them about seeing these Angel numbers. :(

    1. Whether they believe you or not is their choice. I'm pretty sure my family thinks I'm crazy/weird when I talk about it, but that doesn't mean I'll stop believing or that it'll make the numbers any less special! And you're not alone! You have all the people here (and everyone else who sees these and knows about it). <3 :)

    2. Hi Emil,

      I know what you mean my family does too. If you want to talk sometime send me an email at donr555@gmail.com



  13. I have begun seeing the numbers 11 and 111 for about 3 years now. I have come to this conclusion, what is written here by Joan is correct. Everytime I vigorously see this number a positive change is about happen. After the change occurs the numbers seem to reset and i see 101 or 001 then over the course of about a month or two, it progresses to 1101, 11, 111 on clocks. recipts, addresses, dates, it's like now i'm being led. In my current job, I kept seeing 111, then an email went out at my job on 1/11/13 announcing that I was employee of the month. Over a two week period I was seeing 11 nonstop! it was everywhere, then I got promoted.

  14. A couple months ago I woke up at 1:11am then again at 3:33 and 4:44. When I final stop my alarm from going off it was 5:55am! Later on that day I randomly pull my phone out and it was 11:11am. I stop seeing them for a few weeks then it stared back. Now 2 months later I see these numbers every single day. I feel crazy sometimes because I see these number on billboards, totals on receipts, just every where! Something was telling me to look in my wallet at the piece of paper that I wrote when my daughter was born. Funny enough she was born at 1:11pm 9 years ago! What does this mean??

    1. Hi Darryll,

      I truly feel that your guardian angel is telling you that your daughter is very special If you. If you want want to talk sometime send me an email at donr555@gmail.com



    2. I was born at 1:11 pm and see that number each and every day of my life! My Mom sees it too ;) It comforts me and I always smile when I see it. Funny, I will also look up and see 11:11, 3:33, etc. I feel a strong presence around me constantly and I feel other people's emotions and illness, also animals... I can almost Talk with dogs. Please don't think I am Nuts! I do wish I could talk about this sometimes with someone but know this is just not really possible...

  15. I was present at the crash of SwissAir Flight 111, that was many years ago....now I am dealing with personal issues due to that crash/recovery....I have been in therapy and thought I was moving along well.....lately, the numbers 111 come up in my life....be it the millage on my cars Odometer , street signs. license plates, times, bills for items purchased, even random wakings and looking at the clock.....it seems that my attention is drawn to when and how ever this number is displayed....what can that mean? I stop what I am doing and when I can what I am thinking when it happens...just in hopes I can see or feel it....and now that I am going through a very trying time in my life....it's more frequent.....why?

  16. WOW, I am amazed. I have been seeing the numbers 111 for years now. I was born Jan.11. It has been happening so much lately that i have started taking pictures and creating a book from them. My friends are even amazed. It is on everything I see. At one time and still do believe it is Gods way of reminding me to have faith. I saw this on a small inspirational card a friend had given me years ago when i built my home. I had not paid much attention to it until this one day and there it was: Hebrew 11:1 the meaning of faith from the bible. Since then I have always thought to myself to have faith, have faith. I really think after reading about this angel number there is even more to it. I want to know more.

    1. wow don't you think its funny you posted this at 11:11?
      how funny!another co-inky=dink!

    2. Take the months value (March) and you get 3. Add that to 2 and 5 (25th) and you get 10. Add that to 2, and 3 (2013, 0 is not a value, 1 is added later) and you now have 15. Add the left over one. Now read again. 15:1:11:11PM. There are 5 ones (excluding 15's) as foretold by the 5. But there is more. Add 5 to all the ones, you get 11. ;)

  17. I've been seeing this number 111, 1111 for like 6 months now, and I didn't know what to make of it !! . I asked my friends , people to see if they seen it as frequently as I do . And none of them seen it like that or know what it means. So I google it and it finally and it brought me here . It makes perfect sense !! , its like a calling from god to wake up . And look for him !! So I prayed to him and I felt like a ton off persure of me .. hey it doesn't hurt to try !! #justsaying

  18. Hello internet world,
    I've been seeing angel numbers every day but really don't know how to interpret them. I look them up and sometimes understand but right now I don't know exactly what my angels are trying to tell me.
    for example; I've been having negative thoughts these last couple days and I noticed 2 times already I seen the number 111 right after i have that thought.
    I've been struggling with trauma from childhood experiences and basically created a monster. I feel as if I can't trust the own father of my kids and convinced myself that he is trying to harm them. I have no proof but I don't know if its my intuition telling me that he is, or if i'm just plain ol' crazy and seeing these numbers are kind of throwing me off. I don't know if I should take it as a negative or a positive... Please, if anyone knows a little bit more about what these numbers are meaning to me, please, please, please help. I can't take this anymore and don't want to put an innocent man behind bars :'(

    1. 1111 @ 111 are spiritual awakaning numbers. A sign you ate on the right path, as far as I can see.

  19. Yesenia,

    I think your angels are telling you to be careful what your thoughts are as anything you think of will manifest. When you think of negative things those will become you'reyour reality, doso replacedreplace negative thoughts with positive ones right away.

    Hope that helps :-)

  20. I have been seeing 11:11 and 1:11, every day for the past two years,when I happen to look at the time. It all makes sense now.

  21. I've been seeing 111,101,1111,222,333,444,555 for sometime now. It all started after my mother passed away back in 2004. I stared seeing the number 111 everywhere. I've always felt that my Mother and Grandmother are my guardian angel's. I have so many stories that I could tell that would make the hair on the back of your neck stand up!. I think what I might do is make a video and share it with you. Just remember this...When you see these numbers it's your guardian angel watching over you and leading you in a positive life changing direction.

  22. Hi guys, I was writing my diary last night and as I finish, the time is the clock was showing 01:11 (1:11am).

    2 days back, as I was about to sleep, saw 00:00 (12am) and as I got up it was 10:00 (10 am).

    I going through some spiritual changes/transformation at the moment as per the link below.

    Anyone have any advise / comments.

    Thanks with Lots of love & light.




  23. I ALSO WOKE UP AT 1:11 AM AND I SAT UP TO FIND MYSELF AWAKENING WITH A VOICE GO STRAIT THROUGH MY HEAD WHICH SAID TO ME ( THE PURPOSE OF LIFE IS TO FIND YOUR SOUL MATE) AS SPUN OUT AS I WAS I TURNED TO MY ALARM CLOCK WHICH READ 1:11 THEN REALISING THAT THIS NUMBER MEANS SOMETHING OTHER. AS I HAD REPEATEDLY LOOKED DOWN TO THE TIME 1:11 or 11:11 Since i googled the actual meaning to this number it all made perfect sence. everything that this number brings is everything i have turned my life around to strive for. since i have learnt what 1:11 is it attracks me almost on an everyday basis to look at the time not even thinking before i look it will be 1:11 So i sit in silence for that mminute and think about evertthing that i want in my life. and my life is really honestly turning my wants into realities

    1. Hello everyone....since like 6 months everyday i see those combinations...every single day i see 1111 on the clock...today i liked a facebook status and i was the 3333 guy to like it ..when im watching a video on youtube i look how much time im watching the video and it shows 1:11 and it happened 2 times today...seriously this gets kinda scary..when u wake up at night i looked my watch...1:11 and the most scary thing i had its when my watch stopped at 11:11 and when i realised it it was the next day at 11:11....

  24. I was looking for my address on line which begins with 111 but the funny thing is that it was just pick up 111 but not the name of the street .. I never knew 111 was Angel .... I guess my house is protected by Angels

    1. I was interested in a bigger house for my family a colleague at work told me the street name.I already saw 111.She told me today the number of the house was 111.I added up my till in work and it was £1.11 short I think it is a sign the house is meant for us xx

  25. I also have the same thing happening to me. For about two years now, I've been seeing 111 and 1111 everywhere I look and in everything I do or hear. I've been reading up on it and I truly feel blessed that I have been chosen to receive these messages. It's funny how comfortable I feel when this happens. I often chuckle now when I notice the sequence because it happens in soooo many different ways...time, license plates, receipts, addresses, phone numbers, room numbers, scheduled appointments ex. September. 11 at 1:00. I'm taking it in stride and enjoying it. Not sure where this will bring me in my own life journey, but I'm placing my trust in God and my Guardian Angel to lead the way...

  26. Hi im new here and my english is not good but please I want to know what this number means. Ive been seeing a lot of 3 digit numbers "111 444 222" this three its started happening when I turned 22 last july 2 . It sometimes freak me out cause it happens when I looked at my phone and check time..

    This happens always almost everyday :(

  27. God is a great blessing even thru the number 111. Hebrews 11:1 is a scripture of faith. Let number 111 be apart of your faith.

  28. I thank GOD for wisdom. To actually know that the #111 wasn't being seen as a coincident. So I researched the number and he showed me that it was an angel number. GOD bless all of you that continues to keep seeing the number. I thank GOD for the number.

  29. Anon I can't explain it 11:11/ 1:11 /11:01 is seen by me everyday...it's has gotten much more severe lately waking up receipts, sports scores and even when watching espn LeBron James was 11 for 11 ugh it's frustrating not knowing what it means...I think I do but it's just a theory based on uncertainty.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'd b interstrd in where your at Randy? since your 1st posts.....just out of interest I experience similar stuff....hope your doing well?

  31. I made a prayer at 1:11am askin angels to show me and guide me to where my life is headed, I am 15 years old and I fear what direction I prayed for its going that way Isee the number 1 everywhere no 1:11am/pm or 11:11am/pm even this comment 1:11am

  32. You are amazing!! Everything you have written makes perfect sense and i feel all of it!!! It just verifies so much. Thank you thank you thank you xxoo

  33. I've been seeing the numbers 111 and 1111 for over 10 years now. Every day!!! ??? What's going on??? Is this going to happen for the rest of my life??? Is there anything special I should be doing???

  34. I went bowling with my pregnant friend and her score was 111 3 times in a row!!!!

  35. I also have been seeing all kinds of number sequences continuously but I just realised that my birthday, 27/9/75 totals 111 anybody any idea of the significance of this.Thank you

  36. My birthday:1/11. My social security number when totaled numerologically:11/1. Does this mean I have an angelic presence or just coincidence? Its something I've been struggling with in life for a long time now. Thx and blessings.:-) Brian. Contact me at patchwork.vassal@yahoo if u have answers for me please

  37. I have a bad anxiety/ OCD issue. I tend to think of horrible thoughts and use blaspemous words when not intended to. Everytime I see 111 or 1111 I try my best to think of what I want but sonmetimes the negative thoughts get to me so bad that I sometimes worry even after I pray, everytime i see these numbers I always either think of something bad happening to my mom, a friend, me or anyone, I hate it so bad and i want it to stop but i want to know if having anxiety attacks and really bad OCD problems will affect my manifestation process in a bad way. I pray to GOD Almighty all the time, He helps me, i just want to know that My family, friends, my pets and everyone around me (including me) are going to be alright, please answer, thanks.

    1. No, please don't think that. It's fear creeping in and it's best to just let it be and it will pass sooner, it's not you who's thinking these thoughts but your minds playing tricks on you. Your intentions are not there and they're not your real fears. Do not worry, it also matters what you do on a daily basis and how you think at moments when you're inspired and not just when you see the number. You can also think of letting go and let God's will be done - he knows what's best for you, so don't worry too much about thinking :) don't overthink ;)

    2. I read somewhere that positive thoughts will always outweight the negative. So, if you are thinking something negative but know in your heart your desire is for the positive outcome, you will manifest the positive<3

  38. you are always protected. focus on positivity. worrying causes the frantic state. once u focus on positivity, your worrying will fade. CONSTANTLY AFFIRM : My loved ones and I are always divinely protected at all times.Pure white light surrounds me on a constant basis.

    1. Thanks so much!!! God bless you and everyone else! :)

  39. I knew it! Ever since my family relationship was unclear, I keep seeing 111 in my watch when I check the time or in any random place or situation.But when I saw it, I'm just wondering why it always appears everytime I'm thinking about my problem carrying now. In my mind that time 111 is just a sign and I don't know if it's a good sign or bad so I'll just wait what will come next. But now thanks to you rush-collection for giving us answers.

  40. I have been seeing 11.11 on the clock, computer and my nexus pad for about three weeks now and thought I was going mad. Thank you for a wonderful insight, it has put my mind at rest and I shall listen to what they have to say :)

  41. how many times did biblical prophet say 111 year anniversary earthquake before the jesus christchurch canterbury christopher michael simpson 111 year anniversary of earthquake milne shide number 333 the eleventy anniversary 111 emergency telephone number in New Zealand; see 111 (emergency telephone number).

  42. I am born January 11th 1987 (111) + 7 = 1 = 0 = 1. I am also a twin, does it have any special meaning?

  43. Prior to this September the third "fourth in New Zealand" 2010 event I told thousands of people in thousands of emails, posts, videos "including my President" that this event would take place. I bought, built and indexed 333 dotcoms and on these dotcoms stated the day this "111 year anniversary earthquake" would take place on my birthday. Golden Girdle in The Revelation of Jesus Christ you can see if you Google first ever "Google Doodle" it's me I warned a global google doodle was needed from Larry and Sir Gee on the 111 year anniversary of British Association for the Advancement of Sciences Earthquake Number 333 because the "eleventy-first" of that Milne Shide No. 333 that hit a year divisible by three times three in a month divisible by three times three on a day divisible by three in an hour divisible by three a minute divisible by three a second divisible by three times three times three on my birthday September three in twenty ten for ten if you were "three" wise men instead of burning me real men "three wise" fathom probability and what number you DIAL for EMERGENCY in Christchurch in any event taking place in a year divisible by three times three in a month divisible by three times three on a day divisible by three in an hour divisible by three in a minute divisible by three and in a second divisible by three times three times three and for christ's sake it was earthquake milne shide number three hundred and thirty-three and it lasted three times three times three days commencing at three oh three and twenty-seven seconds I demanded a global google doodle or there would be a 111 Year Anniversary Earthquake on the 111 year anniversary of earthquake milne shide 333 on the third day in September twenty ten which came to pass would you believe dumb ass with the destruction of a major city on my birthday destroying a city named after me and my predicting this most highly unlikely 111 year anniversary earthquake on the 111 year anniversary of earthquake milne shide no. 333 and it being predicted to world leaders in public places specifically in the month before the destruction of the second largest city in New Zeal and for real "natural" disaster coming to pass giddy up ass before they said do it again then... When... When would be good for you? Perhaps... two... twenty-two... on tuesday... twenty-two... days before a tsunami to hock you The Great Christchurch Earthquake on George Washington's birthday the day Amerigo did not die but at the mint Rodney King of Kings Lord of The Rings the tv news guys please know who came to pass its the duke gook girt about the pap washing ton of dirty jap i made the pope retire Prescott fire george double you was my secret service The United States of America was named after me Columbo tell me who didn't die but at the mint on two... twenty-two... tuesday... king of jew day twenty-two days before a tsunami tohoku Jesus Christ Church Canterbury Christopher Michael Simpson i made the pope retire Social Security Number Six Hundred and Sixty-Six I made the first pope in six centuries resign 14 days after the single most highly unlikely celestial super bolide airburst tunguska event that had ever been predicted to any pope in public before it came to pass a star that stopped brighter than the sun in front of everyone and you didn't even notice my two week tunguska notice for his resu may so google russian meteorite and count back fourteen days before the first pope in six hundred years quit his job because I said so... ho... whore... hey... iceberg... o leo on many waters i want leo's bitches all of them on what did you hang me? HARM TREES
    Tiny URL dotcom slash I am Jesus Christ tiny URL dot com slash my fox Phoenix

    Sent from my iPhone

    1. LMAO!!... After reading Christopher's post, I said exactly the same thing! Now I know that I'm not the only one.
      Well... I've seen 11:11 am/pm, billabords, signs, anything with 4 digit number of 1111 constantly everywhere allllll the time almost everyday for 3 years right after I moved to a different state and met this girl well I've talked to her on the phone or FB and met her twice throu my really good friend which is her girlfriend and she passed away very young. But after I moved I started to hang out with her n gotten to know her like normal friends then after 3 months later I didn't know what it wa but something keeps telling me to give it a chance with her. I've NEVER WOULD HAVE EVER DATE my friends's girlfriend or exes, but after my friend passed something about this girl and keeps telling me to be with her and I did. We had ou ups, downs, agreement and disagreement, then we broke up after a year and half of being together and now in this coming august will be 2 years of being single. She's very amazing woman and I've never been in this kinda relationship with anyone I had with her. I've learned so much about love, trust, and honesty and given me all she had to offer that no one has ever offered me before and I refused to take it or see it so basically she's my first true love and I messed it up pretty bad. We still hang out n do stuff but in a different way. So ever since we broke up, there's a lot times that she texted me with the time stamped 11:11 EVERY TIME... Just her and nobody else. So every time I see the 11:11 number I instantly thought about her because of the time that she texted me. Does that mean she is the one or go back to her or what???? Even thou we know we won't be getting back together bec the damage are done. Ive never loved anyone as much as I love this woman. I usually would jump into another relationship right after the break up but I couldn't like or date anyone else and whatever it is that won't let me try to meet new people and I haven't for almost 2 years. Now in 2 weeks I have to move and wanting to move out of the state again because I HATE this state but at the same time it's telling me to stay because of her. So why am I having a hard time makin the decision whether I shld stay or go??? Can someone help or tell me what the heck I should do, listen to, I mean is it a coincident? Or something?? Or should I just move on with my life??

    2. She could be your twin soul. (Twin Flame) Look it up.

  44. Hi guys,
    Let's have a 111 meeting to discuss the possibilities of how we can actually make a difference in people's lives by generating in them the true meaning of 111 that is, spiritual awakening.

  45. I thank God for this number for it is the power to change the universe with manifestation!!!111 ����

  46. 111 is gods gift to man the power to change the universe through manifestation so make a wish or call it prayer but either way stay true to faith an it will come true!!!

  47. ya, to us who see repeating numbers know it is not just a coincidence.
    Every letter in the Hebrew Old Testament is also a number and
    The New Testament Greek is Also all numbers. as far as I know these
    two languages are the only two languages where every letter in
    their alphabet is also a number, from their conception.
    The unspeakable name of God for the Jewish people in
    the Old Testament, If You add up the value is 111. So I would say
    the Lord is letting you know He is with you. He sent Jesus who
    was crucified according to the scriptures and was buried and who
    God raised from the dead according to the scriptures. Taking the
    the cures of sin and death away from us. I just would like to find
    some people who actually believe it.
    You can look
    up Bible numerics and heptatic structure of the Bible if you Want
    Proof of the validity of the scriptures. That's how you can tell
    what books belong in The Bible and which ones don't. If you do go
    on a quest to know the Lord, I DO Not recommend looking to religion.
    I suggest you Pray and ask the author of the Bible (Jesus) to show
    you as you read the scriptures.

    God Bless You
    Brother Fred

  48. Thank you so much for the information.
    After seeing 333(The most frequent), 1111, 111, 555, I became curios, it seemed more than coincidence and I found your site.
    Now it all makes sense.

  49. I have also been experiencing the number 11 ,111,1111...something draws me to look at the time and it is always with the 11 in it...my brother passed recently and I thought that was his was of contacting me....I wentvaway for a weekend and my hotel room number was 111...I went to see a medium show and my seat number was 111....my brother died around 111 in the afternoon and that is why I thought he was coming to me...I see this number everywhere....yesterday was nov 11 (11 11) I felt strange all day like I was waiting for something to happen...please tell me how I can put this talent tp good use

  50. I've been interested in numerology because of my son's, mom's and my birthdays 2/8, 3/9, and 4/10. Recently I've noticed the sequence only of 1:11 associated with time and in that order only. When I noticed it on the clock this morning "what's with this" and decided to google it. It was worth it!

  51. new beginnings are so important!
    I love seeing 11:11
    It means things are at a fresh start!

  52. I saw this number three times today! Once on my car's digital clock that happens to be one hour ahead, once on my cell phone (which has the correct time on it), and once on my alarm clock'-which is ten minutes ahead! I've kept my thoughts positive while seeing these numbers, and I certainly made sure to only think about all of the things I really want! So far my day has been excellent! Hope u all have a blessed day!!

  53. THANK YOU!!!'n!N
    THANK YOU!!!'n!N
    THANK YOU!!!'n!N

    I am only here to serve you
    Your wish is my command
    You are the WIND beneath "MY" WINGS

  54. I've been seeing 11:11, for over 10 plus years...but I have NO IDEA how to use the 'Energy' appropriately. I've been researching the Laws of Attraction, but still feel that there is more I could be doing to lock into the energy and actively use it to enhance my family's lives, as well...Anybody have any suggestions?

  55. i happen to see numbers in sequence all the time today it was 111 333 but in the past its been 222 44 555... 777 as an adress a few times happen to see the clock at 11:11 a lot too .... i was born on 7/27/93 and the nuber 27 pops up everywhere...i recognize the signs but i need guidance becuase my energy is learning to flow properly but i want to work out the kinks.... had a dream i healed a blind man on public transportation along and another one holding a shining golden ball of light near my stomache as if i was holding the sun... my energy need work

  56. love the painting on this site

  57. I was seeing this number 111 for two days now

  58. If my birth day is at 11.1 , does it mean something about me/my life/destiny...?

    1. Yes it does ...




  59. I had something very strange happen to me last night. I was like half awake... then I had a horrible vision of something that looked like the devil. Although it was not a dream it only lasted for about 5 seconds. It was a horrible and scary vision though. After is happened I fully woke up and looked at my clock and it was 1:11. I don't understand though if the devil was trying to communicate it would use 1:11. Or if the angels where then why would they send a horrible vision of the devil. Perhaps it was just a coincidence. I don't know though and I am very confused. Satan or God?

    1. If you read the article... Here, from my own experience as a lightworker insofar and my general understanding of how higher beings communicate to physical beings, messages are sent through numbers, visions (possibly dreams) and for some through actual clairaudience. 1:11 is in effect a message saying to watch your thoughts because you probably have latent psychic skills that allow you to manifest your thoughts. I would suggest you monitor your thoughts, for they hold more power than most humans understand. I have come to know these as thought forms, essentially as a species with much, much more spiritual potential than we are led on to believe we project our energy, as a collective these "thought forms" emanate these energies and become very real. Have tou noticed as our media projects only violence and misinformation along with nice little hints of fear and hatred the world resonates with these exact ideas? Yet you also have new generations able to look past the effective bullshit of the past and though there is much darkness here the light is very, very much present. Simply, when you feel negativity come and begin to manifest in your inner eye--I've asked this of most people and they agree, like having an extremely detailed visual experience in the mind of beating up someone severely--simply grab onto this and discard this thought and you may just find that as days progress you are able to do this more and more until you are in control of your positivism and your nightmares may actually cease. The mind body and soul are obviously intrinsically connected, but it is a harder concept to realize than we understand.

    2. Nick, do have any explanation that, out of blue, 1:11pm time was set up as alarm clock on my Iphone? As a matter of fact it was "put" when the computer clock was showing 1:11pm and just about to push SEND button. If not a miracle, what?

  60. I personally don't believe in Satan. I think you had a scary thought & 111 was telling you don't worry be happy.��

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. To whom it may concern.

    If you have been coming to this site, (seeing a new number then looking it up constantly to keep you sane) stop. You obviously know that angel numbers are very real and i encourage you to continue learning what each vibration means as i am as well. But i have learned that the law of attraction is working at ALL TIMES. And our subconcious is the one who calls the shots, not us, we just feed the shadow with images and emotions. Our subconcious doesnt understand words like we do. So when you feel uneasy, see an angel number then look it up to feel right, its as damaging as a cigarette. This site is a tremendous help to my self development and i still reference it, but i want to help you guys learn, ive always read these comments and half of them always feel negative to me. Simply bad vibes, people trying to find more proof when its in their face. I understand if your religious and your afraid to put serious belief into something that isnt so common...

    But just think for a second and ask yourself,
    "How DID i come across this site"

    If youve prayed asking for signs, here they are.

    All of this is beyond scientific, its magical, and the definition of magic is "unexplained science".

    But my main point of this comment is we need to not focus on what to think, but HOW to think.

    For example

    "When a series of 111's appear, monitor your thoughts carefully and be sure to only think about what it is you really want, not what you don't want. Choose your thoughts wisely, and do not put your focus towards your fears, as they may manifest."

    Thats scary as shit right??

    Well, its a perfect example of WHAT to think, not HOW to think... Think about that for a second

    Again i LOVE this site and its the only reason why im going out of my way to help out the small percentage of you who are actually reading this right now.

    Im simply trying to help you advance on your spiritual path of inner knowing. Understand that even Einstein has spoken on the law of attraction, very amazing stuff.

    Now at this point your ego may be telling you to stop reading this comment as "its a bunch of bull and youve read this trash before, so you know it already"

    We dont know what we "know", we only know what we live. You follow? Like they say, knowledge isnt power, APPLIED KNOWLEDGE is power. We say we know things after learning something so our ego shoves it aside because "we know it now" or wont let our minds grow because "we know it already" just think about how destructive this is.. Understand now?

    If your on this site you are on a VERY magnificent path as we all are meant to be, even your friends/family who make fun of you because your light simply shines that much more than theirs, and your job as a creator is to help them shine just as much, if not more so.

    So when manifesting, know it already exists, because it does. (be sure not to let your ego tell you otherwise, because I PROMISE it will)

    Then, understand youve already recieved it, and LIVE IT. Dont think postive, LIVE IT. Again i feel like im telling you how to think, just fight your ego. Fight it and use structured thinking.

    Again, im here to help you, om not trying to sell anything even tho im about to recommend a book.

    Im sure rush-collection would be fine with that, as i know shes here to help and this book will do the same.

    Look up 'Mastering the law of attraction, by Andy Shaw'

    He doesnt speak about angel numbers but he teaches how to master this magic weve all been gifted. Im a 20 year old kid that works as a porter for a dealership, and i work at a smokeshop...

    Just saying because i feel like one of those guys i would see and be like "yea ok this kids a phony tryna sell me junk i dont need. Spam artist" if you believe im a waste of time, i am. Because you said it.

    As you know, you create your reality..

  63. I am really glad to see others are experiencing this as well because it sometimes made me wonder if I was just drawing connections where there are none.

    On multiple days I have pulled out my phone or just looked at a nearby clock to see 3:33 (or a time containing at least two 3's or the sequence "37"). On multiple mornings, I would walk into the living room and see the window air conditioner's temperature reading at 77 (even though it's on fan only and not explicitly set) and then I'd look at the clock immediately after to see 7:33 in the morning.

    These are just a couple of examples. Glad to know these numbers do have meaning and I am seeing them for a reason. I agree about not getting too wrapped up in the meaning of different numbers as it would probably drive you nuts very quickly.

  64. I'Ve been seeing..#1111's for about 5-6 yrs now..but has increased so so much the last month or two..

  65. I have started seeing 1111 when I was around 15. N it stopped till I was around 18..then something really bad happened to me at that time 1111. N around 19 I started seeing all the numbers its crazy..right now I'm seeing 111 an 222 almost everyday.

  66. Can rush-collection or someone explain what it means if someone else calls you at 1:11 or sends you a text message at 1:11? Thank you.

  67. OMG I woke up yesterday. looked at the clock it was 11:11 am
    it somehow affected me. so I searched and found this site. and its so helpful. Thank you today I looked at the phone and it was 12:12 and then once again 1:11

  68. love this site!!!! saw 111 on a license plate today when I pulled up behind it and parked! Ive been seeing numbers all week.

  69. I saw someone at the gym and I felt so much like I know him already but I can't place him where and when. It's like I already know him he never change that what my mind says. Later back home just I was thinking of him and I saw 1:11 on my phone lock screen. What does that mean..?

  70. If the day ever come that I can travel to Australia, I would so love to meet you in the person.

  71. I've noticed that 111 is connected to my life very strongly. Not only do I see it almost daily, but it is in everything from account numbers, employee number and things I receive in the mail's serial numbers. Why is this?

    1. Omg! I just checked out my comment to see if rush-collection replied and I happened to look at the date! Yep 111 is in there too lol!

  72. Raven this is wierd

  73. When I was 20 years old I married my first husband who was and still is a semi truck driver. Well I started having these terrifying dreams that he died on the road in his rigg at 1:11. I would wake up balling my eyes out and calling out his name, reaching for him. We've been divorced for many years but every time I see 1:11 on a clock those fears come back and I pray for him.

  74. I see 111 very often. Like 5-6 times a day. I just read your views about it which said that be careful of what you think because it might happen. This really scares me because I think negative at times. So, please tell me the exact meaning of 111 and its significance too. Is it positive?
    Does it mean that something positive is about to happen? I'm really confused.

    1. I see numbers often. When I see any of the 111 or 1111 I think of it as a reminder to check my thoughts. if I am thinking negative at the time of seeing the number I just switch to positive thoughts or affirmation. Only thing to be scared of is your own fear in my opinion

  75. On 9/11 2001 I had the TV on watching the attacks when the 2nd plane hit the south tower. The real estate agent was over that morning as my Dad had died a couple months earlier, and I was selling my house and moving into his that he had willed to me. The address was 111. On 9/11 there was 111 days left in the year! All the many coincidences from that day and event became clear to me from then on...... and my fascination with it has increased 11 fold! :) Everything with 11 letters and numbers
    adding up to the common denominator of 11 from that historic event are
    freaky...and flight 11 was the 1st plane to hit the towers-forming the #11
    which adds up to an undeniable and irrefutable jab at mere coincidence!
    And again, there were Sept.12-Dec.31...111 days left in the year!!!When
    I realized the house number I was moving to was 111, *it was a spiritual
    god-wink to my mourning process, and ultimately a comfort-connection.

  76. WOW, spooky. My phone rang today at 1.11pm & the caller was from me with my phone number & it went straight to message bank. Ive been seeing 333 since I was a child & now In on the 444 & 410, 411. Thank you Angels, I know you surround me and please keep my loved ones safe. Abundance to all.

    1. Its called Observational Selection Bias. This is that effect of suddenly noticing things we didn't notice that much before — but we wrongly assume that the frequency has increased. A perfect example is what happens after we buy a new car and we inexplicably start to see the same car virtually everywhere. A similar effect happens to pregnant women who suddenly notice a lot of other pregnant women around them. Or it could be a unique number or song. It's not that these things are appearing more frequently, it's that we've (for whatever reason) selected the item in our mind, and in turn, are noticing it more often. Trouble is, most people don't recognize this as a selectional bias, and actually believe these items or events are happening with increased frequency — which can be a very disconcerting feeling. It's also a cognitive bias that contributes to the feeling that the appearance of certain things or events couldn't possibly be a coincidence (even though it is). Dont be decieved by these repeating numbers, they cant determine how your future will be or anything, its just deceit, divination. Its even in the bible.

    2. You don't have a clue the ablility and felling power the angels give you

  77. Real Atlanta, I respect your views. We seem to be living in a world with people displaced from their countries, fighting between religions and ideologies and its getting worse. If it brings people faith, hope and reassurance that we are supported from a higher source then that can only be a good thing. We need to keep things in perspective though and live and be the best we can. All the best. X

  78. I've been seeing 1111 or 1000 or 1001 1011
    For months now this year, and sadly I haven't had many changes for good in my waking life, things just seem to keep messing up for me, this year has been sad, with few good moments.

  79. Strangely enough, three days ago 444 suddenly showed up in my face - got stuck in my head, had to look up what that meant, yesterday 333 showed up similarly - couldn't ignore it. Today 111 showed up... what is going on?? anyone any ideas or suggestions?
    (I have been praying since 6 months now consistently twice a day - morning & evening - decided back then to be a christian for real... then couple onths later lost my job, still struggling financially, though have money coming in regularly... albeit a lot less)

  80. Thank you so much. I've seen this number twice today. I get the message. Thanks a lot. Thanks for what you do and helping us to understand what is going on. It's a relief. You are an Angel. Thanks.

  81. I have been seeing 111 and 1111 everyday for the last 6 months. Now I have begun seeing 444. This is really starting to mess with me and the people around me.

  82. This happened to me about 3 years ago... I had moved out of a bad relationship and I was really down but then I started seeing the numbers 111 and at first I didn't pay attention to it until it was not just the clock, but it would be on something I would see in odd places, stores, at the gym, in correspondence.. That year, I experienced 2 financial blessings for me and my family.. Now it is happening again 3 years later.. I am not expecting a financial blessing but I have a really positive spirit right now that something great is going to happen for my family and I thank you for sharing your insight on this..

  83. Fantastic how this aligned by Angels today. Blessings to you 10x for your work dear one. Angel Blessings 😇

  84. 111 Thats is my birthday 11 1 1989 My life path is three (111)

  85. Whoa
    My birthday is 11 1 1989
    my life path number is 3
    And im ready to manifest the positive good of life right now hehe

  86. Awesome! I have seen so much of these triple number I started getting a little scared because I didn't know what it all meant. Thanks for this information it is really encouraging and wonderful.

  87. Thank you so much. For many years the numbers 111 are following me and I did not know why. Now I do, thank you so much. xxx From The Netherlands

  88. Я никогда не писала здесь комменты.я начала благодарить ангелов недавно в ангельском дневнике. До этого только мысленно.я не знала про Ангильские знаки.мне вечно попадолось число 69.оно меня так достало что я забила в нете что это.там я вычитала. Знак был уравнять материальное о духовное. Я где то увидела когда видишь 00:00это прямая связь с богом.я попросила своего ангела дать возможность поговорить с ним.и я помню ночь идет телевизор и он немного скрипнул (звук)я на часы смотрю 00:00 .я не могла поверить у меня потекли слезы,я сказала богу что делаю не для себя сейчас все,а для мамы.и на следующий день 69 превратилось в 11:11.меня очень тронуло.а этот сайт в нашла случайно.забивая очеркдной знак.1 вместо привычного сайта был этот. Раньше его никогда не было.и когда я считаю знаком то не является им .мне просто ничего не переводится.спасибо огромное всем светилам. Я не могу словами выразить благодарность свою.у меня до слез аж. Спасибо огромное за создателем сайта.спасибо ангелам. И спасибо вам всем за то ,что вы есть.понимая что есть Лиюди пробудившиеся не теряешь надежду на людей ,которые не хотят слышать.творите добро,доносите до близких,помогайте бескорыстно.каждый кто вносит хоть малюсенький вклад и посвящает частичку себя,потерянным душам,спасает нашу планету.любите друг друга.благослави вас Господь.всем добра и мира о любви красивой

  89. my partnr believes in these numers alot
    so im trying to gather som information about them
    your site is my favorite
    tank you so much

  90. Obviously many of us see triple numbers, is there something planned for us, what will happen eventually I wonder.

  91. So I've been seeing 1:11 for a long time now. The funny thing is I have a picture that I still haven't put up yet and it's the Hebrews 11:1 "Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." I've been praying for something for too long now and I feel like it may finally happen.

  92. This is fantastic. I used to see these numbers of repetition a lot. It only seems to happen when things are going really well in my life. I've long since begun to think of 111 as my lucky number. But only wish that I could manifest the occurrence & the change in luck to better...

    Maybe there's a way to induce the change, by creating the number, then focusing on the changes I want.

  93. Oh, also I was born at 4:44 pm.

  94. I see 11 111 1111 1212 555 just nearly every
    day for 6 years now your spirits and angels are letting you guys know there here keep up the good work people

  95. I see 111 everywhere. Sometimes twice at a time. I figured out the boy I am in Love with has the birthday 1/11. I reach out to him but he does not communicate with me I love him anyway and I can't help but think it is something special.

  96. Juanitastamm090@gmail.comTuesday, June 14, 2016

    I am homeless and i have my two children 2 n 4 i have not even been stressed really, but anytime i decide im going somwplace i see 1:11 and its really luxiourious to feel ive decided correctly and now i understand where my great new found luck has come from...although im homeless and also pregnate single n all that i have cinfort knowing im in good hands with spiritual guidence.thank you good luck

  97. I see 1.11 often on the clock. I also see 11:11 alot. I was at the harmonic convergence in a circle back in 1987 so I wondered if there was some connection to it. Thank you

  98. Hey this number are the part of my life now first i used to see 11:11 now i am seeing 1:11. If any one is on wattpad read a book called Amazing 11:11 experience written by me.

  99. Hello im razz. I constantly have 1011 pop up in my life very creapy. As this number marks many inportant aspects in my life. Recently took a new job with out much thought behind it .Talking with new boss and owner bday 10/11 of i forgot.What gives any info welcome..this number also kinda looks like binary ..

  100. My daughter was born on 11/11/91.. that's pretty Powerful isn't it? I don't know so I'm asking. Can you tell me wat to tell her. She's been going through tragic events and almost lost her self. Still struggling w life in general. Can you tellme anything? Please

  101. I see 1:11 on the clock in my car, on the tv, everywhere. I believe it is an angel. An angel I know we'll trying to tell me she is always with me. To not be scared.

  102. is it true i see it.....lot of numb everytime.....

  103. I only recently started seeing the 11, 111 numbers around me...and out of my most thoughts and desires...I keep thinking about my ex lover and I strongly wish for us to be back together for good. It even happens to me that I accidentaly,non-intentionally mention his name when talking (and in my balkanik culture there is a saying that when you mention someone's name by accident, they're actually talking or thinking about you). Now I wasn't aware of these numbers much when I first saw them, but now I realised they keep appearing and all I can think about is this handsome boy and that I want him back into my life! Even if we split 6 months ago and we had no contact ever since. I can still feel a powerful connection, on a higher level.. I have strong feelings for him and I believe he feels the same towards me. But I don't know how to get to him after so much time and I'm asking my angels to help me find a way or even create an oportunity for us to reconnect. May God or the Universe help me live my dreams and fulfill my destiny!

  104. I've been seeing 11:11 and 1:11 for two years now- ever since I became very sick and had to stop working. I've been so worried, praying constantly, asking God to show me what to do now. Now, as things are slowly progressing, everytime I become overwhelmed and hopeless, the numbers start again. Now, I keep waking up at 2:45 and 3:33, or 3:30 in the morning. Never fails, those numbers, along with the series of ones, keep surrounding me everywhere. Praying for a breakthrough soon, as its getting to the point of very hard times right now.

  105. i see it everyday and still not getting what is right for me. I need guidence. please Help me here Universe.

  106. It caught my attention and is insightful. Deep and soooo real! Spirituality is taken for granted and is hard to understand. Thank you everyone. E veryone S hall N eed.

  107. i have been seeing this number. i got a bit scared sometimes, been seeing them for years. what happens whe you have a negative thought is rebuke it in the name of jesus. he knows what these numbers mean and i dont think we will ever fully understand but we just need to trust our heavenly father on this. hes protecting us for sure. he has all the power and glory. he loves you and me. so when we get scared,, thoughts are always warring at us and even fears, but thats the enemys playground. even if you see these special numbers and youre not sure sometiimes or a negative thought eneters , just remeber that its not your mind that you rely on, its faith in christ your mind will always be a warground, we cannot help attacks on the mind sometimes even when we feel the stroongest. but wat ive been doing is rebuking the negative thoughts away, and trusting jesus and the holyspirit for guidance, he is our beloved creator. and yes i do believe we are being shown something special, something many would not undert=stand, and even we dont , but he does, father i leave all these concerns at your feet, and i ask for prrotection for every soul here, we ask for your wisdom and provision for everyone here, and for abundant blessings on everyone here, we ask for all the good to manifest and any bad thoughts that war on us to be cast out in jesus name. we ask for mercy and grace and your gaurdian angels surrounding us. i ask for blessing for everyone here , and everyting good. asking in your precious holy name, jesus, thank you ! amen xxooxxoo love to all

  108. Hi, I have seen a couple of these numbers ranging from 111 to 444, and they tend to come in different forms, such as 11:11, 07:07, and at times just a lot of 7. Today I woke up with the 11:11 in my head, and like yesterday, happened to see 07:07 again. Somehow mu current investment and those that are still in the planning stage appear to, if I could say, bring some sort on new realization to my residential area. I just need the assurance that everything is fine and that I'm not becoming paranoid ever since I started seeing them.

  109. Today when sitting in the car waiting for the light to change I noticed two cars in front of me, side by side the first one was gray with the plate numbers reading 111 which at the time I do recall I was having angry thoughts about a situation and then the other car, was white with the plate numbers reading 222 - Can I say after reading about the meaning of these numbers - it really helped to put things in a much better light and to really notice all my own thoughts and that all that is happening is happening for a reason. Thank you for this website - you have helped to put peace in my heart!

  110. i was play subway surfers then i scored 111 coins then looking at the clock its 1:11 am then i started freaking then logged into facebook the first post was AWAKENING then it caught my attention so i googled it and now here i am thanks so much

  111. 111hz is the frequency which stimulates endorphin's in the brain. This was discovered by a Doctor in Hong Kong back in the 1950's then Dr. Margaret Patterson studied his work and created a device called the "Meg Net" which she used to cure Pete Townsend; Kieth Richards; Boy George; Eric Clapton and others of their heroin and cocaine addictions - yes... CURED of their addictions. And yet our government makes it illegal to claim that you can sure an addiction even if you can. A man named Robert Beck (consultant to the Department of Defense on electromagnetic radiation) later studied the work of Dr. Margarette Patterson and uncovered all that he could in DOD archives before he created a machine called the "Brain Tuner" which used the 111hz frequency plus 255 other frequencies to cure ANY drug addiction. Most of the work was done at the Sepulveda VA (address = 16111 Plummer St. North Hills CA). But he was shut down by the CIA because they didn't want him curing people of their heroin addictions (watch the movie "Air America"; a true story; you'll probably have a better idea of why they did this). So fast forward to 1997 - I was in school to become a clinical hypnotherapist when I stumbled upon information about this machine called the "Brain Tuner" in a book about accelerated learning systems called "Superlearning 2000". I decided that I HAD to have one - mainly because my main interest as a clinical hypnotherapist was cognitive enhancement but also because my Dad was involved with Alcoholics Anonymous and I had already assisted him in several 12th step interventions - I felt I could help people. It took two months for the machine to come in but I did have one opportunity to use it on a methadone addict; I told her not to take her methadone before she came in because I wanted to see all of the withdrawal symptoms with my own eyes and watch them disappear from JUST the machine (I was skeptical; didn't believe it was actually going to work). It worked - her symptoms went away completely after 53 minutes and she never took her methadone. That was quite a few years ago, I am a disabled veteran; I now live at 16111 Plummer North Hills CA(New Directions Sepulveda) ... room number 111. And I still have my BT=5 (Brain Tuner). I live in a building full of recovering drug addicts - and the machine is broken (I need to fix it).

  112. Maya AndersonThursday, October 06, 2016
    I became so frustrated with the time promptings I began to write them down. After so many promptings I go tired of writing them down! Then I began to tell close friends about the time promptings and the time promptings happen as we were together, then they started freaking out! The good news is today I am a philanthropist and started a non profit to help women with PTSD have a day at the SPA. My work as just begun...thanks so much for this site. I have not refereed anyone yet but I do believe that sacredscribesangelnumbers changed my life for the whole. Nameste"

    This is similar to what happened to my family! I started seeing numbers first 1111,333,444,555...then 2112,3113, 515...616,717. You know. And now my own child sees these too!

  113. I saw 11:11 and 1-1-1 what does it mean!?

  114. I am always seeing 1.11 or 11.11 it use to worry me but after speaking to my beautiful friend who is practising already her spiritulism, I know smile everytime I see them, my fav number is 7, so I know where I should be heading now but it all scares me a little. My friend told me to start by breathing properly, start meditating and don't be afraid. I'm mostly a ver happy positive person, coming from an extremely horrible past full of abuse. But my life is all about attitude and choosing it well everyday. I have a blessed life now. When I sense darkness or bad energy I simply ask it to leave and then ask for my white light to protect me, but I also ask for my Dad and my Aunty to look after me, both have passed. Thank you for your site it's wonderful.

  115. i'm not sue if anyone will read this but many years ago now in 1988 I had a great awakening into the power or at least at the time I thought was just my lucky 111 number. It appeared out of nowhere when I was allowed at a very late hour after firstly being told I was unsuccessful in a job interview that a fellow applicant dropped out and I was told I had the job. My first day of my new apprenticeship I was 2 weeks late starting and so my engineer number was not alphabetically awarded to me. Instead I was the last engineer....yes you guessed it 111. I had strangely already chosen my locker earlier of which I could choose between 3-400 different lockers. I picked one at random. I don't know why at the time but I chose 111. No real reason. So when I was given my 111 engineer number about 15 minutes later I thought hey this is strange. 111 for engineer and 111 for locker. I was the only engineer with the two same numbers for locker and number. The number stayed with me and I in some ways realised it followed me and popped up from time to time and became almost comforting knowing that there as something at work that I could confidently rely on. A kind of knowing. I didn't know what.
    The bit I will explain now will seem very strange odd and maybe unbelievable but sometime in the spring of 2001 when living in Portugal I said to my business partner at the time about my 111 number belief and looking at an A4 diary was flicking through the pages and saw the number 111. It was on the page September 11 2001. I turned to my business partner Jamie and said "LOOK THERE IT IS AGAIN. THE NUMBER 111".
    He obviously thought I was mad as I brought up the 111 subject a lot. I said to him ok then if you don't believe me I will write on this page. And so I wrote on the page "SOMETING STRANGE WILL HAPPEN ON THIS DAY!!!". I wrote those words and there those words stayed. It wasn't until the second tower collapsed that one of us and I cant remember who prompted the other about the diary and the words I put down months previously. I ran from the bar we were watching sky news to the van parked outside and came back with the diary. I was more in shock from the horrific news footage than to be "I told you so" but he looked at me in disbelief and said something along the lines of "fu*@"ing hell you were right about the number 111.

    I then began to see the number all over the event. September 11 was the 111th 254th day of the year but only 111 days to go until the end of the year. 254 added together gives you 11. it was 11th of September or 11/09/2001. ignoring the 1's add 9 and 2 you get 11. the twin towers look like the number 11. oh and flight 11. lots of 1's. Even now I think that it could all just be coincidence but one thing i'm pretty sure of is that the number 111 has significance in my life and has done for many years. long may it continue.....
    Daniel Jarry Lawson born 7th September 1970 Newcastle uk.
    oh and finally September is the old 7th month and I was born 7 mins past seven not sure what that means and someone once told me that my name is an anagram of an ancient god janys or something... anyway there you go...

    1. I beleive, I dreamt that Sept 11 happened 1 day before it did, I will never forget that dream because for years I felt like it was my fault in some strange way, the dream was so vivid, 2 tall bulding the exact same height and in between them ran a board on which my mother inlaw and myself were walking, only she was balancing my son on a video tape in front of her, I kept saying, please do not drop him, but she did drop him and when i was screaming down after him, watching as hell fell into a mass of green gardens which were square or rectangle in shape, I woke up and felt sick. The next day I woke up in the morning and turned the tv on only to see people jumping from

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. Oh my im experiencing this 01:11 for the second time this day.. Thats why im here

  118. Why am i seeing this 01:11 for the second time at this moment

    1. Do not worry. This is how god communicates with us. He has shown me he is real with 111. You will keep seeing this number now for the rest of your life. Were you struggling with your faith?

  119. Glad I came across this website. Recently I have been seeing 1:11 on my phone a lot and 9:11. My bday is 3/13 and I see that a lot too. I recently lost my son who was 16 and I have recurrent colon cancer and am fighting that. When I see the 1:11 I usually pray for a cure for my cancer and to be a happier person. I have been scared and thinking really negative but am going to try to think more positive for a better life outcome. Thanks for the great info!

  120. thanks for this great site! Lately have been seeing a lot of 1:11 on my phone as well at 9:11. My bday is 3/13 and have seen that too. I lost my 16 year old son a few months ago and sometimes think its him prompting me. I am battling recurrent cancer and admit I think negatively a lot. I am going to try to focus on the positive for a good outcome. Thanks again

  121. My whole life is based on 111 and 1111 every time something big is about to happen in my life I see these number out of no where and I use a positive energy and I always sey thanks to the angels for
    The heads up
    Believe is real

  122. I woke up at 1:11 am and a second later my moms phone starts to ring a private number . i couldn't help but feel a little frightened . i have been manifesting for some weeks now is this my sign ? ?

    1. Don't be afraid, It is god showing you he is there. Stay positive, He is trying to help you.

  123. I figured out a few days ago that when i tried 3 different combinations with my birthdate i saw the numeber 111 everytime. I know the number 111 is a very potent and powerfull number i just like 2 know what it means when it appears so visible in my birthdate? Maybe you can help me? I was born 14/11/1987. Namaste

  124. I'm planning a wedding and the numbers 111 keep coming up. We rented a house for guest and the total was $111 per guest then , my bridesmaids dresses were $111 each. My sister pointed it out and I realized my sweet angel are around me . I also woke up the other night like someone told me to wake up now and I looked at the clock and it was 3:33. Weird but so wonderful

  125. I recently moved - my address is 101, I live in apartment 1, and my po box is 111. Oh and my birthday is 1/11. Angels are trying to tell me something! I do feel blessed and happier than I've been in a long time.

  126. I prayed for my death. Almost immediately afterwards I see 1111. Then not even 10 minutes after that I see 111 on TV.

  127. Everything happens for a reason. Don't blame God if you can't understand. Have faith.

  128. My birthday has jus passed! And was feeling a little down and uncertainty!saw this on my mobile time 111! A sign frm angel im feeling good!

  129. My birthday has jus passed! And was feeling a little down and uncertainty!saw this on my mobile time 111! A sign frm angel im feeling good!

  130. Ever since last year when my faith was wavering, I was terrified of dying. Soon after, I began seeing 111. I didn't think much of it but I saw it pretty much everywhere. So, looked it up and saw this article. I felt somewhat relieved that my angels were watching and trying to comfort me, but I still felt afraid. That's when today, a year later, the number comes back. 111, everywhere. I talk to my friends about it but they dismiss it and say I'm just unconsciously thinking about. So I stop thinking about 111 and dismiss.. But it comes back full force, in fact, when I stopped thinking about it, it came back even more.. So I'm seeing 111 everywhere, I've never seen 111 as many times as I've seen it in my life, this number is becoming the number I've seen the most I've ever seen in my entire life. Not just the number 1, but 1 repeated exactly 3 times. Finally, I'm on a religious website today, trying to rekindle my relationship with God, and there it is... 111. Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."

    I can say without in this moment without a doubt a God exists, and I will meet him after I pass.

    1. God is in you, as you. Not in any webpage. God is in all of us, some never get in touch with him some do. You will:)

  131. I've been seeing the number 111 so much lately it kinda has stopped tho untill today . And I had to look this up. I seen it on buildings as the address on cars license plate. One time I was freaking out telling my bf omg again 111 on that building and I look at the car in front of me and boom 111 license plate . Also on the back of one of my debit card I had 111 and the example number for the website for the security code was 111. On FB the comment are 111 or the price that was out down on something just 111 everywhere. Idk what it is I wish I did.... My grandma passed away a few years back and her birthday is 11/11 I have been praying alot and thanking God alot when I wake up or go to sleep or in the shower as well as pray to my grandma and God.

  132. I am so very grateful that you provide this incredibly valuable resource to others. I come to your website frequently now to read about numbers that come up for me, and I know that this is powerful and important information for me to receive. Blessings to you!

  133. After my husband'sudden death (car accident), at the age of 33, a few months later, I had many signals from him I believe. One day, I was working on his desk and his private phone machine opened loudly and was dialing the numbers 111. I thought that maybe I pushed the button with my hand by mistake, so I turned it off. At the same moment, the phone was opened and dialed 111. It happened about 15 times. What was it?? I never knew.....

  134. I have been seeing 1:11, 11:11, 4:44, and other repeated numbers for months now. I just found an article that mentioned something about angels so I'm definitely curious as to why this keeps happening to me. I knew it meant something, but I find it comforting and interesting now. I will be more in tuned to how I'm feeling and what's on my mind the next time I see this number sequence.

  135. I've been seeing 111 and 1111 frequently over the past two years, mainly on the digital clock of my computer and stovetop. What's interesting is that I also saw 111 on digital file, 111 at a gas station just recently and 111 on a house address yesterday where I parked my car. I believe that an angel is trying to get my attention everytime i see these numbers. In the past 2 years, I've also been finding dimes (only dimes) and sometimes white feathers in weird places.
