Saturday, July 23, 2011


Number 143 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 1, the attributes of number 4 and the influences of number 3. Number 1 brings with it the attributes of initiative, instinct and intuition, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings and a fresh approach. It also relates to motivation, striving forward and progress, and reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 4 resonates with patience and practicality, hard work and effort, building solid foundations, our passion and drive, and achieving success. Number 4 relates to working determinedly towards achieving our goals and aspirations. Number 3 brings its vibrations of growth and expansion, sensitivity, self-expression, creativity, joy and optimism.  Number 3 is also the vibration of the Ascended Masters and indicates that they are around you, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help you to focus upon the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires

Angel Number 143 is a message from your angels and the Ascended Masters to maintain a positive attitude and viewpoint in regards to all aspects of your life. When you hold positive thoughts it attracts positive energies and desired outcomes. Feel free to ask for angelic guidance, help and assistance any time you feel the need.  

Angel Number 143 encourages you to look at your current home and lifestyle and consider ways to uplift your environment in order to usher in more positive energies. Do not be afraid to express yourself with joy, optimism and creativity. Add beauty to your environment and everyday life.

Angel Number 143 suggests that if you act with caution and wisdom you will find success in business and money matters and in life in general. The timing is right to begin worthwhile projects that will bring long-term benefits and future success. A happy outcome follows your positive expectations. Be assured that positive outcomes are on the horizon when the Angel Number 143 appears.  

Angel Number 143 indicates that the Ascended Masters are with you, giving you courage to make life changes that will help you to work on your Divine life purpose.

Number 143 relates to number 8 (1+4+3=8) and Angel Number 8.

See also:
Angel Number 341

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear rush-collection,

    I've been following your page for almost four months now, and I feel blessed that I've received great help from the Angels. But there is this one thing that confounds me every time because I had this number show up when thinking of this love interest (wishing for a return of the feeling). I just don't know how to react to the number 143, and it always shows up during those times when i think about the same person. along with this, i also see 911 every time (that person being September - 9th month and mine November - 11th month, both our birth months) . I hope you can help me out with what it really meant because I think I've fallen hard to this person I'm afraid to lose him. Thank you so much. Love, Light and Peace. Namaste.


  3. Hai. I just want to ask because Ive been experience also that I keep on seeing the number 143.. and Im so confused what was the meaning and the purpose of that number in my life? It all started on month of August, when we broke up with my ex-boyfriend.. and I decided that I dont want to fall again (brokenhearted) after 1 month I guess, I started seeing those numbers. In time and On facebook, (the total of online friends)
    Help me. I want to know what it is/. Thank you

    1. hy Maria Demadara I have same problem ... last cuppole of months // thats why i was searching for this question .. I don't know why this is happening to me ..

    2. Mahdi Mizan, numbers in general? Alot of us believe that we made agreement with the universe as to our life's mission, these numbers appear as a wake up to live our mission of light, joy n love. I wish many blessings.

    3. Thanks for replied,
      but when ever I see the number something bad happenees, recently I noticed that house number of my ex is 143, not only time 1:43, every where I see 143.

  4. I began to question if I made the right career choice. and I noticed my extension for my phone is 143

  5. I began to question if I made the right career choice. and I noticed my extension for my phone is 143

  6. Since Last 6 to seven years this 143 number is popping out more than 5 times a day mostly almost when ever I check time.

  7. 143 could also mean love? I came here to see the reason, when I was a child I got to know 143 stands for I love you. Ive been seeing it over the last few years regularly at points in my life. I guess it's a way that the Angels are saying we love you, keep going, your on the right path? Or love yourself more?

  8. This was the date of my moms passing...Profound. Thank you ❤

  9. This was the date of my moms passing...Profound. Thank you ❤

  10. I've always considered my dad who was and is my angel in my life. This describes the independent woman he raised me be. Then one day years ago i start getting texts from him with #143 for his love, i had to look it up actually, lol.. I love this and know he is the still the drive behind me, and hope he's proud with our plumbing business me and my husband own, and successfully entering our 10th successful year! 😇💞📿 Love & Light to you all! 😊

  11. I've always considered my dad who was and is my angel in my life. This describes the independent woman he raised me be. Then one day years ago i start getting texts from him with #143 for his love, i had to look it up actually, lol.. I love this and know he is the still the drive behind me, and hope he's proud with our plumbing business me and my husband own, and successfully entering our 10th successful year! 😇💞📿 Love & Light to you all! 😊

  12. I love you all my higher divine spirits:)

  13. Been doubting the existence of God and the angels because life was hard for me: love, career & money. Last night, I dreamt of this number 143. I hope my life will change. I'm trying to be positive.

  14. I came here to find out. A few nights ago I was dreaming that Jesus wrote down number 143 specifically for me in the sky. I had no idea what's the number really for me. I feel very motivated after reading a few descriptions.

  15. was using a pendulum and the number it gave me was 14314373, after reading this I'm wondering if its 143 143 73?

  16. I think overall the meaning of seeing these numbers is to give us hope when we need it most and to remind us that we are not alone and someone is looking for our best interest.

  17. yes i have been seeing this number a lot lately

  18. Before I ever learned about angel numbers, my mom taught me that 143 means “ I LOVE YOU” 1 as in I, 4 as in LOVE, and 3 as in YOU. I have been seeing and using angel numbers for my benefit for years and I’ve always just known 143 as I love you, and never though to look up the meaning like I do with other numbers because I love you is what it is for me, It’s a love number, My boyfriend and I see this number everyday and ALWAYS no matter what day I love you, text the other person, or we see the number everywhere, as well as my mom, because she the one who taught me this. She always said to know I’m thinking about her and she loves me when I see it, and I send her the same energies from me! I hope this helps, it’s a loooove number :) and it’s so cool to see people saying they see it when they think of others they may love or have affection for ����

  19. I posted My above post at 143, a sign ? 😂

  20. I keep looking into this, I don't think I'm following what they're telling me. Or I'm not putting in enough to move forward. I started seeing 333 recently (definitely not as often)...but I saw 143 - 3 times so far today. It's been a lot off and on.

    What I found interesting - is that 6-8 months before I started noticing the number at all....I had stayed in a motel room out of state where I had experienced some difficult times....I traveled back recently and went to the motel on a cool breezy evening to reflect on how my life has moved forward...I knew it was the same room because it was on the west side and it was the only room directly under 2 sets of stairs....and it was room 143.

  21. Replies
    1. this angel number reminded me of that song -143 from Bobby Brackins ft. Ray J lol

  22. Yes. Timely reminder.🤗❤❤❤
    Grateful and blessed.🙏

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Thank you 🙏

  25. Thank you! I've looked for insights on this number for years.
