Friday, July 29, 2011


Number 202 is a mix of the attributes of number 2 appearing twice, doubling its vibrations, and number 0, which amplifies the vibrations of the number it appears with. The makes number 202 powerfully aligned with the influences of number 2. Number 2 resonates with the energies of service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy, co-operation, partnerships and relationships, consideration, receptivity and love, gentleness and kindness, insightfulness, ambition, sensitivity, encouragement, selflessness, sociability and support, partnerships and relationships. Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 0 is the number of the ‘God’ force and Universal Energies and denotes freedom from limitations in this material world. It resonates with the vibrations and energies of eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 stands for potential and/or choice, developing one's spiritual aspects and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self.

Angel Number 202 brings a message to maintain faith and trust, balance and harmony, and stay optimistic about the path ahead. With a positive attitude and outlook, miracles can happen in your life. Have trust and faith that all will work out for your highest good. Maintain balance and equilibrium within.

Angel Number 202 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. It asks you to see the bigger picture, and work with the details necessary to complete that picture. Bring things through to fruition on both the spiritual and material planes.

Angel Number 202 is a powerful message of faith and trust in the Divine. Let your angels surround you with love, peace and harmony.

Number 202 relates to number 4 (2+0+2=4) and Angel Number 4.

Also see:
Repeating 2’s and 0’s  (20, 202, 220 etc)
Angel Number 20
Angel Number 220
and also:
Angel Number 2
Angel Number 22


  1. Thank you for this insight. I've been seeing this number for a while now, and I didn't know what it meant, but I knew it was a sign.

  2. This is how I am thinking and feeling now, and this wonderful, powerful message from the angels confirms it ... Miracles are happening, and I trust that heaven is coming to earth!!

  3. As above so below,i trust also heaven is definatley coming to earth its going 2 be such a beautiful transition and the love with engulf the whole of humanity and transform the whole planet x Namaste x

  4. I've recently bought some tickets to a show I really want to see with 202 stand seat number on it - I have someone who I want to take with me yet only time will tell if he will be the one - up to the angels to let me know!!

  5. Our house number is 202. We bought this house we live in on 2-14-2013 [two years ago tomorrow]. Many strange things have been happening here that no one can explain.

    1. Lost spirits, pray to angels for aid
      Or At Michael.

  6. I stayed with some friends at a mountain resort. There has been disharmony with these friends and I have been praying for resolution. I thought my room # was 202 I tried to enter room 202 but key didn't work I looked at the key envelope and it was 205. I made a mistake. On the way down the stairs my husband whose name is Angel saw a key envelope he hates litter and picked it up, the # 202 was on it. I knew at that moment it was a sign and it led me to this page. I don't believe in coincidence I know I needed to hear this from the Angels. I believe!! Ty for having this page. Christine :)

  7. I wake often at 0202 as I have a sick dog, now I know to have trust and faith, thanks

    1. How is your dog now? I hope it is safe and happy. All the best.

    2. She passed in March but it was her time, she actually came to me in a dream and showed me that she was happy and waiting for me.

    3. Christopher Kirby, I'm saddened to hear about your lovely friend, but gladdened he appeared in your dream. Dogs are my favorite people. Blessings sent your way

  8. Thank you rush-collection,thank you Angels.
    This blog is amazing and universe is us, and in us. Happiness for all of you.

  9. rush-collection, sending love n blessings your way, your site makes clear the messages sent from above. Hugs

  10. Such clarity in your work, rush-collection. Yahwah has a special place in heaven for you. Rejoice like never before. AUM.

    1. I assure you; rush-collection will be blessed and will be received
      By the Heavenly realms with open arms and love. Your work helped me to find my way back into the love and light where I had belonged. Only by the grace of God have I been able to find your page and use this to guide me back unto my faith. Thank you rush-collection and may God bless you and yours! Thank you. I love you, from one lightworker unto another!

  11. I had a dream last night.a man called my # out loud and my # was 202.and all the people there were telling me that's u go.go..

  12. My last name is smith and I look up the number and it said something about a smith number lol like that's not telling me something

  13. Hallelujah. The Lord has a plan for me for which I will maintain my integrity. God bless


  14. Thank you so much 💗 This message got me smiling. It’s a new beggining and I will use my natural abilities for the goods. I will always trust my angel, my intuition, and my higher self. Amazing things are coming 😌 I can feel it 😌 May love and light be with you. Namaste

  15. Good to know that. Thanks for sharing with us. Keep posting.
    Indian Astrology
    Vedic Astrology

  16. I was dreaming and all of a sudden woke up thinking i was late to pick up my daughter. In my dream i looked at the time and it was 2:02 then i realized it was only 1:30 and i set my alarm and layed back down. I again was woken with the same dream saying get up and 2:02 flashed thru my vision. Again it was early. I woke up anyway and kept thinking about the number 202.i normally always see the number 11 as the minute mark on the time. At least 2or 3 xs a day. Or ive been seeing 111 as the last 3 numbers strangely enough as the last 3 numbers on the license plate in front of me at least 3xs on different cars. But this 202 was different.

  17. Amen praise God hallelujah thank you my Guardian Angel

  18. hi dear i keep seeing different double digit signs throughout the day inclucing mirror images eg .. 02:02, 16:16, 18:18,12:21,15:51 etc ...their is no particular number which comes often ...they all r cmng n cmng from quite sometime. PLEASE HELP ! WHAT THIS MEANS ?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP

    1. this is a good sign from the universe- they are syncronicities letting you know you're on the right track and aligned with the universe. don't worry bout a thing you're doing gooood x

  19. Thank you so much rush-collection, Divine and Angels!!!

  20. Thank you, thank you, thank you ❤

  21. 0202 2020 - not sure if I got the numbers right, but at 0202 the man I loved left me. I pray the angels find me as I do need guidance. I have such a strong wish and yearning I pray to find the right path to!

  22. You will find the path if you try hard enough... angles will guide you

  23. Thank you for your website. When the Angels send me numbers I look them up here and always happy and with good info. Thank you

  24. I have used your website for years, it never fails. currently sat up at 0202am so i looked it up . Many thanks.
