Saturday, July 30, 2011


Number 209 is a compilation of the energies of number 2, the influences of number 0 and the vibrations of number 9. Number 2 adds its energies of diplomacy and co-operation, consideration for others, finding balance and harmony, duality, devotion and selflessness, faith and trust and your life purpose and soul mission. Number 0 represents the beginning of a spiritual journey and stands for potential and/or choice, developing spiritual aspects, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 powerfully amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with. Number 9 resonates with leading by positive example, lightworkers and lightworkingphilanthropy and humanitarianism, problem solving, generosity and benevolence, the Universal Spiritual Laws, Karma and the Spiritual Law of Karma. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions.

Angel Number 209 reassures you that your prayers and requests regarding your Divine life purpose have been heard. Listen to your intuition and angelic guidance for direction, and take positive action. Maintain faith and trust that all will be revealed in Divine right time.

Angel Number 209 also suggests that if you have ‘lost’ something of late, your angels are indicating that the Universe is manifesting something positive for you to take its’ place. This may also relate to a situation or circumstance that may be coming to an end.  

A relationship or situation to do with others may be coming to a conclusion. Do not fear endings as they lead to wonderful new beginnings. When you feel hurt by others, move on and progress to your destiny. New people are about to enter your life. Trust that a wonderful new beginning and/or direction is indicated for you.

Angel Number 209 may also be indicating that if you are inclined to pursue a spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession, or service-based project, now is a most auspicious time to look to your options. It is time to accept and develop your spiritual gifts and use them to benefit yourself and others in a lightworking capacity.

Number 209 relates to the karmic number 11 (2+0+9=11) and Angel Number 11.

Also see:
Angel Number 29
Angel Number 291



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics






    AND IN
    FOREVER AND EVER!!!'n!N.......😎

  2. I love you sean keep on rocking i checked your vids out your the shit a very beautiful person shine on brother

  3. I had a dream. I was in a crowd of people and as I was walking through, I saw an injured man. I ran to him to help him, I felt as though I knew him well, and he was a man of importance. He instructed me to go get help and to tell them that he would be in "the 209". I woke up confused but the number he said rang in my head. What could this mean? Any insight would be appreciated.

  4. I had a dream. I was in a crowd of people and as I was walking through, I saw an injured man. I ran to him to help him, I felt as though I knew him well, and he was a man of importance. He instructed me to go get help and to tell them that he would be in "the 209". I woke up confused but the number he said rang in my head. What could this mean? Any insight would be appreciated.

  5. I can't say for certain obviously, but if you could provide a little bit more information I could give you my opinion.. Do you remember, this crowd of people was it people at a speech, people in a movie, people at a concert and the man who was injured, what exactly was wrong?

  6. I can't say for certain obviously, but if you could provide a little bit more information I could give you my opinion.. Do you remember, this crowd of people was it people at a speech, people in a movie, people at a concert and the man who was injured, what exactly was wrong?

  7. @Danny How interesting. Just woke up from a dream. I was at a woman's house. The house was big. In the living room I sensed it was bare. No good at all, I was selling meat. She was interested in what I had to sell.

    I was selling a big case of chicken. The chicken was very diverse, quality, free range, some individually piece shrink wrapped, some completely whole chickens. I decided on a price ($209)

    She bought a big case of meat from me.She seemed very happy and willing ..excited to have good in her house now.

    She said to me after the purchase, writing me a check, " Last time you were here, you had spoken about something, how's that going?"

    I said, " Well, you see I was the last best hope to bring Obama to Justice in the U.S. Supreme Court, because he is not a natural born Citizen. He's Constitutionally unqualified, not born in the U.S, to Citizen Parents. "

    I walked I to my trailer where my meat was. It now being empty. All sold out. In the corner a basket. Sticking out of the basket was a big loaf of French bread. I reached down tore me a big piece of the soft moist inside,the best part and eating it said;

    It's just that my heart hurts now and is pained. I've done all I could do, but so few have helped. It looks like Obama is going to get away with it."

    This was when I woke up, my heart hurt and acheing.

    In real life, Many Law suits have been filed and dismissed because of what's called "a lack of standing." The Plaintiff's were not hurt or injured directly like a Candidate in the Race for President would be.

    I am the [only] Candidate in All of the United States of America who actually has a bi- partisan Federal Court Record with Standing because I sued McCain and Obama over not being Constitutionally Qualified. ie. Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.

    That continued through 2012, and now 2016 as I am a Candidate for President. I've had 15 Cases all over the Country culminating up to the U.S. Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 14-9396.

    That Case was never heard on the merits. The Court dismissed it based on an [arbitrarily] denied Motion for forma pauperis. It represents a very cruel infringment upon the poor in the Halls of Justice.

    The Media will not Report on it, or write about the sever injustice.

    The fact I am the ONLY Candidate in AMERICA who sued McCain first in 08 and then Obama, continued with Obama as the Judge said it became the winners burden, the loser burden "moot", is the only thing that could defeat Obama's " racist " accusations and the Media's agenda or narrative.

    As I searched Angel Numbers in the significance of 209 I came across your comments.

    My web site:
    My Blog:

    Contained within over 600 Post on the Blog is the Story as well as my book released in 2008 entitled [Taking A Stand - The Conservative Independent Voice.] by Cody Robert Judy.

    I don't know if the injuries financially suffered in Time and Fortune and Principle can ever be recovered, but I know I'm hurt badly and the Value of the Principle is calculated in the significance of a Fraud signing ACTS of Congress and the Court's turning a blind eye.

    I've done All I can without help additional help financially for the Campaign, the media will cover it up as dead and me with it.

    When it comes to God however, and our Angels, my hope rest tranquil to let go and let God move touching others as he will.

    Peace to those who follow their Guides

  8. Excuse the auto correct in comment above of "Good" which was "Food". Lol although not a bad thing to have our food as good food. Lol

    Thanks for your wonderful peace and attention to our Guides and Angels Jo


    [Angel Number 35 is a message from the angels that positive life changes are ahead of you, and your passions and life purpose may come into question and/or review.]

  9. Excuse the auto correct in comment above of "Good" which was "Food". Lol although not a bad thing to have our food as good food. Lol

    Thanks for your wonderful peace and attention to our Guides and Angels Jo


    [Angel Number 35 is a message from the angels that positive life changes are ahead of you, and your passions and life purpose may come into question and/or review.]

  10. The town where I grew up, our area code was 209, I joined the army, 7 yrs O.I.F. in the 209th MP Co. My grandparents nest egg is 209 softail dr., and mine is 2709. P××× bl. Apt 210, because apt 209 is a maintenance room/apt, coinkidink?

  11. Exactly what I needed. Lol of course ✨❤️😄
    Thank you ❤️

  12. I made a decision to reach chairman 500 today and focus on making a side career in the forex market and as I was studying I took my phone out to practice and 209 was there waiting for me unlimited love and blessings to all and I am going to help the world thru my light working that will be aided by this influence of money's. God willing

  13. Do you all realize that we all were made by the creator out of his image. That image is love. God, our father the creator loved the angels that by this love the creation of the human body and earth. We all are angels... Everlasting life. There is no religions just faith. In the name of Jesus Christ son of God and the holy ghost. Amen. Kathy.

  14. Thank you for this Beautiful Angel Number.. 2/09 is my best friend B-Day. Over 30 years of friendship so Grateful!!!

  15. I have been seeing the number 209 come into my life strongly of late. First, across the street on a neighbor's home address. Then a form of paperwork was issued to me, a 209 form. ...and I grew up in the 209 area code, Central Valley of California. Modesto.
