All About ANGELS

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Angels Archangels and Ascended Masters



  1. I need someone that can help me to develop my gifts better and help me find ways to help other people in need financially with the profits because I believe that my gifts come from our father for a reason and that it should be used to help the world as I can with the rewards of helping one way that feeds hunger another

    1. I hope you have found a way to give. If not, I would look into ways of helping people you see in everyday life. Just start by giving a bag of groceries to the lady with a bunch of kids, or join a soup kitchen and find the people whom you think needs help, and will in turn help others as you helped them.
      What do you see yourself doing in a couple of years? Running a home for women/children/homeless/sick? Or giving from the sidelines? If so, you will need someone who you trust by your side. Good luck!

  2. what type of gifts are you needing help with

  3. Hi rush-collection. You were given a Divine Gift; it is something that I believe, every single person in this world is born with, but very few embrace it. And fortunately, you have. It takes a lot from a person to let go of fear, to trust, to undertake with positive attitude and understand that everything that we have comes from the Divine. You are a Lightworker, and your soul mission is far from being accomplished because what is yet to come your way is more magnificent than what you have experienced to this moment in your life. Many blessings are on their way to you; blessings that will leave you in awe and bring tears of happiness. Every single thing in this world, in this life, in this universe, is working towards making your dreams come true. Because you have make the right decisions, and taking the right steps: not to ask God to be part of your plans, but rather to give yourself into God’s plans for your life. This is when we truly find happiness as human beings in this plane.

    Your Divine Gift has helped me tremendously. The Divine/God has spoken to me through the wonderful explanations of each number that you have written. 

    My sincere thanks to you rush-collection.

    Besos, Noemi Capote

  4. Hey guys! I found a website where can to get your free numerology reading. You have to see it for yourself!:

  5. My son was born on 4-4 he died on 11-11 he was 7monthes and 7days old. If you add 4+7=11. Does this have some kind of meaning?

    1. Your son was just perfect. He came for a special message and he did his job well. Now you are always together if you put his message well in your heart.


  6. Thank you for sharing this information. Some seem get confused with meanings of things in life. Numbers & angels. I didn't know such a page existed. Shared it.

  7. Why do I keep getting emails that I am a chosen one? Of what? Has to do with my birth date, 08/20/1963 so what Im a Leo,,, sure theres a lot of people with this same birth date... I am finding since my husbands passing I am spiritual not religious, but we had a strong connection but feel he is now my spirit guide, how can I communicate with him? I tried meditation but I want to connect with him so much that my thoughts wont calm an be silent... I never got to say a last I Love You to him,,, :-( I see 12:34 on the clock often as when he was alive it was his cute way hed say Darlin 1234 I Luv U!! As the time on the clock would turn 12:34 an see the numbers 1:11 a lot,, can anyone help me to understand? Thank you ,,Love, Light, Blessings xxx

    1. He knows all now, he shows you with those numbers that he knows you love him so much, he is with you the whole time now, smiling! He's communicating through the messages only you could understand. He may have joined the pantheon of your guides, too, hence the 1:11 :) keep strong and cry of joy!

  8. You had me going until I saw Ascended Masters. The only comfort we need is the comfort that comes from the peace that passes human understanding, which comes from Jesus. We do not build altars to angels so thus, this website is a lie and you are blinding those who need comfort from the truth of the Holy Bible. Don't be fooled people she is leading you to hell. Wake up and know Jesus is not an ascended master because that doesn't exist, but truly the son of God whose body was broken and whose blood was poured out so that His enemies could come to know Him and be saved. He who commits sin is a servant of sin, and the servant abides not in the house forever, but the Son abideth ever. Thank you and truly Good bless you all, be careful of these lies because they're so convincing unless you know scripture intimately.

    1. Well you're just a total ray of sunshine. Having once come from a religious background, your comment is cringe inducing. Regardless I can understand and respect your view, however it is unkind to force that view down other people's throats and tell them they are "going to hell". If that's your opinion fine, but do not bring that kind of hate around to others for we are all only about love. Much respect and love towards you and all like minded individuals. I hope one day we can all accept and love one another, see each other as fellow souls, and give up the illusion of separation and "my religions the only right path". Enough it is 2017, and it is time to love regardless of all that. I personally do not believe God would be so unbenelovent and unloving as to forsake millions of people who have never heard of Jesus. Their souls are just as beautiful and unique as yours, and worth every bit as much happiness, joys and dreams as yours. Unlimited love is the glue to this world, and it starts by loving everyone, even those different from you. H'oponopono prayer: I'm sorry, please forgive me, I thank you, and I love you <3

    2. I agree. Watch kat kerr on youtube. She reveals all about heaven and the angels and it is so exciting. Read the book of Acts the passion literally is all about what happened when Yeshua went to be with the Father and sent the Holy Spirit...the whole book is about supernatural miracles, healings, signs, wonders, drama, danger, and how the Holy Spirit lives in and thru them. Paul and Peter were Jewish men who were hated by Jewish people who didnt believe Yeshua was the Messiah or God the Son or alive and hated their message. Many did receive and believe though and wers hunted down and killed. Paul tried bringing the good news of how God IS Love and Truth and Salvation and we dont have to be afraid anymore of death or being alone because of Jesus. When he spoke to the Greeks who were they would laugh or riot! Paul was thrown in prison and beaten and laughed and mocked and had an extremely hard life everywhere he went. Rome wanted him dead too. These 12 disciplies turned the whole world upside down! It is truly astonishing. They were eventually martyred. He used to kill Christians and then Jesus appeared to him and he spent the next couple of decades living and operating in the supernatural and he sacrificed his comfy life for a brutally hard mission of telling people what God has done because he SAW God's throne room in Heaven! The Father! Someone who with the slight movement of his pinkey could throw a massive warrior angel across the room (you cant get hurt in Heaven dont worry) because of His great power. Look at who made the Universe...He is not boring, He is beautiful, He is mercy and compassion, and commands that His' people love one another no matter what. God is a just God but He is GOOD. He is patient and He gives people a chance to choose or reject Him even at their last breath. There will be a people in Heaven that cannot be numbered.

      Yes, there is a hell and a lot of people want to go there, others think its a joke, others think everyone except their little cult is going to hell. God died so no one would have go there if they dont want to! God DIED. BECAME HUMAN AND DIED so we could have eternal life. That is way harder to believe than God being alive! God's love is a unquenchable blaze of fire, such passion, not even death can seperate us from His'love for mankind. But we have a freewill and people do sick things and hurt each other and animals. People can be cruel. God gives everyone a chance to change and choose love over hate and good over evil cuz it is a choice and He gives us Himself to empower us and forgives anyone of anything even murderers on death row if they are truly seeking forgiveness and believe they can receive it. God judges each individual's heart and created them Himself...we can trust He loves everyone very much and doesnt want anyone going to hell or putting others thru hell here on earth either. But only Jesus' blood covers our sin. No other religion has offered us an innocent man who took the punishment for our sins so we are righteous in His eyes forever. This is about Jesus the Person and what He did for all of us and it isnt science fiction or myth. It is real and people are getting more and more hungry for the supernatural. We want God.

  9. Hi, I have a photo picture which I done myself and in that picture appears face and beside the face a letter P and horse Pegasus can somebody help me to figure out please

  10. I seen and angel in the clouds at sunset in the eye of a storm. I was trying to find out their name.

  11. Jesus is the truth, the way and eternal life for anyone who believes in him.

  12. Jesus is the truth, the way and eternal life for anyone who believes in him.

  13. Everyone here needs to watch Kat Kerron youtube or website if you are interested in knowing the real, exciting, supernatural spiritual realm of Angels. Angels are assigned to every person at conception, but once you hit adulthood you either accept or reject Jesus as God the Son who died on the Cross as a sacrifice for all of mankind's sins and rose to life again the third day. He literally went to hell for us and stripped Satan of his power and legal authority over us because God's now God the Holy Spirit can literally infuse Himself into your spirit right here and now and He will speak to you and do miracles and wonders through you if you invite Him into your heart. If you belong to God you will have angels and demons battling over your mind, your will, your emotions. Everything demonic spirits do is a counterfiet of the real truth. If you want to seriously use your God given supernatural gift of being sensitive toward the spiritual realm then u must have discernment and know God's Word or else you will open yourself up to being totally deceived and inviting in evil spirits to wreak havoc in your life sooner or later. Test any spirit that comes to you. If they cannot confess that Jesus (really his name is Yeshua which means salvation) shed his blood on the cross for our sins, died and rose again and is the Son of God and Savior and Light of the world...then command them to leave at once or they will run away when they realize they cant say those words and have been caught in their lie. They are demonic spirits not angelic spirits. Dont let them fool you. They arent stupid and know how to manipluate and deceive humans very easily.

  14. Hi I was wondering if anyone knows what it means when you keep on seeing your birthday on numbers


    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  15. Dear rush-collection,
    I would like to read of you something about Archangel Nathaniel.
    Thank you.
    With best wishes,

    1. Hi Bhagyashree108,
      I have an article that I have written about Archangel Nathaniel at:

      Brightest blessings,

  16. Dear rush-collection,
    Thank you for awesome enlightenment!

  17. Thank you so very much! This website is beyond helpful! Sending love and light to all that created this! I'm so grateful to have this tool be apart of my journey! I couldn't say it enough, I love you all!

  18. I am the ascended master Chance. I think I first found you when I was an ascending master. Anyhow great job and praise the Lord Jesus Christ for inspiring people like you. If I have questions, could we talk?

  19. I have a dream with an angel named Sisar. He showed me things that has happened and things that will happen among some of my colleagues.And I asked what about me? He said no he can't tell unless he send someone to see me. I need help because I don't understand though I didn't see any Angel number.
