0 is the Alpha (beginning) and Omega (the highest) as there is no beginning and no end; all is infinite. The ancients proclaimed that the ‘God force’ is a circle whose centre is everywhere and its circumference is nowhere. Zero is the symbol of ‘nothingness’ and denotes freedom from limitations in this material world. Zero is the number of the ‘God’ force and Universal Energies and reinforces, amplifies and magnifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with. The number zero encompasses the attributes of all other numbers, and brings one closer to the ‘God force’ or ‘Source’. 

Number zero resonates with the vibrations and energies of eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 stands for potential and/or choice, and when this number presents and recurs it is a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects as zero is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find all of your answers.

ONE  1
Number 1 resonates with the vibrations and attributes of new beginnings, creation, independence, uniqueness, motivation, striving forward and progress, ambition and will power, positivity and positiveness, the energies of pioneering, raw energy, force, activity, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition, the masculine attributes, organization, achievement and success, strength and self-reliance, tenacity, forcefulness and authority, love, inspiration, attainment, glory, happiness, fame, fulfilment and omniscience, and creating your own realities.

Negatively, number 1 relates to single-mindedness, intolerance, conceit, narrow-mindedness, lacking in emotion and being weak-willed, dependence, passivity, aggression, arrogance and dominance.

TWO  2
Number 2 resonates with the vibrations of service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy, charm, co-operation, consideration, friendliness, receptivity and love, understanding, personal will, the peacemaker, gentleness and kindness, art, insightfulness, ambition, sensitivity, placidity, just and justice, selflessness, sociability and support, attention to detail, decisiveness, poise, intuition, caution, flexibility, grace, devotion, mediation, partnerships and relationships, encouragement, happiness and musical rhythm, faith and trust and serving and living your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Negatively, number 2 resonates with indifference, the inability to take responsibility, fearfulness, pessimism, dependency, indecisiveness, hesitation, lack of balance, instability and irresoluteness, insensitivity, inflexibility, stagnation, a lack of consideration, unemotional and unloving, argumentative and disagreeability, fears such as the fear of unplanned changes, of making mistakes, of being alone and the fear of the unknown.

Number 3 resonates with the energies of optimism and joy, inspiration and creativity, speech and communication, good taste, imagination and intelligence, sociability and society, friendliness, kindness and compassion, art, humour, energy, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, spontaneity, broad-minded thinking, encouragement, assistance, talent and skills, culture, wit, a love of fun and pleasure, freedom-seeking, adventure, exuberance, brilliance, free-form, being brave, non-confrontational, free-form, rhythm, passion, surprise, sensitivity, self-expression, affability, enthusiasm, youthfulness, enlivenment, psychic ability, manifesting and manifestation.

Number 3 resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters, and indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help you to focus upon the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within. 

Negatively, number 3 relates to indifference, a lack of stamina and concentration, a spectacular rise and fall, mood swings and mania.

Number 4 resonates with the vibrations and energies of practicality, organization and exactitude, service, patience, devotion, application, pragmatism, patriotism, dignity, trust and trust-worthiness, endurance, loyalty, mastery, building solid foundations, conservatism, determination, production and hard work, high morals, traditional values, honesty and integrity, inner-wisdom, security, self-control, loyalty, conscientiousness, reality and realistic values, stability and ability, progress, management, justice, seriousness, discipline, system and order, maintenance, constructiveness, dependability, conviction, passion and drive.
Number 4 also resonates with the energies of the Archangels.

Negativity, number 4 relates to a lack of convention and conviction, the inability to adapt, clumsiness, laziness and dullness.

Number 5 resonates with the influences and attributes of personal freedom, the unconventional, individualism, non-attachment, change, life lessons learned through experience, variety, adaptability and versatility, resourcefulness, motivation, progress, activity, experience, travel and adventure, sympathy and understanding, sociability and companionability, release and surrender, influence, sensuality, promotion, natural flair,  vivacious, courage and being courageous, health and healing, idealism, telepathy, pleasure-seeking and pleasure loving, vitality, vision and the visionary, expansion, opportunity, story-telling, mercy, kindness, invention, magnetism, competitiveness, imagination, curiosity, cleverness and intelligence, and making life choices and decisions.

Negatively, number 5 relates to being rash and irresponsible, inconsistent, unreliability, thoughtlessness, non-committal, fear of change, rigid in thought and action, a lack of vitality, a dislike of confinement and routine, restlessness, inactivity and stagnation, upheaval and discord.

SIX  6
Number 6 is related to the vibrations and energies of unconditional love, balance and harmony, home and family, domesticity, parenthood, guardianship, service to others, selflessness, responsibility, nurturing, care, empathy and sympathy, self-sacrifice, humanitarianism, the ability to compromise, emotional depth, honesty and integrity, adjustment, stability, poise, protection, firmness, healing, idealism, just and justice, conscientiousness, burden-fearing, solution-finding, problem-solving, seeing clearly, teaching, convention, curiosity, peace and peacefulness, circulation, grace and dignity, simplicity, reliability, material needs and economy, providing and provision, agriculture and growth, musical talent.

The negative aspects of number 6 are weakness and being weak-willed, a superiority complex, impracticality, shallowness, submissiveness, restlessness, unsupportiveness, selfishness and being easily stressed.

Number 7 resonates with the vibrations and energies of the ‘Collective Consciousness’, faith and spirituality, spiritual awakening and awareness, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual acceptance and development, mysticism, intuition and inner-knowing, inner-wisdom, psychic abilities, the esoteric, inner-selves, deep contemplation, introspection, eccentric, religion, thoughtfulness, understanding of others, natural healer and healing, secrets, myth, ritual, peace, poise, emotions and feelings, inner-strength, endurance and perseverance, persistence of purpose, the ability to bear hardships, quick-wit, the loner, solitary,  isolation, long-sighted, the non-conformist, independence and individualism, intentions, manifesting and manifestation in time and space, good fortune, mental analysis, philosophy and the philosophical, technicality, scientific research, science, alchemy, genius, a keen mind, specialising and the specialist, the inventor, determination, the written word, logic, understanding, discernment and discerning, knowledge-seeking, study, education and learning, writing and the writer, evolution, stability, the ability to set limits, completion, refinement, stoicism, silence, perfection, chastity, dignity, ascetic, rigor, ahead of the times.

Negatively, the vibrations of the number 7 are morbidity and depression, inactivity, hypercritical, anti-social, pessimistic, dependency and co-dependency, stagnation, lack of persistence, pride, narrow-mindedness, distance, arguments and being argumentative, misanthropic, resentment and being resentful, self-righteousness, unwilling and/or unable to share ideas and compromise, limitations and silence.

Number 8 resonates with the influences and vibrations of authority and personal power, self-confidence, executive ability, confidence, inner-strength, professionalism and the professional, management, material freedom, success, good judgement, money, finances, riches, manifesting wealth, abundance and prosperity, provision, investments, discrimination and discernment, giving and receiving, thoroughness, dependability, self-reliance, repose, practicality, consideration, inner-wisdom, self-sufficiency, social status, pragmatism, the ego, aggregation, compassion, dictatorship, executive, delegation, reality, truth and integrity, compassion, dictatorship, multiples, employment, stability, appearance, customs, skills and talents, exchanges, truth, good judgement and problem-solving, organisation and organizing, achieving and achievements, decisiveness, control, constant, ambition, the authoritarian, challenge, efficiency, trustworthiness, insight, planning and the planner, sociability, works independently, learning through experience, true justice, retreat, patience, caution, self-discipline, free-will, insight, spiritual consciousness, a desire for peace and a love of humanity and world transformation. Number 8 is the number of Karma – the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

The negative aspects of number 8 are a superiority complex, greed, tactlessness and domineering.

Number 9 is the number of Universal love, eternity, faith, Universal Spiritual Laws, karma, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening, service to humanity, humanitarianism and the humanitarian, lightworking and lightworkers, leading by positive example, philanthropy and the philanthropist, charity, self-sacrifice, selflessness, destiny, soul purpose and mission, generosity, a higher perspective, romance, inner-strength, public relations, responsibility, intuition, strength of character, learning to say ‘No’, creative abilities, sensitivity, loyalty, generalist, discretion, brilliance, problem-solving, inner-wisdom, self-love, freedom, popularity, high ideals, tolerance, humility, altruism and benevolence, empathy, compassion, non-conformity, artistic genius, an expansive viewpoint, eccentricity, communication, influence, perfection, magnetism, understanding, forgiveness, compassion and sympathy, the visionary, duty and calling, obligation, mysticism, optimism and Divine wisdom.

Negatively, number 9 relates to disconnection, lethargy and an inability to concentrate and focus.

TEN  10
Number 10 resonates with the vibrations and energies of leadership, optimism, confidence, independence, creative powers, success, energy, originality, adaptability, determination and individuality.

The number 10 reduces to the single digit of 1 (1+0=1).

*Rush Collection
Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energy of Numbers