Rush Collection - Sacred Scribes  

ANGEL NUMBER BOOK (to come ...)

About 20 years ago, while studying Numerology and mediumship, I was intuitively told by my guides and angels that I would be writing a book about numbers. At the time I had no idea how (or why) that would come about ... but trusted the messages nonetheless.

Within a few weeks of the first messages coming through, I began receiving messages and information about repeating number sequences and the spiritual meaning and message of each number.  I dutifully began writing down notes one by one as they were 'told' to me.

Throughout the last 18 years I have gathered all the information to produce this site ... which is in no way near finished, and I work on it every day.

I have been asked many times when I intend to publish into book form ...

Each and every time I have looked into publishing the Angel Numbers into ebook and paperback formats, my angels tell me to 'wait for the right publisher' and I have been assured that in time this will happen.  I am waiting patiently but I am in no rush whatsoever. I receive many emails each day asking if there is a book available, and if so, where can it be bought. And the simple answer is that when the timing is right the 'right publisher' will present, and the book will then be published and readily available.

It is not a case of me not 'finding' the right publisher. It is about the messages received very very clearly from my angels about the 'right publisher' approaching me. So far, many mainstream publishers have approached and requested to publish the book, and some 'self-publishing' companies have contacted me, but they have not been the 'right' ones. I will receive a very clear message and will KNOW when it is to happen and with whom.

I am more focused upon getting the messages onto the site than I am on quickly publishing book/s that are not yet ready to be published. It would be remiss of me to advise others to listen to their intuition and the messages from their angels, yet to ignore my own, so I patiently wait. And again, I am in no rush or hurry. In a nutshell, it is not about money (or lackthereof) ... it is about going about it the right way in the right time.

(On another note, if you can learn and understand the different energies and influences of each number, 0 to 9 and what they mean to you personally,
(see: Attributes of the Numbers 0 to 10) and listen to your own intuition and inner-knowing, there would be no need for a guide or book or anything else as it would become intuitive knowledge. The numbers then become more personalized for YOU as it is you who is making the connection and receiving direct messages for your own situation, circumstance, life etc.)

In the meantime, I do hope that you resonate with the meanings and messages as they are freely presented on this site.  

I do recommend that if you are drawn to a particular number/s, take the time and effort to read the comments from others as you may just find that little spark of resonance, insight and inner-knowing in the reading of other's personal experiences and findings. I thank ALL who bravely contribute in the comments section as within their words they too are teaching and enlightening others.  
(... and you can't get that from a book!!)

Blessings, Love and Light,

Rush Collection

Sacred Scribes
Victoria   Australia


Donations / Gifts

My primary intention is to make inspiring and uplifting spiritual information freely and conveniently available to all who seek it.  Keeping it all running, however, does take up a great deal of my resources – time, energy and money. I rely upon the financial support of those willing and able to help me operate and grow this site. Therefore, if you wish to contribute to the energy exchange, you are most welcome.

If you enjoy the service I provide and would like to assist me with a financial contribution, donations/gifts can be sent to or PayPal.Me via PayPal. I use PayPal as my secure payment provider, but they can also process credit card payments.

Thank you in advance for your continuing support!

Victoria  Australia

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  1. In Life ... Good things take a good time ... 14 years is a long time but think of the absolute JOY and sense of accomplishment you will feel when you are holding the very first copy in your hands. A job very well done. I look forward to reading your book/s and having them on hand. I would also like to say how much I appreciate this website. Love, Light and Blessings, Jodi :)

  2. Dearest Beloved rush-collection...Blessed Be to You Our Angel on Earth for All your Divine Insight, Foresight and Wisdom. I Am as I have been in Prayer, Agreement and Meditation that You Will publish THE Angel Number Book..and I KNOW the Multitudes of Blessings you shall receive are innumerable for you have Bestowed upon all who come here such Healing, Reassurance and Love. We Love You and We cannot wait to support this effort. Peace, Love & Light, Cheryl

    1. Thank you for your words to rush-collection your such a poet and goddess of light!! Thank you for you!!! Please let me know if you have published anything or blog somewhere! I would love to read more from you!!! - Love to you fellow light worker. BeYOUtiful you!!

    2. Hi Sommer ...
      all of my published articles and all of my blogs and sites can be found in the 'rush-collection-Sacred Scribes sites' page (above)

      rush-collection - Sacred Scribes

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Your writings have helped me for so many years on my spiritual journey, I am constantly referring to your site when I see these numerical signs! I appreciate your work so much, I can't even imagine not having this insight. Much Love to you. πŸ€— ❤️✨️🌈🌻❤️

  3. No matter the "time-span", I eagerly and joyfully await your incredible book! By far my favorite site on the entire internet and one that I visit multiple times daily! You are such a source of inspiration and guidance for me and I am truly grateful! Thank you for your beautiful voice, and for sharing your gift.

    Love & Light to you, Loreen

  4. What an amazing site!! Let's all manifest a publisher for you. Your Angel number book will 'fly' off the shelves. You have a beautiful gift and you honour it by sharing. Thank you.

  5. Ms. rush-collection,

    May GOD Bless You and your needs, wants, and desires come to manifestation. I have thoroughly enjoyed cross referencing signs from my angels with your teachings. I hope that your manuscript may be published at the right time for the greater good of all concern.


  6. rush-collection,

    I love your site and I want to buy your forthcoming book; please look at this site (it's affliated with HayHouse):

    The best of the best,

    1. Yes, that is the company I was referring to in regards to splitting the manuscript into 3 separate volumes and paying a ridiculous amount of money to them.

      Thanks anyway.


    2. rush-collection, trust your instincts. My writing coach told me Balboa Press is a complete ripoff. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Your content is organized and feels incredibly resonant each time I access it. If you've not checked out Nathan Bransford's blog you might want to do so. There's a wealth of information about getting fiction/non fiction book deals. You have enough of a platform and shouldn't have any problems. Keep at it..this is valuable information and wish I had a book form to use in my practice with clients.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I visit this site VERY often........and as I once again logged on just now, I thought to myself that it would be so cool if rush-collection wrote her own book on this topic.
    I will be putting forth positive intention with you so that you will be able to get this to print.......

  8. I would like to say I very well appreciate this website and the sharing of angel number meanings. I come to this site a couple times a day and I've written down the ones I see everyday..I am so amazed day by day knowing these messages are really true and how they fall into perspective in my life. Thank you I can't wait to have a copy of the book Angel numbers...God bless you

  9. Hi rush-collection - I visit your site several times a week. This is the fist time I read your experience with your book. Your blessings to the world started long ago. Many are being educated on the meaning of the messages sent by the Angel. I truly believe the purpose for your book
    will be link to a bigger picture in the works by Angel. Continue to give the world your love unconditionally. You will know, I'm certain of that.

  10. Words cannot express how grateful I am for this website! I have been seeing a couple of repeating numbers for about 4 years now amongst them are the numbers 11, 22, and 33. I knew that they were not just coincidences. I started reading about numerology and found out that they were master numbers, however, I still needed more clarity. I researched many different sites and still not enough to satisfy my mind. Finally, on October 22,2013 I googled repeating numbers and clicked a few of them but still not clear. At last my Angels brought me to Angel Numbers and I resonated extremely well with the information you presented I cried tears of joy! I am so thankful and bless for this your good work! Your reward is at hand continue on this marvelous spiritual journey. Pauline

  11. thankyou for sharing your knowledge with me and everyone. i have been getting shown the numbers for 10years now, thanks to you and others my understanding of them has grown :)

    have you considered an ebook? tis the future after all. sell it on amazon and kindle?

  12. I started referencing your site months ago. I don't know why yours attracted me more than others. I like how simple and organized it is. Ever since, I have been seeing everything 1s to 5s, only more and more frequently. The number messages have manifested into reality and help keep me focused on the positive. I always trusted things would work out okay, but the numbers I see constantly are little reassurances and reminders of where my mind needs to be.

  13. your website is very organized and gives such accurate information. pray to angels that we can have your book soon.

  14. Thank you so much for all your time and effor rush-collection! I greatly enjoy all the work you do! Namaste

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I also visit this site so often! I would love to read or buy a book written by you. It is so insightful! I hope you will find a Publisher or will decide to self publish. Blessings to you! :-)

  17. Wow! I am so excited to learn that you will be coming out with a book. I have been using your website for the past year when I started doing angel card readings. It has been a great place to go for precise messages and I will definitely own a copy to take with me everywhere as soon as it comes out. I can see it in my hands.
    Love and peace,

  18. I pray that the "right publisher" is soon to contact you :) This information is very enlightening! For newcomers; this information takes time, understanding, patience, belief, and more. There will always be doubters, but there will always be more believers :)

  19. You can publish/ self publish through Amazon it is called Createspace. They will do a print on demand and therefore the costs are considerably less than normal publishing. Love and light. xxx

  20. Thanks ... but as stated, I won't be 'self publishing' as such. It has nothing to do with money/costs, but rather, I am following the guidance/advice of my angels who constantly advise against it at this time.

    Thanks anyway,


    1. My name is Dolores Shepherd in the past week I have had such an amazing spiritual awakening. I was visited by our Blessed Mother and Jesus and some family that I have not seen in over 20 years that have passed away. I also see angels everywhere now. I believe the message that I'm supposed to give out to everyone is that Jesus is everywhere and the reason being is because when they came to visit me Jesus appeared everywhere around my house. I'm still trying to figure out the message my family tried to convey but god bless you for doing his work

  21. I just came to this site to find answers to the numbers i had been "told" and have been repeating in my life & now i fully understand thank you. Your book in NEEDED & I will purchase it once you publish it. Can you self publish on Itunes?

  22. I am surprised Hay House has not taken the opportunity to publish your book. I am looking forward to seeing your book published. I will definitely be making that purchase. Love your site. Keep up the good work. Sending you many angel blessings.

  23. with Hay House you need a litterary agent or they forward you to the Balboa site for self publishing. I found this:
    and this:
    not sure if this will help but might be a good start

  24. Hello there, thanks ALOT for the help you are giving, with the information on this site rush-collection.

    I have read about someone who can see angels for real, she have wrote books about it and her publisher is Random House LLC. Her name is Lorna Byrne.

    I hope this publisher can help you, they seem as a good and righteus publisher.

    Best regards from Mark

  25. Hi rush-collection,

    I love your blog, every time I see a repeating number its the first thing I check and each time it resonates with what I am doing, thank you so much for the information and I will defiantly be buying your book

  26. Have you come across or ? There are many others. If you do a search for "pdf book print" instead of "book publishing", you'll find a bunch of affordable (and sometimes on demand) options.

  27. Thanks for all of your comments and suggestions, but I am not looking to self-publish. It has nothing to do with money/costs at all, it has to do with the messages and guidance from my own angels and guides.


    Sacred Scribes

    1. Hi Jo,
      Let me first say Thankyou for providing us with your beautiful Joint works you have put together with your Angels and Guides!
      I visit here quite often & I always resonate & am so happy with all of the information you have shared with us! With the change in the Moon and Aquarius there are supposed to be many wonderful new things happening for people at this time! Plans changes, manifesting. I will definitely be looking for your books on the shelves of the book store soon! Love and light beautiful Lady!
      Mai Yur Ma. ♡xox♡

  28. Hello rush-collection. I really appreciate the Angel Numbers. ��

  29. Hello rush-collection. It was just yesterday I found your website. I cherish your incredible work. I am from Romania, Europe. In our country there is a publisher caled "Divine Truth" and they are specialized in publishing this sort of books (spiritual, astrology, self developement). They are the one publishing all the Hay House books in our country. This is their mail: if you are interested publishing abroad. Blessings.

  30. Everything your'e doing rush-collection is just amazing... you are really helping me a lot with these meanings of numbers from the Angels!!! keep it up!!
    Bless xx

  31. Ur website is v.genuine...have felt an inner urge to return to it agn and agn...ur insights on numerlogy are v.spiritual.Would like to make a v.small contribution...will see how. thank u. Lotts of lov n Lite n Hugs n Prayrs

  32. Last evening I had a dream where I befriended an elderly woman who was without friends and family. My care helped her return home. A few days later I received 97 dollars in currency from all over the world. Some I recognized and others I did not.

    I googled the significance of 97 and your site and 97 Pyramids of Egypt popped up. My dearest friend died May 5th and she loved her Angel Cards and we believe we shared a past life in Egypt.

    Love your site.

  33. I am truly loving your Website. It has been a wealth of Inspiration for me. Like many others, I too will be buying your book when it is published. I admire that you are following the guidance of your Angels. That it will happen when it's supposed to. I'm fairly certain that publisher will find their way to your site enrich will then get the ball rolling. :). Many blessings to you!!

  34. Well done rush-collection, you were right from your trust a your intuitions
    I have write a dozen articles on Angel ar asteroid 11 9 11 code bias, you interpret as its code?, thanks

  35. Thank you so much for your time and commitment this page is spectacular, so amazing how the angels always seem to have the message corresponding with exactly whats on my heart and mind at that exact moment. Like big things that have been weighing on me even very often. This has been life changing for me and has done so much in helping me turn my life around also strengthen my faith and deepen my spirituality. Again thank you so much!! Namaste!

  36. Hello, I have been getting angelic guidance since about 6 months now. and as such I have been visiting your site for references/ meanings of the angelic numbers. however a few numbers i cudnt find in your blog. can u pl help me with them?? the numbers are 0808, 0909, 0707. regs

  37. 202 right? This makes me so happy to learn you have a book that I know will come to fruitation in divine perfect time. Your blog helped me more then anything else when the angels and masters started communicating with me as much as they do about a year and a half ago. You made what was very confusing make so much more sense. Thank you so much for that. You have acted as perfect aid on my path and I am truly grateful to you:)

  38. 202 right? This makes me so happy to learn you have a book that I know will come to fruitation in divine perfect time. Your blog helped me more then anything else when the angels and masters started communicating with me as much as they do about a year and a half ago. You made what was very confusing make so much more sense. Thank you so much for that. You have acted as perfect aid on my path and I am truly grateful to you:)

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I love your website! Just came across it a few weeks ago when 555 kept appearing. I work at a printing company in Loves Park Il. Some of our commercial work comes through Four Color print group, Northern printing & The Covington group. Maybe this is what you're looking for! Ill definitely look into it. I would love to read more of your work

  41. I absolutely adore you for the statement above - and congratulate you for your integrity. It shines through already on this site, which I found some years ago when being bombarded by different number combinations in threes (as in 111, 888 etc, esp on numberplates on cars) and wanting to look into it. Your site has been of magnificent inspiration for & affirmation on my own spiritual path, and I am absolutely convinced that you and the right-for-you publisher will meet when the time is right.
    And, what is time anyway? The work is to keep doing the work. (I thought that thought once again on a walk today, and had but completed it and smiled at it, when I spotted first 222 on a number plate, and then 111 on another car I passed. And then I had to laugh out loud, and say a Thanks, guys.) ;) <3

    The work is to keep doing the work. Thank you for doing yours! <3

  42. I alway see the number 9 11 what does that mean

  43. rush-collection, I understand that you've been given the message to wait until the right publisher approaches you. But if that message ever changes, and you're asked to self publish...know that it's very easy and very inexpensive to self publish. Avoid the self publishing companies, as they are mostly a scam. All you need is a great cover design, and great layout if you do a paperback, and you can upload the files yourself. It's very, very easy, and it shouldn't cost you more than a few hundred dollars in design. Good luck!

  44. You have and will continue to shape the fabric of our existence. Your medicine is powerful and I am honored to witness this grand unfolding of your book (and your gifts). You are real deal and the world is ready for this. Infinite blessings on your journey. One love. Ahuramen. Aho.

  45. What a gift you have and are. The confirmation is large. The push is gentle towards possibilities that are vast. Thank you!

  46. thank you <3. there's a heart in TX that you have touched and restored. i feel like i want to tell you i love you ! :-) There are no words to describe how this reference has enlightened me and lead me to understand my spiritual circle and destiny in the physical world. THANK YOU x infinity !

  47. I see 1111 or 111 almost everyday. I am a spiritual lady. Not sure what it means. Part of birthday is 11, year 47 which I see is 4 plus 7 equals 11

  48. hello all. anyone notice the numbers search always comes up blank? i tried emailing rush-collection but no answer. Love the descriptions i can check on when #'s keep appearing. lately its been 1111 or 111 and 333

  49. Hi rush-collection,
    I love this site, I love all of your work and I love that you are a fellow Aussie!!!

    I feel I need to write to you today and remind you that your patience is a gift and your hard work will be rewarded very soon. The collective conscious still isn't ready but will be very soon!!! Stay strong and stay on path!! (I don't know why I needed to write that but I feel I must), I hope my message is received with an open heart full of love & light. You are a blessing just as light workers all over the world are a blessing to everyone they touch. I believe in divine timing as my angels are teaching me, (mostly thru your index of numbers), thank you so much for all that you have done and will do in the future.

    I am relatively new at this during my current lifetime and whilst I never blog or comment or ever want to, (I have been prompted to this today), keep doing what you are doing, stay strong, your patience is a blessing in itself and stay on path.

    I hope this resonates!

    Sending you my love & light from the GC up North!!!

  50. Stay strong, stay on path and your patience is a blessing

  51. I have posted waaay toooo many comments as I have never done this before, feel free to read and delete all of the other ones!!! I just intended the messages for you anyway, but now that I have realised that instead of them disappearing into the World Wide Web they are sitting somewhere waiting for your approval, I felt I needed to send you this last one, saying sorry for all the others but thank you also. As thru trying to get the message to you that my angels keep prompting me to do, I have also learnt how to do it and I have set up a limited blogger profile in the process, in case I have to do this again. Divine timing and all that! I really am a huge fan of this site, so thank you for all of the hardwork I can only imagine went into creating it!!!

    1. GG You have not posted too much. Perhaps that I feel great resonance with your words as well and your words were meant for more than rush-collection, other light workers as well who stumble upon or are drawn to this page. There are a lot of us! And everything that I came here to tell rush-collection has already been said. it is a beautiful day and a beautiful process of evolution we are all undertaking. Blessings to you! And to All!!!! Trust, faith and Patience in Divine Timing as well as our own strength, might and divine power. Love to you, another lightworker in the United States.

  52. Have you approached Hay House Inc. in regards to publishing this book?

  53. rush-collections how far for the book.have you published it yet?

  54. Hey rush-collection, I love what your doing. I wanna thank you for keeping the good work up. This site is helping me to the point that I can make scedules of the nummers and it reveals a lot of prayers. Ever since Ive been talking to people about God, testifying they all starting to see the same nummers as a sort of verification that they on a better path. I can now apply this in was far more than imaginable then I thought at first sight. This been helping a lot of people including the preventing of suicides of people I know. May God bless you, by God I mean Jesus. Hope you'll find the right publisher. Me personally Im bizzy trying to make a community to raise spiritual awareness and saving souls. I saw you didnt have a facebook, I was wandering if I maybe van use this site on my page or link it, you'll get all the credits you want. I aint in it for the credits, its God using me to make people aware, so I dont owe any glory. Blessed that Ive found this site!!!

  55. what does todays date mean 07/16/15. thanks

  56. Hi, rush-collection. I have a question: I don't keep seeing the same numbers over and over, but the same letters. Now, I have no doubt this is a message from my guides, but I'm not sure of how I might interpret it. Should I just substitute the right numbers for the letters and add? Thanks and Blessed Be.

  57. Aloha rush-collection - synchronistic numbers started happening for me, back on / in "big" island Hawaii. I ultimately broke my right ankle, falling off my motorcycle (much like in "Laugh-In" but much less humorous. I slipped in the mud , attempting to drive out of my driveway, travelling at no more than 1 MPH, down I went with the right front floorboard, trapping my right ankle under it - "SNAP!"

    After returning from the ER and my buddy dropping me off, I sat there by myself having a conversation with the universe. "This is gonna be a long boring recovery period - no books or papers to read, no TV, radio, phone or internet - what the heck am I gonna do for the next 8 weeks while my ankle is knitting?.....I know, I do have a brand new computer - I think I'll start writing poetry" and the next day, they just started coming with me - copying them down, similar to taking transcription. About the same time, I started noticing every day, starting on
    1) 10/21/13 = 12:34 AM, 5:55 AM
    2) 10/24/13 = 5:55 AM, 10:10 PM
    3) 10/27/13 = 2:22 PM
    4) 11/09/13 = 12;12 pm
    5) 11/11/13 - 12:22 PM
    6) 11/12/13 = 11:33 AM
    7) 11/14/13 = 11:22 AM
    8) 11/15/13 = 11:44 AM
    9) 11/17/13 = 3:33 AM, 10:10 AM
    10) 11/18/13 = 12:21 AM, 12:22 AM, 12:34 PM
    11) 11/19/13 = 11:44 AM, 12:34 PM
    12) 11/20/13 = 12:12 PM
    13) 11/21/13 = 3:33 AM
    14) 11/22/13 = 2:22 AM, 4:44 AM
    15) 11/23/13 = 12:12 PM
    16) 11/24/13 = 12:34 PM
    17) 11/26/13 = 10:10 AM, 4:44 PM
    18) 11/27/13 = 12:34 PM
    11/28/13 = 12:34 PM
    11/29/13 = 11:11 PM, 12:22 PM
    11/30/13 = 5:55 AM, 1:11 PM, 2:22 PM
    12/01/13 = 11:33 AM, 12:12 PM, 5:55 PM
    12/02/13 = 5:55 AM, 11:33 AM, 3:33 PM, 5:55 PM, 10:10 PM

    This is only a brief sampling as it continues nearly every single day, which Is why I started keeping this journal!

    1. I got goosebumps reading your numbers, I see the exact same sequence all the time. My personal numbers if I had to make an accurate judgment are 1,2,4 and 7. 911 is always a refreshing number to see when positivity is running low as well as 444 and when I'm real zoned out on the physical I'll see 4444 as sort of a caution to keep my head up. We're not crazy once we believe.

    2. thanks for giving the idea of keeping a gonna to it for my dreams too

    3. I find this very interesting as I saw these same repetition of numbers as well for about a year before multiple major events took place in my life. It would be interesting to hear from you again to see what took place in your life in 2014.

    4. I have come upon your message today...somehow by chance when I decided to open my laptop. The clock had read 1234. I have never seen this sequence before. So I decided to look it up. I know that it meant everything was going in perfect order. This day last your had almost shuttered my world between fantasy and reality. I had become lost in my own fears. I had then decided I would no longer punish myself through the use of marijuana and alcohol. Through my own sadness and disbelief I had become an addict. I had decided to throw it all away. I would have never been able to forgive myself or anyone else for that matter if I hadn't. I was on the verge of losing everything I was trying to build. Materially, Spiritually, and LOVE. I am now a week away from being 7 months of sobriety. It was a day by day processes. STEPS, If I make it though this day, then I should be able to make it though the next. I was told if you take two forward and then fall back your still a step forward. The more you try and step forward even if just by a little, You have still put one in front of the other. I never thought I would ever make it this fr to a new beginning. I am so blessed. I had known of angels. 1234. bless everyone and may they too find their way. AMEN! LOVE, and guidance. T find your own freedom and will to reach high above you and touch they stars. For we all can find our own way to fly though our own GLORY and LIGHT! May you all be blessed. All you have to do is believe it! <3 :)

    5. That looks like a day in my life, I started seeing them so often recently, and just started noting in a journal last week. I was beginning to think I was giving it too much "weight" in my life, then the numbers really started showing often- freaked me out a little, even though I felt they were just showing support and love. 8:11 is my primary number, 10:19 is mom's bday, (and I noticed lead by example- she said that often, and she may have denounced numerology) 11/ 11:11 shows often; minutes of the hour, just happen to look at 11/22/33/44 & 55. This is my most trusted site, and I would LOVE to have a copy of rush-collection's book when it's available, and will make manifestation efforts- if the right publisher could just appear, it would be so wonderful. I also firmly believe in the Universal timing and trust. rush-collection, you are a gift from the angels!!


    Highly recommended.

  59. Your site has really helped me. Thank you so very much.

  60. I was driving and the clock was 5:55 and the kilometers on my new car was 5555 km ... Ive seen double digit all the time , and finally realized it must mean something until I found this website.

  61. Hi Joan,
    I am here because I have dreamt about numbers before, the latest being 53, last morning. Thank you for your kindness because your website has assisted me adequately and I look forward to your book.

    PS: I had almost believed that the new book would cost $3500 but it seemed so unreal I had to read on, so perhaps you could alter that so as not to scare off future potential customers ; -)

  62. Hello, right now I don't have the means to support the cause with money.
    I do video and motion graphics, if I can help you in some way with what I do, feel free to contact me :) (we can work online because I live in Mexico)

    Also, there are a lot of crowd funding websites, maybe you can get money from people interested in this subject.

    Anyways, thank you for sharing this awesome information, I have found your website delightful and so interesting, had to bookmarked it so I can read later.

    Thank you again,

    1. Thank you for the kind offer of your services Neftis.

      As to publishing, its not about 'money' (or lack thereof) it is about finding the 'right' publisher.

      Blessings to you,

  63. I will be the publishing party.......


    Toronto, Canada

  64. I'm guessing you already talked with the folks at If not, they seem to be very spiritually motivated. :D
    If you have an address is there somewhere I can send you a check? I know website fees aren't cheap these days. :)
    Thank you for a most meaningful website (also I thank your spirit guides as well).
    God Bless you!

  65. Merry Christmas to all.

  66. Joaquim Neiva (Brasil)Friday, December 25, 2015

    Feliz Natal, rush-collection!!!
    (Merry Christmas, rush-collection!!!)
    I sent you an e-mail. Read it.
    Be in Peace!!!

  67. Feliz 2016, rush-collection!!!
    (Happy 2016 rush-collection!!!)
    A lot of Peace!!!

  68. rush-collection you are amazing; your influence is exponentially changing the world!!!

  69. what does 11:11 means? I have been seeing it for over a year, I notice after reading some book on historical subject about the world

  70. Hello rush-collection and thank you for posting this because I too was wondering. If your Angels advise against then I too will calmly wait as well. I can't wait for the book because I use a good part of 3 gigs looking the meanings not just daily but anytime my attention is directed to a number. I must look at your site 50 times a day without exaggeration. Anywho I know you want to publish as much as we want it lol but we'll stand with you on your decision. I am so happy you have did this, you helped me. You helped me reach the light and that is more valuable to me than anything in my life right now. I'm on the journey too and you've made it a lot easier. Thanks.

  71. Thank you for all your work - now that I understand, I am thrilled .... so filled w/ Angels are around me alllll the time and I KNOW I am not alone. How wonderful to see 444 upon awakening and knowing my Angels said Good Morning We are with you ...

  72. Thank you for this treasure of information - now that I know - I am thrilled to see my Angels watching over me.... how wonderful to wake at 444am and KNOW my Angels are with me saying Good Morning. LIFE CHANGER !!!!

  73. I love your site!!!everything resonates with me everytime i seek a message!!!your wisdom is a blessing to me!!Thank you <3

  74. why don't you self publish if possible?

  75. Hi,
    Do you have a soft copy of angel number book. I AM still learning.

  76. My name is Mpho from South Africa. One day I had a dream. I dreamy of silver letter and numbers and all in capital letters; T R Y
    7 6 7
    I did not know the meaning, until I google it. There
    was your website. Can you please interpret my dream
    And how do you communicate with the angel 767?
    my e-mail address:
    Kind Regards

  77. I was seeing number 669 everywhere and many times these days. I found it striking and I was feeling that my divine guides are giving me some message but I didn't know what it is.

    So while I was surfing the internet for answers, I bumped into your website.
    It was so accurate.

    I just got out of a brief relationship and I was disappointed and hurt. And I saw the meaning and message of 669 on your page...It was telling me to lovingly let it go for new exciting, and better things.

    And now I'm feeling much lighter and letting it go with Love. You've immense heavenly knowledge and please write your book so it will help many people find their right Path in life. Good Luck.

  78. Thank you for providing such wonderful information. Being an angel communicator, I receive messages daily. In a dream last week I was shown "2020". I wrote it down in my dream log and just looked it up today. Your information about this sequence of numbers really resonates for me, rush-collection. It is spot on about what is happening in my life. I do have big spiritual goals. Thank you for the confirmation that they will come true; that there is a lot going on behind the scenes helping them to happen.

    Ivory Angelic

  79. Hi rush-collection,
    I saw the number 10:01 on my phone and as I discovered that I have to pay attention to this, I searched for a site to give me some information. I am happy I found yours.
    The mere fact that you say the book has to wait for the right publisher at the right time convinced me that you are no fake. Thank you for being who you are.

  80. Hi rush-collection,
    I was wondering if the email address is still valid because I was trying to send you money through Paypal and it states I need to enter a valid email. The one I have for you is:

  81. I don't think there's a day goes by that I don't refer to this site at some time, and it's been that way for several years now. You have done a wonderful job, and I always refer my students on to you too. Thank you!!!

  82. Well i thought i would reask a question...first i started see 5777 every where i went...i got the answer from this site what those numbers mean....i went to a department store to return a watch and pay off my account...the pay of was 111.11 the number jumped of the calculator and stuck on my everything i look at i see 111:11 what does these numbers mean? they dont relate to a clock...can you help? all i can find only shows up to four 1's what does the five 1's mean? this site was right on for the meaning of the numbers 5777...that was happening in my life at that time

  83. the right publisher nowadays is to put your info into an app. books on the go. i use your site few times a day. as more and more people are awakening numerology needs to be at finger tips. find me on fb @masha.duna if you need app info xxMa

  84. Hi rush-collection!
    Your blog is amazing, I have been using it as a guide for a while!
    Can't wait to have your book on my hands :)
    I wish you good lucky on finding a publisher that will make it possible!
    The best wishes!
    I'm so thankful for your work! It guides my life!

  85. Why you need publisher?(just curious) today's world you can publish a book without publisher.. I highly doubt that angels care about publisher's at all. There are many fantastic book published by the author herself so Im just curious why not...

  86. Wonders how many fail to grasp the importance of NOT publishing a work before it's time. Unawares of the Why of it all that, in another time, and space, a work takes on a life of its own. Kudos for waiting, rush-collection. Would be surprised to learn you have not dreamed of your work as any number of nurturing themes. A Daycare type setting, for instance, with beautiful children, blithely running. One would also make a mental note of any, Not normal children. Those sitting off to one side, complete with Caregiver.(Who will have an understanding of what is needed.) Those Not contributing, Not coalescing with an overall Idea or train of thought. These would be they whom their Author/Parent has left, as yet, unfinished or incomplete.

  87. I have seen the numbers 301 for years. Can someone explain to me as why I keep seeing them. Please. Thank You!!

  88. I have been seeing these numbers since
    2009. I was seeing it a lot back then especially. It started off at 4:44 I would see it everywhere. I looked up the meaning and just thought it was so awesome but didn't think much of it, just thought it was weird that I kept seeing it. I always acknowledged that it meant something when I saw it, just forgot what exactly it meant. When I started at my job, 444 was everywhere, almost as if it's making it so obvious that I seriously need to look at what's happening. And for a while I've seen it so frequently that now I am completely freaked out. Someone please explain to me what is going on, I'm so desperate for answers. Even lately I've been seeing 111, 222, 333, 444. Various number combinations. When I transferred to another store within my company, I still see 444 in phone numbers, but my new ID number is 1122. What does this mean?! Are angels trying to get my attention?! What for?!

    If you know what's going on, please email me. Stayfluffyxo@gmail

  89. Thank you for this wonderful and helpful information. Do you think using numerology to decipher recurring numbers is useful? I think I fell into numerology quite naturally before I even knew about numerology. When numbers catch my eye they seem to automatically add up in my head into a single digit. And math was not my strong suit!! Lol
    I feel learning about numerology is what brought me to discover angel numbers.
    Thank you,
    LJ ��

  90. Hi Joane, i dreamt of the number 49763 last night. I came across this site...what does it mean.

    Thank you.

  91. Please let me know if 3359 is lucky for me. It's my car number.

    1. Hey Lionel , listen to your intuition ,as no one can tell you what is good or lucky for you !!! Only you !!!♡♡♡
      We are all blessed Indigos, remember thatb !!! ♡♡♡
      Love ,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  92. I look by commennts and i see:: 111 comments,

    Thanks for this beautiful Site

  93. Hi my name is Kevin,Since September i notice the # 860 on my right hand.Then in October it changed to 360.Then the 29 th of October it changed to 863.In November it changed to 80863. Then in the begining of December it changed to 302.Then theother day it changed to 368 and it is still there on 12-29-2018.So what are the Angels trying to tell me??

  94. sorry i meant to write 12-29 2017

  95. Dearest rush-collection,

    I have no words to describe my gratitude for this platform of light,love & endless wisdom that you have created!!!♡♡♡
    You are our Angel on Earth,our Ray of Light ,our Light at the end of the tunnel!!!
    It is as you described , totally !!!
    My pat of Enlightenment and my connection to the Angels and you started some time late summer 2016, to this point I visit your site numerous times per day !!!
    The peace,reassurance, assistance and clarity I get are absolutely infinite !!!♡♡♡
    For all i thank you and our Angels!!!
    My connection to the Angelic and Spiritual realm has grown ever stringer and the messages I receive are not only relevant ,nor only precise , they are personalised , just as you said !!!
    I feel the Angels presence at all times!!! The messages confirm this to me daily !!!
    You are an amazing person and I must say that when I read this particular arrival I felt this waves going true my body ,waves of love and peace !!!
    The connection to you I feel is indescribable !!!
    We are all ONE,connected like a web!!!
    I love you !!!

  96. Blessings ,Love,peace and Light to you, your loved ones and everyone on Earth !!!♡♡♡

  97. Silviya my name is Kevin , I have numbers on my right hand that keep changing ,all but one where angel numbers .I was just wandering if this is happening to anyone else ,and what does this mean why they keep changing ?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Silviya DimitrovaSaturday, October 27, 2018
      Hey Kevin, I am really not sure I fully understand what you are trying to explain to me.
      However , I'll just say this.
      We are one,yet we get many similar signals and signs, as well as such that aren't alike anyone else's.
      Ask self?! What do you feel?! How do you feel about this? I get way to many signs,yet they speak to me and no one else. Blessed and easy journey indigo. Love and light your way.🎈❤
      My email address is .
      Feel free to email me.🎈 Peace,Love and Light.

  98. Thank you for all your effort.

  99. thank you for your inspirational explanations for Angel numbers. When numbers present you are my first go to for insights. I recommend your website frequently to clients and students.
    I just read that you do have a book in the works and are awaiting the right person to work with to bring it to fruition. May I suggest Emily Gower, she is a divine soul and lives in Brisbane.Emily is great to work with.
    thank you again, rainbow blessings

  100. Have you looked into Loving Healing Press? I know some authors who were published through them and they speak very highly of the company. It is my understanding that they are a traditional publisher and they are very easy to work with. Wishing you the best.

  101. Wow rush-collection! What a fabulous website you have created. Useful, informative, lifesaving and dedicated. Where can I acquire a hardback copy of all this as a reference book for my personal library? Amazon? Book publishers? cannot leave signature! Google member.

  102. You have been my go to source for all this wonderful change happening in my life. I have an abundance of love and appreciation for you! I honestly cant thank you enough :)

  103. I want to know what it means to see 112255? Or 111111? I see 444 a LOT

  104. rush-collection do you have a facebook or instagram? My name is Nicholas I want to be a spirtual rapper I need to talk mor about these power i have thatnother phycics told me I had something about a healing power with my hands. Id like to talk more about this with you!! My facebook is Nick Yantis..

    1. Heh Nicky,
      You really don't need anyone to help you find your mission. The power and wisdom are all within you. Deeg deep and find that higher self of yours. Listen,trust, act and succeed. Be patient. Be mindful.Speak and be kind and gentle to your self, as you are always listening. I hope my message helps.
      Ahhhg, forget not. Get rid of bad habits, declutter: people,places,ideas, material objects and all that do not serve to a positive purpose.
      Blessed and easy journey kiddo. Be safe.🎈❤ Love and Light.
      You are whole. You are complete. You are enough.⚠️

  105. Hello rush-collection,
    I love your work and compassion, dedication and commitment that you have consciously placed in enlightening the rest of us that are deeply curious about the angels and numbers. It is so much more than I can describe here in words. Your work and wisdom give such clarity to these questions of numbers, and how the angels, the universe is always giving us support and sharing their incredible guidance.

    I lost my husband and soul mate of 30 years recently, and since then I have been on this journey of enlightenment to find my deeper purpose and how I can serve in a much higher level of endless possibilities. Many times, I have found the numbers that appeared before me interesting and consistently repeating a certain sequence that I searched for clarification on line. And that’s when I found your amazing website. Every time I go to look up the numbers that happened to appear before me I am totally amazed on how right on target they describe my situation to even the smallest detail.

    I’m not sure if you’ll ever get to read this email personally, but I just want to thank you for all the light work you are doing. Like you I have had the burning desire to write a book, and I am in the process of doing not just one book but two. After seeking for the right company to help me with it, I came across YEN (You Everywhere Now) and Mike Koenigs team of amazing group of people. It’s worth checking his work out.

    Thank you again for your dedication and passion on making this world a better place connecting us with our higher selves and angelic beings.
    Joana Brown

  106. Have you looked into doing a supported self publishing with Balboa Press, yet? They're a division of Hay House, which perhaps you already know of... and you'd fit in perfectly there :) Can't wait for your book! I feel like what you provide has been the most accurate. Love it so much! All the best <3

  107. Thank you for this site and for keeping us informed of how it came to be and its process. You are a great example to all, of living fully in love, light, contribution and connection. Greatly appreciated.

  108. Thank you so much for this priceless information. I am currently unemployed and have had quite a trying life. I have been lost on my life directionfor 39 years and because of this information and help from angels and spirit guides I am now learning where my path and purpose begins. Hopefully soon I will be on a successful path that will allow me to contribute to you and your excellent and selfless work. Thank you again. Shonda Lee Simmons

  109. She is amazing! I talk to her by IG and she respond right away! Thank you rush-collection for the great work and knowledge you give to the world! Thank you for taking the time to write all these amazing information! Our angels are amazing! πŸ™ RUBETH Rizo Patron

  110. Thanks for guidance! Especially helpful to those who would normally not find themselves to access to such highly spiritual connections! Be Blessed!!!

  111. Is there any possibility the book is gonna come out some day? I just really want it haha <3

  112. Thank you so much for everything!

  113. Thank you so much! I have been referencing thus site for about 3 months now and am getting a lot of insight. I have been opening up to the spiritual realm more than ever over the last few months. I feel like I am in the toughest position I have ever been in in my life. Grief has overtaken my life in what seems like the worst way but prayer (which I never believed in until last month) and guidance have helped me cope with my borderline personality disorder and my life struggles.

    Side note: anyone know what 223344 means? Or maybe I'll just study more :-D lol

  114. hopefully the correct publisher comes soon

  115. Hi rush-collection, thank you.
    Maybe you could go the self-publishing route? Some inspiration: and

    Or set-up a crowdfund/pre-sell to get publishers to notice your readers/platform.

    greets c

  116. Thank u for all that u do! You are a beautiful soul!

  117. Thank you rush-collection for this site and really Everything you do. I recently found numerology in the past two years. I had this feeling the numbers and events in my life meant something but I never really paid much attention to it. I got sober and changed my whole life around. I started noticing these numbers more and more and I started listening to the messages that pertained to me. Its honestly amazing and breathe taking what comes to light. I don't normally share things but something inside me wanted to personally thank you and you deserve many blessings. Thank you for you work its amazing and magical.

  118. rush-collection, thank you so very much for all your wise wordsπŸ’•❤️. I have been connected to your website for many many years and your messages always resonate with me 100%. I trust and believe your words are shaping me for a better version of myself. Thank you with all my heart. Deborah❤️

  119. I was introduced to angel numbers three years ago. Since then, I will only read your site. Your explanations are always perfectly worded. I so look forward to your book, but I truly understand in due time!! Continued success to you!!! I thank you for your time and energy!!!

  120. Your the greatest give yourself a hug from me

  121. rush-collection! Is it time yet!!? O:)

  122. Thank you for all your Divine work here on the Planet. I appreciate you!

  123. I am grateful for your time and energy that you put into this site. It has helped give me some spiritual enlightenment on messages that I wasn't aware of before. Thank you so much for all of your time and efforts that help share the messages of the angels. I pray you'll find your publisher soon as I am waiting n would love to read your book. Greatly and spiritually thankful.

  124. wow, this is the best site I've found yet

  125. I enjoy the information you're channeling for better understanding ourselves and translating the Angeles's language. Said that, I'm having four several weeks numbers in pairs with a random number in between, for example: 616, 727, 535, 969, 606, 858, etc. I don't understand the format and how to interpret the message. Could you gide me on this? Thank you.

  126. I posted earlier but didn't realize it was anonymous. Cliff notes version. You rock! I couldn't imagine not having this insight! Bless you, much love! Would be camping outside the store in order to get your book first thing! Lol Hoping the right publisher finds you, maybe they can publish my book too πŸ˜‰. Thank you so much for all the guidance your work brings into my life daily. I really can't thank you enough. πŸ€— ❤️✨️🌈🌻❤️

  127. Thanks rush-collection I appreciate your Angel numbers you do for us really appreciate it , it helps us understand the messages coming from us and also helps to see other people’s comments so it can help us too , have you ever thought of doing oracle cards Angel numbers on the front of the card then with the Angel message on the other side just a thought that came to my head bless you πŸ¦‹πŸ‘ΌπŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ™☘️

  128. I am so grateful for this website! I found it last year after a bit of a search for the perfect angel number explanations and haven't looked back. Thank you rush-collection for everything that you do and I look forward to reading your book soon! :)

  129. hi rush-collection, i started to do paint again with numbers and angels help… one day if you need an illustration for your book about numbers and angels, i would love to help you. love&light zeycan

  130. Hiii rush-collection!! I love this whole site so much, I check in often with numbers. I’m wondering if someday you would make Angel number card deck, I would love to have them for readings. Thank you so much for all you’ve done!!!
