Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Number 114 is a blend of the energies of the number 1 and number 4. Number 1 denotes initiative and striving forward, new beginnings and projects, achieving success, attainment, fulfilment and happiness. Double number 1 relates to the karmic Master Number 11 which tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know, live and serve our life purpose and soul mission. It suggests that you pay attention to your thoughts and ideas as they are revealing the answers to your prayers. Number 4 resonates with working steadily towards goals and aspirations, truth and integrity, practicality, system and order, self-initiation, building solid foundations and enthusiasm coupled with determination.

Angel Number 114 is a message to keep your focus, intentions, actions and positive affirmations on manifesting your true goals and aspirations. Angel Number 114 is a message that if you act with caution and wisdom you will be successful in business, money matters and life in general. Now is a perfect time to begin worthwhile projects that will bring you long-term benefits and future success. 

Angel Number 114 is a sign from your angels that they are there to assist you with manifesting your true desires.

Angel Number 114 encourages progressive change, renewal and growth, and tells you to share your knowledge and wisdom with others. It also tells you that what you put your efforts towards will reap rewards in the future.

Angel Number 114 tells you to expect some well-earned rewards for good work well done. Your angels want you to know that you deserve the very best.

Number 114 also relates to number 6 (1+1+4=6) and Angel Number 6.

See also:  Repeating 1’s and 4’s  (14, 114, 141, 144 etc)
Angel Number 14
Angel Number 141
Angel Number 144

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. I must ask... Seeing many of these codes saying that good stuff is to come... I struggle with that, because right now my life is falling apart... Are these angles only around because my world is slowly falling apart? Do they only contact you when you loose hope and faith in many things??? Because these numbers 911, 119, 1234, 1117, 117 and so on started appearing daily in everything, sports tickets, lottery tickets, clocks at home, on cell phone, on tv, hotel rooms on tv.. It just gets crazy, it was like I couldnt try avoiding numbers if I wanted to. The numbers began appearing when I began to forgive my ex who broke my heart and turned my world upside down.. Any insight on this???

    1. you are loved, they are trying to make themselves known to you, and guide you on a positive path, it could be that the act of forgivness opened a doorway for them to reach you as it manifested an inner knowledge of yourself. all the answers are within you you just need to be calm and still enough to hear the whispers and realise they are calling your name and showing the path you have started along. i wish you the blessings of god and the healing that he provides i pray you will stay positive and receptive and stop looking for answers outside of yourself. it is time to be intraspective and honest with your feelings and let go of your impulse to know. sendng love to you

    2. Snowflake, Calm is always best. Also, believe that these messages you see are good and mean you well. As we start to be aware and look around, we see things. When you are quiet, alone and calm, ask what these things mean. Remember to breath. Listen calmly to the answer. Do this on a regular basis. Answers start to come.

    3. Hello, First of all I must thank you for the kind and beautiful words. Never had a stranger speak so kindly to me.. Just reading both post really up lift my spirit..

      I see that I sent this in Aug.. I still to this day still struggle with my heart break, and fighting to stay positive, but it is far much better than it was few months ago.. As for the numbers they still pour crazy on me, one thing I found quite interesting was that yelling to the universe to leave me alone, I don't want to speak to any angles. And Oddly enough they did leave me alone for that day (or at least I think they did), and it actually bothered me so I ask them to come back and the numbers presume. Anyways, my question is when you say be calm and still and listen are you to hear actual words, or do you feel vibrations, or is it gut feelings, or repeated words that stays in ur head?? I am hard of hearing so when I listen to silence all I get is the ringing in the ears lol :-D oxoxoxo

    4. 'Ringing' and/or a high-pitched 'zing' in the ears is often direct angelic communication. They are communicating with your subconscious mind or Higher-Self. You don't need to know exactly what they are communicating to you, you just need to have faith and trust that within you, your soul fully understands the messages or information. This happens to me very often before I write ;)

      On another note, you may also hear actual words or phrases, feel energies or subtle vibrations or a tingling sensation within your body, or you may intuitively perceive (gut feelings) .... there are many and varied experiences to be had when working with the angels.


      ANGELIC SIGNS – Signs from the Angels

      Sense the Presence of Angels

      Blessings, Love and Light,

      Sacred Scribes

    5. Indeed rush-collection,there are many and varied experiences to be had when working with Angels!
      You name it I experience it....
      Ringing ear,tingling sensations,sharp or sudden pain,bird singing noise or zing-zing .
      It's a truly Awesome experience !!!♥️
      Love,peace,light and blessed journeys to all!!!🙏

  2. I had a dream last night, i was reminded that someone is wearing a pant number 114. In case of emergency, i should press a button and the person would be wearing the pant number 113.

    So strange, what this means?

    1. Speaking that people, places and things play a big part in our life and we have to pay attention to the signs times and numbers. You have to be able to pay more closer attention to what’s going on personally in your life to understand. So when you see these numbers Google it go to those numbers and they’ll going will tell you Wahltag going on.

  3. I had a dream last night. I saw a beautiful Girl coming to me, and I had a notebook I was writing a plastic con some plastic of the paints, and she has a pen too she took that pen and she wrote the number 114 in my notebook. and she had a bigg smile.

  4. Good to know is T. The Christ is away to have fun what he have

  5. Thank you for this beautiful message today. It touched my heart. I welcome all my angels have for me!

  6. On 4/14/16 I had a dream I was praying a very in depth prayer for my family, for myself, and for the world. I awoke feeling so blessed to have prayed for all of my family in the way that I did... but I also awoke knowing that everything that has hurt me, everything negative thing people outside and within my family say about me is effecting me negatively and I knew I needed to pray all that energy off of me. I have been feeling broken and completely alone on this earth... On 4/15/16 I was at Starbucks and see a bunch of pigeons on the roof of a bank across from me and right in the middle of them was an all white dove standing so peaceful and quiet whike the other birds made so much noise. I felt happy to see her, I was so amazed as I've never seen a real dove before she was beautiful. Now it's 4/16/16 and I couldn't stop thinking about this bird so I began looking up symbolic meanings of this bird... upon my search I kept seeing the number 114 or 1:14 and it lead me here. Wow!

    1. I love those Google searches that and in new discovery! I have also been going through a time of feeling broken completely alone on this earth. In the past few years I have lost the people I knew would be there for me no matter what. Some started families of their own and simply had different priorities, two of them one of them being my father, decided to leave this earth on their own time. I don't have family left, The only thing I know of family has answered into a different. Their life and we just don't seem to blend at the moment. I am going to face some pretty serious situations in two weeks or so. I understand trying to purge yourself of negative feelings and pain, from my personal experience, I found it best not to rush them. It's hard not to hate going through such a painful time. I tell myself it's OK to hate this time. I know that the bad has to be present in order for the good to come otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

    2. I just got shivers down my legs upon reading this my number is 114 it's been following me around since I was 11 years old I took a picture and San Diego California of the sunset in Encinitas San Diego the seagulls start flying across the sky I said there's going to be a hundred and fourteen birds in the picture got the picture candidacy goes there's a hundred and fourteen Birds 114 billowing in the clouds this picture was taken January 17th 90 my band is called 114 on the lead singer 114 is the mystical magical mythology number very much so I am saying 114 is the unforeseen thank you for your story

    3. In our life, the Angels be telling you, but that’s also your interspirit that’s telling me that you need to pay more closer attention to what’s going on in your life personally and yes, those numbers you’ll be seen and yes, those numbers you need to go look up and yes, those numbers will set you on track and you will be able to understand But the most important thing is that God has a hold on everything that goes on in all of our lives every day. So stay true to yourself and be very positive about whatever you do in your life. Pray daily read your Bible this is what God wants for us to do because you know in these days it’s too much stuff is going on good and bad , but at the end of the tunnel, we know that there’s only one divine spirit that comes to us is within ourselves through God in Jesus. So be happy in your life live your life to the fullest and don’t let anybody get in your way sometimes you have to pull yourself back from people and be with more like minded people like yourself so you don’t fall into traps. Have a peaceful blissful day. Remember, God loves you and so does Jesus too.

  7. Prayers to all of you on this page. Your energy just feels so blessed! I am sending you a hug of virtual love!!!!!! You are loved, I have no doubt of it, and love is the most powerful energy of the universe!

    1. I saw your last name and did a double take, my best friend lives abroad and that's her married name. See recently had a second child this time a girl to under the age of four. I haven't heard from her through email lately and I keep trying to tell myself it's not personal that's a lot of work full-time job husband and two little tiny ones. Through it's a little difficult We've been friends for over 20 years. When we Matt we realize we shared a love for music from the 60s and early 70s groups such as Simon and Garfunkel who sang Cecelia were the common interest that brought us together initially today she is more of a family member then any relative I have on earth. So it's been very tough to not hear from her. Seeing your name made me feel a little better.

  8. I see 1's and 4's together like they are going out of style! I always wonder if it's my dad saying hey since his birthday was 11/14 but sometimes I see just all 4's. Started with 911, then 1111, now 1's & 4's. I'm a crazy busy teacher and there's no way I would just plan my day to see these appear. They are constant though! Love this site!

  9. I found all of this interesting. My life has been nothing but a struggle from the time I have arrived. 'My favorite number is 14, inoften have the high pitch ringing in my ears that no one else hears.

    1. The high pitched ringing you hear are angels/spiritual beings relaying messages to you. Although you cannot understand what is being said/relayed on a conscious level when it is taking place, intuitively you are hearing and acknowledging within. This is common and is one of the most prolific ways that angels directly communicate.

  10. Grateful! 💜
    Funny how many people mention ringing in ears))), I feel like to add - me too)! Had it all my life from child and felt it has meaning...as became older started to answer to the rigning: "yes, thank you, I understand"😇

  11. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💫🌟🌟🌟🌟☄☄☄💫💫💫💫💫👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU

  12. My dad was born 1/14 and I was born 11/4 and I see variations of 114 all the time especially on my phone like 11:04 am and pm and 1:14 and 4:10. My dad died when I was 23 and I've always wondered if there was any connection between me seeing these numbers and him thinking about me or trying to tell me something.

  13. rush-collection, I know you think you 'Physic' ; and you talk about the "Universal Energies" But, actually, you have a gift from the lord; Jesus Christ, and you don't know of it. But, you should really start reading the bible, praying to the lord, and going to Church; so you can get closer to God ^-^/ ; he does exist and this gift you have, is actually from the lord; remember that ^-^/

    1. I replied to your comment but it may show under snowflake. I will wait till it post but its to let you know on John 14:20 that God and christ are one with you and not seperate from you. You have the breath of God the holy spirit as you enter a state of consciousness. Nothing of God is done on this earthly realm but in the spiritual realm. Abscent from the body is to be present with the lord. The bible was not intended to ve scene from the 3d state which is canal. When wr all seek a higher consciousness we are one with God the universe and christ energy. Jesus came as flesh not only for our sins but to show how we can have the relationship he had with Adam before his eyes was opened to the 3rd dimension. Joanna is in. higher dimension so I'm she knows about her gift. This is not to insult you.

  14. I Believe Joanna is well aware of where her abilities comes from.. what I dislike in ur comment is that you put two things together lord and Jesus together which they are not. Second, forcing ur beleifs and telling what one should do and how they should embrace/ practice their belief tells me that ur most judgmental person there is.. God is one thing while a church is another.. we are born to free will we have the rights to do as we darn well please.. This website is not focused on the Bible and stuff that's what church and bible studies are for.. this is for people has experience things that are not in the Bible and for those who has and wishes to get a better understanding things that vividly thuppers often refuse to acknowledge..

  15. To the person that made the comment about Joanna gift. Understand that God and Christ is not seperate from us. John 14:20 explains this. So many people miss what the message because they are not in a state of consciousness. Remember the book of Joel says in that day I will pour out my spirit on all flesh. Jesus cpnfirmed in John we he was not only speaking to the desciples but when he was praying to God in John 17. When you come to understand God is not seperate of us and christ is in the father and the father in him and we are in them you too will have the intuition to do great things.Meditate daily as you become one with the universe.God is the universe. Practice correct breathing for you will recieve the breath of God. Holy Spirit. At this point ask God to show you what you desire to know and what how the Christ energy emerge.You are great for recognizing her gifts but try to shun from religion because religion leads to self rightness.

  16. ♡♡♡ I've already experienced many of the Angels signs.
    Ringing in the ear since childhood(I didn't understand it back then),but even then i felt different to most of my friends,relatives and people who surrounded me!!!My intuition has saved me & not once!!!
    I also feel tingling sensations and energy bursts at times.
    I've recently heard someone calling my name on two occasions while I was walking towards work...,there was no one around me and no one really calling me,but I heard a voice calling my name...
    Last night I was dreaming stuff ,but I could not remember by the morning,however wile asleep one thing was constant , 3 different synhronities were in my head & I kept repeating them to my self (not aloud ) .
    I have to say that all 3 messages were tottaly on point !!!
    Now I understand that all this are my Angels signs !!! How awesome !!!
    Always and forever grateful!!! Thank you rush-collection & thank you Angels!!! Stay blessed people and believe in your self !!! ♡♡♡
    Ahhh one more thing I discovered throughout my life is that what I want happens(sometimes slower,sometimes faster,only in Devine right order and time) and what I say would happen, always happen!!! ♡♡♡
    Love peace and Light to all!!!

  17. They are there for you when no one else is. Just have faith.

  18. Thank you for sharing this. It has helped me anchor and connect so many times. You and this is a blessing to me.

  19. Indeed. Grateful and blessed. Immensely.♥️Much love and light to everyone and all.♥️

  20. Thank you so much again rush-collection!

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