Sunday, July 31, 2011


Number 212 is made up of the attributes of number 2 and the energies of number 1, with number 2 appearing twice, intensifying its energies. Number 2 lends its vibrations of duality, balance and adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, relationships and partnerships, faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. It is also the number of partnerships, love and family. Number 1 carries the energy of striving forward and pursuing goals, and promotes changes, new beginnings and ventures, ambition and tenacity, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities by our thoughts, beliefs and actions.  

Angel Number 212 is a message that your angels are sending you guidance and assistance. Listen to your intuition and have faith in yourself and your ideas and beliefs. The more you believe that all turns out well, the more that turns out well.

Angel Number 212 may be telling you to look to different ways to enhance your home, garden and surrounds. This includes matters within the house and family arena. Use the art of Feng Shui to usher more positive energies into your life and your environment and surround yourself with love, beauty, joy and gaiety.

Angel Number 212 tells you to ensure that what you put out to the Universe is of a positive nature. Stay on a positive path and use your natural skills, talents and abilities to their utmost for the benefit of yourself and others. The actions you take will serve as an example for others to follow.

Number 212 relates to number 5 (2+1+2=5) and Angel Number 5.

Also see:
Repeating 2’s and 1’s  (21, 211, 212, 221 etc)
Angel Number 21
Angel Number 211
Angel Number 221



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Replies
    1. yes,thank you,I have seen this message for a good many year now,thankfully you gave me the answer,all I did was ask in the right place.

  2. I have seen The number 11:11 for 16 years now everyday at least once a day. Some say it it's evil and some say it's something else. I would like to know is there answers anyone can give me? My birthday is 11, plus my numerology number is also 11.

    1. Jonathan, 1111 is the 'awakening-code'. It is generally a symbol of being 'awake', or tuned in. I assume you feel the synchronicity through your daily life, where as many people just are oblivious to the beautiful interactions connecting our each moment with absolute precision. aHHhh .Blessings

    2. 1111 is great for manifestation. Happy thoughts

  3. The number 1111, represents the universe taking a snap-shot of what you recently have been thinking about. In that case- I would hope it is positive, try to remember what you are thinking about when you see the number 1111. positive thinking!

  4. I have seen the number 212 or 122 very often. Its almost every day now. I've read others comments on seeing their date-of-birth numbers. Also read the replies. I want to know- what if the number you see is someone's death date..?? My dear granny died on Dec 12th. So does this "212" or "122" mean anything w.r.t her..? Please answer..

    1. Probably only enough to get you remembering your ancestors, regardless I wouldn't trip. Think happy thoughts when the numbers roll around. plan and experience your Ideal life

    2. dude Im in the same boat it drives me nuts even when I know Im doing the right thing and living in positive light.

  5. I kept seeing just 212 for two months. I really wonder if what you said is the real reasons why I'm seeing it very often. There is coincidences that my school ID number is 212. And in the game I'm playing, my kingdom number is 212. I really wonder why?? Is this just a coincidence?

    1. There are no coincidences. I would read the above and meditate on it to see if there are any further meanings. Love & light to you.

  6. Thanks to God's gift to Ms. rush-collection for this website. These angelic messages are true and for real, and I say this personally. Anyone who has other opinions not of a positive or Godly nature should pray and seek God. Anything in this world that draws you closer to God and encourages you to be a better person daily, and keeps you humble, is a wonderful thing. This is what this website has done for me because I know that the angelic messages are real and every time a number presents itself to me it has been applicable to my situation or circumstance. I do believe that it is one of God's way of communicating to his people with a heart towards him. Do not respond to anything on this website in a negative manner. If you're not clear, pray about it. Light & Love

    1. Perfect explanation. I couldn't have said it better. Blessings+♡+

    2. Perfectly spoken and all so very true!

  7. I dreamt of the #212. The next day, I received an official acceptance letter from a well respected university w/ the #212 stamped on the envelope. I'm very concerned of failing my Masters program in this university. Is this a positive sign?

  8. Hi rush-collection im seeing 212 434 777 a lot and I wonder if what i want will manifest. my mind hates my progress my fear tries to change my perspective which gives me doubt. I talk to my angels and tell them to listen to me and not my fears. So will my wishes come true becuz as soon as i get happy i just say its a considence?

  9. I cant even begin to explain my thanks and gratitude right now. Was lead to this page for confirmation and everything that was explained here hit home with me on a level so strong I was crying tears of joy and excitement when just yesterday morning I was heart broken and a mess. Thank you so much for this information. I am able to understand more so now that I have been blessed with this miracle. I will have to post for full story for you all later. But for now. Thank you.. LOVE AND LIGHT!

  10. Thanks..i see this number alot these days and i'm really facing hard days.hope that it's a sign for the end of these difficult days..pray for me...

  11. I found twould white feathers and looked at the time it was 212. Thank you angels for always showing me you are with me😇

  12. I found twould white feathers and looked at the time it was 212. Thank you angels for always showing me you are with me😇

  13. I got a big question here... How are we to stay positive all the time? Do the Gods EVER help when someone is suffering from major depression? It all seems futile and to end this life would be best...

  14. Do the guides, Angels ,Gods ever help those who are suffering from depression? I'm starting to think they will never help and ending this life would be best.
    I see no evidence of things getting better. I try but then I get my hopes up and then something else bad happens. My depression is worse than ever.

  15. Jacqueline, it depends on who you talk to. Some claim they got a lot of help from whatever you want to call it. Others not so much. As for me I have been going through a challenging time the last few years, and my quides seem to be trying to brighten my day. I would like to think that they help people with problems more then regular happy people. But I am not an expert. I am not even sure that my guides are seperate from myself. The important thing is that you are not alone. Even though you may never get help quite the way you expect it, there is help out there. I think this world is worth all the problems. At the very least there are 7 million humans on earth, and countless animals. Some of which would love to help you.

  16. I see the number 212 everyday for years now. In every way possible the numbers show up for me. My bday is 2/12/1988 so I'm ultra connected to it as well. Amy insights are appreciated ❤️

  17. I see the number 212 everyday for years now. In every way possible the numbers show up for me. My bday is 2/12/1988 so I'm ultra connected to it as well. Amy insights are appreciated ❤️

  18. After reading these and a few other of your angel posts, my angels want to thank you and tell you these interpretations are very accurate.

  19. Love it ! Thank you rush-collection for this web site you shed light onto the world !

  20. Aquabeauty, ik zie het nummer 212 ook al jaren, maar zeker niet dagelijks maar met momenten. Ik vraag me a lang af wat het was met die 212. Ik verjaar zoals jij op 02-12-1988 🍀❤️ ik kreeg een krop in de keel als ik dit las. Dat ben ik helemaal

  21. Wow !! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! #1 Fan Angels

  22. Thank you for this guide.

  23. I am really grateful for this page

  24. Wow! I e been seeing 212, 222, and 223 and still confused with what going on. I know 212 in love and twin flames. I haven’t seen mine in 4 years. 222 is faith and harmony everything you’ve worked hard for has paid off and 223 becoming successful, love and no matter what keep trust and faith. Today I’ve been seeing 21..22..23. Back when we were dating he would disappear without warning then just knock on my door 3 months later. Last time I talk to him was Oct 20…why hasn’t my doorbell rang?
