Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Number 21 is made up of the vibration of the number 2 and number 1. Number 2 resonates with the attributes of duality and finding balance, consideration and co-operation, relationships and partnerships, encouragement, selflessness and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. The energies of the number 1 include new beginnings, independence, uniqueness, motivation, striving forward and progress, attainment, achievement and success. This makes 21 a number of versatility, energy, charisma and communication.

Angel Number 21 suggests that there may be some new opportunities or directions for you to take that will lead you in new and exciting directions. Trust that your angels are by your side throughout these changes and transitions and are guiding your every step. They encourage you to remain calm, balanced and happy and you will find that all will work out for your highest good.

Angel Number 21 is a message from your angels for you to be aware of your thoughts as they are manifesting your ideas and beliefs into reality. Angel Number 21 encourages you to be optimistic and maintain a positive attitude regarding current changes and/or circumstances in your life, as this will help to manifest your desired results.

Angel Number 21 asks that you maintain your faith and positive expectations about all aspects of your life. Use positive affirmations to bolster your resolve and to keep you connected to the angelic realm.  

Number 21 also relates to the Number 3 (2+1=3) and Angel Number 3.

See also:  Repeating 2’s and 1’s  (212, 221 etc)
Angel Number 212
Angel Number 221

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

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  1. Thank u, very timely, what I have just needed to hear.

    1. So true thank you so much, when i got up this morning it was ??:21 pm/am. And when i was searching for a website the am was 20:21!! And same happened yesterday and yeah. :o

    2. While I am sleeping and dreaming, I have been told this number for thee nights in a row. Different people in my dreams have been told to remember the number 21. I was confused and a little worried never had this happen before. After reading your notes I feel more relaxed and the number makes so much more sense. Thank you.

    3. i keep seeing that number to much i just wish that i cant see that any more (the weird thing is thats the same number on my basketball jersy

    4. wow thank you for this! just saw 21 twice at work and this was the first thing that popped up! im really hoping to better my situation this year. my mom passed when i was younger so id like to think its a sign from her

  2. Actually brought tears to my eyes...strange how it relates to my life this very moment..needed this msg...

  3. I constantly see this number everywhere. Very helpful and enlightening to know what it mesh l means. Thank you.

  4. I see this number everywhere.thanks

  5. I was mistaking to see 421 everywhere but now realized it was, or is, 21. Reading this was helpful. Just at the perfect timing. Thank you.

  6. Thank you sp Much! Just what I needed to keep on going! A angels life can be sever tough sometimes! So this direct message (my lovely sister found for me) was what I needed to really belive in my SOUL again ♡

  7. I haved asked this before how do you know if its an angel number or u haved just seen the time i beleve in angels i have asked for answers and direction but never get what im looking for

    1. Maybe you're not asking the right questions.
      Maybe the answers are there but you choose not to see them, because it's not the answer you're looking for. Sometimes the answer you get is not the answer you want.... But it will be the right answer.... keep believing and keep looking. O:-)

    2. if you're asking the right questions but have the wrong intentions behind it you will get the wrong answers you have to find your true heart's intention if your intention isn't good you will get a bad answer Or result if your intention isn't goodwhen asking or searching for the answer or question i am brian michaelI have awoken I found my true hearts desire My Divine Purpose is to spread my heart through the internet to everyonethat is connected to itspread the word of love tell your enemy you love him and mean it when you can do that truly and say that you love your enemy just as much as you love yourself then you have found God you have found my true honest intentions my name is Brian Michael birth date 1:21 January 21st this number has haunted me my whole life and I never understood why until tonight I mean last night or today or whatever time it is because I can't f****** sleep sorry didn't mean to swear still a lot of negative energy in the world transferring to me hard to control but I am learning on my 33rd birthday the world will see my heart and see what exactly what I believe to be true love peace Harmony 333 the final resolution we are all going to unite like snowflakes collected into a snowball rolling up a mountain till they get to the peak together only to ascend to heaven once they reach the peak there's no other point to go but up if they keep moving with the same momentum going up the mountain the only conclusion is that they will rise to the sky together look in your heart for the answers and you will find it as long as you have the right intention you can never do wrong remember that let it be written take my words and spread them save them as they are your own with the intention to reach the same Enlightenment that you did by reading it we will be the candles illuminate in the dark room I will be the first candle to light the fire of love and connected to the world God bless everyone 👼 💙

    3. Go with your gut!!! If you keep seeing the same number(s) and question weather or not it's a message, it probably is!!! Try to stay mindful of your thoughts when seeing these numbers. Look the # meanings up and you'll surely have insight into those thoughts you were having. Hope that helps answer your question!!!

  8. For the pass 3weeks 21 21 21 21 21 has been ocurring in my life reading this has made me know that i am in tuned! Thank you very much

  9. I usually see 22, 222, and 2222 but I've been noticing a lot of 21's for quite some time... I've been really down lately, and like most of you, I needed to read that too! It brought a smile on my face! Thanks a lot!

    1. I see 222 all around me as well. I've been seeing 222 since I was 13 or so, about 16 years ago. It has since evolved to quite a few other numbers and a study of numerology in general, but there seems to be something special about 222, specifically. There are people who see 11:11, 333, 123, and pretty much any sequence you can imagine, but there are whole forums dedicated to sightings of the number 222. Some people think it's an "angelic" number, others label it "demonic." I very much doubt that any number is itself "good or bad," as those two words can only realistically be applied to actions and intents... Concepts aren't good or bad, they just exist- they're just information- but numbers can be symbols for things, good or bad. It's all about how you choose to perceive the number and the perspective you choose to look at it from, and your choice can tell you a lot about yourself.

      If you do a search for "222 sightings" or "222 forum" or something along those lines, you'll inevitably find entire websites chock full of people's opinions about this number and I t's quite interesting to read them!

  10. Hi.. I often see 21.12 and i still can't find a normal translate to that, i'm seeing this for so long.. And can't understand it.

    1. Hi, my two cents, for what it's worth. You know how they say a couple who has tried to have a baby for so long and never does finally conceives right after they adopt? It's because they relaxed. You do the same. Stop trying to understand this. Be aware of these numbers and their meanings, and just live your life and be aware of what you do and why you do it, and all of a sudden, when you least expect it, things will start kicking in, and you'll be amazed and will see how you should proceed and progress from there. At least that's how it worked for me; granted, I'm special, but no more special than anyone else!!!

    2. I am brian michael birth date 1:21 my brother is daniel google find me find truth 🔍

  11. I just started seeing the number 21 a lot lately and this is the same time I just got my temps!

  12. Before even realizing the sequence of numbers I was constructing I was aiming for focus and simplification. Condensing the Verbal to numerical cues. MEME.....I want my MEME. And my Meme added to 21.

    On track, on mission.........

  13. I am tired
    I see numbers everywhere
    Just watched my phone clock at 21:21 again. Then will be 23:23

  14. the owl hooted 21 times last night ....

  15. 21 is my lucky number : )

  16. Thanks we all here because the times of love and guidance. I look at my clock as I checked in my room. The time was 10:22 . And got done reading at 44 lol wow I love exploring the great possibilities . And thanks alot for the info and love . Peace and freedom loves and remain calm or find Peace. Thanks😊

  17. So grateful to know that this number means something good after reading this, thank you

  18. Starteddating my fiance in 2012.... found out I was pregnant with first daughter august 21st 2012... first daughter was born March 21/13 and my second daughter was born October 21/16 ... coincidence... I don't think so

  19. 21 also = 7+7+7 didint you guys realise that?

  20. 9 years ago, on 01.21.2008 I got a fortune cookie that read "Remember this date, exactly 3 months from now, good things are in store for you". I set a reminder on my Blackberry phone's calander. 04.21 I find out I am pregnant with my oldest child. 5 years later I found out I was pregnant with my youngest. On 09.21 (these were not planned pregnancy tbh lolol "pleasant surprises".) Also any and every time I have been going through something really rough, 21's pop up EVERYWHERE. And no I am not looking for it. And it can get rather annoying when it goes on for weeks at a time. But then it just stops. *sigh* it is so nice to hear that it could actually mean exactly what I was thinking.... A sign of change. Or a sign of friggin something! Lol. Can't imagine it doesn't mean something. Its too obvious. Sorry for the rambling. I really needed to see this post at this very time and hour in my life. Thank you. Thank you thank you.

    1. What an awesome experience Unknown,8th May 2017
      I'm so glad I read your comment !!!
      Immensely blessed and grateful!!!
      Thank you rush-collection , you are an Angel , our Earth Angel and I love you !!!❤
      Sending love,peace and light to all. Amen!!!🎈🙏❤
      Blessed and easy journeys !!!❤

  21. Angel numbers are so true and have real meaning also 22 and 33 are master builder's each time you see these number thank the angels they are there for us all if you just read the signs

  22. Angel numbers are so true and have real meaning also 22 and 33 are master builder's each time you see these number thank the angels they are there for us all if you just read the signs

  23. I believe my angel guided me to write a list to my soulmate describing What is love I decided to count how many times I described love there was 21 meaningful descriptions of Love listed. I realize I was on the right pathway. I love�� him��

  24. Thanks be to God and to my angels hallelujah

  25. My birthdaynumber is 670222-xx22 do it have any mening as Angel number?

  26. Hi my birtday number is 670222-xx22 have it some special meanig?

  27. Τον παίρνεται μα τον θεό

  28. Thank you 🙏🏽 ✨

  29. Thank you so much 💚
