Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 13 is made up of the attributes and energies of the numbers 1 and 3. Number 1 brings it vibrations of new beginnings, striving forward, motivation and progress, attainment and fulfilment, uniqueness and individuality. Number 3 relates to optimism and enthusiasm, communication and self-expression, inspiration and creativity, expansion and growth, manifesting and manifestation. Number 3 also relates to the Ascended Masters. Number 13 is the number of traditions, hard work, 
organisation and right judgement. The Number 13 is also a feminine number and suggests that you tap into your intuition.

Angel Number 13 is a message from your angels that some upheavals may take place in your life. This is happening for karmic reasons and will break new ground for you that will bring about new opportunities for you to grow spiritually. The angels ask that you adapt to changes gracefully.

Angel Number 13 may be a blessing in disguise.

Angel Number 13 is a message from your angels that you are being guided and assisted with your soul mission. Trust that the angels and Ascended Masters are by your side as you go through transitions that will bring into perfect alignment with your Divine life purpose. If you are unsure of your next steps, ask your angels for guidance and assistance.

Number 13 also relates to the Number 4 (1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.

Also see:  Repeating 1’s and 3’s  (113, 131 etc)
Angel Number 113
Angel Number 131

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. Thank you for your thoughts! This number has been appearing EVERYWHERE to me MANY times a day. I knew it was significant but now it means something to me specifically.

    Thank you!!!

    1. Me too have the same instances; and that too very very often. But, I don't get it. what one should do with it; communicate with it

    2. The number 13 I seen in my dream last night described what is currently happening in my life right now. I appreciate the explanation as it has confirmed my spiritual journey and changes towards my development to preach the gospel, which I have been asked by God. Thank you rush-collection

    3. Hilljo I thought I was I only one that sees that number an i find it hard to talk to anyone about it can we talk please? My name is adrah

    4. Wow anonymous its really a message from god I love to stay clean an my job is to help an show them cleanses I the first sign of godliness. Thank you

    5. guys is ur financial progress or carrrer path after that ...?? did u note any changes ?

    6. Hi Anonymous, you asked about financial/career path after seeing 13. Currently saw lots of 13th on car plates and phone numbers. I'm on the way to pay my last money and I'll be left with literally nothing and I have to survive a I feel scared? No, I feel its a lesson not to loose hope and believe in higher power, believe in miracles and trust in power of universe. I'll keep noticing and asking myself and try to follow up.
      Also I'm waiting for confirmation for international shall here from me soon!

    7. Could you tell me more about your status on life right now? I'm really concern because I just started to see #13 everywhere, especially on license plate and phone. I just lost my job that I loved dearly, in so much debt that I don't even knowhow to get out, I feel so depress and worry. Please let me know by emailing me at thank you!

    8. My name is Bryan, Im currently in a work release program of the florida dept. of corrections in Gainesville Fl. i will be released in Aug. 2017. when i was a small child i had branded my right upper arm with the number 13, for what reason i hadn't known. today i am 24 years old and the stories and my history is one shrouded in things nearly unbeleivable that i dont care to share because either they're personal private or would most likely not be believed. my journey through this existence becomes clearer and the destiny set before me becomes clearer as the years and trials go by, my watchers silently guide and protect my i know otherwise i wouldn't be here today. my inner being tells me im destined for great things and i believe its true however i am at a constant battle within myself and am fearful i won't reach or come to understanding by the time i conquer myself. I am Picese. I Have a son that is 6 born in 2010 his name came to me when he was born, i had never heard it before but its what i spoke when he was born, his name is Kaden - it is an arabic name that means companion. something told me to search out this scar on my right arm, google led me here, i still feel i need more answers, if there's any more or any direction or any Order that can guide me farther within my quest or upon my journey i can be contacted at my private E-mail is

    9. although i may not understand all you have publicly shared with the world, you should be careful. no offense. the appearance of the number 13 is not to be taken lightly. what EXACTLY are you indicating? i see 13 3 times per hour. this is uncanny... im not stupid nor am I exaggerating. and things are starting to happen. almost as if i influence these things. you have a gift. you can " gingerly persuade" the events around you..focus. this is not a joke. be aware: energy is persuasive. if you have positive intent.true positive intent it will be manifested. evil intent should NEVER intentionally be pursued. it self perpetuates. evil by design is viral.. so please. whoever you are. those with the gift of 13. remember you are capable of things that you never expected. good or bad... please. be aware of ur capacity and use it for the right purpose.

    10. What do you mean? I’ve been seeing the number 13 everywhere all the time. The time in the clock, battery, my amount of e-mail. My son needed my help to count his toys and what do you know he brought 13 blocks to me?! �� I was pretty surprised. It pops up a lot of people t.v. Just seeing it everywhere. What does it mean?

    11. I've had Lucid Nightmares for the biggest part of my life. Some of these dreams would last for what felt like several years. The longest taking around 40 or so years. All of them were puzzles. The only way I could escape was to figure out the solution to the puzzle. The 40 year one was about staring forward no matter what happened. No matter what things you heard, what people you could hear, you could never doubt yourself and look away from in front of you. Because if you ever did that, the scenery you weren't looking at would advance several or many years into the future. I would meet people within the same dream, and they too were trying to figure out what was going on. I helped them and told them what my theory was. I hope that helped them, as I eventually made it out by simply staring forward.

      After that lucid nightmare I asked God and used whatever I could, such as dream catchers to stop having them. And I stopped dreaming about them. In fact I stopped having dreams at all about anything for a long time. I was in what people considered the abyss of dreaming. Where you dream of absolutely nothing and you feel as if you are simply floating in a pitch black space. Those were some of the best dreams of all, as they were peaceful. But they didn't last.

      For 6 months, I had a new dream. It was simply of a number. 13. All I saw was a white number in a black background. After those six months I would have another, that seemed just as ominous. I dreamed about my city being completely destroyed for two months.

      When I was a kid, I used to have dreams that I termed dejavu moments, as I would dream about something one day, and then it would happen the next day or week or month. There was no set date on when they occurred, but whenever they've happened, I've made sure to stick to doing things that happened within the dream, in whatever order they happened. Never really told anyone about this except for family, and certain friends.

  2. with this guy; 13 is both our lucky numbers our birthdays are 13 days apart my birthday is on the 13th what does this mean

  3. Thanks for this info. I been looking for long time a answer for this and now it make all since!!!...I been seeing this number 13 every where and everyday since I was 13 or 14 years old, now I am 33 and got the answer. Thank you :)

  4. I use military time at work and I have made entries into my logs at 1212 and 1313 on many occasions and on the same day recently...

  5. How precise :D thank you rush-collection <3

  6. Its always 13 after he hour...May times a day. It comes on hard for days or months and then stops for long periods
    This trend has been going on for the last 20 plus years. I knew it was significant. Still unsure of the meaning. this does bring me closer to the meaning .
    Please contact me if you have the same experience

    1. Hello i have had the same experience. each time i see the number 13 something is about to happen usually not a good thing,its like a warning.

    2. Hi, I've been seeing the # 13 alot for the past 5 years. Mainly when I glance at the clock (13 minutes past the hour). It seems to happen most in periods when I get freaked out about it. At its most intense I saw it for 3 consecutive hours straight. Maybe I have a stronger biological clock than I think, or that "someone" is strongly trying to tell me something, or it could even be there to act as a lesson in fear, trying to make me realize that fear is MY creation, therefor telling me that I can choose to step out of it and/or let it go. Then again, it could be something else entirely, that of which I might eventually or never know. (Altough I'll happily take into consideration what is written at the top of this page.)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. My name's Gideon and i have this same experience. Its always 13 past the hour and i keep seeing it. Was years ago since it begun, now 5 years later it's been confirmed to me by 7 different people that i'm to minister for the Lord. I just saw it this morning 13 past and was prompted to make the search online and well here i go. Awesome

    6. I experience exactly same thing. It's happening so often that I'm going crazy. And I fear seeing 13 past every time I see clock is sign of bad luck.

  7. I have been seeing the number 13 in my life for decades. My addresses, phone numbers, seating, work dates, retire date, family member's birthdates...even the day my son was laid to rest.....etc. I never feared it to be a "bad" thing. I knew, in my heart, it was some
    kind of "blessing" from God.

  8. Since the past 3-4 month, the 13th of each month been the worst days of my life. Things go terribly wrong o nthat day. Plus I see the number 13 everywhere, either my phone's battery is at 13% or the time says 13 mins, and a lot of other places. What do I do? I still don't understand. I have a fear of the number 13 of each month now!

    1. Please don't fear, the angels are hear to help you to give love, cherish, respect, honor, freedom and understanding to people who have self dout and has low vibration. Read and copy down on paper what 13 means again.Believe and Trust what the real message is for you. Remember angels or love not fear. Hope this helps.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thank you so much now I feel so much better and I know what I have to do :) just listen to your inner voice and go with the flow ,let it take you where you belong and everything will be just fine :) its all about love and doing more than you have to do so you get more than you deserve.. finally it all makes sense 13 <3 :)))

  10. Wow, this is very interesting, I used to feel very uncomfortable about the number 13, but after reading info here it makes me feel much better.. The number 13 comes up a lot since the passing of my mother 4 months ago.. Is this a message for me or guidance?

  11. check out da13thsun, for more 13 knowledge and wisdome... ChenChi

  12. My date of birth is 23/03/76 i was told 13 is my number and i should find out as much as i can about this can u help me

  13. Number 13 as been appearing in my life but am douting if all of this will actually be right cause new experiances are happening and i dont know if they will end in anothere down fall like it has always happen to me please help.

    1. it is always a sign of being on the undeniable path that u should be on be open and watch the numeric signs you are a king

  14. I have for the last year had 13 pop up. Pfirst it was just seeing it pop up on street signs and building numbers and license plates in front of me . I found myself questioning the significance of the number 13 and why was a why am I seeing it . this last year has had a lot of difficulties for me.I think the two significant circumstances where the number 13 popped up was one time I was driving by a sports field and are young soccer player was kicking a soccer ball cross and waving looking as if you was still trying to get my attention I guess it was for somebody across the street from me but as he turned around his jersey number stare directly at me number 13 . then to top it all off I went to a Mexican restaurant I was sat down to have my bill and as I was looking at my receipt my total amount of my bill came to $13.13 and I was sitting at table number 13 .and as if that wasn't enough the same thing happened at another roadside diner table number 13 $13.13 and when I try to avoid that number and I think it is not the issue my change from hundred dollar bill or from whatever bill I'm paying my bill with ends up being $13.13 this isn't something that happens to me every day but it does seem to happen enough . I realize all of this does focus on the negativity of the but I'm wondering if it's more about counting your blessings instead of counting the things that stand out like this . if you have more information on this please contact me thank you .

  15. 13:13 on my cell or computer every day. What does this mean? Anyone?

  16. 13:13 on my cell or computer every day. What does this mean? Anyone?

  17. 13:13 on my cell or computer almost every day. What does this mean? Anyone?

  18. I read somewhere 13 is a sign of death. .

  19. It will help for spiritual growth, and the more you are detached there will be less sufferings, other way the more you desire for the material things the more sufferings.

  20. I've asked the angels for a sign and I've been seeing the number 13. So does this mean because I want material things such as a new kitchen and bathroom to make my I will suffer in life

  21. I have been a very successful person just 2 years ago.Immedaitely something happened and i lost all. Since then i started getting Nr. 13 in my concern , in front of my eyes means everywhere. Some people says its a sign of death. I dont know that. But yes immediately i have got Cancer symptoms in my reports .Still i dont agree abt any relation between 13 and my health. One of my psychic friend told me to believe it as Angels power who want to help me wo want to show me directions. Though i really feel myself very close to death but i wan to give my all trust to 13 as an Angels help towards my life. I wish if its true ,If u guys want , u can contact me via fb too. Its Sachin Rana

    1. How are you doing? please email me your status at I would love to hear more from you as I am experience the same thing but in my career. We can exchange life experience as it relate to number 13. I am worry and stress out!

  22. This is sudden changes in your job , financial flow( creates sufferings)
    In Hindu it's called shivoham , so pray shiva on Trayodasi , one way it's indication from God about your immediate future, so be happy that some one is helping you. So be smart by applying insurances to your financial flow, safeguard all your money. Don't trust anyone.

  23. I haven't been getting the number 13 directly but I kept getting double or triple digit numbers (usually all the same number but not everytime) that when you do the math they would usually equal 1 or 3. I also knew 13 is a sacred number in many religions so, I felt the urge to put both of the numbers together. So, here I am. :)

  24. Please please help I see 13 everywhere on my microwanve precisely on my washing machine, on my watch, on my phone please what does this mean its being happening for about 5 years and wont stop.

  25. Please please help I see 13 everywhere on my microwanve precisely on my washing machine, on my watch, on my phone please what does this mean its being happening for about 5 years and wont stop.

  26. I was born on the 13th and so was my dad. I see the number 26 everywhere!!! The time, my battery percentage, EVERYWHERE! And 13 plus 13 equals 26.. what does this mean?

  27. I have seen the number 13 as long as I can remember, for sure sense I was 13 things were so messed up in my home life my father overdose twice on his pain medication my mother started showing her sociopathic narcissistic personality disorders I broke my arm n back on a motorcycle riding with my brother so 13 for me was rough. My life has been ups n downs clinical depression my mother doing one horrible thing after another ever since 2 bad bad marriages, but I've been told my karma was high jacked how can this happen? I'm not sure I could use some good angel covering PLEASE!

  28. I am totally confused and with mix feelings .I have read these comments over and over not wanting to comment. I got a new job a month and a week ago. Moved to the city have been looking for an apartment. I got an apartment number 13. Since then I have seen 13s everywhere. The machine at work is PH13. When I turn to watch the clock its either 13:13 , 12:13, 21:13 anything 13. If I turn to watch how many components I have produced its either 13. 131. 513x2. 1350. In fact all numbers with 1and 3 inclusive. If i walk and use my Gps its either 1.3km to go or 13 mins left. If I transfer files to folder its 1/3 Loading . At work as I listen to th radio its says like the radio station name and 13. I change machine at work still I see 13 written next to the table. .. I start to see too 14 which is me and my daughters birthday and 73 which is my birth year . Before closing work or break I am around 9th or 23rd component to make but still the bell sounds when its 13 or 131. I fought so hard today not to score it before closing still I got 153. Now when I go to see the new apartment I found a box on the floor that looks like a box of device that was installed marked in bold 13. All this Happening I'm a week. I have keys of my new apartment but now I am scared to move in. All this is true. No exaggeration . Please Angels help Me.

    1. we really have the same scenario of every day life...
      that scares me most the the day. I believe in the power of prayer... now, im used to it... i have nothing to worry as long as you believe in God almighty.. He will lead us the good way.... :)

    2. we really have the same scenario of every day life...
      that scares me most the the day. I believe in the power of prayer... now, im used to it... i have nothing to worry as long as you believe in God almighty.. He will lead us the good way.... :)

  29. December 13, 2013 was the best day of my life, because that is the day my lifelong dream of owning a horse came true. I got him from auction and his auction number was 463, which also adds up to 13. December 13 is also "International Day of the Horse" and it was going into the Year of the Horse (2014). I was born in the Year of the Horse as well. I knew he was the one by looking at his picture (something no one should do when buying a horse!) and 2 years later it has been the best decision I ever made in my life. I can't imagine that it's all coincidence! I was also told that his spirit is a walk-in spirit of my old black cat who was my best friend in the world while I was growing up.

  30. Thanks for sharing, great story!
    Good luck with everything!

  31. I saw 333313 several times today. How should I break this down to find the meaning? I also saw 33 over a dozen times and 77 and 777 also over a dozen times each.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I see numbers everywhere. 1111,2222,222,333,444,44,555,55,77,777,00,09,08 etc. I have read alot of rush-collections meanings but sometimes I feel like I am forgetting something, I also find it difficult to control my mind, sometimes bad things happen to me while I get the numbers, I just feel like I'm doing something wrong.
    And, I also said some very hateful things against God when I got mad. I am taking it as they are giving me a warning sometimes and at other times advice. Also sometimes I can think of something and later on in the day I might find find it happening. Eg: If I thing about or play NFS, later on in the day I will find a car from NFS show up in reality.
    Can someone send me an e-mail:

  34. My hand automatically attracts to my Cell phone every hour whenever the Time is at XX hour 13 minutes ,I get astonished everyhour,why I dont unerstand.This phenomenon repeating since 3 months.Plz answer .(My DOB is 04.12.1955)

  35. Hi, just found this thread re no 13! I've been searching net as to its relevance. Like you I keep seeing no 13! It's either when I wake up & check time, always 13 past the hour or 13 to the hour, always.... Before I was admitted to hospital, 13 kept appearing on clocks whenever I looked, my room faced 13 in hosp. My father admitted to room 13 in hosp. He died on the 13th! I still see it now but don't know why?????

    1. My dad also died on a 13. He was also born on one so I consider them to be good despite the way he died

  36. I was born January 13, 1967 (01/13/1967*6+7=13) I was born on a Friday and also on my grandmothers birthday, January 13, 1921(1+9+2+1=13) I have been lucky throughout my life with monetary and material items. I used to feel pessimistic when I was much younger, I feel completely optimistic and this year I turned 49. I feel blessed and know that God has been gracious with me through my life during great and not so great times.

  37. My father was born Friday June 13h 1930 and took his life this past September on Sunday the 13th for me it is not possible for me to see 1s&3s without thinking of him

  38. Yep, this is so true I kept seeing 13 everywhere and it kept showing and showing and then something happened. It wasn't a total great way to start things but I feel like since that happened, it can help me do what I need to do especially right now. It was a rush when it happened but hopefully something will come out of it. Now I'm seeing the number even more, I wonder if something else is going to take place. I don't know.... Lets see and find out����

  39. I was given three numbers in a dream last night, one was 13 and I was upset, I've kind of had it with upheavals and lessons learned the hard way and blessings that insist on being disguised. But I saw today that it doesn't have to be a disastrous, crushing thing for the lesson to be learned, and the blessing to be acquired. I want to share this in case other people get nervous about this. I believe in being of service, and doing so way more often than not makes me feel complete and good, but a lot of times, leaves me bereft because people have been simply unkind, sometimes hostile, in response. And it hurts me and I feel like a fool.Today an older woman fell right in front of an SUV, thank God it stopped. Four of us came over, her shoe was off and her ankle looked twisted, two people were helping her up and I said, ma'am do you want me to call an ambulance and she bit my head off. That was OK, she was scared and embarrassed and in pain...they got her to a bench and the other two people left and I was with this other woman, and I said to the woman who fell, sure you're OK and she said, yes, I just have to get my wind back, and I said, why don't I get you a water, and she said, no, thank you, and I said, it's no problem and she said, no, then the other woman says, I think that's a good idea, and she says to her, OK!! So the other woman goes to get her water, and I said, joking, it wasn't a good idea when I said it? She didn't reply! Here's the lesson learned too late, at this point, or even earlier, I should have left, for whatever reason, this woman didn't want me around, I felt the anxiety, and I'm so programmed to press on despite that feeling, that I set myself up. So the other woman leaves and I said, well if you're OK, and she said yes, so I said, smiling and so obviously kidding, I think you just planned the whole thing to get a free water, and she gives me this murderous look and says nothing, so I said, OK, that's it, take care and I left, and I was furious with myself. And then as I thought on it during the afternoon, and had better interactions with better people, I realized that the lesson I really need to learn is that if I feel that anxiety in a situation, that tension, I need to end my involvement. Just because someone needs help (and please understand, I'm not like some out of control St. Bernard puppy and I mind my own business) doesn't mean they necessarily want help, or want it from me. I'm not talking about initial resistance in some cases where people want to be persuaded, but those times don't give me the anxiety burn in my gut. God wants me to learn that being of service doesn't mean doing it at the expense of my feelings or self-esteem. In essence, even if on paper it seems like the rightest thing in the world, if something doesn't feel right, it's wrong. Thank you angels, thank you rush-collection.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think you got some good points there in your story and this is the key in what you said:
      "I realized that the lesson I really need to learn is that if I feel that anxiety in a situation, that tension, I need to end my involvement. Just because someone needs help (and please understand, I'm not like some out of control St. Bernard puppy and I mind my own business) doesn't mean they necessarily want help, or want it from me."

      Self awareness is always important doing good is always good but we must also take care of ourselves as you said again in your own comment:
      "God wants me to learn that being of service doesn't mean doing it at the expense of my feelings or self-esteem. In essence, even if on paper it seems like the rightest thing in the world, if something doesn't feel right, it's wrong."

  40. for a while I am not sure, I always see the 13, whether its the 13th bldg from my balcony, or the mins after the hour in clock..I was thinking it as something unfortunate would happen to me...but later found that, I like someone, whom I have never seen or intereacted, and his birth date adds up to 13. I am nt sure what is going on..should I stop liking teh guy, as its 13?

  41. Please explain the drastic difference in interpretation of this number.

    The Ascended Masters (such as Jesus ) are with you, helping you to maintain a positive outlook. The number 13 signifies that female Ascended Masters are assisting you in staying positive.

    Doreen Virtue

    Nothing at all about upheaval.

    1. rush-collection,

      Could you please reply to this. I am really interested in knowing what made you add "upheaval " in your breakdown of this number. I have found nobody else that has done so and your interpretations seem the most accurate to me.

      Thank you!

    2. Frank, I don't see any drastic difference in interpretation, why would Jesus and the Ascended Masters have to help us to remain positive if everything was hunky-dory?? We only learn through some form of upheaval or another, could rush-collection be stating something that Doreen is only implying? rush-collection and Doreen pass on reassurances and guidance to us from the angels, but we have to do our own work.

  42. I have been seeing the number 13 daily since 2010, this number has kept me safe from negativity and negative people. I am a designer and technology enthusiasts in Cryptocurrency and I have wealth financially and experiences due to the number thirteen. I know I have Angels surrounding me and they have kept me safe since I was a child, coming accross the Angel number 13 has given me a hindsight of what is going on in our world, it has also giving me enlightenment of my life and a FEARLESS Mind, Body, and Soul to fight any evil the world is going through today. I would personally like to personally thank you for showing me Angel Number 13.

    1. Nothing in your experience seems to have anything to do with upheaval.

    2. Michael,
      Of all the experiences of #13 I believe your explanation is the one I think my path is leading me down.
      I was born 1:3:61 and only recently started seeing the number 13 on my cell phone,
      I have recently started my own charity
      called the Titan Chrldrens trust to help Underprivileged children.
      This number I believe is my angels keeping me positive and focused on driving this Fwd. Like you I feel like Angel 13 has been by my side.
      Feel happy after reading yours.
      People don't be afraid of this number.

  43. I have been seeing the number 13 everywhere again. My bf and I have been having major issues. Scary thing is, we just moved into a place with the number 313 on our door can anyone help me out with this?

  44. Thank you! :)) sending love <3

  45. My father passed away December 13,2013 his birthday is January 13,1962 I was to be released from prison Feb 28 2013 but it being a weekend I got out march 1,2014 I couldn't be there to say goodbye to my father ...i was released and came out with no direction. my step mom keeps his earn which I never see has moved on in life , but i miss him I feel we still had things we both wanted to say to one another and we couldn't due to my incarceration and on January 13,2016 the lottery was 13 million i figured he wanted me to play .. So I bought 13 lotto's the day of drawing January 13 well maybe he was just telling me something else cause I was not a! But this meaning of the numbers 1&3 have given me a piece of mine its helped me to put another piece to this puzzle of life together..

  46. Last night I had a dream. In the dream, I had crossed 13 bridges by jumping/flying/floating in the air so I can touch treetops and I landed on both of my feet. Afterwards, a white woman approached me with a piece or orgonite which was warm when I held it. I then noticed the sky becoming overcast and we took a trolley to my destination because I was running an errand. Can someone help me interpret this dream? Someone on here said to checkout da13thsun on Youtube.


  48. My mom died on May 13th 2013. I was 13 years old then. On 2013 my nubmer in school diary was 13, I was 13th on some kind of marathon, I came into new relationship on 24.11. (24-11=13) and since her death number 13 is following me. I think she's trying to communicate with me. And yeah, 2 weeks ago I was thinking about if there's life after death and I said in my head: "Mom, if you can hear me and if there is life after death, I want you to visit me in dreams tonight." And guess what happened? I saw her in dream that night! So, now I'm sure that she's always with me and nubmer 13 is one of her ways to communicate with me.

  49. I too have been seeing this number all the time even recipient's from the store will come to 13$ change i get back will be 13 dollars or 13 cents even my addres the first number is 13! My husband old me he loved me the first time was on the 13! The year he got cancer was 2013, loans ive got was on the 13th i closed on my house was on the 13th, and so on... i never knew there were so many others out there that see this number everywhere. How crazy!! I am very interested n it now an want to know more!!

  50. I don't usually see no. 13. But almost everyday, i can't keep my mouth on saying it. Im always wispering the no 13 i dont know why. I dont want to think about it but its something i couldn't avoid. My birth no. Or destiny no. Is 4. Is there anyone know something about it? I need help.
    Please do email me @ thank you so much.

  51. I was playing my game 3x on my ipad and each game the number 13 came up does this mean anything..?

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. This number 13 to me is a spiritual awakening. I believe it trying to remain us to always walks in the right path and also to be cautions in the things we do in life since it effects everything around us. It's our enlighten awakening soul and it's also our six senses. There is nothing to be afraid of as long you live your life the right ways by helping out one anothers. Just follow your six senses and always learns to do the right thing. Happiness will follow.

  54. I see the number 13 at least 10 times a day. It wasn't until recently that I noticed how often I've been seeing the number 13 even though it is already very special to me due to a a life trama I've experience. My older brother was born on April 13th 1985 he passed away on November 13th 2015. He was born in the 13th Hour as he passed away in the 13th Hour. He was buried and Grave plot Number 13. Which was purchased years before he passed away for his grandfather who he outlived. My brother took his own life on a Friday the 13th also is 13 year anniversary. The number 13 doesn't make me feel negative seeing it all the time. I realize with my intuition when my brother was laid to rest I placed him in a casket with the 13 disciples at the Last Supper. I feel my brother they're helping me make every decision I felt him pass away in the 13th Hour of that night that he died but it wasn't until recently in the last 3 months everywhere I look I see the number 13 I look at the clock 13 after at least 3 to 5 times a day I got a sign the number 13 my license plate to my new car has a 13 everything is 13 everywhere I look at everybody I tell it to sees it as well. This year I am taking more into my spirituality and learning more about my intuition this really helped me feel confident and my search for answers behind the 13 from my angels Spirit guides

  55. I see 13 very often...on clocks, my account which is frozen has 13.68. When I add my sociel security number its 13..I feel my life is at a stand still..I'm always short of money..I'm on disability and I have a limited life...if a change it coming I wish it would happen soon for the good..I read my bible and I pray but it seems that it makes no difference...I have no car, I feel stuck and locked in....any ideas why this is life is change and not always me with any answer...
    Feeling trapped and stuck

  56. Sorry..please email

  57. The one who commands the angels spoke so many 13s, and unlikely pairs of 13s, into existence for the last day or two of mine here on this planet(even a double-pair of 13s -meaning [four] 13s total- that finally made me look up 13 here.)... I am in the process of having to quit a job possibly for financial reasons, and can see how it needs to be done gracefully as this number is asking. This job experience has just been crossed and riddled with divine synchronicity. Also, I have been feeling the positive energy that those 13s came with today... of course, i don't know how numbers can be linked with Holy Spirit, and whatever other helpful energies are associated with these numbers (that spirit-Angels may bring); or if the Angels themselves "pour out" the Holy Spirit, but they always seem to totally all come together with what's in my life and what this particular website has had to say. LOTS of numbers and other synchronicity this last year... the quickening is still quickening ... Either way I give the one who is "at the right-hand" of The Father in Heaven, thanks and praise to Him and to the Father who is in him, and also to all of their Angels; Including their earth-Angel rush-collection ~ Thank you rush-collection for such amazing and diligent work. :-) Bless you always, amen. :-)

  58. Thank you very much. This number is my birth day and always i thinked that its significance is something wrong related specially to the bad luck. I am happy to discover tha I always was in an error. God bless you!!!

  59. Before my 8th birthday, 13 days before my birthday to be exact, i died briefly...I ended up getting 13 stitches in my head....and did I mention my Birthday is the 13th of December.....The man who met me at the entrance of what i am sure was heaven, told me he had to send me back and I had a job to do, and when i was done i would be able to cone back.

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  61. @amber rose !!! That's the spirit girl!!!
    Your comment is absolutely awesome !!!
    Believe in your self and do what you feel is right thing to do!!!
    Thank you rush-collection & thank you Angels !!!
    Stay blessed people, as we all are !!!
    Love,health,peace and love to all !!! ♡♡♡

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. 9i was born 13th. if i add month and year it goes into 13 as well. may i understand that my soul mission is 13? and what would that mean? it happenmed for me to be lightworker and also probably one of the 144000. it means nothing for me. all i gewt is just hard time( stroke and shite around). i am not complaining i know i will fly :-)

  63. Thank you so much for posting these! Your articles offered great guidance, and I found your posts just in the right moment when I needed guidance the most. Thank you and blessings to you!
    Greatful reader.

  64. I've been seeing the nummber 13 for a while now. And also i've been seein 121 and 123 and 111 and 1111 and 1212 and 1221.

  65. 13 does not always mean upheaval!! It also can mean a very POWERFUL transformation of some kind is on its way. 13 is actually a very powerful transformation number, and depending on your life situation it can mean you are about to come out of an old way of being and transforming your life into a new way. For me, this number has been extremely positive and I have transformed my life after seeing it. The upheaval to me took place on and off for months while i was seeing repeating numbers like 11:11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99, 17,18,19 etc, and once I aligned my soul with my life purpose, thats when I saw 13 repeating and then a huge transformation happened. So when I saw 13 and looked on this site, I automatically assumed MORE upheaval. But this is where it is needed that you discern for yourself because it is not always the case if you are seeing multiple number sequences and not just one.

    1. Hi Nicole Marie, Thanks for your entry it was very helpful and made a lot of sense. I've been in the same boat and can relate.

  66. I also see 13 or combinations of 1 and 3 frequently and on a daily basis. I knew of course that my birthday is the 13th, but I recently found out that I was born at 11:31 which put together with the date would make 113113. This revelation had such profound effect on me that I knew it had to be significant somehow. Serafia

  67. 13 keeps coming back around, definitely tons of blessings in disguise.and Another 13 just happened as I'm typing.

    Humbled ❤

  68. I was born 13 wks early ( forced attempted abortion).
    My alleged siblings and I were 13 months apart in age.
    (We are not kin)
    I was abused and suffered 13 yrs.
    Until I was abandoned at a bus station at 13 yrs old.
    I was an abused wife 13 yrs
    Went back and took care of parents for 13 yrs
    Raised another's child in the process until she was
    my father died then my mother was murdered 13 wks later, They died 13 wks apart
    13 wks later my son's friend had found my hair nailed under my deck..I didn't know it had been cut.

  69. Was reading these and got surprised that I'm not the 1. People around me see the same. Every day I see no 13, either the clock , car on number plate, or anything. Almost every hour. It started since August 2017...I really don't know what to do. My wife now makes joke about me and 13. Is these OK? Or should go to a doctor?
    Plz help.

  70. Was reading these and got surprised that I'm not the 1. People around me see the same. Every day I see no 13, either the clock , car on number plate, or anything. Almost every hour. It started since August 2017...I really don't know what to do. My wife now makes joke about me and 13. Is these OK? Or should go to a doctor?
    Plz help.

  71. Every time i look at my watch, laptop, clock and other its _.13 AM/PM Everyone says its unlucky i'm so confused!! My school term ends on friday 13th April when i found out i was just like 'OH MY GOSH' My birthday (April 11) is two days before! To be honest I'd been panicking for days since everybody had been saying 13 is one of the most unluckiest numbers! Another website said that My angel is warning me! I also thought i was cursed!!!!!

    Before this started happening my old house was haunted and so is the house i'm living in now! i keep seeing shadows moving towards me! My dog and cat were staring at it I was super creeps out, even now! I thought i was seeing things but then I saw something red... I saw the devils number... And I feel i'm being targeted! Or i'm just crazy!!! I don't know what to do Maybe the angels are warning me! I feel i'm being watched as well... But maybe your right! Time will tell!!!

    Maybe ill research more!

    Well, thank you for making this website!!! It helped, a lot!!!
    It cleared somethings up!!

  72. Mhmm, I'm guessing this feeling like it might be helpful... I'm not sure on rather or not I can trust it

  73. About 5 or 6 years ago I started seeing the number 13 and then my marriage almost ended right after that. 1 year ago I started seeing it a lot then I had a terrible incident at work. But few days ago I started seeing a lot, but I took it as a warning and then I almost was beat up by a drugged out large man. I felt my dog was protected as he turned right as the drugged man tried to kick him. Seeing 13 that morning was like a message that something bad would happen but physical harm would be thwarted. Definitely believe there is some kind of realm most of us can't communicate with very well.

  74. hi guys i am seeing number 13 for 7 years day after day non stop even when im not seeing it i can feel it its not about seein it its about feeling it 13 have a lot of energy it depends on us i think if u are good to 13 then 13 will be good to u and its following us for a reason we dont choose 13 no number 13 choose us its like a chain connected to each other i recieve a very very powerfull energy from 13 i have all 13 collection ring lighter my car number 13 my clothes tattoo every thing in every relegion i searched number 13 stands for somthing for example in islam also forgot to say im muslim in islam 13 stands for the day that our first saint ali born and many other thing even in christians 13 stands for juda number 13 its a number that we shouldnt make fun of it we just have to accept it and enjoy being with it cuz its always a good luck for who deserve and feel it wish u guys the best lucky 13 in ur life

  75. I am the 13th child in my family. The youngest of a bakers dozen and we all are from the same mother and father. I'm now in my forties and am just getting around to learning about the number 13. I'd like all the readers to know that I've never felt unlucky and I don't think the number should be a cause for concern. My life has had challenges like any other but I have also been blessed with a wonderful marriage and children. I figure there's not many out there who can make the same claim to 13 as I can and if it was unlucky- I would know. Take comfort that there is nothing ominous about it.

  76. Dose 13 means you are under curse ?
    Dose someone made a spell to damage your life?
    Please if anyone of you guys been treated and found out that sign of apearing no 13 everywhere was a message that you been haxed?

    Email me

  77. i hate number 13!!! i am scared of it. what to do? again an upheaval??¿

    1. Unfortunately any combination of 1 and 3 means upheavals and even failures. I can't see anything positive in it. I've been experiencing it.

  78. I leave everything in your hands God

  79. Hey am 23 yours old and I need some answers about angel number 13

  80. Amen...praise and gratitude always to our Creator!

  81. About 95% of the time when I look at a clock or my watch it is 13 minutes after the hour. I would love to know if there is a specific meaning to this. Thank you.

  82. Today is Friday the 13. Earlier I looked and my phone time was 13.13. I was looking at my email and for some reason decided to open an old folder labeled "wisdom" and found this that I wrote over a year ago:

    I just saw 13, 3 times at once in the kitchen (the rice cooker time left, the timer I randomly set to to something and the actual time) then I went to look up the number on an angel number book i have on amazon/kindle and the number 13 was ON page 13 (it could vary from the size font you have, margins etc) I looked up a song from when I was age 13 (having 13 on my mind with all this) and found a fav song about an angel was in that year and a comment on Youtube from some kid saying "Hi, I'm 13 years old but I like this song". Oh yeah, I had deleted that book from amazon awhile ago and went to repurchase it but a message said "You already purchased this kindle book on Dec 13th" This all happened in about 30-40 minutes. Or probably less time than that. Then I started feeling freaked out and scared and my fears kicked in. I am trying to hope that this page is right and even if something is slightly wrong, that I am getting a LOT of guidance to help me. Maybe why I keep seeing it. Maybe it could mean pay attention to feeling about what to do to help your life. To make you more aware. Part of me fears it's bad but mybe they (angels?loved ones?) choose that number bcs it does make us pay a bit more attention so they can help us. I really hope so! sorry so long. I'm SOOOOOOO glad this page and everyones comments are here and I'm not alone. ♥"

    That all really happened that day. Even to me it sounds unlikely but it's true. There's so much more to this world than meets the eye.

  83. I strongly believe that these shouldn't be called angel numbers. These are not angels but I am not implying negativity. This is our higher self speaking to us not external beings. I am also not implying the non existence of other beings.
