Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Number 23 is made up of the energies and attributes of the number 2 and number 3. Number 2 resonates with duality and balance, diplomacy and co-operation, faith and trust, duty and service, and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 3 brings its vibrations of joy and optimism, self-expression and creativity, expansion and growth, encouragement and assistance, and manifesting and manifestation. Number 3 also relates to the Ascended Masters. This makes 23 a number of duality, charisma, communication and society.

Angel Number 23 is a message that the angels and Ascended Masters are assisting you with maintaining your faith and trust in the Universe as you work diligently to manifest your highest desires and aspirations. When feeling doubt or fear ask your angels for help and guidance as they are with you always.

Angel Number 23 is a message encouraging you to use your natural abilities, talents and creativity to bring joy and happiness into your life and into that of others. Communicate honestly and openly with others, and strive to help others in your daily life. What you put out to the Universe comes back to you, so keep a positive attitude and optimistic outlook to ensure that all in your life remains balanced and harmonious.

Angel Number 23 is a reminder that your angels, archangels and Ascended Masters are always available to support, guide and assist you  -  all you need to do is ask.

Number 23 relates to the Number 5 (2+3=5) and Angel Number 5.

See also:  Repeating 2’s and 3’s  (223, 232, etc)
Angel Number 223
Angel Number 232

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. I keep seeing the number 23.. .. I was born 1/23/1993 I’ve just now starting to see this number this year about three months ago.. I’m having a daughter in the next 19 weeks.. I’m looking to sign a publishing deal with my music very soon. Could this mean something great is on the way? I’m looking for someone to guide me.. Please help

    1. Be careful with music industry, especially when you are making contracts....

    2. I'm hoping to be in the music industry too when I first saw this.

    3. Hi Steven!

      Can I listen to your music?


    4. It not what you think it is. Devil will come and angels will be there to support you and guide you. Just think about the good, the humanity, the right think to do. Don't be scared, you sre strong and you can beat ANYTHING. You are not mad, you just expirience the truth. You have to paths one of them is the good one the other one the one who wants to destroy as all but won't succeed. Eminem-i am not afraid

    5. I'm also hoping to be signed into the music industry, and all I keep seeing is 23 everywhere, and the number 444, and 123, and 888. If this is an omen then what is it trying to say? I'm confused as to what to do next. I'm hoping that our new tracks will hit some important ears, so I can get signed, does this have something to do with 23? Please help. I know I'm not alone, but it's confusing all the same

    6. Hey im mason 23 has been following me I though it was weird that so many that see this number are wanting to be in music also my self I've madesome song and fill good about many of them

    7. Hey im mason 23 has been following me I though it was weird that so many that see this number are wanting to be in music also my self I've madesome song and fill good about many of them

    8. ALL im SexyyBexxyy Snapchat,instagram, Youtube etc I experienced my awakening at "23" 😘 im 24. .#s 7,4,8 and discovered Myy FAITH been battling through music fighting since 8 yrs young I have nightmares nightly, see mental crap destroy with a gentle kiss for REAL LOVE DESTROYS EVIL
      And ALOT UGGGGHHHHsooooooo glad were not Alone for We have One another buuut only You can Save You starts with a PRAYER FROM Yoyr HEART. . Mother Musician dancer etc, literallyy have been fighting bs dailyy but FAITH NOT IN RELIGION BUT GOD NOT God/god buuut GOD im refering REDEFINING for once was removed CREATOR OF ALL NOT A DEITY NEVER WAS AND NOT OBJECT PLACE OR DESCEASED OF WORSHIP BUT A HIGHER POWER. PRAY TO GOD FOR GUIDANCE # thing everything new to Me but i know not to fucking Fall or almost fall for RELIGION ALL RELIGION IS FALSE DECODE, AND ITS BASICLY OUR END =/ but seriously PRAY OUR HIGHER POWER HEARS US. GOD IS LOVE FUCK RELIGION.

    9. Hey guys I was just 23 and turned 24 recently, and discovered this page first then but am reading these comments and its really weird and kind of creepy. I have seen the number 23 everywhere since the start of the year. I know its a long shot but I too am looking to make it big in the music business, its weird to see so many comments of people here who say the same thing. I have played music all my life, studied it at college as well, and its so weird seeing it the topic discussed first in the comments. not only that my name is Dylan and in another comment here the only other name mentioned in these comments is someone called Dylan who was somebodies son and died. Creepy fuckin shit you dang angels you. Anyway whatever if the angles are watching they have a believer after me seeing this shit. Peace you guys. :)

    10. I m alsa born in 23 jan 1993.. Nd evn i keep seeing 23 anywhere and everywhere!!

    11. what does it mean? 23 and 32?

  2. For personal guidance and assistance regarding the meaning and messages of the repeating numbers sequences (Angel Numbers) in your life, email rush-collection at rush-collection@sacredscribes.net to book a consultation.


    Sacred Scribes

    1. I see 23 everywhere.I wake up my phone battery is at 23% 23 email notifications I'm on the fourth floor going to the lobby elevator stops on floor 2 nobody there then the same day i come back and go up to the fourth floor it stops on the 3rd floor weird right!!?? My birthday feb. 21/1976 which is clearly 02/21/1976 so ad each break 2323

    2. I see 23 everywhere.I wake up my phone battery is at 23% 23 email notifications I'm on the fourth floor going to the lobby elevator stops on floor 2 nobody there then the same day i come back and go up to the fourth floor it stops on the 3rd floor weird right!!?? My birthday feb. 21/1976 which is clearly 02/21/1976 so ad each break 2323

    3. Me and my ex fiance got together on November 23. First time I got
      out of jail was on Feb 23 then went that same year june23 I just terminated probation and my highschool graduation is June 23 and the moment I read your post I look at battery and its 23% o.o

    4. Hi I lost my baby boy 23/1/2115 at 20 weeks every time I look at my phone it's always 23 minutes past the hue it's very raw still and I can't get it out of my head I know every time I look at the number 23 I always think of my boy rip baby Dylan







    6. I see reoccurring numbers every day. Different ones. 1s'3s 6s 9s, when ever i see reoccurring numbers i look up. And i feel there my life. And is life even real anymore. Im confused. Is my phone connected to my brain?

  3. I was born in 23/10/1369 in sun calculator that is equal to 13/1/1991...23 & 13...what a relation... :|

  4. i have seen 23 everywhere my whole life. every important or life changing event including the death of my father has happened on the 23rd day. i see 23 or 32 every time i look at a clock. even the coordinates of my current location start with 23. i was born on the 24th, so it's not even my birthday that is repeating to me. what does it mean? i have always felt that i posses something different... almost like hidden information that is slowly being reveled to me. what does this mean?

    1. I found a good explanation, 23 is W 2 points down 3 points up and V in the hebrew alphabet is numbered 6 so W is 66 so I recommend picking up the bible as the times we're in are explained there and there are plenty of other facts that are connected to 23 on this site.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I keep seeing the number 23 alot actually on a daily basis my birthday is 08/04/1994 i have no clue why i keep seeing this number my first love we got together 11/23/2009 i was 15 at the time after that when i was 20 i fell in love with another girl and we got together 5/23/2014 i didnt start seeing this number a ton until i turned 19 im 21 now and a recent girl that i was liking was 23 years old and i see it on other stuff like the clock the date prices of things the change i get back from buying stuff and alot of other stuff i have no clue what this means or if its a sign or what i need help figuring this out.... if you have anything at all please contact me on instagram @oklahoma_boy1994 or face book my name is Brier Niko Mcafee

    4. I believe that this is what I needed to see at this point in my life..... I'm on the verge of maken some life changing decision's not only for me but for my only darter... I'm sitting on my couch at 1:03 in the morning up late think on all the stuff that my next week is going to have instored if I do or if I don'ts..... Now my hearts involved , now I never heard or really thought much about it before 23. Wow. However , now back to why I'm even on here,,, I'm on the couch I like to sit on this couch the most cause I feel comfey there. Now from this spot I can see my front door and I have been thinking for about a month and on and off for the last 2almost3 years if I'm ever going to get the chance to move away from where I'm liven its about to be a change of the weather cause its 10/29/15 so I have my door open its nice to breath the fresh air and I'm relaxing the lights for the most part.... The lights were shining in the crack and in the house on the ceiling above my door is the lights appear to be a 23 I thought hua that's cool... I'm going to take a picture of it.. Now I take like let me count alot of them cause for some reason the 2 was not coming out in my picture so. I gave up and the first chance I got I showed my guy we see it and neat we thought.... So naturally I'm a curious kind if a person so I'm fishing now... I thought what the hey grabed my phone and said tell me the things about the number 23.? And in the first 3 I see this web site. I read... And sonddenly everything was very clear to me.. This is a God send to me I realized that the reason why I haven't been able to see the 2 very well is beacuse the bold number 3 that I can see so well is clearly what I'm missing so much in my life as God bless my new friend who I find a breath of fresh air that was going to come work on my roof for me this very same day never showed I found out his mother had passed the night before..... I started to cry cause my angels are really clear to me I'm not in need in my life of my2 however 3is where I'm so lacking my guidance has been revealed I this way for me to see only for me to only understand in my way... Maybe it's your angels saying something of guidance for you only of love... And don't try to over think it. It's for you to understand only if you see in mistreious ways you are loved without even knowing it... I say this not cause I'm a bible pusher I say this cause I never experienced anything in such a way. Now I know what I've always known before just lost sight.... And I haven't ever really went to church so my faith is entirely all mine to me when I use to think alot about God at night before I went to sleep... All the time I use to think what is God I freaken fracked my head about this at night. Every night for years and one day it became clear to me that God JUST IS, AND. That we JUST ARE... AND EVERY SINCE I JUST KNOW THAT.....

    5. I believe that this is what I needed to see at this point in my life..... I'm on the verge of maken some life changing decision's not only for me but for my only darter... I'm sitting on my couch at 1:03 in the morning up late think on all the stuff that my next week is going to have instored if I do or if I don'ts..... Now my hearts involved , now I never heard or really thought much about it before 23. Wow. However , now back to why I'm even on here,,, I'm on the couch I like to sit on this couch the most cause I feel comfey there. Now from this spot I can see my front door and I have been thinking for about a month and on and off for the last 2almost3 years if I'm ever going to get the chance to move away from where I'm liven its about to be a change of the weather cause its 10/29/15 so I have my door open its nice to breath the fresh air and I'm relaxing the lights for the most part.... The lights were shining in the crack and in the house on the ceiling above my door is the lights appear to be a 23 I thought hua that's cool... I'm going to take a picture of it.. Now I take like let me count alot of them cause for some reason the 2 was not coming out in my picture so. I gave up and the first chance I got I showed my guy we see it and neat we thought.... So naturally I'm a curious kind if a person so I'm fishing now... I thought what the hey grabed my phone and said tell me the things about the number 23.? And in the first 3 I see this web site. I read... And sonddenly everything was very clear to me.. This is a God send to me I realized that the reason why I haven't been able to see the 2 very well is beacuse the bold number 3 that I can see so well is clearly what I'm missing so much in my life as God bless my new friend who I find a breath of fresh air that was going to come work on my roof for me this very same day never showed I found out his mother had passed the night before..... I started to cry cause my angels are really clear to me I'm not in need in my life of my2 however 3is where I'm so lacking my guidance has been revealed I this way for me to see only for me to only understand in my way... Maybe it's your angels saying something of guidance for you only of love... And don't try to over think it. It's for you to understand only if you see in mistreious ways you are loved without even knowing it... I say this not cause I'm a bible pusher I say this cause I never experienced anything in such a way. Now I know what I've always known before just lost sight.... And I haven't ever really went to church so my faith is entirely all mine to me when I use to think alot about God at night before I went to sleep... All the time I use to think what is God I freaken fracked my head about this at night. Every night for years and one day it became clear to me that God JUST IS, AND. That we JUST ARE... AND EVERY SINCE I JUST KNOW THAT.....

    6. rush-collection - I've been seeing the number 23 now everywhere for a couple of months - many times a day. It is also my birth date. I note from a previous post of yours that this could indicate that I am being told to concentrate and focus on my life purpose - however I still don't truly feel I know what that is. I've asked the angels many times and sometimes feel the answer is within reach, but never quite get there. I feel I have a purpose but don't know what it is - how do I find out?

    7. Almighty God, Creator of heaven & earth sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to save us from our sins, cleanses us from all unrighteousness,forgives us & intercedes with God on behalf of all who have accepted God's Salvation plan,through Jesus Christ! Ask Jesus to come into your heart, ask forgiveness of your sins, ask God to reveal himself to you and he will !! Find a King James Bible & a Bible believing church that teaches ALL of the Bible ! In no time, many truths will be revealed to you !! Only God Almighty answers prayers. Angels do NOT answer prayers, unless directed or instructed by the Holy Spirit. Angels have their own functions, like protection & ministering to the needs of God's children, the saints! We MUST be saved through Jesus Christ & his shed blood on the cross, first !!!

  5. Thank you rush-collection for this wonderful angelic study of the number 23

  6. I keep seeing number 23 or 32! I was born on 23/2/1996 and if you add the numbers of my birth date the result is 32!..the number of my house is 32 and the number of the owner's house is 23...i keep seeing it when i look at the time and in my everyday life..I started seeing it 2 or 3 years before..then it stopped and now it began again.. I dont know if it means something or if it is just a coincidence but I really need someone who knows to tell me...please help

    1. What i was born 23rd of feb 1996...

    2. Wow...My Birthday 2/23/58, my daughter 2/22/82

  7. Bit different, but every guy I've slept with since ending my long term relationship two years ago, has been 23. By pure "coincidence". Ten of them. I am pushing 30 so not like I'm around a heap of 23 year olds or anything. They just turn up from the strangest places in my life, with me making no conscious effort. Why is this happening?

  8. 23 <3 I'm interested to see how many other people see this number as well.

  9. May God show me the way to ask from angels.Amen

  10. I see it on the clock all the time or tickets, stubs, plates, etc.. I, too was born on the 23rd of June

  11. I see no.23 EVERYWHERE, had the same happen about two years ago, now its started again!! Can anyone shed some light on why? Thanks

  12. 23 has been an important number in my life. My moms bday is 02/23/62. My bday is 07/23/86. And my daughter's bday is 04/23/13. We all have our bdays on the 23rd! That's just too much of a coincidence. It has to mean something, right?

  13. My birthdate is 08/12/1993, n iam seeing this 08/12 everywhere ,specially wen i see tym itz always 8:12 n im noticing it since my childhood...n for past few months iam noticing 23:23 very much..wenevr i chek my cellphone itz always 23:23 n itz getting intense..does it mean something?

    1. For a couple of years, this was happening to me too.. and then my life changed completely

  14. I keep seeing 23:10 on the clock almost daily unintentionally and that is also my birthday. I was born 23/10/1989. What does it mean?

  15. I was born on 4/14/1997 but I kept seeing 23 everywhere. Times, dates, license plates, random places. Please I need to know or a estimation of why this is happening lol

  16. My newphew died jan 25 15 he was 23 two day after my bday three before my mom=23 his apt233 feb3 at 2pm service=23 23 he keeps showing what it means val

  17. I see it every we're, 23 . Its a sign from the universe but whats it mean?
    My lifes not in a great place atm so it can't mean stay on this path ,can it ?
    I know greatness is just around the corner but i cant seem to grab a hold of it.
    23 are telling me to change paths?
    Or is it just coincidence ? or perhaps the minds feable attempts to justify my place in the universe. The place i in fact conciously or sub conciously i have put myself in.
    So 23 do u really have any significance at all ?
    I wonder ...........

  18. I love you 23. Right now it is 12:12.
    Where are you 3?

  19. My birthday is 3/23/96 and these numbers are literally EVERYWHERE. I have been thinking and looking to Mt inner self for my soul mission and I think I know what it is, but if I say anything to anyone they will think I'm crazy... Need someone to talk to about this...someone who believes in things much bigger than ourselves...

    1. I think Ino exactly what you mean.. I need to know your thoughts.. email?

    2. I'm also born 01/23/96

    3. I saw 23 all day yesterday. The number thing started for me about a year ago. Numbers have been given to me every way possible and I feel guided to heal. I don't think you are crazy and I would love to talk with someone who maybe believes what I believe. Let me know if you are still around and I will post a contact.

  20. My birthday is 8/23/80 at 8:23 am and for the past 8 months I keep repeatedly seeing 8:23 whether I'm watching TV looking at the clock my birthday is coming up so I want to know this is bad what is the meaning thank you also in 2003 I turn 23 at 8:23 8/23

  21. My birthday is 08/23/80 at 8:23 am and for the past 8 months I have been seeing the time 823 I'm out of weather I'm watching TV looking at a radio doesn't matter I always see the numbers my birthday is coming up on the 23rd I just want to know what it means is it good or is it bad

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may acts as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It is also validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.

  22. Alson the year 2003 I turn 23 at 8:23 8:23 a.m.

  23. Hii I have born on 23-07-1996
    What ever I think of doing I am not able to do...
    If I do also I am not successful in that work
    1 or the other problems will be coming

  24. There was a time, whenever i looked at the time on my phone, i saw 23:23... It was very strange.. One day, I went to a seminar with a friend, and when we were entering the room, we were each given a ticket with a number on it.. My friend got number 23.. he gave it to me to keep it in my purse.. on the 23rd of the same month(23.08.2011), he had an accident and died in front of me. 5 month later, on the 22nd of January, another friend of mine died in the sea, his body was found the next day, (23rd of January)... 5 month later(23.06.2012), another incident caused the death of a boy whom a friend of mine knew. 3 month later, my ex boyfriend had a terrible accident on the 20.09.2012, he was 23 years old. On 23.08.2015 my sister in law had a stroke and I am 23 this year.. I don't understand why all these events in my life is linked to number 23. Does anyone has an answer?

  25. Hi

    I always se the time when it is 23:23 both my kids are born on the 23 my youngest 23 February 2011 and my oldest 23 Mars 2006. My best friend and her daughter are born on the 23 of April. My goddaughter and her sister are born on the 23 (23may and 23 July). My brother got married on 23 august ..what is it the meaning of the number 23 in my life.

  26. It all make sense now. I am experiencing amazing energy, vibrations and joy. when i am positive and hopeful, i feel joy. All we have to do is trust in the creator of our universe. It is time for you and I to fallow the signs, and live our dreams. We are unlimited creations.

  27. I have seeing number 23 and 11 all my life. I was born on 4.3 .. I m nod sure why dose number come in my life and what that meaning is can enyone help me? Sorry my English is nod so good gras from Finland

    1. 11in numerology means mastery. 4.3 you add in numerology to make 7, the messenger or angels number. If you are intrigued, pick up a book in numerology. And get a reading from a good oracle. Your english is good, i would love to be able to communicate in two or more languages. I hope this helped😊

    2. 11in numerology means mastery. 4.3 you add in numerology to make 7, the messenger or angels number. If you are intrigued, pick up a book in numerology. And get a reading from a good oracle. Your english is good, i would love to be able to communicate in two or more languages. I hope this helped😊

  28. right, so everyone who's seeing these numbers can relate to them in some way via bday's or the sort and at the same time we are creating those links and relationships ourselves( i mean we make the link to our DoB/House number ect...), which makes the number stick out if they were all lined up right? kinda like a outlier that keeps repeating and weve taken note of it, spooky or not. it all seems incredibly introverted to me, i mean i have this too and have been doing this for years like many of you. but then i was reading these comments which all seemed to be points of views and then i was like hold on a sec, if all these links and relationships are attributed to these numbers by us when we see them , then maybe its genesis began in the 'self' . i mean if its acknowledgement comes from us then were creating the relationship these numbers have to things by acknowledging it right? O.o so what if it was like a self reminder, like an internal alarm to get yourself to where you want to be? and the repetition of the number is the alarm going off which makes its impact in our minds, but because its sub-concious we arent aware of the meaning we(in our sub-concious mind) assigned to it? so we look for the answers by going on sites such as this and other research to make sense of it and in a sense find our own meaning? maybe even one of the suggested meanings is the one were trying to tell ourselves and eventually it will stop once we've resonated with whatever true meaning we are looking to find?
    just a quick question to see if were similar people...
    are you content with you life and where it is going currently?
    are you in a rut? ( e.g suffering from addiction or in contempt of life)
    are you actively doing anything about it?
    have you given up or accepted things as they are?

    the freaky coincidences of it all and how they appear in your life in such fixed ways is something that bothers me too and i dont have an answer for that except for perhaps this, the thing that makes it a coincidence is our perception that it is. but is otherwise as random as anything else to anyone else, for instance if you had a fixation with number 4 and it stood out to you everytime you see it when counting to a hundred, you could be like "oh man its everywhere" but is it when compared? but now its already a thing in your head and you transfer the concept over to say a bus number and your like "oooooo there it is again" but really your the one who attributed its significance to it and your seeing it as an outlier which is why its always so obvious to you?
    this is all speculation guys, in all honesty i have no idea what this is and im sure no one else will if were the ones who have created its significance, maybe its a personal adventure/struggle. ( it can be seen as either/or is what i tried to get across there, so dont let it get to you. it seems your not alone ;) )

    1. Yeah...... I don't get what your saying in the middle. Got a bit lost. But the introversion. Sure it's introverted. It's part of my meditation. I only "see" patterns if I am open to it. However I do feel there has to be some energy in the number. Maybe energy is the wrong word. I don't know. I have a lot of dreams detailed ones that I share with others that will come true later, even the parts I didn't have any control over. Sometimes I have premonitions and see flashes of the future when I talk to someone. Those are not introverted.
      So I told my friend one night about my numbers game. Specific numbers I would see everywhere. The next six blocks turn after turn some in the wrong direction boom boom boom. I mean at least twice on each block. Lately I've done these word excercises where I just write the words that come to my mind. I usually do this when my mind is overwhelmed and I can't stop the over activity. It helps bring some form of peace. Shortly after, those words will either be a part of an article or something I read later that day or the next day or they will be details to a situation later that day or the next. As far as what they actually mean, they mean what I read they mean, in other words I could have arbitrarily assigned them meaning, which I thought I did. Until looking at this site, some of it is just information we pick up over time that we haven't paid attention to. I don't think I have skills like that with the spirit world, just that our brains are capable of picking up on details of our environment without any effort on our part. that's why I was able to run into those numbers when I was with my friend, also I feel like that's why I take note of that. I feel like if I'm that in tune with myself, I and likely to be moving in a positive direction. Also one particular combination of numbers are assigned to be my future relationship with a significant other. Specifically one other in mind, that came to me in a dream. I'm not tooooo into the idea that God told me what to do with this guy. I think that seems weird. Never mind the fact that I prayed over and over and over again for specifically this information and said I would be open to whatever the answer would be. It still seems kind of weird to me. I like to think I retain a power of choice..... I like to think that ..... I don't necessarily always believe it. Anyway I take pictures and write notes I talk to other people so that I make sure it's not all internal and introverted. Anyway I take pictures I write notes I talk to other people so that I make sure it's not all internal and introverted. When push comes to shove what I really believe is that the human brain is a power where greater than the human ego or conscious.

    2. Yeah...... I don't get what your saying in the middle. Got a bit lost. But the introversion. Sure it's introverted. It's part of my meditation. I only "see" patterns if I am open to it. However I do feel there has to be some energy in the number. Maybe energy is the wrong word. I don't know. I have a lot of dreams detailed ones that I share with others that will come true later, even the parts I didn't have any control over. Sometimes I have premonitions and see flashes of the future when I talk to someone. Those are not introverted.
      So I told my friend one night about my numbers game. Specific numbers I would see everywhere. The next six blocks turn after turn some in the wrong direction boom boom boom. I mean at least twice on each block. Lately I've done these word excercises where I just write the words that come to my mind. I usually do this when my mind is overwhelmed and I can't stop the over activity. It helps bring some form of peace. Shortly after, those words will either be a part of an article or something I read later that day or the next day or they will be details to a situation later that day or the next. As far as what they actually mean, they mean what I read they mean, in other words I could have arbitrarily assigned them meaning, which I thought I did. Until looking at this site, some of it is just information we pick up over time that we haven't paid attention to. I don't think I have skills like that with the spirit world, just that our brains are capable of picking up on details of our environment without any effort on our part. that's why I was able to run into those numbers when I was with my friend, also I feel like that's why I take note of that. I feel like if I'm that in tune with myself, I and likely to be moving in a positive direction. Also one particular combination of numbers are assigned to be my future relationship with a significant other. Specifically one other in mind, that came to me in a dream. I'm not tooooo into the idea that God told me what to do with this guy. I think that seems weird. Never mind the fact that I prayed over and over and over again for specifically this information and said I would be open to whatever the answer would be. It still seems kind of weird to me. I like to think I retain a power of choice..... I like to think that ..... I don't necessarily always believe it. Anyway I take pictures and write notes I talk to other people so that I make sure it's not all internal and introverted. Anyway I take pictures I write notes I talk to other people so that I make sure it's not all internal and introverted. When push comes to shove what I really believe is that the human brain is a power where greater than the human ego or conscious.

    3. So do I see the future? Sure, but it's really not that simple basically in my opinion I pick up on cycles and patterns very well. To the point where sometimes I know when something will happen before it does. I also suffer from a condition called PTSD. Which is not at all what you think it is I promise. Anyway as a result of my brain not fully processing the actual life threatening situation(S) I faced over a time period where I was unable to control anything around me, I got stuck in a way. I think of it as like maybe a record like the old-school vinyl record if you get scratched it I'll skip sundown is at a play sometimes it always skip at the same spot sometimes it does get better at that spot and not skip at that spot. I know that during that time period of being captive to the current situation, I learned to be very attune to details feels sights and sounds. So for me I just see the numbers as another extension of that thing with the words and the dreams. I'm not saying I don't believe in the spiritual world. I most certainly do. I just don't think it's as spooky as I can make it up to be if I got carried away. Prrsonally i think if an animal (the human being) is able to accomplish things without actually knowing that it's trying? is enough evidence for me, that life continues in some way after death. I just don't put in any religious ideas about how.. Like you said. Don't let it get to you. Life is too short and the world is already full of enough pain. As my dad used to "we are all human and as such none of us have good track records." For me, I believe we should all take ourselves a lot less seriously than we do, easy does it

  29. I see 11:11 almost daily. I usually try and make a wish when I see it. Do these numbers mean anything?

  30. I can see I'm not alone in this cause I keep seeing 23 everywhere. I was born May 23rd 1992.

  31. Thank you!! So helpful!

  32. You blessed me today.. I agree

  33. You blessed me today.. I agree

  34. What about when your great grandfather is born 1923 your grandfather is born 2-3-45 and your son born 2-23 and that number follows you everywhere mind you that son was burned in a house fire 2-6-09 and survived and his name is Jeramiah got his name out the bible spelled a little different now if you know about Jeremiah in the bible my son relates to him he was 2 1/2 when he was burned and couldn't speak he learned to speak in the hospital also it happened in my grandfathers building 4 months after he passed he was the one born 2-3-45 I know there is some meaning to these numbers just can't figure it out im not an expert

  35. You blessed me today.. I agree

  36. How to get my PhD quickly will my professor help me with 23

  37. I was born On December 9th, 1992. I'm currently 23 years old so it has been 23 years since my birth. 12/09/1992=23 why because of addition and subtraction. 12+0+9=21. 21+1+9+9+2=42. So what number can give you that 23. Take the 19 from my birth date add it to 23 will give you 42. 42-19=23.

  38. Hi there, I'm 34 years old and was born on the 25th August 1982 (25/08/82)
    I see the number 69, 22, 222, 33, 11, 1111, etc...
    I also seem to be what they call a slider (I turn lights off as I walk past) I have noticed that I have a very deep and insightful intuition. The tv/radio speaks what I am thinking or have just said out loud or st the same time. And so much more...could you please tell me my life path number and any other info that may help me understand why this is happening.
    Many thanks :)

    I've really found comfort reading all of these comments and knowing it's not just me!

  39. I associate 23 with a guy who I was seeing. We arent talking right nwo because life got in the way but i see it everywhere since things got bad. I take it as my sign he'll be coming back. If anyone has any intuitive thoughts please lemme know what you think.

  40. I was seeing this guy who i associate the number 23 with and we fell out and its not the greatest right now. And every where i go now since we've fallen out i see the number 23 or 32 in some variation. I take it as my sign he'll come back around.
    If anyone has any intuitive thoughts on it feel free to comment cause I've seen it so much now I'm over thinking and causing myself grief.

  41. My pet Got lost And I see numbers all the
    Time.... Hope the angels help me out

  42. My pet Got lost And I see numbers all the Time. Hope the angels help me out

  43. About 6 months before my Dad died I kept seeing the time on the clock as 3:23 and other times of 23 after. I thought maybe it was something telling me it was a lucky number. I always look for the positive n things. On 03-23-2005 my dad died at 3:23 n the morning. To this day most of the times when I look at the clock it's 23 after and it is really driving me crazy because I don't want to b constantly reminded of that date and time. Maybe I'm just crazy? But it really bothers me still 13 years later!

  44. Hello my name is Lyricah Sharde. I had a dream last night I was looking at a click it said 2:23 and I saw phalmes and cronicals .These are in a Bible don't know what it mean though. I also saw 777,I am also a singer , songwriter, and actress. I too would like to make it in the music entertainment business. If anyone understand my dream let me know.

  45. Normally i never read the comment section of this website whenever i check my reoccurring numbers and their meaning. Ive been viewing this website for almost 3 years now but just now out of curiousity i decided to read them.... And i am completely shocked at how many of the comments are in regards to music! Ive been working on my vocals for awhile and finally had the courage to post a video online which got alot of attention. Now i just thought of it as a hobby and posted simply to push beyond my own comfort zones. But after all the responses and views it got, AND now seeing this thread, i think it safe to say i am on to something and need to follow it through. Thank you to this site, thank you to the people who commented, thank you to my spirit guides and angels. I know what direction i need to go in. ❤��

  46. I was born on 23 august 23:23 hrs. I see 23 number everywhere..what does this mean


    1. When you see the numbers of your birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  47. Hi. I’m Alicia. I’m about to be 22 in next 2 weeks. But it’s odd. I have the gift to see things. Like spirits and things like that. They told me in my past life I died at 23 to save my village people from dying in the fire. So I’m this life I’m “supposed” to help people in a different way. But I haven’t met my future husband yet. But I’m supposed to meet him when he’s 25 and his birthday is on the 23rd. I just find it odd. It seems this year been all 23. Things supposed to happen to me when I’m 23 which is in 2018. I guess I’ll update you guys when the time comes.

  48. My birthday is 01/23/1981? What does this mean, please?




  49. My grandfather died on Dec 23, my grandmother Oct 23, and I lost my dad unexpectedly July 23. I’ll wonder always the significance of 23.

  50. Ill suceed with my music distction@live.ca and ismtagram officialdistraction let 23 guide you

  51. This is scary for me cause I feel i been fomented by this number for over 2years.i don't look for it it's in my fave5.I plan to fast an pray over it perhaps God can reveal something.

  52. Omg, I was just temporarily having deep anxiety and cried out aloud because offending for someone I love so much. I watching YouTube videos on LSD which is psychedelic drug brings enjoy spiritually and dumdfullly I wanted to use shrooms which is unaddictive and less toxicated. After a few minutes, I just looked away and feeling better without no reason. Then I look back on my phone and I saw time 23:23. Actually, I am an atheist. When I was crying, I wanted to believe in God because of a lack of trust in life. Is this a sign of an angel from GOD? This is just my intuitive feeling.

    1. I believe its from God based from my experience, I always see these number 23 everywhere and most of the time when Im scared, these started when I prayed in Jesus name for comfort and that very night i dreamed of Psalm 23 - Psalm 23 English Standard Version (ESV)
      The Lord Is My Shepherd
      A Psalm of David.
      23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
      2 He makes me lie down in green pastures.
      He leads me beside still waters.[a]
      3 He restores my soul.
      He leads me in paths of righteousness[b]
      for his name's sake.

      4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,[c]
      I will fear no evil,
      for you are with me;
      your rod and your staff,
      they comfort me.

      5 You prepare a table before me
      in the presence of my enemies;
      you anoint my head with oil;
      my cup overflows.
      6 Surely[d] goodness and mercy[e] shall follow me
      all the days of my life,
      and I shall dwell[f] in the house of the Lord
      So everytime I see these I remember this scripture and it does comforts me.

  53. They wrote that on the 23rd lol. Of January, my birthday

  54. Wow praise the Lord hallelujah

  55. Hi i am suprit chavan, my birthday 28 jan 1995, i always seen 23 number anywhere i was confused what's happened here because my gf birthday date is 23 unfortunately i loss my love last 6 months, that's Time i always seen anywhere 23 number please kindly update what's doe's this means.....?

  56. Hi there i am 24 years old, i always seen 23 number anywhere every time,my date of birth 28 jan 1995,unfortunately i loss my love she is 19 years old and birth date 23 may i always seen this number, am confused what's happening here kindly update what's doe's there means....?

  57. Numbers are the way of the universe. I too notice all these numbers. 19 and 23 sound out to me the most, when I look at a clock, battery percentage, television, license plates especially. My ex (my penguin, they late for life) died in a house fire and her number was 23. Michael Jordan, Miley Cyrus were birth about 23 too. There is definitely something special about that number. I know 19 in tarrot cards represents the �� and being a cancer/leo cusp I see lots of 7's and 8's my ex was a virgo so I see a lot of 9's and 5's mom's a taurus. I was born 07/19/1982, so if you see repetitive numbers a lot I'm sure something is trying to o tell you something so beware of your surroundings. I feel like I'm an idiot sometimes because I feel like I can't piece things together. However the universe watches out for good people so in the end just realize that you will be given the information you need when the world wants your to realize it. Trust your heart, gut and intuition and it won't steer your wrong. God bless and bless what ever put us here weather that be God, �� or all things (the one the all). Peace be thy journey people.........

  58. I find your work awesome. Thank you for all that you do and have done.

  59. On August 23 many years ago I was watching a movie where the woman read from page 23 of a book "be happy in this moment, this moment is your life." I looked at the time and it was 23:23 p.m.

  60. Once you have seen these numbers and messages several times and look at your life, you realise (if you didn't alreadu know it) that they are no different to horoscopes.
