Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Number 28 is made up from the energies and vibrations of the number 2 and number 8. Number 2 resonates with the attributes of diplomacy and co-operation, balance and harmony, insightfulness and service to others, sensitivity and adaptability. Number 2 also relates to your Divine life purpose and soul missionNumber 8 relates to the qualities of manifesting wealth, abundance and prosperity, problem solving and achieving success, inner-wisdom and knowledge, stability and integrity. Number 8 also resonates with Karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma. This makes 28 a number of receptivity, partnerships, duality and attainment; as well as a number of wealth, authority, finances and leadership.

Angel Number 28 is a message from your angels that your self-belief, confidence and positive attitude have ensured that abundance will enter your life, and you are encouraged to make the most of these auspicious energies.  Be grateful for your blessings and remember that the more you have, the more you have to share with others. Give and so you shall receive.

Angel Number 28 is a message that your positive affirmations and optimistic outlook will manifest wonderful blessings into your life. You have worked steadily towards achieving long-term goals and aspirations and have used your personal integrity and wisdom to their utmost. Your angels encourage you to keep up the good work. 

Angel Number 28 is also a message from your angels that a door is about to close for you, and your angels are assuring you intuitively that another is about to open. This will prove to be most beneficial to you. Trust that your material needs will be taken care of during these changes.

Angel Number 28 may also be an indication that it is time for you to consider beginning a spiritually-based profession, practice and/or career or heart-based service.

Number 28 also relates to the Number 1 (2+8=10/1) and the Angel Number 1.

See also:  
Repeating 2’s and 8’s  (228, 282, 288 etc)
Angel Number 228
Angel Number 282
Angel Number 288

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. The day after I read this, a door did shut (metaphorically). It was really comforting to remember reading this. Thank you!! L&L -Sera

  2. You have no idea how much comfort this has brought me. The number 28 has been showing up often lately and I knew it had to mean something. I am so Happy.

    1. Hi brother, I need your little help to understand that what you have understood form this indication. As I am getting this indication for last one month very clearly. I am very curious to understand the intention of this number. I have tried hard up till now to find the meaning of this indication. Thank you:)

    2. My wife and I meet on the 28 June eight days after my birthday, I asked her out on the 28 of July, we got married, on the 28 of July perfect day, we now live at and address thats numeric start is 2828, my driver license number has 28 in it, my wifes mom had her when she was 28, i went to the dmv just last week window 28 please, and my desk number at work of course 28! Carls Jr order # sign from when where dating still have it 28. It surrounds us and we are so thankful for this post, we have read others over the yrs but this one is by far the best! Lets us know that the universe, God , have a plan for well being in mind and that is priceless!

    3. To add to my post. We are expecting our thrid child his due date is June 28 That is 9 years to the date my wife and I met. We found out in room you guessed it 28. This is some kind of confirmation. We are going to be ok!

    4. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    5. I love this. I have three sons all born on the 28 of their months. ( not related but Each one is exactly 6 years and 4 months apart). My first apartment number was 28 and now I'm graduating med school on June 28 this year in a few days! I decided at 12:28 that I finally need to look up this number...I'm glad I did...God bless u and your family.

  3. So comforting, chills, and tears of joy.

  4. Its my birthday today and am turning 28. i got curious about the number and decided to look it up so i know what to expect.am glad i found this. the past 7yrs of my life has been sorrowful and painful. glad something good just happened to me.

  5. Wow!thanks!..Reading this made me feel grateful.

  6. i have been seeing this number almost every day for 3 years. so strange. im really glad i looked in2 it :)

  7. Don't know much about this stuff but I have been seeing this number so often it is actually scaring me, I feel like some one is trying to tell me something but I have no clue what that might be. 90% of the time i look at a clock its on the 28th minute like clock work, pun intended. I found a bunch of little gold bells on the ground, thought they were neat so I gathered them, then counted them and there was exactly 28 of them. 28 keeps showing up as the lst 2 numbers on license plates on the cars in front of me, the number has been beyond coincidental for about a year now. My birthday happens to be on 8/28/1978, but have no idea if that has anything to do with the recurrence of the number, but its everywhere, way more than any other number, to the point it really has made my hair stand up and given me goose bumps, over and over, what could it mean? After reading this, I am very into Karma, its actually how i live my life, but that doesn't explain much, why do i see this number constantly? Any insight would be so gratefully appreciated.

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and
      focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

    2. I also was curious and needed to know about this number. Like the guy above, I also see the clock ever so often and it's always on the 28th minute. I was evn born on July 28th 1990. I would see the number 28 when I'm out somewhere, anywhere. I would see it on license plate, or sometimes I would see it backwards as 82 but to me it's 28 AGAIN. I see it everywhere. I have done my own research, I've come across Ezekiel 28, where it talks about Satan... I've come across other stuff. I'm uncertain about what I'm supposed to be looking for. I'm confused and not sure what the answer is, or what I'm really looking for. This passage about the number 28 does sorta speak to me, but yet I'm not satisfied with this answer also. I feel like theirs more, much more.

    3. I also was curious and needed to know about this number. Like the guy above, I also see the clock ever so often and it's always on the 28th minute. I was evn born on July 28th 1990. I would see the number 28 when I'm out somewhere, anywhere. I would see it on license plate, or sometimes I would see it backwards as 82 but to me it's 28 AGAIN. I see it everywhere. I have done my own research, I've come across Ezekiel 28, where it talks about Satan... I've come across other stuff. I'm uncertain about what I'm supposed to be looking for. I'm confused and not sure what the answer is, or what I'm really looking for. This passage about the number 28 does sorta speak to me, but yet I'm not satisfied with this answer also. I feel like theirs more, much more.

    4. Amen!!!🙏
      28.08.77 is my birthday too !!!
      I have been seeing 28 now for couple of days.
      My Birthday has always been a special day for me & it has absolutely always been amazing & lucky,that is how I feel about the number it self. ❤
      Immensly blessed and Grateful !!!
      Thank you rush-collection ,you are an Angel and I love you !!!🙏❤
      Sending blessings , love ,peace and Light to you all!!! 🙏❤🧚‍♀️

  8. I didn't even KNOW this was my number! I chose 5 a long time ago because it was "my favorite age" but the number 28 has been showing up in my life CONSTANLY ever since the end of last year...
    I'm so glad I found this!
    Thank you!

  9. I wonder what kind of door, I recently came out of relationship, perhaps this? Thank you

  10. I was born on 21 July ,21.07.. 21+7=28 , 1999 ,1+9+9+9=28 :O omg im so glad i found this.

  11. Hi rush-collection,
    I have been seeing the number 28 now for at least 4 years. The past year or so I have noticed it more regularly. The past 3 months it has been out of control and almost eerie. I wear a 2 and an 8 around my neck now because I know this is not a coincidence. The time always is something:28 when I look at it. If I get in a cab, the cab number will have a 28 in it. I will zone out on the subway and look up and be passing 28th st. The other day my watch which has different features somehow got clicked and I looked at it to see the time and a huge 28 was staring at me. Please help me, I'm happy to have a session with you if you still do them, but my life is so crazy right now, someone is telling me something... I just know it. My birthday is also 2/8/77. Its not because of that, I know it. Thanks Sara

  12. Hi rush-collection,
    I have been seeing the number 28 now for at least 4 years. The past year or so I have noticed it more regularly. The past 3 months it has been out of control and almost eerie. I wear a 2 and an 8 around my neck now because I know this is not a coincidence. The time always is something:28 when I look at it. If I get in a cab, the cab number will have a 28 in it. I will zone out on the subway and look up and be passing 28th st. The other day my watch which has different features somehow got clicked and I looked at it to see the time and a huge 28 was staring at me. Please help me, I'm happy to have a session with you if you still do them, but my life is so crazy right now, someone is telling me something... I just know it. My birthday is also 2/8/77. Its not because of that, I know it. Thanks

  13. my head has been hurting all while ive been seeing 28 everywhere as well as 128....

  14. Hi rush-collection,
    I want to share my experience with this number. The day before yesterday a guy was flirting with me and wanted to know my age. I asked him to guess. He guessed 28. I thought it was funny because Im only 23. I didnt think much of it but later that day another guy did the same exact thing. He was alot older than me and I told him i was only 23. He replied by saying he thought i was at least 28. It thought it was a bit strange the two people guessed the number 28 for my age seeing as I dont look a day over 21. I get mistaken for a high schooler all of the time. So I decided to look it up and I found this page. So I felt good about what it meant but I was hoping it didnt mean that there would be any doors closing. So the next day I get a call from my job giving me instructions about a final vaulting which basically means that my job site will be closing down soon. (door closing) I was instructed to do this final vaulting today which is the 28th. Almost immediately after I got off of the phone with my job I received a message from my brother about some of his fitness plans for next month and he ended it with "and as you know there are 28 days in February"
    It was all too real. As far as my job goes I dont know where this change will take me.

  15. Hi rush-collection,
    Thank you for this clarification... I've just returned from a holiday with my man friend... whilst we were there he decided to call it all off... whilst I fought with myself as to what exactly I did wrong I decided that he was right...he wanted to remain friends once we returned which I know I would have found extremely difficult therefore I thanked him for having the power of his convictions and stated that I couldn't entertain such an idea... it would do me no favours... I have deleted his phone number... and was going onto facebook to delete him and a niece of his when the number 28 appeared on my notifications and friends online... I knew this had to be a sign of some description and hey ho... one door closes... thanks again...

  16. Thank you, rush-collection, for sharing this site! I repeatedly see 28 on clocks, mostly 6:28 which is interesting to me since my birthday is June 28th. Does this have a significant meaning?

    1. Often, when you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.



    2. hi guys! I was born on 28th May and you know sth,,I just find myself looking to 28 everywhere.When I check the time,the minutes will always be like 28,even now it is 14:28.everywhere wverywherre i see it

  17. Thank you rush-collection for this site! Ive been seeing the number 28 very frequently for years. When I look at the clock it's always 28 after the hour. I mostly see 6:28 which I think is funny since my birthday is June 28th. I'm curious if there's any significance to this?

  18. wow! to think that tomorrow is my 28th wedding anniversary. I also have a chance to get an additional education somewhere in being preacher! Do weddings, anoint the sick, etc. The words about beginning a spiritually based profession blew my mind! thank you. I feel less discouraged now!

  19. I really like this quote a lot: "the more you have to share with others". If the wealthiest people in the world were to just follow that advice, we wouldn't have a poverty problem and happiness would also flood their lives as well.

  20. This "started" many years ago when I was still teenager. One day I was in restroom with my girlfriends and suddenly out of nowhere I started to have this obsessive thought about number 28. Absolutely for no reason. Like silly catchy song stuck in head it was saying 28, 28, 28... I thought it is weird but didn't worry too much about it. I shared this number 28 thing with mom and found out my dad was born in 28th and they married in 28th and whatever more. Year later our home phone number get changed to something like 282888 after requesting new easy memorable number because previous number received weird silent calls. Life goes on and I don't remember too many of number 28 encounters, except my life dramatically changing in 2008 for worse, if that counts. More years later I met guy for who I developed serious feelings. He was 28 at that time and he was born in 28th. Not to mention starting to see 28s on wall graffiti and car licence plates... But that could be psychological reaction to my worries about my upcoming 28 years of life. Now I'm 28 years old and let's see what will happen. I hope I won't die by 28 bricks falling on me from sky, because I would like to experience my 82th birthday :p
    Forgot to mention my birth person code starts with my birthday data and ends with... something 28 looking.

  21. Hi rush-collection
    How about if i dream about 4 digit num?
    7728 what the meaning of this?
    I dream of this after i try to ask angel fir guidance.

  22. Just real quick. I saw 28 6 or 7 tons in a row just now and looked it up. My long-term goal is to have a solid family relationship with my future husband kids or no kids. I'm single today, and have been getting pissed here and there for the effort I put in to a relationship that hasn't shown up romantically yet.,I keep working on me. Thank you

  23. Hhhhhhhh It is More than that you absolutly don't know anything

  24. rush-collection last year I dreamt that I was like in an interview and the lady ask my age and u wrote 28, am only 27 until November I will be 28. My love life is in an complicated state. But I keep seeing him in my dreams looking for me or always present missing me. What u think?

  25. Was curious about all of the 28's in my life and decided to google and found this site! So, here's my 28's!!
    born on my dad's birthday - February 28th
    husbands birthday- may 28th
    our anniversary- June 28th
    my parents anniversary - December 28th
    my grandmother passed away - September 28th ( also just had a drs appointment on this date)
    my grandfather passed away - July 28th
    husband was diagnosed with cancer - january 28th
    my mom had wrote down the date she bought my bible just looked at it a few weeks ago - march 28th (she bought it 17 years ago)
    my grandmother was admitted to the hospital today- room 28
    still trying to decide if it's a good or bad number in my life!!!!


  27. i see 28, often times when i think of numbers, and i kept saying 28, 28 28, an it feels goodto me. i thought am going crazy, not until i googled to know why and i found your blog site. ma,am rush-collection thanks very much.

  28. To start this my mom & dad had elope on the 27/08/1983 . I was born on the 27/08/1987 my son was born on the 27 I first travel out of my country on the 27 an i been doing a lot of business transactions on the 27 an not being aware of the date until that day I will recognize.
    My dad die on the 27/08/2014 .
    I have been noticing most of the time on my phone 27 alone with 7, 17 please can you explain theverything # for me .

  29. I watch the biography of Heath Ledger today..wow was he incredible guy..there's so many that left this earth who are incredible in their own way..and Heath was one of those that totally leaves an impact with regards to life.. I found my self passing and looking at these #'s that were infront of me at the end of the movie.. Left us on Jan 22, 2008..and heaths age was ... 28. All I have to say..is lets all concentrate on our purpose on earth and follow our guts..take what message we feel right..and run with it; life isn't promised to be forever..so lets go with the flow..get up when you fall, as heath would say..and let us stop thinking and wasting time..trying to figure out our life meaning...just take in the message in the most positive way you can..and fly with it...god bless

  30. Where would I start, my birth date is Feb 11 53, so 0+2=2 1+1=2 5+3=8 = 228,
    Was 28 when I emigrated and arrived in Canada, my first child was born on July 28 1982, we called her rush-collection,
    My mother died on July 28 1996,
    On Oct 28 2006 I suffered a near fatal brain hemorrhage, but recovered completely, because the daughter born on July 28 rush-collection being a registered nurse, recognized the symptoms called out a Neuro support ambulance, this is a small sampling of how the number 28 shadows my life, there have been many more incidents. to many to reference here.
    this is

  31. I woke up this morning and looked at my ceiling and the number 28 was there etched in it. After I looked away it was gone. I recently got back going to church and the holy Spirit filled me this past Sunday. I knew this was a miracle when I saw 28 clear as day! Praise God that my abundance is coming to me!

  32. Hello just wondering.....could a closing door or impending ending be the birth of a child?

  33. Hi rush-collection. Thank u soon much for all ur help. But I have a question. What is a heart-based service??

  34. I was out walking tonight during a meteor shower and I saw 28 shooting stars in one hour.

  35. Today is Dec 28th 2017. I have 2 sons born on this day a year apart, and another son born on March 28th. Having the 2 born on this day exactly a year apart has always puzzled me. And they are the complete opposite of each other. Any insight to having 3 sons share the same number 28?

  36. So I first noticed the number 28, April 28th 2018 at 11:28 pm and my battery was at 28% charged. I am 28.... my bday is 8/20.... my only child bday is 3/28/14 and guess what time I just hit the publish button 2:28pm

  37. I met my boyfriend may28. My birthday is April 28 his is September 28 and I was born 10:28 am and he was born 9:28pm

    1. I met my boyfriend May 28th. My Husband Birthday is April 28th. My Birthday is September 28th. My brothers birthday is July 28th.

  38. Both my husband & I grew up on the same number 728
    Different cities- our order number today 28 at Panera
    I just saw 12:28 now- its mind boggling-

  39. A year ago when I was in a slum the numbers 41 and 82 kept poppoing up. It saved my life (Thank you so much for sharing these insights). it was spot on! Yesterday the nuumber 28 came up 3 time (I am fully aware of) and this message is yet again spot on. i am so thankful for this and grateful. Many blessings and love!

  40. Grateful, blessed and trusting in the process of life.
    Holding on to Faith, knowing that I am and will always be provided for.🙏❤🙏 Amen.

  41. My dream is to open a research and development company to better serve humanity. Although there are times I wonder how especially in the wake of the dark eruption if it’s worth it to wait til things calm down or do it now

  42. Thank you...Love and light alway!!!🙏😇🥰

  43. I read this 2 days after my ex wife moved out and started talking to another guy. But I feel better that a better situation is coming and all my hard work is paying off.

  44. Intuitively felt, as always 🙏✨❤
    I am grateful for everything and all.
    Endless love and blessings to us all ✨❤🙌

  45. What does 8,18,28,38,48, 58 mean? I see them all day long everyday

  46. I’ve had the number 28 in my life for about 20 years. Student IDs, bank accounts, my street address, my birthdate, my anniversary, which is today, the 28th. I actually picked this date in 2020 to get married and 2 weeks later, COVID shut everything down. I’ve seen the number today, outside of the date, in most everything I’ve done, including 2 dates on a show I was watching where they mention the 28th of 2 different months in 2 different episodes. It’s weird. lol it made me look it up because it seems way too strange to be a coincidence. I don’t normally believe in signs, but I’m not so sure anymore…

  47. Thank you Angels,
