Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Number 22 brings the attributes of number 2 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 2 relates to your Divine life purpose and soul missionduality and balance, partnership and relationships, diplomacy and adaptability, insight, sensitivity and selflessness. Master Number 22 carries the energies and attributes of diplomacy, intuition and emotion, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy, personal power, redemption, idealism, expansion and evolution, idealism, philanthropy and service and duty and manifesting your highest ideals and desires. Number 22 is a number of power and accomplishment.  
Angel Number 22 encourages you to work diligently on your spiritual life path and soul purpose.

Angel Number 22 brings a message from your angels that you are to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life. Stand strong in your personal convictions and act accordingly. You have a great deal to achieve, and with devotion and inner-wisdom you will be able to successfully manifest your desired results.

Angel Number 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. Angel Number 22 asks you to see the larger picture, and to work with the details necessary to complete that picture. Angel Number 22 encourages you to bring things through to fruition on both the spiritual and material planes.

Angel Number 22 is a message from your angels to maintain your convictions and keep an optimistic outlook and a positive attitude as your desires are currently being manifested for you.

Number 22 is a ‘Master Builder’ Number, and in it’s lower vibrational form it relates to the Number 4.  

See also:  Repeating 2’s  (2, 22, 222, 2222 etc)
Angel Number 2
Angel Number 222



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. everyday for about 2 weeks ive seen the number 22 twice on a clock at the time 22:22 what ciykd this also relate too?

    1. what could this also relate too *

    2. This is also the number of Raphael the Archangel if I'm not mistaken.

    3. Melanie Markov-CrandallSaturday, February 13, 2016

      22 has always been my favorite number & lucky for me in many ways. It's so weird to know it's so powerful

    4. Melanie Markov-CrandallSaturday, February 13, 2016

      22 has always been my favorite number & lucky for me in many ways. It's so weird to know how powerful it is, but great at the same time.

    5. If i told you guys the story of why i looked up the number 22 you would all think i was lying.
      If you are interested and beleive in spirits/higher power please let me know and ill tell you the most crazy story that has ever happend to me.

    6. It is also a sign from the Midwayers, Chief Bzutu is a platoon leader of Midwayers, he is known as ABC-22.

    7. Please do share! Would LOVE to hear the story...Thank you

    8. Look at the Urantia book, it goes into detail about Midwayers. I personally have asked for sighns from them and always get a number reply. Please try it yourself?

    9. I'm born 22nd and the most time my eyes catch 22:22 when I look at my mobile time. Weird but I can feel the Angles talking to me and thank you for such a grateful message and looking after me

    10. I'm born 22nd and the most time my eyes catch 22:22 when I look at my mobile time. Weird but I can feel the Angles talking to me and thank you for such a grateful message and looking after me

    11. I'm born 22nd and the most time my eyes catch 22:22 when I look at my mobile time. Weird but I can feel the Angles talking to me and thank you for such a grateful message and looking after me

    12. Its funny Kaylan. I have the exact experience. Notice 22 22 poping up to me. I noticed and told myself if it happens again i must look into it. It poped again today. So not sure whats going on. Let me know if you found out anything.

    13. We're the chosen ones. Had an idea and 22 popped on the number of viewers for my SC story and it was weird because I posted two pictures: One had 22 viewers but the other had 5. I was like "huh? that's weird" because ya know it should be 27" got on my computer, looked it up and found out that I remembered. read this, listen to your angels, come back to this and you will understand what I am talking about.

    14. Looked up what? i'm trying to understand your message because I do in fact sometimes feel like "we're the chosen ones" Seeing 22 for the past 5+ years is incredible - sometimes down right eerie where I see them. Constantly they just find me all the time. Soo mo many to even right down, and in perfect timing when I'm thinking of things.. I read one 22 is Gods # he most powerful number in the Universe. I tend to believe it.

  3. Being awake is amazing i look to your blog for all my numerological messages and always get an answer that resonates, Thankyou for sharing your light ♥

  4. rush-collection I have been lookong on your sight for a while now. Especially when I constantly saw 11:11 or 11 etc. I told people of this in some detail and in some instances they then began to see it. Especially my partner who at first laughed ot of bit now constantly sees it to. Especially when he is making quite an important decision. I now have moved on to the 2s and the 4s 2 has always been my favourite number as a child till now. And I am really awakening at this point in my life. Thankyou

    1. The exact same thing has been happening with me.i started seeing 1111 n 11 n now it has moved into 2s n 4s.Could you please tell me what happened next with u?

    2. You're awakening to your soul purpose:)

    3. I started seeing 1111 after I met my partner, they say that if you meet someone and start seeing that number, then that person has a significant impact on your life

    4. I have been seeing 00:00 often the last years, and I doen´t understand it ?

    5. me too, but can't work out what it means. Let me know if you find out and I will let you know too

    6. Seeing 00.00 we are now have oneness with God the universe keep watching us. We always recieve a clear guidance from Jesus amen hallelujah

  5. Thank You for this wonderful info! God Bless!

  6. Hello, my birthday may 8, 1962. I am a 22. My question is that I read that I am supposed to read aloud the ancient text in order to inhance myself. I have cured many illnesses such as diabetes, scoliosis, headaches, high blood pressure, and many others, I dont know where to go find the ancient text to help myself, I just recently found out that I was a 22 and I now know why my whole life I just want to help people, Can you help me find the ancient text so that I can help more people, I was helping people long before I even knew of numerology, Thank you for time. Tony Riggin

    1. Please help me I'm in need of help plz

    2. The ancient text may be the emerald tablet. It says "as above so below, as within so without"

    3. My birthday is 01/11/88 is that good and my daughter 02/22/06?

    4. s an ancient ayurvedic book available from kalera in rajsthan india fom krisna gopalayurved bhavan

    5. Wow i thought i was crazy . i would just tell people im weird and its just hard to explain and most people just laugh and go about there day some believe but cant really process ... but i truly believe i was put on this earth too help others and i too have been doing that long before i knew i was different and i too am very sick and have been thru more then one human could every possibly imagination.and just keep pushing... Some days are harder then others but im here for a reason and have to keep that in mind. And thank you for making feel like im not the only one. And im not crazy. Im here for a higher power. And i just have to continue on my journey thru this life and look for the signs that are there to guide. ... Thanks again God bless

    6. I hear you darling you're not alone it's like you read my mind

    7. Ths celistine prophecy!!! Its amazing and spiritual and a great series! Trust me!

  7. Youre a life path 4. Not a true 22. Your birthday totals 31 which reduces to 4.

    1. "Number 22 is a ‘Master Builder’ Number, and in it’s lower vibrational form it relates to the Number 4."....hmmm :)

    2. Your master number is 8 your life path is 4. Jayz and Madonna are 4's

    3. I keep seeing 22 (for nearly 24 months now)
      I have no idea whats happening, every morning i wake at 7:22am, when i go to bed its 22:22.. the totals of numbers at work, on the news, calculations...mostly 22/44/11. My mum had to move this year and i had to move back afetr relationship failure.. she picked a house- number 22. My new partner lives at number 11.
      What does this all mean... my birthday is 18/09/87.. adds up to 42. two numbers i know well!

    4. Hi there, I'm 34 years old and was born on the 25th August 1982 (25/08/82)
      I see the number 69, 22, 222, 33, 11, 1111, etc...
      I also seem to be what they call a slider (I turn lights off as I walk past) I have noticed that I have a very deep and insightful intuition. The tv/radio speaks what I am thinking or have just said out loud or st the same time. And so much more...could you please tell me my life path number and any other info that may help me understand why this is happening.
      Many thanks :)

      I've really found comfort reading all of these comments and knowing it's not just me!

    5. Your life path is a 44, which is a master number, but your life path is also an 8. I have never met an eight who didn't desire to be a boss of some sort and typically make great business partners.... just some random insights thought I'd throw out there... but anyways onto your numbers you see, I see the same. I first became aware of the number 69 years ago after I met the love of my life which was the biggest upgrade and changing point in my life. Everytime I see 69 so often it practically slaps me in my face,I know something that doesn't serve me well in life is being upgraded to something better. As for 22,it's practically slapping me in my face and I can't tell what's about to happen...

      Let me know if you noticed something changed in your life after seeing the number 22!

  8. He's a 22 when u use the pythagorean method..

  9. I clicked on 23 but appeared page 22 ?Help, please.

  10. Hello. Well I was born December 2nd 1984. I first started to experience the angels number 66. I was in a bad direction in my life when it started. I did a research and found this page and the meaning of 66. I try to fulfill the message everyday of my life as ots written here. My life changed and more will change yet. I got closer to God, accept Jesus in my life and love my family and others unconditionally as 66 and bible says.
    Now, ive been experiencing the angels number 22 and 222. This message just came to enhance what I already knew. God has something big for me and He's working in my life until im ready to receive it. 22 tells me exactly the same. Still today I dont know if I believe the angels number or its just a coincidence. But its hard not to. I just wanna thank you for all the explanations on this page. God bless you all.

    1. Your life path is a 9
      Your master number is 2

  11. I have seen the number22;22 three times in a week on my cooker clock is there any signifacanse in this tia

  12. thank-you very much for this insightful message from my beloved higher selves.. I got a message exactly at 22:11 time and today's date is 22-11-2014. :) Its awesome positively. I am trying to influence weather for rain and same time successfully to complete my higher studies to the best materialistically... namaste _/\_

    1. I am also here because i see this world dying because of weather modification! See the affect on earth now because of chemtrailing. I cannot believe you are one of them trying to mess with mother nature. Surely is against God's will!

    2. Anonymous I love you for this comment* that might be why we are all here somehow we are suppose do something about all the wrong doings all around us by government war curtisy and respectful laking in our world that's not Godly and sure isn't love*

  13. My whole life has been a series of 22's. I was suppose to be born on Feb. 22nd. My parents got married on the 22nd of June and ever since I considered it my lucky number and my number for motocross it has shown up everywhere!!! Just today at KFC, the price of our meal was 22.22 and the price to get out gutters fixed on our house was 722. I just don't get it sometimes!!! Whenever I look at the clock during a stressful moment or an important time, even if the clock isn't set to the right time it ends up being :22 or 2:22!!! What is this suppose to mean?!?

    1. The same thing happens to me since the age of 16 every time I looked at the clock it was 722 622 xcetera, and I know everybody thought I was crazy but as it was happening everyday I would point it out to my husband and he was amazed that every time I looked at the clock there was 22 so now I'm not so crazy but I still don't know what it means because I feel I have no purpose on this Earth as I never had children so I will never have grandchildren so what else could my purpose be? As this is telling me the number 22 means it's your sole purpose in life and you are to find it but I just can't imagine that I have any purpose here but just so you know you're not alone

    2. This incredible. I have been experiencing the exact same thing for the past couple of years. In the very beginning I would see the number 22:22 on my clock, watch or phone every other evening. I would simply be minding my business and for some weird reason, I would get the urge to look at the time at that particular moment. It was extremely scary for me because it got to a point were even if I had slept in earlier that evening, I would abruptly get up and when I would toss and reach for my phone, the time would be 22:22. Of course a number of my friends though that was somewhat creepy. I hated seeing this number, every time I would see it, it would sent chills down my spine, on the 22nd of every month, I would be extra cautious and alert with what I did because I didn't want anything bad to happen, I was just so paranoid. When I finally spoke to my Father about it, he told me that maybe instead of overthinking all the time, I should embrace it and pray about, perhaps it is a sign of some sort. I decided to take his advice and I made peace with it ever since. Even though I haven't gotten any sign or reason as to why I see this number all the time, it has just become more frequent now. The clock will show 10;22, 12:22, 14:22, 18:22 or 22:22 most of the time I decide to check what the time. I would turn my head and the cab number would be 222 or randomly a number will be on a gate or door and it's 2222 . I am not very spiritual but I really would love to find out what this means. I have ruled out that it definitely isn't a coincidence anymore.

    3. Wow! No joke! Truly, as I was reading this not knowing the time exactly. As soon as I looked at the time it was 1:22 on my phone and my phone battery percentage was at %22

      Instagram @titlesarelame

  14. The number also means a word 11- wisdom 33-truth I am 1 angel that is on earth to observe there are 4 more on earth and 2 more on the way after we have looked and helped but we are not going to show are self's but we are always helping and guiding you. If you want to chat to me more than email jsoden150@gmail.com

    1. If you are an angel among us is it possible that we can encounter one of our angels without even knowing they were sent to guide us and protect us? I've always seen the number 33 but I also feel that God is calling us to a higher wisdom and knowledge that we havnt found yet is this true? I'm blown away

  15. It was once september 2012 I started to notice the number 22 on my washing mashine screen showing the time left to finsih the session. of course I didnt pay attention to it. So the same day I emptied the content from washing mashine to the trumble dryer and started it. Later onI went to the washing room to pick something i noticed the timer is showing the number 22 again! I Didnt think too much about and went out and continued doing other things. Later that night i sat before my laptop when i noticed the clock was showing 22.22 and some seconds later the battery on the computer showing 22 % left!! then i started to wonder! what the hell is that?! So I am telling you people, from the day after that incident, the number 22 was haunting me everywhere. The busses which were passing by had the number 22, the recites from the supermartket once i bought food for 222,- and the time on the recite was 22.22.22!! It felt like i was living in some sort of sciencee fiction move. Seeing of number 22 continued untl january 2013. During this time my husband left me october 2012 and by desember 2012 he told me that he has met another woman and has feelings for her. So I was heartbroken and feeling that the world is ending for me. But I was still keep seeing the number 22. This had become so often that I started to get panic every 22th of each months getting close. Because I was expecting something is going to happen during those days but I wasnt sure what. But nothing happened and I kept seeing the number everywhere...And this continued until january 2013. One night in the begining og january out of the blue without me thinking to get involve with any other man since i was still kinda heartbroken and missing my ex husband and best friend who found someone else. I met this guy and something amazing happened the first moment we spoted eachother as if our souls met! I have never been into love at first sight or anything similar but that encounter I can not describe the experience. It was love at first sight and our souls as if they tangled to one another. Very soon we created this bond and were madly in love with eachother and this Didnt take more than one week and we could not be sparated!. Once when I was talking on the phone with him I asked him this question: Have you ever experienced to see a certain number all the time eveywhere? and he answered "Yes number 22" !!! When I heard that I just couldnt believe that he just said that and i kept asking him how and when he said everywhere and the way he said was very casual because he had got used to it , It has been since some years ago he had started to see this number. When I told him my story we just looked at eachother and laughed and we both knew this was something meant to happen our uniq encounter. So since he is living in England and I am living in Norway, after 4 weeks We decided that I go visit him in England and I was in the airport and was checking in my luggae, so after I got my boarding pass I could see that my seat number was 22..!!! Since that trip to England I stopped seeing the number 22..!

    1. I loved your story and can relate to what you mean about always wondering if something were going to happen on the 22nd of the month. I use to wonder daily what may happen at 2:22am or 2:22pm. I kept my eyes wide open no doubt...Your love story was uplifting and i'm happy for you. Take care and God Bless!

    2. OMG!! Twin Flame story!!!

    3. That is a very cool inspiring love story! According to an Angel numerology book I reference every day, 222 means "keep the faith". Your guardian angels were trying to comfort you during your relationship difficulties and let you know that someone better will come along, which he did! Good to hear a happy real life story!

  16. I was born on 15th March 1993. I will be 22 in a six days time. Can you please tell me my Life Path number?

  17. I believe the number 22 is my number. I only realised this recently. I had always thought it coincidental that both my children were born at 22 past. Two years ago I had to get out of an abusive relationship, I got the courage to report my then husband to the police on the 11th of June, that was the day my marriage ended. Recently I started a new relationship with a wonderful man who was born on the 22nd of January, I realised just after this that if I add my two children's birthdays together I get 22 (1st and 21st). After starting this new relationship I noticed a building I drove past on my way to work every day had the numbers 1922 on it, my birthday is the 19th.
    I also notice 22 a lot on my car clock

  18. Ok ,so I'm commenting on this because, I'm one of these persons that believe in Angel numbers and I'll tell you why, : I kept seeing the number 11:11 and one day my frI end opened up my eyes even more meaning, he observed that my properties where and are 2 of them repeated and progressive 1ns and by that j mean my first property was number 1 my second is 11 and third is 111 ,now for the past year something I've been chasing this girl that came to be the woman of my dreams witch I am dating at the moment and even more, we are about to get married and also we are expecting a child, and now for a while I've stopped seeing the number 1111 but saw 22:22 and I've looked it up. ...and here I am writing this review. ....thank you everyone! !!!

  19. Thank you so much for giving me the answer for the mystery of 22. I have self understand that it is the indication of upcoming event or some kind of change to come in my life but at one point I was so confused and was impatient to know the mystery behind recurring observanve of digit 22, whether its the indication of good or bad event. My desire to know the answer has directed me here and come to know that I am angel 22. Thank u so much for realizing who am I and what's the purpose of my life.

  20. I been seeing 22 222 2222 all day it started when I had a dream about 122

  21. i dreamt i was in a selection process for arsenal football team which i dont support, which i was goalkeeper postion, with the number 22 shirt

  22. I have been paying attention to angel numbers since March-April 2014 and since then I've literally seen every single number from 0-100 as well as plenty of 3 and 4 digit numbers (maybe 200-350 numbers in all). Some of them only appear for a day, some a week, some never stop, and others come and go. I have not met anyone or read any comments here of someone with the same sequence or similar, what does this mean?

  23. I have been paying attention to angel numbers since March-April 2014 and since then I've literally seen every single number from 0-100 as well as plenty of 3 and 4 digit numbers (maybe 200-350 numbers in all). Some of them only appear for a day, some a week, some never stop, and others come and go. I have not met anyone or read any comments here of someone with the same sequence or similar, what does this mean?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I looked for info about 22 because two nights ago I had a dream in which there were two 22's (for example, one of them was purchasing something for 22 dollars). Then in the morning I turned on the radio and heard that there were 22 Kurds killed. So I became curious about the number. The info provided here is inspiring and positive. Thank you.

  26. 12-13-1977 Google me ViFamily4Life Steven Braganca add me on Facebook want to share my story and be part of changing the world with Love and can someone help me know how it relates too 22 and 222 and why tonight I stumbled on this and met an angle Aurora Ray who has guided meditation and told me my angle name is Amor Braganca tonight is 09-22-2015 feel like magical stuff has happen tonight and it feels so reassuring with the struggles I hate going on in my life right now

  27. I wish someone would help me here.

    I got pregnant but the father of my child didn't support me. I have a love of my life. His bday is July 22 and my baby was born on the same date.

    I dunno.. should I stop seeing this guy? He got a girlfriend. Or still being with him or friends with him? I haven't seen the guy since May 2015

    I don't know what 22 means..it started May or June til now. I kept seeing the number 22. pls help

    1. By all means have fun but on the other hand what would it be like if you where the girlfriend and not the lover . And if you start dating do you think he would be loyal to you . Answer these question put to you. You'll have your answer . He still with his. Girlfriend I take it . What rush-collection said about 16th which is my bday she has got me too a tee but I keep seeing 22:22 and today 11:11 . So I'm going to read up 11:11 any knowledge I may learn surely will help me from what I'm going to read . Follow your heart with the other

  28. I'd love to get more answers, I've seen 22:22 on a clock every single day for the past 6 years or so and the number 22 would pop up everywhere throughout the day, my birthday is January 22nd and since meeting my soulmate, whose birthday is November 22nd,we both see it even more, up to 10 times a day or so. We're both very spiritual but since we've somewhat lost touch with it the number shows more still. Anyone get this?

  29. Rastie Prairie BadgerThursday, January 14, 2016

    Lovely rush-collection! :-)
    I googled Angelic Numbers, for some reasons couple a months ago, got rush-collection as top result, it was out of curiosity but angelic symbols started entering my life and I was wandering where to put myself in life. I had Angelic Reiki initiation, become a healer :-) Best year for ages of misfortune passed behind... ^^ Yes! I love, I learned to love, I learned to accept angels and Light! God entered my life, knocked and yes it isn't the God I spent my lifetime with it is a newborn God for Christmas this year, lots of symbolism of angels and love, compassion, charity and I am on the right course in my life. I love my life. Seen 22 some times ;) God Bless you all!

  30. I lost my daughter during labor on 11/22/2013. My son ended up being born on 3/22/2015, my husband repented on 6/22/2014. I didn't put this together until I was in the hospital with liver failure June 2015 & it occurred to me when I was talking to a friend.

    The last month, the number 22 has been popping up every where. Then my daughter started noticing it. Lately, the number 1122 has been appearing which is my stillborn daughters birthday. I don't know what to think about it all. I've read what those numbers mean on your site, but I'm still not exactly sure what the angel is trying to tell me.

  31. Is the number 22 “your" special number if you were born the 22nd day of any month of the year?

  32. my pop passed away on the 22nd and i had a dream where he came to me saying that he's counting the steps to heaven and i woke up at 2:22.. from that dream

  33. My birthday is 4/22/66. What do my birthday numbers signify?



      DATE OF BIRTH NUMEROLOGY - What Your Date of Birth Means



  34. My birthday is 4/22/66. What do my numbers signify?



      DATE OF BIRTH NUMEROLOGY - What Your Date of Birth Means



  35. lluís sunyer capdevilaTuesday, April 12, 2016

    Hi rush-collection. I am Lluís from Girona (catalonia)

    For the last year I keep seeing de sequence 22:22 a lot of times.

    I have a strong relatinship with a woman. Its a powerful relationship, for good, but also for bad. Very intense. Sometimes It seems my energy goes away after been with her. But at the same time I wish her like never I wished anybody. If I had to be a woman I would like to be her

    I Know that now the sequence 22:22 is related with our relationship. I mean, I think that somebody is telling me or to go ahead with her, or to split off the relationship. But i don't know wich option is. The last time I went to her house to talk about ours, when I knock her door, it was 22:22 in my telefone.
    My intuition says that possibly is the second option (That I should broke the relationship), but may be is the fear to go ahead with her, because I always avoid compromise.

    Can you tell me somethig about?? Thanks


  36. Hi, in about 2014 I started seeing the number 11:11 everywhere. For example I would just happen to look at a clock that never normally look at and it would be there. I finally decided to find out the meaning and looked at your page for help and it really helped me. I have now started seeing the numbers 22:22 and again this information has really helped me understand. I'm 17 years old so probably a lot younger than other people however you have really helped me open my eyes, thankyou.

  37. As I passed a gas station i noticed the number 222. A couple of days before that it was only 22 Then when I made a u turn, another gas station to the right there was the numbers 222. And as I was driving down the street,I happened to look over to my right, and as i looked at the license plates on the car the last two digits were 22. Then as I made a u turn at the light and as I looked over to another gas station, I saw 222. As i was close to my house, I happen to look over to my left, and the mail box in front of a house had 22.

  38. Awesome information! Thanks for sharing<3

    Please don't take any offense but my OCD and grammar obsession is driving me to tell you to proof read and edit this post. You have accidentally repeated many words in your description of 22's characteristics. Personally I tend to discredit any information when I see grammatical errors so I just wanted to bring it to your attention just in case someone else does the same. You're description is completely accurate and taught me many things about my favorite number �� thank you again for sharing


  39. Can't get away from this number to the point it's distressing, i'm also 22. It's a shame about it's meaning too cause I can no longer maintain any form of optimism without lying to myself; such is life, pray it ends soon 22 is wasted on me but thanks for the insight x

  40. Numbers schumbers. Been seeing consecutive & sequential lots for years. What I would like to know, as would the rest of the world, how does one cure Scoliosis?

  41. Hi, I also have been seeing the number 22 daily and i do mean every single day for the past year and a half. First, i wanted to say this started 3 days after my mother passed away. I began talking to my sister about it as it was making me feel very uneasy. Had i not seen it sometimes 4 to 6 times daily i wouldn't have been uncomfortable as i was. I mean you would have to be in my shoes to understand how often the number 22 was in front of me. It happens many, many, many times. Back when this started i thought it was my mother trying to get my attention to tell me something, make me do something..i just didn't know what to think. I spent many days and nights trying to figure out what was going on and why this number was being seen so often. In the beginning i thought wow, that's just a coincidence. My family told me that as well. I accepted it as being coincidental until it turned in to seeing the number 22 not only once daily, twice daily, but up to 5 and 6 times daily some days. I got to where i didn't bother to mention it to my family because i know they thought i was making a big deal out of nothing but they just have no idea what's been going on. I now keep it bottled up inside and never say anything more about it to them. It got to the point i became frightened and began researching to see if others have experienced similar events also. I was happy and surprised to find this website. At one time during my experience i had a strong feeling that i wanted to start attending church again. I haven't been since i was a little girl. My grandmother took us to church with her every Sunday when i was younger but haven't been back since. For the past few months or so i have been talking to our father and feeling like i'm at a point in my life to where i want to begin attending Sunday service. I have much to learn about the bible because there is so much i don't understand...Thanks to those that took the time to read what's going on in my life and maybe can give some answers/advise as to why the number 22 appears repeatedly in some of our lives...God Bless!

  42. I just got a job offer as a manager with a great and promising company. I've been getting a lot of these messages for a long time and it's amazing. Also I've been in a terrible relationship that I think is holding me back.

  43. Uhm... Ive seen 02:02 and my battery was 22% yesterday and this morning i had a dream about someone telling me to call joanna....i was looking for the meaning of the multiple 2s and i fell on this site...im filled with so many questions.. I just dont know where to start. But what im really eager to know is the meaning of this

  44. Over the past almost two years I've broken up with my girlfriend more than 10 times only to get back together again. We always broke up on the 22 of the month, our biggest fights and arguments happened on the 22 of each month. Each time we got back together we grew spiritually, raised our level of awareness until we recently reached the end of our experience together. Once again breaking up finally on the 22nd

  45. Can someone tell me my #'s? Born 6/2/89 at 2:23am I keep seeing 11:11 over and over

  46. Really your post help us in writing my first Post. Thanks for your nice Post.Visit:spiritual dating

  47. I always wanted a football jersey when i was younger when i got one as a present it was number 22 .when i was 22 my mom passed away.My fiancee birthdayis the 22 nd .Bus 22 picks up right outside my house.

  48. My birthday is 10/22 and I always seem to see 10:22, 9:11 (moms bday) and 11:11

  49. Hello There,

    My grandad passed away on the 22nd October 2014, and since then my family and partner all see 22, 22:10 regularly. As we sat around his bed in the hospital, on the 21st October he slowly begun losing consciousness. His moment of passing was 2am, on the 22nd, which is my mother's birthday (his daughter). Further more to this, across the Atlantic Ocean my brother's wife had just given birthday to their first child in Bermuda in the early hours of 22nd October 2014.

    This sequence of events holds a huge significance to my family, and opened our eyes to the spiritual world. Although we cannot explain the reason, 22 is our daily reminder of our family-bond, love and spiritual connection.

  50. I was born 1/22/1997, after that day the Star David was aliened in the sky and which is also known as the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Would this hold any significance to me at all?

  51. Hi there Last I saw in dream a vision of nr 22 bright light colour like a flash of photo ,soon after it I woke up. My birthday is 26.08.1983. Does that have any meaning ?

  52. Hey so I've been seeing 22 constantly lately and as I'm writing this I just took a glance at the time and is 1:22am so ye very weird lol I have asked my angels to show me 22 if something I've asked is going to happen if not then don't show me it. I'm seeing it in the time and randomly on expiry dates on food packaging and also verbally where a song with 22 in it came on and watching a movie where the man repeated the 22Nd about 10times. I took a walk yesterday and said to myself I should stop being silly that what I've asked a sign for is something to good to be true and well it's probably not a yes answer to it anyway but something different. As I said this to myself and said forget the number 22, I looked around me and there it was two industrial bins with a phone number ending in 22. Safe to say I'm just gonna keep the positive vibes going from this number and enjoy knowing I have angels wanting to remind me of their love and well if the answer I've asked for isn't what will happen then I just gotta figure out exactly what they are trying to tell me :)
    Love this site and explanation! Always gives me positive vibes ✌

  53. I have been seeing these numbers in sequence for the last 10 years...I've had nothing buy hardship, this was before I had children...now, I've had a chance...through some unknown fate...to get custody of.my youngest daughter. Maybe, just maybe...this is what it meant.

  54. honestly I wrote this whole paragraph like 10 min's ago lol I was going to give up but hey 2nd times the charm am I right?. So I've been looking up angel numbers way before today because I have been seeing the same time twice allot such as 1:11 12:22 11:11 12:12 and so on, but lately like for the past week I've been noticing the number 22, Like 12:22 2:22 3:22 4:22 etc... even though I've saw the number before I didn't really think much of it. Because i thought that consecutive number only matter.didn't really think much about the number 22 until I woke up at exactly 12:22 the other day (it happened twice the day after i woke uo at 12:22 as well) I quickly went to search it up I also saw an eagal outside my window lol but that's off topic, it told me that "Angel Number 1222 is a message from your angels and Archangels that you are to stay focused on your highest expectations as the angels and Universal Energies work behind the scenes helping you to manifest your wants and needs, goals and desires. Trust that your home and family will be well provided for as you strive towards achieving your goals " (I didn't feel like explain all that over again.) At the time I truley needed it because my idol.. my mommy was sick and the doctors didnt want to help her at the time because they say they didnt find nothing wrong with her mean while i had to take care of her and seeinh her in pain day after day for a whole year... we finally got a doctor who actually cared about her health and not about the money that comes from her being a patient(in case you didnt know doctors get paid for something that's called fee-forservice it's basically that they only get paid for how much patients they treat it doesn't really matter if they cured their patients )she had this operation yesterday that gets rid of the pain but doesn't remove her problem(sorry I won't tell you more about what she has) :/ and I was depressed honestly shes all i have I felt like the universe was unfair with me.. why does a teenage brat that treats their mother like shit gets to have a healthy mother and I don't :/ but then I realized that I didn't have to think that way I wouldn't want what's happening to me to happen to any other teenager or anybody in this world. It showed me that I have to remain positive her sickness isn't that bad it's manageable.. it just takes a little bit of her effort and she's willing to do what she has to do to get better so why was I feeling so negative? I had to remain postive because it was simply the right thing to do and I had no reason to be negative I can't hold on to my fears on what could happen or it will manifest. Your thoughts are more powerful than you think. Which leads me to last night I woke up at exactly 5:22 with a severe back pain that didn't allow me to continue on sleeping until the afternoon lol #guilty and I woke up to take an ibuprofen buy it didn't work so when my sister woke up she came downstairs and she was talking about what some athletes do to relieve back pain which is this thing called cupping. I quickly tried it and let me tell you this I cupped my whole back and it's bruised lol I must have had allot of toxic in my body. After that I felt lighter and brighter and quicker idk how to explain it but this morning I saw 7:22,8:22,9:22,10:22,11:22 and 12:22 lol I was on a roll and I finally realized that it wasn't the entire time number I was looking for it was only the 22! So I came here and read what it had to say and I realized that this was the message I was so desperately waiting for. I finally understand. BTW this also made me realize that my soul's purpose is to be an astrologer

  55. Thank you wholeheartedly, rush-collection! <3

  56. I keep seeing it, 12 years. Life is a long struggle if you don't feel like doing what you chose, are you pushing against a hill or prefer the simple life, free from human drama. I have less than 2 yes left in a degree, just so I can have a degree. I know what I really like and that is contently satisfied alone, I'm not planning using the degree but with the help and grace of the higher powers It will stand to me. While dependants on me will have to wait on my stipend as they live abroad and I don't intend to distance myself from my daughter for too long, missing out on bonding.

  57. I have been noticing repetitive number sequences for a while now. Some days the numbers jump all over the board making me so confused and not knowing what to make of it. It literally drives me crazy. Today, I've seen 99, 22, 55, 33 and finally 11. What in the world are the angels trying to tell me? Anybody with an idea?

  58. my birthday is 7/14/1994 i freequently see 1111 22 14 4 and as far as the clock it happens with every number. ALso for about 6 months now i have had a strange connection with movies and tv i see myself life in almost everything and feel like i am being heard from my inner thoughts and i can speak to people with my eyes and my mind. it was scary and frustrating and came off as negative to me.. i felt i was being lauphed at mocked and judged by shows or movies i was watching ..even happens with live tv . at first and i thought it would go away .. but now it comes as positive , praising and seems to be a loving force that i can control but can never turn off completly if that makes any sense.. i have not told anyone not out of fear of judgement but just because i dont see anyone i know understanding or being able to relate. so if anyone has any thoughts on what this might mean i would greatly appreciate it . thank you

  59. I see so many angel number throughout the day, everyday especially when I pray for Gods protection and guidance. I was born on 02/22/1995 I am currently 22 years old and even my ssn card has 22 in it. I always trust the numbers when I see them everyday and know my angels are with me.

  60. I practice my native culture and I use a hand towel with the number 22 on it to put my medicine box and do my ceremonies...i always wondered if there was a significance to the number 22 and after reading about 22 I so understand why I this towel with the #22 has found it's place in my life. I am truly amazed.

  61. since feb 2016 i am seeing 22. i see almost 15-20 times a day. almost sometimes it scares me as to see so many daily. i am not able to understand what it is telling me. Yes this period is a period of lot of transitions in my life. i take his positively, but still it sometimes feel like being haunted.

  62. I hope this comment posts, I have been reading all your comments and replies and find them all very fascinating.I will start of by explaining that I have been seeing the number 22 everywhere, it seems like every time I look at any digital clock It is on the 22nd minute. the hour changes. I am a mother of 2, and my 2nd born was born on 11/22/94 and sadly passed away 4/22/14. There are 22 years between us. I have been wondering if this was a sign I had been asking for, to let me know that my son was okay. I find the awakening part that I was reading very interesting as well. Things have started changing for me, including my eye sight. Everything I look at moves in some way, either side to side, or up and down. Even in every photo I look at, I see images of people and animals, and I do not recognize any of the faces.I have also started seeing different colors usually most in my peripheral but not always. I am just wondering if all of this could be my mind trying to come to grips with emotion of grief. Or if maybe there is a gift such as extra sensory something, trying to come to life inside my soul. I know this all sounds crazy, so any insight on tthis would be greatly appreciated.

  63. I hope this comment posts, I have been reading all your comments and replies and find them all very fascinating.I will start of by explaining that I have been seeing the number 22 everywhere, it seems like every time I look at any digital clock It is on the 22nd minute. the hour changes. I am a mother of 2, and my 2nd born was born on 11/22/94 and sadly passed away 4/22/14. There are 22 years between us. I have been wondering if this was a sign I had been asking for, to let me know that my son was okay. I find the awakening part that I was reading very interesting as well. Things have started changing for me, including my eye sight. Everything I look at moves in some way, either side to side, or up and down. Even in every photo I look at, I see images of people and animals, and I do not recognize any of the faces.I have also started seeing different colors usually most in my peripheral but not always. I am just wondering if all of this could be my mind trying to come to grips with emotion of grief. Or if maybe there is a gift such as extra sensory something, trying to come to life inside my soul. I know this all sounds crazy, so any insight on tthis would be greatly appreciated.

  64. I continually see all double digits. All the time. So much, that I seriously have to try not to see them, and even when checking the time or other things such as, I see doubles more than not. I see 22, 44, 88, 66, 55, 77, and 33 the most. I still see 99, 11, just not as much. I see other sequences like 1212, or 333, or 222, or other triples, and even sometimes random ones like 1221, just not enough, or as often to make it purposefully notable, not compared to the others that's for sure. Although I've done the research any off can do, I DONT KNOW WHY, SO PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHY I SEE ALL OF THE NUMBERS 1-9 IN DOUBLE DIGITS SO MUCH!! Yes, I see 00, but barely. I know that it's not by coincidence, happens way to often, and has been happening, and it's one of those things you'd have to understand by experiencing it yourself. Ik many people see an array of patterns with numbers, but why am I seeing what I am?

  65. Not only did I see the 33 in what time it is where I live after posting, it then turned to 12:34.....So BOOM!!

  66. I often see echoes of numbers when driving my car. Like yesterday, it was 5:25pm, and the odometer showed something like 35254, or I'll see the time somewhere on someone else's license plate or a street sign or ad on some store front.

  67. I've been speaking to a potential new romance and noticed he accepted my fb friend request at 22:22. Does anyone have any info on what that could mean? Could it be a good sign or a bad one as I've read that 222 requires healing?

  68. Amen!!!🙏❤ Grateful and blessed immensly!!!🙏🧚‍♀️❤

  69. 22 relates , in my knowing to the connection with the Twin Flame ) the part of the Soul that is always in contact with the Source ) within yourself & the eventual external manifestation on the outer ( a life mission partner for example ) . I hope this answers your question properly .

  70. Hi there i think iv noticed that this particular description has removed the part where it used to mention about the arch angel raphael and his/her number being 22 ? Am i mistaken ?

  71. Thanking God for You. Love&Light.

  72. I have asked for help many times...Please someone reply...I am ready to give up. My birthday is May 08 1981. I see many numbers starting with 11:11, then in the last few years and most recently...111, 1111, 22, 222, 444, 555, 6666, 7777, 888, 999, 000. I am Awakened but having trouble consistently believing because of my back story and knowing nothing about any of this until very very recently! Someone please respond. I would appreciate knowing where to turn to? And recently I am very fearful of the Bible I’ve known my whole life. Please help!!! Please!!! Thank You in advance Courtney

  73. There is definitely something that wants to be communicated with me but I'm not quite sure what. Ive been seen angel numbers for a while now. There was someone whom I've believed to be my twin flame and the situation has bothered me for a while now as I believe we are in separation. Ive then being seeing the number 22, and a few days ago, in lecture, I saw this guy whom we made extreme eye contact with each other. He was literally perfect. I look down on his backpack and he has the number 22 on his backpack. He also has the same name as my best friend. As well as I saw his name in a old photograph of me today and now keep seeing his name. I am now confused as I thought I have already meet my twin flame, and then he comes along, with the number I keep seeing. Any advice please?

  74. Please, help me ! I don't understand that part of the message : " Angel Number 22 asks you to see the larger picture, and to work with the details necessary to complete that picture. "
    Can somebody explain that to me ? Or try to.. Thanks

  75. focus on the little things -the details, that will help you accomplish your goal - the bigger picture

  76. Please help me. I am new to this angel numbers or letters synchronicity. I either see 11:11 or 3:33 or car number plates with '5EX'

  77. Hello! I was born on 15.09.1992, but I keep seeing 22:22 on the clock and always had a calm and conforting feeling about it but never knew what it means. Is it connected to number 22 or 2222? I know is not connected to my bday so what could it be?

  78. Hi, one day, you can, its easy. If its what what u want go for it. All it takes is a spark or idea. Create the action and get things done
    Thank you angels

  79. I was looking at an old photo, 1950s taken of my family, in the front yard of some family friends. And as I was looking at a tree located behind us on the left, I saw a very clear number 2 formed by the leaves of the tree. I took a magnifying glass to have a closer look... And just above that 2 were 3 small 2a in a row...

  80. Thank you guardian angel and to my fiance yy
    You giving this number. 💛💪🙏

  81. Love u angelsss 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  82. I see angel numbers every single day
    And my faith is growing stronger

  83. I always seem to see this number on the clock, pages of a book, on license plates and just other random places so i looked it up.

  84. I also see this constantly. Great to see others see it too.

  85. Angels don't exist. Number patterns don't have any meaning.

  86. Hi... Saya lahir 2-11-1976. Awalnya saya orang yg sangat logis dan tidak percaya pada sesuatu yang tidak kelihatan. Sampai suatu ketika saya mengalami banyak hal aneh yang tidak dapat dijawab dengan akal sehat. Apa yang saya ucapkan seringkali menjadi kenyataan termasuk hal buruk. Ini membuat saya berhati hati dalam berbicara. Yangembuat saya sangat gelisah adalah ada begitu banyak arwah yang akhir akhir mendatangi saya. Ada yang memperingatkan saya ketika saya akan berbuat dosa, ada pula yang memaki maki saya. Ada yang menangis meminta pertolongan. Lalu oendengaran saya semakin tajam dan seringkali mendengar banyak hal mengenai nasihat kebijaksanaan. Ketika ada seseorangbterdekat saya akan meninggal, saya oun diberitahu sebelumnya sehingga saya begitunketakutan dengan dunia kematian yang rasanya sering mengikuti dan mengelilingi saya. Saya bukan orang baik. Ini mulai terjadi ketika saya berusia 22 tahun. Pertanyaan saya adalah mengapa saya mengalami banyak hal itu? Adakah kaitannya dengan 2... Lalu tadi pagi saya bangun jam 4.44. kemudian saya melihat angka 22 di mana mana. Mohon bantuannya 🙏🏻

  87. My plane landed in Honolulu, Hawaii on 2,22,2022 at 2:22! for real!
    Everything has been working out today and so I looked at my astrology chart and there were so many 22 degrees that I had to look this up. I'm always amazed! Everything is numbers!

  88. 'The World' or 'The Universe' in Tarot, the letter Tau is number 22. It is the end of the work, where the formless takes on form.
