Thursday, August 26, 2010

Angel Numbers - Number Sequences - Repeating 2's

Number 2 relates to the attributes and energies of peace, kindness, diplomacy, friendship, the peacemaker, gentleness, charm, insightfulness, sensitivity, team-player, spirituality, harmony, co-operation, placidity, justice, selflessness, harmony, social, support, attention to detail, cooperation, decisiveness, poise, intuition, mediation, adaptability, agreeable, grace, devotion, the subconscious, consideration, adaptability, flexibility, duality, the friend, artist, endurance, kind, insight, ambitious, spirituality, well-mannered, intuition, cautious, emotional, loving, understanding, grace, devotion, balance, self-surrender, diplomacy, faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Number 2 is the vibration and energy of balance, diplomacy, sensitivity, intuition and emotion and 2 is a loving and harmonious vibration.  It is the number of tolerance, 
endurance and consideration and the essence of the number 2 is a balance of the Yin and Yang energies (the polarities) of the Universe.

A recurring Angel Number 2 is a message to have faith, trust and courage as your prayers are manifesting in your life, even if it is not obvious just yet. Patience may be needed, but you may rest assured that all will turn out for the highest good.

The essence of the Master Number 22 is unlimited potential of mastery in any and all areas  -  the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental. The number 22 has to do with balance, manifesting miracles and new opportunities.  When Angel Number 22 repeats in your life you are asked to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life. The message is to keep the faith and stand strong in your personal truths.

The message of Angel Number 222 is that everything will turn out for the best in the long-term. Do not put your energies into negativity – be aware that all is being working out by spirit for the highest good of all involved. Repeating Angel Number 222 is also reminding you to keep up the good work you are doing, as the evidence of your manifestations are coming to fruition.

The number sequence 2222 indicates that newly planted ideas are beginning to take form and grow into reality for you.  Your manifestation will soon be evident, so maintain a positive attitude and continue with your good work. Keep holding positive thoughts, continue positively affirming and keep visualizing.  The reaping of rewards is just ahead of you.

See also:  
Angel Number 2
Angel Number 22
Angel Number 222



  1. what does 02222 mean? Im curious about that because i saw that today

    1. Often times you see the numbers with other numbers around or in sequence with them but they don't necessarily pertain to the number being displayed for you

    2. I believe the 0 works like a magnifying glass, magnifying the number and the meaning of the number that follows it :)

    3. I believe 0 works like a magnifying glass, magnifying the meaning of the number that follows :)

    4. I believe Susana campa meneses is correct. I too see zeroes as magnifying glasses. Zero is a "godly" number, so it may imply that "God" or "spirit" or "source" (or whatever handle you like to attach to that universal concept,) is assisting or working in your favor on whatever the message of the number that came with the zero is.

      I believe that your 02222 has the same meaning as 2222 (with the essences of 2, 22, 222, [and maybe a bit of the essences of 4 and/or 5 because of the number of digits,] ) but with a potentiation or magnification of that meaning, importance, or significance.

    5. I always see 222 all the time, anywhere i go. I silently pray and thank God for all the wonderful blessings. Amen

    6. Its weird because I was doing a monologe when I was timing myself and my time was exactly 2:22

    7. Like I saw 2:22 when I was timing my monologe and crying cuz that's what my character does but I took it to another level and had a emotional break down with my character and I saw the 2's so I googled it

    8. Get this , im haunted by 2 / 22 / 222 and so on , more than id like to admit , anyone out there give me a reading please.

    9. You're not haunted. Truthfully its a good thing to have 2s follow you. I suggest looking inside deep find your blessings. Follow those. Follow your heart and your higherself. They are following me as well. As well as other number combinationn believe in yourself and you will be surprised.

    10. What about 2:22:02?

    11. I see patterns of 2 and 4 all the time

  2. Dear rush-collection, thank you so much for posting this.


  3. Thank you so much for having this information . . . I refer to it often. The 222 and 2222's have been so prevalent lately!

  4. Thank you rush-collection! I love these messages!!! I am aligned with the universal energy, and this message is telling me ... that what is meant for me personally, is becoming true!! And I know it!! So happy!!

  5. Just saw 22.22 on the 22nd Dec which was nice to see.

  6. Thank you so much for this! I was woken up this morning by a loud voice repeating "2". I scared the crap out of me. It told me to look up when I did I saw "22.0" on my DVR. It kept saying 2 until I said "OK I will look up what it means!" God's listening and has heard me!

  7. I just had another mental breakdown yesterday and after I broke down crying thinking my world was ending I went on my laptop and the time read 2:22

    1. I feel empowered whenever I look at the clock and it says 2:22 It's a moment for reflection and I take stock of what I can "do" in such a moment (like phone somebody I've been thinking about etc.)

  8. Thank you for this post. It was very encouraging! 2013 was the worst year in my family's history and it could of ended with 2 kids dead but by the grace of God they are still here. There was other stuff too that was devastating but something horrible happened to each person in my family. 2014 has got to bet better and so far it has been. We are all feeling a little better day by day. I don't usually put a lot of thought into numbers but if 13 is known as an unlucky number, it sure was for us last year.
    Today is February 22, 2014. My husband and I (who I've known since i was 6) got together on February 22, 1992. A lot of twos there. So today is our 22nd anniversary as far as us being together. This last January 15, was our 20th wedding anniversary...married in '94. We now have 3 kids so there's 5 of us. So today is 2-22=22 years together.
    22222! 5....2's! The year we got together, and the year we were married and this year, all end with 2s or 4s and of course the 4's are made with 2....2's!
    With all the bumps in the road lately and the troubles within our marriage, today's 2's are very uplifting and I just keep praying for each day to be better and better for my family and that we grow stronger and happier and healthier. 2-22=22 years together.......there's a 2 for each one of us. :) 22222!!!!! :)

    1. You already know everything you need about what's to be done on your journeys path ... It's in you from the first moment ... It's everlasting light of love

  9. Just saw 22:22 on the 22/2 :).

  10. Thanks a lot for the info. I have been seeing 22:22 nearly every day since 2012.

  11. I have been seeing 22:22 or 20:02 every single day for 5 years. i am really scared..I noticed that i would see the 2's when i was desperate about something, when i was doing something that was wrong.. when i was talking to people that i should not be talking to..what is going on with those numbers? should they frighten me?

    1. Marina c, Please do not have any fear- release it to the Angels, as all is well and all is in Divine order. "A recurring Angel Number 2 is a message to have faith, trust and courage as your prayers are manifesting in your life, even if it is not obvious just yet. Patience may be needed, but you may rest assured that all will turn out for the highest good."

  12. Well the last two months I've been seeing 2's all the time. 22:22 etc.
    Im born in June the 22nd, and I'll be 22 this summer. I've been reading for a long while that my deep wishes, prayers etc is manifesting. Yet I haven't really created anything new in my life. Maybe patience is the key, but stil I find "patience to be very abstract, a year? 2? 10?
    Bless you rush-collection

  13. Thank you! I try to find out why i alway saw the 2222 in 4-5 years, And 80% in 2 month i saw the clock at night is 22:22, i saw the advertising and got 2222, i playing game and the cores is 2222, money in game is 2222, any whare i saw 2222, and last year i got the phone number 2221120... many many case i saw 2222. Although 4-5 years...

  14. Yesterday I saw this number in a page: 2222, 2 days before I had this number in my mail 111- 111. Last month, my phone showed this mumber per hours 23 23:23. Thanks for this amazing information!

  15. I have been seeing these numbers for about 2 years now 22.22 and 11:11 or 13:13 or waking up to 2:22 or 3:33 weard isnt it

  16. I have been seeing the numbers 22:22 a lot in the past years, always knowing that it had to mean something. A few months ago (about 4 to 5 months ago) my life got a bit like being in a rollercoaster, got sick like a dog returning from my summer vacation, started up my own business for the first time in my 44 years of living, my girlfriends father passed away out of the blue and my perfectly good relation with my girlfriend (who is my soulmate) got tested to the limit.

    After those heavy months, the situation got more relaxed and problems started to solve themselves and it feels like my minder is opening up and I am getting smarter and have more interest and understanding of dificult subjects. IT was as like puzzle pieces were falling into place, not only things from the past months, but I suddenly started seeing the answers of questions I had for many years....IT came to me like a bizar phenomenon of a big puzzle that started to get shape.

    Note this: I am not a religious or spiritual person and am not a "believer" of any kind. But this phenomenon was too bizar to not do anything with it.
    So I started browsing yesterday to see of there is a connection between what is happening now and the 22:22 I have been seeing for the last years. What I found put another piece of the puzzle info place... The digits seem to be Masternumbers, and where ever I search (Numberologie, Spiritual world, Bible) it is interpreted as a new part of my life is starting and it is going to be AWESOME.

    Is this what they mean with: "Seeing the light"?

    I am also a bit freaked-out, because I have also seen the movie "am looking for people who have had the same experience and know how to influence or to invest the best way into this situation/phenomenon.

    Looking foreward to any reactions or guidence.

    1. O.M ur mail address is not working! Cant post my stories there is too much to say! But thanks a lot rush-collection I finally understood those numbers and their divine power! Yesterday I saw 101, 111 and 1111 in a 1 hour of my normal life and I followed a previous sequence of double digit numbers that led me to that 1 hour which was meant to guide me to get me out of my struggles and it is happening now! I strongly believe like I have something really big to do in this world but I just dont know what and how!!

  17. Hi rush-collection :-). Something really strange amd interesting happened on my birthday!

    Numbers are a way of communication to me as its so hard to silence my mind to hear that small voice. Ive been using them all my life.

    Yesterday was my birthday; i just turned 23. In the morning while getting ready for school, i decided to listen to a song on youtube i havnt heard in a while..and I think i recieved a special message.

    The song is called Mercy Mercy, by HILLSONG UNITED. At that moment it had:
    22,222 views, 122 likes, and 2 dislikes. This was on my birthday, 12/2.

    Even in my experience with alternate communications, this gave me chills! There is something annointed about this band Hillsong United. Last friday, 6 songs from their acoustic rendition videos had the number 888 in the number of the same time on the same search page.

    What do you think this means? Im curious to know your thoughts and insight. :-) <3

  18. I have seen Angel numbers since 2010. The first week of seeing them I was woken at 2:22, 3:33 and 4:44 in the morning. My boyfriend then woke up at 5:55 the same week. What does this all mean? I am no longer with this man, but when I think of him I usually see numbers. I always put my faith in the Angels and Universe....I just get confused, cause I am not sure what I should do.....though my heart sings a different tune. Any replies would be greatly appreciated.

    1. I'm in a similar situation. I see 22 everyday. And I've been seeing more 2's in series. Today i saw 22,222. I was shocked. It's always when I'm thinking of someone I love dearly. I wonder what the universe is trying to tell me. I think I'm starting to understand tho. I know I'm years later but I still felt I should respond.

  19. Dear rush-collection, I visit your site for guidance and a fresh positive outlooks. I find great comfort and reassurance from the information you have passed along. and I am truly grateful and want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. In addition to the number interpretations, I also deeply appreciate the other articles and write-ups that you have taken the time to display for us all to grow from. Thanks again. Sincerely, Rebecca

  20. 22 comments lol...

    Well not anymore haha.

  21. Unreal number of 2, 22, 222 instances today.

  22. I saw 2222 on my DVD display in March 2014, this appears there in middle of the night in period of time when a lot of things were very bad for me. Right, I thought yesterday that night was very spiritual because I felt I was speaking with angels. Everything slowly grow for the best from that night for me and my life completely changed for the best times I ever have. I believe to my 2222 day. Just found this page by accident. Honestly. I would never belive this should be true, but this happen to me. ;-)

  23. since 2 years now I have started to notice the #22 everywhere.Looked at my watch many times at 22:22 or 2.22. or any other 22.realized that my first adres was street # I went to the store to buy a lottery ticket.I told the girl behind the cashier I wanted it to end with number 22.
    she printed out the ticket and putted it in a envelope.when I got home I took the ticket out of the envelope to look at the whole number. It was FY52222. I asked for one 22 and got me a double 22.the person who gave me themoney to go buy the ticket her lucky number is 5.I have a feeling that the 22's gonna do some magic tonight.30 million jackpot. ;)

  24. Hi rush-collection, Thank you very much for your hard work. Your words are helping a lot of people. You are a wonderful person. I am much respect you. You have a wonderful life time as you are always do. Thanks again.

  25. Today I saw 2:22 on the clock, 2222 on a license plate, and 2222 on a house address. All in the same day and 11:11 when I was out with my best soul sister. I have been having a year of many doubts so far this year, but now that I am seeing this page and that I am not alone. I feel like I am being protected by my angels and by God. It gives me a sense of peace that all will be ok. Namaste

  26. Same thing happened to me again today and I also saw 333, 444, 555, 999, 888 twice on car plates in a half an hour drive and that's about evryday and many other double digit numbers and I am starting to feel happy about it and it makes me smile over and over again!! And you do feel protected always! If you think about the hard work the angels are putting towards us to guide with angel numbers appear at specific moments and situations just to give us the message!! I just can't find my life purpose and soul mission....there should be more coming our way so keep the communication with the angels open :-)

  27. Thank you very much. I just saw a video with 2222 views and the person had 22 subscribers. The thing is, I just prayed to the lord 3 minutes ago asking about this exact thing. It always gives me joy knowing that he's here listening to me. Thank you for this post. And as the 2222 number said, stay positive. :) he's just what we need in times like this, so follow his instructions. Lord, let peace and happiness be with all of these good people tonight and for as long as possible.

  28. Thank you for this rush-collection. I've read some articles about the meaning of "repeating numbers" in our daily life. I have had similar stories which led me to believing that this strange phenomenon is indeed a way of angels to communicate with us. There are still times when I doubt, but the reason why I came across this website, is because of that tiny little hope within me that one day, questions will be given answers and enlightening why I feel like I am not worthy for everyone else around me, and that, why I feel so low tonight. At this point, I don't know why I am still wide awake and I couldn't sleep. I have never been this anxious all my life. Recently I've been noticing myself to be worrying with almost everything and my mind wouldn't stop not until I sleep. And so, I just would like to share that earlier,since I couldn't sleep, I thought about recalling my old dream (20 years ago) about a young boy whom I was with at a house that looked ancestral to me. And when I asked for his name, he said, humorously, that I guess what his name was, and I said to him that couldn't think of any, and he still went on saying,"I'll give you a clue, my name is your best friend's last name, she used to be your best friend when you were in your elementary school years. When I was about to tell him, yet unsure if I was right, I turned to him and he disappeared. The weird thing is that, the dream was very vivid that I can even recall how his face looks like. By the way, my best friend's last name is GABRIEL. That's about my dream many years ago, that came through my mind early tonight which led me to searching something about Archangel Gabriel. After reading a couple of articles about him, I decided to open my other email account and when I did, my inbox shows 222 emails, and when I opened the first email, it showed an ad
    "VOUCHER CODE: HAPPY2000". Then I stopped and thought about the series of numbers, and so I came across this website. I cried while reading what series of 222 meant, and I am so thankful that I feel someones talking to me while reading what angel 222 meant. It clearly defined what I am going through right now. While reading through, I looked on the right corner of my computer and saw the time 2:22AM !!! so I cried even more. I was the only one awake at this point in time, and the whole room's dark and the only light I have is from my computer so I let it all out crying in silence but I was startled when I heard two knocks, somewhat sounded like a coin being used to knock it on some kind of a mirror or glass-like surface, I don't know. But it sounded just like that and I don't know where that came from. That's about it, just sharing what happened to me a few hours ago.

  29. I never knew about angel's number or meaning of number sequences. I usually don't believe in spiritual things..but since last few months I've been observing number sequences and it's today when I searched the internet I came know about angel's number and numerology here.

    Mostly when the time is exact 22:22, without being conscious of it, my eyes seemed to get on my phone. Once or twice it also happened when it was 2:22. I always thought it was a coincidence until it started happening frequently. And here I am pretty much freaked out to know its not only me.

    1. I'd say a prayer for direction to your path. Namaste.

  30. Thanks joane it's giving more strength to face my coming days. .

  31. I have a question. what are these angels? angels like in the monotheistic religions or?

  32. Thank you rush-collection for this wonderful site, I was guided to your website by my guardian angels.
    God Bless you

  33. hi rush-collection...i kept seeing number 29 daily and few weeks ago a guy came and approached me..and shocked because his birthday is on 2nd september! 2/ this a good sign from angels saying that i shold proceed getting to know more about this guy?

  34. I too for quite a while keep seeing the 22.22 numbers. Didn't know what it meant so started to look up all passages from the bible with 2, 22, 2.22, 22.2, 22.22 etc to see if there is any message there for me. Continued looking for answers and found this site telling me that is angels guiding us!
    Will continue to come to this page to see other comments!

  35. My little son told me the numbers at that time I was thinking to get the answers to my problems, my little boy told me mom, I saw you pass by 2 times, twice, two...��☺thanks for the beautiful message

  36. My dad kept seeing 222, everywhere, on exit signs, gas stations, receipts, you name it. He ignored it for awhile, then started paying attention. He would see it on the clock daily, and even bought lottery tickets hoping that was the sign. When he shared it with me he was skeptical, so was i, then I started seeing it. My dad was given 3-6 months to live, I strained my brain trying to make the connection. The last day he was here on earth with us was 2/22. When I see 222 now I feel blessed, I day hi to my dad, and use this moment to reflect what's going on in the now. I'm a 222 daddies girl for ever! !!

  37. In 2009 I kept seeing the number 1222 . On street addresses , and other places I cant remember all the places I saw this number . Then 222 many places . And once " as fantastic as it sounds " I actually saw with my wife the formation of the single number 2 as a cloud shaped like the number 2 ..
    Back to my story . In January my mother died . After that I was looking at her hospital records on the table and one paper was covering part of the date she died and at that moment I realized what I was seeing . It was the date January 22 2010
    1_22_2010 except the last numbers were covered by another paper . I saw the number 1222 . on her date of death .
    Since then Ive seen 444s ,888s and some variations like 1444 and 1888 . Since then Ive counted our feral cats we feed and their 13 . Which is a number I personnally like because it is the number of times a year a woman can bring forth human life . 365 days divided by 28 days of a womans cycle equals 13 . But I really wish I knew what these cycles of numbers specifically meant , or predicted ?

  38. Too cool rush-collection! Thank you, It made a brother feel good inside!

  39. I see these number sequences continually -10.10 11.11 12.12 13.13 14.14, every time I look at the clock or phone it is one of these times...what does this mean, can anybody help me with this?? very interested to know.

  40. I see 222 for weeks on end... Then nothing for maybe months! This has gone on now for about 6 years. I love that other people are receiving these number signs... Angel guidance and resurance given ,for reasons we may never know. It's amazing.

  41. If someone could help me,i would really appreciate it. I am seeing "2"i in the middle of alot of number sequences. For example 828,727 etc. Just want to know if there is anyone else sees 2 in all their angel numbers.

  42. Researching the numbers 11:11 and found your site. Much bad luck in the last month. ( Sept)..almost lost my home to foreclosure and just got a loan mod approved. Now I'm seeing 1:11. I know there are angels and spirits amongst us and I know God is watching over everyone. Thank you for your insight and blessings for this web page. Namaste.

  43. Hello rush-collection reading this has been very helpful for me in my daily life. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    Love and Light xx

  44. I see 2222 a lot. I'm starting my first guided meditation class Monday and a friend from the States - Sarayon for a reading Sarayon just happens to be in my town here in Australia which I was unaware of until this am. I just paid his fee when I looked at the time 22:22😇 I'm excited as

  45. I see 111.222.333.444.555.666.777.888.999.000 all day everyday. Sometimes it's so overwhelming I can't keep up with it. There has been days where I get triple eight's for example 12 or more times or triple 777 thirty times in a day. But I do see almost every number sequence and some more complex ones that have personal message from what I looked up on here every single day. Sometimes I will get 3 or 4 triple numbers in less than a minute depending on where I'm at. I know the angels are communicating with me but what do they want me to do ? I'm still searching for my life purpose and soul mission. I have a trip to Puru in April where I'll be spending a month drinking ayahuasca in the Amazon. That's where I felt led to go so I hope my answers will be there In Peru. Any feedback would be appreciated. Love and Light

  46. I see 111.222.333.444.555.666.777.888.999.000 all day everyday. Sometimes it's so overwhelming I can't keep up with it. There has been days where I get triple eight's for example 12 or more times or triple 777 thirty times in a day. But I do see almost every number sequence and some more complex ones that have personal message from what I looked up on here every single day. Sometimes I will get 3 or 4 triple numbers in less than a minute depending on where I'm at. I know the angels are communicating with me but what do they want me to do ? I'm still searching for my life purpose and soul mission. I have a trip to Puru in April where I'll be spending a month drinking ayausca in the Amazon. That's where I felt led to go so I hope my answers will be there I Peru.

    1. Hey Kurtis! I'm exactly U!! Now I keep seeing my bday everyday with all these numbers!! Please let me no if u find any anwers

    2. do not simply trust what I tell you but experience it for yourself check out the, Study and begin to practice Sun gazing , walk around on the bare ground in the dirt or sand with your bare feet and reconnect with mother goddess earth energy. become a vegan slowly if you have not worked your way up to that way already and eventually from what I understand consuming light and the food when the body requires it for nutrition only. Also study and master Astral travel . This is true reality. the reality in this world that you think is real is only a dream I will give you that. Learn to decipher the symbols and the numbers of everything together. understand that every number resonates with a certain vibration energy or light. check multiple websites and cross-reference these numbers see what resonates with your heart and your intuition what speaks to you what truth you feel. Sit and meditate with the numbers that you see for more clarity. I cannot tell you the answers that is for you to find out on your journey back to divinity but we are all on your journey back to divinity. All you ever had was the light you would never understand the life fully and appreciate the lake without the darkness there's lessons to be learned and everything whether they are beautiful or tragic. We all carry the commen thread of oneness same common thread but to find our way or path back ^ is personalized to each individual. You will be blessed in many ways just Follow your heart and The numbers and symbolic signs with the current reality will bring you back to self, God self. Be in the present moment be now. If you must go in the past make sure it is to learn the lessons that you had missed to further advance you on your path and then move on with it and concentrate on the present moment of a singular thought if that is what you were trying to manifest or create . And above all things speak the words of your truth and destroy your ego at any cost because the gain is so much more than words can describe. This is not me but channeled through God source which we all have the capability of we are limitless being of limitless potential...

      Bring the light 000

  47. Today is 2-2-2016. I just checked into room 222. Praise the Lord. I know this is signs from God!!!!

  48. I am a weak person and easily influenced by negativity. But now, I see 222 & 2222 almost everyday in any form. I get encouraged & do my best to be positive. There are things I want so badly to finally happen for me. So, I keep reminding myself to stand firm, be at peace with everything & trust that all will work well for everyone in the long term. Thank u rush-collection. Bless u.

  49. Thank you so much! <3

  50. I have lost so much faith in these Angel Numbers and the Universe...I don't know how true these things are. After believing in them for the longest time I feel that they are completely unreliable.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. do not simply trust what I tell you but experience it for yourself check out the, Study and begin to practice Sun gazing , walk around on the bare ground in the dirt or sand with your bare feet and reconnect with mother goddess earth energy. become a vegan slowly if you have not worked your way up to that way already and eventually from what I understand consuming light and the food when the body requires it for nutrition only. Also study and master Astral travel . This is true reality. the reality in this world that you think is real is only a dream I will give you that. Learn to decipher the symbols and the numbers of everything together. understand that every number resonates with a certain vibration energy or light. check multiple websites and cross-reference these numbers see what resonates with your heart and your intuition what speaks to you what truth you feel. Sit and meditate with the numbers that you see for more clarity. I cannot tell you the answers that is for you to find out on your journey back to divinity but we are all on your journey back to divinity. All you ever had was the light you would never understand the life fully and appreciate the lake without the darkness there's lessons to be learned and everything whether they are beautiful or tragic. We all carry the commen thread of oneness same common thread but to find our way or path back ^ is personalized to each individual. You will be blessed in many ways just Follow your heart and The numbers and symbolic signs with the current reality will bring you back to self, God self. Be in the present moment be now. If you must go in the past make sure it is to learn the lessons that you had missed to further advance you on your path and then move on with it and concentrate on the present moment of a singular thought if that is what you were trying to manifest or create . And above all things speak the words of your truth and destroy your ego at any cost because the gain is so much more than words can describe. This is not me but channeled through God source which we all have the capability of we are limitless being of limitless potential...

      Bring the light 000

  52. The numbers have never stopped for me but lately I have been seeing repetive 2s n today again i got a notification of you commenting on 2s! We r all part of the same process but I still haven't found the answers I am looking for! So hang in there it will all unfold at the right time...please keep your faith lightened up....we r all together in this :-)

  53. I see 222 every single day, and sometimes 5-6 times a day in different variations... I even got a tattoo 222 on 22 of November last year,wanted to feel it on me, with me, in me! I do not know was it good idea to have it or not?! Anybody can tell me about it pls?

    1. I saw 2222 5 times today n just now I saw anonymous commented on 222 :-) if the numbers make u feel good n happy so y not?? Life is about making the self feel good n happy...

  54. I saw 222222 today, any special meaning?

  55. 222222 keeps being brought to my notice.
    Is there any special meaning.

  56. When I checked my phone last time. The time is 22:22 on June 22, 2017

  57. I'll see number patterns, have for many years. I guess I'm the unlucky one who they mean nothing for, always my friends, I see them and my friends problems get solved.

  58. I have been getting the 2 combinations, but here is how it has weirded me out. It started with 52 and 25. Then it started getting bigger, 522, 225. Today, straight up, at 9:22 I got an appointment for the 22nd at 10am. Random combos of five and two, then while playing my favorite games, my scoresume or coin collect were 22222. First round ok, second round 22222 again? Five 2s. Two different games.

  59. I believe Angel number 222 has a top connection to trust and faith. Thus, you must believe in your own purpose in life. Moreover, there may be some engaging chances which may be on the horizon for you. Therefore, one needs to take a moment to ponder about everything before deciding. Additionally, 222 symbolism is a powerful urge that you trust your inner self to make long-term conclusions. Thus, it requires that you believe no matter what, everything is going to work out.

  60. In my dream I saw 2 endlessly recurring. Just a seemingly endless list of 2 until I woke up. Should I just amplify the meaning of 2?

  61. I know this may be weird, but what if things happen around you, that are quite unexplicable, and all your life consists around 22's, i dont know what this means but things have been really 'unusual' since always and im starting to question its motives as to why do all these things happen, and another thing about this, i dont know whether is important or not, but i was even born with these numbers, 22(hour), 22 minutes,22(the date), and i dont know if you believe me or not, even the second i was born it was 22. Can you please tell me if it has any meaning?

    1. And another thing is that my friend claims that she keeps seeing weird white shadows above me when im sleeping at about 10 minutes after i fall asleep(i forgot to include this as well)

  62. Just saw 222222 and I'm wondering what it means...

  63. Always and forever grateful!!!🙏😇🥰

  64. On Thursday I weighed myself n it said 222.2 n then on sat I told my mom I loved thru a text n she replied I love u 22222. I read what repeating 2s mean n I'm starting to believe in the angels n my purpose here. This is all because I've been in contact with my true love who has shown me what this all means.

  65. Happy 2022 friends :) may the good times roll

  66. Replies
    1. (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) I think it's a good year.

  67. I looked at the clock on a microwave that was set to the wrong time. It was 2.22 on 2-2-22. I didn't even know till next day it was that day too!!
