Thursday, August 26, 2010

Angel Numbers - Number Sequences - Repeating 3's 3 33 333 3333

Number 3 resonates with the vibrations and energies of encouragement, assistance, communication, freedom, adventure, exuberance, inspiration, creativity, social, easy-going, the visionary, humour, energy, growth, expansion, the principles of increase, expression, openness, spontaneity, broadminded thinking, optimism, kindness, speech, faith, hope and charity, culture, wit, fun-loving, freedom-seeking, brave, adventurous, exuberant, brilliant, non-confrontational, an open-channel, free-form, rhythm, love of pleasure, joy, art, passion, surprise, intelligence, sensitivity, psychic ability, social, self-expression, affability, enthusiasm, youthfulness, enlivening, imagination, manifestation and manifesting your desires.

Number 3 is the essence of the Trinity  -  mind, body, spirit and is the threefold nature of Divinity. The number 3 symbolizes the principle of 'growth' and signifies that there is a synthesis present – that imagination and an outpouring of energy is in action. Number 3 represents the principle of increase, expansion, growth and abundance on the physical, emotional, mental, financial and spiritual levels.

The number 3 refers to Ascended Masters (great spiritual teachers who once walked upon the Earth, as well as various religions’ deities.)  Number 3 = the ‘Jesus connection’.  

When Angel Number 3 appears consistently it implies that the Ascended Masters are near you.  They have responded to your prayers and wish to help and assist you in your endeavours and with your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Number 33 is a Master Number (Master Teacher) and it’s message is that ‘all things are possible’. If you happen to be considering a new venture or major life change, the repeating Angel Number 33 tells you that if your purpose or reason for change is one of high order and your intentions are of a positive nature, your wishes will manifest and come to fruition and the changes will be successful with the help of your angels and the Universal energies.

With the number sequence 333 repeating, the message is to have faith in humanity.  The Ascended Masters are working with you on all levels.  They love, guide and protect you – always.  When the Angel Number 333 repeats in your life you are asked to call upon the Ascended Masters for love, help and companionship. They will give you guidance along your path, and if feeling perplexed or confused as to your life purpose, call upon the angels and Ascended Masters to assist.  They are waiting for your call.

The 3333 repeating number sequence indicates that the Ascended Masters and angels are near you at this time, reassuring you of their love, support and companionship.  
When you notice the Angel Number 3333 repeating to you, call upon the Ascended Masters and angels often. They are aware of your position or situation and know the best way to go about things for the highest good. They will help and guide you through your next life phase and wait for you to call upon them.

See also:  
Angel Number 3
Angel Number 33
Angel Number 333



  1. I just had a unique experience. I heard the 'hands free' phone beeping. Sounded like it had been stuck between the wall and bed. I looked and it was on its cradle. It was beeping the number 3333333333333333, this led me to your site. Thank you for the beautiful interpretation.
    thank you,

    1. I have also been seeing multitudes of 3's... surprising

    2. I was born 03.03 Time 15:30 - 3333 �� T.S.G

    3. I was born 03.03 Time 15.30 = 3333 �� T.S.G

    4. I was balancing my books for Sept and realized I owed my friend a few dollars. When I factored inwhat i have to give him, i am left with $333.33 in my account. By the way, my friend's name is Angel. =)

    5. The other day, my dad pointed out to me that the miles on the truck were 3333.33. I then told him about angel numbers.

  2. I was born the 333 baby in Bay City, MI. that year.

  3. wow. I am currently working on a book & just went to my book folder & noticed that I have 3,333 words. What are the odds of this? After reading your interpretation, I feel gently held and supported---on a day I've been pretty full of doubt, this feels like such a blessing.

    Thank you.

    1. My Daughter was Born on 12.14.15 @ 1233pm I see the 33, after reading into it more I see 1+2=3/3/3

    2. My Daughter was Born on 12.14.15. @ 1233. I see the. 33 but also 1+2=3/33

    3. my daughter was born on 12.14.15 @1233 I see the 33 but also 1+2=3/33

    4. Hoped everything worked out for you.

  4. my friend sees 33 and 333 numbers when he is whit his girlfriend and it happened also whit is last girlfriend...when he broke up whit her he saw everywere 3333 and also when they i told him numbers are messagges whit meanings and went on this site but still didn't undertsnd the connection whit those events...

    1. with not whit

    2. 2018 (3 years later) I noticed the misspelling too, but I didn't want to comment if i couldnt offer a clear message in relationship to his meaning misspelled are not important when it comes to the message.

    3. This is for the person that doesn't understand these events... Ask him when he sees these numbers 33333 does he feel free,does he feel a sence of balance. If so then he is on the right track. I just had a terrible break up with a women that was about to become my wife,I also had a son.this was a journey of 6 years of my life an I've finally made the decision that this is not for me. We just kept losing trust for one another an it was so time consuming checking each other's phones. I decided to throw the towel and face the music that I've been chasing for a long time. You can follow my Instagram @saucey.dogs an see for yourself how big this change has made my life. You'll see a street performance I started in mission Bay sandiego,go from zero to 800 to 1000 people around me. This is why you must listen to the angel numbers they really don't lie. Have a great journey ❣️

      Love ~ erick

  5. thank you for answering my questions about 3 ts my number and my e-mailhas 3333 in it because when you break it down its a 3 my life # is 11 service to human kind

  6. The cell phone... angels are using them. It's becoming more common, happening to more people, really, spirits are using our cell phones to communicate with us

    1. I have only been aware of angel numbers for the past 2 months and also get them jump on my mobile phone and would love to know if anyone else has the same thing happening. I was made aware of angels by a penny and feather appearing out of nowhere at a low time in my life...and knowing has brought amazing peace and better living...Thank you, angels!! x

  7. This happened to me a few days ago:

    I'm 33yrs old. I just got in my car and I have 33 miles left on my tank, the temperature was 33f, and the time was 3:33p.

    I snapped a pic.

  8. I just got through with an interview and i wont know if im hired possibly til a week anda day from now.... idk how i did and i only even have 2 or days til i have to move away. Moving would mean i couldnt text or call my bf in Hawaii or anyone i know for a year..... i got home couldnt help bawling and i saw 3333 idk wat it means but im just scared im gonna lose the only things i even care about, my bf and best friend who is also out of state.... because of no way to contact. Id be completely just heartbroken.

    1. Aww, it'll turn out okay!<3 And this might be a little late, but keep faith and don't worry too much, cause what you expect is what you get. Besides, if they are that close to you, they'll find ways to keep in touch with you. And so will you! I have a BFFL in another country, and we're still as close as ever through emails, since we can't call each other. You can also find ways to make things work. :)

    2. Many years have passed how did everything turn out? I'll wait.

  9. Greetings today is march 3 /2013....3333. quite significant for sure!! PEACE

  10. I just awaken to get a glass of water. I happen to look at my phone and the time was 3:33 am it then changed to 3:32 am and right before my eyes it changed back to 3:33am (My phone has never displayed a later time followed by an earlier time, It's always the other way around).Lately I've been doubtful about many things I tried to hold on to my faith and positive energy. I called on my angels but wasn't seeing any good coming my way. I hope this is a good sign. I followed your direction for 333. Thanks

  11. Hello!
    Often figure 7333 meets! It is good or bad!

  12. My 3- children arived home at 3:33pm every day on school bus for 2 years.

  13. hi, this is the second time in 2/3 days that i have seen double or triple number digits from 0 to 9 in the span of 10 minutes. and everyday since the past 6 months i come across number repeating itself in front of me in some way or the other.
    last 2 days, the short span double / triple figures are very intriguing. if you could please lemme know something about it. thanks

  14. I got a phonecall couple days ago unknown caller
    with this Number

    the numbers 1111 brought me here to this site
    cause in the year 2011 i saw frequently a couple time a day every day theese numbers 1111
    and i was searching for those numbers and their meanings
    I came to this site and since I look numbers up what I see
    thank you for a webiste like this one
    God Bless !

  15. I've been having tons of triple numbers show up in my life since I had a spiritual awakening, and even before then. But now it's all the time. Lately it's been a lot of 333. Just the other day someone was giving me a ride to my friend's house and we were in traffic. Two cars ahead of us had license plates that stood out to me. One was 000 and the other was 333. I never had them show up at the same time like that before.

    I think it's a message I'm on the right path to completion in a transition, and to never forget to pray to the source and keep faith! <3

    1. I see a wide variety of numbers on a daily basis, 111 222 333 444 555 777 888 1010 1111 1212 2121 ... 44 33 88 66 77 ... these completely consumed me and its been going on for a few months.. but it really hit me hard, when my wife and I split up 2 months ago and it seems the angels have a good plan for me. But the other day I saw 333 and 555 at the same time and haven't figured out what that one even means

  16. Yesterday in the car my milage and temp caught my attention, 33339 milage and 39 temp. Pulled over and snapped a picture. Thank you for the information. It fits.

  17. My son was born 30 March 2003 (30303) at 3 am weighing 3.3 kilos. He turned 11 today. What does his birthday mean?

  18. I purchased $3 in gas for a stranger, saw the number 3 on back of a dollar bill; then, driving around in my local area I saw the number 3 spray painted on the roadside all in the same day. As of lately, the angels and/or ascended masters have been mostly communicating with me through number patterns on back of our currency. For the past 2 months all I've noticed was angelic messages on our money!

  19. I was on my computer when suddently I was thinking what to type in google and my computer started typing 333 then I would earse it thinking I am losing it and it would do it again with more 3's then the last time.
    And I hope they are here to help because before I got on my laptop I was talking to this guy on the phone about studying abroad for the summer next year. And I been worried that my parents wont let me go because of the cost. I trust that they are here to help.

  20. I joined a spiritual facebook page, and am member number 3333. I received a very warm welcome from the other 3332 members before me. Me and my loved ones have prayed to God for me to be approved for my Federal Pell Grant and Stafford Federal Loan, so I can start my education, and hopefully in about 10 or 12 years I can be a Psychiatrist, so I can lead those with mental disabilities to a better life.

    1. Amazing!!! I'm 24 yrs of age and had recently let go of a old relationship I've been holding onto and have been seeing 11:11 22, 33, 44, and 55! But the psychologist part is what got me! I've done 3 yrs of schooling for Veterinary technician I graduated and all even worked in the field for a while but, it just hasn't been working out! I recently applied back to school for psychology. I want to deal with domestic violence and also a major in Naturopathy(hollistic doctor) I have gotten a lot of messages via #'s from my angels and Ascended masters that I'm on the right path! I was worried about paying for school without having a job, and all the years and everyone thinking I wasted my life with the vet field! Since I've applied back to school I lost my car, and went without electricity so I decided to switch to part time( which left me with a bind of paying $667 because, financial aid wouldn't cover all my classes) I decided to go back to the veterinary field so I can buy a new car and keep up with my bills. Shortly after, I got a job offer for a job I was qualified for. I sat with 3 interviewers and went to 3 different phases of the hiring process!!! =33 but with all those interviews I had a bad feeling in my spirit about the company and I have yet to hear back from them which is good. Anyways, winter semester is coming up and I picked my four classes walking out on faith as a backup! And boom Financial Aid is covering all my expenses for school! So I can say with great courage and faith I know we are on the right path! Psychology deals with healing and helping others! That is where my passion is even though I have a love for animals as well but they seem to make me sick/allergies etc! Everything will work out! My advice is step out of your comfort zone, ask for guidance and step out with faith when your intuition is telling you something.

    2. If you aren't talking to me, JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL!!! PSYCHOLOGY!!! I've been in school for business this or that but it would never fit. It was if I already knew that stuff. Around 400 military time am, I just asked the questions of what am I to do. I've always been fascinated by people and the way we think and why we think how we do. I'd began to feel like I'd wasted alt of time in school and really feeling unfulfilled. Nothing I did filled the void. I just looked up into the tv straight into the word TRUST. I've been wanting to move into my own place but it seemed like as soon as I got close to paying things off I lost job. That only made me go ahead a push being an Entrepreneur. I've linked up with someone whose linked up with someone and there's no heavy load on anyone and I'm praying for more successful, loyal, and paying clients to come to us. I feel I'm going to get married soon too.

  21. Thank you for your site. I have always loved the number 3 and I pray a lot. Today I looked at my clock and it was 3:33 and I thought I must look that up when I get home and now I understand why I love the number 3, it all makes sense now. Thank you.

  22. So... me, my mom, my sister, and my baby niece were all in the dining area the micrkwave suddenly beeps 4x. Their all 3. Ofcourse, me being a 14 years old girl got scared. So i asked my mom if we could turn it off. My mom went to turn off the power source of it. But when i sat near the microwave, i saw that its still on. So i decided to turn it off myself. Wrong move. Singular 3s have been popping out of me 2x in a span of 5secs. Do you have any tips on not to be scared when this happen? Because i know they're good, but i can't help but to feel freaked out. Thank you.

  23. Hey = )
    Well this article makes my eyes water... for me this started happening to me about 2 months ago( I was in a bad financial situation)... and at first I blew it off, then it kept happening repeating 3's everywhere... I was working really hard on making money online, while having unwavering integrity, and not sleeping because I don't have time to fail. Every time I almost gave up for the night 3's again and again. Now I just had my first $200 day I am helping my mom, my grandma, and anyone else who has some integrity. The site where you can find me is I don't sell anything my money comes from publishing. I don't want your money. I just want a relationship with people going through the same thing. Nick

  24. i see 3:33 on the clock, all the time. am and pm i see it frequently even when just glancing. my laptop has the seconds on, and sometimes i even catch 3:33:33. it has happened way more than once. ideas?

    1. I had the same thing happening to me. I just wrote a friend about it, and my search led me to this website. Interesting.

  25. Iam 44 and have been seeing 33 and walking up at 333 since my late 20"s I thought i was going to die at 33 lol oh what a ride. where was my faith? long story short. 7yrs ago my husband was a victim of a horrific crime, he was hit in the head, knock out and put on the train tracks. they laid him right in the middle with his right arm over the train rail. He died twice that day, the surgeons said only God above knows why he survived "its a Miracle" they said. Normally surgeons don't speak like that. while he laid there, I looked around everywhere was 333's 2222's he's IV bag everywhere just everywhere! when I came home from the hospital, my niece was doing laundry taking care of our kids the washer said 33min to go dryer 22min ..i cried out load stop stop then looked at the clock to se 3:33 I just gave in...a peace came over me that all would be ok. and believed those must be good numbers because my husband of 20yrs was still here with us. then reading train conductors report, my husband was stuck by train at exactly 2:22. My husband wasn't at all a spiritual man, he was one of those high ego, tough guys. In our hospital we have a statue of Jesus Christ, the 1st time he walked in a week, he saw that statue, walked as fast as he could, fell to his knees sobbing and said, I remember, I remember...he saved me! Jesus was there! he saved me! He is sooooo blessed. Yes, he lost his whole arm past the shoulder, but he is so thankful. they even said he would have to have multi pal skin graphs...but the black skin turned pink!!! the drs just said, get out of here, your a miracle! Its been a wild ride, it will be 7yrs in march and now Iam seeing 44 444 4444 lol A dear friend told me about this website, cause quess what..I actually thought this could be my last year on earth. everyone I swear looked at me like I was crazy, so glad I was blessed with a friend that has a spiritual connection that shared this website with me :) p.s the only thing my husband remembers of that day, is Jesus Christ how lucky is he :)

    1. That was a beautiful story.
      I really enjoyed reading your experiences, thanks for sharing. ♥
      ps, I personally don't think the angels would show you numbers that told you about your death, I feel they want to comfort us and cheer us, not unsettle us. Best wishes.

    2. That story gives me chills :-). I know not everyone here may agree but I feel that God, the one god, is behind everything. The Angels are merely messengers.

      But yeah, I truly believe when it comes to signs from above, God doesn't give you signs to forewarn of negativity..because that confuses and stresses you out. "Am I in danger? Am I just making it up? What's going on!?" ... that kind of stirred up stress is not from God. You will see clear as day what you need to see in that respect.

      On the contrary, for positive things, signs will be given if you are able to see them. These signs are meant to encourage, give up, show truth, Etc... There's no stress. True or not, it is uplifting.

      This is what I have learned after struggling differentiating between signs from God and my inner fears.

  26. I just want to say THANK YOU rush-collection for your illuminating website. May you always be Blessed...

  27. Just wanted to be the 33rd comment! Thanks so much for compiling this list. I refer to it regularly! <3

  28. 333 is a very pertinent number in my families life. My daughter (born 14 years ago) was born at 3:33 (am) after 33 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing and my room number ended in 33. For the last 3 days I have seen various forms of 3, 33, 333 etc. Time. Battery %, reciepts, codes, sale signs, format work, length of a video etc... Its everywhere I look. It's very distracting.

  29. 333 is a very pertinent number in my families life. My daughter (born 14 years ago) was born at 3:33 (am) after 33 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing and my room number ended in 33. For the last 3 days I have seen various forms of 3, 33, 333 etc. Time. Battery %, reciepts, codes, sale signs, format work, length of a video etc... Its everywhere I look. It's very distracting.

    1. You really are surrounded by so many angels and ascended masters. Just ask for what you need ALL THE TIME. They are reminding you. :)

  30. Hi it was very informative post. Thank you for sharing this information. What does 3 mean in texting? Your answer – When 3 is prefixed with special characters, the result is a digital emotion. Still not sure how that is possible?
    what does 3 mean in texting

  31. I've been catching the clock at 3:33pm consistently for the past few weeks. I've always prayed to the ascended master's before meditating although I haven't in a while... But I'm working on something that I believe is one of the things I should accomplish in this life. Just a few minutes ago my phone was at 33% but I disregarded it, then looked again and the time was 5:33pm so I'm taking that as 3333. I'm always grateful for the signs I receive, whether it is through numbers or music, and whenever I express gratitude I find they increase and interesting things occur in my life. I'm forever grateful for the personal insight I've gained after receiving and contemplating these signs!

    1. Cool. I love reading experiences like these! ♥

  32. Just today I have seen 1111, 3333, 4444, 7777 😊

  33. I was just reading about numbers to make sense of what I keep experiencing, since my mam died 10 years ago I have been seeing all of these numbers, it used to freak me out, so after I read all of this, I woke up lat night and looked at the time, was 3.33,

  34. I have been praying for change in my social relationships and to be more open to the people around me. I am also a recent grad and am applying for full time positions. This morning I looked over my bank account and saw 3333. I think the Angels heard my

  35. So kitty put his paw on my keyboard and pressed 333333333333 about 50 times! I looked up 333 and it made me smile so much, because earlier I glanced at the microwave time and it was 3:33 and I thought that was curious and even wondered right then is it a message. My kitty is part angel so.... :D

  36. Oh my gosh, I just wrote about my kitty pushing the 3 on my keyboard, I just re-read the article here about 3's and it says "mind-body-spirit" Well just a FEW hours ago I was messing about on Yahoo answers and someone asked "Why do people talk about Mind-heart-spirit" and I was really thinking about that for awhile. I know they didn't say body, but it is so similar and I was thinking about what those things mean. Same day I saw 3:33 time and my kitty pushed and typed 33333333 on my keyboard. That's so weird and I love this stuff. Angels are so funny sometimes. :) I love them.♥

  37. Thank you Angels, thank you!

  38. I see 3:33 frequently. I work in accounting and saw 3,333 the other day. I was led to this site. Thank you for the information. Thank you Angels.

  39. I have master no. 33 .. And this is strange experienced more often

  40. I'm writing a story, and the main character's lucky number happens to be 3. I recently tweaked it so that he's always existing within the timeline, dead or alive. When I read this, I had an epiphany: he's existing as mind, body and spirit, and there's one point where all three exist in the timeline. They're separate, but all the same person, born 3/3/1968.

    Now here's another kicker: 1968 - one being. 9 is spirit, the all-seeing, all powerful. 6 is body, very powerful, but not as much as the mind and spirit. 8 is a tricky one. Mind is seen as all-powerful by the world, however, it's not all there. It's not as organic as it should be. You can fit two 3's in 8, but what about the remainder? Well, at one point, mind existed twice in the timeline - one of them shouldn't have existed, but it did.

    I only thought about the meaning of his birth year at least 20 minutes ago.

  41. I had been studying ascended master materials for many many years, when circumstance and incidents caused me to stop. I then got married and started to see 333 3:33 33.3% milepost 333 etc and had the "thought" to stop what I was doing and be grateful for my life everytime I saw this. I saw it lots, and before long, the gratitude truly had major transformative effects on my inner being. I am writing a book about my spiritual life, and in researching the book, I had the thought to look up the 333 number which brought me to your site and look what I found! They found a way to reach out to me again to work with me at inner levels. Life is Amazing! :-) and once again, I laugh aloud at the seeming coincidences and anomalies on the Path ... blessings

  42. Ok here is how it all started for me, on 11-15-2011 I had a major hang gliding accident,it never should have happened but I was showing off making my next youtube video,I was planning to drag one foot through a pond on the way into land, I woke up as the ice water was filling my helmet thinking ooops I screwed this up and am going to die drowning, google Doug Prather accident if you care to watch, Well little did I know that 5 minutes had already went by and five of my flying brothers had stripped down and was swimming out to me in the 30 something degree water,I should have died but lived with a back broke in five locations and a twisted spinal cord in two spots,
    After a couple years of depression from my condition and to many pain meds and having all that time to reflect on my life, how I lived it and all my sins and mistakes I was close to ending it when I started seeing the 333, everyday and night , I would wake up at exactly 3:33 am almost every night for over six months, depression so bad I put the house up for sale and everything for sale major down size so other wont be so burden when Im gone, the last day I see the realtor lady after she sold my house, she says I know I'm not suppost to do this but God is wanting me to tell you he is trying to get a hold of you,,I say well what dose he want to say? She says that he want you to pray for forgivness for your past that is giving you such sorrow and to ask that he come and be in my life always and forever, ,,, I was shocked a bit , I always beleived but I had made so many major screw ups in my life I was sure years ago that if God was real that I'm already out of his plan,,,A couple days go by , I am still seeing 333 day and nite, time, change at the store,phone rings at.... I remember oh ya I need to say that prayer, I am praying for 20--30 minutes after I say please God if you have heard me please please give me a sign to let me know,,,I then look up to see it is 3;33 in the afternoon, I feel this power go through me knowing that Jesus is real, God is the one that has been poking me with 333 ,.that was almost two years ago now,,,I have God in my life and pray about everything now and I still seeing 333 and loving it, I pray and thank God for not giving up on me even after I had,,I am now free of all pain meds, was taking 180 vicodine a month for about 4 years,, I go to church and include God in everything now..My life is so much better, I have a new home, living in the lush mountains of Oregon and still getting to fly hang gliders a few times a year, my buddies roll me of the cliffs with wheels now, That is my story and if you are seeing 333 allot, maybe God , Jesus , is trying to reach you ?
    Doug Prather

    1. Wow, thank you so much for your story. It really touched me deeply!

    2. After working days and night, finally when I counted my remaining amount, it was 33333.

  43. my pizza bill was $33.33 after having been $26.26 previous time. Strange!

  44. I have so many questions about angel numbers and I don't know who to ask. I wholeheartedly believe in them, and I have really started paying attention to them lately. Where I'm confused is, I don't know if I'm over thinking it at this point. Sometimes it's undeniable that I am seeing them as a message from the angelic realm, but other times I wonder if I am just LOOKING for numbers! After really reading into these things I don't really believe in coincidence anymore but still I wonder. For example, my refrigerator temp happens to be set on 33F and I said to myself "well that doesn't count because I know it's there" Then it sort of hit me, maybe it's alway there because my angels or ascended master are always with me. I also seem to see double digits constantly, but there isn't really a repetition or any pattern to it. This morning for entire hour everytime I looked at my watch it was a double digit number (7:22,7:33,7:44,7:55). Does the order of the numbers matter? I see a lot of 1's, 2's, and 3's in various combinations. Again, am I over thinking this? PLEASE someone help me understand what's happening!! I pray someone will soon read this

    1. Mike This resonates equally with what is happening with me right now! Ditto!

      I have seen atleast once Every double digit that pops up on clock like 11,22,33,44 & 55 in past few days. And these double digits are very frequent. Moreover, just like you, I sometimes doubt whether I'm overchecking the numbers. Infact you wont believe, everythime i check time on my digital clock, whatever number shows there i feel it has some meaning and check it here!

      So many numbers everywhere. Whichever I read i just check it. I dont know what is right number to check or what numbers are just common presence to check.

      And sometimes all numbers seem to me same thing! Sometimes I feel hope i'm not falling victim to some belief system of angels because these words are soo smoothing to heart.

    2. Btw from the same sender^

      Though there seems to be some really good thing out there. Once I thought if some source helping us is real or not.
      And so I thought lets ask them to Give us a HUG! yes I asked for a HUG from whatever thing is there guiding us.
      And You wont believe, on the very same day, I saw a Post pop up on facebook newsfeed with an image having a quote something like "Here's a Huge Hug from Guardian Angels!"

      CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! SO there is something above we forgot about! :)

    3. Wow, similar experience. After seeing the double digits now constantly every day, I was in a clients home that I work at and said, angels I see your numbers all day everyday, can I see you? It just so happens, I looked over at the wall and a figurine made a shadow that looked like an Abel angel on the wall. Something told me to look around, I've never noticed before but the client had angel decor all over her walls. I s amazed to say the least. I walked down the hall to the restroom, looked up, on the wall pictures of angels, more angel decor. I went in my clients bedroom, more pictures if angels and decor. TRULY AMAZING words can't describe, I had NEVER noticed it before I had been working there a little 8 months Mon thru Fri. Wow

  45. Thank you angels for answering my call to guide me back to my correct path. My new employee number at my new job is 33.

  46. How do you actually call upon the angels for help? Is it merely by acknowledging the situation described, and asking for angelic assistance?

    1. Calling Angels Into Action

  47. Have to admit to being a bit of a sceptic, but lately am constantly seeing recurring 1111, 111111, 333, 3333, and 555.
    I woke a few mornings ago, and in my half awake state the number 33314 was bright and bold, someone said to me their name was metty or mettley? And that I would become familiar with them?
    Not sure what significance this has? Any ideas anyone?

  48. My girlfriend just left me. She walk away from the hostel room and dont come back. I am in middle of Portugal, alone and i miss her company.
    I just seen 33:33 on the television.
    I know is not going to be easy. I miss her

  49. I'm not much into numerology but the last week has been really stressful, money disappearing from my bank account, bank unwilling to help so late with the rent. Then I noticed my grocery bill came to $33.33. It just struck me for some reason, and led me to your site. I just got an email saying the "lost" money has been found and is on the way. Nice :)

    1. Thats so weird, my grocery bill was $33.33 last night, and i had just enough to pay it, the clerk gave me 2 cent to add to make it 33.33...thats incredible. This has never happened to me before.

  50. What does it mean when angels are getting your attention? And wat do we do from there? Is it planned? I have so many questions i need answered, what is the truth about all of this? I seen the number 3 in all forms constanly. My keys had 33 on it while living ina homeless shelter. Now im in my own place still seeing this number 3333 repeatedly

  51. I am a writer (birthdate adds to 3) who may be moving soon to an address with the number 3331. Will this address be beneficial to me? Thank you in advance for any advice or clarity in this.

  52. My son had done a two day internship at my office for an event for which he got paid...the time when the money came to my hands was 3.33 on my laptop screen and the weather also showed 33 degrees. Incidentally his birth date is 30 - 3. These numbers are so magical. I read about number 3 it all applies to him so very much...thank you, for such an inspirational website...😊

  53. I give all my worries to Jesus for perfect healing and visualize the revelations have come to fruition. Hallelujah, Amen.
    -The Esoteric Human Race


  54. I see 3 all the time n most probably i see 3 monks all the time since childhood i was alys roll no. 3 n 3 is my favourite number to so it led me to go through hoping it means so or carrys some message my email

  55. I had a dream last night that I was talking to my father who passed away 8 years ago, and he was telling me me to go to a place called 3333 in two days. Trying to figure out what this meant which led me here.

  56. Thank you Angels for being around me all the time !!!
    Thank you rush-collection!!!You are an Angel !!!
    Stay blessed people!!! Love,peace and Light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  57. I have been seeing, 3, 333,33 repeatively, and was told that it means negativity.

  58. Please let me know if 3359 is lucky

  59. This is random as is all synchronous events but I was watching the WH press briefing with Sarah Sanders online and after the feed, it cut to a scene outside of a building with reporters set up waiting for someone to walk out and speak. From the angle, I couldn't tell the name of the building but saw on the side "ANT Annex United States illegible". Google search on maps didn't bring up anything. After about a couple of hours, someone finally walked out and started talking, its Manafort's lawyer. Still couldn't figure out where they were. Walked by a TV in the office with CNN on and the lawyer is talking in front of that building and the footer said they were outside of a courthouse. Went back to my computer and searched for Washington DC courthouses and found the building using street view. The address is 333 Constitution Ave NW William B Bryant Annex on the corner of C and 3rd street. C is the 3rd letter in the alphabet so that's 33333. Means a lot to me. Thank God for this website.

  60. Suicide boys 333333 brought me here

  61. Thank You again saw 333 its been months change is happening. Peace love and light God Bless you. :-)

  62. I stopped a Youtube video at 0:33/3:30 aaaaannnd that's how I got here ^^ Hope that they will help me on my journey, cause i am definitely in for a ride

  63. I've been using this site for a couple months... I always seem to have number messages lately. But about twenty minutes ago, I looked up at the time on my phone. 3:33 am, battery was at 33 percent, 3 tabs open. The universe REALLY wanted my attention. After I post it on snapchat and read this, I look up at the clock again. It's then 3:45. I'm getting a lot of messages today.

  64. If you’re writing a book or doing something helpful and hard working, the repeated number 3 is your spirit guides applauding you and telling you your safe. They encourage you to keep going and to not give up on what your doing. They are here to help guide you through your souls mission and helping you figure your purpose.

  65. yesterday i was doing a presentation and it was timed. i finnished at 3:33 secconds... i was like what?

  66. I'm keep seeing 333 like 3:33. Today I happen to see 3333 (the number of photos in my phone) then I closed the phone and 33 appeared as current temperature.Then the time 33 and the number of emails received 33... What does that mean?

  67. Thank you so much Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters !
    Thank you Jesus !

    I am so grateful !
    Thank you rush-collection!

  68. My battery was 33% at 3:33 not 3:34 as i mistakenly wrote

  69. I had visualized getting a new phone earlier today and I think I held that thought for too long because it actually happened. Not noticing it was on my lap it fell to the ground as I was getting out of the car. I went to check the nearest location for my carrier while being at work and the address came up as 3333...

  70. I was born on 03/03/00 at 8:43 pm. My golden birthday, I turned 3, on 03/03/03 and my lucky number has alaways been 11, 3, or 43.

  71. What do you (or anyone reading this) know about five three's (33333)?

  72. Wow I just looked at my cell phone and the battery life was 33% and the time was 3.33pm, 5 3's all in a row...I feel blessed x

  73. Thank you so much,

    Thank you for loving, guiding and protecting me, for answering my prayers and being here for me when i need it the most. Thank you for uplifting me and showing me the way. I'm just grateful for everything. Thank you for helping me.

  74. Today, i saw a numberplate 93 LLLL the L is also 3, i see the 3's often lately. i know that i am underway to restore my powers, my soul is an indigo, and i love life

  75. I'm constantly visualizing my desires, and today my grocery bill came out to $33.33

    I must be nearing one of my major manifestations


  77. I saw 33 33 as I was driving to my first acupuncture session. During the session, they played a guided meditation and then affirmations. During the meditation, they mentioned spiritual beings & loved ones surrounding me & tears just poured from my face.

    I have a fear of needles so I was a bit nervous and so before it started, I held my necklace that contains my grandma's ashes & felt her with me. I came home to home & looked up what 3333 meant. Wow. I know now that I should continue the acupuncture sessions to help my journey in growth & healing and that I have help from the Ascended Masters and my Angels in this process.

  78. May I ask how I can ask the Ascended Masters to help me?

    1. See:

      Calling Angels into Action

      Help and Healing from the Angels

      Guidance from the Angels


  79. My bank account had $33.33 left when I got in my car a minute later I had 33 miles left

  80. I've been seeing 333 everywhere, Whenever I look at the clock it's 3:33.

  81. I just saw 33333, then just after that I saw 333... Thank you πŸ˜‡ angels. Love and Blessings to all of us. πŸ₯°πŸ’žπŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ’“πŸ₯°πŸŽΆπŸ’žπŸŒŽπŸŒ…πŸŽ΅

  82. πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ’–πŸ˜‰πŸŽΆ
