Thursday, August 26, 2010

Angel Numbers - Number Sequences - Repeating 5's 5 55 555 5555

Number 5 resonates with the influences and attributes of personal freedom, unconventional, individualism, non-attachment, major life changes, life lessons learned 
through experience, making important life choices and decisions, courage, motivation, telepathy, the intellect, activity, influence, the adventurer, sensuality, the promoter, 
natural flair, vivaciousness, health, sympathy, motivation, competitiveness, idealism, non-conventional, curiosity, magnetism, experience, pleasure-loving, vitality, the visionary, expansion, opportunity, imagination, individualism, healing, choice, mercy, kindness, invention, resourcefulness, competitiveness, self-emancipation, physicality, impulsiveness, energy, travel, excitement, auspicious opportunities. 

The number 5 symbolizes the principles of multiplicity, progression and passion and signifies the need for change, variety and new growth. The number 5 relates to personal freedom, making positive choices and major life changes, transformation and transmutation.

When Angel Number 5 appears consistently it indicates that there are changes for the better coming into your life. The energies are now building up to force much needed changes and these changes may come around with unexpected haste, but they will usher in positive energies and opportunities and will catapult you along on your path in the right direction.

The recurring number sequence of 55 is a message from your angels that it is time to break free from old restraints and constraints that have held you back in the past.  It is time to ‘live your passion!’ Angel Number 55 is telling you that big changes are ahead, if not already around you.

The repeating number 555 indicates that major life changes are in store for you – in a very big way!  Angel Number 555 tells us that significant changes and transformations are here for you and you have an opportunity to break out of the chrysalis and uncover the amazing life you truly deserve as a spiritual being.  Your true life purpose and path 
are awaiting you …

The 5555 number sequence is a message from the Universe that your life is about to go through some major changes, with new freedoms and living your inner- truths.

See also:  
Angel Number 5
Angel Number 55
Angel Number 555



  1. I've been getting a lot of 555 and 55 lately. Is that a good or bad sign?

  2. Look upon it as a very good sign Toni :)

    Positive changes abound.



    1. Can you add me on facebook Thank you so much :)

    2. Can you add me on FB Thank you !

    3. My right hemisphere feels so overactive arm and i keep getting angelic messages like these.

  3. Thank you for all you do rush-collection. Since yesterday, I've gotten 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, and now 5:55 just this morning. 4:44 and 5:55 twice (just for emphasis I guess). I would say that consistently, 90% of the time these days, I notice a number or the time, and it adds up to 11. It's become ridiculous... but then again, I asked for it. ;-) The synchronicities in general have become glaringly obvious at this point.

    Thanks again rush-collection and many blessings of love, light, and "Angel Numbers" to all who read this. rush-collection is the REAL DEAL. Have a reading with her. You won't be disappointed.

    Stephen Olah

    1. Yes Thank you rush-collection

    2. Me too constantly get these now

    3. I’ve been getting different multiple number combinations all day everyday. It’s to the point where I just say thank you to my Angels. Today of course my iPad was at 55% my clock at 5:55 and my calculator that was suddenly open on my phone was at 5555. This is the first time I’m getting 5’s usually it’s 11’s in triples or quadruples. I just moved into a new place with “friends” and it’s not going well, the negativity is so oppressive I’m constantly calling on my Angels and guides to surround me with protection. I’ve only been here for 3 days. So when I read about change, is it the situation I just left or the situation I’m in now? Neither are good, but I know that I’m awake finally as a lightworker I know where I’m headed career wise. I just wonder why I get so many different combinations of numbers all day. They change continually. What do you think about it? Love and light, Lisa

  4. WOW! Thanks Stephen ... and thanks also for the all the 'light' work you do!

    Be blessed,


  5. This was highly informative.... many thanks for this conformation and clarity. I've been urged to look at the clock on many days to see it is 5:55, so I kind of knew some of what you've posted here because I was usually engaged in some type of spiritual research or writing. But I need to share something that I have found to be quite fascinating. I had completed writing a rather lengthy poem called Sorceress of Silence and recieved significant assistance from a few entities. The following morning, early hours, I was urged to take a walk. I took a sidestreet and glanced over to see a mountain bike sitting on the curb with a note "Free to good home." I was in real need of a bike and took it home. The beings I was working with informed me this was their gift to me. But here is the interesting part: I had to wait a few days to afford a lock for it. I was mildly surprised to purchase it, take it home and find that the combination was 5555! Love your site and I will be adding you to my blog roll under the "Real Seers" category. Be well, sister.

    1. This has to be the best comment I have read in a long time! 555 has been nudging me along these past few days and the excitement grows! Best to you therazielremnants!

    2. wow man :) add me on fb

  6. I have seen these number sequence, 555, 511, and other numbers for almost a year now. At first, I could not believe that I would have the courage to change my life. I was too afraid to get out of my comfort zone. Something bad happened to my relationship that has to force me to take an action this past summer.

    I finally have to make some major changes in my life by ending my relationship and moved to another town. This big change in my life finally opened my eyes that in order for my intention and desires to manifest, I have to make some changes and adjustments in my life. I started to have more freedom and see more of my desires to show up in my life this year. My relationship with the same person who I broke up with becomes 10 times better. I knew that the changes was only to better and to improve my life. I thank God for that and for all of the things that He already blessed me with.

    Angel numbers is one of the many ways of how God and angels communicate with us. Heed their advise and guidance as soon as you recognized them and don't delay. Otherwise, they will put an obstacle on your way, so you would recognize them and to take an action or take another route.

    Many blessings of love and light to you all and GOD loves you!

    1. Dear Fairyladymimi - your experience is mirroring my life right now. I feel afraid as nothing seems to be working out and my dreams seem to be falling by the wayside. Did you do anything different to opn yourself up to which direction you were supposed to take? I am confused as I really want to move to Savannah & nothing seems to be working out. Any advice? I hope your life is turning out like you want!

    2. It was very hard and stressful at first, but the longer and farther we stay apart, the more we missed each other. While living apart, I have more time to relax and to put my focus on my spiritual practice. I was able to manifest material things quickly. We still see each other on the weekends and he started to treat me better.

      One year later, I moved back with my husband. We’ve been together ever since. I believed that if there is too much negative energy or stagnant and you can’t seem to put out the fire, then it’s time to make a move and change your environment or stay away for a little while. At the mean time, you have to clear ur own energy too and start to shift your negative thinking about the bad situations and give gratitude to the universe or creator for allowing the good and bad things to happen and for the lessons learned.

  7. i woke up at 5:55 & noticed i only had 55% on my battery is this a good sign for the past cpl of days all ive been doingis crying, over news i received reg a relationship im in.please advise. thank u.

    1. same with me. lets see what happens

    2. This JUST happened to me! 5:55am and phone charging at 55%

    3. Same happened to me this morning. I woke, checked time on phone. It was 5:55 am and oddly my battery was at 55% when it should have been 100%...somehow charger became unplugged over night! All the 5's meant something, I know. Woke from dream of earthquakes in Ozark Mountains on Mo/Ark line. Running up mountain and new changes were happening in the geology. In dream I was about 10 years old and running up a mountain with friend on an adventure. Earthquake rumblings began, then little guysers opened in ground emitting heat, gases, smoke, and some were shooting out droplets of scalding water. When hot water hit us we knew it meant to abandon the area and run away back down the mountain. We knew something huge was about to happen. It's funny one of the posters here said they'd cried after encountering these same numbers. I also got sad news a few hours later when I learned sad news about kin who lived about 60 miles from the area of the dream.

    4. This just happened to me too! What does this mean?

    5. This just happened to me too!
      I want to know what it means.
      Upon seeing the numbers I began to thank the Universe for the good, the bad and everything inbetween. I realised that the many bad and ugly things that have happened to me in my life has not broken my loving, compassionate and caring heart. If anything, it has strengthened these qualities in me.
      I began to cry and began to speak to the great spirit. I felt an emotional and spuritual release. It was as though my questions were being answered as I was asking them. I felt great comfort and support and felt connected to the life source.

  8. I've been getting a lot of 555 or 55........... as well as 333, 10:10, 44,222, 12:12 and last but not least 111! I don't understand why it all is happening can you help?

  9. I have an amazing and beautiful story to share about this number. I was in a really rocky and unhealthy relationship for about 2 years and for the last two months I was with this guy I kept seeing the number sequence 555 A LOT! I mean it was kind of crazy how much I was seeing it. I didn't know what to expect because I was constantly reading about what the possible message was in seeing this number. I am very connected to the angels so curiosity was primarily how I felt about this….On October 4th, 2012 I got into a car accident, am completely fine but at the time it was startling and such a shock to me! It was like the universe had to smack me around for me to get with it! A week after on October 14th, 2012 my boyfriend (ex now) and I broke up, I found out he was cheating on me with my boss and was cheating on me the whole duration of our relationship. Although, this may be perceived as “negative” and it was not a pleasant experience it definitely was a blessing in disguise. Today April 29th, 2012 almost 7 months later my life has changed, I feel AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, and HAPPY. I have never felt more aligned with my life’s purpose. I have been single and healing since the incident but trust in my divine self and GOD that everything is working out in my favor. I am truly blessed! I am not a traveling Holistic Therapist, living life to the fullest, waking up in the morning and laughing, I feel younger even though I’m only 22 years old! I have fallen in love with myself for the very first time. It’s funny because I’ve been seeing 555 for the past two months now and I have such an exciting feeling about it!!

  10. I am now* a traveling holistic therapist, living and turning my dreams into reality


  12. I had a strange one today. I awoke from a sound sleep at 5:55am went back to bed for a few and got out of bed around 7:15 went out in the garage to have a cigarette and the clock on the wall said 5:55 but was working.Two weeks ago yesterday we had to put down our 12 year old boxer dog at approx 5:55 maybe even on the dot. Very strange. I think our little girl (which i have a tattoo of with a halo) is now my angel and is telling us it's all going to be okay.

  13. I've seen three number in either dreams, vision like moments, or just numbers I would see when I turn my head: 126,4518, and 911. Today I figured why not add them together and see what I get and it was 5555. Wonder what it means?

  14. Thank you so much for all the info that you have on your sites
    It has answered so many questions towards all the numbers I've been seeing and it has helped me in so many ways...I cannot thank you enough for your guidance and may your "lightwork" continue to open other people eyes and bring joy to their lives as it has brought to mine. I sincerely can see now what purpose we have on this earth, embrace it. Thank you rush-collection and bless you... Tino

  15. Dear rush-collection, Thank you for what you do! I recently, during meditation, saw a young boy open a door and step through. This was preceeded by a moving vibration of my entire meditation chair and a bright white light. He looked right into my eyes and said, "I am number 5". He was a beautiful boy with with dark brown hair and fair skin. Any words of wisdom? Namaste, Colleen Fritz

  16. the numbers stopped appearing to me in my dreams, but last night i got 12554.. what does it mean

  17. Pardon me, I re-read the blog and saw the interpretation for four 5's in a row. Thank you anyway!

  18. I'm a bit confused by this number! Would you say it means that I have to take action and make some changes, or rather that changes are happening and/or coming my way??

  19. Thank you so much for this message and the rest...

  20. I've been seeing so many 5s lately. Everyday many many times. Awesome! :)

    EDIT Haha, the code you need to write before posting said: "3255" lol.

  21. Hi rush-collection,

    I have been catching the times on the :11, :22, :33, :44, & :55's multiple times a day, pretty much everyday for the past 2 months. What does that mean?

  22. I just saw a chain letter online, and I saw so many 5's. I counted and out of 195 numbers, 194 of them.... were 5's! Seriously. When I saw it, something told me I'm in for incredible life changes, and they've been changing for the better lately! This is gonna be incredible :)

  23. so tell me this is weird or not but on my right calf on my leg embedded in my leg is the number 5

  24. it depends what you mean by embedded - embedded sounds like a solid object under your skin or is it a birth mark because each has a different meaning.

  25. This is year has become the sequence of 5's for me; What does it all mean ? Heck I don't know but it's trip for this to happen and probably won't happen again so I better and make the best of it...... It's 2015 - Olivia and I have been together 5 years - My birthday is today May 5th (The 5th month) I'm 55 now I qualify for Denny's Senior meals Woohoo ! Then September 25th will be my 25 years celebration in A.A. (Cross my fingers I make it) I've look up on the sequence and what it means there's just so many answers they all seem like theories from different people's opinion. All I know my heart is at peace and many great opportunities have happen to me this year that I'm just enjoying it with gratitude. Thank you for the birthday wishes and enjoy your day God bless.

  26. What if I see 55 every hour in one day?

  27. Seeing 55 every hour in a day. what does that mean?

  28. I would be interested in knowing that as well. I can wake up from a dead sleep and it's 5:55 AM almost every day and then during that day I wake back up at 7:55. Walk out the door at 8:55. Check my messages at 1255. And on and on. I pick up lost dominoe on the street and it's the double 5. Roll a die and it comes up
    5. Bet on the 5 th horse in the 5th race to come in 5 and instead it wins . Hotel rooms are 525 or 523 sometimes I see 222. All I want to do is shine again for God to use me how he wants. I pray for a miracle in my life . This has been a "coincidence" people around me have noticed. I'm frozen tho and don't know what direction to take . Maybe I'll know again today at 5:55!
    Can someone comment on this? I'm spinning !

    1. Interesting. I saw 7:55 on my microwave clock and came here to see that I had left this site up and forgot (conveniently with the number I just saw).

  29. I was messaging my daughter who is about to do something huge next week in order for her to follow her lifelong dream of becoming a doctor because she wants to help others like her special needs brother. I had just sent her a message and looked at my phone and it had 55% (battery) and it was 5:55. Would this be a good thing? I've been seeing a variety of numbers the past year or so from 11:11,1:11, 5:55, and hear lately 9:11 mostly.

    1. Amy. I too had 55% batter at 5:55 yesterday (10/13) (add 1+0+1+3=5 also)..... WOW

  30. I have been seeing the numbers for 4-5 months but the manifestation is not happening. What do the numbers mean when they say 'soon'? Love

    1. I started seeing number patterns two years ago, I tend to see them when some kind of " drama " is entering my life. I know that these are wonderful beautiful messages from our angels but I am not seeing any manifestation. every single time look at the clock its wither 22 after 33 or 44 or 55 and sometimes 11 Street signs "55" text message times you name it!

  31. Hi my name is lisa number 11 I have seen for a while now but recently I have been seeing 22.44.555. And I have notice that I my self been going through a lot it changes in mental love life and for the last year all I do is charity I'm not rich but i find myself always doing it but this is what i have been interested in doing for a very long time .. Please email me if you can tell me ... Lisahuynh1979 @yahoo
    Thank you for the info it feel great to read

  32. I was driving and saw the clock it was 5:55 and the kilometers on my new car was 5555 km !

  33. I have insomnia and managed to get 2 hrs 30 mins sleep and when I woke up it was 5:55am......... I was curious about it and realised that it was 5:55pm when I started reading and when I check my battery percentage it's either 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99 and it's at 55% now.......

  34. I had 222. 444. And 0505--what does 0505 mean?

  35. I've frequently seen 555s, but last night i even saw the number 55555. I don't see this being mentioned here. Can you tell me more about this specific number?

  36. I just got 55555 ! Wow,I would like it to be positive change!

  37. I just got 55% and 5.55 hopping for positive changes. Thank you my Angels :-)

  38. Me too got 55555:-) hopping for positive changes. Thank you my Angels :-)

  39. Looked down at my phone this morning it showed 5:55am and my battery was at 55%!! I took a screen shot of it. I then came here to see if there was any significance and I see that there is.

  40. thank u very much ^_^

  41. I've only recently begun this spiritual journey of self discovery but I am truly in awe of how quickly my life has changed. I want to thank you, rush-collection. I need these reminders from the universe to stay on this positive plane of existence. Yesterday, it was all about the nines and I dug deep within these pages to find possible answers to all these questions! I've always known I am an empath with an uncanny knack getting vibes from people, places, and things, but I've never heard of light work. At any rate, I know this is part of my purpose ( my passion is working with kids with autism) but I want to take it to the next level and I don't know how without it destroying me as it has in the past. Any suggestions or resources you might have would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks for all you do!

  42. Ive noticed i saw 5555 after relationships end..and i always see it before a new guy appears..however, recently i did see 5555 2 days before a relationship ended and it really confused me..i now see that it was a warning as to what was coming..its been 5 weeks now since the relationship ended and ive seen 5555 at least once a week since and sometimes it happened twice in one day! but i know something new is coming or a new relationship

  43. Today I was playing a game and I was on level 111. After I completed the game my score was 5555. Then when I posted this message the time was 11:11. Is this a sign?

  44. I constantly see 1111 and lately paired numbers. When I saw 5:55 on my phone felt the need to look up the message. There's a crucial change that I know I have to make in my life but haven't had the courage; does the message imply it will come by itself or that I have to make it??? Thanks in advance.

  45. I a curious to know what significance this as for me. Last year my d.o.b 25.05.2015 55.
    Thank in advance ☺

  46. 555 = 6 which is also my number well let the games begin thank you so much for this rush-collection the Universe Thanks You :)

  47. Hi the other day I saw 9 5 555555555 what does this mean please l&l x

  48. Big Day today!!!!!
    Filed for divorse online with digital signature, after 5 years seperation time.
    Today 25. June 2016 = 22
    My number needed for the digital signature 5555 the system can make a choise from 156 different numbers.
    Code 1= ads op to 26=8
    Code2= ads op to 28=1
    Time the divorse form sent 22:02
    Thank you Angels. ❤️

  49. I just saw 55,555 on my odometer, it wasn't showong because I need an oil change and I just happened to switch it over, j don't see any explanation for 6 fives in a row, what would that signify?

  50. While My phone battery was 55% the time was 15:55 .. What that mean?

  51. my battery was 55% and it was 5:55 when I unlocked my phone.

  52. I went to clearwater beach in florida after following my Intuition to just pack up and move...I ended up in my car with my children for one week when I went to pay the little I had just to use the beach parking my time out read 555 I get them everywhere...711 111 222 333 444 555 77 8 888 9 0 1255 1155 955 755 255 211 311 411 511 611 1111 111 the list goes on and it happens on a daily basis but two days after seeing 555 I received a call and moved into a condo as I was driv8ng to meet the owner of the condo on a truck said the words grace and then a mother passed by and said miracle then number 333 on my clock that I have never correctly set the time to...all these numbers have meaning but it is only from your own perspective and not others follow you inner guidance sytem when you see a number that catches your mind stop acknowledge it and meditate on why you may be seeing this if you trust yourself enough all your answers will come to you!

  53. ((( <3 ))) may I speak with you rush-collection Thank you Bless the Journey Love and Light ~

  54. 55.55 was in my email today and I just had to look it up. I hope and want to believe all good is coming my way

  55. My sister and I saw 5 fives in a row on a car registration last night!! Any thoughts?

  56. It is not about sequence or number 5, i have been getting messages on changes( My horoscope predictions) number plate 5555 etc.

    i understand and i am willing to accept the change but i am not sure where and how to initiated the change.

    i have been in a healthy relationship for 2.5 years, physical and mental health is not consistent for 2 years . some time i feel amazingly healthy and some time super weak.

    Angels please advise if i have to make changes or wait for the changes to happen.

  57. This is so true, what im going through right now "The 5555 number sequence is a message from the Universe that your life is about to go through some major changes, with new freedoms and living your inner- truths."

    Thank you ♡

  58. the miracle just brought me here. today is 5/5/2017, friday, 55% on macbook at 5:55pm........ 9 x 5s . i hope something major positive is coming towards me!

  59. I see sequences of 5's all the time. Yesterday, I saw 55555. can't seem to find the meaning anywhere. Hope you can help. Thank you

  60. I see sequences of the #5 quite often. Yesterday, I saw the # 55555. I can't find the meaning anywhere. Hope you can help. Thank you

  61. Hi today I had this experience twice... First went to honda buy some oil and a filter the total was 55.55$ and then went to the locksmith to duplicate two keys and the total was 5.55$ so I guess I'm about to have some pretty big life changes

  62. Universe are so amazing. I am keep seeing Angel number everyday. Yesterday I saw 5:55pm 55 second. And some day I saw 1:11, 2:22, 3:33 and 4:44 in a day. Or sometimes 1:11, in car CD player timer 11.11, or on Street sign phone number 1111. World so amazing. Even though I didn't get much understand what did they want to tell me but I believe my life change to be better and better. Angel are protecting me every moment. Thank you all of the Angels, God and Mother Earth.

  63. My laptop charge was just 55% when time was 5:55, what does this mean?

  64. yeah me too. i've been seeing all 7777 now 5555

  65. yeah me too. i've been seeing 7777 now 5555

  66. I've been seeing this forever in 2017. I'm a Libra and I am a male and only angels know what I have been through. 2018 sounds and looks like a positive year. I'm waiting for 2018. What I'm greatful about is this year made me stronger.

  67. Greetings from Idaho! I'm bored to death at work so I decided to browse your website on my iphone during lunch break.
    I love the info you present here and can't wait
    to take a look when I get home. I'm surprised at how fast your blog loaded on my cell phone ..
    I'm not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyways, wonderful site!

  68. My father recently passed andshortly before he did, I was receiving numbers all the time. It was usually seeing 333. Then it he passed and i was getting so many mixed numbers. 555, 4444,444,44, 6666, 666, 66,111, 1111, 888, 8888, 999,7777, 777, and more. Everytime il look up the numbers it helps to guide me and give me usually something giving me strength for whatever hard time in gong through

  69. I love your writing style truly enjoying this web site.

  70. I just wanted to compose a quick note to be able to
    express gratitude to you for all the amazing instructions you are posting here.
    My considerable internet lookup has at the
    end been compensated with good quality details to talk about with my family.
    I would state that that most of us readers are unquestionably fortunate to live in a perfect site with very many brilliant people with beneficial pointers.
    I feel quite blessed to have come across the website page and look forward to plenty of more excellent times reading
    here. Thanks once again for all the details.

  71. I was questioning a mission that was presented to me, a personal one, and i opened my tablet to see my bagtery at 55% and the time was 5:55. I took a snapshot and types a bunch of 5's in google and here i am. Now i have an answer to not doubt my new mission

  72. YES Big improvement in our relationship

  73. Beats....that exact thing happened to me...TWICE! Before I saw 55% at 5:55...I had written down the word reprogramming...

  74. Me five!five,five,five,five..��

  75. I had 55% on mobile at 5:55pm today and my mother sent me an email at 5:55pm letting me know my uncle had passed away.

  76. I checked my mobile at 55% at 5:55pm today and received an email from my mother advising my uncle had passed away. Not sure how this coincides with this angel numbers meaning.

  77. Amen Amen 🙏
    This is so true. I could not believe it at first but it assures me that nothing is impossible with God. He fervently loves us.
    Thank you so much rush-collection. God bless ❤️

  78. Hi,

    I frequently talk to my angels and ask for guidance, and i frequently see sequential or recurring numbers. My sister however tells me that the devil can play tricks and can pretend to be an angel, and at often times it is. What is your thoughts on this rush-collection?
    Any insight would be hugely appreciated.

  79. I'm on a dating site. 14 months ago I broke up finally with an abuser, she had left me 15 times during 5 years and my health, friendships, relationships with my children, my work and my finances were in absolute tatters, as well as my self esteem and spiritual energy. A few minutes ago I looked at my stats on the site .. 555 views, 5 winks and 23 (2+3=5) messages. 13 months ago I found a message in a place that I wouldn't have ever found, saying "GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU". I completely trust him

  80. I am here in the now. Blessed and grateful for all the blessings in my life and all those yet to come.
    Safe, protected, Devinely guided and clear minded.🙏❤ Sending much Love,peace and Light to All.🙌

  81. Just last night, I was crying hard because I needed to decide that I need to let go of someone that I am too attached too. I was hesistating and it breaks my heart to leave him and it goes back and forth with this feeling. This morning however I saw a car plate number 5555 and looked up its meaning. I hope my decision to leave what no longer serves me is for good.

  82. I have been seeing repeating numbers since a few months. Initially 11:11 and then 222,333,444, 555 and it went on like crazy. I had questions about whether I am on the right path or not and then I started seeing these. My angels have been giving me signs and support ever since. I have received a dream job offer out of nowhere from my dream company in my dream city. I was in a doubt due to the guy in my current city with whom I was looking for potential relationship. But being with him wasn’t giving me happiness because he was seeing other girl too and giving me kind of mixed signals. I was in doubt to what should I do, wanted to go for the job but wasn’t sure thinking about possible relationship with him. Lately I ave been seeing a lot of 999 everywhere, 555 a lot and again 1111 or 111 as if universe was telling me to end this and start a new beginning and just yesterday I saw 55555 on 17/03/2019, interestingly it adds up to 5. (1+7+3+2+1+9=5) !! Thank you so much rush-collection for decoding these number messages, I have been following your site since a few months and it is very accurate.
    thank you my angels and Universe!
    Love and peace!

  83. Me five, or me 6, or whatever number we're at now. I've been getting 555 lots and in the past couple of days 5555 twice.

  84. ((( <3 ))) ^ 8 55505 Thank you Divine Family

  85. DEAR rush-collection, I am immensely grateful to you for decoding these messages as these are exactly what I need to hear to do what is necessary for that day! I am receiving guidance from my angels every step of the way, and I am truly grateful and happy and feel blessed! I earlier have posted a message on March 19 stating that the guy was not meant to be with me, but as days have passed by I couldn’t even tell you the COincidences and synchronicities have happened over the last few months. The 55555 meant the guy was entering my life. After that day, in about few days we started talking and hanging out. The job offer I received were cancelled due to very weird reasons like there was no network and I couldn’t give interview to both the companies and it got cancelled. This guy and I were falling for each other and felt that deep connection with each other. Due to some reason I had to go out of town for indefinite period, and even though I told him i’ll Be back in a week I couldn’t. After about 1 month I was loosing hope of I could ever return back to him, but then something miraculous happened. And I came back to the town again due to some angelic synchronised incidences! And now I am sure we are meant to be together, just today in the morning I saw 5:55 on the clock. Thank you so much angels and Universe and rush-collection many many heartfelt thanks!
    Love and peace!

  86. I was chatting to my Angels as I drove my car. The car phone began dialling someone , completely untouched, and it was a series of 5’

  87. Thank you so much Angel's. I love you

  88. Just a little while ago I checked my phone it was 5:55 and of course my phone was at 55% and then I thought those 5's add up to 25 and today's the 25th lol...crazy numbers

  89. Today I just happened to look at my phone it was 5:55 and of course my battery was at 55% and then I thought those 5's add up to 25 and today's the 25th...crazy numbers

  90. The last couple of years I have been seeing alot of 5's everywhere. But it never seems to stop. I've had a lot of changes in my life, still are. But the 5's still keep coming in. Now they appear with 4 5's together. Curious what is next..... Working on some things.... 😁

  91. Oww and I am very great full for everything, thanking the angels for all the help 🙏

  92. Always grateful...Thank you!!!🙏😇🥰☀🌺

  93. Wonderful...Thank you!!!🎉🥳🎉🎁🌻🥰😇🙏🌹☀🌈😊💞💖

  94. I'm ready!!! 🙏😇😜💖 Thank you... Love and light to all of us. 🙏😇🥰

  95. Thank you very much for your posts rush-collection :) They have really helped me to put things back into perspective when I need help to understand the guidance I have been receiving. Thank you :)

  96. At Dream Thanks for this amazing content.

  97. 15:55 55% batery 😎

  98. 🤍✨🤍✨ forever grateful and forever blessed. These numbers have been guiding me since I was 16 years old… I am now 26 years old. Never give up, even in times of utter pain and despair. It’s madness.. but there’s purpose in your pain dear ones 🤍✨🤍✨

  99. Been seeing 5555 before was 7777 i am at a critical crossroads in my life. This helps allot
