Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Number 55 is comprised of two 5’s, making 55 a powerful number as the energies and attributes of number 5 are doubled, amplified and reinforced. Number 55 carries the vibrations of adventure and versatility, curiosity, facing challenges, learning life lessons through experience, auspicious opportunities, idealism and activity, making positive life choices and important changes.

Angel Number 55 is a message from your angels that it is time to let go of the ‘old’ that is no longer positively serving you, and get ready for big changes to take place in your life. Release old doubts, fears and perceived obstacles and look forward to wonderful new opportunities.

Angel Number 55 tells you to keep a positive attitude about the new entering your life and keep an open mind as to the opportunities presenting to you. Keep in mind that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance, so even though the reason/s for the changes may not be clear at this point, trust that all will fall into place for you. These changes have come about so that you can break free from old restraints and constraints and freely pursue your soul mission and life purpose as a spiritual being.

The angels ask that you cast off old shackles and constraints, be true to yourself and live your life with passion and purpose. Be prepared for huge changes when repeating Angel Number 55 appears.

Number 55 also relates to number 1 (5+5=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.

See also:
Repeating 5’s  (5, 555, 5555 etc)
Angel Number 5
Angel Number 555



  1. eventhough ain't a word *smirk*

    1. Thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful insights and positive reflections sister!

    2. "Ain't" isn't a word.

    3. Ain't is a word. It is in the dictionary.

    4. eventhough it's a slang contraction :). Can't wait to find out what all these 55s are about

    5. English as a living breathing language is somethin' beautiful, and to one of the most brilliant men I've ever known, Tom Rudloff of the Antiquarium who adored languages even to fluently speak 7 of those languages, "ain't" was one of his favorites. ;)

    6. I've recently had dream of 55 and 60. My father, whom is still living, came into my childhood home wheeling in, on and child's red wheelbarrow a large sheet cake. It was decorated ornately and oddly! Counting each piece and mentioning how cheap those ornaments were! This cake looked like a lawn in disarray. My father then said he wasn't keeping it because it was too expensive and therefore I mentioned $55 and my dad said, "No $60".
      I've had many angel numbers in dreams, and this stood out because of the cake and wheelbarrow!
      Read about these dreams #'s it's actually me at this time with many changes in my life. Always over thinking and over analyzing my art pieces!
      I'm being told of move on trust God and his angels as to where my hard work and endeavors will take me!!
      Listen quietly to your dream numbers!
      They're like pennies from Heaven!💝
      Thank You!

    7. if you know the meaning it is a word... don't need to be indexed in a book... a property is a word, it is a symbol.

    8. I believe everything youre saying you wasted no time

    9. Great insight. Just left a narssastic relationship and 55 keeps appearing everywhere for me ever since I made that decision so out with old in with the new.

  2. The universe with everything and everyone in it, are always under direct command of God. To find out more info about God you can read his final book and revelation with mankind which is the Holy Quran @ www.quranexplorer.com

    1. What a load of rubbish. All true seers know that Jesus Christ is the true prophet and a real Son of God.

    2. Thats true and therefore if you wanna a spiritual path with the Lord, you gotta understand that angels are messengers of the Lord. Ever since Ive find Jesus this been helping me a lot to fullfill Gods will

    3. I wonder how many times 'seeers' must repeat that 'GOD' is, in everything en everything together is God.

      No use to say what GOD is not. 1 thing worth mentioning here. GOD is not a seperate thing/entity/life. There is no place called GOD, nor is there a seperate living conciousness by that Name. ALL that is, is everything there is and that is GOD ;)


    4. Stargazer - Why does the Quran have to have all the answer's??
      Why can't it just have SOME of them.....

      Just like every other continent's Spiritual Teacher sent to guide humanity. Could it be that God loves ALL his children equally?? He sent both sides of the world Teacher's of humanity because he loves us all...??
      Or do you have 2 or more of your own Children and send one to the best private schools money can buy and lock the other one away down in the basement feed him crumbs and teach him nothing of the world?? Is this how you love your children?!?? .... What makes you think He who is love itself treat his children in this way??

      What kind of species are Human Beings to think " He who is love itself ".... Only loves their side of the blue planet and it's people? Only sent Teachers to your side of the world because your his favourites right?? He who is unconditional love..... Is not vein enough to have favourite Children! Only the vainest children of Earth's Humanity would think so small and love not thigh neighbour. - Maitreya stirs from his slumber... Now almost a man, no longer crippled by thinking of that of a child.. " .

      " Judge for yourselves, My brothers, how close you are to My expectations of a new world. This will be a world in which all men are one, in which all men fulfil the joy of creation, and fulfil with love their capacity to show the way to their brothers in simplicity and truth. "

    5. Great words man, I'm sharing this vision with you for a long time already. It will become true if we spread the word and do our best to be optimistic about our species, our task and our planet. There might be a storm, but afterwards there'll be space for the new to enter.
      Peace and light

    6. My son always say he is 55 what could this be he's 4 being saying it since he was 3

    7. Oh dear, people arguing whose invisible best friend is the true one! It's all a load of old tosh. All invented to control the masses, and it works. You're all herded like a load of sheep. "Jesus" and there's no historical record that he ever existed, was called a shepherd for that very reason. Invented to control the masses. And as for the prophet mohammed, don't even get Mr started on him. Religion is all a load of old shite. Jesus is a rehashed story of Horus. The story is almost identical. Wake up sheeple! Zeitgeist makes for interesting viewing. It will upset the masses but there's truth in it. I know I'm wasting my time because unfortunately the wool on the fleece of the sheep has grown too far over the eyes for them to see things how they really are. And no. I'm not an atheist. I believe in spiritual things, just not religion or invisible deities claiming to be the son of God. A true God doesn't was His people controlled the way they are by these false rule books written by the control freaks. God wants free will, and not for people to be herded and controlled.

    8. When the great old book gets involved, that's where i get off. I don't believe there's only one true god. I think religion other than love is to control the people. Blessed Be!

  3. I keep checking your numerous as getting So many number sequences!! Incredible. Am clearing at home & must be helping the angels be in contact. Thank you!

  4. Everyday I see 55 and combinations of it. It's everywhere.

  5. I was born 5/10/55

  6. Hello,I've been seeing variations of 55(5:55/6:55/2:55/3:55/4:55.mostly on my clocs,once on a car tag infront of me(655)lol.I told my husband and he laughed,and after awhile it seemed to stop.Then the other night my husband says"remember when you were seeing the same numbers?well Ive been seeing 11:11"..lol Wouldnt you know after he said that im seeing 55's again..lol..

  7. I repeatedly have a dream of my dead sister writing a letter R on a pice of paper and giving it to me. I keep saying different names hoping to get what she is trying to tell me but never get it right! Can someone help me with this R dream meaning please?

    1. she was a big person. read the bible. do good for other people

  8. my boyfriend broke up with now it almost a month. every time I think about him I see a number 5, 55, 555 what is that mean? help please

    1. According to this article, the angelic number "55" represents being prepared for changes in your life. You stated that your relationship with your boyfriend ended and how you think of him when seeing the number '55' so perhaps THAT could refer to this: "The angels asking that you cast off old shackles and constraints". In other words, maybe God (or the universe if you prefer that) wants you to let go of that past so that you are open to meeting someone new thereby leading you to a far more genuine and loving relationship.

      My best wishes to you :).

    2. Perfectly answered ...! Peace to all!

    3. So do you think it works in the opposite way? I keep seeing 55 in different sequences also. But for me, Im in a 20 year (sexless) marriage and I don't LOVE him anymore. I "love" him, but feel NO desire to be with him intimately or even go to the movies or out to dinner with our kids as a family. He is a wonderful person, honest and loyal and LOVES me very much. Im at a cross road tho and don't know what to do. :-( Since seeing sequences with the 55's, I think my ANGELS are telling me to get out of this "marriage of convienience" (Keeping the FAMILY together - we have 3 kids) His Family has never liked me and recently I had to separate myself from them (haven't felt this good in a long time!!) anyway, this has been on my mind since my awakening 5 years ago and Im afraid if I don't get out now, I will be unhappy of the rest of my life. Anyone with advice is welcome to help my sanity!!! Namaste

    4. @Monette: My wife left me recently after 7 years, and i can tell you it has been hard on me. She suddenly did not love me romantically anymore. But we know our paths will cross again. So at least there is some hope for me. What i ask You is, what was it like when you used to have those feelings for him? What changed? And in respect of the connection you had, are you both willing to correct the issue? It is just my opinion, but i believe that the two of you got together for a reason, and you may want to honor your vows. What is to be said of a person that cannot keep their word? Personally i believe in honor. I'm an old soul that way. But don't stay with him for him, or the kids... Do it for You. Talk to him and help him understand. And fall in love again. You can! The change doesn't necessarily mean you must leave him, it could imply you must change yourself. This message may be too late. ..but it is never too late. Whatever choice you make you need to be happy with. At the end of the day, You judge Yourself.

    5. Monette, if your heart tells you to leave, it's time to leave. The relationship has served its purpose. Don't stay because someone says you should. If you are not happy, go. You deserve to be happy. You were MEANT to be happy. Holding onto a past that doesn't make you happy anymore isn't the answer.

  9. Obviously, these numbers telling you to let go of the old, let him go and start something new, be true to yourself and you will find your happiness.

  10. I see 55, 555 and 5555 like crazy now that I want to quit my job. But thus confuses me. The reason I haven't made the decision yet to quit is because I've no idea what to do instead -- start my business or find a better traditional job. The job I have is definitely out of my comfort zone but I don't like it and im jyst working it for safetys sake. Starting my business would be good but I wonder if I'm not setting myself up for failure, even though I obviously wouldn't jump into a new business immediately after quitting my current job. Yet all I see and have seen for months now are all these wonderful 5s but what to do-- wait or quit?

    1. Seeing 55s galore myself in the last week, during a time of hardship and struggle at work. I do not know what is next either, but one question that keeps coming up when I seek advice is this: "How do you know it will be a failure unless you try, and so what if it is? Would you rather stay stuck or say you went for it, that you tried and failed?" It's still scary, but they are right nevertheless. Best wishes in this, I know it's been a few months since you posted but hopefully life will take you on the path you belong on. <3

  11. My ex and I went through a lot. But that one particular night, we kept seeing the.number 55 everywhere. Inspite of all the past issues, we ve grown more fond of each other. And then we see the number 55. What does it mean? Does it mean that whatever happened in the past was for a reason ? And now we've to let it go and go ahead with being happy with each other?

    1. I've had my experiences in life! Some were good and others were, well, not so good they were frightening! We are given opportunities to change our lives every day. If we are unable to see this the Angels will reveal it to us in number sequences. The numbers alone may not mean a thing, as with number 5, but with its twin, 55 Is a powerhouse of change! Positive, goal oriented set yourself free from the cruel past and move on! Feel positive to create a positive and enlightening atmosphere and you'll see your ex for whom they truly are! After that it's all up to you!
      Good luck!

  12. Ive been seeing 55 multiple times a day,everyday also 44 I have no idea what it means i'm a little freaked out honestly

  13. Can I please ask how do you know these things?

  14. I have been seeing, 222,22,11,111,1111,33,3333,44,4444,555,55,77,1010,1000,400

    Well I indeed have been going through a very tough phase

    My girlfriend broke up with me, it's going to be a month
    She didn't explain things,or just left. She said, she's better off. She don't wanna be in a relationship. She said, maybe she don't love me anymore, she lied ( I know )

    Well I started seeing angel number after it, well I really feel like or my intuition says, she'll come back, she just needed some time and she still loves me. She's a good person at heart. Well, I stopped contacting her, I disappeared from her world. Well I don't completly understand what these numbers are trying to tell me, is my intuition is right and I should be patient or I should move on I'll find someone better. My true desire is, wanting her back, I know she's worthy. My gut feeling says, it even happened for a good reason, we both needed some time to realize about things, I personally made a lot if mistakes to be honest, now I've realized them and I've worked on myself, I've changed myself. And I've been working hard, I've been so patient, though this is very hard for me. But sometimes I don't understand these messages, am I on the right path? I need to talk to someone about it.

    1. Well I think the angels are trying to tell you to let her go.Sometimes what we want isn't the best for us. Sorry this happened to you but trust your angels even thou you don't understand the reason why you're going through this

    2. Someone better is waiting for you. We don't always get what we want. We get better than we deserve. Your intuition may be right. But the way she treats you isn't. You deserve someone better. And that's what you should have been patient for. It could even come sooner than expected.

    3. I See exactly the same numbers everyday @Ronie
      We have a purpose in this life, keep your faith. enjoy the connection.

    4. What numbers are you seeing? But, what I can tell is the from what you wrote issue that you're a caring person! You've made mistakes and so did everyone else in is world! You haven't forgiven yourself yet, let go and believe in what is truly meant to be without hurting yourself! If someone is worth it, it will be! If not,there's a reason and you'll find out why one day!

  15. Ms. rush-collection,

    Thank You.

    I have used your book as my "go-to" reference guide for years.

    I teach motivational courses and I make certain that my students also know of your website.

    I always go by the numbers. That's how my angels, guards and guides speak to me. I ask a question, listen for the guidance and cars will cut in front of me with the answers on their license plate, or I'll pass cars and see that they all "just happen" to have the same group of repeating numbers, 33, 44, 777, 8888, etc. and I return to your site to fetch the answers.

    Again, thank you. This is priceless and very valuable to me. Blessed be. Rev. JG

  16. I liked this guy for a long time and I would constantly bother him on the Internet and he would curse me out and his girlfriend called me all types of names. I started first. I guess it had to do with my insecurities. My fear of being rejected and now I keep seeing 55. This boy has moved on with his life and is making a kid. Does not even care or pay attention to me.

    1. Don't worry. I know it hurts like crazy, but you will feel better soon. There is much better person waiting for you on this world and he will really love you.

  17. Hello! I started to see the number 55 after my boyfriend dumped me. I was in tears and hoped for him to come back. Now I see that I really have to move on. I'm glad that angels give us the signs.

  18. seeing 55 in clouds. more during my birth month of nov.!!! change has been my personal supplication to god and the angels. thanks.

  19. 55 in clouds !! thanks be to God and the angels.

  20. I have the number 5 on my forehead & a fainter number 5 next to it... what does this mean please? X

  21. I started seeing 555 a year ago continually. I ended up quitting my job after 38 years it was very toxic anyways. The reason was my beautiful mother got a brain tumor fought it for a year and passed away when it was removed the cancer came back. I stayed with her because I loved her more than anything she was more important. I'm telling. You people just have faith in your guardian angels the Lord our God always takes care of us even at our lowest point. My life is still changing every day but they have been with me every step of the way and I am most grateful

  22. Dear rush-collection, Would you please help me understand my dream. I saw myself in an elevator going up to floor number 55. When the elevator reach to floor #53 it stopped and I walkup. I have no clue where the 55 floors came from. The building has only 2 floors.

  23. Thank you happens to me about a no ago

  24. Thank you happens to me about a no ago

  25. Me too! Praying it's GOOD change!

  26. My father passed away when he was 55 years old since then I have noticed that number appearing in front me almost daily

  27. I have a question. Can you please guide me? Laws of karma exist? I mean when we face struggles sorrow always continuously despite of being good, kindhearted,helpful yet facing due to people,we begin to think may be past life karma are there.But,we also see the person who is intentionally wrong and bad, living good successfully.We keep believing let go and karma will see but some of them even begin to laugh at us that they are still enjoying no matter how much bigger moron they are !

    1. I asked myself thing every day.

  28. Grateful!!!♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!

  29. Sept 11 1941 PENTAGON (5) + 5+5+5 mos 5d 5+5+5 X 5 = Dec 16, 2017 I saw this January 7th 2018 the SAME TIME I turned 55.55 years old!! GOD'S PLAN OBVIOUSLY! or 9/11/01 + 5.5.5m 5.5.5y 5days!! SEVEN (7) 5s!!

  30. So nice to see this. Yes I am going through a change....casting off the old. I was feeling a little anxious and said to my Angels...."hope you've got my back" and then I saw the number 55. They never fail me. :-)

  31. I was getting gas yesterday. The pump shut off at $55.33 and it said I had gotten 33.555 gallons. Shortly after a man approached me and asked for a dollar for gas. I grabbed the last dollar I had and gave him the loose change in my console. We have struggled financially for many years and the stress has destroyed mentally and physically. I am 43 and look older than my sister who is 51. I always see multiples of 11 33 & 55. Every time I just thank God for His blessings and ask for my angels to keep leading me down the right path. Should I try a different approach?

  32. Amen. 🧘‍♀️🙏❤🙌 #BeingTheLuminary #ChoosingThePatLessTravelled

  33. 55 is not an angel number it is a hell number. I m living a torcherus life since I started seeing 55 & 555. I started seeing this number from March this year since than I lost a restaurant business a job and living away from family. Debt has pilled up. Every morning I got up and see watch it 3:55 or 4:55 than atleast four to five time see it on number plate or mobile number or in the newspaper or facebook like or comment etc.

  34. 55 = challenges...yes i agree with that. This week i had my life savings stolen, my business is no more and some other situations that really aren't desirable going on. Although i am still very up beat. Life us a series of waves, troughs and peaks. I am in a trough, but i am still in my boat so just floating along until a peak comes again. I think people panic in troughs and jump out the boat and tire themselves out with resisting what is. I can't do a thing about what has happened, but i can think about what i would like to do now. And that is to become an artist as that's where my heart is. May you all be blessed and keep peace of mind no matter what you face.

  35. I kept seeing 55 without understanding what it meant.. then the love of my life passed away 2 days ago and now I'm seeing 6's, 33 , 44 , 55 , 22 and 11 .. what does it mean? Any ideas.. I'm desperate at this point.

  36. ❗55❗every day - every where.
    I am enough and I am Valuable to allow
    These new change.
    Keeping my brain focused.
    Thank you, my Angels.
    Thank you, rush-collection💐

  37. Grateful, unafraid and welcoming.
    Letting all that which needs to go go and embracing the new (yet unseen) about to enter.❤🙏 Blessed and grateful.🙏
    Endless love and light to everyone and all.❤

  38. Hi rush-collection, i have seen many numbers, one of them 5 in several sequences. Yes, i' ve had my whole life uprooted, i'm homeless etc. What does "break free from old restraints and constraints and freely pursue your soul mission and life purpose as a spiritual being" mean? Anything positive?

  39. Thank you so much guardian angels and to my fience saeed from irianian man he gives this meaningful number love you more babe 💖🙏🙏🙏

  40. Thank you so very much. This blog has definitely helped me grow along my spiritual journey. From my heart to yours thank you rush-collection! Blessings to you🥰🥰🥰🥰

  41. Thank you very much for this amazing blog, that has constantly helped me to navigate through my journey in life. I am grateful
