Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Number 56 is made up of a combination of the attributes of number 5 and number 6. Number 5 contributes its vibrations of versatility and resourcefulness, curiosity and intelligence, adaptability and motivation, making positive life changes and learning through experience, major life changes and auspicious opportunities. Number 6 adds its energies of stability, service, compromise, honesty, grace and gratitude, reliability, love of home and family, nurturing, care for others and faith. Number 6 also represents the material, physical world.

Angel Number 56 is a message from your angels to have faith and trust that your material wants and needs are being taken care of.  You can expect some positive new additions to your home and/or family, and these are to be appreciated.  When you have an 'attitude of gratitude' more ‘good’ will come your way.

Angel Number 56 is a message to move forward with positive plans and ideas as they will prove to be most beneficial in all ways for yourself and your loved ones. Trust that the changes taking place in your life are aligned with your soul mission and life purpose. The angels will ensure that you will have all that you need along the way.

Angel Number 56 suggests that wonderful new opportunities will miraculously appear with help from your angels. When you live your life being true to yourself and honest with others you manifest positive energies and desired results and outcomes. Call upon the angels whenever you wish as they are always with you.

Number 56 also relates to the karmic number 11 (5+6=11) and Angel Number 11.

See also:
Repeating 5’s and 6’s  (556, 565, 566 etc)
Angel Number 556
Angel Number 565
Angel Number 566

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

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  1. I purposely entered a dream looking for an answer to some financial issues I'm having, and in that dream I was told to look at some images. The last image was the number 56, and the figure in the dream told me: "56 is the only number that matters".
    Weeks later I had another dream that was about my lack of success in applying for jobs recently. In this particular dream, the manager of the facility I was applying for, called me just to tell me that their application system had messed up, and my application was replaced with the number 56. He asked me to go through the whole application process again, and hung up, then I woke up.

    1. 56 is my favorite number ya know and when I was given this number by my angels and god I already knew later in my life I will be worth 56 million when I am in the range of 24-56 🙏🙌☝️

  2. I have an interesting story about '56.' This happened just yesterday (a Sunday). For the last 7-8 months I've been in a season of a stormy part of my life. Without getting too personal, I can say it's derived from loniless, lack of a relationship, heartbreak, etc. The positive thing is God and I have become pretty good buddies. When your self-vain pride is stripped and you're left with humility and vulrability, the communication to God is like being starved for nurishment and the need to survival is to eat (God). Yesterday I had a profoundly relevant church service. It spoke right to me. It was about "delayed prayers." There is a blessing in them. God's timing is rarely our timing. God's plan for us is better than anything we can come up with on our own. In the process of a delayed prayer, he's working on our relationship with him and our heart to BECOME the person he wants us to be. He's forming us. We are also becoming closer and closer by persistant prayer on the subject. He will never leave us. In my own words, it takes more than one day to create something beautiful and devine. Patience with humility may be the #1 lesson I've learned. Remember, Michaelangelo didn't paint the Sistine Chapel in one day. Anyway, after service I was on my couch and dozed off... I had a vivid, clear vision of the number '56' with a positive feeling about it. I woke and immediately felt the need to look up the Holy significance of the number '56' and came to this page. Wow. Good things are to come..

    1. Oh goodness same!!!!!!! I need to talk to you I feel 😇 the listed email is not my email and for some reason I feel like I need to leave it there my email is alexis.smiley84@gmail.com
      I too was lonely and super lost with life for a good year. Spent time alone always looked to the stars.God took everyone out of my life and saved me I'm in September 29, 2016 oddly enough it was just in time. Another girl whose name is Alexis also was there and we had the same thoughts at the same time its crazy!!! But yes please message me God wants me to talk to you also I got confirmation from my angel Bella with the number 43 (:

    2. I really love your guys comments. You will be in my thoughts today Tuesday March 7, 2023.. I have skimmed across 56 as my angel number for today. Yesterday was angel number 911 as my angel advice . Both meaning positive change in on its way. To keep pushing forward with the breezeway because though I am blind and I have no idea where I am heading… my angels and god have a destiny & purpose laid out for me. All that I need in order to sustain financially, spiritually, and more importantly more wisdom and self power and love. I will be more empowering from within my own self. So I take this minute to say that I release trying to control my entire life and my personal destiny. I fully surrender to my higher power and the vibrations that know what is good for me. I will get off this website now and push forward through my day in a positive manner and know that my angels have my back. things in my life are all-ready perfect as it was destined to be. Changes are welcome and I am hopeful my angels and I continue to communicate on such frequent basis. I enjoy our communication. living each day with them as the highlight of my daily perspective and angelic light, I get to share with so many other each and every day. every person whom I conincidentally cross paths with. Whether or not opinionated listeners feel the same as I, the question they always ask them self is “ meant to me to not to be….. ?” I say .. it was meant to be

  3. I invested in a time share yesterday and had some doubts. it's a wonderful opportunity if you want to have vacations for yourself and family every year and definitely will probably open up experiences in life. but at the same time i was anxious about making the investment and worried about the extra money i'll be spending until the time share is paid off. today, i have been on the computer doing some research on the company and vacation destinations, i was looking down at one of my papers and my cat Harper kept jumping on the desk and getting in the way so i had to keep putting him on the floor. It's possible that he hit the key board, but i didn't see it. when i looked at my search bar it read 56565656 and so on. i looked at it carefully, there were no 65's it was a 5 with a 6 after each one. usually if the cat walks on the key board it will look something like this: adfja;jfa;djfajdfa. What are the odds that my cat would have been able to walk on the keyboard and have 56565656 come out of it? not likely :) i have always believed there are spiritual meanings to numbers, so i googled it, and found this. A message from my angels or coincidence? I don't think it's a coincidence

  4. this is great material. I love the number 56, it is my soul number. I dont know why but I have always had a particular fondness for it, like any other number just doesnt matter.
    Thank You!

  5. Everyday for weeks now I've seen the the number 56, enough for me to look it up I have felt it is a message from my angels. Then I read what it meant and it just verified that I already know I am being helped with everything I want and need , the love and thanks I feel with this is amazing.

  6. This early morning while going to office from my car..i noticed 2 cars back to back having number plate as 6565..hours after i reached office,I got offer letter of the new job I had applied for..Im so happy to read this :D

  7. It is ironic that both my exam scores in my last semester of college were 56. I studied hard and i did not understand i am graduating at those scores did not effect my grade but i am baffled at the thought that i scored the same grade in both my exams.

  8. Thank you <3 rush-collection! You are so kind and special! <3

  9. The number 56 has been following me for years.. I have no idea what it means for me honestly, just randomly one day its been popping up into my life at least 10 to 15 times a day and quite frankly it scares me... If anyone can please help me get some answers I am here all the time.

    1. I have the number 56 popping up in my life too, sometimes 5 or 6 times a day, but more often 10 to 15 times a day like you. I know it is a reminder from my guides and angels that they are with me. Every time I see it I thank them for their help. Synchronicity of numbers is a sign of spiritual awareness. :)

  10. OMG! Lately often when I look at the clock the number 56 is there. Then just today I was driving past a motel that was built a few months ago, and I noticed it had the address, number 56 painted HUGELY! I decided to search up the meaning. At the moment I am honestly a bit confused, but I still fully believe that I will find the answers that I am looking for. :)

  11. Forever grateful!!!Thank you Angels!!!Thank you rush-collection!!!Love and light your way!!!♡♡♡

  12. Grateful! Blessings to you<3

  13. 56 is a number I have seen alot in the past 3 years. I see it on and off. Today my mile gage was 156156. I seen it at least 2 other times after that. A few days ago I kept seeing 121212. For me, when something needs my attention, it comes through numbers first. I love this stuff.

  14. I was just looking up groups of ladies wanting to be able to conceive a child.....support groups...that sort of thing- when I "got"the angel number 56 (I often get angel #s from times and phone battery %... This was 56% & time 11:36...or 1+1+3 (5)6 ... Anyway. Excited to see the addition to the family comment- could it mean conception is underway? Would be thrilled..been praying for a baby.... ❤

  15. I definitely agree with this! I decided to move back to my home city and was trying to figure out how I was going to make money...I reached out to a friend about it and she told me she would see about getting me a nanny job. A week later, a woman reached out to me wanting to meet and possibly hire me. Unfortunately, a few days later I went through a tough loss and had to cancel. A couple more weeks passed and I finally felt ready to get back on my job search. I was in a place where I really needed something laid back given my emotional state. I texted her thinking there was no way I still had a chance...miraculously the position was still available... I go to meet the woman at her house and the address is 5656! We sat down and decided it would be a perfect fit.. I got the job and started noticing that 56 everywhere! on license plates, on the computer etc. A few days in, they gave me a spontaneous raise to $20/hr (more than I ever thought to ask for) and now its the best job I've ever had! The family is great, I get paid well, I only work a few hours a day, get weekends off and all of that is great...but the main blessing has been how it has helped my mental health. It's given me time for a lot of healing and brought so much abundance into my life! financially and through the happiness the kids bring me!! Long story short, I believe in this number alot. It's brought happiness and playfulness back into my life and I'm super grateful :) think positive and believe your needs are being taken care of!!!

  16. The comments here just made me cry...
    I am a college student and I have been getting 55% in almost every final paper I wrote. Recently got my results and 3 more '55s' I got curious and went on to check out all my previous papers and there they were, more and more 55s. No matter how lazy or hard I decided to study it all came down to 55, 5 has always been my number yes , cause I was born in May. Hard luck when it comes to relationships,single at the moment. Not sure what I should be letting go of. Or maybe I should stop searching for one (a relationship)? Maybe I am trying too hard ��

  17. "you can expect some positive new additions to your home and/or family"
    I had to move due to landlord selling my unit, and 56 is my new house number - Few days before my move in date I found out I was pregnant.
    For those who follow twin flames, We had a mission of combining our energy to create a "energetic child"
    So this is def very accurate <3 as they always are ! LOVE coming here to check out the numerology it is always right on point !
    " Trust that the changes taking place in your life are aligned with your soul mission and life purpose. The angels will ensure that you will have all that you need along the way." -- Twin Flame Mission <3

  18. "you can expect some positive new additions to your home and/or family"
    I had to move due to landlord selling my unit, and 56 is my new house number - Few days before my move in date I found out I was pregnant.
    For those who follow twin flames, We had a mission of combining our energy to create a "energetic child"
    So this is def very accurate <3 as they always are ! LOVE coming here to check out the numerology it is always right on point !
    " Trust that the changes taking place in your life are aligned with your soul mission and life purpose. The angels will ensure that you will have all that you need along the way." -- Twin Flame Mission <3

  19. Blessed and grateful !!! 🎈🍀🕊♥️🇧🇬

  20. Thank you Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother. Hallelujah. Thank you angels.

  21. Every night for a long wile now.
    Grateful for every reminder.
    It's my reality indeed. Blessed. Immensely.♥️♥️♥️Much love and Light to everyone and all.

  22. They dont give up do they, constantly contacting me to change my life, just never been good with change especially when I feel as though im walking blind...getting there though.x

  23. Done it...I feel blessed guided and protected Amen x

  24. Thank you Jesus and to my holy angels

  25. I’ve been wanting to comment on my experience with the number 56 for the longest time, I’ve been connecting with this number for a long time and I need more help understanding so I’d be glad to hear your opinion! I see this number more than 2 times a day. I realized more into 56 the past year but I know it’s been with me for the longest time, 56 started to be my favorite number when I was younger in 3rd grade and I liked the “ring” to it and I also assume maybe when I learned my multiplications 7x8 which is 56 and I notice how it’s kinda out of the blue for being my favorite number. But now as I realize my connection it’s still my favorite / lucky number : )

  26. 56 is always here its always 56 when life is lost and found at the same time 56 will appear and the meaning depicts life will soon turn for the best or worst, when 56 appears frequently something will happen that can change forever and 56 will follow until it is needed again 56 appears in despair but the opposite it will follow it will follow it is here to help 56 put faith in 56 it always has faith in you, if you are selected by 56 it will follow you and means good things are on their way 56 always helps it follows and is telling you life will change for the best 56
