Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Number 118 is comprised of the qualities and attributes of the numbers 1, the karmic Master Number 11, and number 8. Number 1 brings optimism, attainment, new beginnings, motivation and progress, beginning new projects, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition. Number 11 resonates with spiritual enlightenment and kharma, and tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know, live and serve our life purpose and soul missionNumber 8 brings it vibrations of manifesting wealth and abundance, self-confidence, discernment and good judgement, achievement, giving and receiving, inner-wisdom and serving humanity. Number 8 is also the number of Karmathe Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Angel Number 118 is a message of encouragement and support from your angels. They encourage you to think only positive thoughts to do with the monetary and material aspects of your life so that you are able to manifest prosperity and abundance. You create your own reality so when you have high expectations and maintain a positive attitude the angels and Universal Energies help you to manifest your highest ideals and achieve success in all that you put your intentions and efforts towards. The angels want you to know that positive things are manifesting around you at a rapid rate.

Angel Number 118 also suggests that you are nearing the end of a cycle or phase in your life, and the angels want you to realize that positive new opportunities will appear for you in due course. Do not fear lack or loss as the end of a situation or cycle denotes the beginning of another. Your angels ask that you not stress about present circumstances, as ‘better’ is on it’s the way into your life. The angels ask you to have faith and trust in them, and in yourself.

Angel Number 118 also tells you that if you are considering beginning (or expanding) a spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession, now is a most auspicious time to do so. Have faith that the Universe will assist with any issues that may arise, and listen to the guidance from the angels as to the next steps to take. Trust that you have all the skills, talents and abilities within you that you will need to serve your soul purpose and fulfill your spiritual destiny. Expect success on all levels.

Number 118 also relates to number 1 (1+1+8=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.

See also:  
Repeating 1’s and 8’s  (18, 118, 181, 188,  etc)
Angel Number 18
Angel Number 181
Angel Number 188

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. I have been seeing 118 everywhere... I recently left a job since at the interview for a different one saw 118 5 different times in the interview.
    In training I constantly saw it appearing in numbers and was confused what it meant but assumed I was on the right track.
    I ended up hating the job and quit a month later because of many reasons. I felt betrayed by the numbers since I followed them to that new job and lost my great one in the dust...
    I shunned 118 even though I kept seeing it afterwards blaming it for my loss of a good job that i loved.
    I slowly started to see less and less of 118...
    it's been a few months... and it's starting to pop up again... now I'm starting to think the angles are trying to keep me going along the path they set up... I'm going back to beauty school next year... a passion i never thought i would get to do as a career. Never would have realised that if I hadn't left my cozy easy job for one I hated.. as cuz of a number...

    1. Hey Serena, I'm a hair stylist who's birthday is 1/18 and I see that number all the time. If doing hair is your passion, stick with it. You may not see immediate success, but best believe, this industry is amazing and it has done more than pay the bills and put food on my table. I wish you the best and much success

    2. I've been seeing this number a lot but what does it mean when this number is also your birthday? I have 2 dream goals and i feel like im at a fork in the road with which one to choose. This number including 1118 keeps popping up several times in a day.

  2. Interesting how the Universe works isn't it!
    Good luck with Beauty School ... always follow your passions Serena.


  3. 118 is my birthday and recently when I got my life on track I met a guy who lives at 118 and his grand parents own a house at 118. Its weird not sure if its a coincidence or a sign how should approach the situation.

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime.

  4. I'm curious to know why I keep on bumping into people born 11/8 I know it's not exactly 118...

  5. I have been seeing 118 for the most of 2 years. It's just everywhere, on everything that you wouldn't have thought would have been able to show something like that. Are they really going so much out of their depth to tell me something, that means controlling other people to make sure that I get the message of 118? It all started out with 22:22 which I first started noticing whilst on holiday when I was awakening and I was with a person I believe to be my twin flame or very close friend (spiritually). That was 2 years ago and in August I'm going back by myself for a holiday and these 118 numbers have been going crazy!

    1. Dude me too I,ve been seeing it EVERYWHERE it really creeps me out,but I think that it has to do with the world ending(I might be crazy)what do you think

  6. My house number is 118 my boyfriend just got a place In a different town with 118 as well.
    Very curious to know any significant meanings

  7. My house number is 118 my boyfriend just got a place In a different town with 118 as well.
    Very curious to know any significant meanings

  8. I've been seeing 118 a lot lately.But Ive also seen many many other repeating numbers. 555, 444's, 333, 222, 911, these are the ones that I see most frequently. The 911's are a warning from my guides., I asked them to warn me if anything that would cause me trouble or a family member danger. You really don't know what you're getting yourself into when you set something up with your guides and the universe like that, but i'm acclimating to the new awareness and messages although it wasn't easy for some time to see 911 frequently.

    1. I have see the number 911 as well. I also correlate it with negativity or "bad things happening". I thought it was interesting coming across your comment. I do see 118 a lot too and relate that with change and relationship issues.

    2. That's interesting. I see 118 sometimes too. But the meaning it has for me is different. For me, it usually means a bad choice and outcome has been averted.
      118 usually appears right after deciding to make the correct choice or choosing the right path (in my mind) regarding a certain situation or issue.T he 118 or 811 validates that everything will turn out fine now that I've set myself on the right path. Its message is that there's no need for me to worry. In other words, the guides are telling me to "chill out", haha...

  9. Wow the relevance to this number in my is significant, my grandmother and oldest sister on my side share the same bday 118, and when you turn it around my oldest sister on my dad side bday is 811, this number is dear to me, I even play it in the pick 3 lotto and have hit quite a few times

  10. I was born 118 ,And I always see my birthday ,and here's another thing that has me stuck my boyfriend's brother who is no longer here in the flesh also was born 118 but I never met him but I feel like he's.trying to communicate with me and I get very emotional when I think about him ...hmmmm

  11. Shannon ThomasTuesday, May 09, 2017

    My dad passed away a little over 3 years ago and I had a group messaging system on Facebook that someone renamed pop randomly and it went out to everyone ironically it was changed to the name that my nieces and nephews used to call my dad. So every time something interesting would come up in our family that message would randomly go out and I couldn't never see that it was coming from my Facebook which is interesting! But he always send a message correlated with a number that would mean something, first for instance he sent a message when my sister and I both had a grand mal seizure and a heart attack in one month a message of guardian angels went out a few weeks beforehand from my messaging system that was renamed pop. So this is happened several times since then and I've been able to correlate times and dates and understand the message but this time it went out once at 1:15 a.m. and then again at 1:18pm the next day. I'm not pushing those buttons but I'm curious as to what your thoughts might be on these numbers because I'm kind of stumped and give my full permission to have you tell me what you think those might be? Thank you

  12. Aye waddup fam
    My Name numerology is 118/1
    I saw the aspects of the different ways it can add up but never saw 118.
    can you PLEASEEEEE tell me what this means?
    im 16, help me out spiritually and ill give you a free cookie ;)

  13. Grateful for all the help and guidance!!! Thank you Angels!!!Thank you rush-collection!!! Love,health ,peace and Light to All!!!♡♡♡

  14. This number just popped up next to a butterfly, I'm getting ready to start my new career

  15. This number 118 has been on /off in my life last few years . My telephone number used to end 118 and ever since I git rid of this telephone number then the number 118 appears. I went abroad this year and massive hotel my room number they gave me was 118 Then in August a month later I offered fish n chips and my order number was 118 I recently went through a divorce a few years ago but my former husband lives at 118 house number. I didn’t understand why I keep getting this number appear in my life but when I looked what it meant it shocked me.

  16. Super,this message made my day,I am feeling a little down during the positive changes in my life. Thank you Universe/God (source)...# 1 fan

  17. I’m CONSTANTLY seeing 118 every time I look at the clock, whether it it 10:18 or 1:18 and always seeing it in random places. Also 18. My ex bf, my current boss and other friend all had birthdays on the 18th. I’ve also Bering seeing 222 A LOT

  18. So Grateful, feel Blessed, Thank you Angels,
