Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Number 123 is a compilation of the qualities and attributes of number 1, the vibrations of number 2 and the energies of number 3. Number 1 promotes new beginnings and starting anew, motivation and taking action, striving forward and progress, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities by our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 resonates with service to others, diplomacy and compromise, balance, flexibility and adaptability, duality, encouragement and kindness. Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul mission. Number 3 adds self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, skills and talents, friendliness and sociability, manifesting, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also carries the vibrations of the Ascended Masters. It indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked and helping you to focus upon the Divine spark within yourself and others. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within.  

Number 1 encourages you to step forward and start something new, different and life-changing. Number 2 sets you on your course with balance, faith and ability, and number 3 sees expansion of concepts and life-themes, and expressing and communicating from your authentic self.  
Angel Number 123 can be seen as a number of progression and/or steps along a journey or life path.

Angel Number 123 is often seen as ‘steps’, with subsequent number sequences (eg. 456 ... 789) appearing once the 123 sequence is acknowledged and recognized, and the ‘steps’ and actions taken by the individual. If feeling any doubts or fears about which actions to take, ask for guidance and assistance from the angels and listen to your intuition and inner-wisdom.  Know that you have all that you need within to achieve your goals and aspirations ... you just have to make the choices to do so, and take the appropriate actions. 

Have faith and trust in yourself, your angels and the Ascended Masters.  

Number 123 can also be seen as number 6 (1+2+3=6) and Angel Number 6.

Also see:
Angel Number 321

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. I have been married for 34 years so this must have been happening that long because it usually happens when I'm with my husband but we get the # 1234 alot over the years..I haven't seen a write up for this combo can you tell me what it means? Thanks Patti B

    1. I feel like more than half the times I look at the clock its 123 or 1234
      If you have learned anything about it since posting this comment please let me.

    2. I have this everyday it realy bothers me x

    3. The same for me . almost like 3 years. i whake up at 1:23

    4. This isn't just a coincidence I'm 15 I turn 16 in a month i've been dealing with wanting the most greatest achievement in life, happiness finding my way through this world So two days ago I was on YouTube and I looked at my favourite channel there subscriber count was 1,600,000 exactly today I looked and it was down to 1,500,000 something then I remembered I was playing 2k17 and the score was 18/18 then when I looked again it was 15/18 I was losing or I might have never been tightened up.I checked the time it was 4:12. And I woke up with 4 specific numbers in my head 6 18 4 12 I can't get them out I see 1111 everywhere I go I hear it everywhere I go so I added them up, and it led me too 123 so now I'm here.

    5. I have been seeing it while trying to start a new career it means take one step at a time one day at a time, take baby steps follow the step in front of you dont worry about the other steps just focus om the one you can do and the next ones will be revealed eventually.

  2. That's interesting Patti...I was curious about number sequencing because I see the number sequence 1234 ALL the time...It compelled me to see if there was something to this. I'm interesting in hearing if there's a reason behind seeing this and only this, sequence...over and over again.
    Thanks as well. Lory M

  3. The number sequences '1234' often refers to 'steps' along your path.

    You can also look at each number individually and see that just as one follows the other, so do the steps along your path.

    1 refers to new beginnings and striving forward ... 2 refers to finding balance and bringing things together ... 3 refers to expressing yourself creatively and 4 relates to working towards (and achieving) your goals with passion and persistence.

    I hope this has shed some light for you ...



  4. hello. Thank-you very much for this information. i too see the numbers 123 all the time. I'm wondering though, many other people have interpreted this number to mean "simply your life". I'm just wondering what you think of that interpretation, and why/how your interpretation is different.

  5. Hi Zameer,
    I'm not sure of other people's interpretations of the repeating number sequences as I can only go with the information/messages given to me while in meditation/communication with the angels.

    My best advice would be to go with what resonates with you personally ...



  6. I see this number everyday no matter what, even if I try to avoid it. The number will pop up on TV. I’ll get a cell phone message at 9:23.i can’t get away from this number it’s been going on for 3years now. And it really annoying that I don’t know what it means

  7. I like this reading. It's super accurate and in a timely fashion. :-D The initial statement in the last paragraph was a bit confused for me.

  8. In my own "unique" communication with the angels, this number also means to Let go of anything that is no longer serving a positive purpose. In my case, both interpretations are correct: both doreens and rush-collections respectively. Also, in my experience, this number signifies that GOD and all his infinite light forces are near you. father, son, holy spirit. 1 2 3

  9. I typed in "123", because it seemed like for the past few weeks that was the number I was seeing...every time I looked at the clock. I was starting to think it meant something. I've been going through a rough time in my life for the past few months and I started seeing the number. I wonder if it is a sign, in some way assuring me that things will come together for me, I just have to move forward.

  10. I been seeing the numbers 123 for a while now.most of the time I watch the time it shows up.its been going on for more than a year now. Angels help me move foward

  11. 148 number i seem to see everyday for about 3 months now.. i look at the time its says 11:48. again later on it says 1:48 pm... car tag 148.. what it this number trynna tell me? please help.

  12. 148 number i seem to see everyday for about 3 months now.. i look at the time its says 11:48. again later on it says 1:48 pm... car tag 148.. what it this number trynna tell me? please help.

  13. Seeing this !

  14. Ok I think some of you get it , all of you who wrote your opinion don't understand the reality of 123 ... Listen to what rush-collection says

    "Angel Number 123 is often seen as ‘steps’, with subsequent number sequences (eg. 456 ... 789) appearing once the 123 sequence is acknowledged and recognized, and the ‘steps’ and actions taken by the individual."

    rush-collection's message means if u don't eventually see 456 .. Then 789, your feeling doubts and not seeking the Angels for help

    "If feeling any doubts or fears about which actions to take, ask for guidance and assistance from the angels and listen to your intuition and inner-wisdom. Know that you have all that you need within to achieve your goals and aspirations ... you just have to make the choices to do so, and take the appropriate actions." .

    So it's not that it's bad or anything, but we all basically need to get up off our arses ... Me included , just saw this tonight and was a bit troubled by some of your interpretations of rush-collection's message from the Ancestors.

    rush-collection ... Thank you once again

  15. I saw 123 a total of 7 times today it was astounding! This morning it started on the clock at 10:23am, and twice again around noon but 12:03pm, and 12:30pm. Four minutes pass and I look again and it's in perfect sequence of 12:34pm, not realizing such little time went by. Then at 1:23pm I saw it again just unknowingly looking at the clock. After several hours, I went out to meet up with a friend but had to take the bus, and when I got on, I sat there for a while not really paying attention to anything, and when I looked over at the bus number, what did it say? #1230 ! As I went home and kept messaging the same friend, I realized when I texted her, the time came up as 10:23pm once more. It's just crazy lol but I'm thankful. Thanks rush-collection

  16. my friend received a text from my girl as we were all sitting with our phones on the table. it said lol look 123 ghost . we live next to a terrot card reader lady and she gave use some candles and told us she would pray for us. I wish I hadn't used the candles. can I have some help?

    1. Chill im sure its not a evil thing be a frèeman think outside the box.

  17. Why do I keep seeing 213 and 312?

  18. I see 123 at least once a day if not more. Today for example i seen it 3 times within minutes then once more a few hours later this has been the case for years and i dont fully understand whst it is im beening told. I seee it in so many places not just on my phone like today the time was 12.39 then my trip meter in the car my dte was 123kms then a house i passed was 123 which i just happen to look at while driving all this in less than 5 minutes. Id love to delve into this deeper as this just seems to me more than just chance. If anyone would like to help me id love to talk. PEACE.... Proper Education Always Corrects Errors

  19. I had a friend pass away 2 days ago, Yesterday evening we went to clean up his house and do a sweet grass ceremony for him. Then last night i received a phone call from 123 at 1:23am. They left a voicemail which was just scraping noise.

  20. I too see 123 all of the time. My niece texted me the last time before her death right at that time. I jumped out of a deep sleep to hear the text coming in.

  21. I keep seeing 5.55, 4.444 everywere i know its my angels trying to tell me to keep my faith and concentrate on prayers and infirmations. Its alot easier said than done to keep positive but i will try

  22. rush-collection,

    I don't understand your interpretation.. Are you saying that 123 signifies steps that were made by the individual? OR that the angels are trying to signal to the person that he/she needs to make forward progress.. Thank you!

    1. It would depend entirely upon circumstances and perspective.

  23. Check this out my b-day is 1-12 my dad's is 2-13 and my mom's is 3-14. What's that mean lol

  24. 123 1-12-2-13-3-14 how often does this happen by the way that's me,my dad's,and,my moms birthdays 123. 12,13,14 Jan 12 Feb 13 Mar 14

  25. We can ask our angels to guide us as we see these numbers.. but also do not forget to thank them as well. when i see my numbers i constantly am reminded to be thankful with whats going on at this moment in time and i am exactly where i should be on this "life journey" - Thank you to you rush-collection for spelling it out for us and letting us know what these numbers mean from the angels with such great detail - so often it can go unnoticed.. but it truly helps everyday when i get to see them, i then come here for a bit of guidance and answers to what those numbers meant that day.

    i am newer to numerology but know it will be in my life now forever, it keeps me going everyday - and look forward to when the angels talk to me.

  26. I see combinations of 123 with increasing frequency for the past 8 months or so. I am going through major life transitions and feel that these signs are guiding me or reassuring me along the way. But what should I be doing when I see them? Sometimes I try to manifest, or set intentions. Are there any good mantras to go along with this?
    Love referencing rush-collection's Sacred Scribes. Thank you for any response :)

  27. I've honestly been getting full number sequences to 8. 12345678 or 1234 then 5678 later. I have no idea what this means, it's been happening for a couple months now. But it always finishes before the end of the day.

  28. Ok I constantly see 123 especially the past 3 days more then ever and my following number sequence has been 444 over and over and over 123 and you have any insight into this particular combination of sequences? Thank you.

  29. Ok I constantly see 123 especially the past 3 days more then ever and my following number sequence has been 444 over and over and over 123 and you have any insight into this particular combination of sequences? Thank you.

  30. My birthday is 122 for years it's been coming back to me . Everytime I look it's 12:22 11:22 1:22 2:21 and alot of times on my receipts the change be 1:22 or prices of items depending what it is be $1.22 for vinegar. I was looking on a website and ran across a item that was $122.21. WHAT does this mean?

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth (or time of birth) repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birth date or time is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.

  31. Ive been seeing the number 123 alot from how many followers to views its everywhere im up and coming as an artist i hope its a good sign

  32. My birthday is 1/23/79 and my name means close to God. Any ideas. I know this sounds very very crazy. But for some reason I'm taken back to the coming Elijah. My son was born 3 days after fathers day and when he turn 3 it feel on fathers day. My son is a Gemini born 6/19. Which he is a twin sign. He was born 11 lbs 1 oz. Left handed like me also. People comment that hes my twin. Oh and we name him Elisha with the double portion. Any thoughts?

  33. Why is it that all the # sequences I've been experiencing have the same descriptions? 123, 222, 333, 444, 555. They all say the same general things that your angels are with you and your on the right path, etc. Why would all these different #'s have the same meaning? And how did someone come to the conclusion that seeing such #'s means it's messages from angels? I wish I could really have an angel who actually hugs, protects and talks to me so i wouldn't feel so lost and alone��

  34. Remember to thank god for the deployment of his angels, by his grace we can have his guidance!

  35. Remember to thank god for the deployment of his angles, it's by his grace that we can have his guidance over us

  36. I have been seeing the numbers 333, 3.33 for a while now and when I looked it up, It made me become more open to advice, opportunities or whatever that came my way to accept blessings and move forward on my life journey. I have always had a plan in my mind on what I want to do in my life and as I decided that maybe it's time to go back to school, as I was applying online for a orientation, I glance up and see 123. I am just blown away at how everything works out and thought it was awesome enough to share on the internet lol

  37. What about 321 or 654? Are they seen as steps too? Are they also steps of progression or steps of decline?

  38. I get all the numbers 777 1111 111 333 222 333 555 444 888 999 123 321 1212 1010 even 666 i rcently got shot but im ok ive been seeing these numbers all my life i see the everyday no matter if im in traffic at a resturate in tge bathroom taking a walk, every time i twbd to llok at the clockI see the same numbers, i also play with angel orcale cards which could be the reason I always have angels around but God bless

  39. What are the chances the number sequence flashed as 112233....Does this mean 123 amplified?appreciate any response.

  40. What are the chances the number sequence flashed as 112233....Does this mean 123 amplified?appreciate any response.

  41. Joann I am eternally grateful to you for the translation of numbers. I use your site numerous times every day, u have been seeing number sequences for the past year, anywhere from 1-6 times a day!! So this is a Godsend, it brings me so much clarity, although some days I am like OK already (to my guides and angels), can you just tell me what I need to know already ! Lol! Thank you so much for your work.

  42. I just looked at today's date which is 1/23 or 123, then immediately looked over at my clock and it read 4:44. Is there any association between these groups of numbers? just before this, I was thinking about my boyfriend who just went to work in South Africa until the end of the month and wondering if he will really make it back then.

  43. I Feel very much safe and on the right path when seeing my angel numbers appear this is my first time seeing 123 and it's definitely helped me tonight I am enjoying this wonderful journey of life

  44. What does it mean if I started seeing 123 this after a car accident?

  45. This is the birthdate of a guy I am very attracted towards. We live several states away from each other. I try to pull away from him but our chemistry is incredible. There are a few things about him that are deal breakers for me. Can you give me a suggestion how to meditate or how I can get an answer, if this is someone I need to get away from or pursue this relationship? How do I know if this is a test about being true to me? I want a healthy relationship.

  46. My phone display showed 112233, can anyone she'd any light on what this means please? Thank you x

  47. 123 is your life path *steps* to advance forward. You must grow, learn everything you can in life. The masters are telling you, you are growing whether its marriage, job ect ect. Its when you feel stale and know there's better you must move on. Love

  48. I should assert barely that its astounding! The blog is informational also always fabricate amazing entitys. angel number 1234

  49. Ok, so it all started with 11:11 a few months ago. That turned into all the numbers 111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999, and for digits as well. Then 1001, 1010, 1212,1221, 1122,1133,1144,1155... 1234, 345, 456, 246, 357 etc.... then today I saw "12345678" I just burst out into laughter. I know the angels are with me and helping me manifest! What does the 12345678 mean? That one really got me lol

  50. In couple of days in line appeared all 123 234 345 456 567
    Beyond grateful 🙏🤍✨❤
    Hard work pays off, as we serve our purpose from the heart.. Endless love and blessings to us all 🙌

  51. ive been seeing 123 ever since i started speaking to this guy and his birthday is 1/23 and i still don’t know what it’s trying to tell me lol

  52. Thank you for this gift of guidance. ����

  53. I am really grateful for your kind guidance ������

  54. I say 111 likes and 222 comments on a YouTube video while working outside. It started to thunder and I packed up my stuff and went inside. I thought I should move my stuff because of wind and then tornadoes came to mind. Next thing you know, tornado warnings are in the area and I check the radar just to see 5:55 on the radar and clock. Later on after the warning stopped I was thinking about manifestation and the number 123 popped up 3 times, followed by loud ringing in my left ear


  55. New years Eve this year will be a very interesting one! The date will look like this 12/31/23 or 123123 I find this very interesting because I was born at 1:23 a.m
