Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Number 321 is a combination of the energies of number 3, the vibrations of number 2 and the attributes of number 1. Number 3 brings creativity, self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, skills and talents, ‘faith hope and charity’, friendliness and sociability, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also resonates with the energy of the Ascended Masters. Number 2 lends its vibrations of faith and trust, balance and poise, insightfulness and sensitivity, partnerships and relationships with others, encouragement and happiness and your Divine life purpose. Number 1 promotes new beginnings and starting anew, motivation and taking action, striving forward and progress, self-leadership and initiative, instinct and intuition. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions.  

Angel Number 321 encourages you to step in the direction of your desires with confidence and optimism, with the belief that you will find success and fulfilment. Do not be afraid to take on new challenges and opportunities as they will prove to be of great benefit to you. Your newly planted ideas are like seeds and they are beginning to grow into your reality.
Give any fears, worries and/or concerns to the angels for healing, and trust that your fears will be transmuted and replaced with faith, self-belief and confidence. Know that you are well loved and blessed by the Universal Energies so never doubt yourself or the power of the angels.

Angel Number 321 brings a message from your angels that they are helping with the manifestation of your goals and desires. Keep your thoughts, expectations and outlook positive and optimistic and trust in your creative manifesting abilities. Remember to stay focused on what you DO want, rather than on what you don’t want. It is a reminder from your angels and the Masters that faith, trust and positive expectations produce miracles in your life.

Creativity sparks new ways of doing things, which positively affects both work and play. Simply go within and be open to the Divine magic of the Universe.

Number 321 relates to number 6 (3+2+1=6) and Angel Number 6.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. simply beautiful

    thank you rush-collection

    1. i was on a chatsite , with lots of people with diffrent names, then someone named ''123321'' popped up in a room, , and after a few seconds it's gone. I guess this is a repeating

    2. This sight is blessed or false faith.. cant decide. I contridict myself because when I had my first spiritual awakining i took the time and looked it up. I was with a close friend and he also had witnessed this force that had overcome our immediate atmosphere. As i was reading the message from this sight outloud i thought i had read it all but then a small paragraph appeard in which i read silently to myself. It read " Somethings will be shown to you that you should not tell other people." After this message I was told by an image that my friend had as a screen saver that my decion to have faith and to have trust in god has altered the holy war coming to this planet. At the time i was unsure weather to go dark or light. The picture then became a vision showing me chosing the dark and i had to watch as the fires of hell sweeped across the earth. It was then revealed to me that i was the war itself. If i had chose the devil who had me very close to selling my soul he would have won the earth. Not sure if it was god himself that showed me or an angel but they got my attention very quickly and now im trying to better my relation ship with god and leave my demons in the past. Ive had many experiences with these visions and messages in my everyday life. At my young age i feel my purpose is to teach people. This sight has given me plenty of lost hope but always sets my adderall like mind at ease. I feel as if this sight uses satans trickery wisely. Ive decided that this sight is not meant to give solid answers that people are always looking for rather its to jump start your mind to think above these answers. To take things 100% honestly is false hope rather than answers gained. In other words the bible is the devils greatest weapon, this is because people can read the same thing and interperute it in defferent ways. Thus creating multiple relegions n conflict. This confict then turned to fear and anger. Killing in the name of god. All great examples of how the devil uses god to make illusions and plot trickery.
      Casper the Ghost

    3. Hi my name is Walter which means Ruler of the Army. My B-Day is 10/16/1978=33 So Master Ruler of the Lords Army. Also I'm an INFJ ONE of the rarest personalities.

    4. @anonymous @anastasia Bolden I'm with you both... Information coming at me from all angles in every possible way, every day...

    5. Every day after school i walk in my room and on my alexa there is the time 3:21

  2. I read on some website that decreasing numbers means regressions and if don't step back.. then we will be force backwards in our thoughts.. what is your take on this.. ?

    This is what was written on that wesite..

    "321, 4321 - If you are repeatedly seeing descending number sequences such as 321, this is a sign from your Spirit Guides that your thoughts are regressive. You will see this sign when you are thinking about an area of you life, course of action or subject. Seeing this number sequence immediately after such thoughts is an indication that your life will take a step backwards if you follow the course of action you are considering or continuing with such a train of thought."

    1. Don't think in limitation. Only you create those boundaries for yourself. Get out of your way! Much love to you!

    2. Kanish Jain, I have been seeing the numbers 321 REPEATEDLY!!!! I was enlightened by reading the meaning on this site..., but when I read your reply, it makes PERFECT sense! Especially with the current situation and train of thoughts. Wow!

    3. Thankyou rush-collection
      I have suffered alot of problems in my life mental issues,Stress,until two years ago my dad told me about these numbers/and spiritualality i have a full understanding on where i am, an what i need to do. AN THIS is all thanks to you! LOVE EVERYONE

  3. My name is sara, for the last two nights I have been unable to sleep, two days in a row I've turned to look at the clock and saw it was 3:21am, thanks for the insight. Any feed back on the numbers 11or 7

  4. no God involvement? can't be.

    1. Everything is God. No such thing as God not being involved. :-)

    2. God is you, me, us, collectively and individually. I have just started on my Road of faith, as I'm getting older, I'm being drawn to God more. I have always been agnostic, but the last few months I'm thinking about God a lot. I do not go to church yet, but I have been praying, I have started to believe that God may actually be real. Everything I ask for help, ut seems to be given

  5. This is so inline with EXACTLY what I am thinking right now!

  6. no 321 is related to a gift from stranger.

  7. My birthday is 3-21 & I have a daughter whose birthday is also 3-21. On top of that I see that number sequence all the time & haven't figured out why yet. I really don't understand it but I strongly feel it holds some significance especially with our birthdays being that day. I just don't know what is the reason.

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may acts as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.

    2. THIS IS so accurate an true, a few ago i was going through the worst stages of my life as a young teenage men, my dad enlightened me to this website and the spirituality, i have never looked back an feel alive an awake.. i have never been this appreciated what my guardian angels an i have conquered together ♡♡ to be where i am today, spread the light
      Jarrad Nelson

    3. I also have a birthday on 3/21 and have seen this number on the clock for decades. I know it means something, just waiting to find out and/ or figure out what.

    4. Deniece SebastianTuesday, January 23, 2018

      I too �� my birth date 321 on the clock 5 out of 7 days both a.m. & p.m.. I say it started early 2017 I felt there was a reason for this but my gut told me to pray so I give thanks to God every time it happens and know that in his time the meaning will be revealed to me. The #6 also play's a big part as well 3+2+1=6

  8. Life is air with hands...without air...no love love is the power that keeps us loved love one another and life is a mansion without having a home ......come TOGETHER...to keep from destruction

  9. Life is air with hands...without air...no love love is the power that keeps us loved love one another and life is a mansion without having a home ......come TOGETHER...to keep from destruction

  10. Dont be fooled. Everything is NOT God. Only one God. Mono.

    1. God is definitely one. But that one God is in every thing

    2. Their is more than one god but only one god of the gods, Jesus christ as an example. Also i believe in the ying yang so yes god is not but good things. Therefore satan is not but bad things on this world.

    3. Every piece of infinity is also infinite. God is all gods and He is infinite as are all parts of Him.

  11. Well my birthday is 321 my first love was 312 as I grew older my best friend was 312 an awesome friend helped me when I was in need was 123 then years later I was hired in my job now and I work in room 132 then for a couple of years I lived off of route 132 tell me please why am I being surrounded all through my life by my birthday numbers

  12. I thought there was a part in this angel number that said. " never underestimate the power of your angels..." I dont see it now.

  13. Hi
    I thought there was a part in this angel number 321 that said " never underestimate the power of your angels..." Now I dont see it.

  14. Immensely blessed and grateful !!! Now and always !!!♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  15. I keep doodling the number 321 all the time. Anyone knows what it means ?? I don’t mean to. It just happens. I feel like it and start doodling.

  16. In 2017, everytime 321 showed up I almost died or something terrible happened. Does anyone have any explanation for this?

    1. Wish I had an answer for you, but the same thing happens to me when I see 321. Something bad ALWAYS happens when I see that number. :(

  17. I feel blessed guided and protected Amen spirit x

  18. No it's a bad number

  19. Still thankful for this blog, still using it.

  20. Wow, thank you Angels, just what I needed to hear, Grateful!
