Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Number 322 is a blend of the influences and vibrations of number 3 and number 2, with number 2 appearing twice, amplifying its attributes and relating to the Master (Builder) Number 22. Number 3 brings creativity, self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, skills and talents, ‘faith hope and charity’, friendliness and sociability, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also resonates with the Ascended Masters. Number 2 relates to balance and harmony, duality and diplomacy, devotion, duty and service, adaptability and co-operation. Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 22 is the Master Builder Number and resonates with Archangel Raphael, evolution, idealism and vision. Master Builder Number 22 relates to ancient wisdom, vision, idealism and transformation.

Angel Number 322 is a message from your angels to have self-belief, faith and trust in yourself and the angelic and spiritual realm, and maintain trust in the processes of the Universe. Listen to your intuition and angelic guidance and have full faith in the messages and soul promptings you receive. Know that you are exactly where you are meant to be at this time.

Angel Number 322 indicates that the angels are fully supporting and encouraging you on your life path. Stay positive and do not allow any negative energies or feelings to hinder or obstruct you.  Push through any negative emotions with the knowledge that you are on your Divine life path and all is going to Divine plan. A positive attitude will reap positive results.

Angel Number 322 suggests that you are working in alignment with the energies of the angels, Ascended Masters and Archangels, and they are helping and guiding you through your next life steps and actions. Maintain a diplomatic, harmonious and caring attitude towards others and you will find that all you need will fall into place for you in Divine right time. Use your natural communication skills, creativity and humour to ease your own stress and that of others and learn to feel happiness and joy no matter what is happening around you.

Number 322 relates to number 7 (3+2+2=7) and Angel Number 7.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. For the situation I find myself in at the moment, this could have been written for me in every way. Thank you.

  2. i feel its right on time for me:)

  3. I feel exactly the same. This has been a reoccurring number in my life and in my family.

  4. I wake up every morning at 322

    1. Fabulous! They really want you to know they are there!

    2. Me too. It is also my b-day and it just keeps showing up in everything.

  5. I love you. Thanks for publishing these wonders.

  6. maybe the reason skull an bones have 322 or the bible was formed from 322A.D to 325A.D in the council of NICEA to cloud peoples minds that the heavens are the solar aka star system you live at the moment being all immortal beings of light an sound...

    1. They understand holy principles but play it all backward to push us away from the truth.. Deception would not be deception without truth... When you remove righteousness from justice you end up with deception. (Justice doesn't serve truth. Truth is an aspect of justice.)
      "being truthful doesn't mean your faithful, but being righteous means you are faithful"

    2. I so love this. I was cleaning up in the kitchen reflecting on making sure I was tuning into angelic guidance, and exactly then I looked at the clock - 3:22. I love this!!!

  7. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11044a.htm

    Also = Sumeria = cradel of civs = where the watchers landed an garden of EDEN = Babylon an the hanging gardens = IRAQ = many crusades...not for oil or revenge BUT artifacts for 100s 1000s of years of crusades...I can also tell you what energy godhead consciousness real starwars galactic consciousness an know thyself or chist consciousness...but for now this is where EDEN is...also your peace symbols are symbols of death ss nazi's had stamped on there graves an is really the tree of life turned upside down...


    1. What is done on earth as it is in heaven
      Leonardo de vinci

    2. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
      On earth as it is in heaven
      The Lord's prayer
      Bible kjv

  8. you want a simple cure for cancer NP 6 protons 6 neutrons 6 electrons make the carbon atom what makes up all life here yes 666 the true number of life...from us to cretures to planets to stars to galaxies to the holographic universe of light an sound as the atom is 99.999999 % empty space...SO use TESLA LIGHTS & SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES...as we are all beings of light an sound even in our light bodies...also monoatomic gold is food for your soul/energy/light body an will open your EYE to see...


    1. Open your eyes...you have more than one. In the land of the blind, the one EYED man is king. The king of the blind, or the king of this world. Lucifer. The lowest angel in the spiritual realm, the bridge between the material and the spirit realm. Not of pure evil but of rebellion. Destined to always be the lowest on the infinite stairway.

  9. I prayed for guidance about my path and where I am supposed to be right now. I asked for a sign that my prayers were heard. The same night I began receiving the number 322 in various ways. I received an e-mail re; a corporate generated password change that included the number 322. The next day I googled an address for something I needed. The street number: 322. Yesterday we had an unannounced fire drill at work at exactly 3:22. Reading this, I think I received my sign. Listening!

  10. I prayed for guidance about my path and where I am supposed to be right now. I asked for a sign that my prayers were heard. The same night I began receiving the number 322 in various ways. I received an e-mail re; a corporate generated password change that included the number 322. The next day I googled an address for something I needed. The street number: 322. Yesterday we had an unannounced fire drill at work at exactly 3:22. Reading this, I think I received my sign. Listening!

  11. I woke up at 3:22 last night, this was definitely at the right time.

  12. Wow this is PERFECT for what has been on my mind lately ��

  13. Forever grateful!!! Stay blessed people !!! Love,light and peace to all !!!
    Thank you Angels and thank you rush-collection!!! ♡♡♡

  14. Works for me! Your information is endless. Much appreciation for your contribution to raising consciousness on the Planet.

  15. Thank you your guidance has helped me greatly in the many months that I have been readding your teachings.
    I hope life finds you well.
    Thank you for everything.

  16. Thank you.
    I hope life find you well.

  17. biggest load of tools and fools here... laughable :D

    1. And here you are as well ,amongst all tools & fools !!!
      Welcome to this "Laughable" place of Love and Light !!!
      *You've landed here for a reason!!!

      Love ,peace and Light to you !!!

  18. rush-collection, I've read so many of your angel number articles. They are so helpful and I'm truly grateful for you and your wisdom. Thank you so much for sharing! ����

  19. Helped me find my creative stance aligning dates times and numbers allover this page. You have a heart of gold that vibrates the frequencies till the heavens furthermore

  20. I am listening angels, I trust you and I am excited to see what you have in store for me. thank you for your guidance

  21. God never makes a mistake - his timing is incredible! This was given to me by a complete stranger in a conference after I shared my testimony of waking up on 3-22-18 at 3:22 am with a God Assignment and new book content!

  22. Man! This was beautiful! I am so grateful for all messages I receive. thank you for your help. God blessπŸ’ž

  23. I keep seeing this number everyday from few days, This number had a meaning before in my life and I used it in my passwords and all but suddenly the number 322 keeps appearing at least once daily in various different situations, like its ridiculous

  24. I believe I seen this angel number before , I did I've just never looked it up before ,so inspiring and uplifting.. what I needed to resonate with my soul..its a battlefield, but the battle is not mine,it's the Lord...

  25. I see 322 all the time. I have felt a strong connection with the number for a long time. With everything going on in my life I knew when I noticed out of the blue at 4:30 that my weather app hadn't updated since 322, that it was a sign. I felt it in my soul.

  26. Absolutely PERFECT.. Each message so far has given me the EXACT knowledge i needed for my exact question on mt path which verifies my humanitarian project planned!!! So calm now and READY TO GO. THANK YOU. Blessings and Love!

  27. Thank you!!! 😜πŸ₯°πŸ’—πŸ˜‡πŸ™

  28. I needed this today!!! Love and light to all of us πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°πŸ€—πŸŽπŸŒ€πŸŒˆπŸ˜œπŸŒ»πŸŽΆπŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸ₯°πŸ’–

  29. The fact that I came here to this article was meant to be, as it was written on my 23rd birthday. Now here at 33, I have accepted my engagement and covenant with Christ. Then, after having a vision of me standing at the gates of Heaven, about to enter, looking down at the depths of hell that I had ascended from, as a testament to all that the Lord can and has overcome, I look back at the gates, feeling the anticipation of everyone waiting for the ceremony to begin. Everyone is gathering themselves together, preparing themselves to be most presentable before the Lord, in joy, excited anticipation, gratitude, and love for the glory of our Lord. Then the gates open and the ceremony of Holy matrimony begins. The Lord receives His bride and we a great celebration of the glory of the love of our Lord reunited with all His children. One giant family of love all giving thanks to the glory of God and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Amen. And after this vision, I sit down to look at the the time, and it is 3:22. And I searched the number online once again, and this is the first site I see. To all you beautiful souls out there. Keep the faith of love inside you, for the true love inside you, is where you shall find the Christ in you.

  30. 332 is my birthday I’ve been seeing it for months now <3
