Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Number 323 is a combination of the vibrations of number 3 and the attributes of number 2, with number 3 appearing twice, doubling its attributes and influences. Number 3 brings its influences of optimism and joy, inspiration and creativity, self-expression and communication, imagination and intelligence, energy, growth and expansion, spontaneity, encouragement and assistance, manifesting and manifestation, talent and skills. Number 3 is also the number of the Ascended Masters. Number 2 resonates with faith and trust, diplomacy and co-operation, duality and finding balance, relationships and partnerships, intuition and insight, service and duty, and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission

Angel Number 323 brings a powerful message from the angels to maintain faith in the processes of the Universe, and trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be at this time. Reality is continuously changing, shifting and evolving into new experiences. The easier you can fully accept change, the quicker your soul can find balance and peace in the present moment. An optimistic attitude and positive emotions attract outcomes that reinforce those very feelings, in turn, manifesting them into your life in synchronistic ways. Maintain a clear, strong connection with your angels and the Ascended Masters, and have faith and trust that your prayers will be answered. 

Angel Number 323 indicates that you are working in alignment with the energies of the angels and Ascended Masters. Have faith and trust that your present course is the right one for you and is in-line with your soul mission and life purpose. Stay strong in your convictions and listen to your intuition and inner-wisdom.

Number 323 relates to number 8 (3+2+3=8) and Angel Number 8.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. I had a dream where I was given a paper that contains a dispatch to a doctor(in my country we receive dispatches from a family doctor, and we give that dispatch to a specialist doctor if it's the case and we will be consulted there)... the doctor was very kind, smiling and constantly asking if I like the ward where I will be consulted. It was a young lady. She gave me that dispatch containing 3.2.3 in the place of date of consult. And this answers my question since I started spiritual work since 3 months ago.

  2. I had a dream that I was participating in an improv skit. I had just finished doing my skit. Another lady was doing her skit when the host said that it was time to stop and that we would continue next week. I looked at the clock on the wall and it said 3:23. Everyone was leaving so I went outside to wait for my ride. My ride didn't show up. I heard someone call my name and I woke up. When I woke up from my dream, I looked at the clock on my phone and it said 3:23. I couldn't go back to sleep. So I decided to check my Facebook page. I scrolled through my messages and I came across an inbox conversation that I had with one of my friends. I noticed the date of when we last talked and it was 3/23!!

    1. i used to do improv and i was reading this and that just made me smile so hard

  3. I am 23 and my fiance is 22. We have been working for a few years to become self employed and it has been a very difficult road for us.
    Tonight, we were on our way home and had to stop and buy some small groceries (cereal, pb&j, etc)
    Suddenly, someone about our age approached us at the self check-out and offered to pay for our groceries. We didn't know how to take it but he really wanted to do this. He said that he had extra cash and that he didn't need it and wanted to buy our groceries.
    He asked if we were ready, slid his card and paid for our food. We shook his hand and he walked away and we told him that we hoped he had a really great day. We were stunned because you never see kindness like this today. We didn't even ask his name, we couldn't think of anything to do in return for him.

    Our receipt was for $32.23
    The information above relates to many things I have been working on lately and I hope for the best.
    I wish there was a way that we could thank him again.

    1. This is awesome guy's, God and all his helpers are watching and helping up evolve!

    2. By accepting his offer, you already thanked him.

    3. I have done this as well, paying for the someone who was ahead of me or behind me in line. You can thank him by Paying it Forward, when you are able to. Someone once did this for me, too, years ago. Taught me a valuable lesson. She said to me, "Please don't block my flow of giving and receiving." Most profound thing I've heard. 😊 Good luck to all those who read this message!

  4. Love all of this.....this is so much fun ....hard at times but amazingly beautiful...love God and Jesus

  5. My brother kept dreaming this number he is now dead he died at 22 almost 23 but he lived an amazing life and touched so many people he was much like a god sent angel rest in heaven Willie I love you ! Now I know why you kept waking up at 323 am ����

  6. Wonderful thankyou <3

  7. today I happened to look up at the time in the train station and it was 3:23 23 seconds. 32323

  8. I was notice after the blood moon, for few times I'm wakening at 3:23 morning

  9. I was seeing the number 33 at least 6 times a day for two weeks now. Now it's both 33 as well as 32 at least between the two 7 times a day.

  10. I have been seeing the number 33 every day for two weeks at least 5 times a day. Now is 32 that I see as much as 33 every day between the two 7 times at least.

  11. Close to a hundred as far as 33 and 32 started two days ago as much as the 33 now I see the 33 less but 32 is every where now

  12. As well as 322 happened at least 6 times this week

  13. Who sees those numbers that much besides myself. I look at so many sites and no one even comes close to how many times I have seen 33 in the last 2 weeks

  14. And the truth is whoever Rush Collection is you listen. I cat say much but you just listen and know she speaks truth absolute.

  15. Does anyone see as much as me

    1. Im struggling. 23 keeps me stable in knowing that everything will be alright.

    2. Yes. I keep waking up at 323am. All is good

    3. I just saw 323 on a license plate. Always look up numbers that catch my attention!

  16. I noticed this angel number defintions have changed.

  17. Im struggling. 23 keeps me stable in knowing that everything will be alright.

  18. 23 means keep your head up. All will be okay

  19. Im struggling. 23 keeps me stable in knowing that everything will be alright.

  20. How strange is this, something fell off my printer onto my laptop keyboard which was on google search but not being used. It then did a search for angel number 323 all on it's own and I had never heard of angel numbers before!

  21. I live at 323 as my home address for over 22 years, I bought land in another state to find the land/lot was 323 acres, I see 3:23pm on the clock, wake to this time...regularly. I see it on license plates, credit card statements, part of a sequence in account numbers or bill, my amount for gas purchased at ExxonMobil $32.32, at Alamo rental car place for the price of gas per gallon if you dont bring the rental filled with gas, on billboards, signs, on the microwave timer... you name it. This has been going on for years. I know someone is trying to tell me something but I don't know who or what. Thoughts??

    1. Trust that you are on the right path in every way in life. By placing your full and complete faith in guidance of the Ascended Masters & Angels, you will find your hearts' true calling... remaining in perfect harmony with the Divine. Side Note: It is so that the number 323 is my birthday and I often see this as a reminder of my purpose here on the Earth plane. Much Love To You, Namaste!

  22. Two years ago, my dad passed away from cancer. He used the number 323 on everything, and it was known as 'his' number. Since he's passed I see the number everywhere. When I check the time, maybe a song that i like is 3 minutes and 23 seconds long, if i check how far along i am in a youtube video, or maybe i flip to page 323 in a book. everywhere. I'm actually posting this on march 23rd (3/23) haha. I like to think it's little reminders from him that he's thinking about me and i smile whenever i see the number. sometimes it's almost like a little tug that says "look over here!" and when i look, i see the number 323.

  23. My alarm clock went off just now... at 3:23am... it's set for 2:10pm...

  24. Since I was 14 till today, every time I look at the clock it is 3:23.. now when I see the time it is confirmation. I never thought it was anything more than a weird occurrence. This makes sense.

  25. Amen!!! Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!! Love,peace and Light to All!!! ♡♡♡

  26. Hey everyone, at first seeing this number i thought how cool that is my birthday.. march 23, and then it kept appearing repeatedly. I know i have my moments where out of frustration i question everything in my life. But this message gives me peace bevause i am working towards something i really want. And they are reminding me to stay calm and focus

    1. My birthday is March 23 as well! And I see 323 and 23 everywhere!

  27. Your numbers synchronize every aspect of my numeral definition s aligning my soul to the direct frequencies of the ascended masters and archangels to the core blessed be. Thank you

  28. My birthday is 3/23 and so is my deceased dad's. All of my life the number 323 has popped up regularly. I have always felt like it was a way of him telling me he was with me. Lately, I have been going through some changes in my life and I continue to see 323 numerous times a day. I have wondered why such frequency but now I think I understand.

  29. This is crazy! My dad passed away 2 years ago and we shared the same birthday 3/23. I see 323 so often it’s crazy. Actually the reason I googled the numbers is because I looked at the clock and it was 3:23 and today is our birthday. I feel like it’s definitely something. Happy birthday! I know how hard today is for you!

  30. Most nights I wake up in the middle of the night, look at the clock, and it reads 3:23. Last night it happened and I decided to see what it means. Happy to find this info

  31. Hi rush-collection I need your help on something


  33. Its your call your return. Only you can

  34. Thank you!!! 🙏😇💗🥰😜

  35. I was meditating and before i went to meditation
    I asked my self if the way i been going about were the right choice because i felt that i was not doing the right thing by meditating and not prayingI just had my awakening and opening of my third eye a couple of months ago) and when i finished my meditation it was 3:23

  36. This number initially held significance to me because it was my college dorm room number -- a time in my life when everything started to change, beginning with the two roommates I shared the room with. We had a special & spiritual bond. As time has gone on I have somewhat made a pact with the universe and the angels that 323 is our special number- and they seem to use it accordingly. I will go weeks without seeing it, and then suddenly in one afternoon, will see it 3-5 times. It's no coincidence. I still don't entirely know the meaning, but I get a warm feeling when it happens, because I know they are with me, and I know they're up to something special.

  37. Thank you… Amen 🙏

  38. Thank you Angels its getting clearer to me how it works, even though my circumstances are not ideal or what i want, having an optimistic attitude and postive emotions balances my soul which then attracts the outcomes/manifestions I want or resonate with because the reality is continually shifting and changing.

  39. Thank you rush-collection, I love you!!! 🙏🥰❤️

  40. Seeing the angel number 323 could be a sign to embrace balance and harmony in our creative endeavors and communication. It reminds us to nurture positive relationships while staying true to ourselves. Let's trust in the guidance from above and remain open to the messages the universe sends our way. 🙏
