Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Number 400 is a blend of the attributes and energies of number 4 and number 0, with number 0 appearing twice, amplifying the vibrations of both number 4 and number 0. Number 4 encourages diligence and determination to achieve goals, practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, patience, honesty, integrity and inner-wisdom. Number 4 also relates to our passion and drive and the energies of the Archangels. Number 0 carries the influences of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies, and relates to developing one’s spiritual aspects and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. 

Angel Number 400 is a powerful message that the angels are sending you ideas, thoughts and promptings which are directing the next steps along your Divine life path and soul mission. The hard work, patience, determined will and effort you have put towards living your personal truths and attaining your goals are being applauded by the spiritual realm. You are encouraged to keep up the great work you have been doing as it is alignment with your Divine life purpose. Take time out to still the mind and meditate in order to receive clear Divine and angelic guidance.

Angel Number 400 is a message from the angels to keep up the great work you have been doing. The hard work you have been toiling at has brought you to where you are today;  serving your soul mission with passion, confidence and enthusiasm. You are surrounded and loved by the spiritual realm and Universal Energies and they are sending you positive energies and helping you along your path. Know that you are well blessed.

Angel Number 400 indicates that you are protected, safe and well-loved. Your angels ask that you take a moment to reflect upon this unconditional love, and take it within so that you are able to reflect it outwards. You have been diligently building solid foundations and the work and effort you have put towards achieving your goals and aspirations will see you reaping your desired results. You have it within you to overcome any obstacles you may encounter along your path.

Number 400 relates to number 4 (4+0+0=4) and Angel Number 4.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. reading this made me cry. i had a dream with gas being 4.00 so i looked this up and it was exactly what i needed to read. thanks for putting this out there and making the lives of others wonderful!

    1. Hadasiah's girl💜Wednesday, January 25, 2017

      Im crying now ����✨�� I give gratitude 2 all the forces of the universe. Aseeoooo

    2. Hadasiah's girl💜Wednesday, January 25, 2017

      Im crying now ������ gratitude to all forces in the universe ������

    3. Thank you. This was exactly what I needed to hear.

    4. I'm greatful

  2. This has filled me with an incredible feeling. Indescribable...but understandable. Thank you!

  3. Thank you rush-collection and God bless you now and always.

  4. That was beautiful and timely. It made me cry too. Thank you for this! :)

  5. it didn't make me cry but it definitely helped me interpt my dream

  6. Thank you rush-collection. May you and your descendants be blessed in this life and those to come

  7. I keep waking up at 4:00 am seems I cant go back to sleep till 7:00

  8. I had been going through some hardships which I have had to take a leadership position in handling. For the last 6 months the angel hierarchy has been contacting me through meditation and the time on my phone. This time, my phone went off with Pandora music playing a band I promoted in Hawaii ra, with the ad that Obama will pay off the rest of our mortgage, at exactly 4 o'clock. Everything makes sense now and I knew it to be very divine. Talk about getting someone's attention.

  9. I just got up from a dream where I got a sim card and the last three digits were 400 and I was excited to call my wife with it because I always like cell numbers that are easy to remember. I got really excited when I read this post because I have a huge picture of St. Michael by my bed and a decal of him on my truck. I am feeling truly blessed right now. Praise God! HE is great!!

  10. My mother passed in May 2015 and came to me a few weeks ago in a dream. She was with others who waited outside and carried a paper to me with the number 400 on it. She had her finger on that number but there were other numbers all over the page that I could not focus in on because she was showing me 400. Really cool.

    1. You are truly fortunate to receive that message. Keep paying attention to the small things she is with you everyday. Talk out loud to her. 😍

  11. My boyfriend died a couple of nights ago, from a heart attack. He was 39 years old. He died Monday night 2/1/16 at 1130, i woke up and found out at 4:00 am, now every night i wake up at 4:00.. what's the significance there? Is he with me at that time?

    1. My husband comes to me every night between 3 and 3:30 ever since his passing 8 years ago he comes with angels as I can feel a high vibration in my heart and it's a feeling of peace and love and tears of joy

    2. My husband comes to me every night between 3 and 3:30 ever since his passing 8 years ago he comes with angels as I can feel a high vibration in my heart and it's a feeling of peace and love and tears of joy

  12. My boyfriend died a couple of nights ago, from a heart attack. He was 39 years old. He died Monday night 2/1/16 at 1130, i woke up and found out at 4:00 am, now every night i wake up at 4:00.. what's the significance there? Is he with me at that time?

    1. My husband died 8 years ago and since then at 3 to 3:30 every trust in yourself and your beliefs and what is coming to you I believe it to be your loved one

  13. I was writing something here and something happened with my PC I deleted everything before posting, maybe it was too long, but the message I was trying to share was, that I have been using this site for about 2 years or more and it helps me. I use it every day several times, and believe me it works. I can't accept the fact that I am a lightworker because I have not been a good person in the past, I think I don't deserve it, but the experiences in life proof me wrong. I am as human as everyone, as sinner as everyone, no more than anyone neither less and as more I learn, the more ignorant I become.
    The thing is these "beings" as I call them are true, I ask and I receive an answer the same day even within minutes.
    I googoled a site like this for months and one day this site appeared for me. This is my reference book.

    rush-collection, I know you are a lightworker, because as one, I recognize others. Thank you for channeling this information, I want to thank you for this work because wit this tool you have helped me a lot, and I have helped others with what I have learned here. You have put love out in the world and it has been multiplied. I'm not religious I am more inclined to quantum mechanics and time dynamics, but with the writings of Carl Jung about synchronicity I can understand many things. I respect every religion and every conception of God because that is a personal relationship between a person and God.
    Thank you so much, from my heart, for creating this site, believe me, when I tell you this info have helped me grow.

  14. Look up number 47 brotha, it will change everything. Follow the 47 If You really want to progress.

  15. I've Been Goin Through so much in my life , and it will be times where a specific event will happen and I'll just coincidently look At the time and it will always be the exact time or something 30 , and now I've been seeing time in triple digits , I've been experiencing this for a couple of weeks now I couldn't understand what I meant it was scaring me ..so I wrote the numbers in my notes and eventually it lead me here , so thanks much appreciation

  16. I've Been Goin Through so much in my life , and it will be times where a specific event will accrue and I'll just coincidently look At the time and it will always be the exact time or something 30 , and now I've been seeing time in triple digits , I've been experiencing this for a couple of weeks now I couldn't understand what I meant it was scaring me ...I wrote the numbers down I was so concerned and now I'm here

  17. I have woken up at EXACTLY 4:00 am for the past week.. This message speaks to me perfectly right now (and yes, I cried) . For months I've been taking better care of my mind, body, and spirit. Seeking answers through meditation and readings that speak to my higher self, wondering if I'm on the right path. The message of these numbers definitely encourages me! Thanks rush-collection!! :)

  18. I have woken up at EXACTLY 4:00 am for the past week.. This message speaks to me perfectly right now (and yes, I cried) . For months I've been taking better care of my mind, body, and spirit. Seeking answers through meditation and readings that speak to my higher self, wondering if I'm on the right path. The message of these numbers definitely encourages me! Thanks rush-collection!! :)

  19. I've automatically woken up every day this week at EXACTLY 4:00 am, and this message speaks to exactly where I'm at right now. So comforting and encouraging. Thanks rush-collection!

  20. I have really been feeling the universe and Good Vibes on my side all week. I've been through hell & back the past 3 months and I really learned a lot about myself through all the bad. I matured tremendously spiritually. And learned that I am strong and can live on my own. The fact that i was sent this is the confirmation that I needed to keep going forward. I can't stop crying tears of happiness. Thank you so much for helping the universe reassure me that the universe is always listening.
    ~Law of Attraction Abider

  21. I have been really sad for the past few months and i keep waking up at 4:00 and I am not sure how my body just knows but it does. Even when I take a nap I amazingly wake up at this time and I end up being unable to get back to sleep for like an hour

  22. I saw the number 400 on my window and then disappear withing seconds.

  23. Hi rush-collection the verdict is in you are truly amazing you really help so many people i have been trying to do that since i was little my mother helped people all her life while she was on this planet she watches over me she was my best friend it is a blessing to know you this way thank you kindly so very much..much love :)

  24. I am glad to have have read this... but what kind of obstacles are we talking about here?

  25. I have been actively going through a Spiritual awakening...reading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. Absolutely life changing. In the midst of personal heartbreak, family turmoil and professional waywardness of course. I started a daily routine...the happiness advantage...that includes keeping a gratitude journal. Last night I fell asleep without writing in my journal. I randomly woke up...found a text from a friend struggling, message from my family (we are not talking right now) and my niece who is equally experiencing a spiritual awakening. I quickly encouraged my friend in distress to meditate for rest, passed along a few tools to support her growth and self-compassion, per her request. Both were still up. Then at 4:00 I received an electronic reminder on my computer to complete my gratitude journal...which of course I did. I delighted to read that this is the Universe validating and encouraging me to keep up the good work. I love it!!! Thank you

  26. A vessel above through a shaft of light was tethered to my room at night and from there 400 times I was questioned of being and purpose by 400 entities whose posture was sized larger than life by garbs faux framed enourmous with masks feinting for fear or supplication. Struggling with the deepest desire, like thirst, to join their ranks and be taken I was instead left after some length. Since, I have tried to unwind my mind in meditation and as each stream of old consciousness extracts itself it escapes in hopeful permanence through a hatch behind which snaps a stained glass cranial portal so that when I am done each of the 400 will have a way to examine and illuminate my inner space with beauty and love so that way I may better radiate outwardly through my senses a passion. I have been left with a singular obsession over this number of visitors that night. I feel them like a crown of 400 thorns waiting to make their impression. Thank you for this enterpretation of 400.

  27. I got married yesterday and even though we got married at 3:45pm. The judge recorded the marriage at 4:00p.m.... Not once, but twice on two documents.

    Thank you Angels

  28. Hello, I was hoping for some insight into a startling moment I had this morning when I woke up with the words “40,000 minutes” in my head. As I laid in bed, I started to think it was an oddly specific number so I asked Siri how many hours were in 40,000 minutes and the answer was 666.66667 hours. I felt really scared and put off by this so I’m looking for significant numerology importance. Any insight would help ease my mind a little. Thank you 🙏

  29. OMG,lately I have been feeling down ,unlovable and unfavorable too. This Amazing text this gave confirmation . Thank you Guardian Angels for your unconditional love....deeply appreciated

  30. A thought came to me about throwing away cloths that were black or grey or dark in color and at that moment a small electric clock which on its own volition decided to show what time it is. I have a lot of spiritual experiences showing my growth and your explanation about 400 also brought tears of joy. Thank you. P.S. I work to have positive feelings, thinking and action during my moments of awareness. My world has become so different from the world I have traveled through.

  31. The takeaway for me is to know that you are unconditional Loved, take that in and allow it to flow through. Much gratitude All!
