Monday, August 22, 2011


Number 380 is a compilation of the attributes and energies of number 3, the vibrations of number 8 and the influences of number 0. Number 3 carries the vibrations of the Ascended Masters and resonates with courage, skills and talents, open-mindedness, attainment, self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, growth and expansion. Number 8 brings the vibrations of manifesting material freedom and abundance, business acumen, inner-strength, self-confidence and self-belief, dependability and discipline, a desire for peace and a love of humanity and world transformation.  Number 8 also resonates with the concept of karma, giving and receiving, and the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma (Cause and Effect)Number 0 represents the beginning of a spiritual journey and stands for potential and/or choice, developing spiritual aspects, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 powerfully amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with. 

Angel Number 380 is a message from the angels that you have successfully manifested a steady stream of prosperity and abundance into your life. You have learned how to consciously manifest your desires through visualizing, praying and using positive affirmations. Put your personal attributes and talents to good use and be open to receiving your well-earned rewards and blessings.  Remember that what you put out to the Universe comes back to you, so ensure that you use your personal power and talents in a positive manner. You will be devoting more of your time and energy towards your goals, aspirations and passions, so stay focused and balanced and continue to manifest your ‘good’.

Angel Number 380 encourages you to continue on your current path with enthusiasm and confidence, knowing that you are successfully manifesting all that you will ever need along your path. You have all the skills and talents needed to find success in whatever you put your heart and mind towards. Trust that you are safe and protected along your journey.

Number 380 relates to the karmic number 11 (3+8+0=11) and Angel Number 11.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Wow!!! My husband cell phone number was 380-6380
    Our God call him home to Heaven March 2015. I am beginning to notice numbers more mow than ever before
    this is very interesting information.

    1. In my KJV Bible there are 380 words in Isaiah 61. In Strongs 380 means ishon, the pupil of the eye. Proverbs 7:2, Psalm 17:8, Deuteronomy 32.10
