Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Number 401 is a blend of the vibrations and attributes of number 4, the influences of number 0 and the energies of number 1. Number 4 relates to hard work and effort, building solid foundations, stability and practicality, honesty and integrity, system and order, patience, dependability, our passion and drive, and working determinedly towards achieving our goals and aspirations. Number 4 also relates to the ArchangelsNumber 0 relates to developing one’s spiritual aspects and carries the vibration of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point, and its energies emphasize the attributes of the numbers it appears with. Number 1 carries the energy of striving forward and pursuing goals, ambition and tenacity, self-leadership and assertiveness, instinct and intuition, initiative, changes, new beginnings and starting afresh. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities by our thoughts, beliefs and actions.  

Angel Number 401 is a message from the angels that your thoughts and feelings are being elevated to a more positive state. Give any fears or concerns of any kind to the angels for healing and transmutation, and have faith and trust that you are being supported, encouraged and guided by the angels along your path. You are safe and protected  -  always.

Angel Number 401 is a reminder to maintain a positive attitude, mind-set and optimistic outlook to attract positive energies and auspicious circumstances into your life. Practice positive affirmations and prayers to maintain a strong connection to the angelic and spiritual realms. Be mindful of the Law of Attraction as the energy you send out comes back to you.

Angel Number 401 brings a message to be careful what you wish for as you just might get it. Stay positive, optimistic and practical to ensure that you manifest what you want, rather than what you don’t. Building strong foundations from well-laid plans ensures future stability, progress and success. Put your efforts and focus towards your long-term goals and aspirations and work with purpose, passion and drive. Courageously step forward in the direction of your true life purpose and trust that the things you require will manifest when needed in your life.

Angel Number 401 can also tell of new opportunities (or obstacles) may come along to shift your perspective, to change your direction for the better, or to strengthen your resolve. 

We create our reality through our conscious decisions, intentions and actions. Through positive thought and gratitude you experience an increase in positive experiences occurring in your life.

Number 401 relates to number 5 (4+0+1=5) and Angel Number 5.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Wow I've recently got curious about numbers and their meanings. My office number is 401 so I wanted to see what it meant but I feel blessed! :)

  2. Second day in a row i get room #401 while travelling. Now i know i am right on my quest for light. Thabk you!

  3. I have been appreciating the angel numbers for years. Thank you rush-collection much love and light to you.

  4. Thank you rush-collection. Love and light. Thank you so much.

  5. Ive been seeing the numbers 1 0 4 in different arrangments like 1104, 410, 1044 ect.. for the past two months, it was around the time my mother was diagnosed with cancer, its hard to be positive at times but i guess these numbers are there to remind me to try.. thanks alot

  6. Yo Joe, Thank You For Staying Consistent, ive given up on these numbers and came back time and time again, so i got a small story for y'all.

    I was searching through obituaries a few Nights Ago.
    Ive lost all my family, and Friends, And Quite A Few Have Passed.
    Im Homeless Right Now, Sleeping On A Friends Couch.
    i Consider His Family My Family.

    I Was Searching Through Obituaries The Other Night Searching For A Passed Loved One, Who had Given Me A St Michael protect Us Pendant back in like 2010-2011,
    when i went to go find her name , i started to think about St Michael and googled who he was... and it was Archangel Michael.
    The Lights Flickered twice. i took out my headphones because thats what my friends family does when there trying to get my attention.
    i called out hello to answer them, because it was 2-3 in the morning.
    there was no Answer. Nobody Was There.
    Spooked as fuck, I Said i aint fucking with no ghosts, im staying respectful in my Head" , Out of respect for the other side.
    so i started praying and as soon as i said dear God, The House Fan Came On.
    i Stopped, then Immediately continued Praying Again.
    once i was done, i started looking into st michael again and i prayed that god send him to me for protection just the same as he did in 2010-2011. she gave me the pendant then she passed, and as it turns he escorts souls to heaven through Death. as soon as i said this to god, the fan stopped and the light flickered a second time.
    i immediately started searching for St Michael pendants Again, then prayed said out loud, God, Do You Want Me To Go To Bed and try again tomorrow? the Wifi Shut off and wouldn't let me connect For The Rest Of The Night.

    I Connected immediately the next morning.
    i got a series of numbers immediately right after, beginning with 333 and 888. He's Real, Thats All Im Saying. Believe if you want, you can go watch the poler express or peter pan, you won't hear santa's bell until you believe, it won't be on your frequency.
    and you sure ass hell / Heaven Wont Be Flying With peter Pan And Staying Infinitely Young Unless You Start believing In That Fairy Ass Magic. - No Joke its no foofooshenaynay, rush-collection , Thank you, P.s Australia is lit AF, i had a travel visa to go there cause my mom used to live there, hopefully one day ill Gat There, i Found the travel visa and company a few weeks ago, since ive been going through all my notes and found full libraries of your numbers. even the library itself. Thank You Above All For Staying Consistent. Stay Emerald/ Indigo/ Golden Pony Boy. Imma Keep Grinding - Blessed - Anonymous (AO) - LBS

  7. I thank God for You. Love&Light.

  8. My birth month is 4 and my day is 01 so 401 follows me forever, and I love it!!
