Thursday, August 18, 2011


Number 345 is a blend of the attributes of number 3, the vibrations of number 4 and the energies of number 5. Number 3 relates to optimism and enthusiasm, creativity, self-expression and communication, growth and expansion, manifesting and manifestation. Number 3 is also the number of the Ascended Masters. Number 4 resonates with practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, patience and inner-wisdom, and diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to the energies of the Archangels. Number 5 indicates major life changes, making important choices and decisions, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, personal freedom, uniqueness and individuality, life lessons learned through experience and resourcefulness.  

Angel Number 345 brings a message that the changes you are currently going through (or contemplating) are necessary and are for your highest good. Trust that these changes are in alignment with your soul mission and will help you to achieve all of your goals and aspirations.
Angel Number 345 indicates that the angels are protecting and guiding you through important life choices and changes that will assist you on your soul path. Give any fears or concerns to the angels for healing and transmutation and have confidence in your choices and actions. Maintain a positive attitude and outlook in regards to your life as when you hold positive thoughts it attracts positive energies and auspicious opportunities into your life. Trust the Universe to bring you opportunities and solutions that match your passions, talents and interests.

Angel Number 345 can also be seen as ‘steps’ along your spiritual/life path.

Number 345 relates to number 3 (3+4+5=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you! (22/6)x5
    I am soooooo weary.... Help

  2. Thank you....this is accurate regarding my life right now!

  3. I just go this today! It happened at a VERY synchronictic moment, that there is 100% no doubt about everything that has been happening up to this point. All I can say is. IT IS REALLY HAPPENING!!!



  6. I dreamt this last night. Thank you

  7. I dreamt this last night. Thank you

  8. I dreamt this last night. Thank you

  9. I had a high pitch in my ear and change of pressure I looked at the clock and it read 345, happened yesterday at 1212. I'm starting a new path as a life coach and this explanation fits! Thanks!

  10. Thankyou for the insights. So appreciated. Across to this information has changed my energy my everything. Thankyou so much man

  11. Thankyou for the insights. So appreciated. Across to this information has changed my energy my everything. Thankyou so much man

  12. When I asked God if my Son would be returned home. He boldly printed yes in the clouds. I asked when, today? He clearly wrote 345. We keep talking since. And to those questions I have got the same answer repeatedly. I have been searching for what it means ever since, but didn't think to look online. What you said is so true. It gives me reassurance I need. Even people that know God get their soul ripped out of them. I needed extra revival. And will still be looking for the day my 345 comes true. And will look to this to keep strong until then. Thank you!

    1. God wrote you will have tribulations in THIS world but have no fear i have overcome the world!So even people in God go through things it's called LIFE!How do we expect to believe in God or faith if it is not tested how would you know if HE is true?By believing in what he says in Luke 12:25 which one of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span life? finally hosea 4:6 says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge!!!Go back to your bible and trust God get some scriptures that fits your situation and stay on it remember the devil prowls they earth seeking to destroy.Resist pray believe YOU will be tested i promise but remeber greater his he that is in you then he that is in the world.Maybe your son needs YOU to stand strong for him so roll up your sleeves and FIGHT you got this

  13. Thank you ..... You give me so much hope .... Xxx

  14. Thankyou keep getting 3.45 in my dreams and see the sequence all the time

  15. Thankyou keep getting 3.45 in my dreams and see the sequence all the time

  16. Thank you Angel's ❤️😘🌹

  17. Thank you Angels for all of your assistance and encouragement, and BLESSINGS, your so very greatly appreciated!

  18. Thank you angels to connect all the sign numbers
    in reality peace of mind and soul

  19. Thank you God, Angels, spirit guides and ancestors for your continuous guidance and unconditional love!!!!

  20. Thank you God, Angels, spirit guides and ancestors for your continuous guidance and unconditional love!!!!

  21. Immensly blessed and Grateful!!! Now and always !!!
    I had this super positive and warm feeling when I saw 345(a neighbour's house number I only just noticed) this morning on my way to work !!!
    Thereafter everyone who passed by me smiled and said "Hello" abd chatted to me & this wonderful experience continues throuthout the day !!! I feel blessed and grateful ,for i know that everyone sees the light within me,the light i carry !!!For this I'm grateful & not only !!!
    Stay blessed people ,as we all are !!!
    The energy we send out is the energy we receive !!!Give and you should receive !!! Be kind and you will be responded with kindness !!!Believe in humanity !!!
    I love this Spiritual shift and this massive awakening wave !!!
    I have this strong faith in humanity and the goodness of our world as a whole !!! There was a reason why I never stopped believing in the good in people and in humanity as a whole !!!
    Thank you rush-collection and thank you Angels !!!
    I love you rush-collection ,you are an Angel !!!
    This message is a spot on as always !!!♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to All!!!

  22. "Thank you, "FATHER!"" For this page...

  23. Thank you Angels for everything.....

  24. Thank you God for having these Angels watching over all of usπŸ’–

  25. I use an app to record my sleeping habits. It also records sounds. A couple of weeks ago I played back some sound bits from that night. In two recordings I whispered 3,4,5 clear as day. I have been researching this ever since.

  26. Thnk you !! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ»

  27. Thank you I’ve been reading your blogs and they are very helpful. I am the author of Healing Trauma from the Inside Out. πŸ˜‡

  28. I wasn't quit sure what to do when I first started to see three digit numbers. Something inside of me told me to look it to see what the numbers meant. It guided me over to your website Willow Soul. As I began to read the meaning I could now see the message that my guardian angels were trying to tell me. I then took a deep breath and closed my eyes and took that first leap of faith. Every since then I have been seeing numbers on my clock. Everything that is happening in my life right now in present has been right for me. My guardian angels are always with me. I ask them for help and they are there right beside me helping me along my path. I am very happy where I am at now in my life. I have spiritually grown. I finally was able to let go of my past and forgave everyone that had hurt me in my past. I have been verbally abused by my Mom for 48yrs I forgave my Mom for all the times she verbally and mentally abuse she did to me. It was like a huge weight was lifted from me. I no longer resented her anymore. I am now on the right path and aligned and in sync with universe along with the planets. I am now at peace with my mind body and soul. It feels good inside and I am spiritually closer to God. I have matured into an adult. My mom who has custody of my twin boys. One of them is depressed has anxiety ADHD is now being verbally abused like I was growing up. My son is cutter and has gone to the hospital for trying to commit suicide twice already. My big change is coming we are going to start family therapy soon. I am the one who is going to brings back my family back together. In the end I will be reunited back with my son and my can get some help with her verbal and mental abuse. My goal is that my son gets to live with me and husband I can see everything unfolding before my eyes. I have worked very hard to get to this point in my life. I would like to thank God, my Archangels and my guardian angels for always being there wen I needed you. All you need to is trust in your heart and soul and just take that leap of faith and put everything in Gods hands. You will be on your right path. What have you got to lose nothing. It really worked for me. I am so glad i took that leap of faith. Thank you Willow Soul for all your help and guidance.

  29. Thank you so much for this page. I share it with friends and on any social media where I see someone ask, what does 1111 mean, etc. Grateful for this resource!

  30. Thank you so muchπŸ™πŸΌ❤️

  31. Such a beautiful post and page. Thank u
