Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 3 carries the vibrations of communication and self-expression, adventure, inspiration and creativity, humour, optimism and joy, spontaneity and enthusiasm. Number 3 also symbolizes the principle of increase and growth, expansion and abundance on the mental, emotional, financial and spiritual levels. Number 3 is the number of manifesting and manifestation and carries the vibration of the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within. 

Angel Number 3 is an indication that your angels are trying to get your attention. The angels and Ascended Masters want you to follow your intuition and inner-wisdom so that you are able to take appropriate action/s at this time. Use your creative skills and abilities to manifest your desires and enhance your life and that of others. The angels encourage you to follow your life path and soul mission with optimism and enthusiasm.

When Angel Number 3 appears it suggests that your prayers and positive affirmations have been heard and are being responded to by the Universal Energies. Have faith that your goals and desires will manifest in your life in Divine right time. Trust your personal skills and talents and the love and support from the angels.

Angel Number 3 encourages you to be communicative and social with others and to live your life with joy, optimism and spontaneity.

For more information about number 3 see:  NUMEROLOGY – Number 3

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. This site is PRETTY USEFUL n i can see the EXPERTS TOUCH here.

    HEARTY CONGRATS to rush-collection

    1. Yes I feel like it just tells me exactly how I feel. She's one hell of a Woman I'll tell you. May 247 be with you!

    2. Thank you, I have been seeing the sequence of 444 a lot! Breaking it down to the number 3. All of make sense to me and I definitely resonate! I really needed this reminder

    3. Mediating ! follow your bliss ! ive always feel the energy of the universe on the top of my head :D love you god :D

    4. Ok so everything in my dreams r 3 and if this is the care y r they all nightmares I even wake up at three in the morning on the dot every day

    5. Because you are not listening! Nightmares are trying to "shock" you into action!! Read carefully, everything you need is there and within you, just trust and do

    6. The choronzon is 333 and that is one reason 3 might be scary. I'm trying to reclaim 3 and give it better meaning as part of escaping and overcoming choronzon.

    7. Understand your nightmares they are nightmares because you fair them understand what they are telling you.
      Manifestation is so strong for you right now but you are not using it in a positive way stop worrying about what will happen and start believing only positive things and your nightmares will turn into dreams in ways you never throt possible.
      Do not be afraid noone can harm or hurt you . You and only you have control of this journey so positive Manifestation is the only way you will get there believe in your self as you are your future.

    8. hello i just want to thank the people who run this means quite a lot to me as i work thru my reality.....coming here to understand and expand my ability to reach forward is easy and clean...thank you for making this available to me and blesssings to you all on your quest...self love pays it forward

    9. What if a 7 years old child is the one having lots of nightmares? What does that mean? (By the way, that was me 35 years ago...) The furniture in front of my bed used to vaccum clean me to under the ground. It was dark and I never couldn't breath for one minute or so... It used to happen every single night and it scares me a hell out of it. Sometimes I would jump to my young sister's bed just to escape from it. I'd sleep much better.
      Any thoughts? Anybody?

    10. I had a trauma at the age of 7 yo because of violence and this exactly happened to me. I heard a lot of ppl speaking at night and i was hearing my parents when they used to be mad at each others everytime. Dark entities were here as much as the worst nightmares of my entire life. Don't worry it could have been something dramatic that happened to you from another life you had. Kids see ghost sometimes

  2. This is very clear and accurate
    my angels and I thank-you for clearing doubts.

  3. So inspiring!! Love it!! Thank you!!

  4. Thank you so much for all this precious information. My angels have been sending me signs using crows. Every time I hear a crow, I count his cries and it gives me either one number, or a sequence. This is where your website becomes very helpful. Thanks again! Love. Marion

  5. I am muslim and I pray 5 time a day.I love mohammad (s) And I love (Jesus) I love humans. And sign no/39 bring me in this beautiful web said. ....beg thanks for (god)and all the angels I looovvveee uuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!! All

    1. We all have to believe in something never give up hope!

    2. I love you too, I felt the love in your message, I know I'm like 4 years late lol but I hope you're having a great life if you see this

    3. I'm extremely Grateful for your help :) I never felt so alive!!! Thank you times infinity for your support.I'll be stronger so I can help others that are suffering. I just feel the need to saves lifes. Much LOVE TO THE UNIVERS AND GALAXIE. SERAPHIN

  6. I've been trying to find out the reason for constantly see the number 210 for quite some time; this site was very helpful AND the answer I got made sense...thank you!!!<3

  7. awesome site because angels surround me constantly and its good to know that they speak thru numbers

    1. That is nice, Im seeing a lot of numbers Recently and I think their with me too. Good luck on your Journey fellow Indigo

    2. 247 Encourages you, Like it does me LMAO

  8. thank you i've been seeing 3 everywhere lately, god bless

  9. It's really awsm n true....It does exist each n every single word written about our Karma, Universe and Our Faith on God.....
    Jonnne you are the Angel.....

    1. Oh yes, Karma the worst and best Enemy got to take it if you dish it! I know I bullied my sister's verbaly just giving her advice. But in a big brother asswhole way! Please forgive me they now barley talk to me!

  10. Thank you for such clear knowledge and the inspiration to use our intiution

  11. Th am you for being the portal to communicate with the angles.i visit your site multiple times a day and I keep receiving messages it's amazing! Wishing you showers of best blessings.

    1. This is my most favorite thing to learn about and take notes in and now I use it in everyday life... I just saw a reflection off of my window right... well anyway I saw a vase of flowers and saw 3 shining lights in the reflection.... and when standing at the right angle...the lights made a nose and two eyes and it looked like a bears face... and upon noticing this I then figure out it was 3 so I search angel number 3 and It related to what was just going on... I was being highly intuitive at the time because I just figured out what someone was talking about... and now that I got this message... I can tell I might be right...😊😄

  12. im searching whole internet couse i saw a very strange dream.. on a quick look .. i was looking at a wall watch.. the time was 2:10 am/pm... at the right side i saw this sequence : 3E E3 but these E's where facing opposite each other (the first one was like if it was a 3 and the second as it is)... the room was that bright i could only see those 2 things.. any thoughts????!

    1. The number 3 is standing out for a reason!! Just pay close attention to your surroundings and the feelings you get. It's the angels way of trying to remind you of their presence. New beginnings and blessings are on the way to you.

    2. For my initutive opinion it's a sign for law of reflection and a message from the other side of veil. If you ever see a room/s in your dreams it represents your heart and it's condition. To see this sequence was equal in your dream that says you are on the right path on your journey and everything happens with the hand of your higher self and meaning for light worker to be.
      Best wishes & Marry Xmas <3

    3. Number 10 also represents the Kryon energy and it's magnetics.

  13. A scratch in the shape of number 3 appeared on my left shin, between my knee and ankle just before bed time. I had been wearing shorts all day and stayed indoors and mainly worked on the computer, read and watched TV. Engaged in no activity which could have caused a scratch. I took a photo and shared it with friends. Too bad I can't post it here. Totally freaked me out. I'm glad it's benevolent and not malevolent! Thanks!

  14. I dream numbers almost nightly and I receive them in the semi conscious state too. So I have to keep bringing myself to to write them down, some nights it's all night so I don't get much sleep... Sometimes I get phone numbers too and I call them lol! I've got numbers written down all over the house.....I get names too and do walk througs in old buildings that people say inhabit spirits, the names I get are later confirmed as correct...

  15. I dream numbers almost every night and I receive them in semi conscious state too so I'm always getting up, writing them down, it's hard to sleep when it goes on all night lol! I get names too of the living and deceased....also I sometimes get phone numbers and at times I call them, it's wild....I'm not joking...

  16. Kk so all of you are lucky.. I notice most of you have a common number leaping out at you but constantly 333,444, 442 , 5 (any variation double or triple etc it is my destiny number as well) and I just don't know... I've been reading some of the stuff on here and with all these numbers I'm left with more questions than answers and left confuddled. What am I supposed to do In this pitiful life in which I had expel myself from a wonderful free existence to be tossed down into a universe so full of hate and greed?

  17. I always see the numbers 666 999 & 696. .....
    This site has explained alot to me... THANK YOU!!

  18. I always see the numbers 999 666 & 696....
    This site has explained alot to me.....

  19. This was very interesting to read. I found three crow feathers within a few feet of each other and three has just been popping up lately. I did pray to my guardian angel and see now what he was telling me. Thank you.

  20. Losing my mother last year and a good friend this year I AM GRATEFUL FOR THE NUMBER 4 FINDING ME TIME ND TIME AGAIN

  21. Sorry for your loss, glad to hear the non-physical realm is showing support ��

  22. Hi :) i have never noticed seeing numbers before but two years ago when my brother passed away suddenly the numbers started. my brother was my EVERYTHING!i know he's around me because of the crazy things like a butterfly following me all the way home,clouds in the perfect shape of an angel,or a visit from a seagull at my window(I live in Bronx, NY, in an area where its very odd to see a single seagull perched on my fifth floor window :)THANK YOU for such an inspiring website. Its been two years, the numbers are still around me, and I feel SO BLESSED and comforted to know I'm NOT ALONE. God Bless you all :)

  23. Hi,It's so amazing to know that I'm not alone.I started seeing numbers two years ago after my brother suddenly passed away, he was 49, my buddy and my very best friend. I felt SO ALONE and it still hurts at times. I constantly see triple 1's , 3's, and the time I was at my brothers side 2:34.THANK YOU for such an inspiring site,I feel SO BLESSED to know that I'm not alone and I can find comfort in the many signs i see on a daily basis. "It's So Wonderful" God Bless you all :)

  24. Not sure I'm posting this in the right spot number 3 continuously popped up for the past 3 days I even wake up at 3 o'clock on the DOT and if this 3 is supposed to be so great why is it all coming in Nightmares in my dreams everything is in threes from ppl to objects to places and right before this all started had a dream and I was in control of my dream I could make anything happen and do anything my brain was still working I don't get it

    1. Not sure you will see this, as it’s 4yrs since your comment.. but whenever I have a nightmare & wake myself up, I calm myself & can actually put myself back to sleep & intentionally go back into that dream & correct the ending to a safe & positive outcome for myself &/or whoever I am dreaming of. When I first achieved this I was absolutely amazed, nowadays, I am confident with this ability.
      I hope you are conquering this phenomenon & honing your skills also. Love to you, Wendy xo

  25. You are amazing. Thank you so much for your work.
    I'm sending you infinite love and peaceful energies from here.

  26. Number 3 is mostly in my life. These days through 777. I'm in specific situation and this was very powerful for me. Thank you...

  27. Can any one help in letting know What does 4053 indicate

  28. Can any one help in letting know What does 4053 indicate

    1. It's the number 3 in its full vibration:
      Add these numbers up:
      IAt the end of the Angel Number,
      it's a #3 Vibration. You're in Good hands with the Ascended Masters buddy. 😊

  29. Blessings be upon you rush-collection, thank you.
    Jennifer von Pickartz.

  30. Thanks Angel number 3. -Zandt a mccoy

  31. In the midle of meditating the number 3 came to my mind and i felt a slight pain in m leg . in the next few days apots appeared looking like number 3. What coul di mean ? Can it be a reault of manefestation?

  32. In my higher sculing to master degree I got same score 453 what does it means...

  33. rush-collection thanks for all the information that u put out. I see 8851 ALOT. Will u tell me whAt it means?

  34. Thank you so much. I have been going through quite a rough time in my life. I know that the angels are helping me through this and your website is used n by them to communicate with me. This is something from God so I want to thank you and the angels

  35. A friend had two of their kids, one unborn grandchild and two of their kid's friends killed on 03.03.03. They were involved in a fatal car accident. What is the significance, if any, of that happening on 03/03/03? What type of encouraging words can I pass along to my friend? Thank you.

  36. Thank you so much for everything

  37. My whole life has been 3s but I still don't understand what it means for me. It comes in different ways its scary. Couple days ago I burned myself once and now i just burnt myself twice but same way the first time. Now 3 burns. The clock when I look to see what time it is it's 3:33 and so on so what does it mean HELP!!

  38. Hello, this is the first time I have come across this site and find I can now understand what I am supposed to do ( I think!)
    32 years ago today I was in an accident which took my girlfriend's life, she was 17. Years old, the same as I. We were knocked over by a drink driver...
    I went to her grave today as I hadn't been for a year or 2 scared of meeting her relatives, afraid that they will blame me as much as I blame myself.
    I struggled to find her grave as so many had appeared over the years.
    I eventually found her grave and I just dropped and cried I thought I had lost her again.
    After bringing myself together, I worked out how never to forget where she is....
    The third part of the graveyard, on the third row and the 3rd grave in.
    I asked myself if there was a significant meaning to this...and found this site.
    The number 3 is I think her telling me to try and move on next year will be 33 years!!!
    Is she telling me it's time to start living my life without fealing guilty.
    I would love to hear from anyone who can make sense of what I have just said.
    Thank you for taking your time to read what I have to say. Spencer

  39. I'm not sure what my 'personal skills' are but the rest of it seems fairly accurate.

  40. I'm so sorry to hear your story & sorry for your loss. But I do feel that what your intuition is telling you, you need to trust it & listen to it. This is a year of cycles & karmic endings which always equals to new beginnings. Start with forgiving yourself & being kind to you. It all starts with the self & trust in the higher self. Much love to you....

  41. hi. please guide I saw no 3,frequently and I knew I m in correct path what is my next step please,love&light.

  42. I am so excited to read this, i keep seeing 333 pretty randomly and often, this made my day, i knew it had to be good, but this is just amazing, i am so grateful to be in this journey and become a better version of myself, i am so thankful because my desires have been heard and i know i will manifest the love that i want in divine timing!! thank you!!!!

  43. I was writing 948 and I happened to look at the clock. It said 3:33. Talk about a message!!!

  44. Just wanted to point out the time 12:23 that rush-collection posted this post. ��

  45. Naomi naoh Malek abq nm peace and freedom

  46. this is posted at 12:33 => 3:33 => 9 love and light all <3

  47. I'm triple Earth- Taurus sun Virgo Moon Capricorn ascending, I have three kids, three cats, see the number 3 in almost every day. I feel connected to this vibration on a deeper level. It's a lucky number to me, but it's so much more. Thank you for your contribution to the universe with this site. I frequent here often. This is my Facebook, instagIns and Twitter. Love and light. Merry meet

  48. I have had two calls with the number 03 calling me once on June 8th and now today June 21st. I believe in the numbers and love this website. I have been really working on my spirituality even more I feel I maybe becoming really enlightened. Anyways, not sure why I didn't look it up the first time but I see 3s a lot so I kinda knew but when I got the call today I called the number back and it was busy. The number does not exist =) ... I have created a product and looking for an Angel Investor and I'm hoping I'm getting closer to some type of funding or manifesting a certain number I have been focusing on envisioning ... Thank you for this site it's just fantastic and you are fantastic rush-collection!

  49. Never actually post anything but today just had to. Thank you so much

  50. Grateful🤗🧚🏻‍♀️

  51. I often find myself looking up numbers on your site. I have been needing some sort of sign that maybe my thoughts are being heard and now this helps me see that they are. Thank you so much as for too long I thought I didn't have any angels around me, now I know that's not actually the case. I just have to be more aware of their messages :)

  52. rush-collection, Thank you so much for this resource . On a daily basis I see number sequences . At first it was 103 and then 713 now I see numbers everywhere 333 233 833 .. Anyways is this a stronger method of them communicating to me ?
    Cause i am loosing faith and strength in finding answers... maybe the answers will come if i stop believing

  53. Hallelujah thank you Jesus and to my Angels thanks a million rush-collection

  54. I just want to take time to thank you so much for your site...I have been using it for over six years now and its helped me greatly ...thanks again

  55. Thank you for these always right and spot on. But I would like to say these that we call Angle numbers are not from the angles they are from the power of the universe, ie God. But you do not have to believe in God to get guildence just follow your path and listen to these signs.

  56. Christmas Eve; dreamnt of meeting with a "being" in long yellow, golden robe, head in sunflower like hat, face glowing. This took place in a huge auditorium, with an audience of hundreds.I had some kind of guide or spirit to the left of me, that I could not see. She told me, she was taking me to a being who could help me. That is where I saw this omnipotent being in glowing, yellow clothes. I told him my names, age, prior career, then he stopped me. My guide said let's go get your Healing Gift. Then we were in a huge room with a huge pake purple curtain, it lifted and out came out hundreds of small elflike creatures, all dressed in yellow also. They came stampeding towards me, climbing onto my ankles and calves. Then my guide handed me a small brown paper sack lunch and said, open it! It is your Healing Gift! I opened the bag and inside I sae 3 small yellow daisies with 3-4" green stem. I took them out and held them in my right hand, they were so simple, pure, and yellow. Then I woke up!

  57. Thank you so much guardian angels and to my fience saeed from irianian man he gives this meaningful number love you more babe 🙏😇🙏😇💓👨‍👩‍👧👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍👩‍👧👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  58. Great messaages. Geat to finally have a connection.
    Keep trying and believing.
    I believe in you.

  59. At Dream Thanks for this amazing content.

  60. Thank you..Blessings to all

  61. Its all about persistance and blessing from heavens. Awesome meaning of Angel number 3

  62. Thank you very much. This site is going to stay with me forever. Sending out love.

  63. Thank You rush-collection for what YOU have done and do for all of us. Love and Blessings to ALL of you....

  64. So much Love and Gratitude to you rush-collection
